

Eu nunca mais vou roubar wifi do vizinho
Eu nunca mais vou roubar wifi do vizinho
Batuta Ribeiro
Uma história de terror inspirada na creepypasta Wifi Grátis, onde um sujeito passa a usar wifi de gra?a sem saber que o pre?o de usar essa internet seria o mais caro de sua vida.
Dream Casters Light
Dream Casters Light
Adrienne Woods
Mr. Sandman, send me a dream, ta da da da.....Seventeen year old Chastity Blake knows the Sandman is just a silly children's story parents tell their children to get them to sleep. At least she thought it was, until the day a mysterious, light golden sand appeared in her hands during a high school prank that went horribly wrong. A sand that has the power to send anyone it touches into a deep, sound sleep. Fearing she had lost her mind, Chastity soon discovers the shocking truth of her heritage- she is a Dream Caster. Chastity was never supposed to be raised on the Domain, or what humans call Earth and she is forced to return to her true birth place, Revera – the world of Dreams. However, in Revera there is no balance between good, the Light Casters, and darkness, the Shadow Casters, and Chastity is caught square in the middle. She soon learns that there is no place for anyone containing both the light and the darkness within them, and the shocking truth that if anyone in Revera ever discovered her shadow self, Chastity would be thrown into the Oblivion – the world of Nightmares. Dreams are always more than they seem, and this time Chastity is going to discover just how different they can be.
101 Piadas de loira
101 Piadas de loira
Mauro Penha
Quer se divertir e dar boas risadas? Curta esta sele??o com as melhores piadas de loira.
?coala Nop?ii
?coala Nop?ii
Harkness Deborah
#1 Bestseller New York Times. Roman publicat ?n 15 limbi. Continuarea bestsellerului Cartea pierdut? a vr?jitoarelorDragostea lor este mai puternic? dec?t orice lege, mai puternic? dec?t timpul ?i dec?t via?a ?ns??i. Porni?i ?ntr-o c?l?torie prin timp la cap?tul c?reia sper? s? g?seasc? nu doar cartea pierdut? a vr?jitoarelor, ci ?i sursa neobi?nuitelor ei puteri, Diana ?i Matthew ajung ?n Anglia elisabetan?, ?ntr-o lume a spionilor ?i a uneltirilor ?n care primii ghizi le sunt vechii prieteni ai vampirului, straniul grup de personalit??i literare, ?tiin?ifice ?i politice ale epocii cunoscut sub numele de ?coala Nop?ii. Pe m?sur? ce p?nza de minciuni pe care o reprezint? trecutul lui Matthew se str?nge ?n jurul lor, Diana ?i iubitul ei ajung ?n Fran?a, apoi ?n Boemia, la cur?ile celor mai importan?i monarhi ai lumii. Pentru Matthew Clairmont c?l?toria ?n timp nu-i lucru u?or, a?a cum nici Dianei nu-i e simplu s? afle cheia mo?tenirii sale ?i s? elibereze adev?rata for?? ce zace ?n ea.O sinuoas? c?l?torie a cunoa?terii, ?n care alchimia, magia ?i istoria dau na?tere unei profunde pove?ti despre dragoste, pasiune, leg?turi de s?nge ?i ?ncercarea de a ?ndrepta gre?elile trecutului.?... un amestec perfect de fantasy, istorie ?i romance. Dac? ai citit Cartea pierdut? a vr?jitoarelor, atunci ?coala Nop?ii este lectur? obligatorie. Dac? nu, pune-le pe am?ndou? pe lista ta de lecturi de vacan??, ?i lista va fi complet?.“ – The Miami Herald
Te las s? pleci
Te las s? pleci
