

满3件6折 外教社日汉小词典
  《外教社日汉小词典》是一部集科学性.知识性与实用性为一体。与时代基本保持同步的便携型日汉工具书。   收词范围广泛   《外教社日汉小词典》共选收日语基础词、常用词、缩略语、连语及新词等计4600D余条。包括国内各类日语考试和日本语能力测试等规定的基础词。   内容丰富.全面   包含自然、人文和社会生活的方方面面。   释义详尽.对应   编写时参阅各类辞典。尽量做到译词与原词词义对应。一词多义的,力求义项详尽.完整。   附设音调   设置音调以帮助读者掌握正确的发音。提高对同音词的识别能力。   广收惯用语、成语和谚语   这类词汇是日语的重要组成部分。《外教社日汉小词典》尽可能多地收列惯用语。以扩展词典的内涵、外延和信息量。构筑学习日语的平台。
[日] 稻盛和夫
一部“经营之圣”稻盛和夫的心灵自传。 稻盛和夫饱含激情地回顾了自己的创业历程,着力描写了青春的苦难与早期的挫折,以及成长过程中从不放弃的“较劲”的信念。 “磨炼自己的灵魂,就要每天都特别认真地生活,每天都特别勤奋地工作。让心灵变得美丽、优雅、充满慈悲,这就是人生的目的。” ——稻盛和夫 “每天都必须特别认真地生活”,这是我自己的信条。人生只有一次,一定要采取真挚的、冠以“特别”二字的认真态度,这种持续不懈的努力才能让人生好转,才能培育高尚的人格,才能把与生俱来的灵魂磨炼得更加美丽。我也祈愿大家都抱着这样的信念去度过自己的人生。 劳动绝不仅仅是获得生活食粮的手段,劳动是战胜欲望、磨炼心志、提升人格的崇高行为。工作现场就是精神修炼的场所,每天全神贯注、拼命工作,就是磨炼灵魂的修行。
满3件6折 法语语言文化基础教程
  《法语语言文化基础教程》共计五个单元:第0单元为语音部分,其余四个单元各设四课。课程之间既相辅相承,又相互独立,方便教学实操,基本涵盖了法语门学习所需的语音、词汇、语法、交际、文化各方面的知识,达到《欧洲语言共同参考框架》的A1级要求的水平。   《法语语言文化基础教程》既可作为大学第二外语及公共外语的主干教材,亦可作为法语专业教学的补充资料,还可为广大对法语语言文化感兴趣的学习者提供参考。
O Caminho para a Consciência
O Caminho para a Consciência
Daniel Marques
O Caminho para a Consciência
满3件6折 日语常用惯用句分类学习辞典
本词典在内容和编写形式上不同于一半惯用句辞典,具有较高的原创性。 ·共收录日常常用惯用句6,467条。所有词条均经过精心筛选和分类,便于读者正确区分口语和书面语。那些基本不用活已经不用的“死语”,本辞典不再收。 ·词条的定义简洁、准确,不因循守旧,符合日本当代社会的*概念。 ·◎类和○类词条均给出尽可能近当代日语口语的例句,力争做到鲜活实用。 ·◎类词条和例句特地聘请了日本专业演员配音。使读者不仅可以查阅意思和用法,还可以获得示范发音。 ·本辞典兼具多重使用功能,既可作为查阅惯用句的工具书,又可作为训练听力、口语,全面提高听、说、读、写综合能力的教科书。
满3件6折 十天搞定N4N5核心2000词:便携版
褚进 新东方日语研究中心
本书是将艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线规律应用于N4、N5单词记忆的词汇备考书,旨在帮助考生在短期内快速、高效突破N4、N5核心词汇,取得高分。 本书选取N4、N5历年真题中出现的核心词汇,将词汇分为20个单元,采用乱序的方式排列,每个单元均收录不同词性的核心单词,并为考生制订十天背词计划,帮助考生科学、高效备考。 书中特别设置“返记词汇列表”板块,帮助考生及时检测记忆效果。同时,还提供了全书词条的五十音顺序索引,方便读者查找单词。 本书特别邀请日籍专业播音员录制全书音频,考生可边听边记,提高记忆效率。 本书提供配套手机背单词应用,读者可随时随地学习并能实时检测记忆效果。
The Day I Will Never Forget
The Day I Will Never Forget
Sharon Abimbola Salu
Ezekiel's homework assignment is quite simple: write an English composition, otherwise known as an essay, on the topic "The Day I Will Never Forget." There's only one problem: Ezekiel has no idea what to write. Why? Because the life of this 6 year old boy has been a series of very ordinary, forgettable days. But when his class teacher, the meticulous, rabbit-loving Miss Agbo announces that a prize will be awarded to the student with the best essay, the homework becomes a competition, which Ezekiel and his classmates are determined to win at all costs. As the deadline approaches, Ezekiel's life is visited by an array of dramatic episodes. Caught in the middle of all the drama is his teacher, Miss Agbo, who despite being a keen romantic has been unlucky in love. Will Ezekiel win? Will Miss Agbo finally find love? This heartwarming tale of primary school life in 1990s Nigeria is witty, nostalgic and unforgettable. This book is perfect for beginning readers, children who love reading funny chapter books and adults who enjoy reading African children's literature.
