

Societatea deschis? contra Societ??ii deschise
Societatea deschis? contra Societ??ii deschise
Mihai-Bogdan Marian
Cei ce sus?in c? tr?im ?ntr-o er? a comunic?rii par s? confunde dezvoltarea telecomunica?iilor cu progresul comunic?rii interumane. Nu este c?tu?i de pu?in sigur c? suntem ast?zi mai capabili dec?t ?n trecut de solidaritate afectiv? cu semenii, de ?mp?rt??ire de tr?iri intime, de prietenie ?i dragoste. Poate chiar dimpotriv?. Ceea ce ?inea ?n trecut de normalitatea vie?ii de fiecare zi ?i, ca atare, nu mobiliza ?n mod special aten?ia celor implica?i, a devenit ast?zi obiect de analiz? tocmai pentru c? nu se mai produce spontan, ci necesit? un efort con?tient, inclusiv de natura teoretic-investigativ?.Cunoa?terea principiilor ?i a mecanismelor comunic?rii interpersonale a devenit indispensabil? pentru ameliorarea raporturilor dintre oameni ?i a ?ncetat s? mai fie numai o problem? a speciali?tilor. Dac? ?n trecut oamenii comunicau spontan, ?n felul ?n care f?cea proza ?burghezul gentilom“, ast?zi suntem tot mai mult ?n situa?ia unui domn Jourdain care, pentru a se apropia de semenii s?i, are nevoie de un ghid. Acestui imperativ ?ncearc? s?-i r?spund?, ?n felul s?u, ?i lucrarea de fa??.
The Seven Against Thebes
The Seven Against Thebes
When Oedipus, King of Thebes, realized he had married his own mother and had two sons and two daughters with her, he blinded himself and cursed his sons to divide their kingdom by the sword. The two sons, Eteocles and Polynices, in order to avoid bloodshed, agreed to rule Thebes in alternate years. After the first year, Eteocles refused to step down, leading Polynices to raise an army of Argives captained by the eponymous Seven to take Thebes by force. This is where Aeschylus' tragedy starts.
The Wasps
The Wasps
The play begins with a strange scene—a large net has been spread over a house, the entry is barricaded and two slaves are sleeping in the street outside. A third man is positioned at the top of an exterior wall with a view into the inner courtyard but he too is asleep. The two slaves wake and we learn from their banter that they are keeping guard over a 'monster'. The man asleep above them is their master and the monster is his father—he has an unusual disease.
An American Book of Golden Deeds
An American Book of Golden Deeds
James Baldwin
AS you open this book you will probably ask, "What is a golden deed?"?Let me tell you. It is the doing of something for somebody else doing it without thought of self, without thought of reward, fearlessly, heroically, and because it is a duty.??Such a deed is possible to you, to me, to everybody. It is frequently performed without forethought or definite intention. It is the spontaneous manifestation of nobility, somewhere, of mind or heart. It may consist merely in the doing of some kind and helpful service at home or at school. It may be an unexpected test of heroism a warning of danger, a saving of somebody's life. It may be an act of benevolence, or a series of such acts, world-wide in application and results.??This little volume is only a book of samples. Here are specimens of golden deeds of various kinds and of different degrees of merit, ranging from the unpremeditated saving of a railroad train to the great humanitarian movement which carries blessings to all mankind. To attempt to tell of every such deed, or of every one that is eminently worthy, would fill a multitude of books. ??The, examples which I have chosen are such only as have occurred on American soil, or have been performed by Americans, thus distinguishing the volume from Miss Charlotte Yonge's "Book of Golden Deeds," published for English readers fifty years ago. While some of these narratives may have the appearance of romance, yet they are all believed to be true, and in most cases the real name of the hero, or of the lover of humanity, is given.??Instances of doing and daring have always a fascination for young people, and when to these is added the idea of a noble underlying motive the lessons taught by them cannot fail to be beneficial. ?
