

Un buzunar plin cu secar?
Un buzunar plin cu secar?
Agatha Christie
Istoria serviciilor de informa?ii sovietice continu? s? fie un mister“, m?rturise?te Boris Volodarski, fost c?pitan în Serviciul de Informa?ii Militare din URSS (GRU), unul dintre cei mai mari exper?i în studierea serviciilor secrete sovietice. ?i tot Volodarski este de p?rere c? majoritatea materialelor publicate pe aceast? tem? este plin? de falsuri ?i de informa?ii distorsionate, incluzând aici ?i memoriile publicate de fo?tii agen?i. Noile documente disponibile ast?zi ne permit s? cunoa?tem mult mai bine adev?rul despre interven?ia sovietic? în Spania ?i rolul jucat de agen?ii URSS: Gerö, Grigulevici, Philby (ini?ial trimis cu misiunea de a-l asasina pe Franco), Kol?ov ?i, mai ales, Lev Nikolski, cunoscut drept Aleksandr Orlov – omul care i-a în?elat pe Stalin ?i pe cei de la CIA, ?i chiar lumea întreag? cu memoriile sale. Acesta a condus, din februarie 1937, sta?ia NKVD din Spania ?i a fost responsabil de o etap? important? a regimului de teroare sângeroas?, care a inclus asasinarea lui Kurt Landau ?i a lui Andreu Nin. Cartea de fa??, care demonteaz? o cantitate impresionant? de fabula?ii, falsuri ?i minciuni, ce continu? s? fie propagate ?i ast?zi, va fi, f?r? îndoial?, o referin?? indispensabil? pentru to?i cei care î?i propun s? studieze R?zboiul Civil din Spania.
Raul sub soare
Raul sub soare
Agatha Christie
n vara anului 1914, cea mai mare parte a Europei s-a prbuit ntr-un rzboi att de catastrofal nct a zdruncinat politica i nsui sistemul de credine al continentului ntr-un mod fundamental. Dezastrul i-a nspimntat pe supravieuitori i a ocat o civilizaie care i asumase total rolul de model pentru restul lumii. Totul s-a prbuit ntr-un haos de o slbticie aflat dincolo de orice termen de comparaie. n 1939, europenii aveau s nceap un al doilea conflict care a reuit s fie chiar i mai teribil – un rzboi n care uciderea civililor a ocupat scena central i care a culminat cu Holocaustul. Drumul spre iadne spune aceast poveste cu nelegere, fler i originalitate. Kershaw reia evenimentele ntr-o naraiune fascinant, dar abordeaz i problemele cele mai dificile pe care le ridic aceste ntmplri din trecut – ce au nsemnat ele pentru europenii care le-au declanat i care le-au trit i ce nseamn pentru noi. Istorie la dimensiuni epice... ar trebui s figureze n lista lecturilor obligatorii. –The New York Times Ne aflm n prezena unui istoric emerit.– Spectator Magistral.– The Economist
Woody Allen. Bufon ?i filosof
Woody Allen. Bufon ?i filosof
Dana Duma
Cartea constituie un foarte dens ?i interesant manual indirect de istorie a Americii, adres?ndu-se elevilor, studen?ilor, precum ?i publicului larg de cititori. O carte despre fragmentele cele mai controversate ale istoriei Americii.
Marea amiaz?. Studii ?i eseuri despre Nietzsche
Marea amiaz?. Studii ?i eseuri despre Nietzsche
Muscă Vasile
The work represents a synthesis published and printed in two volumes (the 1st volume in 2002, the second one, in 2004) under the aegis of Mica Valahie Publishing House in Bucharest. Being elaborated on the basis of some documents discovered in the Romanian and foreign archives, the two volumes cover the period up to 1929 in the first volume and the period from 1929 to 2005 in the second one. The paper reveals the role and place of Romanian oil in the evolution of the national and worldwide history, especially during the World War between 1939 and 1945 and in the development of the so-called “cold war”. The book insists upon the prospects of the specific “black gold” evolution.In the addendum there are to be found some interesting documents and the complete bibliography of oil.
Disconfortul de a fi rom?n
Disconfortul de a fi rom?n
Necula Ionel
Un volum cuprinzand studii si documente descoperite in arhivele romane si straine (aproximativ 900 pagini) privind istoria conflictului mondial din 1939-1945 si a razboiului rece. Lucrarea reflecta, in esenta, batalia pentru informatii angajata intre serviciile de spionaj dupa 1939, pregatirea si infaptuirea loviturii de stat de la 23 August 1944, lupta pentru putere la nivelul conducerii P.C.R. (1944-1989), premisele loviturii de stat din 22 decembrie 1989, prabusirea statului comunist in Europa Est-Centrala e.t.c.
