

Kalibán háborúja
Kalibán háborúja
James S. A. Corey
The Trial (German: Der Process) is a novel by Franz Kafka about a character named Josef K., who awakens one morning and, for reasons never revealed, is arrested and prosecuted for an unspecified crime. According to Kafka's friend Max Brod, the author never finished the novel and wrote in his will that it was to be destroyed. After his death, Brod went against Kafka's wishes and edited The Trial into what he felt was a coherent novel and had it published in 1925.
Re?ete din crudit??i. Pentru s?n?tate, pentru via??
Re?ete din crudit??i. Pentru s?n?tate, pentru via??
Pridie Elena
This exquisite novel tells the story of one of the most compelling heroines in modern literature--Emma Bovary. A bored provincial housewife, abandons her husband to pursue the libertine Rodolphe in a desperate love affair. A succès de scandale in its day, Madame Bovary remains a powerful and scintillating novel.A brilliant psychological portrait, Madame Bovary searingly depicts the human mind in search of transcendence.?The novel is considered Flaubert's masterpiece, as well as a seminal work of realism and one of the most influential novels ever written.
A Little Frog’s Heart:The Golden Quill, Angel Or Executioner?
A Little Frog’s Heart:The Golden Quill, Angel Or Executioner?
Vîrtosu George
Huckleberry Finn is a wonderful story filled with adventure and unforgettable characters that no one who has read it will ever forget.?The book is noted for its colorful description of people and places along the Mississippi River. Set in a Southern antebellum society that had ceased to exist about twenty years before the work was published, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is an often scathing satire on entrenched attitudes, particularly racism.
Vérrel írt ígéretek
Vérrel írt ígéretek
Brian McClellan
"A Doll's House" is a three-act play in prose by Henrik Ibsen. It premiered at the Royal Theatre in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 21 December 1879, having been published earlier that month. List of characters of the Book: ? ? Nora Helmer – wife of Torvald, mother of three, living out the ideal of the 19th century wife, but leaves her family at the end of the play. ? ? Torvald Helmer – Nora's husband, a newly promoted bank manager, suffocates but professes to be enamoured of his wife. ? ? Dr. Rank – Rich family friend, who is secretly in love with Nora. He is terminally ill, and it is implied that his "tuberculosis of the spine" originates from a venereal disease contracted by his father. ? ? Kristine Linde – Nora's old school friend, widowed, seeking employment (named Kristine in the original Norwegian text). ? ? Nils Krogstad – Employee at Torvald's bank, single father, pushed to desperation. A supposed scoundrel, he is revealed to be a long-lost lover of Kristine. ? ? The Children – Ivar, Bobby and Emmy? ? Anne Marie – Nora's former nanny, now cares for the children.? ? Helene – The Helmers' maid? ? The Porter – Delivers a Christmas Tree to the Helmer household at the beginning of the play. We must come to a final settlement, Torvald. During eight whole years. . . We have never exchanged one serious word about serious things.Nora, in Ibsen's A Doll's House (1879) ABOUT AUTHOR: Henrik Johan Ibsen (Norwegian; 20 March 1828 – 23 May 1906) was a major 19th-century Norwegian playwright, theatre director, and poet. He is often referred to as "the father of realism" and is one of the founders of Modernism in theatre.?
A várúr
A várúr
Anthony Ryan
"When Jesus arrives, Hades bids his servants to bolt and lock the doors, but to no avail; Jesus shatters the gates and enters. He seizes Satan and binds him in iron chains, then consigning him into Hades’s keeping until the second coming. Jesus next turns his attention to the patriarchs. He raises up Adam, along with all the prophets and the saints. Together, they all depart up out of Hades, and ascend into Paradise.) The “Harrowing of Hell” portion of that Gospel was widely circulated in other compilations of religious literature, most notably in the Golden Legend of the lives of the saints, compiled by Jacob of Voragine in the 13th century." The literary versions of the “Harrowing of Hell” in turn gave rise to many works of art, including the “mystery play” tradition of medieval religious drama. Most commonly, however, people would learn about Jesus’s descent into the underworld from the artwork which decorated the churches and cathedrals of Europe. A Dialogue in Hades, this illlustrated version of the book, gives a many perspective to the readers, With WELL ILLUSTRATIONS BY MURAT UKRAY {E-KITAP PROJESI}..
