Páris és k?rnyéke
Páris és k?rnyéke
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A Rendezvény-szervezés ABC-je
A Rendezvény-szervezés ABC-je
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Anna Svard
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A Gránátalmaház
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Aki egy várost kirabolt
Aki egy várost kirabolt
Szerelem, diplomácia és faházak
Szerelem, diplomácia és faházak
My Dark Side
The true story of how one British man chose castration and a new identity as a woman, rather than continue to live his life as a man. But before he eventually submits to the knife, Alan Taylor's life is as a policemen and eventually as a senior manager at Heathrow Airport, is an intense and often lonely sexual odyssey, a journey which includes most every type of sexual practice, many you couldn't imagine, and, not least, true love.
How to Sparkle at Nursery Rhymes
The rhythm of nursery rhymes helps children to remember the words which, in turn, helps to develop their auditory memory skills. When they have learned the words and then see them in print, they can 'read' them, Not only will this give them a greater understanding of how the written word represents the sung or spoken word, but it will also help to develop their visual memory. The worksheets contain a mixture of activities, including: putting pictures in the right sequence ;tracing letters and writing simple words; colouring pictures; attaching words to the right object; visual memory reinforcement; finding rhyming words.
Filling in the Gaps
Filling in the Gaps follows on from Peter Keogh's acclaimed and popular autobiography My Hi-de-Highlife: Before, During and After Su Pollard. This exciting sequel explores aspects of Peter's life that were left out of his autobiography, including how a gay boy raised on a farm, and in spite of abuse both physical and emotional, was finally able to come out as a homosexual man. This book is at times comical, sexual and heartbreaking and provides further insight into Peter's relationships with people like Debbie Reynolds, Australian producer John Frost and a distasteful encounter with a famous English MP. The book also reveals more of Peter's life with the stars, his well-publicised trial in London and his relationship with his partner of 25 years, Sacha. Peter's life has been a complex mix of highs and lows and his experiences have ranged from hilarious to terrifying. Filling in the Gap details how, against difficult odds, Peter has managed to survive to be the man he is today and will inspire people of all ages, gay or straight, to realise that there is light at the end of every dark tunnel.
Post Office - We read the world wrong and say the it deceives us.
In this volume we venture to the East. To met a writer who speaks a common language of love and mysticism which continues to convey valuable insights into universal themes in contemporary society. Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) who was a gifted Bengali Renaissance man, distinguishing himself as a philosopher, social and political reformer and a popular author in all literary genres. He was instrumental in an increased freedom for the press and influenced Gandhi and the founders of modern India. He composed hundreds of songs which are still sung today as they include the Indian and Bangladeshi national anthems. His prolific literary life has left a legacy of quality novels, essays, poems and in this volume one of his plays. He earned the distinction of being the first Asian writer to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913. Many of his poems are also available as an audiobook from our sister company Portable Poetry as well as ebooks of stories and essays. Many samples are at our youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/PortablePoetry?feature=mhee The full volume of poems can be purchased from iTunes, Amazon and other digital stores. Among our readers are Shyama Perera and Ghizela Rowe
Prometheus Bound - I know how men in exile feed on dreams
schylus is often regarded as the father of Greek tragedy; he moved play writing from the simple interaction of a single character and a chorus to one where many characters interact and thereby create more dynamic and dramatic situations. schylus, was the son of Euphorion, and a scion of a Eupatrid or noble family. He was born at Eleusis 525 B.C., or, as the Greeks calculated time, in the fourth year of the 63rd Olympiad. He first worked at a vineyard and whilst there claimed to have been visited by Dionysis in a dream and told to turn his attention to the tragic art. It was a dream that would deliver a rich and incredible legacy through his writing talents. His earliest tragedy, composed when he was twenty-six years of age, failed to win the fabled Dionysia, (a revered festival of theatre) and it was not until fifteen years later that he gained this victory in 484BC going on to win it again in 472 BC (for The Persians), 467 BC (for Seven Against Thebes) and 463 BC (for The Suppliants). schylus was also known for his military skills and was ready to fight in defence of Athens whenever the call was made. He and his brother, Cynegeirus, fought against Darius's invading Persian army at the Battle of Marathon in 490 BCE and, although the Greeks won against overwhelming odds, Cynegeirus died in the battle, which had a naturally had a profound effect on schylus. He made several visits to the important Greek city of Syracuse in Sicily at the invitation of the tyrant Hieron, and it is thought that he also travelled extensively in the region of Thrace. His writing continued to be the envy of others. With the series of plays of which Seven Against Thebes was a part, his supremacy was undisputed. He was the "e;father of tragedy."e; schylus made many changes to dramatic form. The importance of the chorus was demoted and a second added to give prominence to the dialogue and making that interchange the leading feature of the play. He removed all deeds of bloodshed from the public view, and in their place provided various spectacular elements, improving the costumes, making the masks more expressive and convenient, and probably adopting the cothurnus to increase the stature of the performers. Finally, he established the custom of contending for the prize with trilogies, an inter-connecting set of three independent dramas. The closing years of the life of schylus were mainly spent in Sicily, which he had first visited soon after his defeat at the Dionysia by Sophocles. schylus returned to Athens to produce his Orestean trilogy, probably the finest of his works, although the Eumenides, the last of the three plays, revealed so openly his aristocratic tendencies that he became extremely unpopular, and returned to Sicily for the last time in 458 BCE and it was there that he died, while visiting the city of Gela in 456 or 455 BCE.
Dead Souls - The longer and more carefully we look at a funny story, the sadder
Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol was born on 31st March 1809 in present day Ukraine which was then the Russian Cossack village of Sorochyntsi. Nikolai's parents were relatively affluent; his mother's family were Polish landowners and his father, who wrote poetry in Ukrainian and Russian, was a descendant of Ukrainian Cossacks. Nikolai had a good education and started writing as a teenager whilst still at school although did consider becoming an actor due to his formidable talent at mimicry. On leaving school he went to St Petersburg but found it hard getting any work either in the civil service or as an actor. He self published a romantic poem but it was critically savaged to the extent that he swore never to write poetry again and also considered emigrating to the US. Fortunately, he persevered with his writing and produced a series of stories about his home in Ukraine in a colloquial and whimsical style that captured many literary admirers including the esteemed poet Pushkin. Nikolai was eventually able to abandon his work teaching and produced powerful books brilliantly and savagely satirising the inequities of the Russian system and its corrupt bureaucracy. His creative talents declined in later years and he became heavily influenced by a sadistic fanatical priest and died semi insane on 4th March 1852. He remains the father of Russian realism as evidenced here by his classic 'Dead Souls'