Clare Mackintosh
Totul s-a petrecut at?t de repede. Oare n-ar fi putut face nimic ca s? ?mpiedice dezastrul? ?ntr-o frac?iune de secund?, existen?a Jennei Gray se transform? ?n co?mar. Singura ei speran?? de a dep??i momentul este s? se ?ndep?rteze de tot ce-i este familiar ?i s-o ia de la cap?t. Cu o nevoie disperat? de a se elibera, Jenna se refugiaz? ?ntr-o c?su?? uitat? de lume pe coastele ??rii Galilor, dar continu? s? fie b?ntuit? de temerile ei, de durere ?i de aminti?rile unei nop?i cumplite de noiembrie care i-a schimbat via?a pentru totdeauna. Pas cu pas, Jenna ?ntrez?re?te o ?ans? la fericire ?n viitorul ei. Dar trecutul o ajunge din urm? ?i consecin?ele pot fi devastatoare… “Terifiant, captivant ?i sensibil, Te las s? pleci este un roman scris cu m?iestrie, iar intriga e demen?ial?.“ - Paula Hawkins, autoarea bestsellerului Fata din tren “Un debut senza?ional… o inten?sitate uimitoare care te prinde ?i nu-?i mai d? drumul. R?sturn?ri de situa?ie care-?i taie r?suflarea.“ - Daily Mail “Extraordinar!“ - The Independent “O carte cum n-a?i mai citit.“ - S.J. Watson, autorul bestsellerurilor ?nainte s? adorm ?i Second Life “Povestea e foarte conving?toare, mai ales c? autoarea a fost ofi?er de poli?ie. Cu un debut at?t de bun ca acesta, ce au pierdut for?ele de ordine a c??tigat literatura poli?ist?.“ - Sunday Mirror Te las s? pleci a ?nregistrat ?n 2015 cele mai rapide v?nz?ri pentru un autor debutant. A fost selectat pentru Richard ?i Judy Book Club ?i a ob?inut votul publicului pentru cel mai bun roman ?n selec?ia 2015.
?nainte de noi
?nainte de noi
Anna Todd
“Todd e cel mai important fenomen literar al genera?iei sale.” – Cosmopolitan Al cincilea volum din seria AFTER 1,3 miliarde de lecturi pe Wattpad ?nainte s? o cunoasc? pe Tessa, Hardin era impulsiv ?i s?lbatic. ?n timpul acelor prime momente ?n care s au ?nt?lnit, ?i a dat seama c? trebuie s? o ?in? l?ng? el – via?a lui depindea de ea. Dup? ce au r?mas ?mpreun?, lumea n-a mai fost niciodat? la fel. Dramatica poveste de dragoste dintre Hardin ?i Tessa s-a transformat ?ntr un v?rtej ?n care au fost atra?i to?i cei din jur. Acum ace?tia cap?t? o voce proprie ?i povestesc ce s-a ?nt?mplat ?nainte, pe parcursul ?i dup? evenimentele din primele patru volume ale seriei AFTER. Afl?m ?i cum vede Hardin prima ?nt?lnire cu Tessa – iar confesiunea lui va schimba complet ceea ce credeai c? ?tii despre b?iatul deprimat ?i ?ngerul care ?l iubea.? Domnul Darcy ?i Lizzy Bennett din vremurile noastre…? AFTER a adunat peste 1 miliard de fani online ?i a fascinat cititorii din ?ntreaga lume. Cite?te ?i tu cea mai viral? poveste de pe internet!“O lectur? foarte relaxant?, dar care are ?i mult dramatism… Te va captiva de la prima pagin?.” – A Bookish Escape“Am luat o peste tot cu mine ca s? pot citi despre Hessa ?n fiecare clip? liber? pe care am avut o. M-a vr?jit de la prima pagin?!” – Grown Up Fan girl“Anna Todd reu?e?te s? te fac? s? ?ipi, s? pl?ngi, s? r?zi, s? te ?ndr?goste?ti ?i s? te cuib?re?ti ?n pat… preg?te?te-te s? sim?i emo?ii pe care nu credeai c? ?i le poate aduce vreo carte.” - Fangirlish?
101 Blagues
101 Blagues
Remy Blanche
Super compilation avec les meilleures blagues. Lire blagues de tous types et go?ts.
