

Los Acarnienses
Los Acarnienses
Los Acarnienses
L'arte di prender marito
L'arte di prender marito
Paolo Mantegazza
L'arte di prender marito
Politica e bel mondo Cronache fiorentine dal 1815 al 1831
Politica e bel mondo Cronache fiorentine dal 1815 al 1831
Guido Biagi
Politica e bel mondo Cronache fiorentine dal 1815 al 1831
Gaismas vēsture
Gaismas vēsture
Jans Ņemecs
Gaismas vēsture?ir biogrāfisks romāns par slaveno ?ehu fotogrāfu Franti?eku Drtikolu. Grāmatas autors Jans ?emecs (Jan Němec, 1981) dzimis Brno, ?ehijā. Strādā par redaktoru ikmēne?a literatūras ?urnālā Host. Masarika universitātē (Brno) mācījies reli?ijas un sociālās zinātnes, savukārt Jana?eka Mūzikas un tēlotājmākslas akadēmijā apguvis dramatur?iju. ?emeca pirmā grāmata “Pirmā dzīve” (První ?ivot) iznāca 2007.gadā. Tai sekoja “Spēlē ?etras rokas” (Hra pro ?ty?i ruce, 2009).? 2013. gadā iznākusī “Gaismas vēsture” (Dějiny světla) ir biogrāfisks romāns par slaveno ?ehu fotogrāfu Franti?eku Drtikolu.? Par ?o romānu autors sa?ēmis vairākas balvas: ?ehijas grāmata 2014, Magnesia Litera 2014 (prozas kategorija) un Josefa ?kvorecka balvu, un Eiropas Savienības Literatūras balvu. Grāmata tulkota 13 valodās. Grāmatu latvie?u valodā tulkojis Jānis Krasti??, bet tās redaktore ir Aija Lāce. Fotogrāfs Ainārs Mazjānis par ?o Jana ?emeca romānu saka ?ādi:?Tas, ko grāmatas varonis darīja fotomākslas jomā 20.gs. sākumā ir kas neaptverams un jebkur? eso?ais vai topo?ais fotogrāfs var daudz no vi?a mācīties. Gaismas, ēnu un formu spēle padara vi?a darbus ?oti at??irīgus no tīras fotogrāfijas un pietuvina tos mākslai - savā zi?ā tā ir kā glezno?ana ar gaismu. Lai arī cik ironiski tas būtu, pa ?iem gadiem strādājo?a fotogrāfa dzīves modelis nav nemaz tik ?oti mainījies. Tāpēc topo?ajiem fotogrāfiem būtu ?oti vērtīgi ielūkoties cita fotogrāfa dzīvē, lai sparastu, kas tas ir un vai tas ir domāts tev. ?oti interesants romāns ikvienam, kuru interesē foto un māksla. Projektu līdzfinansē Eiropas Savienības programma “Rado?ā Eiropa”. Grāmatas izdo?anu līdzfinansējusi Latvijas Republikas Kultūras ministrija un ?ehijas Kultūras ministrija.
The Trial for Murder
The Trial for Murder
Charles Dickens
The Trial for Murder
La busca
La busca
Pío Baroja
La busca
Le novelle della Pescara
Le novelle della Pescara
Gabriele D'Annunzio
Le novelle della Pescara
La Argentina y la conquista del Río de la Plata
La Argentina y la conquista del Río de la Plata
Martín Del Barco Centenera
La Argentina y la conquista del Río de la Plata
Harry the Wonder Cat
Harry the Wonder Cat
Denise Brixey
Harry, the Wonder Cat, is no ordinary cat! Two centuries ago, he was tasked with caring for the Johnson family, helping them through life's ups and downs. Fast forward to the present. This story begins when Nikki Johnson, accompanied by her close friend Heather Murphy, had planned her annual quiet and relaxing Christmas visit to Harrot Reef to visit her beloved Aunt Lynn. Plans changed when Nikki's aunt summoned her to come earlier because something was terribly wrong. The two friends arrived the next day to a shocking discovery. Loud howling led them to the library where they found Aunt Lynn's crumpled body lying on the floor with her cat, Harry, next to her. The two women landed in the middle of a mystery. The only clues consist of a teacup, a copy of Agatha Christie's "The Mysterious Affair at Styles", and a note on the mantle. This Christmas visit was going to be anything but quiet and relaxing.The Legend of the Pink Diamond is a fantastical story passed down through generations of Johnsons and well known by the townspeople of Harrot Reef. A pink diamond is one of the most precious stones in the world, priceless and treasured for its beauty and rarity. As the story goes, accounts allege that one of these rare pink diamonds, mysteriously tied to crazy Frank Johnson, is still in the possession of the Johnson family. But is it just a story? ?Harry's magical powers help unravel the mystery behind the Legend of The Pink Diamond.
