

Childe Harold's Pilgrimage
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage
Lord Byron
Byron's classic narrative poem. According to Wikipedia: "George Gordon Byron, later Noel, 6th Baron Byron FRS (1788 – 1824) was a British poet and a leading figure in Romanticism. Amongst Byron's best-known works are the brief poems When We Two Parted, She Walks in Beauty, and So, we'll go no more a roving, in addition to the narrative poems Childe Harold's Pilgrimage and Don Juan. He is regarded as one of the greatest European poets and remains widely read and influential, both in the English-speaking world and beyond. Byron's fame rests not only on his writings but also on his life, which featured extravagant living, numerous love affairs, debts, separation, and marital exploits. He was famously described by Lady Caroline Lamb as "mad, bad, and dangerous to know". Byron served as a regional leader of Italy's revolutionary organization, the Carbonari, in its struggle against Austria. He later traveled to fight against the Ottoman Empire in the Greek War of Independence, for which Greeks revere him as a national hero. He died from a fever in Messolonghi in Greece."
John F. Runciman
Short biography. Edition of 1913. According to Wikipedia: "Wilhelm Richard Wagner (22 May 1813, Leipzig, Germany – 13 February 1883, Venice, Italy) was a German composer, conductor, theatre director and essayist, primarily known for his operas (or "music dramas", as they were later called). Unlike most other great opera composers, Wagner wrote both the scenario and libretto for his works." "Franz Liszt (October 22, 1811 – July 31, 1886) was a Hungarian composer, virtuoso pianist and teacher."
Complete Poetical Works of Coleridge
Complete Poetical Works of Coleridge
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
His complete poetical works. According to Wikipedia: "Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772 – 1834) was an English poet, critic and philosopher who was, along with his friend William Wordsworth, one of the founders of the Romantic Movement in England and one of the Lake Poets. He is probably best known for his poems The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and Kubla Khan, as well as his major prose work Biographia Literaria."
Der Zweyte Theil von K?nig Heinrich dem Vierten
Der Zweyte Theil von K?nig Heinrich dem Vierten
William Shakespeare
Shakespeare-Geschichte spielen Henry der vierte Teil Zwei, in deutscher ?bersetzung. Nach Wikipedia: "Heinrich IV., Teil 2 ist ein historisches Stück von William Shakespeare, das zwischen 1596 und 1599 geschrieben wurde. Es ist der dritte Teil einer Tetralogie, der Richard II. Und Heinrich IV., Teil 1 vorangingen und Heinrich V. folgte. "
The Eleven Comedies of Aristophanes
The Eleven Comedies of Aristophanes
All 11 comedies, literally translated. Two volumes in one file. Includes: Knights, Acharnians, Peace, Lysistrata, The Clouds, The Wasps, The Birds, The Frogs, The Thesmophoriazusae, The Ecclesiazusae, and Plutus. According to Wikipedia: "Aristophanes (ca. 446 BCE – ca. 386 BCE), son of Philippus, of the deme Cydathenaus, was a prolific and much acclaimed, comic playwright of ancient Athens. Eleven of his forty plays have come down to us virtually complete. These, as well as fragments of some of his other plays, provide us with the only real example we have of a genre of comic drama known as Old Comedy and they are in fact used to define the genre. Also known as the Father of Comedy and the Prince of Ancient Comedy, Aristophanes has been said to recreate the life of ancient Athens more convincingly than any other author. His powers of ridicule were feared and acknowledged by influential contemporaries - although more than one contemporary, satirical playwright caricatured the philosopher Socrates, his student Plato singled out Aristophanes' play The Clouds as slander contributing to his old mentor's trial and execution."
Hamlet, Prinz von Dannemark
Hamlet, Prinz von Dannemark
William Shakespeare
Die Shakespeare-Trag?die, auf Deutsch übersetzt von Christoph Martin Wieland. Laut Wikipedia: "Die Trag?die von Hamlet, Prinz von D?nemark ist eine Trag?die von William Shakespeare. Im K?nigreich D?nemark dramatisiert das Stück die Rache, die Prinz Hamlet an seinen Onkel Claudius wegen Mordes an K?nig Hamlet, Claudius 'Bruder und Prinz Hamlets Vater richtet Danach tritt er als Thronfolger in Erscheinung und nimmt Gertrude, die Witwe des alten K?nigs und die Mutter von Prinz Hamlet, mit, die den wahren und vorget?uschten Wahnsinn - von überw?ltigender Trauer bis zu brodelndem Zorn - anschaulich darstellt und Themen wie Verrat, Rache, Inzest, und moralische Korruption.
