

Galveston Architecture: A Visual Journey
Galveston Architecture: A Visual Journey
Pino Shah
Galveston Architecture: A Visual Journey is a photographic journey of the architecture and history of select 100 buildings in Galveston, Texas, with photographs by Pino Shah, World Heritage Photographer and narratives by Galveston Historical Foundation (GHF). The book includes full illustrations of 100 buildings re ecting Greek Revival, Victorian, Italianate and Mid-century Modern architectural styles from 1840s through 1990s. Pino Shah is a world heritage photographer based in McAllen, Texas and Ahmedabad, India. Galveston Historical Foundation preserves and revitalizes the architectural, cultural and maritime heritage of Galveston Island. The Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) non-pro t charitable corporation.
Prometheus Bound
Prometheus Bound
Prometheus, a Titan who defies the gods and gives fire to mankind, acts for which he is subjected to perpetual punishment. The Oceanids appear and attempt to comfort Prometheus by conversing with him. Prometheus cryptically tells them that he knows of a potential marriage that would lead to Zeus's downfall. A Titan named Oceanus commiserates with Prometheus and urges him to make peace with Zeus.
The Ecclesiazusae
The Ecclesiazusae
A group of women, led by the wise and redoubtable Praxagora, has decided that the women of Athens must convince the men to give them control of the city, as they are convinced they can do a better job. Disguised as men, the women sneak into the assembly and command the majority of votes needed to carry their series of revolutionary proposals, even convincing some of the men to vote for it on the grounds that it is the only thing they have not tried.
Visual Grammar: No Mistakes Grammar, Volumes I, II, and III
Visual Grammar: No Mistakes Grammar, Volumes I, II, and III
Giacomo Giammatteo
This book is a combination of No Mistakes Grammar volumes I, II, and III. But it’s so much more. It has some new material, but it also has about 200 pictures. That’s right—pictures. This is one of the world’s first, if not the first, visual grammar book. Most people learn better with pictures. With Visual Grammar, you get images that show examples of the words you’re learning. Not every word has a picture but a lot of them do. This book includes misused words, redundancies, absolutes, flat adverbs, eponyms, idiomatic expressions, Latin phrases, and more. ?
Descent into Hell: [Illustrated & Biography Added]
Descent into Hell: [Illustrated & Biography Added]
Charles Williams
Descent Into Hell is a novel written by Charles Williams, first published in 1937. Williams is less well known than his fellow Inklings, such as C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien. Like some of them, however, he wrote a series of novels which combine elements of fantasy fiction and Christian symbolism. Forgoing the detective fiction style of most of his earlier supernatural novels, most of the story's action is spiritual or psychological in nature. It fits the "theological thriller" description sometimes given to his works. For this reason Descent was initially rejected by publishers, though T. S. Eliot's publishing house Faber and Faberwould eventually pick up the novel, as Eliot admired Williams's work, and, though he did not like Descent Into Hell as well as the earlier novels, desired to see it printed.SHORT SUMMARY: The action takes place in Battle Hill, outside London, amidst the townspeople's staging of a new play by Peter Stanhope. The hill seems to reside at the crux of time, as characters from the past appear, and perhaps at a doorway to the beyond, as characters are alternately summoned heavenwards or descend into hell. Pauline Anstruther, the heroine of the novel, lives in fear of meeting her own doppelganger, which has appeared to her throughout her life. But Stanhope, in an action central to the author's own theology, takes the burden of her fears upon himself—Williams called this The Doctrine of Substituted Love—and enables Pauline, at long last, to face her true self. Williams drew this idea from the biblical verse, "Ye shall bear one another's burdens" And so Stanhope does take the weight, with no surreptitious motive, in the most affecting scene in the novel. And Pauline, liberated, is able to accept truth.On the other hand, Lawrence Wentworth, a local historian, finding his desire for Adela Hunt to be unrequited, falls in love instead with a spirit form of Adela, which seems to represent a kind of extreme self-love on his part. As he isolates himself more and more with this insubstantial figure, and dreams of descending a silver rope into a dark pit, Wentworth begins the descent into Hell.HARROWING of HELL: "Christ in Limbo" and "Descent into Hell" redirect here. For the novel by Charles Williams, see Descent into Hell (novel). For the 8th-century Anglo-Saxon liturgical play, see Harrowing of Hell (drama).