Az eltemetett óriás
Az eltemetett óriás
Kazuo Ishiguro
'Alegreya Sans',sans-serif; font-size: 16px; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: 21px; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; display: inline ! important; float: none; background-color:Lélegzetelállítóan szép t?rténet arról, miért vágyunk feledni, és miért kell mégis emlékezni. 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif; font-size: 16px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: 21px; orphans: auto; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 1; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; display: inline !important; float: none; background-color: Nagyregényt tart a kezében az Olvasó, a szó legnemesebb értelmében. Kazuo Ishiguro, a japán származású brit regényíró Az eltemetett óriás-sal szimbolikus t?rténetet ajándékozott a világirodalomnak, ami, mint minden nagy el?dje, az élet és halál mérlegén megmért emberi sorskalandról mesél, helytállásról vagy elbukásról a h?ség és árulás, háború és béke, szerelem és barátság próbáiban.
Рок. Книга первая. Лабиринт Сицилии - Исторический приключенческий роман
Рок. Книга первая. Лабиринт Сицилии - Исторический приключенческий роман
Юрий Швец
Действие первой книги романа ?Рок? разворачивается в Сицилии и далее на ?чёрном континенте?, в Африке, в период столкновения двух мегаполисов Древнего мира – Рима и Карфагена. Читателя ждут невероятно увлекательные приключения, где судьбы главных героев переплетаются паутиной войны и паутиной тайны, которую они пытаются раскрыть, борясь с невидимыми врагами. Развёрнутые красочные описания сражений, морских битв, быт, нравы того времени – все это доставит, пытливому, думающему человеку не только удовольствие от прочтения, но и повод задуматься о происходящем в мире в наше время. Этот динамичный роман написан для самой широкой читательской аудитории. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.
Parteneri perfec?i
Parteneri perfec?i
Amanda Quick
Joel Blackstone a petrecut zece ani ca s? transforme Thornquist Gear dintr-un mic magazin local ?ntr-un juc?tor important pe pia?a echipamentelor sportive ?i de camping. Recompensa pentru munca sa era promisiunea b?tr?nului Thornquist de a-i vinde afacerea ?n mai pu?in de un an. Din p?cate, proprietarul moare pe nea?teptate ?i-i las? mo?tenire imperiul unei nepoate din Vestul Mijlociu – nimeni alta dec?t o bibliotecar?. Joel consider? acest lucru doar o piedic? minor? – se va oferi pur ?i simplu s? cumpere compania de la ea.Leticia Thornquist este profund ?ndurerat? de moartea unchiului ei ?i vede ?n mo?tenire ocazia perfect? de a-?i schimba radical via?a, mai ales dup? ce ??i surprinde logodnicul ?ntr-o postur? extrem de compromi??toare. Drept pentru care se hot?r??te s?-?i dea demisia, s? se mute la Seattle ?i s? preia conducerea companiei. Cur?nd ?ns? ??i d? seama c? un obstacol major ?i st? ?n cale – Joel Blackstone.Prin urmare, este inevitabil ca, profesional, Joel ?i Letty s? se ?nfrunte cu ?nfl?c?rare pentru c??tigarea controlului asupra companiei… dar asta nu ?i ?mpiedic? s? realizeze c? sunt parteneri perfec?i ?n toate celelalte privin?e.
Мы родом из Страшного Детства или как стать хозяином своего прошлого
Мы родом из Страшного Детства или как стать хозяином своего прошлого
Сергей Ковалев
В этой книге – второй из новой серии ?Коды вашей судьбы? – известного психолога, одного из лидеров отечественного и мирового нейролингвистического программирования, психотерапевта высшей в Европе квалификации, описывается то, что смело можно назвать основополагающей теорией и практикой нейропрограммирования своей судьбы и жизнедеятельности. Подробно, в доступной и популярной форме рассказывается о сценариях и сценаристах наших судеб о психопатологиях прошлого и возможного будущего, а также о психологическом времени нашей судьбы. Детально описываются психотехнологии преодоления патологических последствий трудного детства, психотерапии Внутреннего ребенка, избавления от импринтов и психотравм, экологизации собственного будущего, оптимизации психологических временных ориентаций и улучшения Линий Времени. Для психологов, психотерапевтов, консультантов, коучеров и педагогов, но более всего – для всех, кто интересуется психотехнологиями личностных изменений и действительно желает исправить собственную (пока еще Хромую) судьбу, избавиться от последствий Страшного детства и стать хозяином своего прошлого, настоящего и будущего.