Die Irrungen oder die Doppelten Zwillinge
Die Irrungen oder die Doppelten Zwillinge
William Shakespeare
Shakespeare-Kom?die in deutscher ?bersetzung. Laut Wikipedia: "The Comedy of Errors ist eines der frühesten Stücke William Shakespeares. Es ist seine kürzeste und eine seiner absurdesten Kom?dien, wobei ein Gro?teil des Humors aus Slapstick und falscher Identit?t stammt, zus?tzlich zu Wortspielen und Wortspielen Die Kom?die der Irrungen (zusammen mit The Tempest) ist eines von nur zwei von Shakespeares Stücken, um die klassischen Einheiten zu beobachten. "
A kabaré regénye
A kabaré regénye
Nagy Endre
E tündérjátékról úgy tartják, egy f?úri esküv? alkalmából íródott. Err?l szól maga a darab is, a szerelemr?l, a házasságról, a szenvedélyr?l, az akadályok legy?zésér?l. A Szentivánéj egyetlen hatalmas nászéjszaka. Puck, a csúfondáros apród, aki miatt kit?r a háborúság a tündérkirály és tündérkirályn? k?z?tt, minden kerget?z?, egymást ?z? szerelmesnek jelképe lehet, akik szüntelen váltakozásban gerjednek egyért s taszítják el a másikat. Mintha a való életben is Puck gonosz varázslatára fordulna meg minden, majd jótékony varázslatára az éj végére valahogy mégis ?sszerendez?djék. Tündéri álomvilág cívódással, féltéssel, ellenállhatatlan vágyakkal.
Párizs, 1913
Párizs, 1913
Nagy Endre
William Shakespeare egyik legnagyobb m?ve a Macbeth, a hatalomvágytól megszállott gyenge ember drámája. Macbethnek egyszer azt j?vend?lik, hogy király lesz. Felesége ?szt?nzésére és segítségével, hogy beteljesedjék a jóslat, álmában meg?lik a náluk vendégesked? királyt. Tettüket a leitatott ?r?kre fogják, akiknek nincs is idejük tiltakozásra a hamis vád ellen, mert Macbeth sz?rny? ?felindultságában” meg?li ?ket. A hatalmat, a rangot azonban nem tudják élvezni…
Monoverzumok: Kozmosz, t?rvény, tudomány
Monoverzumok: Kozmosz, t?rvény, tudomány
Galántai Zoltán
Az álomszer?en meseszép hangulat hirtelen féltékenységi dührohammá változik, rémálommá: a szicíliai király barátját, Polixenést és feleségét (Hermione) házasságt?réssel vádolva küldi a halálba, el?bbi csupán Camillo h?ségének k?sz?nhet?en menekülhet el. Apollo jóslata sem tudja meggy?zni Leontest képzetei hamisságáról, csupán a sz?rny? látvány – szerettei holtteste – ébreszti fel zavaros állapotából. Már kés?, egyetlen utódját, a fattyúnak vélt csecsem?t távoli partokon hagyta sorsára. A t?rténetbe sok év múltán kapcsolódunk bele újra, Perdita – a csecsem?, akit megtalált fiával együtt (Mufurc) nevelt egy pásztor – felcseperedett, és mindenkit elámít vélt származását meghazudtoló szépsége, nemessége. Florizel királyfi beleszeret, és elhagyja érte apja, Polixenes királyi udvarát. A király, a h? Camillóval együtt, álruhában meglesi a pásztorok ünnepét, és haraggal veszi tudomásul fia vonzódását egy egyszer? pásztorlány iránt. Camillo, aki ráj?n Perdita kilétére, a fiatalokat Szicíliába küldi, ahol Leontes tárt karokkal fogadja elveszettnek hitt lányát, és Hermione szobra életre kel. A megbocsájtás, a feloldás pillanata lehetne ez, ha a t?rténetet mindvégig mozgató figura nem g?rdítené a néz?tér és a színpad k?zé az áttetsz?ség, a látomás, az álomszer?ség tüllfügg?nyét. ?s számunkra nem marad más, csupán a feloldatlanság feszültsége.