Jacob Abbott
SOME men are renowned in history on account of the extraordinary powers and capacities which they exhibited in the course of their career, or the intrinsic greatness of the deeds which they performed. Others, without having really achieved any thing in itself very great or wonderful, have become widely known to mankind by reason of the vast consequences which, in the subsequent course of events, resulted from their doings. Men of this latter class are conspicuous rather than great. From among thousands of other men equally exalted in character with themselves, they are brought out prominently to the notice of mankind only in consequence of the strong light reflected, by great events subsequently occurring, back upon the position where they happened to stand.??The celebrity of Romulus seems to be of this latter kind. He founded a city. A thousand other men have founded cities; and in doing their work have evinced perhaps as much courage, sagacity, and mental power as Romulus displayed. ?The city of Romulus, however, became in the end the queen and mistress of the world. It rose to so exalted a position of influence and power, and retained its ascendency so long, that now for twenty centuries every civilized nation in the western world have felt a strong interest in every thing pertaining to its history, and have been accustomed to look back with special curiosity to the circumstances of its origin. ??In consequence of this it has happened that though Romulus, in his actual day, performed no very great exploits, and enjoyed no pre-eminence above the thousand other half-savage chieftains of his class, whose names have been long forgotten, and very probably while he lived never dreamed of any extended fame, yet so brilliant is the illumination which the subsequent events of history have shed upon his position and his doings, that his name and the incidents of his life have been brought out very conspicuously to view, and attract very strongly the attention of mankind.??The history of Rome is usually made to begin with the story of ?neas. In order that the reader may understand in what light that romantic tale is to be re-garded, it is necessary to premise some statements in respect to the general condition of society in ancient days, and to the nature of the strange narrations, circulated in those early periods among mankind, out of which in later ages, when the art of writing came to be introduced, learned men compiled and recorded what they termed history.
An American Book of Golden Deeds
An American Book of Golden Deeds
James Baldwin
AS you open this book you will probably ask, "What is a golden deed?"?Let me tell you. It is the doing of something for somebody else doing it without thought of self, without thought of reward, fearlessly, heroically, and because it is a duty.??Such a deed is possible to you, to me, to everybody. It is frequently performed without forethought or definite intention. It is the spontaneous manifestation of nobility, somewhere, of mind or heart. It may consist merely in the doing of some kind and helpful service at home or at school. It may be an unexpected test of heroism a warning of danger, a saving of somebody's life. It may be an act of benevolence, or a series of such acts, world-wide in application and results.??This little volume is only a book of samples. Here are specimens of golden deeds of various kinds and of different degrees of merit, ranging from the unpremeditated saving of a railroad train to the great humanitarian movement which carries blessings to all mankind. To attempt to tell of every such deed, or of every one that is eminently worthy, would fill a multitude of books. ??The, examples which I have chosen are such only as have occurred on American soil, or have been performed by Americans, thus distinguishing the volume from Miss Charlotte Yonge's "Book of Golden Deeds," published for English readers fifty years ago. While some of these narratives may have the appearance of romance, yet they are all believed to be true, and in most cases the real name of the hero, or of the lover of humanity, is given.??Instances of doing and daring have always a fascination for young people, and when to these is added the idea of a noble underlying motive the lessons taught by them cannot fail to be beneficial. ?
