
Wedding Day - Conscience - the only incorruptible thing about us
Henry Fielding was born at Sharpham Park, near Glastonbury, in Somerset on April 22nd 1707. His early years were spent on his parents' farm in Dorset before being educated at Eton.An early romance ended disastrously and with it his removal to London and the beginnings of a glittering literary career; he published his first play, at age 21, in 1728.He was prolific, sometimes writing six plays a year, but he did like to poke fun at the authorities. His plays were thought to be the final straw for the authorities in their attempts to bring in a new law. In 1737 The Theatrical Licensing Act was passed. At a stroke political satire was almost impossible. Fielding was rendered mute. Any playwright who was viewed with suspicion by the Government now found an audience difficult to find and therefore Theatre owners now toed the Government line.Fielding was practical with the circumstances and ironically stopped writing to once again take up his career in the practice of law and became a barrister after studying at Middle Temple. By this time he had married Charlotte Craddock, his first wife, and they would go on to have five children. Charlotte died in 1744 but was immortalised as the heroine in both Tom Jones and Amelia.Fielding was put out by the success of Samuel Richardson's Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded. His reaction was to spur him into writing a novel. In 1741 his first novel was published; the successful Shamela, an anonymous parody of Richardson's novel.Undoubtedly the masterpiece of Fielding's career was the novel Tom Jones, published in 1749. It is a wonderfully and carefully constructed picaresque novel following the convoluted and hilarious tale of how a foundling came into a fortune.Fielding was a consistent anti-Jacobite and a keen supporter of the Church of England. This led to him now being richly rewarded with the position of London's Chief Magistrate. Fielding continued to write and his career both literary and professional continued to climb.In 1749 he joined with his younger half-brother John, to help found what was the nascent forerunner to a London police force, the Bow Street Runners. Fielding's ardent commitment to the cause of justice in the 1750s unfortunately coincided with a rapid deterioration in his health. Such was his decline that in the summer of 1754 he travelled, with Mary and his daughter, to Portugal in search of a cure. Gout, asthma, dropsy and other afflictions forced him to use crutches. His health continued to fail alarmingly.Henry Fielding died in Lisbon two months later on October 8th, 1754.

百万销量、日本原版大定番“新日语能力考试考前对策”系列。例句、习题、文章、听力全翻译。外教录音,扫码听书。附赠沪江网校100元学习卡。 中国版特别添加:①例句、习题、阅读文章、听力原文的全文翻译;②外教录音,扫码即听。 浓缩考精华,真题命中率高!全方位助力大家考过关。 第1周到第4周彻底掌握N4级核心语法,解析一目了然,全部例句、习题配中文翻译。 第5周行读解(阅读)练习,掌握解题要,对话形式热身,并附全文翻译。 第6周行听力(听解)练习,明确解题步骤,练习所有题型,并附全文翻译。 每天都有超萌卡通人物陪伴学习,令人捧腹的插图对白也是很棒的学习资料哦!

TOPIK I(初级)考纲语法得到TOPIK考试出题方——韩国国立国语院的官方授权,由TOPIK真题授权机构——韩国教育振兴研究会专门针对中国TOPIK考生开发。语法大纲按照连接语尾、终结语尾、复合表达(惯用型)、先语末语尾、助词、定语语尾、名词型转性语尾和否定副词进行分类。书中,每个语法条目包含对应的释义、语法解释、接续方式、真题例句。本书作为TOPIK I(初级)的考试指南,旨在为TOPIK考生、韩语学习者和韩语教师提供TOPIK语法条目的依据。