Viitoare mame. Pove?ti adev?rate. Vol. 6
Viitoare mame. Pove?ti adev?rate. Vol. 6
Colleen Sell
n 1960, Adolf Eichmann, artizanul soluiei finale“, era capturat n Argentina de un comando al Mossadului i adus n Israel pentru a fi judecat. Avea s fie doar una dintre rsuntoarele operaiuni ale temutului serviciu secret israelian. Au ieit la iveal multe altele – eradicarea gruprii Septembrie Negru (responsabil de atentatul sngeros de la München, din 1972), distrugerea facilitilor nucleare siriene, eliminarea savanilor iranieni implicai n proiectul nuclear, lichidarea unor lideri teroriti extrem de periculoi etc.Despre misiunile Mossadului s-a scris puin, n comparaie cu alte servicii secrete de elit (KGB, CIA sau MI5). Cu att mai fascinant este cartea autorilor Michael Bar-Zohar i Nissim Mishal, care ne introduce n culisele spionajului israelian, de la nfiinarea acestuia pn n prezent. Metodele pe care le folosete, de la otrav la virui informatici i drone, par desprinse din filmele cu spioni, de o complexitate i o eficien incredibile. Nu este de mirare c Mossadul a cptat, n timp, o aur de legend, fiind considerat n prezent cel mai eficient serviciu de spionaj din lume.Aceast carte ne spune ceea ce ar fi trebuit s fie tiut i nu este – c fora ascuns a Israelului este la fel de formidabil ca puterea lui fizic recunoscut.“ – Shimon Peres, preedinte al statului Israel
Cel mai bun tat?
Cel mai bun tat?
Alex Zamfir
Insumeaza o serie de cursuri universitare (de docenta si nu numai) tinute de unul dintre cei mai ilustrii elevi ai lui Vasile Parvan, prof. dr. docent Vladimir Dumitrescu, la Universitatea din Bucuresti in anii 30 ai secolului trecut, in vederea obtinerii titlului de docent si pe cel de conferentiar al respectivei Universitati. Volumul incepe cu o cuprinzatoare prelegere din care aflam cere au fost formele de civilizatie preistorica in Dacia rasariteana pana in mileniul I, i. C., precum si rolul marilor fluvii in dezvoltarea civilizatiilor omenesti.
Eliberarea de jocurile min?ii
Eliberarea de jocurile min?ii
Marius Mihai Lungu
Indezirabilii, publicat sub egida Institutului de Istorie ?George Bari?iu“ al Academiei Rom?ne, scoate la lumin? informa?ii pu?in cunoscute despre exodul etnicilor evrei, rom?ni, ru?i ?i ucraineni din URSS ?n Rom?nia.Cauzele, mijloacele emigr?rii, reac?ia autorit??ilor, a popula?iei autohtone ?i a organiza?iilor interna?ionale, fenomenele conexe sunt relevate ?n contextul profundelor transform?ri sociale ?i politice din perioada 1919-1939. Prezentarea unor texte scrise de ?i despre emigran?i ofer? detalii asupra atrocit??ilor comise de regimul sovietic, a modului ?n care au fost percepu?i ?i a celui ?n care au perceput indezirabilii statul na?ional unitar rom?n.Fragment din subsec?iunea ?Trecerea Nistrului ?n ambele sensuri: motive ?i consecin?e“Unul din efectele masacrelor de la Nistru din lunile februarie-martie 1932 ?i ale noului val de refugia?i din RASS Moldoveneasc? asupra opiniei publice din Rom?nia a constat ?n exprimarea pozi?iei fa?? de evenimentele tragice ?n publica?ii. Jurnali?tii ?i cercet?torii nu s-au limitat la analiza evenimentelor, ci au publicat o serie ?ntreag? de materiale despre istoria regiunii transnistrene ?i a rom?nilor de acolo. De exemplu, potrivit lui Pamfil ?eicaru, amplificarea represiunilor din URSS reprezenta unul din aspectele luptei ?mpotriva tradi?iei (familia, p?m?ntul, religia), iar rom?nii transnistreni – un bastion de ?nd?r?tnic? rezisten?? a tradi?iei. ?n fapt, purificarea regiunii transnistrene, echivala cu desfiin?area pseudo-autonomiei