William Shakespeare Complete Works – World’s Best Collection: 220+ Plays, Sonnet
William Shakespeare Complete Works – World’s Best Collection: 220+ Plays, Sonnet
William Shakespeare, William Hazlitt, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Samuel Johnson
William Shakespeare Complete Works World's Best Collection This is the world’s best William Shakespeare collection, including the most complete set of Shakespeare’s works available plus many free bonus materials. William Shakespeare Shakespeare is the first name we think of when we think of English literature. His works have an absolutely timeless quality. The ‘Must-Have’ Complete Collection In this irresistible collection you get a full set of Shakespeare’s work, including not only all his plays, poetry, annotations and commentaries on those, but also his rare, hard-to-find Apocryphal Plays. Apocryphal Plays The Apocryphal Plays, as they are known, were not as widely published as Shakespeare’s well-known works, due to not being included in the famous ‘First Folio’ published by his fellow actors. As a result, they are extremely sought-after. Electrifying argument rages over them, often being discussed more than Shakespeare’s more familiar works. The Most Famous Commentaries This ultimate collection also contains some of the most famous commentaries on Shakespeare’s works, from some of the most celebrated literature experts in history: Samuel Johnson - known as the most quoted man after Shakespeare, Johnson’s famous ‘Preface to Shakespeare’ is one of the authorities on The Bard. He also created amazing Annotations of Shakespeare’s plays. All are included. William Hazlitt - We include hs in depth analysis, Characters Of Shakespeare’s Plays, explores each play and its players. Samuel Taylor Coleridge -?His Critical Analysis is considered highly influential and extremely insightful. Shakespeare Biographies This collection also included 2 full length biographies: Life Of Shakespeare By Sidney Lee A Study In Shakespeare By Algernon Charles Swinburne Bonuses In addition, you also receive in this collection: Life of Shakespeare – A quick biography about Shakespeare’s intriguing life. Apocryphal Explanation - Commentary about the fascinating Apocryphal Plays. Get It Now This is the best Shakespeare collection you can get, so get it now and start enjoying and being inspired by his world! Works Included: Comedies, including: Merchant Of Venice Midsummer Night’s Dream Much Ado About Nothing Twelfth Night Histories, including: Henry V Richard Iii Henry Viii Tragedies, including: Romeo & Juliet Titus Andronicus Julius Caesar Macbeth Hamlet Othello Apocrypha, Including: Thomas Cromwell Edward Iii Sir Thomas More Mucedrous Merry Devil Of Edmonton All Poems and Sonnets
Jung & Reich. Trupul ca o umbr?
Jung & Reich. Trupul ca o umbr?
John P. Conger
L?sa?i atunci trufia la o parte, C?ci de b?rba?i trufia ne desparte. ?i m?inile, duioase ?i supuse, ?n slujba lor pe veci s? fie puse. ?i so?ul meu, de ?ndat? ce ar vrea, ?n m?na lui mi a? pune m?na mea. Then vail your stomachs, for it is no boot,And place your hands below your husband’s foot: In token of which duty, if he please, My hand is ready; may it do him ease.
Eliberarea de jocurile min?ii
Eliberarea de jocurile min?ii
Marius Mihai Lungu
Indezirabilii, publicat sub egida Institutului de Istorie ?George Bari?iu“ al Academiei Rom?ne, scoate la lumin? informa?ii pu?in cunoscute despre exodul etnicilor evrei, rom?ni, ru?i ?i ucraineni din URSS ?n Rom?nia.Cauzele, mijloacele emigr?rii, reac?ia autorit??ilor, a popula?iei autohtone ?i a organiza?iilor interna?ionale, fenomenele conexe sunt relevate ?n contextul profundelor transform?ri sociale ?i politice din perioada 1919-1939. Prezentarea unor texte scrise de ?i despre emigran?i ofer? detalii asupra atrocit??ilor comise de regimul sovietic, a modului ?n care au fost percepu?i ?i a celui ?n care au perceput indezirabilii statul na?ional unitar rom?n.Fragment din subsec?iunea ?Trecerea Nistrului ?n ambele sensuri: motive ?i consecin?e“Unul din efectele masacrelor de la Nistru din lunile februarie-martie 1932 ?i ale noului val de refugia?i din RASS Moldoveneasc? asupra opiniei publice din Rom?nia a constat ?n exprimarea pozi?iei fa?? de evenimentele tragice ?n publica?ii. Jurnali?tii ?i cercet?torii nu s-au limitat la analiza