Hands-On RESTful Python Web Services
Explore the best tools and techniques to create lightweight, maintainable, and scalable Python web services Key Features *Combine Python with different data sources to build complex RESTful APIs from scratch *Configure and fine-tune your APIs using the best tools and techniques available *Use command-line and GUI tools to test CRUD operations performed by RESTful Web Services or APIs Book Description Python is the language of choice for millions of developers worldwide that builds great web services in RESTful architecture. This second edition of Hands-On RESTful Python Web Services will cover the best tools you can use to build engaging web services. This book shows you how to develop RESTful APIs using the most popular Python frameworks and all the necessary stacks with Python, combined with related libraries and tools. You’ll learn to incorporate all new features of Python 3.7, Flask 1.0.2, Django 2.1, Tornado 5.1, and also a new framework, Pyramid. As you advance through the chapters, you will get to grips with each of these frameworks to build various web services, and be shown use cases and best practices covering when to use a particular framework. You’ll then successfully develop RESTful APIs with all frameworks and understand how each framework processes HTTP requests and routes URLs. You’ll also discover best practices for validation, serialization, and deserialization. In the concluding chapters, you will take advantage of specific features available in certain frameworks such as integrated ORMs, built-in authorization and authentication, and work with asynchronous code. At the end of each framework, you will write tests for RESTful APIs and improve code coverage. By the end of the book, you will have gained a deep understanding of the stacks needed to build RESTful web services. What you will learn *Select the most appropriate framework based on requirements *Develop complex RESTful APIs from scratch using Python *Use requests handlers, URL patterns, serialization, and validations *Add authentication, authorization, and interaction with ORMs and databases *Debug, test, and improve RESTful APIs with four frameworks *Design RESTful APIs with frameworks and create automated tests Who this book is for This book is for web developers who have a working knowledge of Python and would like to build amazing web services by taking advantage of the various frameworks of Python. You should have some knowledge of RESTful APIs.

本故事为世界经典童话之一。故事讲的是一只聪明的猫要帮助它穷困潦倒的主人翻身,于是它向主人要了一双靴子和一个布袋,穿过荆棘到森林里打猎。它把每次获得的猎物都献给了国王,它用机智和勇敢打败了富有的食人妖魔,终它帮助主人得到了国王的青睐和公主的爱慕。 全书为日文版。难词标注假名,供日语学习者学习使用。



新编日语 第4册(重排本)
本书是《新编日语》第四册的修订本。多年来的教学实践证明,《新编日语》的编写内容、编写原则及体例是符合日语教学的规律与要求的,在培养学生基础阶段扎实的日语知识和灵活的运用能力方面起到了良好的作用,取得了可喜的成果。本次修订在保留原书编写特的基础上,对部分内容作了适量的修改与补充。 本书是高等院校日语专业基础阶段教材第四册,供二年级上学期使用。本书的编写原则是从听说手,听说与读写并重。参照教学大纲的要求,编日语语音、文字、词汇、语法、句型、功能用语等方面的内容。题材以学校、家庭、社会为主,同时兼顾日本文化、风俗习惯等。全书共十八课,每课由本文、会话、应用文、单词、词语与表达、功能用语六个部分构成。每课配有练习,既可作为课堂教学的补充,又可作为课外作业。书后附有单词索引。

“新世纪高等学校西班牙语专业本科生系列教材”是普通高等教育“十一五”*规划教材,由*高等学校外语专业教学指导委员会西班牙语分委员会与上海外语教育出版社联手发。本套教材聚集全国主要高校西语骨干教师共同编写。教材编委会由有多年西语专业一线教学经验的专业负责人和骨干教师组成,所属院校类型齐全,地域遍及全国东南西北,代表了我国西语专业教学水平和发展方向,系列教材的出版将一步满足21世纪西语专业发展和西班牙语人才培养的需要。。 ★ 瞻性与创新性并重:推陈出新,融合传统与现代教学理念,符合21世纪西班牙语人才培养需要,引领中国西班牙语教学潮流; ★ 代表性与权威性兼顾:全国主要高校的西语专业负责人和骨干教师参与编写,西语界近百位专家倾力奉献; ★ 系统性与整体性结合:特色鲜明,人文、科学知识融教材,涵盖高校西语专业主要课程,形成相互呼应的有机整体; ★ 突出趣味性和应用性:教材形式活泼、结构新颖,图文并茂,书面教材和多媒体手段配合。 《西班牙语阅读教程》是我国*套相对成体系的西班牙语阅读教材,旨在培养书面阅读能力,帮助学生掌握阅读方法,广泛触语言现象,积累语言知识,扩大词汇量,丰富文化知识及人文科学等领域的相关知识,提高对西班牙语原文的理解能力和阅读速度。阅读教程共分四册,供高校西语专业第二至第五学期使用,每册18个单元,每单元包括3篇课文和配套注释练习。阅读课文选用语言规范、内容生动、贴近生活、具有时代感的西班牙语原文作品,题材广泛,由浅深,循序渐,逐步增加阅读量。第三册选取文化风俗、人物传记、科普或历史轶事等原文材料,引导学生巩固扩大综合课所学语言知识。