Madarak a dobozban
Madarak a dobozban
Josh Malerman
"A Daughter of the Snows" is Jack London's first novel. The novel features a strong female heroine, Frona Welse. Frona was born into a wealthy family and educated at Stanford but she takes to the Yukon trail after upsetting her father and his wealthy community of friends with her out-spoken ways and her innocent friendship with the town's prostitute. "All ready, Miss Welse, though I'm sorry we can't spare one of the steamer's boats." Frona Welse arose with alacrity and came to the first officer's side. "We're so busy," he explained, "and gold-rushers are such perishable freight, at least—" "I understand," she interrupted, "and I, too, am behaving as though I were perishable. And I am sorry for the trouble I am giving you, but—but—" She turned quickly and pointed to the shore. "Do you see that big log-house Between the clump of pines and the river I was born there." "Guess I'd be in a hurry myself," he muttered, sympathetically, as he piloted her along the crowded deck.Everybody was in everybody else's way; nor was there one who failed to proclaim it at the top of his lungs. A thousand gold-seekers were clamoring for the immediate landing of their outfits. Each hatchway gaped wide open, and from the lower depths the shrieking donkey-engines were hurrying the misassorted outfits skyward. On either side of the steamer, rows of scows received the flying cargo, and on each of these scows a sweating mob of men charged the descending slings and heaved bales and boxes about in frantic search. Men waved shipping receipts and shouted over the steamer-rails to them. Sometimes two and three identified the same article, and war arose. The "two-circle" and the "circle-and-dot" brands caused endless jangling, while every whipsaw discovered a dozen claimants. "The purser insists that he is going mad," the first officer said, as he helped Frona Welse down the gangway to the landing stage, "and the freight clerks have turned the cargo over to the passengers and quit work. But we're not so unlucky as the Star of Bethlehem," he reassured her, pointing to a steamship at anchor a quarter of a mile away. "Half of her passengers have pack-horses for Skaguay and White Pass, and the other half are bound over the Chilcoot. So they've mutinied and everything's at a standstill." "Hey, you!" he cried, beckoning to a Whitehall which hovered discreetly on the outer rim of the floating confusion. A tiny launch, pulling heroically at a huge tow-barge, attempted to pass between; but the boatman shot nervily across her bow, and just as he was clear, unfortunately, caught a crab. This slewed the boat around and brought it to a stop. "Watch out!" the first officer shouted. ABOUT AUTHOR: John Griffith "Jack" London (born John Griffith Chaney, January 12, 1876 – November 22, 1916) was an American author, journalist, and social activist, Authors of; "The Pearls of Parlay" and "The Heathen", and of the San Francisco Bay area in The Sea Wolf. And also; as his dystopian novel The Iron Heel, his non-fiction exposé The People of the Abyss, and The War of the Classes.
Damele din p?l?rie. Pseudospionologykos
Damele din p?l?rie. Pseudospionologykos
Inspirat de o tem? pe care o prime?te de la noul s?u profesor de ?tiin?e sociale, micul Trevor are o idee menit? s? schimbe lumea. O ambi?ie uria?? pentru un pu?ti de numai doisprezece ani, dar care reu?e?te, ?n ciuda obstacolelor, s? nu-?i piard? idealismul ?i s? demonstreze c? to?i putem fi capabili de fapte bune.?n jocul aritmetic al lui Trevor, de la un singur om care face trei lucruri importante pentru trei oameni diferi?i, se poate ajunge la o lume ?ntreag? ?n care o favoare primit? nu se ?ntoarce, ci se r?spl?te?te d?nd mai departe ajutorul celor care au nevoie de el.?O capodoper? cu un final incendiar." Kirkus Reviews?Foarte puternic… dialoguri veridice ?i nuan?e care fac personajele mai vii dec?t ar fi ?n realitate." Chicago Tribune?Catherine Ryan Hyde ne conduce c?tre un final curajos ?i puternic." Los Angeles Times?Filosofia din spatele c?r?ii este at?t de interesant?, iar optimismul ei at?t de contagios, ?nc?t cititorul absoarbe f?r? s?-?i dea seama o poveste de care-?i va aminti mult? vreme." The Denver Post
George R. R. Martin, Gardner Dozois
Summary: Sara Crewe, a pupil at Miss Minchin's London school, is left in poverty when her father dies, but is later rescued by a mysterious benefactor. ?"Once on a dark winter's day, when the yellow fog hung so thick and heavy in the streets of London that the lamps were lighted and the shop windows blazed with gas as they do at night, an odd-looking little girl sat in a cab with her father and was driven rather slowly through the big thoroughfares." ? She sat with her feet tucked under her, and leaned against her father, who held her in his arm, as she stared out of the window at the passing people with a queer old-fashioned thoughtfulness in her big eyes. ? She was such a little girl that one did not expect to see such a look on her small face. It would have been an old look for a child of twelve, and Sara Crewe was only seven. The fact was, however, that she was always dreaming and thinking odd things and could not herself remember any time when she had not been thinking things about grown-up people and the world they belonged to. She felt as if she had lived a long, long time. ? "The Little Princes, in this Illustrated book, a fantastic girl who Principally, she was thinking of what a queer thing it was that at one time one was in India in the blazing sun, and then in the middle of the ocean, and then driving in a strange vehicle through strange streets where the day was as dark as the night. She found this so puzzling that she moved closer to her father.." Illustrated by Murat UKray, By e-Kitap Projesi