evenimentelor, ci au publicat o serie ?ntreag? de materiale despre istoria regiunii transnistrene ?i a rom?nilor de acolo. De exemplu, potrivit lui Pamfil ?eicaru, amplificarea represiunilor din URSS reprezenta unul din aspectele luptei ?mpotriva tradi?iei (familia, p?m?ntul, religia), iar rom?nii transnistreni – un bastion de ?nd?r?tnic? rezisten?? a tradi?iei. ?n fapt, purificarea regiunii transnistrene, echivala cu desfiin?area pseudo-autonomiei moldovene?ti, iar dispari?ia entit??ii intra ?n linia necesit??ilor de via?? ale centraliz?rii Moscovei, trec?nd peste particularit??ile provinciale. Motivele extermin?rii sunt rezumate ?n finalul analizei: ?Moldovenii n-au fost buni, n-au slujit scopurilor pentru care li se d?duse chiar ?i titlul de Republic? Moldoveneasc?, dispari?ia lor a ap?rut ca o porunc? nivelatoare a standardului na?ional conceput de Stalin. ?i de pe p?m?nturile unde tr?iesc de veacuri, de pe malurile Nistrului, sunt porni?i ?n dep?rt?rile pustii ?i ?nghe?ate ale Siberiei. Drumul lung ?i greu, foamea, bolile, le va tot ?mpu?ina num?rul, p?n? ce nu va mai r?m?ne niciunul din neamul blestemat al moldovenilor, ace?ti ?nd?r?tnici adversari ai uniformiz?rii staliniste. De-a lungul Rusiei ro?ii (tot at?t de milostiv? ca ?i Rusia ?arist?) mormintele lor vor ?nsemna drumul crucific?rii moldave. ?i ieri ?i azi Pohod na Sibir! Numai imbecilii ??i ?nchipuie c? esen?a na?iilor se schimb? prin revolu?ii“. La 23 martie 1932, sub impresia cazurilor, individuale sau de grup, aproape zilnice, de ?mpu?care a ??ranilor rom?ni care ?ncercau s? p?trund? din Transnistria ?n Rom?nia, Pamfil ?eicaru dezvolta ideea de standardizare spiritual? prin represiune masiv?, exterminatorie, ?ntr-un articol cu accente directe antiminoritare ?i indirecte antiguvernamentale. Raportat la incapacitatea sau imposibilitatea opririi crimelor de la frontiera sovieto-rom?n?, directorul Curentului propunea efectuarea unui schimb de popula?ie cu URSS, mediat de Societatea Na?iunilor: ?[…] exact ?n propor?ia numeric? a moldovenilor de peste Nistru ce ni s-ar trimite, am expedia comuni?ti ruteni, oameni converti?i ce nu ar mai necesita at?ta trud? uciga?? c?te sunt constr?nse autorit??ile sovietice s? fac?“. O critic? explicit? viza rolul activ pe care ar fi trebuit s?-l joace Societatea Na?iunilor: ?Un mijloc foarte simplu de a curma un asasinat, un semn de prezen?? uman? a institu?iei de asisten?? a popoarelor, de activ? prezen?? a Societ??ii Na?iunilor“. Trebuie men?ionat ?ns? faptul c?, ?ntr-un articol ulterior, se consemna sprijinul acordat de A. ?ulghin, reprezentantul ucrainean la Geneva, delega?iei Rom?niei, care a cerut condamnarea masacrelor de la Nistru ?n format multilateral. Mai mult dec?t at?t, putem observa c? ucrainenii sunt men?iona?i pe l?ng? etnicii rom?ni ca victime ale atrocit??ilor: ?Masacrele s-au repetat, ??ranii au fost ?mpu?ca?i f?r? mil?, rom?ni ?i ucraineni laolalt?“.
The Wealth of Nations
The Wealth of Nations
Adam Smith
Adam Smith's masterpiece, first published in 1776, is the foundation of modern economic thought and remains the single most important account of the rise of, and the principles behind, modern capitalism. Written in clear and incisive prose, The Wealth of Nations articulates the concepts indispensable to an understanding of contemporary society.
The Federalist Papers by Publius Unabridged 1787 Original Version
The Federalist Papers by Publius Unabridged 1787 Original Version
The Federalist Papers are a series of 85 articles advocating the ratification of the United States Constitution. Seventy-seven of the essays were published serially in The Independent Journal and The New York Packet between October 1787 and August 1788. A compilation of these and eight others, called The Federalist, was published in 1788 by J. and A. McLean. The Federalist Papers serve as a primary source for interpretation of the Constitution, as they outline the philosophy and motivation of the proposed system of government. The authors of the Federalist Papers wanted to both influence the vote in favor of ratification and shape future interpretations of the Constitution. According to historian Richard B. Morris, they are an "incomparable exposition of the Constitution, a classic in political science unsurpassed in both breadth and depth by the product of any later American writer."
