

每满80减40 韩语10000单词放口袋:3000核心词拓展记忆
Self Control: Developing Amazing Willpower to Achieve Goals that Matter
Self Control: Developing Amazing Willpower to Achieve Goals that Matter
Allan Davidson
Self Control: Developing Amazing Willpower to Achieve Goals that Matter
The Basis of Morality
The Basis of Morality
Arthur Schopenhauer
The Basis of Morality
Getting Things Done
Getting Things Done
Small Business Revolution
Getting Things Done
Using the Laws Of Attraction in Sex, Love, Dating & Relationships: Exploit LOA t
Using the Laws Of Attraction in Sex, Love, Dating & Relationships: Exploit LOA t
Tyler Monroe
Using the Laws Of Attraction in Sex, Love, Dating & Relationships: Exploit LOA to get what you want!
History of the Byzantine Empire
History of the Byzantine Empire
Charles Oman
History of the Byzantine Empire
Cheyenne & The Easter Bunny
Cheyenne & The Easter Bunny
Michael Lee Ables Jr.
Cheyenne & The Easter Bunny
叶赛宁是苏联二十世纪一二十年代杰出的俄罗斯诗人。他如彗星般短暂而富有诗意和充满悲剧的一生经受了历史的考验。从20世纪五六十年代,他已重新占有了俄罗斯诗歌史上举足轻重的位置。如今,几乎没有人再会怀疑他的诗能否成为20世纪俄罗斯诗歌的经典,因为浓郁的民族诗性和高度个性化的艺术创新使他的诗在20世纪俄罗斯坛上闪发着耀眼的异彩。 叶赛宁于1985年9月21日出生在俄罗斯中部美丽的奥卡河畔梁赞省梁赞县康斯坦丁诺活村的一个家民家里。 叶赛宁的诗歌,特别是在抒情诗上的突出成就,使他成为20世纪杰出的俄罗斯民族诗人。他的诗成为上承普希金下启苏维埃70年诗歌的重要环节,几乎所有现代俄苏大诗人都从他的诗艺中汲取过营养。著名的当代俄罗斯诗人多里佐说:“我不能设想我的青年时代可以没有叶赛宁,正如不能设想俄罗斯可以没有白桦一样。他属于那些也许几百年才产生几个的诗人,他们不但俄罗斯文学,而且已经俄罗斯的风景,成为它不可分割的一部分……”
Elon Musk: Moving the World One Technology at a Time
Elon Musk: Moving the World One Technology at a Time
JR MacGregor
Put aside what you read on the web about Elon Musk. There is a significant amount more to him than just his genius and his accomplishments. This book lays out the life that he had before arriving in the United States and looks at the boy inside who set a path for himself, and literally went through the fires of hell before getting the opportunities that he wished for.He did not fall into wealth and he did not work his way up the corporate ladder, Elon made every bit of his life that you see today. Some of the stories that you find in this book will shock and awe you and change the way you look at your own challenges. From arriving in a new country with just a few bucks and not knowing anyone, to working in farms and cleaning up after barn animals, to working in the fires of a toxic furnace. Read about the man that is about to make this planet a safer place to live. Elon Musk is an inspiration for a generation because he represents many of the values that define today's Millennials and Generation X. From PayPal to Tesla, the driving force that built these icons of the imagination was the desire to make the world a better place for everyone – it was never about the money. This book gives you a deeper look and analysis of a man that defies the traditional mold of industrialist, entrepreneur, and achiever.? Don't wait any longer! Scroll up and click the 'Buy Now' button to learn more about this technology mogul!