A Fairy Tale in Two Acts, Shakespeare Apocrypha
A Fairy Tale in Two Acts, Shakespeare Apocrypha
William Shakespeare
Elizabethan drama, sometimes attributed in part to Shakespeare. According to Wikipedia: "William Shakespeare (baptised 26 April 1564 – died 23 April 1616) was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon" (or simply "The Bard"). His surviving works consist of 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and several other poems. His plays have been translated into every major living language, and are performed more often than those of any other playwright."
Victor Hugo
1411/5000 Le drame classique a d'abord joué et publié en 1830. La pièce elle-même est en fran?ais, mais l'introduction est en anglais. Selon Wikipedia: ? Hernani est un drame du poète fran?ais Victor Hugo Le jeu est ouvert à Paris le 25 Février, 1830 Aujourd'hui est le drame pour les manifestations qui ont accompagné la première, et pour l'opéra de Verdi Ernani l'inspiration que pour son .. mérites est ... Victor-Marie Hugo (26 Février 1802-1822 mai 1885) était un poète fran?ais, auteur dramatique, romancier, essayiste, artiste plasticien, homme d'?tat, des militants des droits de l'homme et des représentants du mouvement romantique en France en France, Hugo est littéraire renommée principalement de ses poèmes, mais aussi de ses romans et ses Leistungen.Von dramatique de nombreux livres de poésie sont Contemplations et la Légende des particulièrement élevé en siècle le prestige et Hugo parfois, il est considéré comme le plus grand poète fran?ais, ses ?uvres les plus célèbres hors de France les romans Les Misérables et Notre-Dame de Paris (aussi connu comme le bossu de Notre-Dame) royal quand il était jeune, Hugo est devenu plus libéral que les décennies passées; il est devenu un partisan passionné de républicanisme, et son travail touche les questions les plus politiques et sociales et les tendances artistiques de son époque. Il est enterré au Panthéon. "
Le Roi S'Amuse
Le Roi S'Amuse
Victor Hugo
Drame classique dans le texte original, publié en 1832. Selon Wikipedia: "Victor-Marie Hugo (26 février 1802 - 22 mai 1885) était un poète, dramaturge, romancier, essayiste, artiste visuel, homme d'?tat, militant des droits de l'homme et En France, la renommée littéraire de Hugo vient en premier lieu de sa poésie, mais repose aussi sur ses romans et ses réalisations dramatiques Parmi les nombreux volumes de poésie, Les Contemplations et La Légende des siècles tiennent particulièrement haut dans l'estime critique, et Hugo est parfois identifié comme le plus grand poète fran?ais.A l'extérieur de la France, ses ?uvres les plus connues sont les romans Les Misérables et Notre-Dame de Paris (connu aussi en anglais sous le nom de Le Bossu de Notre Dame). était jeune, Hugo devint plus libéral au fil des décennies, il devint un partisan passionné du républicanisme et son travail touche à la plupart des questions politiques et sociales et aux tendances artistiques de son temps. Il est enterré au Panthéon. "
Shakespeare's Works: 37 plays, plus poetry, with line numbers
Shakespeare's Works: 37 plays, plus poetry, with line numbers
William Shakespeare
This file includes all of Shakespeare's plays, with line numbers (11 tragedies, 12 comedies, 10 histories, and 4 romances), plus his poetry (Sonnets, Venus and Adonis, Rape of Lucrece, Lover's Complaint, and Passionate Pilgrim. According to Wikipedia: "William Shakespeare (baptised 26 April 1564 – died 23 April 1616) was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon" (or simply "The Bard"). His surviving works consist of 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and several other poems. His plays have been translated into every major living language, and are performed more often than those of any other playwright."
C. Lewis Hind
Biography, with 12 illustrations, from the series Masterpieces in Colour. According to Wikipedia: "John Constable (11 June 1776 – 31 March 1837) was an English Romantic painter. Born in Suffolk, he is known principally for his landscape paintings of Dedham Vale, the area surrounding his home—now known as "Constable Country"—which he invested with an intensity of affection. "I should paint my own places best", he wrote to his friend John Fisher in 1821, "painting is but another word for feeling". His most famous paintings include Dedham Vale of 1802 and The Hay Wain of 1821. Although his paintings are now among the most popular and valuable in British art, he was never financially successful and did not become a member of the establishment until he was elected to the Royal Academy at the age of 52. He sold more paintings in France than in his native England."