A Midsummer Night's Dream
A Midsummer Night's Dream
William Shakespeare
“Midsummer Night's Dream” is Shakespeare's classic tale of two couples who can't quite pair up to everyone's satisfaction. Demetrius and Lysander love Hermia. ??Hermia loves Lysander but has been promised to Demetrius by her father. Hermia's best friend Helena loves Demetrius, but in his obsession for Hermia Demetrius barely even notices her smitten friend. ??When Hermia and Lysander plan to elope all four find themselves in the forest late at night where the fairy Puck and his lord Oberon wreck havoc on the humans with a love potion that causes the victim to fall in love with the first thing they see upon waking.??- Some Books of Shakespeare:?- Romeo and Juliet (1597)?- Hamlet (1599)?- Macbeth (1606)?- Julius Caesar (1599)?- Othello (1603)?- The Merchant of Venice (1598)?- Much Ado About Nothing (1600)?- King Lear (1606)?- The Taming of the Shrew (1594)?- The Comedy of Errors (1594)
Negru profund, noian de negru
Negru profund, noian de negru
Florin Logresteanu
Aceast? carte este un demers pe care l-am g?ndit ca pe o lucrare de sintez? care s? surprind?, ?n m?sura posibilit??ilor, puncte de referin?? ?ntre texte ?i autori din perioade diferite, din Evul Mediu european ?i Rena?tere, con?tient? fiind c? epoca medieval? nu trebuie considerat? cu nimic mai prejos dec?t grandorile Greciei vechi sau ale Rena?terii. Problematica acestui concept al Alegoriei ?n receptarea sa de c?tre literatura Evului Mediu, dar ?i de c?tre epocile ulterioare, este complex? ?i bogata bibliografie ce i s-a consacrat ?n ultimele decenii nu face dec?t s? provoace la noi discu?ii ?i interpret?ri a?a cum este ?i aceast? lucrare.
Rasa Popov
O istorie politico-sentimental? a capitalei noastre. De ce o istorie politico-sentimental?? Pentru c?, ?n evolu?ia Bucure?tiului, de-alungul secolelor, afacerile politice s-au ?mpletit adesea, inevitabil, cu b?t?ile inimii. Chiar prima perioad? a cet??ii, ca ?i capital? domneasc?, tutelat? de figu ra dominant? a doamnei Chiajna, poate fi b?nuit? de un senzualism crud care a deschis drum acelui fenomen pe care Ionescu-Gion ?l numea at?t de plastic ?ginecolatrie“, adic? ascultarea dovedit? de domnitorii valahi fa?? de so?iile lor.
Adonijah: "A Tale of the Jewish Dispersion"
Adonijah: "A Tale of the Jewish Dispersion"
Jane Margaret Strickland
The period included in the reigns of Nero, Galba, Otho, Vitellius, and Vespasian, was remarkable for two memorable events in the annals of ecclesiastical history; the first persecution of the Christian Church by the sixth Roman sovereign, and the dissolution of the Jewish polity by Titus. The destruction of Jerusalem was stupendous, not only as an act of divine wrath, but as being the proximate cause of the dispersion of a whole nation, upon which a long series of sorrow, spoliation, and oppression lighted, in consequence of the curse the Jews had invoked, when in reply to the remonstrances of Pilate they had cried out, “His blood be upon us and our children.” The church below, represented in Scripture as a type of the heavenly Jerusalem above, and having its seat then in the doomed city, was not to continue there, lest the native Jews composing it should gather round them a people of their own nation, in a place destined to remain desolate till the time when the dispersed of Israel should be converted, and rebuild their city and temple. The city bearing the ancient name of Jerusalem does not indeed occupy the same site, being built round the sacred spot where the garden once stood, in which a mortal sepulchre received the lifeless form of the Saviour of the world. But happier times seem dawning on the dispersed of Judea. Our own days have seen the foundations of a Jewish Christian church laid in Jerusalem; our Queen Victoria and the King of Prussia united to commence a work of love, thereby fulfilling in part the promise made to the Jews of old, “And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and queens thy nursing mothers.” To those readers who feel interested in the dispersed of Israel and Judea, these pages may afford, perhaps, information on an important subject as well as amusement.
S? mori din dragoste
S? mori din dragoste
Donna Leon
Un volum cuprinzand studii si documente descoperite in arhivele romane si straine (aproximativ 900 pagini) privind istoria conflictului mondial din 1939-1945 si a razboiului rece. Lucrarea reflecta, in esenta, batalia pentru informatii angajata intre serviciile de spionaj dupa 1939, pregatirea si infaptuirea loviturii de stat de la 23 August 1944, lupta pentru putere la nivelul conducerii P.C.R. (1944-1989), premisele loviturii de stat din 22 decembrie 1989, prabusirea statului comunist in Europa Est-Centrala e.t.c.
Cel mai bun tat?
Cel mai bun tat?