Autumn Down on the Farm
Autumn Down on the Farm
Rogers, Elaine
The days are growing shorter, but on Sunny Hill Farm Mr and Mrs Evans are working as hard as ever, looking after the animals and bringing in the last of the year's harvest. Meanwhile preparations are under way for a wedding in Rosehill village - Chris, the vet, is marrying his assistant, Tracy, and everyone has been invited. It is going to be a magnificent occasion. The Green Dragon Inn will be decorated with flowers for the wedding reception, and after the food and dancing Mr Marvellous will be performing his celebrated magic show to bring an incredible year to a truly magical end.
Forever Take My Hand
Forever Take My Hand
Smith Reid, Iris Therese
Iris Therese Smith Reid was born in Grimsby in 1938, and she gives a vivid account of what it was like to be a child growing up during the war. It was a time of great hardship and sometimes terror as Grimsby was ravaged by German bombing raids during the Blitz, but Iris recalls many lighter moments too, the games she played among the bombsites and the memorable characters she knew. The second part of this biography covers Iris's working family life, most of which was spent in and around Grimsby. Now in her late seventies, Iris has spent the last sixteen years looking after her husband, Francis, who has vascular dementia. Part three relates how she and Francis have struggled with his illness together and how they continue to get the most out of life.
Spanish Festivals and Traditions
Spanish Festivals and Traditions
Hannam, Nicolette
This invaluable, time-saving resource provides intercultural ideas for every month of the year. For each festival and tradition you will find background information, key vocabulary, detailed lists of possible teaching activities and optional pupil sheets. Ideas range from making cards and reading/writing poems to playing game and cooking traditional recipes.
Celia Mcmahon
Set in a kingdom of warring lands, demon curses, and hidden magic, UNSPOKEN is a fantasy for fans of Maggie Stiefvater's Mercy Falls Series and Sarah J Maas’ Throne of Glass."You are unbroken."Princess Isabelle of The New Kingdom has lived her entire life in the confines of her palace. She spends her time hunting for the poverty-stricken Voiceless-people of the Old Kingdom who warred with her kingdom and ultimately lost-and dreaming of a world beyond the walls of her home. As the only remaining child of the king and queen, she is to be married off by her eighteenth birthday."My father said that magic died long ago. It was evil, cursed, and wicked. My father is a liar."When Izzy witnesses the use of forbidden magic in the woods outside the palace, she is attacked, and saved by an unknown man. Soon after she discovers her rescuer is a Voiceless servant in the castle named Fray, she befriends him to seek out the magic users who tried to kill her. Fray agrees to help, but not before Isabelle discovers the servant boy harbors a secret the king has tried to bury-that he is a Gwylis, people of the old Kingdom who made a pact with the demons of the underworld for the power to transform into giant ferocious wolves. But to shift into a beast, Fray must be able to speak the words to do so. If he is to thwart the attackers from killing her entire family, Izzy needs to cure the ailment that took away his voice."Sometimes one action-one death-can spur a movement, sway the cosmos, and move the stars."But curing Fray holds more danger than she ever thought possible. The lies of her parents and the risk of putting her own life on the line deems as destructive as falling for the servant boy. If Isabelle is to save herself and Fray, she’ll need to face enemy Gwylis, cross paths with usurper kings and princes, and decide what side she is on-human or wolf-or lose her kingdom forever."I am fearless." Are you fearless? Read Unspoken now!