陈小莺、陈建伟主编的《新理念大学法语(学生 用书3高等学校大学外语教学指导委员会法语 组使用教材)》坚持《要求》倡导的教学理念和 方法,注重知识与能力的结合,一步加强学习者综 合运用语言的能力。本书充分吸收我国大学法语教学 长期以来积累的经验,广泛借鉴国外先教学理念, 改变传统教学追求单项语言能力培养的模式,突出“ 素质教育”理念,培养学生跨文化交际能力。教材每 单元各版块围绕同一教学目标展,又相对独立:由 于我国大学法语的教学对象复杂,类型较多,学时各 不相同,学习者可根据实际情况选择使用教材内容, 以达到“培养学生不同层次的法语综合运用能力”的 教学目的。本书秉承**、二册的编写理念,沿袭第 一、二册的编写结构,按版块编写,方便不同学时的 学校使用。

There Comes A Season (Mills & Boon Vintage Love Inspired)
A SEASON FOR LOVE? When he discovered his infant son, Bryan Beaumont was consumed with self-doubt. What did a high-flying executive know about parenting?But compassionate day-care working Laura Bates simply wouldn't allow a disillusioned Bryan to lose faith in himself–or his baby. While Laura knew the good Lord wanted her to help unite father and son, she felt far too vulnerable to open her heart to this dynamic and demanding man. Still, Bryan's tender smile stirred emotions she thought were gone forever. Would the coming season restore her hope for a joyous future? Welcome to Love Inspired?–stories that will lift your spirits and gladden your heart. Meet men and women facing the challenges of today's world and learning important lessons about life, faith and love.

The Devious Book for Cats: Cats have nine lives. Shouldn’t they be lived to the
Cats once were proud, shrewd, independent animals who lived life on our own terms. But then came a life of domestication, comfort and free health care. And now cats are in danger of losing our sense of adventure completely. Fluffy and Bonkers say it's time to fight back and regain control of your rightful place as ruler of the roost once again. Cats once ruled the alleys, galleys and the valleys. Rodents trembled in fear. Birds steered clear. Cats took chances. Some lived fast and died young… We were on the prowl. But then came a life of domestication that was simply too good to pass up. Humans gave us everything we desired, from ear massages and shelter from the rain to cuddle sessions and free health care. In return, they were permitted to bask in the majesty of our presence. It seemed like a fair trade. Or was it? Has domesticity really been good for cats? What has become of our sense of adventure, our sense of independence? Did you know that because of boredom and indolence, the average feline today uses up a mere 2-3 of its 9 lives? Fluffy and Bonkers think its time to get out of the comfortable back seat of life and regain control of your destiny. They created this manual to teach discerning cats how to wake up a human when they want to get fed, how to stare like a pro, how to carry yourself in a catfight and - most importantly - how to get away with practically anything. With The Devious Book for Cats you can return to the noble creature you once were and assume your rightful place as the ruler of your household once again.

Black Fly Season
The third atmospheric psychological thriller featuring detectives Cardinal and Delorme, from the award-winning author of FORTY WORDS FOR SORROW. Sacrifice for the spirits or brutal murder? Someone in Algonquin Bay is out for blood. A young woman has been shot in the head. She can't remember why anyone wants to hurt her, or even her own name. Then a body turns up – Wombat Guthrie, biker and drug dealer, has taken his last ride. It's unlikely that the two cases are linked, but detectives Cardinal and Delorme keep encountering a name – 'Red Bear'. A Chippewa shaman, Red Bear has recently moved into drugs and has enlisted the help of the spirit world. In return the 'spirits' demand sacrifice – human sacrifice. As the woman regains her memory, Cardinal suspects that she may not be as innocent as she appears. And what of Red Bear? Really a shaman? Or just another dealer with an appetite for murder? The truth must be found before the spirits claim another 'sacrifice'…

The Tyranny of Numbers: Why Counting Can’t Make Us Happy
Never before have we attempted to measure as much as we do today. Why are we so obsessed with numbers? What can they really tell us? Too often we try to quantify what can’t actually be measured. We count people, but not individuals. We count exam results rather than intelligence, benefit claimants instead of poverty. The government has set itself 10,000 new targets. Politicians pack their speeches with skewed statistics: crime rates are either rising or falling depending on who is doing the counting. We are in a world in which everything designed only to be measured. If it can’t be measured it can be ignored. But the big problem is what numbers don’t tell you. They won’t interpret. They won’t inspire, and they won’t tell you precisely what causes what. In this passionately argued and thought-provoking book, David Boyle examines our obsession with numbers. He reminds us of the danger of taking numbers so seriously at the expense of what is non-measurable, non-calculable: intuition, creativity, imagination, happiness… Counting is a vital human skill. Yardsticks are a vital tool. As long as we remember how limiting they are if we cling to them too closely. Americans who claim to have been abducted by aliens = 3.7 million Average time spent by British people in traffic jams every year = 11 days Number of Americans shot by children under six between 1983 and 1993 = 138, 490