?szi k?ztársaság
?szi k?ztársaság
Brian McClellan
Anna Karenina is a novel by the Russian writer Leon Tolstoy, published in serial installments from 1873 to 1877 in the periodical The Russian Messenger. Tolstoy clashed with editor Mikhail Katkov over political issues that arose in the final installment (Tolstoy's unpopular views of volunteers going to Serbia); therefore, the novel's first complete appearance was in book form. Widely regarded as a pinnacle in realist fiction, Tolstoy considered Anna Karenina his first true novel, when he came to consider War and Peace to be more than a novel. Fyodor Dostoevsky declared it to be "flawless as a work of art". His opinion was shared by Vladimir Nabokov, who especially admired "the flawless magic of Tolstoy's style", and by William Faulkner, who described the novel as "the best ever written". The novel is currently enjoying popularity, as demonstrated by a recent poll of 125 contemporary authors by J. Peder Zane, published in 2007 in "The Top Ten" in Time, which declared that Anna Karenina is the "greatest novel ever written" "..The novel opens with a scene introducing Prince Stepan Arkadyevich Oblonsky ("Stiva"), a Moscow aristocrat and civil servant who has been unfaithful to his wife Darya Alexandrovna ("Dolly"). Dolly has discovered his affair with the family's governess, and the household and family are in turmoil. Stiva's affair and his reaction to his wife's distress show an amorous personality that he cannot seem to suppress. In the midst of the turmoil, Stiva informs the household that his married sister, Anna Arkadyevna Karenina, is coming to visit from Saint Petersburg. Meanwhile, Stiva's childhood friend, Konstantin Dmitrievich Levin ("Kostya"), arrives in Moscow with the aim of proposing to Dolly's youngest sister, Princess Katerina Alexandrovna Shcherbatskaya ("Kitty"). Levin is a passionate, restless, but shy aristocratic landowner who, unlike his Moscow friends, chooses to live in the country on his large estate. He discovers that Kitty is also being pursued by Count Alexei Kirillovich Vronsky, an army officer. Whilst at the railway station to meet Anna, Stiva bumps into Vronsky who is there to meet his mother, the Countess Vronskaya. Anna and Vronskaya have traveled and talked together in the same carriage. As the family members are reunited, and Vronsky sees Anna for the first time, a railway worker accidentally falls in front of a train and is killed. Anna interprets this as an "evil omen." Vronsky, however, is infatuated with her. Anna is uneasy about leaving her young son, Sergei ("Seryozha"), alone for the first time.At the Oblonsky home, Anna talks openly and emotionally to Dolly about Stiva's affair and convinces her that Stiva still loves her despite the infidelity. Dolly is moved by Anna's speeches and decides to forgive Stiva. Kitty, who comes to visit Dolly and Anna, is just eighteen. In her first season as a debutante, she is expected to make an excellent match with a man of her social standing. Vronsky has been paying her considerable attention, and she expects to dance with him at a ball that evening. Kitty is very struck by Anna's beauty and personality and becomes infatuated with her just as Vronsky is. When Levin proposes to Kitty at her home, she clumsily turns him down, believing she is in love with Vronsky and that he will propose to her, and encouraged to do so by her mother who believes Vronsky would be a better match.At the big ball Kitty expects to hear something definitive from Vronsky, but he dances with Anna, choosing her as a partner over a shocked and heartbroken Kitty. Levin, crushed by Kitty's refusal, returns to his estate, abandoning any hope of marriage. Anna returns to her husband Alexei Alexandrovich Karenin, a senior government official, and her son Seryozha in Saint Petersburg. On seeing her husband for the first time since her encounter with Vronsky, Anna realises that she finds him unattractive, though she tells herself he is a good man.." ? ABOUT AUTHOR: Tolstoy was born in Yasnaya Polyana, the family estate in the Tula region of Russia. The Tolstoys were a well-known family of old Russian nobility. He was the fourth of five children of Count Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy, a veteran of the Patriotic War of 1812, and Countess Mariya Tolstaya (Volkonskaya).
