
Trónok harca
A Trónok harca lebilincsel? fantasy, amely klasszikus lovagkirályságot tár az olvasó elé: Westeros f?l?tt valaha a sárkánykirályok uralkodtak, ám a Targaryen-dinasztiát 15 évvel ezel?tt el?zték, és most Robert Baratheon uralkodik h? barátai, Jon Arryn, majd Eddard Stark segítségével. A konfliktus k?zéppontjában Deres urai, a Starkok állnak. Olyanok, mint a f?ld, ahol születtek: makacs, kemény jellem? család. Szemünk el?tt h?s?k, gazemberek és egy gonosz hatalom t?rténete elevenedik meg. ?m hamar rá kell ébrednünk, hogy ebben a világban mégsem egyszer?en jók és gonoszok kerülnek szembe egymással, hanem mesterien ábrázolt jellemek bontakoznak ki el?ttünk kül?nb?z? vágyakkal, célokkal, félelmekkel és sebekkel. Martin legnagyobb er?ssége hogy meg tudja újítani, élettel t?lti fel azt a m?fajt, amit a sok populáris Tolkien-imitáció évtizedeken át klisék sorozatába fojtva ismételgetett. A t?z és jég dalának els? k?tete egy világteremt? fantasy eposz nagyszabású felütése.

Конёк-горбунок - Иллюстрированная сказка - Веселые сказки для детей
Конёк-Горбунок — сказка в стихах Петра Ершова с великолепными красочными иллюстрациями Виктории Дунаевой. Являясь классикой русской детской литературы, Конёк-Горбунок за многие десятилетия обрёл признание и популярность не только среди детей, но и среди взрослых. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.

Aparen?e ?n?el?toare
P?n? ?i cea mai puternic? femeie din Anglia are un punct slab… Pentru ?nalta societate, este doar Lady Georgiana, sora unui duce, cu reputa?ia distrus? ?n urma celui mai groaznic scandal posibil, ?nainte de debutul ?n primul ei sezon. Dar adev?rul este mult mai ?ocant – ?n lumea ?ntunecat? a jocurilor de noroc din Londra, ea este enigmaticul Chase, unul dintre fondatorii ?ngerului C?zut, cel mai vestit cazinou din ora?. Ani la r?nd, a r?mas un mister pentru toat? lumea ?i niciodat? nu i-a fost descoperit? dubla identitate… p?n? acum. Sclipitor, tenace, tulbur?tor de chipe?, Duncan West este intrigat de frumoasa femeie cu reputa?ia p?tat? care are leg?turi de ne?n?eles cu aceast? lume a promiscuit??ii ?i p?catului. ?tie c? ea este mai mult dec?t pare ?i jur? s? descopere secretele Georgianei, dezv?luindu-i trecutul, amenin??ndu-i prezentul ?i pun?nd ?n pericol tot ce are mai drag… inclusiv inima ei. ?Aparen?e ?n?el?toare“ ?ncheie incredibila serie a lui Sarah MacLean, aflat? pe lista de bestselleruri din The New York Times, spun?nd povestea ultimului dintre fondatorii clubului ??ngerul C?zut“.

Uma novinha em minha vida
Otávio vivia tranquilamente sua vida de aposentado com a esposa. Sua rotina despreocupada mudou quando sua esposa trouxe para morar com eles uma sobrinha distante.A sobrinha era uma novinha de 17 anos, cabelos ruivos e seios fartos. Como qualquer homem de meia idade, Otávio gamou na novinha e, mesmo resistindo, caiu em tenta??o.Uma tenta??o que lhe custou tudo.