Woody Allen. Bufon ?i filosof
Woody Allen. Bufon ?i filosof
Dana Duma
Cartea constituie un foarte dens ?i interesant manual indirect de istorie a Americii, adres?ndu-se elevilor, studen?ilor, precum ?i publicului larg de cititori. O carte despre fragmentele cele mai controversate ale istoriei Americii.
Peisaje interioare
Peisaje interioare
Corneliu Irimia
Volumul de fa?? reune?te portretele sclipitoare ale celor mai ilustre favorite. Apropiate puterii, exercit?ndu??i influen?a adesea ?ntr?o manier? clandestin?, ele alc?tuiesc un galant cortegiu de femei c?rora importan?i b?rba?i de stat le datoreaz? mult. Ce este o favorit?? Cuv?ntul, ne?ndoielnic originar din italian?, se refer? la o femeie care ?se bucur? de favorurile" unei persoane de rang foarte ?nalt. Spre deosebire de o amant?, favorita nu se mul?ume?te s? fie obiectul unei pasiuni amoroase, fie aceasta efemer? ori durabil?. Ea are putere, exercit? influen?? politic?, economic? sau artistic?; ob?ine rezultate, fericite sau dezastruoase. Fie c? e iubit? de popula?ie, tolerat? sau detestat?, nimic nu se face ?i nu se desface f?r? ea. Muzele prezentate de autor ?n acest periplu prin istoria Europei au jucat toate un rol propor?ional cu influen?a exercitat? asupra monarhului, prin?ului mo?tenitor, regelui sau ?mp?ratului l?ng? care s-au aflat, fie el c?s?torit, v?duv sau celibatar: Agnes Sorel, Diana de Poitiers, Gabrielle d’Estrées, Louise de La Valliere, marchiza de Montespan, doamna de Maintenon, surorile de Nesle, marchiza de Pompadour, doamna du Barry, Zoé du Cayla, Lol Montez, Miss Howard, Katia Dolgorukova, Blanche Delacroix, Magda Lupescu ?i Wallis Simpson. Optsprezece portrete de femei care au influen?at cursul istoriei. ?n bine ?i ?n r?u.?
Viitoare mame. Pove?ti adev?rate. Vol. 6
Viitoare mame. Pove?ti adev?rate. Vol. 6
Colleen Sell
n 1960, Adolf Eichmann, artizanul soluiei finale“, era capturat n Argentina de un comando al Mossadului i adus n Israel pentru a fi judecat. Avea s fie doar una dintre rsuntoarele operaiuni ale temutului serviciu secret israelian. Au ieit la iveal multe altele – eradicarea gruprii Septembrie Negru (responsabil de atentatul sngeros de la München, din 1972), distrugerea facilitilor nucleare siriene, eliminarea savanilor iranieni implicai n proiectul nuclear, lichidarea unor lideri teroriti extrem de periculoi etc.Despre misiunile Mossadului s-a scris puin, n comparaie cu alte servicii secrete de elit (KGB, CIA sau MI5). Cu att mai fascinant este cartea autorilor Michael Bar-Zohar i Nissim Mishal, care ne introduce n culisele spionajului israelian, de la nfiinarea acestuia pn n prezent. Metodele pe care le folosete, de la otrav la virui informatici i drone, par desprinse din filmele cu spioni, de o complexitate i o eficien incredibile. Nu este de mirare c Mossadul a cptat, n timp, o aur de legend, fiind considerat n prezent cel mai eficient serviciu de spionaj din lume.Aceast carte ne spune ceea ce ar fi trebuit s fie tiut i nu este – c fora ascuns a Israelului este la fel de formidabil ca puterea lui fizic recunoscut.“ – Shimon Peres, preedinte al statului Israel
Karl Marx ?n 1234 de fragmente alese de Ion Iano?i
Karl Marx ?n 1234 de fragmente alese de Ion Iano?i
Marx Karl
Volumul cuprinde un amplu studiu introductiv (aprox. 50 pag.) si o selectie – pe tema stabilita in titlu – de 200 documente inedite descoperite in arhivele britanice, americane, franceze, germane si foste sovietice.