Assassin's Creed: Reneszánsz
Assassin's Creed: Reneszánsz
Oliver Bowden
The story starts in London on Tuesday, October 1, 1872. Fogg is a rich English gentleman and bachelor living in solitude at Number 7 Savile Row, Burlington Gardens. Despite his wealth, which is ?40,000 (roughly ?3,020,000 today), Fogg, whose countenance is described as "repose in action", lives a modest life with habits carried out with mathematical precision. Very little can be said about his social life other than that he is a member of the Reform Club. Having dismissed his former valet, James Foster, for bringing him shaving water at 84 °F (29 °C) instead of 86 °F (30 °C), Fogg hires a Frenchman by the name of Jean Passepartout, who is about 30 years old, as a replacement. Later on that day, in the Reform Club, Fogg gets involved in an argument over an article in The Daily Telegraph, stating that with the opening of a new railway section in India, it is now possible to travel around the world in 80 days. He accepts a wager for ?20,000 (roughly ?1,510,000 today) from his fellow club members, which he will receive if he makes it around the world in 80 days. Accompanied by Passepartout, he leaves London by train at 8:45 P.M. on Wednesday, October 2, 1872, and thus is due back at the Reform Club at the same time 80 days later, Saturday, December 21, 1872. Mr. Phileas Fogg lived, in 1872, at No. 7, Saville Row, Burlington Gardens, the house in which Sheridan died in 1814. He was one of the most noticeable members of the Reform Club, though he seemed always to avoid attracting attention; an enigmatical personage, about whom little was known, except that he was a polished man of the world. People said that he resembled Byron—at least that his head was Byronic; but he was a bearded, tranquil Byron, who might live on a thousand years without growing old. Certainly an Englishman, it was more doubtful whether Phileas Fogg was a Londoner. He was never seen on 'Change, nor at the Bank, nor in the counting-rooms of the "City"; no ships ever came into London docks of which he was the owner; he had no public employment; he had never been entered at any of the Inns of Court, either at the Temple, or Lincoln's Inn, or Gray's Inn; nor had his voice ever resounded in the Court of Chancery, or in the Exchequer, or the Queen's Bench, or the Ecclesiastical Courts. He certainly was not a manufacturer; nor was he a merchant or a gentleman farmer. His name was strange to the scientific and learned societies, and he never was known to take part in the sage deliberations of the Royal Institution or the London Institution, the Artisan's Association, or the Institution of Arts and Sciences. He belonged, in fact, to none of the numerous societies which swarm in the English capital, from the Harmonic to that of the Entomologists, founded mainly for the purpose of abolishing pernicious insects. Phileas Fogg was a member of the Reform, and that was all. The way in which he got admission to this exclusive club was simple enough. He was recommended by the Barings, with whom he had an open credit. His cheques were regularly paid at sight from his account current, which was always flush. Was Phileas Fogg rich? Undoubtedly. But those who knew him best could not imagine how he had made his fortune, and Mr. Fogg was the last person to whom to apply for the information. He was not lavish, nor, on the contrary, avaricious; for, whenever he knew that money was needed for a noble, useful, or benevolent purpose, he supplied it quietly and sometimes anonymously. He was, in short, the least communicative of men. He talked very little, and seemed all the more mysterious for his taciturn manner. His daily habits were quite open to observation; but whatever he did was so exactly the same thing that he had always done before, that the wits of the curious were fairly puzzled. ABOUT AUTHOR: Jules Gabriel Verne (1828 – 1905) was a French novelist, poet, and playwright best known for his adventure novels and his profound influence on the literary genre of science fiction. Born to bourgeois parents in the seaport of Nantes, Verne was trained to follow in his father's footsteps as a lawyer, but quit the profession early in life to write for magazines and the stage. His collaboration with the publisher Pierre-Jules Hetzel led to the creation of the Voyages Extraordinaires, a widely popular series of scrupulously researched adventure novels including Journey to the Center of the Earth, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, and Around the World in Eighty Days.