Digitalisiert vom Projekt Gutenberg Eine indische Dichtung ist eine Erz?hlung von Hermann Hesse, die im S. Fischer Verlag in Berlin im Jahr 1922 zum ersten Mal ver?ffentlicht wurde. Siddhartha, der Brahmane Das Buch handelt von einem jungen Brahmanen namens Siddhartha und seinem Freund Govinda. Der von allen verehrte und bewunderte Siddhartha widmet sein Leben der Suche nach dem Atman, dem All-Einen, das in jedem Menschen ist. Siddhartha, der Samana Seine Suche macht aus dem Brahmanen einen Samana, einen Asketen und Bettler. Govinda folgt ihm auf diesem Weg. Siddhartha spürt jedoch nach einiger Zeit, dass ihn das Leben als Samana nicht an sein Ziel bringen wird. Zusammen mit Govinda pilgert er zu Gautama, dem Buddha. Doch dessen Lehre kann er nicht annehmen. Siddhartha erkennt zwar, dass Gotama Erleuchtung erlangt hat und zweifelt die Richtigkeit seiner Lehre nicht an, jedoch glaubt er, diese sei allein für Gotama selbst gültig. Man kann nicht durch Lehre Buddha werden, sondern muss dieses Ziel mittels eigener Erfahrungen erreichen. Aus dieser Erkenntnis heraus begibt er sich erneut auf die Reise und beginnt einen neuen Lebensabschnitt, w?hrend sich sein Freund Govinda Gotama anschlie?t. Siddhartha bei den ?Kindermenschen“ Intensiv erf?hrt er nun seine Umgebung und die Sch?nheit der Natur, welche er zuvor als Samana zu verachten lernte. Er überquert einen Fluss, wobei ihm der F?hrmann prophezeit, er werde einst zu diesem zurückkehren, und erreicht eine gro?e Stadt. Hier begegnet er der Kurtisane Kamala, die er bittet, seine Lehrerin in der Kunst der Liebe zu werden. Um sich ihre Dienste leisten zu k?nnen, wird er Kaufmann. Anfangs sieht er das Streben nach Erfolg und Geld nur als eine wunderliche Eigenart der ?Kindermenschen“, wie er die dem Weltlichen ergebenen Menschen nennt. Bald wandelt sich jedoch sein ?bermut in Hochmut und er wird selbst den Kindermenschen immer ?hnlicher. Erst ein Traum führt ihm dies vor Augen und erinnert ihn wieder an seine

A víz mélyén
A várost átszel? folyóból holtan húznak ki egy fiatal n?t. Néhány hónappal korábban egy sérülékeny tinédzser lány végezte ugyanott, ugyanígy. El?ttük évszázadokon át asszonyok és lányok hosszú sora lelte halálát a s?tét vízben, így a két friss tragédia régen eltemetett titkokat bolygat meg - és hoz felszínre.Az utolsó áldozat árván maradt, tizen?t éves lányának szembe kell néznie azzal, hogy félelmetes nagynénje lett a gondvisel?je, aki most kényszeredetten tér vissza oda, ahonnan annak idején elmenekült, és ahová szíve szerint soha nem tette volna be újra a lábát. A folyóparti ház eresztékei éjjelente hangosabban nyikorognak, a fal t?vében susogó víz kísérteties neszekkel t?lti meg az egyébként zavartalan csendet. A lány a vonaton cím? regényhez hasonlóan PAULA HAWKINS újabb t?rténete is megállíthatatlanul sodorja az olvasót a végkifejlet felé, bizonyítva, hogy az írón? nagy ismer?je a n?i léleknek és az emberi ?szt?n?knek. A lány a vonaton az elmúlt évek legnagyobb sikere volt a magyar és a nemzetk?zi k?nyvpiacon. A szerz? második thrillerére két évet kellett várni. De - ahogy az els? olvasók egybehangzóan állítják - megérte.