A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
Virginia Woolf
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of Virginia Woolf’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Woolf includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Woolf’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
每满80减40 日语专业本科生教材:日语古典语法
每满80减40 日语口语教程 中级
日语口语教程 中级
  无论是商务活动还是日常会话,在和日本人交流时,你是否有过有话要说却说不出来的苦恼?这可能是因为你的日语水平不足以准确传达自己的意思,也可能是你对于该话题根本就没有明确的意见。因此,要想提高日语口语能力,除了学习日语知识,还应该根据不同的场景,利用大量的题材,从自己的立场出发,用日语的头脑行思考,而用日语构筑并表述自己的意见。   本书就是这样一套提供大量题材和例句的教程,注重情境及交流,而不是语法和句型。其中中级分册共50课,囊括了日常生活中常见的50个话题,每课的课文和例句是针对该话题的不同观,可以帮助读者有效地形成自己的意见,掌握日语的思维方式,从而用自己的日语能力取得成功。每课附有大量练习,相信在教师的引导下,可以有效锻炼学习者的口语。参考表达配有录音,习题则配有会话练习参考录音(不附录音原文,录音原文参见学习参考用书),可供使用者在本课前行预热和模仿,更好地完成本课的学习目标。   本书适用于日语专业本科生教学及社会培训的口语课程,尤其是由外教承担的口语课程。
每满80减40 晨读夜诵.每天读一点韩语名家散文
每满80减40 新编日语 第1册(重排本)
新编日语 第1册(重排本)
中国和俄罗斯是世界闻名的诗歌大国,两国才华卓越的诗人为人类留下了灿若星辰、瑰丽多姿的壮丽诗篇。 诗集《诗歌的纽带》收录了中俄不同时期具有代表性的诗歌佳作,通过本书,读者可以领略古老中国的诗歌之美,如《诗经》、李白、杜甫以及苏轼等人的诗章,也可以欣赏到中国现当代诗人冯至、徐志摩等人的佳作;入选本书的俄罗斯诗人有:两位有过外交官经历的19世纪诗人А.С.普希金和Ф.И.丘特切夫,有当代的外交官诗人С.В.拉夫罗夫、Е.М.普里马科夫、А.А.别斯梅尔内赫、В.Н.卡吉米罗夫等。 诗歌是一个民族的声音,反映着民族的情绪和追求,是永恒的精神之花。《诗歌的纽带》以语言为媒介,以诗歌为纽带,为两国人民搭建增进相互了解、加深传统友谊的桥梁。本书收录的诗歌均为中俄双语对照,希望能对广大读者和诗歌爱好者了解中俄两国不同时代的诗歌风貌起到抛砖引玉作用,对中俄两国的俄语学习者和汉语学习者有所助益。
每满80减40 图解意大利语语法
每满80减40 实用日语写作教程
  这部由周异夫主编的《实用日语写作教程》的内 容涵盖了常用的各类应用文。这些文章在实际生活和 工作中常常表现为信函的形式,为了方便教学和学习 ,本教材将其分为一般信函和商务信函两大类,并根 据不同的类别分别讲解。对于各类文章,在简要说明 其基本内容、特、写作要及注意事项的基础上, 通过典型例文演示其基本用语、文章结构和基本格式 ,并针对该例文行简要评述,使学习者尽快掌握该 类文章的特和写作技巧。在例文的选取和编写中, 也注意到其语句和内容尽量简洁,以期学习者能够对 基本内容一目了然。
每满80减40 外教社日汉小词典
  《外教社日汉小词典》是一部集科学性.知识性与实用性为一体。与时代基本保持同步的便携型日汉工具书。   收词范围广泛   《外教社日汉小词典》共选收日语基础词、常用词、缩略语、连语及新词等计4600D余条。包括国内各类日语考试和日本语能力测试等规定的基础词。   内容丰富.全面   包含自然、人文和社会生活的方方面面。   释义详尽.对应   编写时参阅各类辞典。尽量做到译词与原词词义对应。一词多义的,力求义项详尽.完整。   附设音调   设置音调以帮助读者掌握正确的发音。提高对同音词的识别能力。   广收惯用语、成语和谚语   这类词汇是日语的重要组成部分。《外教社日汉小词典》尽可能多地收列惯用语。以扩展词典的内涵、外延和信息量。构筑学习日语的平台。
每满80减40 韩国语专业本科生教材:汉韩翻译教程
Little Elisa: "A Time Traveler Story"
Little Elisa: "A Time Traveler Story"
Murat Ukray
LITTLE ELISA:?“A Time Traveler Story”??“..There will always be a missing piece in life. It could be either something that is left undone or someone who you could not be able to come together with. Maybe the last piece has all the meaning of our lives and therefore it is always hidden” said Elisa, before she started her talk.??It might be a specific moment that we have to spend the rest of our lives searching that missing diamond piece. Because, without that last piece, nothing will be complete..”??“..Similar to this, what was the missing piece and the true meaning of Alice’s life before she became Elisa? She had to discover it. But she would have to take a really long trip to discover this..”??TRAVELER PILGRIM:?Before I met Elisa, I had read such thing like below, in the book of the Muslim: “This life of the world is nothing But a Pastime and a Game.” ?(Quran, The Book of Islam)??“How could this be possible? Or is this the true meaning of the life?” were the questions that I asked myself since I read this. ?Is there an imaginary world and a real one? ??But after meeting Elisa and seeing these alternative (imaginary) worlds, I slowly realized that I am in a world of amusement indeed. ??Finally I could see that everything is a fictitious game in this book. I am sure that you will agree with me and rethink about the “truth” as you keep reading this book in which Elisa lived and my interesting trips with Elisa..??And you’ll be remember that In the universe, ?Everything has both an imaginary view and a real one, after this long trip!.??“..Could the life we live and we consider as real be a fancy and funny fiction? What is reality? ?This has been discussed again and again, throughout history. It has inspired artists and philosophers.”??He was just a little boy according to his parents. ?Time has passed quickly. But he decided not to lose his childish spirit in spite of everything. He would find a way to implement his belief about finding the elixir of youth and the eternity of life. ??- “Soon we will take a step into a new period by discovering the truth in this alternative world!” he was saying while searching for the elixir of immortality all the time.??"A black rabbit sneaked into a white hole.."?What was that? ?There was not the world we knew, everything was meaningless but a brand new world and a vision were awaiting for the rabbit.."??The Miraculous “WONDERLAND”: ?Where EVERYTHING is POSSIBLE..
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