The Perfume Collector
A secret history of scent, memory and desire from the Sunday Times bestselling author of ELEGANCE and THE DEBUTANTE. One letter will turn newly-married Grace Munroe’s life upside down: ‘Our firm is handling the estate of the deceased Mrs Eva D’Orsey and it is our duty to inform you that you are named as the chief beneficiary in her will. We request your presence at our offices at your earliest convenience, so that we may go through the details of your inheritance.’ There is only one problem. Grace has never heard of Eva D’Orsey. So begins a journey which leads Grace through the streets of Paris and into the seductive world of perfumers and their muses. An abandoned perfume shop on the Left Bank will lead her to unravel the heartbreaking story of her mysterious benefactor, an extraordinary woman who bewitched high society in 1920s New York and Paris.

The Runaway Woman
No-one thought she had the courage… Those looking in from the outside think Lucy Lovejoy’s life is like any other, but at the centre of her family there is a big empty hole where all the love and warmth should be. Over the years, her children have watched while their father chipped away at Lucy’s self-confidence. Now the children are following their own paths, and Lucy has never felt more alone. When tragedy strikes at the heart of the family, it’s a wake-up call for Lucy. Everyone has taken a little piece of her, and she isn’t sure who she is anymore. So when Lucy faces a betrayal from those she loves deepest, she knows that it’s time to make a choice. Is she brave enough to find herself again?

The Clumsies Make A Mess (The Clumsies, Book 1)
Three crazy, funny stories, featuring the two clumsiest talking mice you’ll ever meet… ‘The mouse started to trundle away, glancing at Howard over its shoulder, nervously. “You may well glance at me nervously," said Howard, picking up an empty water glass and placing it over the mouse. "You'll stay in there so I can eat my breakfast in peace. I shall deal with you afterwards…”’ But you can't really deal with the Clumsies, afterwards or at any time. Once you've got them, you're stuck with them. From the moment when Howard Armitage first finds two talking mice under his desk – the inimitable and hilarious Purvis and Mickey Thompson – his life, and his belongings, are turned forever upside down. Obsessed with biscuits and forever playing incomprehensible games of their own devising, the Clumsies are not your average mice – and though they're desperate to help Howard get out of trouble with his evil boss, they're only really good for one thing… …making a mess.

The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding (Poirot)
A classic Agatha Christie short story, available individually for the first time as an ebook. Asked to investigate an incident that needs to be dealt with discretion, Poirot reluctantly agrees to spend Christmas in the countryside with the Laceys. Dreading the cold and traditional English fare Poirot attempts to locate a missing ruby in order to save a kingdom…

Hallowe’en Party (Poirot)
A teenage murder witness is drowned in a tub of apples… At a Hallowe’en party, Joyce – a hostile thirteen-year-old – boasts that she once witnessed a murder. When no-one believes her, she storms off home. But within hours her body is found, still in the house, drowned in an apple-bobbing tub. That night, Hercule Poirot is called in to find the ‘evil presence’. But first he must establish whether he is looking for a murderer or a double-murderer…

The House on Willow Street
The warm, engrossing new novel from the No. 1 bestseller, Cathy Kelly. Welcome to Avalon: a quaint, sleepy town on the Irish coast. Nothing has changed here for generations – least of all the huge mansion on Willow Street; the house in which sisters Tess and Suki Power grew up. Now, years later, Tess is trying to save her marriage protect her glamorous sister Suki who has come back home, dreams shattered. Similarly, Mara Wilson is seeking refuge from a broken heart at her Aunt Danae’s house. And Danae, the inscrutable postmistress, is hiding some dark memories of her own. Now that the big house is up for sale, change is blowing on the cold sea wind. But before they can look to the future, these four women must face up to the past…

The Secret Adversary (Tommy & Tuppence)
Set in 1919, young couple Tommy Beresford and Tuppence Cowley form a partnership, hiring themselves out as ”young adventurers”. Their first case, however, is more of an adventure than they expect – working to find documents that, if they were known to the general public, would fuel a communist revolution in Britain. The action and drama was kept high throughout the course of the plot, and the twist at the end was marvelously well-done. I didn’t expect it at all– in fact, I thought I had worked out the solution about halfway through, but I was completely wrong. I love it when mystery books do that; it makes reading them into a fun game.