moldovene?ti, iar dispari?ia entit??ii intra ?n linia necesit??ilor de via?? ale centraliz?rii Moscovei, trec?nd peste particularit??ile provinciale. Motivele extermin?rii sunt rezumate ?n finalul analizei: ?Moldovenii n-au fost buni, n-au slujit scopurilor pentru care li se d?duse chiar ?i titlul de Republic? Moldoveneasc?, dispari?ia lor a ap?rut ca o porunc? nivelatoare a standardului na?ional conceput de Stalin. ?i de pe p?m?nturile unde tr?iesc de veacuri, de pe malurile Nistrului, sunt porni?i ?n dep?rt?rile pustii ?i ?nghe?ate ale Siberiei. Drumul lung ?i greu, foamea, bolile, le va tot ?mpu?ina num?rul, p?n? ce nu va mai r?m?ne niciunul din neamul blestemat al moldovenilor, ace?ti ?nd?r?tnici adversari ai uniformiz?rii staliniste. De-a lungul Rusiei ro?ii (tot at?t de milostiv? ca ?i Rusia ?arist?) mormintele lor vor ?nsemna drumul crucific?rii moldave. ?i ieri ?i azi Pohod na Sibir! Numai imbecilii ??i ?nchipuie c? esen?a na?iilor se schimb? prin revolu?ii“. La 23 martie 1932, sub impresia cazurilor, individuale sau de grup, aproape zilnice, de ?mpu?care a ??ranilor rom?ni care ?ncercau s? p?trund? din Transnistria ?n Rom?nia, Pamfil ?eicaru dezvolta ideea de standardizare spiritual? prin represiune masiv?, exterminatorie, ?ntr-un articol cu accente directe antiminoritare ?i indirecte antiguvernamentale. Raportat la incapacitatea sau imposibilitatea opririi crimelor de la frontiera sovieto-rom?n?, directorul Curentului propunea efectuarea unui schimb de popula?ie cu URSS, mediat de Societatea Na?iunilor: ?[…] exact ?n propor?ia numeric? a moldovenilor de peste Nistru ce ni s-ar trimite, am expedia comuni?ti ruteni, oameni converti?i ce nu ar mai necesita at?ta trud? uciga?? c?te sunt constr?nse autorit??ile sovietice s? fac?“. O critic? explicit? viza rolul activ pe care ar fi trebuit s?-l joace Societatea Na?iunilor: ?Un mijloc foarte simplu de a curma un asasinat, un semn de prezen?? uman? a institu?iei de asisten?? a popoarelor, de activ? prezen?? a Societ??ii Na?iunilor“. Trebuie men?ionat ?ns? faptul c?, ?ntr-un articol ulterior, se consemna sprijinul acordat de A. ?ulghin, reprezentantul ucrainean la Geneva, delega?iei Rom?niei, care a cerut condamnarea masacrelor de la Nistru ?n format multilateral. Mai mult dec?t at?t, putem observa c? ucrainenii sunt men?iona?i pe l?ng? etnicii rom?ni ca victime ale atrocit??ilor: ?Masacrele s-au repetat, ??ranii au fost ?mpu?ca?i f?r? mil?, rom?ni ?i ucraineni laolalt?“.
Mother and the Tiger
Mother and the Tiger
Dana Hui Lim
In 1969 the small Asian nation of Cambodia was under attack: first by US bombers as the Vietnam war spilled over the border, and then by the Khmer Rouge as they began their brutal reign of terror. Under the rule of Pol Pot, ordinary city folk were driven from their homes and banished to labour camps that eventually saw two million people die. Darkness descended and "Year Zero" had begun. Mother and the Tiger is the story of one small girl, who struggled to survive one of the most ruthless regimes in human history. Six-year-old Hui Lim was trapped by the madness around her and cast into a seemingly endless nightmare. Her family was cursed as a member of a hated ethnic minority and targeted by the murderous Khmer Rouge. To survive where so many others died, Hui had to tap an inner strength that she never knew she possessed. Despite her youth she was determined to find her scattered family, no matter the odds. Her memoir of that brutal regime proves that even amidst the blackest depths of human depravity, hope can endure.
