

49元5本 非凡.新日本语能力考试.N3读解
【本书内容与特】 一、试题解析。重介绍了出题形式和解题技巧以及解题时的逐一实现,使学习者有效把握考查的范围和解题时的阅读重。二、题型分析。按出题题型详细讲解了每个题型的出题形式和解题要求,并根据掌握的知识练习每个题型中配备的练习题。三、综合练习。主要设置了中篇文章和长篇文章的阅读练习,是第二部分“题型分析”的集大成。解题技巧和方法可以参考“题型分析”中介绍的知识。四、实战演练。配备两套模拟测验题,题型完全对应真题,难易度近真题,有助于学习者有效检验和评价自己的学习效果。
49元5本 非凡.新日本语能力考试.N3语法:归纳整理+全解全练
一、正文。由“语法与解说”“归纳与应用”两部分构成。“语法与解说”部分,按语法的功能行分类梳理,这样不仅可以使学习者有效地掌握各语法功能中的语法条目,还可以学习相近语法条目的意义和用法。“归纳与应用”部分,根据考题中的题型2 和题型3 的要求,重对出现频率高的考查项目行归纳与整理,以便学习者全面了解和掌握知识。譬如“敬语表达”“副词”“续词”“指示词”以及“时态”等考内容。二、课后练习。采用了三项选择题的形式,既包含语句结构方面的知识,也有句法、推论等方面的知识,学习者不仅可以通过练习巩固每课学习内容,还可以熟悉出题方式,在正式考试中应对自如。三、模拟试题。精选出题频率高的语法条目和语法知识作为考查对象,有助于学习者有效检验和评价自己的学习效果和实战能力。
Hands-On RESTful Python Web Services
Hands-On RESTful Python Web Services
Gaston C. Hillar
Explore the best tools and techniques to create lightweight, maintainable, and scalable Python web services Key Features *Combine Python with different data sources to build complex RESTful APIs from scratch *Configure and fine-tune your APIs using the best tools and techniques available *Use command-line and GUI tools to test CRUD operations performed by RESTful Web Services or APIs Book Description Python is the language of choice for millions of developers worldwide that builds great web services in RESTful architecture. This second edition of Hands-On RESTful Python Web Services will cover the best tools you can use to build engaging web services. This book shows you how to develop RESTful APIs using the most popular Python frameworks and all the necessary stacks with Python, combined with related libraries and tools. You’ll learn to incorporate all new features of Python 3.7, Flask 1.0.2, Django 2.1, Tornado 5.1, and also a new framework, Pyramid. As you advance through the chapters, you will get to grips with each of these frameworks to build various web services, and be shown use cases and best practices covering when to use a particular framework. You’ll then successfully develop RESTful APIs with all frameworks and understand how each framework processes HTTP requests and routes URLs. You’ll also discover best practices for validation, serialization, and deserialization. In the concluding chapters, you will take advantage of specific features available in certain frameworks such as integrated ORMs, built-in authorization and authentication, and work with asynchronous code. At the end of each framework, you will write tests for RESTful APIs and improve code coverage. By the end of the book, you will have gained a deep understanding of the stacks needed to build RESTful web services. What you will learn *Select the most appropriate framework based on requirements *Develop complex RESTful APIs from scratch using Python *Use requests handlers, URL patterns, serialization, and validations *Add authentication, authorization, and interaction with ORMs and databases *Debug, test, and improve RESTful APIs with four frameworks *Design RESTful APIs with frameworks and create automated tests Who this book is for This book is for web developers who have a working knowledge of Python and would like to build amazing web services by taking advantage of the various frameworks of Python. You should have some knowledge of RESTful APIs.
Anne's House of Dreams
Anne's House of Dreams
Lucy Maud Montgomery
Book 5 in the Anne of Green Gables Series Anne's House of Dreams begins with the wedding between Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe. In this book, they move to a small and begin their life together with love, loss and many interesting escapades.
The Prince
The Prince
Niccolò Machiavelli
If any book could be called legendary, surely it is this one. Its author, Italian diplomat and philosopher Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527) considered it his greatest work. Indeed, his thoughts on politics, as laid out so famously in this brief but profound work, have become so synonymous with him that his name has become an adjective: Machiavellian. How is political power achieved? How is it maintained? Though Machiavelli states explicitly that he is not discussing "Republics" here, only "Princedoms", this coldly rational guidebook to taking control and holding onto it contains such universal insights into human nature and the structure of human systems that his "advice" serves equally well in almost any power structure. With applications in such diverse realms as business, the military, even role-playing games, Machiavelli's rules for ruling continue to be required reading for students of politics, philosophy, and ethics.
Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions by Frank Harris (Illustrated)
Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions by Frank Harris (Illustrated)
Frank Harris
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions by Frank Harris’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Wilde includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily.eBook features:* The complete unabridged text of ‘Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions by Frank Harris’* Beautifully illustrated with images related to Wilde’s works* Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook* Excellent formatting of the textPlease visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde (Illustrated)
An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde (Illustrated)
Oscar Wilde
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘An Ideal Husband’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Wilde includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily.eBook features:* The complete unabridged text of ‘An Ideal Husband’* Beautifully illustrated with images related to Wilde’s works* Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook* Excellent formatting of the textPlease visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
Don Quijote: [Completar & Ilustrado]
Don Quijote: [Completar & Ilustrado]
Miguel De Cervantes
Por cuanto por parte de vos, Miguel de Cervantes, nos fue fecha relacion que habiades compuesto un libro intitulado El ingenioso hidalgo de la Mancha, el cual os habia costado mucho trabajo y era muy util y provechoso, nos pedistes y suplicastes os mandasemos dar licencia y facultad para le poder imprimir, y previlegio por el tiempo que fuesemos servidos, o como la nuestra merced fuese; lo cual visto por los del nuestro Consejo, por cuanto en el dicho libro se hicieron las diligencias que la prematica ultimamente por nos fecha sobre la impresion de los libros dispone, fue acordado que debiamos mandar dar esta nuestra cedula para vos, en la dicha razon; y nos tuvimoslo por bien. Por la cual, por os hacer bien y merced, os damos licencia y facultad para que vos, o la persona que vuestro poder hubiere, y no otra alguna, podais imprimir el dicho libro, intitulado El ingenioso hidalgo de la Mancha, que desuso se hace mencion, en todos estos nuestros reinos de Castilla, por tiempo y espacio de diez anos, que corran y se cuenten desde el dicho dia de la data desta nuestra cedula; so pena que la persona o personas que, sin tener vuestro poder, lo imprimiere o vendiere, o hiciere imprimir o vender, por el mesmo caso pierda la impresion que hiciere, con los moldes y aparejos della; y mas, incurra en pena de cincuenta mil maravedis cada vez que lo contrario hiciere. La cual dicha pena sea la tercia parte para la persona que lo acusare, y la otra tercia parte para nuestra Camara, y la otra tercia parte para el juez que lo sentenciare. Con tanto que todas las veces que hubieredes de hacer imprimir el dicho libro, durante el tiempo de los dichos diez anos, le traigais al nuestro Consejo, juntamente con el original que en el fue visto, que va rubricado cada plana y firmado al fin del de Juan Gallo de Andrada, nuestro Escribano de Camara, de los que en el residen, para saber si la dicha impresion esta conforme el original; o traigais fe en publica forma de cómo por corretor nombrado por nuestro mandado, se vio y corrigio la dicha impresion por el original.. O traigais fe en publica forma de como por corretor nombrado por nuestro mandado, se vio y corrigio la dicha impresion por el original, y se imprimio conforme a el, y quedan impresas las erratas por el apuntadas, para cada un libro de los que asi fueren impresos, para que se tase el precio que por cada volume hubieredes de haber. Y mandamos al impresor que asi imprimiere el dicho libro, no imprima el principio ni el primer pliego del, ni entregue mas de un solo libro con el original al autor, o persona a cuya costa lo imprimiere, ni otro alguno, para efeto de la dicha correcion y tasa, hasta que antes y primero el dicho libro este corregido y tasado por los del nuestro Consejo; y, estando hecho, y no de otra manera, pueda imprimir el dicho principio y primer pliego, y sucesivamente ponga esta nuestra cedula y la aprobacion, tasa y erratas, so pena de caer e incurrir en las penas contenidas en las leyes y prematicas destos nuestros reinos. Y mandamos a los del nuestro Consejo, y a otras cualesquier justicias dellos, guarden y cumplan esta nuestra cedula y lo en ella contenido. Fecha en Valladolid, a veinte y seis días del mes de setiembre de mil y seiscientos y cuatro anos... ? Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra:(Alcala de Henares, 1547-Madrid, 1616) fue un soldado, novelista, poeta y dramaturgo espanol. Esta considerado la maxima figura de la literatura espanola y es universalmente conocido por haber escrito Don Quijote de la Mancha, que muchos críticos han descrito como la primera novelamoderna y una de las mejores obras de la literatura universal, ademas de ser el libro mas editado y traducido de la historia, solo superado por la Biblia. Se le ha dado el sobrenombre de ?Principe de los Ingenios?. Desde el siglo XVIII esta admitido que el lugar de nacimiento de Miguel de Cervantes fue Alcala de Henares, dado que allí fue bautizado, segun su acta bautismal, y que de alli aclaro ser natural en la llamada Informacion de Argel (1580). El dia exacto de su nacimiento es menos seguro, aunque lo normal es que naciera el 29 de septiembre, fecha en que se celebra la fiesta del arcangel San Miguel, dada la tradicion de recibir el nombre del santoral del dia del nacimiento. Miguel de Cervantes fue bautizado el 9 de octubre de 1547 en la parroquia de Santa Maria la Mayor. El acta del bautizo reza: Domingo, nueve dias del mes de octubre, ano del Senor de mill e quinientos e quarenta e siete anos, fue baptizado Miguel, hijo de Rodrigo Cervantes e su mujer dona Leonor. Baptizole el reverendo senor Bartolome Serrano, cura de Nuestra Senora. Testigos, Baltasar Vazquez, Sacristan, e yo, que le baptice e firme de mi nombre. Bachiller Serrano. Sus abuelos paternos fueron el licenciado en leyes Juan de Cervantes y dona Leonor de Torreblanca, hija de Juan Luis de Torreblanca, un medico cordobes; su padre se llamaba Rodrigo de Cervantes (1509-1585) y nacio en Alcala de Henares por casualidad: su
Is She His Wife? by Charles Dickens (Illustrated)
Is She His Wife? by Charles Dickens (Illustrated)
Charles Dickens
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘Is She His Wife?’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of Charles Dickens’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Dickens includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily.eBook features:* The complete unabridged text of ‘Is She His Wife?’* Beautifully illustrated with images related to Dickens’s works* Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook* Excellent formatting of the textPlease visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
T?nase Scatiu
T?nase Scatiu
Duiliu Zamfirescu
Fluturele este o insect din ordinul Lepidoptera, termen ce provine din termenii grecesti lepis (coaj) si pteron (arip). Mai mult coaj dect miez. Acest ordin are aproximativ 165.000 de specii cunoscute care, n ciuda unei mari varieti de forme si culori, au o structur similar, mai toi fiind nscrii n uniunile scriitoriceti de pretutindeni. Printre azteci, fluturii sunt un simbol al sufletului sau ultima suflare a unui muribund. Un fluture care zboar printre flori reprezint sufletul unui rzboinic czut pe un cmp de lupt. ntr-adevr, rzboinicii se ntorc pe pmnt sub form de colibri sau fluturi care, de data aceasta, se apuc imediat de scris i nu mai suport vederea armelor. Eventual sapa o mai tolereaz, pentru a-i spa pe cei care nu le laud culorile, stilul i fandoselile. Curcanul, ns, este o pasre de talie mare, originar din America, domesticit cu premii literare nc din timpul aztecilor. n timpul mperecherii n vederea formrii gtilor literare, culoarea pielii capului i gtului devine albastru i rou aprins, masculul desfurnd coada n form de evantai. Femelele desfoar doar sunete guturale: glu-glu-glu! i recit cu gravitate ce le vine la ndemn, pe sub aripi. Specie hipersensibil, curcanii pot s sufere atacuri de cord sau de panic. n timpul unor teste ale avioanelor U.S. Air Force s-a constatat decesul a mai multor curcani din zon din cauza atacurilor cardiace. Remediul este aplicarea de laude i aplauze n zonele tumefiate. Fluturele-curcan este o specie ncruciat ce, paradoxal, nu tolereaz fluturii i curcanii pur-snge. Exist zvonuri c unele exemplare modificate genetic pot rezista fr s scrie chiar i 6 luni. Timp n care clocesc citind pe rupte. (tiri despre fluturi, curcani i hibrizi/stirileprotv.ro)“
Poetry I: The Writers Call
Poetry I: The Writers Call
Orna Ross
"Reaches into the corners of your soul and pulls out all that is beautiful." "Masterfully crafted poetry". "A powerhouse of a poetry collection." Poetry: there are times in life when nothing else will do. And at such times, you need a certain kind of poem, the kind contained in this pamphlet. Clear, simple, accessible, inspirational poetry. This is the first in a series of poetry pamphlets by a bestselling and acclaimed novelist, a short collection of ten poems with diverse forms and subjects. "Poetry should be ingested sparingly," says Orna Ross. "like any mind-altering substance. More than ten at a time is too much, I believe." These are poems you read again and again, touching as they do on all the big themes. An artist fails to see what he is creating in his life; a woman surviving genocide making meaning from maternity; an Irish wedding blessing is reworked... You'll find poems about love -- in its many manifestations. Poems about making art. Poems about life and liberty and the conditions for happiness. Poems about loss, and faith, and redemption. All delivered in direct, achingly lovely language. This is poetry in the tradition of Mary Oliver, William Stafford, Maya Angelou. The purest practice of the theory Orna Ross expounds in her "Go Creative!" books.
