How to Achieve Good Fortune
Is good fortune just a matter of luck? Or being born under the right star? In this compelling book, Murdo MacLeod shows how you can load the dice in your own favour. Murdo MacLeod's easy-to-follow programme demonstrates how to harness the power within you in order to achieve:material wealthperfect healthpersonal charmthe conquest of anxietyFirst published in 1932, How to Achieve Good Fortune is strikingly modern in its approach, not just in its promotion of the 'power of positive thinking', but also in the method of picturing what it is that you desire. Many of the ideas that Murdo MacLeod proposed have since been taken up in New Age philosophy, particularly the concept of 'Cosmic Mind'.

Moral Mind
The reality and validity of the moral sense - which ordinary people take for granted - took a battering in the last century. Materialist trends in philosophy, decline in religious faith, and a loosening of traditional moral constraints contributed to a shift in public attitudes, with many decent honest folk both aware of a questioning of moral claims and uneasy with a world that has no place for the moral dimension. Haslam shows how important the moral sense is to the human personality and exposes the weakness in much current thinking that suggests otherwise. His goal is to help the reader to a mature and confident understanding of the moral mind, which constitutes an essential part of what it is to be human.

Social Radicalism and Liberal Education
Liberal education used to command wide political support. Radicals disagreed with conservatives on whether the best culture could be appreciated by everyone, and they disagreed, too, on whether the barriers to understanding it were mainly social and economic, but there was no dispute that any worthwhile education ought to hand on the best that has been thought and said. That consensus has vanished since the 1960s. The book examines why social radicals supported liberal education, why they have moved away from it, and what the implications are for the future of an intellectually stimulating and culturally literate education.

Alone in the Crowd
Alone in the Crowd discusses the identity of nineteenth-century Paris, one of the most widely imaged cities in the modern world, whose most enduring attribute is that of a city of spectacle - a city of the pleasure of looking and being looked at simultaneously. Did Haussmann's re-figuring of the city, with its unrelenting straight boulevards, stirring vistas and uniform buildings, create a 'mass produced' image of Paris? If so, who benefited - and who lost out - in the construction of this new identity? Did the boulevards represent dystopia as well as utopia?

Planning for Learning through The Twelve Days of Christmas
Plan for six weeks of learning covering all six areas of learning and development of the EYFS through the topic of the twelve days of Christmas. The Planning for Learning series is a series of topic books written around the Early Years Foundation Stage designed to make planning easy. This book takes you through 12 days of activities on the theme of the 12 days of Christmas. Each activity is linked to a specific Early Learning Goal, and the book contains a skills overview so that practitioners can keep track of which areas of learning and development they are promoting. This book also includes a photocopiable page to give to parents with ideas for them to get involved with their children's topic, as well as ideas for bringing the six weeks of learning together. The weekly themes in this book include: ideas for advent, the Christmas story, Christmas cards and decorations, and organising your very own Christmas party.

Being Cultured
Today culture is everywhere as maybe never before. We read culture reviews, watch culture shows, live in Cities of Culture, and witness the Cultural Olympiad. Government, museums and arts councils worry that we are not getting enough culture and shape policy around notions of art and culture for all. Access and inclusion are in. Difficulty and exclusivity out. In "e;Being Cultured: in defence of discrimination"e; Angus Kennedy asks if this explosion of culture, and the breaking down of distinctions between high and low culture, has emancipated us or left us adrift without cultural moorings. Is it true that all cultures are equal? Is cultural diversity a good thing? Is it unacceptably elitist to insist on the highest standards of judgment? To argue that some cultural works stand the test of time and some don't? Can anyone dare to call themselves cultured anymore? Might it even be the case that culture no longer actually means anything much to us? That our nervousness about exercising discrimination and good taste - the erosion of cultural authority - might have left us with a culture that may be open to all, but lacking in depth? This provocative book strikes a blow for discrimination in culture and argues that there is a responsibility on each of us as individuals to always be becoming more cultured beings: our best selves. Kennedy revisits the tradition - from Cicero to Kant, Arnold to Arendt - of autonomy in culture: both in the sense of its intrinsic value and how it rests on our individual freedom - quite apart from state and society - to discriminate and judge. A freedom, without which, we risk a widening culture of consensus and conformity. But which is the constitutive element of a world in common.

Rock Metal Quiz Book
Are you a fan of rock metal? Can you name the bands that are synonymous with this type of music and the songs that made them famous? Do you go to the Download Festival on the trail of your favourite rock stars? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you definitely won't want to be without with The Rock Metal Quiz Book.What UK band charted with 'A Graveyard of Empty Bottles'? Who produced Nirvana's seminal album 'Nevermind'? What was the name of Motorhead's 1982 studio album? The answers to these questions and more can all be found in this new quiz book. The 850 questions in this book, some easy, some hard, have been put together to test your knowledge of rock metal bands, their history and their music. Full of information about your favourite groups, individual stars, lyrics, venues and much more, you are sure to find out something you never knew. This fun and entertaining reference guide is a must-have for rock metal fans of all ages.