满3件6折 图解法语语法
《图解法语语法》系我社自德国PONS出版社引进并加以翻译改编的法语教辅,面向广大社会读者。 该书的主要特点有:1. 一图胜千言;2. 简化的视觉学习法;3. 有利于调动读者的情感。语法内容和视觉化表现形式结合,让读者学习语法更加轻松和积极。 【简化的视觉学习】 图片——不仅仅是图片,包括示意图、公式以及色彩都有助于我们的大脑构建和理解文章。正是利用了这一原理,本书使复杂枯燥的语法规则一目了然。本书并不是单纯的图册形式,它更多地以文章视觉化为基础,打破了纯文字这种单一的形式,以便读者更好地理解和吸收语言方面的内容。 【一图胜千言】 这一说法并非毫无依据,比起一篇文章来,我们的大脑可以更快地接受与之内容相对应的图片和视觉化的形式。事实也证明这一过程只需很短的时间。 【调动情感……】 ……比起未被关注的事物,我们能够更好地记下我们关注的词汇。图片和视觉化的表现形式非常适合传递情感,便于记忆并能促进学习动机的形成,而这正是有效学习的基础。语法内容和视觉化表现形式相互结合,形成了轻松且积极的学习条件。
满3件6折 新公共法语 基础语法全解
新公共法语 基础语法全解
吴贤良, 编著
罗琳, J.K.,
满3件6折 延世韩国语2
(韩)延世大学韩国语学堂 编著,马佳 译
本套书由韩国延世大学韩国语学堂知名教授在《韩国语教程(1-6)》的基础上重新改编而成,内容更新鲜时尚,贴近生活实际,同时也更加注重培养学生“听说读写”等各方面能力,是一套既适合课堂教学,也适用于自学的韩国语学习教材。延世大学韩国语学堂的多位教授历次担任TOPIK考试的出题委员,因此由他们编写的本套教材内容贴近韩国语能力考试需求,还适合TOPIK应试者使用。本套教材共6册,其中1、2册为初级,3、4册为中级,5、6册为高级。每册分别配有相应的练习册。 《延世韩国语2》为初级教材,适合初级级阶段学习者使用。书中所有内容都配有中文翻译,并含练习题答案。
Martin & James Visit the Witch: a Martin & James Cozy Spy Thriller
Martin & James Visit the Witch: a Martin & James Cozy Spy Thriller
S.A. Schneider
Martin & James Visit the Witch: a Martin & James Cozy Spy Thriller
Empath: How to Thrive in Life as a Highly Sensitive
Empath: How to Thrive in Life as a Highly Sensitive
Amy White
Do you feel like you are an Empath? People who are Empaths are highly sensitive people who has the natural ability to sense and tap into the emotional and cognitive states of others. Most are born this way, although some may develop later over the course of a lifetime. Being an Empath means that you are able to deeply feel other's experiences and emotions and often times you have a hard time separating your energy from someone else's. Being an unprotected Empath may lead to a variety of damaging and difficult feelings. You may find that these feelings can affect you physically and emotionally and this is why it is very important to learn techniques to harness and nurture your gift. In this complete guide, we will go over everything you need to know to thrive in life as an Empath, and also as a highly sensitive. Including: Understanding empaths and EmpathyTraits of an EmpathSelf-tests for EmpathsLiving life as an EmpathEmpath related problems and how to overcome themHow to deal with negative entitiesTechniques to clear negative energy from your surroundingsHow to learn and control Empath abilitiesChakra development for EmpathsEmotional management techniques for Empaths This is a lifelong guide for any sensitive person who's been told to
满3件6折 延世韩国语阅读1
(韩)延世大学韩国语学堂 编著,孔凡磊 译
The Poetics of Aristotle
The Poetics of Aristotle
According to Wikipedia: "Aristotle's Poetics (c. 335 BCE) is the earliest surviving work of dramatic theory and the first extant philosophical treatise to focus on literary theory. In it, Aristotle offers an account of what he calls "poetry" (a term which in Greek literally means "making" and in this context includes drama—comedy, tragedy, and the satyr play—as well as lyric poetry and epic poetry)... Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC) was a Greek philosopher, a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great. His writings cover many subjects, including physics, metaphysics, poetry, theater, music, logic, rhetoric, linguistics, politics, government, ethics, biology, and zoology. Together with Plato and Socrates (Plato's teacher), Aristotle is one of the most important founding figures in Western philosophy. Aristotle's writings were the first to create a comprehensive system of Western philosophy, encompassing morality and aesthetics, logic and science, politics and metaphysics."