Timon of Athens, with line numbers
Timon of Athens, with line numbers
William Shakespeare
Sometimes classified as tragedy, sometimes as comedy, and sometimes as "problem play." According to Wikipedia: "The Life of Timon of Athens is a play by William Shakespeare about the legendary Athenian misanthrope Timon (and probably influenced by the philosopher of the same name, as well), generally regarded as one of his most obscure and difficult works. Originally grouped with the tragedies, it is generally considered such, but some scholars group it with the problem plays."
Charmides: And Other Poems
Charmides: And Other Poems
Oscar Wilde
Short poetry collection. According to Wikipedia: "Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde (1854 - 1900) was an Irish playwright, novelist, poet, and author of short stories. Known for his barbed wit, he was one of the most successful playwrights of late Victorian London, and one of the greatest celebrities of his day. As the result of a famous trial, he suffered a dramatic downfall and was imprisoned for two years of hard labour after being convicted of the offence of 'gross indecency.'"
As You Like It, with line numbers
As You Like It, with line numbers
William Shakespeare
The classic comedy. According to Wikipedia: "As You Like It is a pastoral comedy by William Shakespeare believed to have been written in 1599 or early 1600 and first published in the folio of 1623. The work was based upon the novel Rosalynde by Thomas Lodge. The play's first performance is uncertain, though a performance at Wilton House in 1603 has been suggested as a possibility. As You Like It follows its heroine Rosalind as she flees persecution in her uncle's court to find safety and eventually love in the Forest of Arden. Historically, critical response has varied, with some critics finding the work of lesser quality than other Shakespearean works and some finding the play a work of great merit. The play features one of Shakespeare's most famous and oft-quoted soliloquies, "All the world's a stage" and the phrase "too much of a good thing." The play remains a favorite among audiences and has been adapted for radio, film, and musical theatre."
Much Ado About Nothing, with line numbers
Much Ado About Nothing, with line numbers
William Shakespeare
The classic comedy. According to Wikipedia: "Much Ado About Nothing is a romantic comedy by William Shakespeare set in Messina, Sicily about a pair of lovers named Claudio and Hero due to be married in a week. To pass the time before their wedding day they conspire with Don Pedro, the prince of Aragon, to trick their friends, Beatrice and Benedick, into confessing their love for one another. The prince's brother Don John, however, jealous of both Don Pedro's power and his affection for Claudio, conspires to sabotage the coming wedding."
Beaucoup de Bruit pour Rien (Much Ado About Nothing in French)
Beaucoup de Bruit pour Rien (Much Ado About Nothing in French)
William Shakespeare
Shakespeare comdey, traduit en fran?ais par Fran?ois Pierre Guillaume Guizot (1787 - 1874), historien fran?ais et homme d'?tat. Publié en 1862. Selon Wikipedia: "Beaucoup Ado About Nothing est une comédie écrite par William Shakespeare sur deux couples d'amoureux, Benedick et Beatrice, et Claudio et Hero Benedick et Beatrice sont engagés dans une" guerre joyeuse ", ils Parlez un kilomètre à la minute et proclamez leur mépris pour l'amour, le mariage et les autres.Par contraste, Claudio et Hero sont des jeunes gens doux qui sont rendus pratiquement sans voix par leur amour les uns pour les autres. "
Othello in French
Othello in French
William Shakespeare
Traduit par Fran?ois Pierre Guillaume Guizot (1787 - 1874), historien fran?ais et homme d'?tat. Publié en 1863. Selon Wikipedia: "La Tragédie d'Othello, le Maure de Venise est une tragédie de William Shakespeare, qui aurait été écrite vers 1603, et basée sur la nouvelle italienne Un Capitano Moro (" Un capitaine maure " Cinthio, un disciple de Boccace, publié pour la première fois en 1565. L'?uvre s'articule autour de quatre personnages principaux: Othello, général mauresque de l'armée vénitienne, sa femme Desdemona, son lieutenant Cassio et son enseigne de confiance, Iago.