Hamish Macbeth és a t?rbe csalt falu
Az ?j Birodalom olyan ceremóniával készül megünnepelni a Nemzetelv?ek felett aratott gy?zelmét, ami ?r?kre emlékezetes marad. A Télvíz-ünnepre id?zítik a császárn? kézfogóját, no meg Degan Gaunt és a Melengári Boszorkány nyilvános kivégzését. Terveik szerint Modina ezt k?vet?en végzetes balesetet szenved majd, így az új császár ülhet a birodalom trónjára. Micsoda gy?ny?r? nap lesz az! Csak egy a b?kken?: Royce és Hadrian k?zben megtalálták a rég elveszett ?r?k?st.A Télvíz idején a magával ragadó Riyria-krónikák ?t?dik k?tete. A hatk?tetes sorozatot írója egyetlen, eposzi magaslatokra t?r? t?rténetként alkotta meg, amit kül?n epizódokra bontott. Az eredetileg magánkiadásban megjelent sorozatra felfigyelt egy nagy kiadó is, és az új kiadás révén az utóbbi évek egyik legsikeresebb új fantasyjévé vált.

This is a literary gem that has inspired many for years, and a must for any book collection. Allow yourself to be transported to other worlds and take part in one of the greatest tales ever told.Baron Munchausen was a real German adventurer known for his fondness for tall tales and exaggeration. But the exploits that Rudolf Erich Raspe attributed to him in his book quite clearly drew on folklore and on Raspe's own whimsical inventiveness. The Baron's escapades include a balloon expedition to visit the King of the Moon, an encounter with the goddess Venus, a battle with the Turkish army, and an enormous sea creature who swallows him up in the South Seas.

Garantált hepiend
Megvertek és elárultak, meglték az apámat. Bosszút állok – bármi áron” 1789. Párizs varázslatos városában felvirrad a Francia Forradalom hajnala . Az utcakvek vértl vrslenek, ahogy a nép fellázad az elnyomó arisztokrácia ellen. De a forradalmi igazságszolgáltatásért komoly árat kell fizetnie minden embernek… Mikzben a gazdagok és a szegények kztti választóvonal minden korábbinál szélesebbre nyílik, és egy nemzet nmagát tépi szét, két fiatalember, egy férfi és egy n, bosszút akar állni mindazért, amit elveszített. Arno és lise hamarosan az Orgyilkosok és a Templomosok évszázados küzdelme kells kzepén találja magát – egy olyan világban, amelynek halálos veszedelmei minden képzeletet felülmúlnak. Az Ubisoft díjnyertes videójátéka alapján.

Othello / Othello, Moor of Venice (Edi?ie bilingv?)
First published in 1850, The Scarlet Letter is Nathaniel Hawthorne's masterpiece and one of the greatest American novels. Its themes of sin, guilt, and redemption, woven through a story of adultery in the early days of the Massachusetts Colony, are revealed with remarkable psychological penetration and understanding of the human heart.?The book's immediate and lasting success are due to the way it addresses spiritual and moral issues from a uniquely American standpoint. In 1850, adultery was an extremely risqué subject, but because Hawthorne had the support of the New England literary establishment, it passed easily into the realm of appropriate reading. It has been said that this work represents the height of Hawthorne's literary genius, dense with terse descriptions. It remains relevant for its philosophical and psychological depth, and continues to be read as a classic tale on a universal theme.

Cinci decenii de experimentalism. Compendiu de poezie rom?neasc? actual?. Volumu
M-am n?scut ?n F?lticeni, unde am urmat cursurile gimnaziale ?i liceale la Colegiul Na?ional ?Nicolae Gane”. Apoi, ?n Ia?i, am urmat cursurile ?nv???m?ntului superior ?i am absolvit dou? facult??i, una cu profil tehnic, iar alta cu profil non-tehnic. De peste 23 de ani tr?iesc ?n Ia?i, pe care l-am iubit din momentul ?n care am cobor?t din trenul care m? aducea din ora?ul natal. Am ?tiut de pe atunci c? voi r?m?ne aici. Aici m-am maturizat, am iubit ?i ur?t deopotriv?, aici am cunoscut pentru prima dat? sentimentul minunat de a fi tat?.

Diavolul v?neaz? inima ta
Around the Moon, Jules Verne's sequel to From the Earth to the Moon, is a science fiction novel which continues the trip to the moon which was only partially described in the previous novel. It was later combined with From the Earth to the Moon to create A Trip to the Moon and Around It. Having been fired out of the giant Columbiad space gun, the Baltimore Gun Club's bullet-shaped projectile, along with its three passengers, Barbicane, Nicholl and Michel Ardan, begins the five-day trip to the moon. A few minutes into the journey, a small, bright asteroid passes within a few hundred yards of them, but does not collide with the projectile. The asteroid had been captured by the Earth's gravity and had become a second moon.