Marea amiaz?. Studii ?i eseuri despre Nietzsche
Marea amiaz?. Studii ?i eseuri despre Nietzsche
Muscă Vasile
The work represents a synthesis published and printed in two volumes (the 1st volume in 2002, the second one, in 2004) under the aegis of Mica Valahie Publishing House in Bucharest. Being elaborated on the basis of some documents discovered in the Romanian and foreign archives, the two volumes cover the period up to 1929 in the first volume and the period from 1929 to 2005 in the second one. The paper reveals the role and place of Romanian oil in the evolution of the national and worldwide history, especially during the World War between 1939 and 1945 and in the development of the so-called “cold war”. The book insists upon the prospects of the specific “black gold” evolution.In the addendum there are to be found some interesting documents and the complete bibliography of oil.
Mame ?i fiice. Pove?ti adev?rate. Vol. 5
Mame ?i fiice. Pove?ti adev?rate. Vol. 5
Sell Colleen,
Fiecare zi a anului are o poveste de spus. Cine a fost asasinat, cine a urcat pe tron, cine a fugit din ?ar?? Cine s-a n?scut? Ce armat? a fost ?nvins? ?n mod nea?teptat?Autorii prezint?, structurate pe zilele anului, evenimente cu impact asupra epocii ?n care s-au petrecut (?i poate chiar asupra epocii noastre) – na?teri, decese, c?s?torii, ?ncoron?ri, asasin?ri, scandaluri, execu?ii, b?t?lii, dueluri ?i tratate. Adeseori, evenimentele au ?n centrul lor c?te o personalitate marcant?, precum Horatio Nelson sau Lorenzo Magnificul, Robespierre sau Dante. Ve?i citi despre ziua ?n care Rommel, Vulpea De?ertului, s-a sinucis, cea ?n care Napoleon a evadat din exilul de pe insula Elba, cea ?n care Galileo Galilei a fost condamnat pentru erezie ?i despre multe altele.Un compendiu fascinant, pentru to?i cei interesa?i de marile evenimente care au marcat istoria sau de sl?biciunile oamenilor mari din toate epocile.
The Divine Comedy – World’s Best Collection
The Divine Comedy – World’s Best Collection
Dante Alighieri
The Divine Comedy World's Best Collection This is the best Divine Comedy Collection available, including the most famous translations of this legendary works plus many extra free bonus materials. The Divine Comedy The Divine Comedy (Italian: Divina Commedia), better known sometimes as ‘Dante’s Inferno’, ‘Dante’s Purgatory’ or ‘Dante’s Paradise’, is an epic poem written by Dante Alighieri, considered the preeminent work of Italian literature, and one of the greatest works of world literature. The poem’s imaginative and allegorical vision is divided into three parts: Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso.On the surface, the poem describes Dante’s travels through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven, but is a deep metaphor for the soul’s journey towards God The ‘Must-Have’ Complete Collection In this irresistible collection you get the 4 most famous and well known translations of Dante’s immortal work, in Prose and Verse, Plus Notes on the Poem, as well as a biography so you can experience the life of the man behind the words. We also include other bonus material. Works Included: Translated by Courtney Langdon Dante’s The Divine Comedy - Verse Hell (Inferno), Purgatory And Paradise Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Dante’s The Divine Comedy - Verse Hell (Inferno), Purgatory And Paradise Plus Six Sonnets On Dante’s Divine Comedy By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Translated by Rev. H. F. Cary, A.M. Dante’s The Divine Comedy - Verse Hell (Inferno), Purgatory And Paradise Translated by Charles Eliot Norton Dante’s The Divine Comedy - Prose Hell (Inferno), Purgatory And Paradise Your Free Special Bonuses Other Poetry Of Dante -?Dante’s lesser known, but equally as intriguing and important poetry, including: Love and the Gentle Heart O Intelligence Moving The Third Heaven Of Beauty and Duty The Thorn Forest Eclogues Dante - The Central Man Of All The World -?Biography of Dante?and Analysis of The Divine Comedy. Get This Collection Right Now This is the best Dante and Divine Comedy collection you can get, so get it now and start delving into this magnificent epic poem like never before!
