
The Prince
If any book could be called legendary, surely it is this one. Its author, Italian diplomat and philosopher Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527) considered it his greatest work. Indeed, his thoughts on politics, as laid out so famously in this brief but profound work, have become so synonymous with him that his name has become an adjective: Machiavellian. How is political power achieved? How is it maintained? Though Machiavelli states explicitly that he is not discussing "Republics" here, only "Princedoms", this coldly rational guidebook to taking control and holding onto it contains such universal insights into human nature and the structure of human systems that his "advice" serves equally well in almost any power structure. With applications in such diverse realms as business, the military, even role-playing games, Machiavelli's rules for ruling continue to be required reading for students of politics, philosophy, and ethics.

A Beginner's Psychology: Psychology: What it Is and What it Does?
It is an acknowledged fact that we perceive errors in the work of others more readily than in our own.?—Leonardo da Vinci??In this Beginner's Psychology I have tried to write, as nearly as might be, the kind of book that I should have found useful when I was beginning my own study of psychology. That was nearly thirty years ago; and I read Bain, and the Mills, and Spencer, and Rabier, and as much of Wundt as a struggling acquaintance with German would allow. Curiously enough, it was a paragraph in James Mill, most unpsychological of psychologists, that set me on the introspective track,—though many years had to pass before I properly understood what had put him off it. ??A book like this would have saved me a great deal of labour and vexation of spirit. Nowadays, of course, there are many introductions to psychology, and the beginner has a whole library of text-books to choose from. Still, they are of varying merit; and, what is perhaps more important, their temperamental appeal is diverse.?I do not find it easy to relate this new book to the older Primer,—which will not be further revised. There is change all through; every paragraph has been rewritten. ??The greatest change is, however, a shift of attitude; I now lay less stress than I did upon knowledge and more upon point of view. The beginner in any science is oppressed and sometimes disheartened by the amount he has to learn; so many men have written, and so many are writing; the books say such different things, and the magazine articles are so upsetting!
![Don Quijote: [Completar & Ilustrado]](http://img61.ddimg.cn/digital/product/54/49/1901165449_ii_cover.jpg?version=b5f2b331-37a8-42fc-8a85-bab5e0979f0b)
Don Quijote: [Completar & Ilustrado]
Por cuanto por parte de vos, Miguel de Cervantes, nos fue fecha relacion que habiades compuesto un libro intitulado El ingenioso hidalgo de la Mancha, el cual os habia costado mucho trabajo y era muy util y provechoso, nos pedistes y suplicastes os mandasemos dar licencia y facultad para le poder imprimir, y previlegio por el tiempo que fuesemos servidos, o como la nuestra merced fuese; lo cual visto por los del nuestro Consejo, por cuanto en el dicho libro se hicieron las diligencias que la prematica ultimamente por nos fecha sobre la impresion de los libros dispone, fue acordado que debiamos mandar dar esta nuestra cedula para vos, en la dicha razon; y nos tuvimoslo por bien. Por la cual, por os hacer bien y merced, os damos licencia y facultad para que vos, o la persona que vuestro poder hubiere, y no otra alguna, podais imprimir el dicho libro, intitulado El ingenioso hidalgo de la Mancha, que desuso se hace mencion, en todos estos nuestros reinos de Castilla, por tiempo y espacio de diez anos, que corran y se cuenten desde el dicho dia de la data desta nuestra cedula; so pena que la persona o personas que, sin tener vuestro poder, lo imprimiere o vendiere, o hiciere imprimir o vender, por el mesmo caso pierda la impresion que hiciere, con los moldes y aparejos della; y mas, incurra en pena de cincuenta mil maravedis cada vez que lo contrario hiciere. La cual dicha pena sea la tercia parte para la persona que lo acusare, y la otra tercia parte para nuestra Camara, y la otra tercia parte para el juez que lo sentenciare. Con tanto que todas las veces que hubieredes de hacer imprimir el dicho libro, durante el tiempo de los dichos diez anos, le traigais al nuestro Consejo, juntamente con el original que en el fue visto, que va rubricado cada plana y firmado al fin del de Juan Gallo de Andrada, nuestro Escribano de Camara, de los que en el residen, para saber si la dicha impresion esta conforme el original; o traigais fe en publica forma de cómo por corretor nombrado por nuestro mandado, se vio y corrigio la dicha impresion por el original.. O traigais fe en publica forma de como por corretor nombrado por nuestro mandado, se vio y corrigio la dicha impresion por el original, y se imprimio conforme a el, y quedan impresas las erratas por el apuntadas, para cada un libro de los que asi fueren impresos, para que se tase el precio que por cada volume hubieredes de haber. Y mandamos al impresor que asi imprimiere el dicho libro, no imprima el principio ni el primer pliego del, ni entregue mas de un solo libro con el original al autor, o persona a cuya costa lo imprimiere, ni otro alguno, para efeto de la dicha correcion y tasa, hasta que antes y primero el dicho libro este corregido y tasado por los del nuestro Consejo; y, estando hecho, y no de otra manera, pueda imprimir el dicho principio y primer pliego, y sucesivamente ponga esta nuestra cedula y la aprobacion, tasa y erratas, so pena de caer e incurrir en las penas contenidas en las leyes y prematicas destos nuestros reinos. Y mandamos a los del nuestro Consejo, y a otras cualesquier justicias dellos, guarden y cumplan esta nuestra cedula y lo en ella contenido. Fecha en Valladolid, a veinte y seis días del mes de setiembre de mil y seiscientos y cuatro anos... ? Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra:(Alcala de Henares, 1547-Madrid, 1616) fue un soldado, novelista, poeta y dramaturgo espanol. Esta considerado la maxima figura de la literatura espanola y es universalmente conocido por haber escrito Don Quijote de la Mancha, que muchos críticos han descrito como la primera novelamoderna y una de las mejores obras de la literatura universal, ademas de ser el libro mas editado y traducido de la historia, solo superado por la Biblia. Se le ha dado el sobrenombre de ?Principe de los Ingenios?. Desde el siglo XVIII esta admitido que el lugar de nacimiento de Miguel de Cervantes fue Alcala de Henares, dado que allí fue bautizado, segun su acta bautismal, y que de alli aclaro ser natural en la llamada Informacion de Argel (1580). El dia exacto de su nacimiento es menos seguro, aunque lo normal es que naciera el 29 de septiembre, fecha en que se celebra la fiesta del arcangel San Miguel, dada la tradicion de recibir el nombre del santoral del dia del nacimiento. Miguel de Cervantes fue bautizado el 9 de octubre de 1547 en la parroquia de Santa Maria la Mayor. El acta del bautizo reza: Domingo, nueve dias del mes de octubre, ano del Senor de mill e quinientos e quarenta e siete anos, fue baptizado Miguel, hijo de Rodrigo Cervantes e su mujer dona Leonor. Baptizole el reverendo senor Bartolome Serrano, cura de Nuestra Senora. Testigos, Baltasar Vazquez, Sacristan, e yo, que le baptice e firme de mi nombre. Bachiller Serrano. Sus abuelos paternos fueron el licenciado en leyes Juan de Cervantes y dona Leonor de Torreblanca, hija de Juan Luis de Torreblanca, un medico cordobes; su padre se llamaba Rodrigo de Cervantes (1509-1585) y nacio en Alcala de Henares por casualidad: su

