Bonnard and the Nabis
The Nabis group, assembled by Paul Sérusier, was comprised of several members from the Académie Julian. In refusing to comply with the rules of Impressionism, these artists claimed instead to be largely influenced by Gaugin. Their name, derived from the Hebrew Nahbi, signifies a prophet or a visionary, thus symbolizing their will to discover the sacred nature of writing. They were largely influenced by Japanese art, most notably wood engravings, as well as popular and primitive art and the art of the symbolic artist, Pierre Puvis de Chavannes. Although they all differed considerably from one another, there were two lines of thought in particular on which they all agreed; firstly, subjective misinterpretation, born within the artist’s emotions accentuating certain aspects of the subject that is being depicted, and secondly, objective misinterpretation ensuring the depiction finds its place in the fundamental order of the work. Their art is characterized by an absence of perspective and
在电子游戏发明之前,希罗尼穆斯波希(Hieronymus Bosch)的笔下就已经创作出了恐怖但丑萌的怪物,还带有一点小幽默。他的作品是自信的宣言,有力地挑战了背叛基督教教义之人的精神恐慌。波希生于1450年,死于1516年,他的出生之时正值文艺复兴的高潮时期,也见证了这一时期的宗教战争。中世纪传统和价值观轰然倒塌,为新世纪的到来开辟了道路。在这样的新世纪里,信念失去了力量和魔力。 ?波希开始警告那些不信教者和对上帝丧失了信仰的人——等待是危险的。波希相信所有人必须要有自己的道德选择,他关注地狱、天堂和欲望的主题,才华横溢地挖掘了水果和植物的象征意义,让他的意向充满了强烈的性欲色彩。这本独特的选集展示了波希为引人入胜的作品,小巧的形式也让它成为了一份完美的礼物。
Gustave Courbet
居斯塔夫库尔贝(Gustave Courbet,1819--1877)的出生地奥尔南(Ornans)靠近美丽的杜河峡谷的地方,也正是这个地方,让这个男孩成长为男人,并培养了他对于这片风景的热爱。 在本质上,他是个革命者,天生具有反抗现存秩序和独立的精神;他咆哮和残酷的性格使得他的革命性不仅仅体现在艺术中,也体现在政治上。在这两个方面,他的革命精神不证自明。他到巴黎去学习艺术,但是他却不属于任何一个著名的大师的工作室。在此之前在母国,他只学习了很少的绘画技巧,他更愿意去卢浮宫中学习大师的杰作。初,他的绘画作品还不足以引起任何的反对声音,并被一些美术展览馆收录。而面对之后的《奥尔南的葬礼》,批评家激烈地抨击道:“这是一场伪装的葬礼,在这六米长的画布中,只有啼笑皆非,没有痛哭流涕。”确实,对库尔贝作品真实的攻击便是鲜活的血肉。他真实地刻画了男男女女的真实面貌和他们从事的事情。他笔下的人物,绝非剥夺了个性、理想化类型的男男女女,也绝不是摆着造型来装饰画布。他宣扬真实的、原本的东西,宣称真理才是艺术家追求的目标。所以,在1855年的世界博览会上,他将他的作品从展览厅中取出,放在入口外的一个小木厅旁。在小木厅上他悬挂了一张大写的横幅,上面写着:“库尔贝——现实主义者。”和每一个革命者一样,库尔贝也是位*主义者。他忽视了这样的事实:自然的真理隐藏在不同的伪装下,不同的视角和经历都会对其有所影响。相反,他坚持认为艺术仅仅是自然的复制品,重新选择和排列也就无关紧要了。在追求美的过程中,库尔贝常常选择那些比较丑陋的主题。但是他同样也有审美观,这体现在他的风景画中。这种美感与他深厚的情感相混合,体现在了他的海景画中——他后一幅令人印象深刻的作品。不仅如此,无论是否吸引观赏者,他所有的作品都证实了他是一位强有力的画家,以宽广、自由的姿态,色彩的美感和坚固的颜料,使得他的代表作真实而震撼人心。
SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards 4.0 Cookbook
This guide to SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards 4.0 (formerly Xcelsius )is a cookbook packed full of practical recipes written in a clear, concise manner with annotated examples to empower readers to quickly accomplish specific dashboard tasks. If you are a developer with a good command and knowledge of creating dashboards, but are not yet an advanced Dashboard Design user, then this is the perfect book for you. You should have a good working knowledge of Microsoft Excel as well as knowledge of basic dashboard practices, though experience of Dashboard Design as a specific dashboard tool is not essential.