Alex Zamfir
Insumeaza o serie de cursuri universitare (de docenta si nu numai) tinute de unul dintre cei mai ilustrii elevi ai lui Vasile Parvan, prof. dr. docent Vladimir Dumitrescu, la Universitatea din Bucuresti in anii 30 ai secolului trecut, in vederea obtinerii titlului de docent si pe cel de conferentiar al respectivei Universitati. Volumul incepe cu o cuprinzatoare prelegere din care aflam cere au fost formele de civilizatie preistorica in Dacia rasariteana pana in mileniul I, i. C., precum si rolul marilor fluvii in dezvoltarea civilizatiilor omenesti.
Ultimul poet dac
Ultimul poet dac
Postelnicu Gheorghe
Dictionarul de sociologie rurala este primul volum din cele sase care alcatuiesc Enciclopedia Rurala. Lucrarea se inscrie in traditia deschisa de Scoala Sociologica de la Bucuresti si pentru realizarea sa a colaborat un colectiv de autori din toate centrele universitare ale tarii: Bucuresti, Cluj, Oradea, Iasi, Brasov, Craiova. Dictionarul este structurat pe patru sectiuni (termeni, personalitati, curente, reviste) si cumuleaza, pe o intindere de aproximativ 650 de pagini, un numar de peste 300 de termeni. Lucrarea valorifica terminologia sociologiei rurale romanesti si europene precum si cea din practica unor institutii internationale si regionale care prin natura preocuparilor lor afecteaza mediul rural. De asemenea dictionarul ofera o sistematizare schematica a teoriilor si curentelor de referinta pentru domeniu si constituie un ghid util pentru toti cei interesati de practica si metodologia de cercetare rurala din sociologie, antropologie si politici de dezvoltare.
Exploratorii. Cartea a III-a - Muntele de fum
Exploratorii. Cartea a III-a - Muntele de fum
Erin Hunter
Cartea t?n?rului universitar Mihai-Bogdan Marian consacrat? analizei conflictelor interna?ionale este o invita?ie la luciditate, la reflec?ie autonom?, dezinhibat?, la cercetare aplicat?, f?r? prejudec??i ?i partizanate apriorice. Autorul este un analist pentru care exerci?iul ?n sine al disec?rii cauzelor ?i ?mprejur?rilor ce favorizeaz? apari?ia ?i acutizarea conflictelor interna?ionale nu este unul fortuit sau gratuit. Ideea sa tutelar? este c? orice astfel de conflict poate fi pre?nt?mpinat. Iar dac?, fatalmente, el s-a declan?at ?i s-a dezvoltat, sc?p?nd poate de sub control, poate fi dezamorsat, factorii angrena?i ?n acest proces av?nd la ?ndem?n? algoritmi ?i proceduri standard care nu trebuie s? fac? obiectul unei ac?iuni in extremis, care s? justifice de fapt prin e?ec escaladarea ?n continuare a conflictului ca atare. (Mihai Milca)
Peisaje interioare
Peisaje interioare
Corneliu Irimia
Volumul de fa?? reune?te portretele sclipitoare ale celor mai ilustre favorite. Apropiate puterii, exercit?ndu??i influen?a adesea ?ntr?o manier? clandestin?, ele alc?tuiesc un galant cortegiu de femei c?rora importan?i b?rba?i de stat le datoreaz? mult. Ce este o favorit?? Cuv?ntul, ne?ndoielnic originar din italian?, se refer? la o femeie care ?se bucur? de favorurile" unei persoane de rang foarte ?nalt. Spre deosebire de o amant?, favorita nu se mul?ume?te s? fie obiectul unei pasiuni amoroase, fie aceasta efemer? ori durabil?. Ea are putere, exercit? influen?? politic?, economic? sau artistic?; ob?ine rezultate, fericite sau dezastruoase. Fie c? e iubit? de popula?ie, tolerat? sau detestat?, nimic nu se face ?i nu se desface f?r? ea. Muzele prezentate de autor ?n acest periplu prin istoria Europei au jucat toate un rol propor?ional cu influen?a exercitat? asupra monarhului, prin?ului mo?tenitor, regelui sau ?mp?ratului l?ng? care s-au aflat, fie el c?s?torit, v?duv sau celibatar: Agnes Sorel, Diana de Poitiers, Gabrielle d’Estrées, Louise de La Valliere, marchiza de Montespan, doamna de Maintenon, surorile de Nesle, marchiza de Pompadour, doamna du Barry, Zoé du Cayla, Lol Montez, Miss Howard, Katia Dolgorukova, Blanche Delacroix, Magda Lupescu ?i Wallis Simpson. Optsprezece portrete de femei care au influen?at cursul istoriei. ?n bine ?i ?n r?u.?