T?nase Scatiu
Fluturele este o insect din ordinul Lepidoptera, termen ce provine din termenii grecesti lepis (coaj) si pteron (arip). Mai mult coaj dect miez. Acest ordin are aproximativ 165.000 de specii cunoscute care, n ciuda unei mari varieti de forme si culori, au o structur similar, mai toi fiind nscrii n uniunile scriitoriceti de pretutindeni. Printre azteci, fluturii sunt un simbol al sufletului sau ultima suflare a unui muribund. Un fluture care zboar printre flori reprezint sufletul unui rzboinic czut pe un cmp de lupt. ntr-adevr, rzboinicii se ntorc pe pmnt sub form de colibri sau fluturi care, de data aceasta, se apuc imediat de scris i nu mai suport vederea armelor. Eventual sapa o mai tolereaz, pentru a-i spa pe cei care nu le laud culorile, stilul i fandoselile. Curcanul, ns, este o pasre de talie mare, originar din America, domesticit cu premii literare nc din timpul aztecilor. n timpul mperecherii n vederea formrii gtilor literare, culoarea pielii capului i gtului devine albastru i rou aprins, masculul desfurnd coada n form de evantai. Femelele desfoar doar sunete guturale: glu-glu-glu! i recit cu gravitate ce le vine la ndemn, pe sub aripi. Specie hipersensibil, curcanii pot s sufere atacuri de cord sau de panic. n timpul unor teste ale avioanelor U.S. Air Force s-a constatat decesul a mai multor curcani din zon din cauza atacurilor cardiace. Remediul este aplicarea de laude i aplauze n zonele tumefiate. Fluturele-curcan este o specie ncruciat ce, paradoxal, nu tolereaz fluturii i curcanii pur-snge. Exist zvonuri c unele exemplare modificate genetic pot rezista fr s scrie chiar i 6 luni. Timp n care clocesc citind pe rupte. (tiri despre fluturi, curcani i hibrizi/stirileprotv.ro)“