Chuck Wendig
"BLEAK HOUSE" is a novel by Charles Dickens, published in 20 monthly instalments between March 1852 and September 1853. It is held to be one of Dickens's finest novels, containing one of the most vast, complex and engaging arrays of minor characters and sub-plots in his entire canon. The story is told partly by the novel's heroine, Esther Summerson, and partly by a mostly omniscient narrator. Memorable characters include the menacing lawyer Tulkinghorn, the friendly but depressive John Jarndyce, and the childish and disingenuous Harold Skimpole, as well as the likeable but imprudent Richard Carstone. At the novel's core is long-running litigation in England's Court of Chancery, Jarndyce v Jarndyce, which has far-reaching consequences for all involved. This case revolves around a testator who apparently made several wills. The litigation, which already has taken many years and consumed between 60,000 and 70,000 in court costs, is emblematic of the failure of Chancery. Though Chancery lawyers and judges criticised Dickens's portrait of Chancery as exaggerated and unmerited, his novel helped to spur an ongoing movement that culminated in the enactment of legal reform in the 1870s. In fact, Dickens was writing just as Chancery was reforming itself, with the Six Clerks and Masters mentioned in Chapter One abolished in 1842 and 1852 respectively: the need for further reform was being widely debated. These facts raise an issue as to when Bleak House is actually set. Technically it must be before 1842, and at least some of his readers at the time would have been aware of this. However, there is some question as to whether this timeframe is consistent with the themes of the novel. The English legal historian Sir William Holdsworth set the action in 1827. Characters in Bleak House: As usual, Dickens drew upon many real people and places but imaginatively transformed them in his novel. Hortense is based on the Swiss maid and murderess Maria Manning. The "telescopic philanthropist" Mrs Jellyby, who pursues distant projects at the expense of her duty to her own family, is a criticism of women activists like Caroline Chisholm. The "childlike" but ultimately amoral character Harold Skimpole is commonly regarded as a portrait of Leigh Hunt. "Dickens wrote in a letter of 25 September 1853, 'I suppose he is the most exact portrait that was ever painted in words! ... It is an absolute reproduction of a real man'; and a contemporary critic commented, 'I recognized Skimpole instantaneously; ... and so did every person whom I talked with about it who had ever had Leigh Hunt's acquaintance.'"[2] G. K. Chesterton suggested that Dickens "may never once have had the unfriendly thought, 'Suppose Hunt behaved like a rascal!'; he may have only had the fanciful thought, 'Suppose a rascal behaved like Hunt!'". Mr Jarndyce's friend Mr Boythorn is based on the writer Walter Savage Landor. The novel also includes one of the first detectives in English fiction, Inspector Bucket. This character is probably based on Inspector Charles Frederick Field of the then recently formed Detective Department at Scotland Yard. Dickens wrote several journalistic pieces about the Inspector and the work of the detectives in Household Words, his weekly periodical in which he also published articles attacking the Chancery system. The Jarndyce and Jarndyce case itself has reminded many readers of the thirty-year Chancery case over Charlotte Smith's father-in-law's will. Major characters: Esther Summerson – the heroine of the story, and one of its two narrators (Dickens's only female narrator), raised as an orphan because the identity of her parents is unknown. At first, it seems probable that her guardian, John Jarndyce, is her father because he provides for her. This, however, he disavows shortly after she comes to live under his roof.
Bolea Ștefan
Mai poate fi vorba despre dragoste atunci c?nd un b?rbat ?i o femeie se ?nt?lnesc dup? treizeci de ani de la evenimentul inexplicabil care le-a destr?mat iubirea tr?it? cu pasiune timp de cinci ani? E dragostea cea care le une?te privirile, sau doar nostalgia unor vremuri de mult trecute ?n care se reg?sesc tineri ?i ferici?i? Steinn ?i Solrun se re?nt?lnesc la un vechi hotel din fiordurile Norvegiei ?i rememoreaz? trecutul ?i vina de care nu s-au eliberat ?nc?. Fiind fiecare c?s?torit ?i av?nd propriii copii, cei doi ?nlocuiesc intensitatea tr?irilor de alt?dat? cu aprinse discu?ii purtate prin e-mailuri despre sensurile vie?ii ?i despre for?ele care guverneaz? realitatea din jur. Complice cu autorul care orchestreaz? jocurile narative, cititorul este martorul schimburilor tensionate de idei ?ntre agnosticul Steinn ?i mistica Solrun. Dac? cei doi protagoni?ti decid ca fiecare e-mail s? fie ?ters imediat ce e parcurs, cititorul are privilegiul de a avea sub ochi conversa?iile care caut? r?spunsuri la ?ntreb?rile ce domin? romanului lui Gaarder: este via?? dup? moarte? Exist? coinciden?e sau totul este planul bine pus la punct al unei instan?e superioare, fie ea divine sau explicabile ?tiin?ific? ?ntr-o manier? devenit? deja marc? ?nregistrat? Jostein Gaarder, romanul ce poart? titlul unui tablou al lui René Magritte p?streaz? ceva din misterul suprarealist ?i ?mbin? observa?iile filosofice cu o intrig? plin? de suspans ?i o emo?ionant? poveste de dragoste care rezist? timpului. Ce rezult? – un roman care desfat? intelectual ?i estetic.