Depression, Emotion and the Self
This volume addresses the question of what it is like to be depressed. Despite the vast amount of research that has been conducted into the causes and treatment of depression, the experience of depression remains poorly understood. Indeed, many depression memoirs state that the experience is impossible for others to understand. However, it is at least clear that changes in emotion, mood, and bodily feeling are central to all forms of depression, and these are the book's principal focus. In recent years, there has been a great deal of valuable philosophical and interdisciplinary research on the emotions, complemented by new developments in philosophy of psychiatry and scientifically-informed phenomenology. The book draws on all these areas, in order to offer a range of novel insights into the nature of depression experiences. To do so, it brings together a distinguished group of philosophers, psychiatrists, anthropologists, clinical psychologists and neuroscientists, all of whom have made important contributions to current research on emotion and/or psychiatric illness.

HMS Ganges Days
When Peter Broadbent entered HMS Ganges, the toughest training establishment for young recruits to the Royal Navy, he was a naive 15-year-old Yorkshire schoolboy, entranced with the idea of seeing the world, proud of his drainpipe trousers and DA hairstyle, and eager to meet girls. In other words, he was a 'Nozzer' - a raw and unsuspecting recruit. When he emerged 386 days later it was as a prospective 'Dabtoe', not quite a fully trained Seaman, but well on the way. This funny and vivid memoir accurately captures what it was like to climb the mast, have your kit trashed, learn to swear, develop a taste for Kye and Stickies, double around the parade-ground at dead of night in your pyjamas, endlessly run up and down Laundry Hill ... and to do it all and much more while being continually barracked by a demanding Petty Officer Instructor. Along the way, Peter relished learning the Navy lingo and how to sail. He consumed platefuls of Cheese Ush, won a boxing certificate, discovered a secret stash of Playboy magazines, smoked thousands of cigarettes, and convinced girls back home that his shorn hair was in fact the very latest fashion 'down south'.

Mechanisms in World and Mind
The topic of the reduction of mental processes to biophysical mechanisms touches at the core of the mind-body problem, a puzzle in the philosophy of mind since the days of Descartes. This book is about philosophical aspects of neuroscience, centred on perspective dualism. The topic unfolds in the discussion of mechanisms in world and mind. Neuronal mechanisms of differing complexity are described in a general way. It is shown how models of such mechanisms may be classified and assigned to levels of systems theory. Reduction strategies are applied to processes of life, mind, and consciousness. The aim is physicalistic, to explore if and how the mental may be understood in terms of biophysics and its mechanisms.

Passion for the Park
Passion for the Park is a celebration of the ordinary lover of the beautiful game, the dedicated lads who turn out week after week in the hope of beating another works or pub team. In Park Football the kit is never washed, there is no spare ball, studs are never inspected, there are holes in the goal-netting, the referee is always looking the wrong way, and the only spectators are an old man and his dog. This funny and irreverent memoir charts the author's own undistinguished football career, playing for two Sunday League teams and idolising Don Revie's Leeds United, and his attempts to inspire steelworks apprentices with a love for English literature.

Me and My Hair
Good hair day? Bad hair day? Hair has always evoked strong emotions.In this fascinating book, Patricia Malcolmson examines how British women over the past 150 years have managed their hair, from the extravagant styles of the late nineteenth century to the 'anything goes' attitude of today, taking in along the way the daring bobs of the 1920s, the wartime styles of women in uniform, the slavish copying of Hollywood stars, the beehive, the hippy and the Goth. In Me and My Hair you'll hear the voices of women from around Britain talking about their hair - whether it's their longing to have 'Shirley Temple' curls, the visits of the nit nurse, their first home perm, roasting under hood dryers, going platinum blonde, hilarious experiments with hair extensions, or fears of going grey.