Mesopotamian Archaeology
Mesopotamian Archaeology
Percy S. P. Handcock
THE Mesopotamian civilization shares with the Egyptian civilization the honour of being one of the two earliest civilizations in the world, and although M. J. de Morgan’s excavations at Susa the ruined capital of ancient Elam, have brought to light the elements of an advanced civilization which perhaps even antedates that of Mesopotamia, it must be remembered that the Sumerians who, so far as our present knowledge goes, were the first to introduce the arts of life and all that they bring with them, into the low-lying valley of the Tigris and Euphrates, probably themselves emigrated from the Elamite plateau on the east of the Tigris; at all events the Sumerians expressed both “mountain” and “country” by the same writing-sign, the two apparently being synonymous from their point of view; in support of this theory of a mountain-home for the Sumerians, we may perhaps further explain the temple-towers, the characteristic feature of most of the religious edifices in Mesopotamia, as a conscious or unconscious imitation in bricks and mortar of the hills and ridges of their native-land, due to an innate aversion to the dead-level monotony of the Babylonian plain, while it is also a significant fact that in the earliest period Shamash the Sun-god is represented with one foot resting on a mountain, or else standing between two mountains. However this may be, the history of the Elamites was intimately wrapped up with that of the dwellers on the other side of the Tigris, from the earliest times down to the sack of Susa by Ashur-bani-pal, king of Assyria, in the seventh century. Both peoples adopted the cuneiform system of writing, so-called owing to the wedge-shaped formation of the characters, the wedges being due to the material used in later times for all writing purposes—the clay of their native soil—: both spoke an agglutinative, as opposed to an inflexional language like our own, and both inherited a similar culture. A further, and in its way a more convincing argument in support of the mountain-origin theory is afforded by the early art of the Sumerians. On the most primitive seal cylinders1 we find trees and animals whose home is in the mountains, and which certainly were not native to the low-lying plain of Babylonia. The cypress and the cedar-tree are only found in mountainous districts, but a tree which must be identified with one or the other of them is represented on the early seal cylinders; it is of course true that ancient Sumerian rulers fetched cedar wood from the mountains for their building operations, and therefore the presence of such a tree on cylinder seals merely argues a certain acquaintance with the tree, but Ceteris paribus it is more reasonable to suppose that the material earthly objects depicted, were those with which the people were entirely familiar and not those with which they were merely casually acquainted. Again, on the early cylinders the mountain bull, known as the Bison bonasus, assumes the r?le played in later times by the lowland water-buffalo. This occurs with such persistent regularity that the inference that the home of the Sumerians in those days was in the mountains is almost inevitable. Again, as Ward points out, the composite man-bull Ea-bani, the companion of Gilgamesh, has always the body of a bison, never that of a buffalo. So too the frequent occurrence of the ibex, the oryx, and the deer with branching horns, all argues in the same direction, for the natural home of all these animals lay in the mountains.
Cosimo Schena
i am neurotic
i am neurotic
Kong, Lianna
Did you wash your handsSet the alarm clock?Lock the front doorBetter yet: Do you like even numbersDo you fold all of your trash neatly into squaresDo you count stepsDo you carry a bottle of hand sanitizer with you at all timesEveryone has his or her own neuroses. On a routine trip to the office bathroom, Lianna Kong discovered one of hers: "How could I possibly pee with my coworker sitting right next to me doing her business?" And, in that quiet moment of panic, iamneurotic.com was born.i am neurotic (and so are you) is a smorgasbord of anonymous confessions that reveal people's deepest, strangest, and funniest compulsions quirks that are triggered in the boardroom, the bedroom, and everywhere in between.