The Successful Author Mindset: A Handbook for Surviving the Writer’s Journey
The Successful Author Mindset: A Handbook for Surviving the Writer’s Journey
Joanna Penn
Being a writer is not just about typing. It’s also about surviving the roller-coaster of the creative journey. Self-doubt, fear of failure, the need for validation, perfectionism, writer’s block, comparisonitis, overwhelm, and much more. When you’re going through these things, it can feel like you’re alone. But actually, they are part of the creative process, and every author goes through them too. This book collects the mindset issues that writers experience, that I have been through myself over the last ten?years and that perhaps you will experience at different times on the creative journey. Each small chapter tackles a possible issue and then offers an antidote, so that you can dip in and out over time. It includes excerpts from my own personal journals as well as quotes from well-known writers. I hope it helps you on the road to becoming a successful author. The book includes: Part 1: Mindset Aspects of Creativity and Writing Self-doubt and imposter syndrome Need for validation Fear of?failure Fear of rejection and criticism Your inner critic Fear of judgment Perfectionism Writer’s block and procrastination “I’m not creative. I don’t have any ideas” “My writing isn’t original” “Why write? There are too many books in the world already” “I don’t have the time or self-discipline to write” “I’m not finding writing much fun. It’s hard work.” “I keep starting things and not finishing them” Dealing with friends, family and writer’s groups “How do I find my voice?” Comparisonitis or “Everyone is better than me” Part 2: Mindset Aspects after Publishing Anti-climax and creative dissatisfaction What is your definition of success? What happens when you tell people that you’re an author? “I’m overwhelmed” Dealing with fans, authenticity and drawing the line Haters gonna hate Ambition, fame and fortune Giving up Part 3: Tips for Success on the Author Journey Know thyself Understand and hone your creative process Develop professional habits Manage professional relationships Take control of your writing career Find your community Keep learning Schedule rest and take time off Think long term. Create a body of work
Desc?ntec de dragoste
Desc?ntec de dragoste
Mary Jo Putney
Jack Langdon, Lord Frayne, trateaz? cu foarte mult? seriozitate onoarea str?vechii sale familii ?i,icircn acela?i timp, ascunde un secret pe care icircl consider? ru?inos: darul de vr?jitor, pe care a fost icirc nv??at s?-l reprime ?i s?-l resping?. Cacirc nd un accident icirc;l aduce pe Jack icirc;n pragul mor?ii, unica lui ?ans? de supravie?uire este Abigail Barton, o vindec?toare talentat?. Abigail trebuie s? icirc;?i asume un mare risc pentru a-i salva via?a lordului Frayne, a?a c? va cere icircn schimb un pre? pe m?sur?: c?s?toria cu Jack. Acesta nu icirc nt acirc rzie s? accepte ?i curacirc;nd se simte atras de sincera lui so?ie, al c?rei farmec este la fel de puternic ca ?i trezirea propriilor abilit??i magice la racirc;ndul ei, Abigail este impresionat? de sensibilitatea ?i bl acirc nde?ea lui Jack. Cunoscacirc nd icirc ns? prea bine ura acestuia fa?? de magie, hot?r??te s? tr?iasc? desp?r?it? de el dup? conceperea copilului pe care ?i-l dorise at acirc;t de mult, pentru ca Jack s? icirc ?i poat? p?stra reputa?ia, iar ea s? icirc ?i poat? îndeplini menirea de vindec?toare. Cu toate acestea, iubirea care se na?te icirc;ntre ei se dovede?te a fi cea mai misterioas? ?i mai seduc?toare for?? pe care au cunoscut-o vreodat?.