Caietul 10. 1932-1935. Filosofia lui Benedetto Croce
Treasure Island is an adventure novel, a thrilling tale of "buccaneers and buried gold." Traditionally considered a coming of age story, it is an adventure tale of superb atmosphere, character and action, and also a wry commentary on the ambiguity of morality—as seen in Long John Silver—unusual for children's literature then and now.?

The Republic
Robin Hood is the archetypal English folk hero; a courteous, pious and swashbuckling outlaw of the medi?val era who, in modern versions of the legend, is famous for robbing the rich to feed the poor and fighting against injustice and tyranny.?This is probably one of the most beautiful digital version ever made of this story, containing many gorgeous illustrations.

Sc?rba sf?ntului cu sfoar? ro?ie
n viitor, nu mai exist boal. Nu mai exist rzboi. Nu mai exist nemulumire. Toi cetenii sunt membri supui ai Guvernrii Globale. ns o singur var este pe cale s schimbe totul. Keeva Tee tocmai a mplinit cincisprezece ani. Este pe punctul de a pleca n multateptata excursie la Tabra Monarch, pentru a primi imprimarea celui care i-a fost desemnat partener de via. Dar n clipele fericite i lipsite de griji petrecute n Comunitatea Oceanic a auzit i zvonurile de temut despre “anomalii” – ceteni care nu pot fi imprimai. Iar cnd Keeva ajunge la Tabra Monarch, cel mai ntunecat comar al ei devine realitate – este i ea o anomalie. Din acel moment, ncepe s se ndoiasc de toate convingerile din trecut. Dac libertatea i individualitatea au fost sacrificate de dragul siguranei Gsind un avertisment scrijelit sub patul din tabr, Keeva ncepe s neleag: revolta va fi pedepsit, dezacordul nu este o opiune, iar rzvrtiii vor fi anihilai. O carte vibrant” (Russel Brand) O aventur ameitoare” (Max Beesley) O poveste cu un ritm alert i captivant care confirm c trebuie s luptm pentru ceea ce ne face pe fiecare dintre noi speciali i unici.” (Randy Jackson)

A Smaragdz?ld Fény
A Viszkis rabló visszatért. A legenda tovább él - igaz, már csak a képzeletben. Ambrus Attila els? regénye alighanem zavarba ejti az olvasót. Valóság és fantázia keveredik benne megannyi izgalommal, akcióval, váratlan fordulattal. A nyers, szókimondó stílusban megírt cselekményben megelevenednek bankrablások, a császári élethez tartozó hódítások, a szegény, kilátástalan gyerekkor emlékei, no meg a b?rt?nben átélt, kit?r?lhetetlen napok. A f?h?s valóságos haramiává válik, mert újra rabol, s?t gyilkol is, mik?zben szerelemre és talán normális életre vágyik. A Viszkis rabló visszatér, de most nem elégszik meg a kisebb zsákmánnyal. A Magyar Nemzeti Bank páncélautóját veszi célba: megtervezi, el?készíti és csatlósaival bele is vág az évtized balhéjába. Ambrus Attiláért egykor a fél ország rajongott, s mindenki azért szurkolt, hogy ne kerülj?n rend?rkézre. Az általa kreált f?szerepl? talán kevésbé lesz szimpatikus, mint a Viszkis a valóságban, de hatással lesz ránk, az egészen bizonyos. Szeretjük és utáljuk egyszerre. Ha elkezdjük olvasni a t?rténetét, már nem szabadulunk t?le. A K?nyvjelz? magazin 2015. decemberi számában megjelent cikk: Ha nem kerül?k b?rt?nbe, már nem élnék

Vinova?i f?r? vin?
Viata de student la psihologie a lui Leinad se imparte intre sesiuni si baute ocazionale cu prietenii. Nimic iesit din comun. Pana intr-o zi cand, accidental, intra in posesia unui stick USB. Din curiozitate si, din nefericire pentru el, verifica fisierele stocate pe micul obiect. Afla informatii incredibile despre o societate secreta care facea experiente medicale pe oameni, fara ca acestia sa-si fi dat acceptul. Faptul ca ajunge sa cunoasca o tanara, studenta si ea, genul de fata peste care nu dai in fiecare zi, sufletista si inimoasa, complica si mai mult situatia tanarului, mai ales dupa ce afla ca noua lui cunostinta sufera de o boala ce ii poate fi fatala. Santaje, urmariri, situatii tragi-comice, din loc in loc, si un umor proaspat va vor determina sa deveniti fanii acestei serii.