Douglas Kennedy
Carte nominalizat? la premiile Samuel Johnson, Duff Cooper ?i Marsh Biography?O biografie splendid scris?, o carte care reu?e?te s? ne surprind? ?n multiple feluri. Nu numai c? scoate din umbra istoriei personalitatea lui Potemkin ?i cariera sa excentric?, dar aduce la via?? Rusia aristocratic? a secolului al XVIII-lea… Este evident c? ceea ce l-a fascinat pe Sebag Montefiore este ?nsu?i omul – personalitatea, realiz?rile, rela?ia sa de o via?? cu suverana-amant? –, iar aceast? fascina?ie transpare ?n fiecare pagin? a c?r?ii.“ – Anne Applebaum?O carte magnific?… Reabilitarea plin? de pasiune ?i de devotament a eroului lui Montefiore este numai unul dintre nenum?ratele atuuri minunate ale acestei c?r?i. Realizat? ?n urma cercet?rii am?nun?ite a arhivelor ruse?ti, este o lucrare ?tiin?ific? deosebit?… O biografie superb?… greu de imaginat c? va putea fi ?ntrecut? vreodat?.“ – Frank McLynn?Entuziasmul ?i erudi?ia lui Montefiore fac din aceast? carte mult mai mult dec?t o biografie captivant?, lectura ei este un galop n?valnic… Un triumf al muncii de cercetare ?i o bucurie a lecturii.“ – Antony BeevorCa t?n?r ofi?er de gard?, Grigori Potemkin a atras aten?ia Ecaterinei, la acea vreme Mare Duces? a Rusiei, cu un gest teatral plin de mare galanterie ?n timpul loviturii de palat care a adus-o pe aceasta la tron. ?n cei treizeci de ani care au urmat, avea s? devin? iubitul ei, partener la domnie ?i so? ?ntr-o c?s?torie secret?, care l?sa libertate am?ndurora pentru satisfacerea propriilor extravagan?e sexuale. Potemkin s-a dovedit a fi unul dintre cei mai sclipitori oameni de stat ai secolului al XVIII-lea, ajut?nd-o pe Ecaterina s? extind? Imperiul Rus ?i manipul?nd cu ?ndem?nare alia?i ?i adversari, de la Constantinopol p?n? la Londra.Aceast? biografie recreeaz? cu ?nsufle?ire personalitatea flamboaiant? ?i realiz?rile lui Potemkin ?i ?i red? locul cuvenit ca un adev?rat colos al secolului al XVIII-lea.Volumul este o cronic? a rela?iei tumultuoase dintre Potemkin ?i Ecaterina, a extraordinarei pove?ti de dragoste dintre dou? personalit??i puternice care au influen?at cursul istoriei. Aduc?nd la via?? aceste personaje cu destine romane?ti, Montefiore relateaz? totodat? povestea cre?rii Imperiului Rus. O biografie la superlativ – intim? ?i panoramic?, explod?nd de via?? ?i pasiune.?Una dintre marile pove?ti de dragoste ale istoriei, ?n aceea?i lig? cu Joséphine ?i Napoleon, Antoniu ?i Cleopatra… O carte excelent?, scris? cu o extraordinar? m?iestrie a detaliului ?i un talent literar uluitor.“ – The Economist
Te ur?sc - nu m? p?r?si. ?n?elegerea personalit??ii borderline
Te ur?sc - nu m? p?r?si. ?n?elegerea personalit??ii borderline
Jerold J. Kreisman, Hal Straus
Lucrarea abordeaza teme majore ale politicii despre parlamentarism, parlament, parlamentari, care au suscitat si suscita si astazi aprige controverse, antrenand eforturi si pasiuni in toate mediile culturale si politice ale societatii in decursul vremilor.In analiza Discursurilor si dezbaterilor parlamentare, specialistii si nespecialistii au la dispozitie un bogat material arhivistic alaturi de presa timpului, rod al eforturilor parlamentarilor indiferent de sistemele de reprezentare existente in stat la un moment dat – unicameral sau bicameral.De semnalat in cuprinsul volumului este Mesajul Tronului, sustinut de Al.I. Cuza, alaturi de care intalnim maestri ai elocintei parlamentare romanesti cum ar fi M. Kogalniceanu, Titu Maiorescu, P.P. Carp, I.I.C. Bratianu, Take Ionescu, N. Iorga, O. Goga, N. Titulescu, A.C. Cuza, Al. Vaida-Voievod si multi altii.
