日语专业本科生教材:日语综合教程 第三册 学习参考
德语专业本科生教材:高级德语 第2册
陈小莺、陈建伟主编的《新理念大学法语(学生 用书3高等学校大学外语教学指导委员会法语 组使用教材)》坚持《要求》倡导的教学理念和 方法,注重知识与能力的结合,一步加强学习者综 合运用语言的能力。本书充分吸收我国大学法语教学 长期以来积累的经验,广泛借鉴国外先教学理念, 改变传统教学追求单项语言能力培养的模式,突出“ 素质教育”理念,培养学生跨文化交际能力。教材每 单元各版块围绕同一教学目标展,又相对独立:由 于我国大学法语的教学对象复杂,类型较多,学时各 不相同,学习者可根据实际情况选择使用教材内容, 以达到“培养学生不同层次的法语综合运用能力”的 教学目的。本书秉承**、二册的编写理念,沿袭第 一、二册的编写结构,按版块编写,方便不同学时的 学校使用。
本书汇集了中国自先秦诸子到近现代思想家对智力问题发表的许多精辟见解,总结了历代智力培养的经验。智力,作为人们认识能力的总和,还应包括运用知识解决实际问题的能力。在近代大机器生产出现以后,尤其是在科学技术长足步的当代,人的智力越来越对社会生产力的发展产生重大影响,智力发也成为世界各国所关注的课题。整理和翻译这些先哲的论述,并给予科学的评析,对世界各国了解中国智慧,对中国文化‘走出去”,是有所裨益的。 本书为汉西双语版,由武汉大学历史系授冯天瑜主编,陈用仪、蔡同廓、徐宜林、刘习良担纲西文翻译。
日语专业本科生教材:日语综合教程 第5册
留学德国听说教程 √ 共设10个单元31课,主题涉及德国日常生活和社会文化等方方面面 √ 教程内容力求还原真实的德国留学生活,学生可通过背景知识介绍和听说训练对德国留学生活有充分的了解,从而在心理和语言听说能力上做好准备 √ 本书可供赴德留学人员、在校学习德语的高年级学生以及具有中高级德语水平的学习者使用。 本书不仅是一本贴近德国日常生活的听说训练教程,更是一本生动的德国生活指南。本教程按照不同的主题编写,共分为10个单元,内容涉及了在德国学习生活、衣食住行的方方面面:从参加APS审核到踏上德国大地,从新生注册到实习工,从求医看病到度假旅行。每个主题下设三篇课文,每课书主要分为三大部分:背景知识介绍,听力训练和口语训练。旨在让学生了解德国日常生活的同时,锻炼阅读、听力、会话以及自主学习等综合能力。书中内容力求还原真实的德国留学生活,不仅听力文章中的对话情景生动、语言地道,而且学生可通过文中的背景知识介绍和拓展阅读对德国大学学习和日常生活有充分的了解,从而在心理上和语言上为留学德国做好准备。本书的两位作者均有多年留德经历,学成回国后在国内知名德语培训机构莱茵春天德语学校常年从事教学工作。因此对中国学生在德国学习生活遇到的问题和困难有切身体会,同时也深知中国学生学习德语的特。由于国内缺乏相应的德语语言环境,大部分学生在学习过程中很少有机会和母语国家的人触,因此未能掌握地道的日常交流用语。甚至很多已经通过德福考试的学生,甚至德语专业的毕业生,初到德国仍然面临沟通障碍。他们虽然能掌握了大量词汇和复杂句型,但面临实际交流时却忽然不知所措。 此外书中听力和口语练习采用了部分德福考试题型,因此本书也同样适用于准备参加德福考试的同学。 希望本书能够帮助所有热爱德语的学生在提高自己的听说能力的同时,获取更多德国国情知识。
Death on the Nile (Poirot)
Agatha Christie’s most exotic murder mystery, reissued with a striking cover designed to appeal to the latest generation of Agatha Christie fans and book lovers.