The Concussion Repair Manual: A Practical Guide to Recovering from Traumatic Bra
The Concussion Repair Manual: A Practical Guide to Recovering from Traumatic Bra
Dr. Dan Engle
Concussion -- the biggest name in today's high-impact sports. As more and more high profile athletes come forward to share their stories of invisible suffering after head injuries, we as a culture are finally acknowledging this silent epidemic. The Concussion Repair Manual is written as a user’s guide for those suffering after head traumas and those that support them. ?It is one-part “textbook,” packed with the leading research on medical technologies for healing the injured brain, and one-part “workbook,” offering a step-by-step method for making and tracking a personalized recovery regimen. Dr. Dan Engle's background and passion for concussion repair stem from a three-decade investigation into the many modalities for healing his own traumas. ?When the usual medical treatments didn’t help, he explored what was possible, found what worked and put them into this manual - "the best of the best" in the medical arena for recovering from sports related head injury. Reviews "A game changer. This book is the most useful piece of literature I have ever read on concussion." - Matt Cook, MDFounder, BioReset Medical "(This) book can also be used as a simple tool to get smarter and think better, even if you haven't had a concussion. Whether you are a physician, a patient or simply an optimal health seeker, this book is a must-have for your personal health library." - Ben Greenfield, Human Performance Consultant, BenGreenfieldFitness.com "Dan's CRM is required reading for concussion patients, their caregivers, and all allied healthcare practitioners who care for these patients. There is a better way and this is it. "- Scott Sherr MD, Founder, Integrative HBOT, Head of Protocol and Innovation at Hyperbaric Medical Solutions, @hmsHBOT About the Author Dr. Dan Engle is Board Certified in Psychiatry and Neurology, with a clinical practice that combines functional medicine, integrative psychiatry, neuro-cognitive restoration and peak performance methods. He lectures and consults globally and is the medical advisor to Onnit Labs, the True Rest Float Centers and several international treatment centers using indigenous plant medicines for healing and recovery.
Fericirea mea e?ti tu
Fericirea mea e?ti tu
McGuire Jamie
Continuarea mult a?teptat? a bestsellerului Fericirea ?ncepe aziAfl? ce este ?n mintea b?rba?ilor!Travis Maddox a ?nv??at dou? lucruri de la mama sa ?nainte ca aceasta s? moar?: Iube?te mult. Lupt? ?i mai mult pentru iubirea ta.?n Fericirea mea e?ti tu, via?a lui Travis e plin? de femei care vin ?i pleac?, de jocuri de noroc ilicite ?i de violen??. ?ns? tocmai c?nd Travis se consider? invincibil, Abby Abernathy ?l pune la p?m?nt.Fiecare poveste are dou? versiuni. ?n Fericirea ?ncepe azi, Abby vorbe?te ?n numele ei. Acum e timpul s? citim povestea prin ochii lui Travis.?Travis e un tip impulsiv. ?ncerc?nd s? scriu din punctul lui de vedere, am ?tiut c? nu puteam s? spun povestea din nou, pur ?i simplu. Mi-am ?ndreptat aten?ia asupra perioadei c?nd Abby ?i Travis nu erau ?mpreun?, pentru ca romanul s? aduc? lucruri noi ?i am sentimentul c? am reu?it s? fac ce mi-am propus.“ – Jamie Mcguire?Fericirea mea e?ti tu are avantajul c? vine dup? o poveste emo?ionant?, pe care o completeaz?, ?i c? are un epilog ingenios, ce surprinde un instantaneu din via?a lui Travis ?i a lui Abby ?n viitor.“ – Reading, Eating Dreaming?Travis Maddox continu? s? lupte pentru ceea ce iube?te. Ce ?i-ai putea dori mai mult de la un b?rbat?“ – Bookwhisperer Reviews?Am f?cut o adev?rat? pasiune pentru personajele acestui roman.“ – The Daily Quirk
50 Piadas de humor negro
50 Piadas de humor negro
Anderson Botelho
Humor Negro? Subgênero do humor que faz você rir de situa??es mórbidas e politicamente incorretas. Em uma defini??o mais simples e poética: o humor negro nos faz rir de situa??es tristes da vida.E este livro de piadas irá fazer você rir de situa??es deploráveis, lamentáveis e dramáticas.