Learning AWK Programming
Text processing and pattern matching simplified About This Book ? Master the fastest and most elegant big data munging language ? Implement text processing and pattern matching using the advanced features of AWK and GAWK ? Implement debugging and inter-process communication using GAWK Who This Book Is For This book is for developers or analysts who are inclined to learn how to do text processing and data extraction in a Unix-like environment. Basic understanding of Linux operating system and shell scripting will help you to get the most out of the book. What You Will Learn ? Create and use different expressions and control flow statements in AWK ? Use Regular Expressions with AWK for effective text-processing ? Use built-in and user-defined variables to write AWK programs ? Use redirections in AWK programs and create structured reports ? Handle non-decimal input, 2-way inter-process communication with Gawk ? Create small scripts to reformat data to match patterns and process texts In Detail AWK is one of the most primitive and powerful utilities which exists in all Unix and Unix-like distributions. It is used as a command-line utility when performing a basic text-processing operation, and as programming language when dealing with complex text-processing and mining tasks. With this book, you will have the required expertise to practice advanced AWK programming in real-life examples. The book starts off with an introduction to AWK essentials. You will then be introduced to regular expressions, AWK variables and constants, arrays and AWK functions and more. The book then delves deeper into more complex tasks, such as printing formatted output in AWK, control flow statements, GNU's implementation of AWK covering the advanced features of GNU AWK, such as network communication, debugging, and inter-process communication in the GAWK programming language which is not easily possible with AWK. By the end of this book, the reader will have worked on the practical implementation of text processing and pattern matching using AWK to perform routine tasks. Style and approach An easy-to-follow, step by step guide which will help you get to grips with real-world applications of AWK programming.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
"Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. Just stick out your wand hand, step on board and we can take you anywhere you want to go.When the Knight Bus crashes through the darkness and screeches to a halt in front of him, it's the start of another far from ordinary year at Hogwarts for Harry Potter. Sirius Black, escaped mass-murderer and follower of Lord Voldemort, is on the run - and they say he is coming after Harry. In his first ever Divination class, Professor Trelawney sees an omen of death in Harry's tea leaves ... But perhaps most terrifying of all are the Dementors patrolling the school grounds, with their soul-sucking kiss ...

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
"'There will be three tasks, spaced throughout the school year, and they will test the champions in many different ways … their magical prowess - their daring - their powers of deduction - and, of course, their ability to cope with danger.'"The Triwizard Tournament is to be held at Hogwarts. Only wizards who are over seventeen are allowed to enter - but that doesn't stop Harry dreaming that he will win the competition. Then at Hallowe'en, when the Goblet of Fire makes its selection, Harry is amazed to find his name is one of those that the magical cup picks out. He will face death-defying tasks, dragons and Dark wizards, but with the help of his best friends, Ron and Hermione, he might just make it through - alive!

Hat kül?nleges t?rténet az egzotikus utazásoktól a szívfájdító szerelemig. Sok-sok kül?nb?z? ember, rendkívüli párok és szerelmek. Egy mexikói luxus prostituált erotikus t?rténete, akit a kegyetlen sors, az átok sem tud megakadályozni abban, hogy rátaláljon az igaz szerelemre. A sivatagban eltévedt fiatal orvosn?, az elkényeztetett maffiaf?n?k lánya, és az ?r?kké bizonytalan magyar Kathy egzotikus világokba viszi el az olvasókat Jement?l Mexikóig. Mindezek mellett két fiatalt, egy testvér szíve, sok-sok fájdalom, és csodálatos érzelmek vezérelnek, hogy szem ne maradjon szárazon. A t?rténetekben megtalálható a kaland, rejtély, izgalom, de mindenekel?tt a romantika.

Soup Cookbook:Delicious Soup And Stews Recipes
There's no better way to cultivate community, foster friendship, or simply nourish family than over heartwarming bowls of homemade soup. If you're looking for delicious everyday soup recipes to help satisfy your family and your budget, this cookbook is for you. If you're looking for delicious everyday soup recipes to help satisfy your family and your budget, this cookbook is for you. This book is a compilation of a wide variety of soup recipes from different countries in the world. It represents the culinary culture of each place of origin with the use of different tastes and combinations of ingredients, although these recipes are flexible and can be adjusted to your likes. Have any of these statements ever crossed your mind? I don't have enough time to cook. I don't know where to start or what to do. It just takes too long to make my own food. Cooking is just too complicated! (This is a myth Your Problems Have Been Solved --gt; EASY, STEP-BY-STEP RECIPES This simple and easy recipe book will help you... Save time and money Have more Homemade soups Learn how to make food and cook with 'how-to' recipes and instructions

Dark Lover (Mills & Boon Nocturne) (The Masters of Time, Book 5)
Every Rose Woman Has Her Destiny Slayer Samantha Rose’s latest mission is to recover a stolen page from the Book of Power – and get payback from the only man who’s ever rejected her. What she hasn’t counted on is the raging attraction still burning between them. But Ian Maclean’s arrogance hides a terrible secret – for decades he was held prisoner by demons and he is tormented by his darkest memories. As the powers of the evil from his past gather, Sam will do anything to help him – even if it means following him into a different time and facing his worst nightmares with him…

Poems of William Blake: "A Selection of Blake's Poems"
The Dark House was written in the year 1922 by Ida Alexa Ross Wylie. This book is one of the most popular novels of Ida Alexa Ross Wylie, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.

Love of Life & Other Stories
Love of Life & Other Stories

Northanger Abbey
Northanger Abbey

The Problems of Philosophy
The Problems of Philosophy

Die Herren von Hermiston
Die Herren von Hermiston

Parnassus On Wheels
Parnassus On Wheels

Los trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda
Los trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda

Le Fleuve des perles - L'araignée rouge
Le Fleuve des perles - L'araignée rouge


Die Dame mit den Kamelien
Die Dame mit den Kamelien

Le Roi des ?tudiants
Le Roi des ?tudiants