

Of Elven Blood
Of Elven Blood
Leslie Fish
Roxanne Defarge has given up on love and her dreams, but at least she's found a job she likes - working as a newspaper editor for a union in Chicago. When Roxanne witnesses a murder in the newspaper's office, she has to leave it all behind for her own protection. In Arizona she must start again at Treemark Arabian Farms. But who can protect her from Brian Treemark, the mysterious and handsome ranch owner who reveals that he and Roxanne are members of a mysterious, ancient race--and they're in more danger than Roxanne ever could find on the streets of Chicago? She's going to have to learn fast for she is now an Elf and must learn to live as one.
The Young Pitcher
The Young Pitcher
Zane Grey
High school senior Ken Ward is on top of the world--he's popular, a somebody. But as a freshman at Wayne University, Ken quickly discovers he's a nobody who's treated like dirt by upperclassmen. When Ken can't stand the harassment anymore, he bursts out of his gloom by slugging a sophomore bully--who turns out to be captain of the varsity baseball team. It looks as if Ken's dream of making that team has gone down the drain... until in a moment of wild excitement he proves himself with, of all things, a potato! And Ken keeps on proving himself until the last out of a heart-pounding league championship game.
There's Nothing Romantic About Washing the Dishes
There's Nothing Romantic About Washing the Dishes
Katrina Joyner
Collection of short stories inspired by real life. Most represent a mundane side from science fiction and fantasy writer, Katrina Joyner, people don't get to see often.Silver - Redemption can come in many ways, depending on how you find it and where you look. Over It - Sometimes when faced with your evil stepmother, leaving bread crumbs on the trail is not enough. Ghost in the Water - When water spirits need rescue, heroes come in many shapes and sizes. A rare Native American point of view for the author.The Glass of Cappuccino - Your fairy godmother may be closer than you think, and her motives may not be so easy to understand.For Fear of Breaking Hearts - Fear can shatter worlds. And hearts.
The Young Forester
The Young Forester
Zane Grey
Think the Old West was nothing but outlaws and cowboys? Think again. Follow the death-defying adventures of a forest fireman, one of the many brave souls who laid his own safety on the line to make the wild terrain of the region safe and inhabitable.
The Girl Who Could Dance in Outer Space - An Inspirational Tale About Mae Jemiso
The Girl Who Could Dance in Outer Space - An Inspirational Tale About Mae Jemiso
Maya Cointreau
The Girl Who Could Dance in Outer Space is the second book in The Girls Who Could Series. It tells the tale of young Mae Jemison, the creative girl who became a doctor, an engineer, a dancer, and an astronaut. Mae Jemison teaches us that art and science are natural expressions of creativity and imagination. Nurture them both, and go where your dreams take you! The Girls Who Could is a fun, colorful series of stories about real women who have made a difference in the world through inspired action. By giving young girls examples of people who have done big, amazing things, children grow up with a template of achievement upon which to grow and expand their own dreams and goals. Praise for The Girl Who Could Talk to Computers: "Love love love this book! It is perfect for my small neice, who is always building and doing puzzles -- I can't wait for more books from this authors for kids." "This book is a huge hit at home with at my toy store. Kids love the simple, bright pictures. Grown-ups love the intelligently written rhymes that get across the main message and accomplishments of Grace Hopper's innovative life, without boring or confusing the children. There are sixteen, 4-line stanzas, each accompanied by an illustration. The book is perfect for young kids that are just starting to read, and I really like how it is geared towards inspiring girls, yet the drawings and story is not pink and frilly, so it can just as easily be read to boys, too. The main message of the book is that when you use your head "nothing's impossible, you can do it, you bet!""
The Border Legion
The Border Legion
Zane Grey
Jack Kells was a remorseless killer, head of a gang that ravaged the southern border. He didn't think twice before he kidnapped pretty Joan Randle on a lonesome Idaho trail. His cold eyes filled her with fear, but her goodness made something happen deep within him. Bad as he was, he knew he had to keep Joan safe from desperados far worse than he. Kells had a price on his head and on his heels. Now loving this woman could cost him his life...or it could make him a hero in this wild, dangerous land.
Riders of the Purple Sage
Riders of the Purple Sage
Zane Grey
Riders of the Purple Sage is a classic of the Western genre. It is the story of Lassiter, a gunslinging avenger in black, who shows up in a remote Utah town just in time to save the young and beautiful rancher Jane Withersteen from having to marry a Mormon elder against her will.
Viaje del Parnaso
Viaje del Parnaso
Miguel Cervantes
Viaje del Parnaso es una obra narrativa en verso de Miguel de Cervantes publicada el a?o 1614 escrita en tercetos que cuenta el viaje al monte Parnaso de Cervantes y los mejores poetas espa?oles para librar una batalla alegórica contra los malos poetas.
The Best Works
The Best Works
Arthur Conan Doyle
This ebook compiles Conan Doyle's greatest writings, including novels and short stories such as "A Study in Scarlet", "The Hound of the Baskervilles", "The Lost World", "The Adventure of the Speckled Band", "The Sign of Four" and "The White Company". This edition has been professionally formatted and contains several tables of contents. The first table of contents (at the very beginning of the ebook) lists the titles of all novels included in this volume. By clicking on one of those titles you will be redirected to the beginning of that work, where you'll find a new TOC that lists all the chapters and sub-chapters of that specific work.