Rebel Faerie
Rebel Faerie
Rachel Morgan
The fae world’s biggest secret has been revealed … Having escaped an Unseelie prince and a world of shadows, Emerson and Calla are now hunted by the Guild of Guardians. On the run, constantly trying to remain one step ahead, they must figure out how to find and rescue everyone the Guild has taken from them. Then, in an unprecedented move, Unseelie Prince Roarke breaks the fae realm’s most important rule. Now two worlds stand on the brink of war. Caught in the middle between guardians and Prince Roarke’s forces, Em knows her Griffin Ability is powerful enough to stop them both. But as she masters control of her unique magic, Em is confronted with a question: how far is too far when you possess the kind of power she was born with? Can she step back from the line that shouldn’t be crossed, or will she end up losing herself before finding those she loves? Join Emerson and her companions in this race to save two worlds and the people they love in the final Creepy Hollow adventure!
Crockpot 30 Quick and Easy Crock Pot Recipes
Crockpot 30 Quick and Easy Crock Pot Recipes
Becca Miles
The only Crock Pot Slow cooker guide you will ever need: What you will find included in the ultimate Crock Pot and Slow Cooker Recipes book? ? A detailed list of what ingredients you will need to cook your crock pot. ? A step by step guide on how to cook your crock pot and slow cooker meals. ? A wide variety of meals and cuisine to satisfy all tastes and preferences. Impress family and friends with delicious slow cooker and dump meals: The Ultimate Crockpot Cookbook has arrived! So here you are! Ready to cook delicious crock pot recipes! Do you want to impress your family, friends or even give yourself a treat? Whether you are new to this or an experienced cook, here you will find all the tools you need to prepare exceptional dishes. Now imagine being at home: You are working, doing your chores or coming back home after running you errands: And as you walk along your corridor you can smell the scent, the aroma, the goodness coming from your kitchen: It is your meal being cooked slowly in your kitchen. It is awaiting you; it wants you to taste it. And you know that after a couple of hours, when you are done with your stuff, it will be there, ready for you to enjoy. But most importantly, it will be your creation, it will be yours! Use the Ultimate Slow cooker recipes and Crockpot dump meals knowledge to change your life forever towards feeling healthier! We care about you: Enjoy the healthiest and tastiest Crock Pot recipes. Because we want you to enjoy what real food is, we have put together this unique crock pot guide, for you to choose and cook whatever you like. All the crock pot knowledge in the world is put together in this book. You can even cook a different meal every day for the next 5 years of your life! No exceptions!
Сказки Дружного леса (аудио-книга): Иллюстрированное издание
Сказки Дружного леса (аудио-книга): Иллюстрированное издание
Алексей Лукшин
Представляем вам сборник сказок для детей, сочетающий в себе как традиционное (увлекательный текст и красочные иллюстрации), так и современное мультимедийное содержание. В книге собраны десять поучительных и волшебных историй о приключениях жителей Дружного леса, прочитанных великолепным голосовым актером Александром Водяным. Главной задачей автора при написании этой книги было научить детей дружбе, гуманному отношению друг к другу, умению создавать хорошее настроение себе и окружающим. И все это без лишнего морализаторства. Каждая сказка — это короткая и смешная история. Книга будет интересна и взрослым читателям, которые с ее помощью смогут вернуться в мир детства, из которого мы все вышли. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.