Boncea. Cristina
ntr-o succesiune de oglinzi creatoare de iluzii nesfrite, Sofiei, protagonista celui mai cunoscut roman al norvegianului Jostein Gaarder, i este povestit, treptat, ntreaga filosofie a culturii occidentale. Dac filosofia sau literatura nsi este pretextul acestei cri cititorul va afla pe cont propriu. El va face cunotin, nc de la nceput, cu amestecul dintre fantezie i marile ntrebri ale omenirii. Pentru c nu gsise n biblioteci sau librrii nicio carte n care tinerilor s li se ofere o form accesibil a marilor idei, scriitorul norvegian pune n scen o poveste i imagineaz un personaj inventiv i curios. Jocurile duble sunt specialitatea lui Gaarder: Sofia va fi pus n oglind de Hilde, destinatara real a cursurilor, profesorii i vor schimba identitile, iar ntrebrile nu vor putea primi niciodat rspunsuri unice. Aventura cunoaterii va ncepe de la filosofii greci, va trece prin zorii cretinismului, prin medievalitatea european, va ajunge la Renatere, Iluminism, Romantism i pn la sistemele de gndire ale secolului al XX-lea. Fr a fi o simpl carte de popularizare, Lumea Sofiei este o introducere n filosofia occidental, deschiznd apetitul cititorului pentru cunoatere i meditaie asupra ntrebrilor eseniale. Cci, aa cum Hilde e Sofia, aceasta nu e nimeni altcineva dect imaginea cititorului nsui.
Oona & Salinger
Oona & Salinger
Frederic Beigbeder
?n timp ce mul?i studen?i americani din anii 1960 participau la mar?uri ?mpotriva r?zboiului, luau droguri halucinogene ?i erau adep?ii amorului liber, Hannah Latham, fiica unui faimos profesor universitar ultraradical ?i al unei pictori?e foarte cultivate, nu vrea dec?t s? se c?s?toreasc? cu iubitul ei, viitor doctor, ?i s? tr?iasc? ?n provincie o via?? conven?ional?. T?n?rul cuplu ?i b?ie?elul lor nou-n?scut se stabilesc ?ntr-un or??el din statul Maine, ?ns? Hannah ajunge s? se simt? cur?nd izolat? ?i plictisit? de visul ei de fat? cuminte. ?ntr-o bun? zi, ?n lipsa so?ului, un t?n?r – veche cuno?tin?? de pe vremea studen?iei – apare ?n ora?, schimb?ndu-i lui Hannah via?a pentru totdeauna... O carte pe care n-o po?i l?sa din m?n?, cu un suspans bine dozat, scris? cu m?iestria unui autor de romane poli?iste. De acela?i autor, la Editura Trei au ap?rut romanele Nu pleca..., O rela?ie special?, Jocurile destinului ?i Tenta?ia. O femeie se treze?te prizoniera unei vie?i prea conven?ionale ?i a micului ei act de rebeliune, ale c?rui consecin?e o h?ituiesc peste zeci de ani. Farmecul discret al vie?ii conjugale este un roman despre limita dintre via?a privat? ?i via?a public?, despre imensa pr?pastie dintre p?rin?i ?i copii ?i despre felul ?n care nu po?i sc?pa niciodat? cu adev?rat de trecutul t?u. De asemenea, constituie ?i o analiz? a moravurilor societ??ii contemporane, ?n care mass-media poate distruge vie?i ?n c?teva ore. “Kennedy este ne?ntrecut ?n a crea personaje feminine pline de rafinament, dar b?ntuite de fr?m?nt?ri. Stilul s?u emo?ioneaz? ?i captiveaz? deopotriv?.“ Daily Mirror
Istorii despre literatur? ?i orbire (Borges, Jo?o Cabral ?i Joyce)
Istorii despre literatur? ?i orbire (Borges, Jo?o Cabral ?i Joyce)
Fuks Julián
Va putea frumuse?ea s? salveze lumea? este ?ntrebarea ?n jurul c?reia Monique Proulx construie?te pove?tile personajelor sale. ?inutul s?lbatic al Canadei nu va fi doar fundalul ?n care se mi?c? protagoni?tii, ci le va fi refugiul ?i martorul confrunt?rilor furtunoase. Lila Szach este ecoul unui timp trecut ?i simbolul posesiunii. Simon este ?ntruchiparea entuziasmului incurabil, iar Claire p?streaz? echilibrul fragil ?ntre idealism ?i scepticism. Cu aceea?i precizie, Monique Proulx surprinde statornicia naturii ?i instabilitatea emo?iilor umane, trec?nd cu u?urin?? de la triste?e la umor. Champagne ?n titlul s?u original, duc?nd cu g?ndul la vechea form? a fran?uzescului ?campagne“, romanul este un tribut adus naturii, dar ?i un tablou ?n mi?care al rela?iilor dintre oameni.