As A Man Thinketh
As A Man Thinketh
James Allen
In the years since its publication in 1902, "As a Man Thinketh" has set thousands of men on the pathway to personal and financial growth. Now, in this unique rendition of James Allen's masterwork, you, too, can manifest the traits and skills characteristic of those honorable, refined, and successful men. Each of the aphorisms and quotes in this book reveals simple yet revelatory techniques that will empower you to strengthen your character, harness constructive thoughts, and create the life you've always wanted. As Allen himself wrote, "As a Man Thinketh" 'shall create positive results in daily circumstances and actions, regardless of the venue—an agreeable prospect, one must concede!'
Herman Melville
Ein ?lterer Rechtsanwalt berichtet als Icherz?hler von einem seiner Schreiber namens Bartleby, den er eines Tages in sein von Hochh?usern umstelltes lichtloses Büro in der Wall Street aufnimmt. Bartleby beginnt seine T?tigkeit mit stillem Flei? und einsiedlerischer Ausdauer. Er kopiert unermüdlich Vertr?ge, lehnt aber zur ?berraschung seines Dienstherrn schon bald jede andere T?tigkeit mit den Worten ab: ?Ich m?chte lieber nicht“, ?I would prefer not to“. Bald weigert er sich sogar, Vertr?ge zu kopieren, wohnt aber inzwischen in dem Büro - h?flich, freudlos, ohne Freunde und fast ohne zu essen. Der Rechtsanwalt kann oder will ihn nicht gewaltsam aus dem Büro entfernen lassen und auch eine gro?zügige Abfindung interessiert Bartleby nicht. Wegen eines unerkl?rlichen Einverst?ndnisses mit Bartleby sieht sich der Rechtsanwalt am Ende gezwungen, selbst aus dem Büro auszuziehen, statt Bartleby vor die Tür zu setzen. Seine Nachmieter - weniger verst?ndnisvoll - lassen Bartleby bald durch die Polizei abführen und in das Gef?ngnis The Tombs (die Gr?ber) bringen. Dort verweigert Bartleby sowohl alle Kommunikation und auch alle Nahrung. Der Rechtsanwalt versucht, sich um seinen ?Freund“ zu kümmern, aber nach wenigen Tagen stirbt Bartleby an seiner Lebensverweigerung.
The Prince (Hackett Classics)
The Prince (Hackett Classics)
Niccolò Machiavelli, Ninian Hill Thomson
Il Principe (The Prince) is a political treatise by the Florentine public servant and political theorist Niccolò Machiavelli. Originally called De Principatibus (About Principalities), it was written in 1513, but not published until 1532, five years after Machiavelli's death. The treatise is not representative of the work published during his lifetime, but it is the most remembered, and the work responsible for bringing "Machiavellian" into wide usage as a pejorative term. It has also been suggested by some critics that the piece is, in fact, a satire.
The Law
The Law
Frederic Bastiat
The Law, original French title La Loi, is a 1849 book by Frédéric Bastiat. It was published one year after the third French Revolution of 1848 and one year before his death of tuberculosis at age 49. The essay was influenced by John Locke's Second Treatise on Government and in turn influenced Henry Hazlitt's Economics in One Lesson. It is the work for which Bastiat is most famous along with The candlemaker's petition and the Parable of the broken window. In The Law, Bastiat states that "each of us has a natural right — from God — to defend his person, his liberty, and his property". The State is a "substitution of a common force for individual forces" to defend this right. The law becomes perverted when it punishes one's right to self-defense in favor of another's acquired right to plunder.
On Liberty
On Liberty
John Stuart Mill
On Liberty is a philosophical work by 19th century English philosopher John Stuart Mill, first published in 1859. To the Victorian readers of the time it was a radical work, advocating moral and economic freedom of individuals from the state.
Se Ti Amassi
Se Ti Amassi
Jean Joachim
Amore significa sempre verità assoluta? Evitare con successo le luci della ribalta era un modo per Megan Davis per custodire il suo segreto di famiglia. La stampa si fece largo nella sua vita quando il fratello gemello di lei, Mark, divenne il quarterback stella dei Delaware Demons. Meg, consulente finanziario senza alcun rispetto per le superstars dei giornali scandalistici, rimane scioccata quando le viene assegnato l’incarico di lanciare una divisione celebrità all’interno della prestigiosa impresa di investimenti Dillon & Weed. La sorpresa più grande: il carisma del suo primo cliente. ? Stella del cinema deliziosa e magnetica, Chaz Duncan, sempre attento alle donne che vogliono approfittare della sua fama o vendere i suoi segreti ai media, dà valore alla privacy sopra ogni altra cosa. Riuscirà l’attraente Megan Davis, sua nuova consulente finanziaria, a carpire la verità da lui con il suo fascino oppure l’attore continuerà la sua esistenza di alto profilo ma solitaria per tenere al sicuro il suo segreto? Gelosia, inganno e scandali minacciano due carriere così come la ricerca del vero amore e della fiducia in questa storia d’amore contemporanea degna di un giro sulle montagne russe.