That's Racist!
Twenty-first century British kids are more comfortable with ethnic diversity than ever before. The 'mixed race' population is rising exponentially. In school playgrounds across Britain, kids are inventing a version of colour-blind, multi-ethnic interaction that should teach the adult world a thing or two - not least about the amazing, superdiverse generation that is to come.And yet, for over a decade, playgrounds and classrooms have endured unprecedented interference in the form of official racist-incident reporting, training on the importance of racial etiquette, and the reinforcement of racial identities. Such interference is viewed by modern day anti-racists as a necessary bulwark against the creeping influence of the far-right, 'Islamophobia', and more generally the supposed covert racism of the wider population. Many official policy documents written under the influence of this approach insist a failure to tackle racist behaviour at the earliest age will allow racism to incubate and grow. Here, 'racism' is something defined by the notion of what constitutes hate speech or wounding words. Often it can be detected from an entirely innocent phrase, so long as the phrase is perceived by the offence-taker or another party or policy as 'racist'.This mindset has, in recent years, permeated public discourse on the subject. Evidence of racism - such as a gaffe by a politician or celebrity, or a footballer's on-pitch insult - is always 'the tip of iceberg' (the moment that racist society breaks the surface and is revealed to all). The idea of a hidden mass of racists in our midst explains the advent of a racism-watch approach that turns up the attenuator and trawls the nooks and crannies of everyday life for tell-tale signs. Moreover, PC anti-racism synthesises many of today's worst cultural trends: the erosion of free speech and of adult moral authority; the elevation of victimhood and of identity politics (particularly the reinstatement of racial identity); the misanthropic view of rotten, vulnerable humanity (where the state becomes purifier); the cult of child protection and the emergence of a degraded and vulgar conception of child development.It is with some irony, then, that modern day anti-racism can be argued as having taken over from old-fashioned racism as the dominant racialising force in British society.

Beyond the Subjectivity Trap
Beyond the Subjectivity Trap challenges the paradigm of the hard problem of consciousness by contesting the relevance and primacy of human thought. By tracing the evolved egocentricity of the 'I' as an entrapping limitation on our thinking the book argues that once the Subjectivity Trap is understood and escaped we can appreciate the non-existence of the mind-body divide, the pure functionality of the brain, and the limitlessness of our potential.

Balancing Act
This is a careful examination of the historical formation of Britain and of key moments in its relations with the European powers. The author looks at the governing discourses of politicians, the mass media, and the British people. The rhetoric of sovereignty among political elites and the population at large is found to conceive of Britain's engagement with Europe as a zero-sum game. A second theme is the power of geographical images - island Britain - in feeding the idea of the British nation as by nature separate and autonomous. It follows that the EU is seen as 'other' and involvement in European decision-making tends to be viewed in terms of threat. This is naive, as nation- states are not autonomous, economically, militarily or politically. Only pooling sovereignty can maximize their national interests. Atsuko Ichijo is Senior Researcher in European Studies at Kingston University.

101 Amazing Facts About Cats
Do you love cats? This book contains over one hundred facts about our favourite feline friends. Find out little known facts about cat behaviour, statistics about cats and information about why cats are so great. Separated into sections covering each area to make fact-finding easy, Ailurophiles will just love this!

American Horror Story - Murder House Quiz Book
American Horror Story: Murder House is the hugely popular FX show about the Harmon family who move into a new home that has a dark and disturbing history. Full of twists and turns this show had no ground where it feared to tread and kept viewers hooked on the mysteries it kept throwing up and it's engaging characters. Inside this book are over 100 questions about the show, it's characters and the history of the Murder House so dare to step inside and test yourself on this pioneering show.

101 Amazing Mythical Beasts
Did you know that a Hippogriff is supposedly the offspring of a horse and a griffin? Or that a Greek Sphinx generally has a male face, whereas an Egyptian one has a female visage? Where does the Skunk Ape roam, and how can you spot a Kitsune in human form? Is Slenderman the most frightening mythical creature, or is that honour bestowed on the fearsome Gashadokuro? This fantastic book contains details of over one hundred mythical beasts and legendary creatures, organised into categories for easy reference. Whether you are interested in the beasts of anywhere from Ancient Greece to modern-day Africa, this is the book for you!

12 Days of Christmas
Twelve Days of Christmas is world-renowned children's author Suzy-Jane Tanner's interpretation of the well-known carol. Beautifully illustrated with 12 colour drawings, and new 'gifts' suitable for young children, this wonderful eBook is sure to be a Christmas favourite.

All About
This book, filled with amazing facts and photographs, describes what life was like for the Vikings. It gives an in-depth account of all aspects of life and people of the time - including sections about Food, Farming, Clothes, Viking Voyages, Invasions, Viking Ships, Viking Religion and Gods as well as much more.The 'All About' series is an educational collection of books from P S Quick, and is targeted to interest 7 to 11 year olds - but will fascinate readers of all ages. At the end of each book there is a quiz section for the reader, featuring 150 questions and answers.

5 Seconds of Summer Quiz book
5 Seconds of Summer are the up and coming Australian band consisting of Luke Hemmings, Michael Clifford, Calum Hood and Ashton Irwin that is making waves all around the world. The winners of the MTV Breakthrough Band awards are making waves in the music world, with the help of One Direction, 5 SoS are seeing their popularity grow and grow. This quizbook will see what you know about the band with questions about their songs, personal lives, history and much, much more.