Carol Christofferson
Carol Christofferson?is a versatile artist and writer who?carves words,?molds letters?and?paints emotions?with such flair and mastery. Carol's short stories and poems?are inspired?by his?watercolor paintings,?reflections of the world around us,?illustrations of his own life experiences?and?expressions of women’s and men’s emotions. His poems and short stories are?insightful and inspiring, and?they enable the reader to feel strong emotions. He invites us to walk with him on unknown avenues, using a?voice?that ranges from?melodic?and?sweet?at times to?melancholic?and?whimsical. When asked what the intention of this book was, Carol answered, “The stories in this book are meant?to bring to life the feelings?that may have been buried for a long time, or forgotten altogether, a world seen through the eyes of a child again, memories of a mother’s touch, in short, the pleasures and pain of life.”
Hawaiian Rebirth: Questions, Stories, and Strategies to Guide You to Your Life’s
Hawaiian Rebirth: Questions, Stories, and Strategies to Guide You to Your Life’s
Yves Nager
Have you ever asked yourself, "Is this all there is to life?"?What if you could breakthrough what's stopping you from living your dreams and uncover what you were truly meant to do?Hawaiian Rebirth?is a complete road map that guides you to discovering your gifts, finding your life's purpose and fulfilling your destiny.Reading?Hawaiian Rebirth?will help you to: Deepen your understanding of?why you were born? Unfold into your true self and?fulfill your destiny Clarify your?passions?and find your?life's purpose Commit to moving in the?direction of your desires Realize any goal?you dream of achieving Interwoven within fascinating stories from the author's worldwide adventures,?Hawaiian Rebirth?leads you on a marvelous journey of spiritual and professional self-discovery. The book begins with Yves' miraculous story of healing and rebirth in Hawaii at the beginning of his own journey of transformation.While we all share the goal of finding our life's purpose and ultimately fulfilling our destiny, we're all headed to different places.?Hawaiian Rebirth?helps you commit to moving in the direction of your desires, despite challenges and obstacles.?
I Was On That Train
I Was On That Train
Brett, Jeffrey
The sooty, bellowing, clattering steam trains of another era gave every journey an atmosphere of excitement and expectancy. The whole course of a traveller's life might depend on whether he caught the nine fifty or the ten ten; his fate might be decided by his choice of compartments. In each of these short stories a train journey provides the backdrop for a momentous encounter or life-changing experience, but each story has a different twist. There is comedy as well as tragedy, romance as well as mystery and fellow travellers include figures from history, guardian angels and ghosts!
Stewie Scraps and the Trolley Cart
Stewie Scraps and the Trolley Cart
Blackburn, Sheila
The Stewie Scraps series is ideal for reluctant boy readers, but other children will also love the stories. Stewie Scraps doesn't do sport. He hasn't got any time for sums or things like that, but he loves designing and making things. Stewie is desperate to build a go-kart following a surprise invitation to Alfie Battersby's birthday party. But his new design doesn't go according to plan. Find out what goes wrong and how Grandpa comes to the rescue.
100+ Fun Ideas for Art Activities
100+ Fun Ideas for Art Activities
Goodridge, Paula
Unleash your students' imaginations with this wonderful collection of tried and tested art activities that are easy to prepare, but children will love. The activities introduce a wide range of art skills and media and are suitable for use in the classroom, at home or in children's clubs. Activities range from designing a bank note and painting glass jars to printing on fabric and creating 3D robots.
100+ Fun Ideas for a Happier Classroom
100+ Fun Ideas for a Happier Classroom
Jones, Eileen
This book is crammed with stimulating ideas to help you create and communicate the impression of a calm, happy classroom where pupils feel secure and are challenged to do their very best. Suggestions cover everything from layout of the classroom and innovative ways of controlling noise levels to great ways of making every child feel special and valued. These carefully selected, enjoyable activities will not only help the children feel confident in your classroom and at school, they will also foster self-confidence, positive attitudes, teamwork and improved links with home.
100+ Fun Ideas for Wet Playtimes
100+ Fun Ideas for Wet Playtimes
Green, Christine
Provides useful ways of keeping students occupied when the weather means it is impossible to go out at recess/playtime. The activities have an educational element, and range from pen and paper games to work games, talking games and even group games. The games can be easily adapted to suit children of all ages.