Mr Thomas Barrow and Miss Sarah O’Brien
This richly illustrated short, extracted from the official book The Chronicles of Downton Abbey, focuses on the characters individually, examining their motivations, their actions and the inspirations behind them. Forwarded by Downton Abbey creator Julian Fellowes. Thomas Barrow is one of the most complicated and intriguing of all the characters at Downton Abbey. As we have got to know him through years of both peace and war, multiple layers have been peeled away to reveal an insecure, jealous, sometimes paranoid, defensive and cowardly man beneath a glossy veneer of good looks and arrogance. ‘O’Brien realises that she is never going to be rich or successful – although she is quite successful as the lady’s maid of a countess,” says Julian Fellowes. “But she gets her thrills by manipulating and being devious and plotting. Her reward is in having a sense that she has power over people.’ Purchase this ebook short and the others in the series to get closer still to the characters at Downton Abbey and to understand more about their social context – from the changing role of the aristocracy to fashion and beauty, American Anglophiles, the Suffragette movement and life below stairs in a big country house like Downton. Search for The Chronicles of Downton Abbey to purchase all shorts combined.
Behind the Scenes (Downton Abbey Shorts, Book 11)
This richly illustrated short, extracted from the official book The Chronicles of Downton Abbey peels back the curtain on the making of Series 3. With a foreword from Downton Abbey creator Julian Fellowes. You’ll have privileged access to the on-set jokes and camaraderie between the actors – including anecdotes about Jim Carter’s (Carson’s) magic tricks and a revelation that two actors liked to burst into an impromptu duet of the Three Degrees classic “When Will I See You Again” between takes – find out who! See also how the sets at Highclere Castle and Ealing Studios were adapted, and hear from the costume and make up artists about the incredible attention to detail they applied to bring the 1920s so vividly to life. Purchase this ebook short and the others in the series to get closer still to the characters at Downton Abbey and to understand more about their social context – from the changing role of the aristocracy to fashion and beauty, American Anglophiles, the Suffragette movement and life below stairs in a big country house like Downton. Search for The Chronicles of Downton Abbey to purchase all shorts combined.
Unfinished Portrait
A stunning novel of death and destiny. Bereft of the three people she has held most dear - her mother, her husband and her daughter - Celia is on the verge of suicide. Then one night on an exotic island she meets Larraby, a successful portrait painter, and through a long night of talk reveals how she is afraid to commit herself to a second chance of happiness with another person, yet is not brave enough to face life alone. Can Larraby help Celia come to terms with the past or will they part, her outcome still uncertain? Famous for her ingenious crime books and plays, Agatha Christie also wrote about crimes of the heart, six bittersweet and very personal novels, as compelling and memorable as the best of her work.
The Pale Horse
A priest’s death leads to sinister goings-on in an old country pub… To understand the strange goings on at The Pale Horse Inn, Mark Easterbrook knew he had to begin at the beginning. But where exactly was the beginning? Was it the savage blow to the back of Father Gorman’s head? Or was it when the priest’s assailant searched him so roughly he tore the clergyman’s cassock? Or could it have been the priest’s visit, just minutes before, to a woman on her death bed? Or was there a deeper significance to the violent squabble which Mark Easterbrook had himself witnessed earlier? Wherever the beginning lies, Mark and his sidekick, Ginger Corrigan, may soon have cause to wish they’d never found it…
The Secret of Chimneys
A young drifter finds more than he bargained for when he agrees to deliver a parcel to an English country house…
MQTT Essentials - A Lightweight IoT Protocol
This step-by-step guide will help you gain a deep understanding of the lightweight MQTT protocol. We’ll begin with the specific vocabulary of MQTT and its working modes, followed by installing a Mosquitto MQTT broker. Then, you will use best practices to secure the MQTT Mosquitto broker to ensure that only authorized clients are able to publish and receive messages. Once you have secured the broker with the appropriate configuration, you will develop a solution that controls a drone with Python. Further on, you will use Python on a Raspberry Pi 3 board to process commands and Python on Intel Boards (Joule, Edison and Galileo). You will then connect to the MQTT broker, subscribe to topics, send messages, and receive messages in Python. You will also develop a solution that interacts with sensors in Java by working with MQTT messages. Moving forward, you will work with an asynchronous API with callbacks to make the sensors interact with MQTT messages. Following the same process, you will develop an iOS app with Swift 3, build a website that uses WebSockets to connect to the MQTT broker, and control home automation devices with HTML5, JavaScript code, Node.js and MQTT messages What you will learn ?Understand how MQTTv3.1 and v3.1.1 works in detail ?Install and secure a Mosquitto MQTT broker by following best practices ?Design and develop IoT solutions combined with mobile and web apps that use MQTT messages to communicate ?Explore the features included in MQTT for IoT and Machine-to-Machine communications ?Publish and receive MQTT messages with Python, Java, Swift, JavaScript, and Node.js ?Implement the security best practices while setting up the MQTT Mosquitto broker
Changing for Good
How many times have you thought about starting a diet or quitting smoking without doing anything about itOr lapsed back into bad habits after hitting a rough spot on the road to recoveryTo uncover the secret to successful personal change, three acclaimed psychologists studied more than 1,000 people who were able to positively and permanently alter their lives without psychotherapy. They discovered that change does not depend on luck or willpower. It is a process that can be successfully managed by anyone who understands how it works. Once you determine which stage of change you're in, you can: create a climate where positive change can occur maintain motivation turn setbacks into progress make your new benefifificial habits a permanent part of your life This groundbreaking book offers simple self-assessments, informative case histories, and concrete examples to help clarify each stage and process. Whether your goal is to start saving money, to stop drinking, or to end other self-defeating or addictive behaviors, this revolutionary program will help you implement positive personal change . . . for life.The National Cancer Institute Found this program more than twice as effective as standard programs in helping smokers quit for 18 months.