Renee Knight
Nominalizat la Carnegie Award 2009, c??tig?tor al Guardian Children’s Fiction Prize 2008, James Tiptree Junior Award ?i Booktrust Teenage Prize 2008. Todd Hewitt e ultimul b?iat din Prentisstown, un ora? mai pu?in obi?nuit. Oamenii pot auzi ce g?ndesc ceilal?i. Tot timpul. Via?a lor se desf??oar? ?ntr-un cople?itor ?i ne?ncetat Vacarm; nu exist? intimitate, nici secrete. Chiar cu o lun? ?nainte de a ?mplini 13 ani, dat? la care ar urma s? devin? b?rbat, Todd descoper? ?nt?mpl?tor un loc lini?tit. F?r? Vacarm. ?ns? un asemenea loc nu poate exista! ?nseamn? c? locuitorii din Prentisstown l-au min?it. ?i acum va trebui s? fug? ca s? se salveze de la moarte... Dar unde s? fugi dac? cei care te urm?resc pot auzi TOT ce g?nde?ti? Un roman ?n tradi?ia Aventurilor lui Huckleberry Finn ?i a capodoperei De veghe ?n lanul de secar?, despre un adolescent care fuge, ?mpreun? cu c?inele s?u vorbitor, Manchee, spre o lume normal?. Chiar dac? asta ?nseamn? s? mearg? p?n? la cap?tul lumii... ?i mai departe. Ness e un scriitor foarte ?nzestrat, de o imprevizibilitate care-?i d? fiori. – The Times Sf?r?itul plin de suspans are efectul unui glon? tras direct ?n stomac. – Booklist Un roman care curge ?ntr-un ritm furios, ?nsp?im?nt?tor, captivant ?i, uneori, sf??ietor. Este o carte care-?i b?ntuie imagina?ia. –Sunday Telegraph ?Nu exist? nimic pe lumea asta ?n afar? de Vacarm, nimic altceva dec?t g?ndurile permanente ale oamenilor ?i toate lucrurile venind la tine ?i la tine ?i la tine, din clipa ?n care spac?ii au dat drumul virusului Vacarmului ?n timpul r?zboiului, un virus care-a ucis jum?tate din b?rba?i ?i toate femeile, inclusiv pe mama mea, un virus care i-a ?nnebunit pe restul b?rba?ilor ?i care a ?nsemnat sf?r?itul pentru tot neamul spac?ilor ?n momentul c?nd oamenii, ?n nebunia lor, au ridicat armele.“
Ørstavik Hanne
Dup? ce fur? inima de aur a unui preot, un asasin ajunge s? fie urm?rit de poli?i?ti pe acoperi?uri ?i s? fie ucis, ?n joac?, de un copil de ?ase ani. Lupul Denis, un animal civilizat ?i vegetarian, se transform? ?n om ?i are accese de ferocitate inexplicabile. O ma?in?rie se ?ndr?goste?te de o fat? ?i ?i recit? versuri de dragoste. Peste Paris se las? o inexplicabil? cea?? alb?, cu propriet??i afrodiziace, care-i face pe oameni orbi ?i mai ferici?i ca niciodat?... Un univers fantast, cu accente de umor negru ?i poezie intens?, cu care cititorii lui Boris Vian sunt deja obi?nui?i.
Greutatea umbrei
Greutatea umbrei
Carrero Raimundo
n 1950 Boris Vian public, sub pseudonimul Vernon Sullivan, Femeile nu-i dau seama, un roman-pasti al prozei i stilului de via american ale mijlocului secolului XX. ntr-un discurs n care se vede clar intenia parodic, Vian povestete aventura ntins pe cteva zilei a tnrului de bani gata Francis Deacon, din care nu lipsesc drogurile, femeile, promiscuitatea fr limite, interveniile FBI, urmririle pe ap i pe uscat, travestiul i toate beneficiile materiale pe care America aflat n plin dezvoltare le poate oferi unui tnr dispus s nu fac nicio economie cnd vine vorba de distracie i senzaii tari.