The Man Cave Book
The Man Cave Book
Wilser, Jeff
What separates the men from the boysThe Man Cave. Boyhood Fort Man Cave Who's allowed Not girls—they have cooties Not women—they have authority Primary materials used in construction Wood, stuff your mom doesn't want Particleboard, stuff your wife doesn't want Key activities inside Goofing around, avoiding responsibility Goofing around, avoiding responsibility Peak periods of use After school, weekends After work, weekends Slumber parties with buddiesYes No Food and beverages consumed Soda and unhealthy snacks Beer and unhealthy snacks Spend the night insideNot as a habit, but it's been known to happen Not as a habit, but it's been known to happen Money spent on space As little as possible As much as possible Is this a phase you will outgrowYes No The Man Cave Book is a tribute to great and glorious man spaces and the craftsmen behind them. Complete with instructions and insights into creating your own unique refuge and shrine to beer, sports, and everything else that's right with the world, this is an essential manual for any man cave enthusiast.
Awesome Sh*t My Drill Sergeant Said
Awesome Sh*t My Drill Sergeant Said
Caddy, Dan
Welcome to basic training, soldier.Now meet your worst nightmare . . . your drill sergeant.Even if you've never served in the military, you know the drill sergeant. The mere sight of his fatigues and the iconic "Round Brown" campaign hat strikes fear into the bravest of hearts. Drill sergeants inflict pain, demand discipline, and aren't afraid of power, aggression, and using fear as a motivational tool. But unless you've witnessed one firsthand with your face in the mud doing pushups, you might not know one other fact . . . drill sergeants are some of the FUNNIEST people on the planet!After his deployment in Afghanistan, Dan Caddy began swapping great drill sergeant stories by e-mail and social media with other veterans. Now, in Awesome Sh*t My Drill Sergeant Said, Caddy shares the best-of-the-best quotes, one-liners, stories, and top-ten lists proving once and for all that drill sergeants are the world's most underrated comedians and philosophers. If you have ever suffered a hard-ass manager (in uniform or not), these often profane, sometimes profound, yet always entertaining rants from real life soldiers will add a much-needed dose of humor to your day. Now stop laughing and drop and give me fifty.
Inside the Magic: The Making of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Inside the Magic: The Making of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Ian Nathan
Return to the wizarding world and discover how director David Yates and producer David Heyman brought J.K. Rowling’s all new adventure, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them to the big screen.Inside the Magic: The Making of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them introduces filmmaking fans to Newt Scamander, Magizoologist, and the principal characters, locations, artefacts and beasts that he encounters in 1920s New York. Explore the filmmaking magic behind MACUSA, the secretive American counterpart of the Ministry of Magic; The Blind Pig where the wizarding underworld gathers; and the magical secrets of Newt’s case.Each section contains profiles of the key characters, with revealing insights from Eddie Redmayne, Colin Farrell, Katherine Waterston, Alison Sudol, Dan Fogler and many others, together with sections on set design, costumes, make-up, special effects, art department & props (especially wands!), which are illuminated by interviews with David Heyman, David Yates, Stuart Craig, Colleen Atwood and a magical army of other crew. Packed with exciting photos that reveal the filmmaking process in discerning detail, this is the definitive adult companion book to the film, and perfect introduction to Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.
Keith? or Moliere Rewired
Keith? or Moliere Rewired
Patrick Marmion
… A South African gunrunner turned Buddhist monk.… A gullible startup millionaire.… His radical feminist ex wife.… Their aid worker daughter.… The young British Muslim she met in Syria.… An ethical Serbian hitman.And an unstable Brazilian cleaner.Modern Britain. Moral chaos. Total nightmare.A new comedy about life in Brexit Britain, the lies we tell to each other – and to ourselves.