"Amerika z?r?s hely volt a hatvanas-hetvenes években: diáklázadások, hippik és polgárjogi mozgalmak, na meg persze szex, drog és rock&roll minden mennyiségben. Skip Gibbs és barátn?je, Robin Abbott kezdett?l fogva benne volt a legkeményebb balhékban, csak épp nem virággal harcoltak a rendszer ellen, hanem dinamittal. Nem csoda, hogy az FBI jó pár évre kivonta ?ket a forgalomból...Robin - akinek volt ideje t?prengeni a sitten - kiszabadulva végül arra a k?vetkeztetésre jut: nincs értelme a kapitalizmus ellen harcolni, elég megsarcolni azokat, akiknek amúgy is túl sok pénzük van. Választása a dúsgazdag Ricks testvérekre esik, els?sorban azért, mert úgy sejti, Woody és az ?ccse, Mark nyomták fel ?ket annak idején a sz?vetségieknél. Robin ?rd?gi tervet eszel ki, hogy elégtételt vegyen a b?rt?nben elvesztegetett évekért. Ha kell, akár dinamittal is.A páros csak egy valakivel nem számol: a volt bombaszakért? Chris Mankowskival, aki épp Woody Ricks után nyomoz a szexi Greta Wyatt meger?szakolása ügyében. Az id?zít? ketyeg, a kérdés már csak az, mikor robban a bomba!"

Drumul furnicilor
Povestea lui Andrei Mladin începe în anul 1983, când a ap?rut Atac în bibliotec?. Atunci cititorii au f?cut cuno?tin?? cu un tân?r jurnalist român glume?, dar ?i grav, în aparen?? superficial, dar tob? de carte ?i dedicat profesiei sale. Dup? ce îi ia un interviu unei violoniste celebre, Mihaela Comnoiu, el se treze?te implicat într-o situa?ie-limit?, descoperind un cadavru în biblioteca sa. La început, de fric?, Mladin eludeaz? mili?ia ?i se decide s? fac? propriile investiga?ii, devenind un detectiv f?r? voie. Treptat-treptat, descoper? c? în jurul lui s-a ?esut o conspira?ie care îi dore?te pieirea. Iste?imea ?i umorul care îl caracterizeaz? îl ajut? s? treac? prin întâmpl?ri periculoase ?i s? dezlege misterul. Totul se petrece într-un Bucure?ti în care sunt prezentate cozi la alimente, uleiul ?i zah?rul se dau pe cartel?, str?zile sunt luminate anemic, apa cald? nu curge la robinete, telefoanele sunt ascultate, cet??enii sunt supraveghea?i zi ?i noapte. Un ora? în care domne?te frica. ?i ast?zi unii se întreab? cum de a trecut de cenzur? un roman în care anchetatorul nu este un reprezentant al autorit??ilor ?i în care deseori se râde de cutumele unei epoci pe care propaganda o considera de „aur“. Dup? Atac în bibliotec? s-a realizat un film de-abia în 1992, scenariul din 1985 fiind respins de cenzura comunist?. Romanul a ap?rut în limba englez? în 2011, la editura londonez? Profusion (Attack in the Library), iar în 2015 în versiune francez?. „Atac în bibliotec? a reprezentat, la momentul lans?rii, o bomb? ale c?rei efecte au r?mas relevante ?i subversive pân? în ziua de azi.“ – Mike Phillips, scriitor britanic, laureat al premiului Silver Dagger acordat de CWA

Wuthering Heights
Kedves Feln?ttek! ?Ez a k?nyv Nektek készült! T?rténetünk a XXXIV. században játszódik. Egy királyi család nem épp szokványos életén keresztül betekintést nyerhetünk a j?v?be. ??j faj k?rvonalazódik, aminek fejl?dése megállíthatatlan. ?Unalmasnak t?n?, idillikus életüket felváltja a S?tétség er?ivel folytatott harc, aminek kimenetele végleg meghatározza a F?ld bolygó sorsát...

The history of our English translations of "Don Quixote" is instructive. Shelton's, the first in any language, was made, apparently, about 1608, but not published till 1612. This of course was only the First Part. It has been asserted that the Second, published in 1620, is not the work of Shelton, but there is nothing to support the assertion save the fact that it has less spirit, less of what we generally understand by "go," about it than the first, which would be only natural if the first were the work of a young man writing currente calamo, and the second that of a middle-aged man writing for a bookseller. On the other hand, it is closer and more literal, the style is the same, the very same translations, or mistranslations, occur in it, and it is extremely unlikely that a new translator would, by suppressing his name, have allowed Shelton to carry off the credit. In 1687 John Phillips, Milton's nephew, produced a "Don Quixote" "made English," he says, "according to the humour of our modern language." His "Quixote" is not so much a translation as a travesty, and a travesty that for coarseness, vulgarity, and buffoonery is almost unexampled even in the literature of that day. But it is, after all, the humour of "Don Quixote" that distinguishes it from all other books of the romance kind. It is this that makes it, as one of the most judicial-minded of modern critics calls it, "the best novel in the world beyond all comparison." It is its varied humour, ranging from broad farce to comedy as subtle as Shakespeare's or Moliere's that has naturalised it in every country where there are readers, and made it a classic in every language that has a literature.