F?r?me de ?oapte. Al doilea volum al trilogiei Constela?ii
F?r?me de ?oapte. Al doilea volum al trilogiei Constela?ii
Amie Kaufman, Meagan Spooner
Un nou thriller din seria Helen Grace Cadavrul unui b?rbat este g?sit ?ntr-o cas? goal?. Inima i-a fost scoas? din piept ?i trimis? so?iei ?i copiilor lui. E prima victim?, iar inspectoarea Helen Grace ?tie c? nu va fi ultima. Dar de ce s-ar afla un b?rbat cu o via?? ?mplinit? departe de cas? ?n toiul nop?ii? Presa ?l nume?te Jack Spintec?torul ?n sens invers: un criminal ?n serie, v?n?nd b?rba?i ?nsura?i care duc vie?i duble. Helen simte furia din spatele crimelor. Dar ceea ce nu poate ea s? prevad? este c?t de schimb?tor e criminalul - sau ce o a?teapt? la cap?tul cursei... ?Alert, tensionat, cu adev?rat impresionant!“ – Sun ?Arlidge creeaz? o poveste ce te captiveaz? ?i te ?nsp?im?nt? ?n acela?i timp.“ – Daily Mail ?Un thriller macabru pe care nu-l po?i l?sa din m?n?!“ – Woman and Home ?Deodat? capul i s-a dus pe spate. L-a s?getat o durere insuportabil? – era tras de p?r foarte str?ns, tras ?napoi cu for?a, tot ?napoi. Deja nu mai putea s? respire – o c?rp? ?i astupa gura ?i nasul. O duhoare ?n?ep?toare i-a inundat n?rile, iar reflexele i s-au declan?at prea t?rziu. Se lupta s? tr?iasc?, dar ??i pierdea deja cuno?tin?a. Apoi s-a f?cut ?ntuneric.“
Farmecul discret al vie?ii conjugale
Farmecul discret al vie?ii conjugale
Douglas Kennedy
De la autorul bestsellerurilor Ierusalim ?i ?ntr-o noapte de iarn?. O poveste zguduitoare despre pasiune ?i tr?dare, descoperit? ?n arhivele secrete KGB Iarna lui 1916: Sankt Petersburg. Rusia e ?n pragul revolu?iei. ?n fa?a Institutului Smoln?i pentru Fete din ?nalta Societate, Sa?enka, fiica de doar ?aisprezece ani a baronului Zeitlin, este a?teptat? de c?tre guvernanta sa, dar ?i de poli?ia secret? a ?arului... Frumoas? ?i aprig?, Sa?enka este captivat? de noua ideologie bol?evic? ?i intr? ?n jocul periculos al conspira?iei ?i seduc?iei. Dou?zeci de ani mai t?rziu, e c?s?torit? cu un membru de seam? al partidului comunist ?i are doi copii. ?ns? idila interzis? cu un scriitor are consecin?e devastatoare pentru familia sa. ?Aceast? saga surprinde at?t zbuciumul unei elite bol?evice c?zute ?n dizgra?ie, c?t ?i paradoxurile istoriei pe care avem impresia c? o cunoa?tem.“ – The Independent ?Cu frumuse?ea ireal?, cu distinc?ia care trece dincolo de avere sau clas? social? ?i cu idealurile sale sincere care au costat-o at?t de mult, Sa?enka reu?e?te s? ne cucereasc? definitiv.“ – The Spectator ?Montefiore se dovede?te a fi un povestitor inegalabil, cu un stil precis, care te marcheaz?.“ – Wall Street Journal ?Pe coridoarele acestei aripi a ?nchisorii era un du-te-vino continuu: b?rba?i ?i femei erau arunca?i ?n celulele lor, adu?i la interogatorii, trimi?i ?n lunga c?l?torie din exilul siberian. Unii pl?ngeau cu sughi?uri, al?ii dormeau; ?ntreg spectrul vie?ii era adunat aici. Jandarmul din spa?tele ghi?eului ??i tot ?ndrepta privirea c?tre Sa?enka, de parc? aceasta ar fi fost un p?un ?ntr-o cocin? de porci.“
Otr?vurile din Caux – Nestemata scobit?. Vol. 1
Otr?vurile din Caux – Nestemata scobit?. Vol. 1
Appelbaum Susannah
Dup? ?nfr?ngerea Regelui ?i a Reginei M?tr?gun?, ?n Caux este din nou lini?te. Totu?i, a mai r?mas de ?ndeplinit o Profe?ie: bunul rege Verdegris, acum bolnav de moarte, urmeaz? a fi g?sit ?i vindecat de Nobilul Vl?star, nimeni alta dec?t Ivy Manx.Al?turi de prietenul ei Rowan, t?n?ra trebuie s? se aventureze ?n interiorul Breslei Degust?torilor, condus? de diabolicul Vidal Vinegret. Colac peste pup?z?, primejdiile se ?nmul?esc odat? cu apari?ia unei plante otr?vitoare care-i amenin?? c?l?toria: feriga rea, cunoscut? ?i ca f?c?toarea-de-regi, cea care ??i poate ?nnebuni victimele, lu?ndu-le prizoniere ?ntr-un t?r?m ?ntunecat.Vor reu?i eroii no?tri s? contracareze ac?iunile du?manilor lor ?i s? ?nf?ptuiasc? Profe?ia? Ce alte noi aventuri li se mai deschid ?nainte?Aventurile lui Ivy Manx continu? ?ntr-o nou? carte misterioas? ?i mortal de hazlie.