CMS Made Simple Development Cookbook
This is a cookbook, with practical recipes providing tips and tricks to the most common problems and scenarios faced with CMS Made Simple Development. If you are a CMS Made Simple user wanting to expand your skill set, or a programmer who wants to develop for CMS Made Simple, this book is for you. You will need working knowledge of PHP, HTML, and SQL. Some experience with CMS Made Simple is recommended.
Oracle Siebel CRM 8 Developer's Handbook
This book uses a real-life case study to provide easy-to-follow examples that are radically practical and can be easily adapted to similar situations in Siebel CRM implementation projects. The book ensures that you know what you are doing and why you are doing it by providing useful insight along with detailed practical instructions. It contains a multitude of explanatory tables, screenshots, and precise diagrams to illustrate the topics. When you have finished the book you will feel prepared to participate in Siebel CRM implementation projects. In addition you will be able to teach the "old dogs" some new tricks. This book is written for developers who want to develop their Siebel Tools skill set. While the book is intended for beginners, even experienced developers will benefit from the topics presented in this book. Preliminary exposure to or training on technical Siebel topics would be beneficial but is not mandatory before you start reading this book.
pfSense 2 Cookbook
This book is written in a cookbook style. Each chapter consists of recipes, each of which is composed of step-by-step instructions to complete a particular task. Each recipe also includes tips, alternatives, and references to other recipes or appropriate external sources. The book can be explored chapter by chapter or in no particular order. This book is intended for all levels of network administrators. If you are an advanced user of pfSense, then you can flip to a particular recipe and quickly accomplish the task at hand, while if you are new to pfSense, you can read chapter by chapter and learn all of the features of the system from the ground up.
IBM Lotus Domino: Classic Web Application Development Techniques
Chapters present principles and techniques in an order that roughly mirrors the application development process itself, from gathering requirements through final testing. The focus is on understanding and enhancing applications using classic techniques, in circumstances where it is impractical to rewrite applications using XPages. Each chapter focuses upon a particular aspect of Domino Web applications and provides guidance, recommendations, illustrations, and sample code. This book is for novice to moderately experienced Domino developers who are new to the task of Web-enabling traditional Domino applications. Readers should be familiar with using Domino Designer to develop applications for the Lotus Notes client. It is also assumed that readers have, or can acquire, at least rudimentary knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
LaTeX beginners Guide
Packed with fully explained examples, LaTeX Beginner's Guide is a hands-on introduction quickly leading a novice user to professional-quality results. If you are about to write mathematical or scientific papers, seminar handouts, or even plan to write a thesis, then this book offers you a fast-paced and practical introduction. Particularly during studying in school and university you will benefit much, as a mathematician or physicist as well as an engineer or a humanist. Everybody with high expectations who plans to write a paper or a book will be delighted by this stable software.
jQuery 1.4 Animation Techniques
All the concepts in the book are explained in a simple, easy to understand, step-by-step manner. There are plenty of examples and images used in this book, with the images properly explained. Written with a friendly and engaging approach, this Packt Beginner's guide is designed to be placed alongside the computer as your guide and mentor to create attractive web page animations using jQuery.This book is written for web designers and front-end developers who already have good knowledge of HTML and CSS, and some experience with jQuery. If you want to learn how to animate the user interface of your web applications with jQuery, then this book is for you.
concrete5 Beginners Guide
Create and customize your own website with the Concrete5 Beginner's Guide
Sphinx Search Beginner's Guide
This book is a step-by-step guide for an absolute beginner. It covers everything, from installing to configuring, to get you started quickly. It has numerous code examples that the reader can try on their own and learn while doing so. It has two full-fledged applications as examples that readers can follow. This book is specifically focused on the Search feature of web applications. This book is for developers who are new to Sphinx Search. All code examples use PHP but the logic is same for any other web *ing languages as well.
IBM WebSphere Application Server v7.0 Security
With this book you will explore WebSphere Application Server security concepts, which you can expand upon while working on mini-projects. With the author's style of writing you will gain the knowledge and confidence needed to implement WebSphere Application Servers securely. Right from the basics of securing your WebSphere Application Server to advanced security features, the author utilizes exercises, screenshots, and clear instructions. If you are a system administrator or an IT professional who wants to learn about the security side of the IBM WebSphere Application Server v7.0, this book will walk you through the key aspects of security and show you how to implement them. You do not need any previous experience in WebSphere Application Server, but some understanding of Java EE technologies will be helpful. In addition, Java EE application developers and architects who want to understand how the security of a WebSphere environment affects Java EE enterprise applications will find this book useful.