Da Te Volim: Holivudska srca, #1
Da Te Volim: Holivudska srca, #1
Jean Joachim
Zna?i li ljubav uvijek apsolutnu istinu? Uspje?no izbjegavanje pozornosti je bio jedini na?in da Megan Davis sa?uva svoju obiteljsku tajnu. Novinari su poku?ali u?i u njezin ?ivot kad je njezin brat blizanac, Mark, postao zvijezda kao quarterback za Delaware Demonse. S prijezirom prema zvijezdama iz tabloida, Meg, financijski savjetnik, ostala je ?okirana kada je dobila zadatak pokrenuti odjel za poznate u presti?noj investicijskoj tvrtki, Dillon & Weed. Najve?e iznena?enje: karizma njezinog prvog klijenta. Prekrasna, privla?na filmska zvijezda, Chaz Duncan, oprezan sa ?enama koji su se ?eljele okoristiti njegovom slavom ili prodati njegove tajne medijima, cijenio je privatnost prije svega. Ho?e li privla?na Megan Davis, njegova nova financijska savjetnica, ?armom doznati istinu od njega ili ?e nastaviti sa svojim usamljenim ?ivotom na visokoj nozi, kako bi sa?uvao svoje tajne? Ljubomora, prijevara i skandal prijete karijerama protagonista, i potrazi za pravom ljubavi i povjerenjem u ovoj prevrtljivoj suvremenoj ljubavnoj pri?i.
Réussir sa prépa: Les 10 clés essentielles pour un mental de gagnant
Réussir sa prépa: Les 10 clés essentielles pour un mental de gagnant
Lise Leiner
tudiants en Classe Préparatoire aux Grandes coles des filières littéraires, scientifiques ou commerciales, ce livre est fait pour vous !Divisé en dix thématiques centrales, ce guide pratique, inspiré des dernières découvertes scientifiques, met à votre disposition un ensemble de conseils, méthodes et astuces qui vous permettront de gagner en efficacité dans l’acquisition de vos connaissances tout en renforant votre mental.Découvrez le secret de ces petites choses , qui contribueront grandement à améliorer la qualité de vos révisions : développement de la confiance en soi, réduction du stress, meilleure organisation...Cet ouvrage sera le partenaire de votre réussite.Lise LEINER, Psychologue clinicienne, diplmée de l’université Paris VII, est formée aux Thérapies Cognitivo-Comportementales et à la Sophrologie. Spécialisée dans la gestion du stress, elle accompagne depuis plusieurs années dejeunes étudiants dans la préparation de cursus exigeants.
The Lost Treasure of Kilimanjaro
The Lost Treasure of Kilimanjaro
Will Overby
A legendary treasure... a secret palace... one big adventure! When 12-year-old Brock Ford is invited to Africa with his globe-trotting anthropologist uncle Dirk Armstrong, he jumps at the chance to ditch his boring hometown to spend the summer on safari among wild animals and friendly natives. But Brock and Dirk are barely off the train in Nairobi when mysterious artifacts begin to surface which indicate the legend of an ancient lost treasure may actually be true. It’s an adventure that takes them over the Serengeti plain, through an underground Chagga fortress, and up the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro itself. Their discovery might be the greatest archaeological find of the century, but it could also trap them within the mountain’s volcanic depths forever.
Dela: Gorski vijenac, Lu?a Mikrokozma, Slobodijada...
Dela: Gorski vijenac, Lu?a Mikrokozma, Slobodijada...
Petar II Petrović Njegoš
Dvestotu godi?njicu Njego?evog ro?enja 2013. Knji?evna radionica Ra?i? obele?ila je objavljivanjem elektronske knjige pod naslovom Dela Njego?eva. Ova knjiga sadr?i obiman izbor Njego?evih najva?nijih dela: Gorski Vijenac, Lu?a mikrokozma, La?ni car ??epan Mali, Slobodijada, Glas kamen?taka, Pustinjak cetinski, Kula ?uri?i?a -- ?ardak Aleksi?a, Prozni zapisi, No? skuplja vijeka, te Izabrana pisma.
Edge of Reality
Edge of Reality
Charley Marsh
Sydney Waters stares out over the brittle, seared land three hundred feet below. How to cross four hundred miles of desert with a blind man and a dog? Before Sydney can change course, the cliff edge breaks away and Jordan tumbles down into the desert. The only way out a cave that leads deep beneath the state of Nebraska. No turning back now. Book Two of The Upheaval Series, Edge of Reality takes the reader on an extraordinary and unexpected adventure in a world turned upside down.
Srđan Srdić
U ovoj anti?vejkovskoj anabazi jedan od prepoznatljivih srdi?evskih likova, dru?tvenom i intimnom istorijomo?te?en ?ovek koji u dana?njici gubi tlo pod nogama, polazi na paradoksalni put samoosloba?anja, na kojem autor ocrtava duhovit i gorak portret savremene Srbije.