Les Visiteurs
Les Visiteurs

Gatsby le magnifique
Gatsby le magnifique

Scenes de la vie russe
Scenes de la vie russe

Ceux de la glebe
Ceux de la glebe

The Four White Days
The Four White Days

How the two Ivans quarrelled
How the two Ivans quarrelled

The Dust of Death: The Story of the Great Plague of the Twentieth Century
The Dust of Death: The Story of the Great Plague of the Twentieth Century

The Four Days' Night
The Four Days' Night

The Master Criminal
The Master Criminal

Of Money, and Other Economic Essays
Of Money, and Other Economic Essays

Le cousin Henry
Le cousin Henry

Martin Chuzzlewit
Martin Chuzzlewit

Mémoires de Barry Lyndon du royaume d'Irlande
Mémoires de Barry Lyndon du royaume d'Irlande

Jolanda, la figlia del Corsaro Nero
Jolanda, la figlia del Corsaro Nero

Le Crime de l'Opéra - Tome I - La Loge sanglante
Le Crime de l'Opéra - Tome I - La Loge sanglante

What Katy Did at School
What Katy Did at School

My New Year's Eve Among the Mummies
My New Year's Eve Among the Mummies

How It Feels To Die, By One Who Has Tried It; and Other Stories
How It Feels To Die, By One Who Has Tried It; and Other Stories

La citta del re lebbroso
La citta del re lebbroso

Le Coup d'état de Chéri-Bibi
Le Coup d'état de Chéri-Bibi

Uccidiamo il chiaro di luna!
Uccidiamo il chiaro di luna!