FIRE MOUNTAIN IS "A THRILLING SEA STORY BY "NORMAN SPRINGER", AUTHOR OF "THE BLOOD SHIP" Years. Bright, aslant eyes, and a suave and ever-ready smile that broke immediately Martin met his gaze. "You will be so good as to inform the honorable that Dr. Ichi is here?" he asked in precise and stilted voice. Ever the same—the noiseless entry, the quietly spoken request for the lawyer. Martin repressed a flash of irritation; the little Japanese, with his uncanny soft-footedness and stereotyped address, got upon his nerves. However, his orders were explicit; Mr. Smatt would see Dr. Ichi without delay or preliminary, whenever Dr. Ichi favored the office with a visit. It was already the third visit that day, but orders were orders. So, Martin inclined his head toward the door of Smatt's private office. The Japanese crossed the room. He bowed to Martin, as stately a bow as if Martin were also an "honorable," instead of a poor devil of a law clerk; then, noiselessly as he had entered the outer office, Dr. Ichi disappeared within Smatt's sanctum. Martin turned to his window again. But his bright day dream was fled, and he could not conjure it back again. The view was without charm. His thoughts, despite himself, persisted in centering upon the dapper little figure now closeted with his employer. The dandified Jap aroused Martin's interest. What manner of client was this Dr. Ichi? Martin had not seen a single scrap of paper, nor had Smatt dropped a single hint, concerning the case. It was mysterious! Martin was not an overly curious chap, but he was human. It was another of Smatt's secret cases, thought Martin. Another token of those hidden activities of the old vulture, which he sensed, but did not know about. For, though Martin attended to the routine work, though his duties were responsible—Smatt specialized and was prominent in maritime law—still Martin knew he did not enjoy his employer's complete confidence. Much of Smatt's time was taken up with cases Martin knew nothing about, with clients who appeared to shun the daylight of the courts. The Nippon Trading Company, for instance! Martin knew Smatt was interested in a company of that name—a strange company, that apparently conducted business without using the mails. And there was business between Ichi and Smatt—money, or Smatt would have nothing to do with it. The mystery aroused Martin's dormant curiosity. But all his speculation was pointless. Martin bethought himself of the marine affidavit lying uncompleted upon his desk. He turned from the window with the intention of applying himself to that task—and he discovered the office to have a second visitor. Another unusual figure who possessed the penchant for surreptitious entry. He observed the fellow in the very act of closing the office door.

Szigorúan bizalmas
– Itt Zachary Horner beszél! Miben segíthetek? – Jó estét kívánunk Zachary James Horner! A Brit Szerencsejáték Sz?vetség ?r?mmel értesíti ?nt, hogy megnyerte a British Bonus f?nyereményét, azaz nyolcvan?tmillió fontot. – A rohadt élet! – d?bbent meg a fiatalember a hír hallatán, majd felülve az ágyán, nagy ?r?mmel folytatta – Ez most azt jelenti, hogy eltalálták mind a négy számot, amit megjátszottam? – Igen, tisztelt uram! Ez a legmagasabb ?sszeg, amit ember eddig valaha nyert. Nyereményét bármikor átveheti a londoni k?zpontunkban is személyesen, de akár bankszámlára is elutalhatjuk ?nnek.

Eight Cousins
This charming classic novel from 1875 by Louisa May Alcott (the author of Little Women) follows the story of the recently orphaned Rose Campbell as she struggles to cope with her new life as part of a large family, which consists of seven boy cousins and numerous aunts and uncles.

England under the Tudors
A comprehensive look at the history of England during the rule of the Tudor monarchs (1485-1603).

English Fairy Tales
Forty-three traditional English fairytales collected by famed folklorist Joseph Jacobs. Contains childhood favourites such as Jack and the Beanstalk, the Three Little Pigs and Tom Thumb, as well as some forgotten classics like The Well of the World's End, The Magpie's Nest and Kate Crackernuts.

Fascination of London
The Fascination of London' was a series of guide books written by Sir Walter Besant and G. E. Mitton about various different areas of London. This book is about the Strand District, the historical district that used to surround 'The Strand', the road that now runs from Trafalgar Square to Fleet Street but historically was far longer.