全书分为9大章,涵盖日常交际、情感态度、百姓生活、公共服务、物消费、感情世界、出国旅游、职场达人、商务贸易几大类。每章有若干话题,每个话题又根据情境细分为小的场景,全书常用口语句子共计3000句以上。 本书内容以地道、实用的短句为主,每个句子都对应有中文、俄语,还标注了中文谐音和拼音,方便读者选择对照学习。 本书门简单,而且适用范围广。适合俄语零基础、对俄语学习有需求或感兴趣的俄语爱好者;或是有一定俄语基础,会看不会读,希望快速掌握口语、能说流利地道口语的俄语学习者。
Boris Godunov
Boris Godunov
Alexander Pushkin
The classic Russian play, in verse translation. According to Wikipedia: "Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin (1799 - 1837) was a Russian Romantic author who is considered to be the greatest Russian poet and the founder of modern Russian literature. Pushkin pioneered the use of vernacular speech in his poems and plays, creating a style of storytelling, mixing drama, romance, and satire, associated with Russian literature ever since and greatly influencing later Russian writers."
The Babylonian Talmud: All 20 volumes in a single file
The Babylonian Talmud: All 20 volumes in a single file
Isaac Wise
The Talmud, from the 1903 and 1918 editions of the translation by Michael Rodkinson, all 20 volumes. This edition is intended for modern readers. Rodkinson omitted sections where the debate becomes extremely obscure. He points out wherever he did so. The introduction, by Gustav Karpeles, is from the book "Jewish Literature and Other Essays".
Kafka auf Deutsch
Kafka auf Deutsch
Franz Kafka
Diese Datei enth?lt (im Original Deutsch): Die Verwandlung; Betrachtung: Kleine Erz?hlungen; Ein Landarzt: Kleine Erz?hlungen; Ein Hungerkünstler, Erz?hlung; In der Strafkolonie, Erz?hlung; und Das Urteil, Erz?hlung. Nach Wikipedia: Franz Kafka (3. Juli 1883 - 3. Juni 1924) war ein bedeutender Schriftsteller des 20. Jahrhunderts. Er wurde in einer deutschsprachigen jüdischen Familie in Prag, B?hmen (heute Tschechische Republik), ?sterreich-Ungarn geboren. Sein einzigartiger Schriftk?rper, von dem viele unvollst?ndig sind und der haupts?chlich posthum ver?ffentlicht wurde, gilt als einer der einflussreichsten in der westlichen Literatur. Kafka wurde in einem der H?user am Prager Altstadtplatz geboren, direkt neben der St.-Nikolaus-Kirche. In diesem Haus wurde eine Galerie mit einer Dauerausstellung über Kafkas Leben er?ffnet. Seine Geschichten umfassen die Metamorphose (1912) und In der Strafkolonie (1914), w?hrend seine Romane The Trial (1925), The Castle (1926) und Amerika (1927) sind.
