

Music Business Bastards: How to do well in the music business without getting ri
Music Business Bastards: How to do well in the music business without getting ri
Russell C. Brennan
Music Business Bastards: How to do well in the music business without getting ripped off
Livraria: Como Gerenciar e Obter Lucro Vendendo Livros
Livraria: Como Gerenciar e Obter Lucro Vendendo Livros
Samuel River
Livraria: Como Gerenciar e Obter Lucro Vendendo Livros
Les Fleurs Du Mal
Les Fleurs Du Mal
Charles Baudelaire
Les Fleurs Du Mal
Я помолчу: I will keep silent
Я помолчу: I will keep silent
Anastasia Volnaya
Я помолчу: I will keep silent
How You Broke My Heart
How You Broke My Heart
Noel Dignity
How You Broke My Heart
Szép Versek 2012
Szép Versek 2012
Péczely Dóra
Szép Versek 2012
Architecture of the Lower Rio Grande Valley: An Introduction
Architecture of the Lower Rio Grande Valley: An Introduction
Pino Shah, Stephen Fox
Architecture of the Lower Rio Grande Valley: An Introduction
Royal Doulton Shaving Mugs
Royal Doulton Shaving Mugs
Peter D Symmons, Paul Wassell
Royal Doulton Shaving Mugs
Szép versek 2013
Szép versek 2013
Szegő János
Szép versek 2013
The Dance
The Dance
An Antiquary
The Dance
Rabindranath Tagore
Bebe Bulles Et Les Arcs-En-Ciel
Bebe Bulles Et Les Arcs-En-Ciel
Sue Rowbotham, Camille Medina
Bébé Bulles aime les arcs-en-ciel. Elle en voit de partout. Et toi, est-ce que toi aussi tu les vois ? Il était une fois une petite fille prénommée Sue, qui aimait jouer avec les mots et raconter des histoires, et qui rêvait de devenir écrivain. Elle grandit et sa vie prit un tout autre chemin, mais elle continua à inventer des histoires pour ses enfants. L’une de ces histoires fut abandonnée dans un tiroir pendant 25 ans. Pendant ce temps, dans une autre partie du monde et plusieurs années plus tard, une autre petite fille du nom de Camille se passionna pour le matériel d’art et de papèterie, le dessin, et les travaux manuels. Quand cette petite fille devint adulte elle décida qu’elle voulait continuer à imaginer et créer, et faire sourire les gens ; elle devint donc illustratrice. Un jour, un peu par hasard les chemins de la conteuse d’histoires et de l’illustratrice se croisèrent, et Bébé Bulles vit le jour. Explorez son univers gai et coloré avec vos tout-petits, et aidez-les à apprendre les couleurs et à trouver des arcs-en-ciel dans toutes sortes de lieux inattendus.
Whispers of a soul
Whispers of a soul
Cosimo Schena
Whispers of a soul
High Concept Harry: Hollywood Hustler
High Concept Harry: Hollywood Hustler
Ronald Micci
High Concept Harry: Hollywood Hustler
From Scales to Solos: Zonal Improvisation on Guitar
From Scales to Solos: Zonal Improvisation on Guitar
Graham Tippett
From Scales to Solos: Zonal Improvisation on Guitar
Fourths Tuning Chords and Inversions: Chords and Inversions
Fourths Tuning Chords and Inversions: Chords and Inversions
Graham Tippett
Fourths Tuning Chords and Inversions: Chords and Inversions
Fourths Tuning Scales and Arpeggios
Fourths Tuning Scales and Arpeggios
Graham Tippett
Fourths Tuning Scales and Arpeggios
Ceasul r?u pe strada Hickory
Ceasul r?u pe strada Hickory
Agatha Christie
Cartea de fa?? vrea s? relateze succint, dar temeinic, evenimentele petrecute în cei dou?zeci de ani de insecuritate ?i criz? ce au urmat Marelui R?zboi. Indiferent cât de puternice sau de durat? au fost for?ele ce au dus la izbucnirea celui de-al Doilea R?zboi Mondial, a existat un moment când principalii actori pe scena istoriei s-au v?zut nevoi?i s? se confrunte cu aceste for?e ?i s? ia anumite decizii. Marile evenimente ale istoriei î?i genereaz? o dinamic? ?i o desf??urare proprii. Din perspectiva noastr?, a celor de acum, al Doilea R?zboi Mondial pare s? fi izbucnit din cauza crizei interna?ionale provocate de Germania lui Hitler. Îns? nimic din ce se întâmpl? în istorie nu este inevitabil, dup? cum va încerca s? demonstreze acest volum. Dialogul straniu între sistem ?i actorii lui se afl? la baza relat?rii istorice. Evenimentele înse?i pot fi, în acela?i timp, cauz? ?i efect – la fel cum s-a întâmplat ?
The Wealth of Nations
The Wealth of Nations
Adam Smith
Adam Smith's masterpiece, first published in 1776, is the foundation of modern economic thought and remains the single most important account of the rise of, and the principles behind, modern capitalism. Written in clear and incisive prose, The Wealth of Nations articulates the concepts indispensable to an understanding of contemporary society.
The Federalist Papers by Publius Unabridged 1787 Original Version
The Federalist Papers by Publius Unabridged 1787 Original Version
The Federalist Papers are a series of 85 articles advocating the ratification of the United States Constitution. Seventy-seven of the essays were published serially in The Independent Journal and The New York Packet between October 1787 and August 1788. A compilation of these and eight others, called The Federalist, was published in 1788 by J. and A. McLean. The Federalist Papers serve as a primary source for interpretation of the Constitution, as they outline the philosophy and motivation of the proposed system of government. The authors of the Federalist Papers wanted to both influence the vote in favor of ratification and shape future interpretations of the Constitution. According to historian Richard B. Morris, they are an "incomparable exposition of the Constitution, a classic in political science unsurpassed in both breadth and depth by the product of any later American writer."
Rasa Popov
O istorie politico-sentimental? a capitalei noastre. De ce o istorie politico-sentimental?? Pentru c?, ?n evolu?ia Bucure?tiului, de-alungul secolelor, afacerile politice s-au ?mpletit adesea, inevitabil, cu b?t?ile inimii. Chiar prima perioad? a cet??ii, ca ?i capital? domneasc?, tutelat? de figu ra dominant? a doamnei Chiajna, poate fi b?nuit? de un senzualism crud care a deschis drum acelui fenomen pe care Ionescu-Gion ?l numea at?t de plastic ?ginecolatrie“, adic? ascultarea dovedit? de domnitorii valahi fa?? de so?iile lor.