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Rowling, J.K.,Moss, Olly
You are sharing the Dark Lord's thoughts and emotions. The Headmaster thinks it inadvisable for this to continue. He wishes me to teach you how to close your mind to the Dark Lord.'Dark times have come to Hogwarts. After the Dementors' attack on his cousin Dudley, Harry Potter knows that Voldemort will stop at nothing to find him. There are many who deny the Dark Lord's return, but Harry is not alone: a secret order gathers at Grimmauld Place to fight against the Dark forces. Harry must allow Professor Snape to teach him how to protect himself from Voldemort's savage assaults on his mind. But they are growing stronger by the day and Harry is running out of time ...
Harry Potter: The Complete Collection
Harry Potter: The Complete Collection
Rowling, J.K.,Moss, Olly
There is a plot, Harry Potter. A plot to make most terrible things happen at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year.' Harry Potter's summer has included the worst birthday ever, doomy warnings from a house-elf called Dobby, and rescue from the Dursleys by his friend Ron Weasley in a magical flying car! Back at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for his second year, Harry hears strange whispers echo through empty corridors - and then the attacks start. Students are found as though turned to stone... Dobby's sinister predictions seem to be coming true.
Charlotte's Web 夏洛特的网
Charlotte's Web 夏洛特的网
White, E. B.
Now available for the first time as an ebook! Illustrations in this ebook appear in vibrant full color on a full-color device and in rich black-and-white on all other devices.This beloved book by E. B. White, author of Stuart Little and The Trumpet of the Swan, is a classic of children's literature that is "just about perfect."Some Pig. Humble. Radiant. These are the words in Charlotte's web, high up in Zuckerman's barn. Charlotte's spiderweb tells of her feelings for a little pig named Wilbur, who simply wants a friend. They also express the love of a girl named Fern, who saved Wilbur's life when he was born the runt of his litter.E. B. White's Newbery Honor Book is a tender novel of friendship, family, and adventure that will continue to be enjoyed by generations to come. It contains beautiful, classic illustrations by Garth Williams, the acclaimed illustrator of E. B. White's Stuart Little and Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House series, among many other books.Correlates to the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts
满3件6折 日语口语教程 中级
日语口语教程 中级
  无论是商务活动还是日常会话,在和日本人交流时,你是否有过有话要说却说不出来的苦恼?这可能是因为你的日语水平不足以准确传达自己的意思,也可能是你对于该话题根本就没有明确的意见。因此,要想提高日语口语能力,除了学习日语知识,还应该根据不同的场景,利用大量的题材,从自己的立场出发,用日语的头脑行思考,而用日语构筑并表述自己的意见。   本书就是这样一套提供大量题材和例句的教程,注重情境及交流,而不是语法和句型。其中中级分册共50课,囊括了日常生活中常见的50个话题,每课的课文和例句是针对该话题的不同观,可以帮助读者有效地形成自己的意见,掌握日语的思维方式,从而用自己的日语能力取得成功。每课附有大量练习,相信在教师的引导下,可以有效锻炼学习者的口语。参考表达配有录音,习题则配有会话练习参考录音(不附录音原文,录音原文参见学习参考用书),可供使用者在本课前行预热和模仿,更好地完成本课的学习目标。   本书适用于日语专业本科生教学及社会培训的口语课程,尤其是由外教承担的口语课程。
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