The Nether World
The Nether World
George Gissiing
Classic novel. According to Wikipedia: "George Robert Gissing (November 22, 1857 – December 28, 1903) was an English novelist who wrote twenty-three novels between 1880 and 1903. From his early naturalistic works, he developed into one of the most accomplished realists of the late-Victorian era. ... In 1880 when his first novel, Workers in the Dawn, proved to be an abject failure, he became a private tutor to keep poverty from the door. In 1883, he separated from his wife, now an alcoholic, but gave her a weekly income on what little money he had until her death in 1888. In 1884 his second novel, The Unclassed, which saw a marked improvement in style and characterisation, met with moderate critical acclaim. After this Gissing published novels almost on a yearly basis, but so little money did they bring him, that for several more years he had to continue working as a tutor. Although notoriously exploited by his publishers, he was able to visit Italy in 1889 from the sale of the copyright of The Nether World, his most pessimistic book. Between 1891 and 1897 (his so-called middle period) Gissing produced his best works, which include New Grub Street, Born in Exile, The Odd Women, In the Year of Jubilee, and The Whirlpool. In advance of their time, they variously deal with the growing commercialism of the literary market, religious charlatanism, the situation of emancipated women in a male-dominated society, the poverty of the working classes, and marriage in a decadent world. During this period, having belatedly become aware of the financial rewards of writing short stories for the press, he produced almost seventy stories. As a result he was able to give up teaching. ... The middle years of the decade saw Gissing's reputation reach new heights: by some critics he is counted alongside George Meredith and Thomas Hardy as one of the best three novelists of his day. He also enjoyed new friendships with fellow writers such as Henry James, and H.G. Wells, and came into contact with many other up and coming writers such as Joseph Conrad and Stephen Crane. ... In 1903 Gissing published The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft, which brought him much acclaim. This is his most autobiographical work. It is the memoir of the last happy years of a writer who had struggled much like Gissing, but thanks to a late legacy had been able to give up writing to retire to the countryside."
George Gissiing
Classic novel. According to Wikipedia: "George Robert Gissing (November 22, 1857 – December 28, 1903) was an English novelist who wrote twenty-three novels between 1880 and 1903. From his early naturalistic works, he developed into one of the most accomplished realists of the late-Victorian era. ... In 1880 when his first novel, Workers in the Dawn, proved to be an abject failure, he became a private tutor to keep poverty from the door. In 1883, he separated from his wife, now an alcoholic, but gave her a weekly income on what little money he had until her death in 1888. In 1884 his second novel, The Unclassed, which saw a marked improvement in style and characterisation, met with moderate critical acclaim. After this Gissing published novels almost on a yearly basis, but so little money did they bring him, that for several more years he had to continue working as a tutor. Although notoriously exploited by his publishers, he was able to visit Italy in 1889 from the sale of the copyright of The Nether World, his most pessimistic book. Between 1891 and 1897 (his so-called middle period) Gissing produced his best works, which include New Grub Street, Born in Exile, The Odd Women, In the Year of Jubilee, and The Whirlpool. In advance of their time, they variously deal with the growing commercialism of the literary market, religious charlatanism, the situation of emancipated women in a male-dominated society, the poverty of the working classes, and marriage in a decadent world. During this period, having belatedly become aware of the financial rewards of writing short stories for the press, he produced almost seventy stories. As a result he was able to give up teaching. ... The middle years of the decade saw Gissing's reputation reach new heights: by some critics he is counted alongside George Meredith and Thomas Hardy as one of the best three novelists of his day. He also enjoyed new friendships with fellow writers such as Henry James, and H.G. Wells, and came into contact with many other up and coming writers such as Joseph Conrad and Stephen Crane. ... In 1903 Gissing published The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft, which brought him much acclaim. This is his most autobiographical work. It is the memoir of the last happy years of a writer who had struggled much like Gissing, but thanks to a late legacy had been able to give up writing to retire to the countryside."