Сказки про детей. Продолжение Иллюстрированное издание
Сказки про детей. Продолжение Иллюстрированное издание
Алексей Лукшин
Представляем вам второй том полюбившихся многим ?Сказок про детей? от Алексея Лукшина, автора, уже известного вам по ?Сказкам Дружного леса?. Главные герои книги — дети, которые попадают в иногда забавные, а иногда и сложные ситуации, делая из них правильные выводы и усваивая важные жизненные уроки. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.
Hogyan készíts eredményes Facebook hirdetéseket?
Hogyan készíts eredményes Facebook hirdetéseket?
Lévai Richárd
Fent van a ce?ged a Facebookon, de nem jo?nnek az eredme?nyek? Hirdetsz, de nem vagy ele?g sikeres? Szeretne?d felpo?rgetni?a Facebook-hirdete?seid hate?konysa?ga?t? A Facebook egy nagyon o?sszetett hirdete?si rendszer. To?bb, mint 500 fe?le hirdete?sce?lza?si bea?lli?ta?s, valamint 15 hirdete?sle?trehoza?si leheto?se?g a?ll rendelkeze?su?nkre. Nem ko?nnyu? eldo?nteni melyiket haszna?ljuk, hiszen gyakran csak apro? ku?lo?nbse?gek va?lasztja?k el o?ket egyma?sto?l.?Ra?ada?sul sokszor a siker nem is a technikai tuda?son mu?lik, hanem azon,?hogyan e?pu?l be a marketing folyamatok ko?ze? ez az eszko?z. Erro?l szo?l ez a ko?nyv.A segi?tse?ge?vel nem csak a hirdete?si rendszer tru?kkjeit ismered meg, hanem azokat a mo?dszereket, strate?gia?kat, amik tu?lmutatnak a Facebookon, e?s amik ta?mogatnak abban, hogy me?g eredme?nyesebbe? tedd az online marketingedet. "Atto?l tartok a Ricsi tu?l?sok informa?cio?t?i?rt bele a ko?nyvbe, eze?rt az emberek nem fognak jelentkezni a ke?pze?seire. Aki elolvassa, le?trehozhatja?vagy jelento?sen javi?thatja a saja?t social marketing strate?gia?ja?t. E?n ma?r megtettem!” Damjanovich Nebojsa, senpai.hu ?Ma ma?r egyre nehe- zebb sze?les ko?rnek organikusan eljuttatni egy-egy posztot, eze?rt hirdete?sekre van szu?kse?g. Me?gpedig jo?l megtervezett Facebook-hirdete?sekre. Ezt ja?rja ko?ru?l Richa?rd alapossa?ggal e?s folyamatszemle?lettel, ugyanakkor ko?nnyed sti?lusban. Ko?nyve a Budapesti Metropolitan Egyetem digita?lis marketing executive MBA ke?pze?se?n is fontos alapirodalom lesz.”Dr. Papp-Va?ry A?rpa?d, a Budapesti Metropolitan Egyetem a?ltala?nos rektorhelyettese, a ?ma?rkadoktor” ?Le?vai Ricsi megmutatja, hogyan kell meg fogni e?s nem ereszteni a vevo?idet, aka?r itthoni, aka?r ku?lfo?ldi piacra ce?lzol. E?s Ricsi bo?kezu? az informa?cio?val, hiszen Magyarorsza?gon o? publika?l a legto?bbet Facebook-marketingro?l. E?s ha annyi mindent megoszt ingyen, ke?pzeld, milyen titkokat tartogat Neked a ko?nyve?ben! Szo?val, u?j vevo?k, nagy te?telben, diszkont a?ron – e?rdekel?”Wolf Ga?bor, Marketing Commando U?gy e?rzed, itt az ideje, hogy a Facebook-hirdete?seid igaza?n eredme?nyesek legyenek?Ez a ko?nyv ebben segi?t. Fordi?tsd a saja?t ce?ged java?ra a benne rejlo? informa?cio?kat!