It doesn't take long to understand why The Wall Street Journal calls Keith Harrell "a star with attitude." Keith Harrell, a.k.a. Dr. Attitude, helps you along on your path to success. Keith is a bestselling author, performance coach, and nationally acclaimed motivational speaker recognized for his innovative and enlightening presentations to Fortune 500 companies like Coca-Cola, IBM, Microsoft, and Southwest Airlines. His bestselling book, Attitude is Everything, helped readers improve their attitudes to impact the bottom line.In Attitude is Everything, Keith taught readers to gain control of their careers and their lives by turning positive attitudes into successful actions. But attitude is only half the equation. Once you have super motivated employees, you need them to CONNECT to the company's goals and its mission to achieve maximum success. Success is built on connections we make with people and ideas. Whether it's connecting with customers to improve their service experience, or connecting with the strategic business plan and objectives for the coming year, the foundation for success starts with CONNECT. Here in Connect, Keith Harrell and Hattie Hill reveal the seven core competencies needed to connect individuals and organizations in order to heighten productivity and to maximize personal and professional success.Commit to win Open up to opportunities Notice what's needed and do what's necessary Navigate by your purposeExecute ethicallyChallenge your challenges Transcend beyond your best
Fahrenheit 451
The hauntingly prophetic classic novel set in a not-too-distant future where books are burned by a special task force of firemen.
How to Talk to Anyone: 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships
Never be at a loss for words again! Perfect your people skills with his fun, witty and informative guide, containing 92 little tricks to create big success in personal and business relationships. In How To Talk To Anyone, bestselling relationships author and internationally renowned life coach Leil Lowndes reveals the secrets and psychology behind successful communication. These extremely usable and intelligent techniques include how to: ? Work a party like a politician works a room ? Be an insider in any crowd ? Use key words and phrases to guide the conversation ? Use body language to connect This is the key to having successful conversations with anyone, any time.
The World of Ice and Fire: The Untold History of Westeros and the Game of Throne
The never-before-seen history of Westeros and the lands beyond. With hundreds of pages of all-new material from George R.R. Martin. If the past is prologue, then George R.R. Martin’s masterwork―the most inventive and entertaining fantasy saga of our time―warrants one hell of an introduction. At long last, it has arrived with THE WORLD OF ICE AND FIRE. George R.R. Martin, in collaboration with Elio M. García, Jr. and Linda Antonsson, has written a comprehensive history of the Seven Kingdoms, featuring the epic battles, bitter rivalries, and daring rebellions that lead up to the events in the bestselling A Song of Ice and Fire series. Collected within this volume is the accumulated knowledge, scholarly speculation, and inherited folk tales of maesters and septons, maegi and singers, including over 170 full-colour illustrations and maps, family trees for the Houses Stark, Lannister and Targaryen, and in-depth explanations of the history and culture of Westeros. This is the definitive companion volume to George R.R. Martin’s dazzlingly conceived universe; THE WORLD OF ICE AND FIRE is indeed proof that the pen is mightier than a storm of swords.
澳門世遺.世史洪流──澳門歷史建築散步 (修訂版)