Uciga?ul dragonului
Uciga?ul dragonului
Leif G.W. Persson
Necesitatea acestei carti s-a impus in campul istoriografiei contemporane ca un raspuns ce se cerea stringent intr-un moment in care istoriografia in ansamblul ei a intrat intr-un serios impas girat si incurajat de predominanta agresiva si interferenta unor scoli si curente inconsistente, care de care mai zgomotoase, mai belicoase, mai ?originale“, concomitent cu intensificarea presiunii factorului politic (guverne, parlamente, tribunale, ong-uri etc).Tematica lucrarii o constituie evenimentele care au tulburat intreaga lume in perioada celui de-al Doilea Razboi Mondial.Studiile din aceasta carte au aparut sub semnatura celor mai prestigiosi istorici ai neamului nostru din aceasta perioada: acad. Dan Berindei, acad. Florin Constantiniu, prof. univ. dr. Gh. Buzatu (coordonatorul editiei), Stela Cheptea si multi altii.
Descent into Hell: [Illustrated & Biography Added]
Descent into Hell: [Illustrated & Biography Added]
Charles Williams
Descent Into Hell is a novel written by Charles Williams, first published in 1937. Williams is less well known than his fellow Inklings, such as C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien. Like some of them, however, he wrote a series of novels which combine elements of fantasy fiction and Christian symbolism. Forgoing the detective fiction style of most of his earlier supernatural novels, most of the story's action is spiritual or psychological in nature. It fits the "theological thriller" description sometimes given to his works. For this reason Descent was initially rejected by publishers, though T. S. Eliot's publishing house Faber and Faberwould eventually pick up the novel, as Eliot admired Williams's work, and, though he did not like Descent Into Hell as well as the earlier novels, desired to see it printed.SHORT SUMMARY: The action takes place in Battle Hill, outside London, amidst the townspeople's staging of a new play by Peter Stanhope. The hill seems to reside at the crux of time, as characters from the past appear, and perhaps at a doorway to the beyond, as characters are alternately summoned heavenwards or descend into hell. Pauline Anstruther, the heroine of the novel, lives in fear of meeting her own doppelganger, which has appeared to her throughout her life. But Stanhope, in an action central to the author's own theology, takes the burden of her fears upon himself—Williams called this The Doctrine of Substituted Love—and enables Pauline, at long last, to face her true self. Williams drew this idea from the biblical verse, "Ye shall bear one another's burdens" And so Stanhope does take the weight, with no surreptitious motive, in the most affecting scene in the novel. And Pauline, liberated, is able to accept truth.On the other hand, Lawrence Wentworth, a local historian, finding his desire for Adela Hunt to be unrequited, falls in love instead with a spirit form of Adela, which seems to represent a kind of extreme self-love on his part. As he isolates himself more and more with this insubstantial figure, and dreams of descending a silver rope into a dark pit, Wentworth begins the descent into Hell.HARROWING of HELL: "Christ in Limbo" and "Descent into Hell" redirect here. For the novel by Charles Williams, see Descent into Hell (novel). For the 8th-century Anglo-Saxon liturgical play, see Harrowing of Hell (drama).
Sketches of Seymour: [Illustrated & Complete]
Sketches of Seymour: [Illustrated & Complete]
Robert Seymour
"SKETCHES BY SEYMOUR" was published in various versions about 1836. The copy used for this Edition has no date and was published by Thomas Fry, London. Some of the 90 plates note only Seymour's name, many are inscribed "Engravings by H. Wallis from sketches by Seymour." The printed book appears to be a compilation of five smaller volumes. From the confused chapter titles the reader may well suspect the printer mixed up the order of the chapters. The complete book in this paperback edition is split into five smaller Volumes “The individual volumes are of more manageable size than the 90 Chapter” complete version. The importance of this collection is in the engravings. The text is often mundane, is full of conundrums and puns popular in the early 1800's -and is mercifully short. No author is given credit for the text though the section titled, "The Autobiography of Andrew Mullins" may give us at least his pen-name..) ABOUT AUTHOR: Robert Seymour (1798 –1836) was a British illustrator. Seymour is known for his illustrations of the works of Charles Dickens and for his caricatures. Seymour was born in Somerset, England in 1798, the second son of Henry Seymour and Elizabeth Bishop. Soon after moving to London Henry Seymour died, leaving his wife, two sons and daughter impoverished. In 1827 his mother died, and Seymour married his cousin Jane Holmes, having two children, Robert and Jane. After his father died, Robert Seymour was apprenticed as a pattern-drawer to a Mr. Vaughan of Duke Street, Smithfield, London. Influenced by painter Joseph Severn, du-ring frequent visits to his uncle Thomas Holmes of Hoxton, Robert’s ambition to be a professional painter was achieved at the age of 24 when, in 1822, his painting of a scene from Torquato Tasso’s Jerusalem Delivered, with over 100 figures, was exhibited at the Royal Academy.