Oracle GoldenGate 11g Implementer's guide
More than just a step-by-step guide, this book offers examples, tips, and tricks that are all discussed in detail, providing the reader with the knowledge and confidence to implement them. Supporting diagrams, illustrations, and screenshots promote understanding and enhance the overall reading experience. The author's onsite experience in implementing Oracle GoldenGate in the financial sector is thoroughly reflected in this book. This book is for Solution Architects and Database Architects who wish to learn about the functionality and efforts required in implementing a data replication, migration or integration solution using GoldenGate. It is also designed for System Administrators and Database Administrators who want to implement, or those who have already implemented, Goldengate and who want to explore its advanced features. An intermediate understanding of Oracle database technology is assumed.
Squid Proxy Server 3.1: Beginner's Guide
Part of Packt's Beginner's Guide Series, this book has lots of screenshots and step-by-step instructions to help you get to grips with the techniques as quickly as possible. Each chapter is dedicated to a different aspect of the Squid proxy server, so you will have a thorough understanding of how everything works and how it is connected by the end of the book. If you are a Linux or Unix system administrator and you want to enhance the performance of your network or you are a web developer and want to enhance the performance of your website, this book is for you. You are expected to have some basic knowledge of networking concepts, but may not have used caching systems or proxy servers before now.
Sage ACT! 2011 Dashboard and Report Cookbook
This is a cookbook of easy-to-follow recipes about ACT! 2011 dashboard and report practices. If you are an ACT! end user who wants to learn about the existing reports and dashboards available in ACT! 2009, 2010, and 2011, then this book is for you. If you are an ACT! administrator who wants to make changes to ACT!'s dashboard and reporting features or a sales manager who needs to measure the effectiveness of his sales force, you will also find this book helpful. New CRM users will learn how to measure the success of their database. Prior knowledge of ACT! is not essential; however, you'll find it helpful to have good working knowledge of how to add data to ACT!, or to work with an ACT! database that has already been populated with data.
Moodle Security
Moodle Security is packed with practical examples, which guide you through optimizing the protection of your Moodle site. Each chapter covers a different security threat and how to secure your site against it. You will also find recommendations for what is best for your particular system and usage. If you are in charge of Moodle – whether you are an administrator or lead teacher – then securing it is one of the most important things that you can do. You need to know the basics of working with Moodle, but no previous experience of system administration is required.
Gnucash 2.4 Small Business Accounting: Beginner's Guide
This book is a comprehensive beginner's guide that teaches you to use GnuCash from scratch with jargon-free step-by-step tutorials packed with tips. There are multiple choice questions to make learning more interesting and additional challenges thrown at the more adventurous user for a deep grasp of the topic. This book is written for you – the self-employed, the owner, partner or leader of micro-enterprises, home businesses, Small Office/Home Office (SOHO), and other small businesses – to help you maintain your books of accounts using GnuCash. This book is also for you – office-bearers of non-profits and students who want to learn accounting hands-on. If you are using a spreadsheet to maintain your business books and are wasting time, or you are handing over a shoe box of receipts to your high-priced accountant or are using another accounting application that is overkill for small business, get this book and download GnuCash.
FreeCAD [How-to]
Written in cookbook style, this book offers many recipes to create objects, import and export data, create 3D solid objects. Each recipe contains step-by-step instructions followed by analysis of what was done in each task and other useful information. If you've been toying around with FreeCAD and want to have more control over your work flow then this book is for you. The reader needs to have basic knowledge of modeling.
Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step 2010
A focused tutorial, this book is much more than just another step-by-step guide into project management. This book shows you how to implement Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step business solutions, with Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step providing the basis. This book will also help you to plan, align, and orchestrate your sales activities. It will orient you to tactics required to be efficient, proactive, goal driven and flexible in your Microsoft Dynamics engagements. If you are a Dynamics consultant, developer, or in a customer resources or sales role that requires guidance and knowledge of the ERP/CRM business solutions space or to deliver business solutions that meet or exceed the expectations of your organization, then this book is ideal for you.
PHP jQuery Cookbook
Written in Packt's cookbook style, this book presents numerous practical examples that you can use directly in your applications. The book covers most of the essential issues you will face while developing your web applications and gives solutions to them. Recipes in the book are written in a manner that will rapidly take you from a beginner to expert level. If you want to use PHP and jQuery together to create web applications this book is for you. It provides a large number of examples in each chapter that will take you from a basic developer to a pro by giving step-by-step instructions for each task in developing web applications using PHP and jQUery. All you need are JavaScript basics and you are on your way to building power web applications, with this book in hand.