New Grub Street
New Grub Street
George Gissiing
Classic novel. According to Wikipedia: "George Robert Gissing (November 22, 1857 – December 28, 1903) was an English novelist who wrote twenty-three novels between 1880 and 1903. From his early naturalistic works, he developed into one of the most accomplished realists of the late-Victorian era. ... In 1880 when his first novel, Workers in the Dawn, proved to be an abject failure, he became a private tutor to keep poverty from the door. In 1883, he separated from his wife, now an alcoholic, but gave her a weekly income on what little money he had until her death in 1888. In 1884 his second novel, The Unclassed, which saw a marked improvement in style and characterisation, met with moderate critical acclaim. After this Gissing published novels almost on a yearly basis, but so little money did they bring him, that for several more years he had to continue working as a tutor. Although notoriously exploited by his publishers, he was able to visit Italy in 1889 from the sale of the copyright of The Nether World, his most pessimistic book. Between 1891 and 1897 (his so-called middle period) Gissing produced his best works, which include New Grub Street, Born in Exile, The Odd Women, In the Year of Jubilee, and The Whirlpool. In advance of their time, they variously deal with the growing commercialism of the literary market, religious charlatanism, the situation of emancipated women in a male-dominated society, the poverty of the working classes, and marriage in a decadent world. During this period, having belatedly become aware of the financial rewards of writing short stories for the press, he produced almost seventy stories. As a result he was able to give up teaching. ... The middle years of the decade saw Gissing's reputation reach new heights: by some critics he is counted alongside George Meredith and Thomas Hardy as one of the best three novelists of his day. He also enjoyed new friendships with fellow writers such as Henry James, and H.G. Wells, and came into contact with many other up and coming writers such as Joseph Conrad and Stephen Crane. ... In 1903 Gissing published The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft, which brought him much acclaim. This is his most autobiographical work. It is the memoir of the last happy years of a writer who had struggled much like Gissing, but thanks to a late legacy had been able to give up writing to retire to the countryside."
Mark Twain's Short Stories
Mark Twain's Short Stories
Mark Twain
This book-collection file includes the collections: The $30,000 Bequest and Other Stories, Alonzo Fitz and Other Stories, The Curious Republic of gondour and other Whimsical Sketches, The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg and Other Stories, and A Mysterious Stranger. It also includes the individual stories: 1601, Extract from Captain Stormfield's Visit to Heave, The Recent Carnival of Crime in Connecticut, A Dog's Tale, A Double Barreled Detective, Extracts from Adam's Diary, Goldsmith's Friend Abroad Again, A Horse's Tale, Those Extraordinary Twins, Tom Sawyer Abroad, and Tom Sawyer Detective. According to Wikipedia: "Samuel Langhorne Clemens (November 30, 1835 – April 21, 1910),[1] better known by the pen name Mark Twain, was an American humorist, satirist, lecturer and writer. Twain is most noted for his novels Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which has since been called the Great American Novel,[2] and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. He is also known for his quotations.[3][4] During his lifetime, Twain became a friend to presidents, artists, industrialists and European royalty. Twain enjoyed immense public popularity, and his keen wit and incisive satire earned him praise from both critics and peers. American author William Faulkner called Twain "the father of American literature."
David Copperfield
David Copperfield
Charles Dickens
David Copperfield is the novel that draws most closely from Charles Dickens's own life. Its eponymous hero, orphaned as a boy, grows up to discover love and happiness, heartbreak and sorrow amid a cast of eccentrics, innocents, and villains. Praising Dickens's power of invention, Somerset Maugham wrote: "There were never such people as the Micawbers, Peggotty and Barkis, Traddles, Betsey Trotwood and Mr. Dick, Uriah Heep and his mother. They are fantastic inventions of Dickens's exultant imagination...you can never quite forget them."
Bütünsel Bak??la Canl?l?k-I: "Madde ve Enerji, Beden ve Ruh ?li?kisi"
Bütünsel Bak??la Canl?l?k-I: "Madde ve Enerji, Beden ve Ruh ?li?kisi"
Yunus İlik
CANLILIK Nedir? Bilin? nedir? Zamanla ba?lant?l? olduklar?n? g?rebilir miyiz? Duygular?n ne oldu?unu s?yleyebilir miyiz? Beden ve Ruh ayr? m? yan?lg? m?d?r? Beden ve ruh, madde ve enerji gibi midir? Einstein'?n ünlü E=M.C2 formülüyle, madde ve enerjinin temelde ayn? ?eyler oldu?unu ve birbirlerine d?nü?ebildiklerini, maddenin yo?unla?m?? uzay-enerji alan? oldu?unu g?stermi?tir. Madde ile enerji aras?ndaki benzerlik ne i?e, beden ile ruh aras?ndaki benzerlikte ?yle midir? Beden madde ise Ruh enerji midir? Bilin?, duyulardan kayna??n? alan daha üst bir duyu mudur? Hücreler dokular?, dokular organlar?, organlar sistemleri olu?turur dü?üncesinde bilincimizi de g?rebilir miyiz? Haf?zam?zdaki bilgilere istedi?imiz her an neden ula?amay?z? Daha da ?nemlisi, tüm bilincimizi zaman?n ?ok k?sa an?na s??d?rabilir miyiz? Neden?