Rixton Quiz Book
Rixton Quiz Book
Blamires, Hannah
Are you a fan of British boy band Rixton? Can you name the individual band members? Have you watched the music videos that the band has uploaded to YouTube? If so, you will be familiar with Rixton and enjoy their music but how much do you really know about the up and coming band? Find out exactly what Rixton has been up to with this new quiz book. What was Rixton previously known as? Whose tour titled 'The Honeymoon Tour' did the band support, kicking off in February 2015? How did Rixton celebrate the success of the single 'Me and My Broken Heart'? These are just some of the questions to be found inside The Rixton Quiz Book. Packed with information, this book details Rixton's journey from young hopefuls to chart topping success and includes sections on each of the band members as well as facts about their music, tours, singles and album. With 100 questions all about your favourite band, this is a must-have book for Rixton's rapidly growing fan base.
Mistaken… Annie Besant in India
Mistaken… Annie Besant in India
Rukhsana Ahmad
Explores the incredible story of Annie Besant’s relationship with India and the boy who went on to become one of India’s greatest teachers and thinkers – Krishnamurti. 1916: India is simmering with discontent against the Raj. Enter English proto-feminist Annie Besant, notorious at home for the match-girls’ strike, political, charismatic. In India she finds a new family and a new cause. Gandhi hails her as the leader of the Congress Party after she courts imprisonment for promoting Indian Home Rule. She admires him – but can rulers ever befriend the ruled? Can Annie’s great love affair with India last? … or is she mistaken in her beliefs, politics and adoptions? ? ABOUT THE AUTHOR Rukhsana Ahmad‘s stage plays include: Song For Sanctuary, The Gate-Keeper’s Wife, Black Shalwar, River On Fire?(shortlist Susan Smith Blackburn Prize 2002), The Man Who Refused to be God, Last Chance and Partners in Crime. Radio plays and adaptations include:?Song for a Sanctuary?(CRE award, runner-up),?An Urnful of Ashes, The Errant Gene,?Nawal El Saadawi’s?Woman At Point Zero,?Jean Rhy’s?Wide Sargasso Sea?(shortlist CRE and Writers’ Guild Award for best adaptation), R.K Narayan’s?The Guide?and Nadeem Aslam’s?Maps For Lost Lovers. She also wrote for Westway and helped to create?Pyaar Ka Passort?for BBC World Service Trust. Her fiction includes a novel;?The Hope Chest?(Virago) and several short stories have been published internationally. Her translations from Urdu include?We Sinful Women, and Altaf Fatima’s novel,?The One Who Did Not Ask. Currently she is working on?Letting Go, a new play for Pursued by a Bear, and an adaptation for the BBC of Salman Rushdie’s?Midnight’s Children.
Three Plays
Three Plays
Jonathan Moore
Award-winning playwright Jonathan Moore has been described as a “singular voice for his generation: furious, nihilistic, poetic…” (Time Out). This anthology brings together three of his critically acclaimed plays, including: This Other Eden, Fall From Light, and Treatment. ? The Plays This Other Eden?(Guardian Critics’s Choice): A story of passion. A wife and a mother. Her son and daughter. Her husband. The London Irish. Limboland. The hunger for a sense of a real culture. The desire for freedom… A tough play about a woman’s soul, told with beauty, humour and hope. “… the play burns with passion and indignation.”?Daily Telegraph Fall From Light: A young composer writes a new opera. The Director rejects it, but his lover, a young Diva, takes him to the council estate, where she and the composer grew up. There they meet Girly and his gang… A tale of art, savagery and redemption. Treatment?(Fringe First): Liam is part of a violent street gang but wants to escape. Trapped between two worlds, he has to choose between the dark allure of violence and the healing power of love.