How to Market a Book:Third Edition
Do you want to sell more books and reach more readers? Do you want to discover how to build an author career for the long-term as well as spike your book sales right now? If you don’t know much about marketing, don’t worry. We all start with nothing. I’m Joanna Penn and back in 2008, I had no book sales, no audience, no website, no social media, no podcast, no email list. No nothing. Now I’m a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of thrillers and non-fiction. My books have sold over 500,000 copies in 83 countries, and I’m an award-winning creative entrepreneur and international speaker, making a multi-six-figure income with my writing. Learning how to market my books and my personal brand changed my life. Yes, you need to write an awesome book, but you also need to know how to get it in front of the right readers. How to Market a Book is for authors who want to sell more books, but it's also for those writers who want to think like an entrepreneur and build a long-term income. It's for traditionally published authors who want to take control of their future, and for self-published authors who want to jump-start a career. There are short-term tactics for those who want to boost immediate sales, but the focus of the book is more about instilling values and marketing principles that will help your long-term career as a writer. It's also about going beyond just the book, because these methods can take you from being an author into making money from other products, professional speaking, and creating opportunities that you can't even imagine yet. In this completely updated Third Edition, you’ll discover: Part 1: Marketing Principles Book marketing myths, how discoverability works, and the polarities of marketing that will determine what you choose to implement Part 2: Your Book Fundamentals Prerequisites for success, how to optimise your book for online sales, categories and keywords, exclusivity, pricing and use of free, box-sets and bundling, and writing series Part 3: No Platform Needed. Short-term Marketing How to get customer reviews and find book bloggers, paid advertising with email blasts, paid advertising with Facebook, Amazon Ads and ad stacking, algorithm hacking, big data, and production speed Part 4: Your Author Platform. Long-term Marketing Building an author brand, author website, list-building and email marketing, content marketing, blogging, audio and podcasting, video and book trailers, social networking, professional speaking, marketing audiobooks, PR and publicity, TV, radio and traditional media Part 5: Launching Your Book Why launching is different for indie authors, soft launch, launch spikes, post-launch, how to relaunch backlist books. Includes an example book marketing strategy and launch plan checklist. Other books for authors by Joanna Penn. Available in ebook, print and audiobook. How to Make a Living with your Writing How to Write Non-Fiction: Turn your Knowledge into Words Business for Authors: How to be an Author Entrepreneur The Successful Author Mindset: A Handbook for Surviving the Writer's Journey The Healthy Writer Public Speaking for Authors, Creatives and Other Introverts Co-writing a Book: Collaboration and Co-Creation for Writers Successful Self-Publishing Career Change: Stop hating your job, discover what you really want to do with your life, and start doing it! Joanna’s website for authors, The Creative Penn, has been voted one of the Top 100 websites for writers by Writers Digest several years running, and The Creative Penn podcast is one of the top podcasts for writers and indie authors.

A félelem íze
关于A félelem íze这本书的详细讲解

Via?a e u?oar?, nu-?i face griji
ntoars din Irlanda, Diane este hotrt s nceap o via nou la Paris. Cu ajutorul prietenului su, Félix, redeschide cafeneaua literar Oamenii fericii citesc i beau cafea“, oaza ei de linite. Acolo l ntlnete pe Olivier. Un brbat blnd i atent, care nelege refuzul ei de a deveni din nou mam, dup pierderea cumplit pe care a suferito.Dar o ntmplare neateptat o bulverseaz pe Diane i i spulber toate certitudinile.Va avea ea oare curajul de ai construi un nou cmin"Talentul de povestitoare al lui Agnès MartinLugand este incontestabil cunoate n profunzime alfabetul complicat al iubirii." - Le Figaro"Agnès MartinLugand are un sim nnscut al povestirii." - L'Express

ISO 27001 Annex A Controls in Plain English
In this book, Dejan Kosutic, author and experienced information security consultant, is giving away his practical know-how on ISO 27001 security controls. No matter if you are new or experienced in the field, this book teaches you everything you need to know about security controls. ISO 27001 Annex A Controls in Plain English is written primarily for beginners to ISO 27001, and for people with moderate knowledge about Annex A of the standard and the 114 security controls that are found in the Annex. It is structured in such a way that someone with no prior experience or knowledge about information security can quickly understand what they are all about; however, if you do have experience with ISO 27001, but feel that you still have gaps in your knowledge, you’ll also find this book very helpful. Kosutic uses plain English to explain everything you need to know about security controls in ISO 27001, as well as the differences between the controls in Annex A of ISO 27001 and in ISO 27002. Also, you will learn everything about the crucial link between risk management and security controls, and get a complete overview of Annex A controls starting from the introduction, structuring of the documentation, and instructions on how to write detailed information security policies, all the way to the requirements for compliance. Written in simple language and avoiding the technical jargon, ISO 27001 Annex A Controls in Plain English is the right book to start learning about the subject.

50 Melhores piadas de Jo?ozinho
Divirta-se com as 50 melhores piadas do menino Jo?ozinho, o aluno mais levado na escola, que gosta de brincar com os professores e tirar sarro de todo mundo, até dos próprios pais.Contém linguagem inadequada para menores de 18 anos.

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Mask of Death
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Moll Flanders
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