The Wealth of Nations
The Wealth of Nations
Adam Smith
Adam Smith's masterpiece, first published in 1776, is the foundation of modern economic thought and remains the single most important account of the rise of, and the principles behind, modern capitalism. Written in clear and incisive prose, The Wealth of Nations articulates the concepts indispensable to an understanding of contemporary society.
Dent, Edward J.
A character study and history of one of the greatest musical minds that has ever lived: Georg Friedrich Haendel. A fantastic operatic composer, Handel's name is almost synonymous with the Baroque style. This is a comprehensive guide to the whole of Handel's life and works.
Mistaken… Annie Besant in India
Mistaken… Annie Besant in India
Rukhsana Ahmad
Explores the incredible story of Annie Besant’s relationship with India and the boy who went on to become one of India’s greatest teachers and thinkers – Krishnamurti. 1916: India is simmering with discontent against the Raj. Enter English proto-feminist Annie Besant, notorious at home for the match-girls’ strike, political, charismatic. In India she finds a new family and a new cause. Gandhi hails her as the leader of the Congress Party after she courts imprisonment for promoting Indian Home Rule. She admires him – but can rulers ever befriend the ruled? Can Annie’s great love affair with India last? … or is she mistaken in her beliefs, politics and adoptions? ? ABOUT THE AUTHOR Rukhsana Ahmad‘s stage plays include: Song For Sanctuary, The Gate-Keeper’s Wife, Black Shalwar, River On Fire?(shortlist Susan Smith Blackburn Prize 2002), The Man Who Refused to be God, Last Chance and Partners in Crime. Radio plays and adaptations include:?Song for a Sanctuary?(CRE award, runner-up),?An Urnful of Ashes, The Errant Gene,?Nawal El Saadawi’s?Woman At Point Zero,?Jean Rhy’s?Wide Sargasso Sea?(shortlist CRE and Writers’ Guild Award for best adaptation), R.K Narayan’s?The Guide?and Nadeem Aslam’s?Maps For Lost Lovers. She also wrote for Westway and helped to create?Pyaar Ka Passort?for BBC World Service Trust. Her fiction includes a novel;?The Hope Chest?(Virago) and several short stories have been published internationally. Her translations from Urdu include?We Sinful Women, and Altaf Fatima’s novel,?The One Who Did Not Ask. Currently she is working on?Letting Go, a new play for Pursued by a Bear, and an adaptation for the BBC of Salman Rushdie’s?Midnight’s Children.
Second Book of Operas
Second Book of Operas
Krehbiel, Henry Edward
Written as a follow-up to 'A Book of Operas', this is another comprehensive study of several great operas from the renowned musicologist Henry Edward Krehbiel. Includes in-depth analyses of: Samson and Delilah and other biblical operas Die Konigin von Saba Herodiade Lakme Pagliacci Cavalleria Rusticana The operas of Mascagni Iris Madame Butterfly Der Rosenkavalier Konigskinder Boris Godounoff Madame Sans-Gene The operas of Wolf-Ferrari
101 Amazing McFly Facts
101 Amazing McFly Facts
Goldstein, Jack
Are you the world's biggest McFly Fan? Do you know everything there is to know about Dougie, Harry, Tom and Danny? Then this is the book for you! In this easy-to-digest eBook are 101 facts about your favourite band - do you know all of them?Test yourself and your friends with these handily-packaged facts easily organised into categories for maximum enjoyment. Sections include their music, the individual members of the band, and some crazy facts about their lives! Show everyone that you are the master of McFly mania!
101 Amazing Katy Perry Facts
101 Amazing Katy Perry Facts
Goldstein, Jack
Are you the world's biggest KatyCat? Do you know everything there is to know about the world's best-loved singer? Then this is the book for you! In this easy-to-digest eBook are 101 facts about your favourite superstar - do you know all of them?Test yourself and your friends with these handily-packaged facts easily organised into categories for maximum enjoyment. Subjects include Katy's music, fashion and of course her ill-fated relationship with Russell Brand. Show everyone that you are the master of Katy Perry mania!
Walking Dead Quiz Book - Volume 2
Walking Dead Quiz Book - Volume 2
Wheelwright, Wayne
This book contains well over 100 questions on the TV show The Walking Dead. Mainly covered in volume 2 is the second season of the worldwide hit. The questions range from being about the episodes and character themselves to the people behind the making of The Walking Dead.