
Атлант розправив плеч?. Частина третя. А ? А
La fisica spirituale o esoterica racchiude la visione dell’universo e dell’evoluzione umana portata da Oberto Airaudi - Falco Taràssaco, fondatore della Scuola di Damanhur, nei suoi 40 anni di attività come guida spirituale e ricercatore. Una visione basata sulla conoscenza esoterica dalle tradizioni millenarie, ma che presenta molti spunti sorprendentemente avanzati, tali da far pensare in molti casi a conoscenze che arrivano dal futuro. ?Coyote Cardo, all’anagrafe Mario Faruolo, che ha seguito Falco T. per molti anni nei suoi incontri pubblici e nella Scuola di Meditazione damanhuriana, ci presenta in questo libro i fondamenti di questa fisica molto particolare, che interpreta la materia e le leggi che la dominano in un modo particolarmente originale. Nel testo, dopo una parte teorica che ci presenta i temi fondamentali comuni a tante filosofie spirituali, quali l’origine dell’anima umana, l’origine della materia, l’interpretazione dello spazio e del tempo, il concetto del Divino, l’autore si addentra nelle affascinanti e fantascientifiche tecnologie che la Scuola damanhuriana, tramite gli insegnamenti del suo fondatore, ha realizzato in questi anni. Il libro costituisce anche il testo di riferimento per i seminari di Fisica Spirituale che l’autore tiene da molti anni per Damanhur Welcome & University.

М?сто к?сток (M?sto k?stok)
Отдалить возрастные изменения остроты зрения и помочь нашим глазам в любом возрасте противостоять огромным нагрузкам, без которых невозможна, к сожалению, современная жизнь, помогут давно проверенные рецепты народной медицины. Рецепты вкусных и полезных блюд для ежедневной диеты, богатой жирными кислотами, аминокислотами, каротиноидами и витаминами, а также комплексы лечебной гимнастики и массажей при косоглазии, близорукости и дальнозоркости, астигматизме, рецепты фитотерапии для внутреннего и наружного применения, процедуры и упражнения для снятия напряжения при переутомлении глаз, советы для тех, кто много работает за компьютером и всех, кто заботится о своих глазах, помогут сделать эту заботу всесторонней, не тягостной и эффективной.Otdalit' vozrastnye izmenenija ostroty zrenija i pomoch' nashim glazam v ljubom vozraste protivostojat' ogromnym nagruzkam, bez kotoryh nevozmozhna, k sozhaleniju, sovremennaja zhizn', pomogut davno proverennye recepty narodnoj mediciny. Recepty vkusnyh i poleznyh bljud dlja ezhednevnoj diety, bogatoj zhirnymi kislotami, aminokislotami, karotinoidami i vitaminami, a takzhe kompleksy lechebnoj gimnastiki i massazhej pri kosoglazii, blizorukosti i dal'nozorkosti, astigmatizme, recepty fitoterapii dlja vnutrennego i naruzhnogo primenenija, procedury i uprazhnenija dlja snjatija naprjazhenija pri pereutomlenii glaz, sovety dlja teh, kto mnogo rabotaet za komp'juterom i vseh, kto zabotitsja o svoih glazah, pomogut sdelat' jetu zabotu vsestoronnej, ne tjagostnoj i jeffektivnoj.

Украшаем выпечку масляным кремомм
Tomasz Stawiszyński, filozof, publicysta zwi?zany mi?dzy innymi z ?Newsweekiem”, odwa?nie wylicza psychoterapeutyczne mity i pi?tnuje wielbion? bezkrytycznie psychologi?. Przekonuje, ?e wspó?czesna kultura i psychoterapia promuj? idea? cz?owieka, którego nie sposób zrealizowa? w praktyce. Tymczasem zdrady, depresja i chaos nie s? czym?, co trzeba zawsze pot?pia? i eliminowa?. Przeciwnie, odpowiednio zrozumiane czyni? ?ycie g??bszym i prawdziwszym, cho? niekoniecznie ?atwiejszym. A ?atwo?? ?ycia – któr? obiecuj? dzisiaj ró?ni terapeuci albo coachowie – to kolejny mit, bo d??enie do niej wzmacnia tylko problemy, jakich odruchowo chcemy si? pozby?. Ta fascynuj?ca ksi??ka przygl?da si? podejrzliwie zmitologizowanym prawdom psychologicznym, które przez ostatnie dekady dobrze nakr?ci?y nam w g?owie i zrobi?y wod? z mózgu. Tomasz Stawiszyński, filozof z talentem felietonisty, nie tylko ratuje nasz zdrowy rozs?dek, lecz tak?e prowadzi w kierunku szerszego, bardziej uniwersalnego rozumienia psychologii cz?owieka w uj?ciu Jamesa Hillmanna jako specyficznej wiedzy o otaczaj?cym nas dziwnym, skomplikowanym i wielopi?trowym ?wiecie. Dla wszystkich, którym nie wystarcza psychologiczna tradycja. Olga Tokarczuk Nie wierzcie – mówi Tomasz Stawiszyński – w sprowadzenie na ?wiat ?cz?owieka idealnego“. Nie wierzcie zw?aszcza wtedy, gdy wmawiaj? wam zewsz?d, ?e to wy nim mo?ecie zosta?, ?e macie w sobie tak? moc. A tymczasem to ideologiczna zmora, to potwór, który czyha na wasz? wolno??. prof. Zbigniew Miko?ejko, filozof religii, Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN

Джемы, конфитюры, пастила, варенье из ягод и фруктов.
П?д час роботи над книгою авторка побувала майже на вс?х континентах, в?дв?дала науков? бази в троп?ках Амазон?? ? на островах Великого бар’?рного рифу, сп?лкувалася з сотнями людей. Колберт шука? в?дпов?дь на питання, що станеться, якщо темпи вимирання прискоряться. Ця книга — не наукова праця. Вона — швидше велетенська стаття для природничого журналу з? св?товим ?м’ям, яку ми ма?мо можлив?сть читати укра?нською. Ел?забет Колберт у сво?й книз? н?кого не повча?. Зрештою, нав?ть не попереджа? про насл?дки нашого бездумного користування планетою. Вона — майстерна ? досв?дчена репортерка, яка простими словами розпов?да? про складн? реч?, в?д котрих залежить майбутн? нашо? планети ?, зрештою, людсько? цив?л?зац?? загалом.

HA RVID AZ LET, TOLDD MEG EGY BALLPSSEL!” A knyvben hét beszélgetést olvashatsz volt brtnlakókkal, igazi nehézfiúkkal, akik együttesen csaknem 100 évet tltttek a rácsok mgtt, és most az életükrl vallanak Dorkának. Megismerkedhetsz az Isten ostorával, aki 13 évesen lóktéssel kezdte, Felipével, akit fénykorában a fél magyar rendrség üldztt az M3-ason, a Profival, aki a magánzárkán hosszú éveken át csak gyúrt és olvasott, vagy rpival, aki már régen nem is élne, ha nem került volna be a sittre. Elgondolkodhatsz a pokolról, az emberlésrl és az ártatlanságról, borzadhatsz, félhetsz, nevethetsz és sírhatsz.BKY DORKA, a Feldmár Intézet igazgatója 2011 óta dolgozik a brtnben, a Feldmár Andrással kifejlesztett Mesekr program keretében. A fogvatartottak saját életük élményeibl állítanak ssze mesejátékokat, amit aztán dramatizálnak, rendeznek, megzenésítenek és eladják a gyerekeiknek.

Neuron: A Tutorial Study Guide
Neuron: A Tutorial Study Guide

Scientific Methods: A Tutorial Study Guide
Scientific Methods: A Tutorial Study Guide

Respiratory System: A Tutorial Study Guide
Respiratory System: A Tutorial Study Guide

Mind-Brain Connection: A Tutorial Study Guide
Mind-Brain Connection: A Tutorial Study Guide

Stress Management
Stress Management

New Choices in Natural Healing for Dogs & Cats
New Choices in Natural Healing for Dogs & Cats

Reproductive System: A Tutorial Study Guide
Reproductive System: A Tutorial Study Guide

The Souls of Black Folk
According to Wikipedia: "William Edward Burghardt Du Bois (February 23, 1868 – August 27, 1963) was an American civil rights activist, public intellectual, Pan-Africanist, professor of sociology, historian, writer, and editor. At the age of 95, in 1963, he became a naturalized citizen of Ghana. David Levering Lewis, a biographer, wrote, 'In the course of his long, turbulent career, W. E. B. Du Bois attempted virtually every possible solution to the problem of twentieth-century racism— scholarship, propaganda, integration, national self-determination, human rights, cultural and economic separatism, politics, international communism, expatriation, third world solidarity.'"

Surgical Anatomy: "With Sixty-Eight Coloured Plates"
The object of this work is to present to the student of medicine and the practitioner removed from the schools, a series of dissections demonstrative of the relative anatomy of the principal regions of the human body. Whatever title may most fittingly apply to a work with this intent, whether it had better be styled surgical or medical, regional, relative, descriptive, or topographical anatomy, will matter little, provided its more salient or prominent character be manifested in its own form and feature. The work, as I have designed it, will itself show that my intent has been to base the practical upon the anatomical, and to unite these wherever a mutual dependence was apparent.That department of anatomical research to which the name topographical strictly applies, as confining itself to the mere account of the form and relative location of the several organs comprising the animal body, is almost wholly isolated from the main questions of physiological and transcendental interest, and cannot, therefore, be supposed to speak in those comprehensive views which anatomy, taken in its widest signification as a science, necessarily includes. While the anatomist contents himself with describing the form and position of organs as they appear exposed, layer after layer, by his dissecting instruments, he does not pretend to soar any higher in the region of science than the humble level of other mechanical arts, which merely appreciate the fitting arrangement of things relative to one another, and combinative to the whole design of the form or machine of whatever species this may be, whether organic or inorganic. The descriptive anatomist of the human body aims at no higher walk in science than this, and hence his nomenclature is, as it is, a barbarous jargon of words, barren of all truthful signification, inconsonant with nature, and blindly irrespective of the cognitio certa ex principiis certis exorta. Still, however, this anatomy of form, although so much requiring purification of its nomenclature, in order to clothe it in the high reaching dignity of a science, does not disturb the medical or surgical practitioner, so far as their wants are concerned. Although it may, and actually does, trammel the votary who aspires to the higher generalizations and the development of a law of formation, yet, as this is not the object of the surgical anatomist, the nomenclature, such as it is, will answer conveniently enough the present purpose. The anatomy of the human form, contemplated in reference to that of all other species of animals to which it bears comparison, constitutes the study of the comparative anatomist, and, as such, establishes the science in its full intent. But the anatomy of the human figure, considered as a species, per se, is confessedly the humblest walk of the understanding in a subject which, as anatomy, is relationary, and branches far and wide through all the domain of an animal kingdom. While restricted to the study of the isolated human species, the cramped judgment wastes in such narrow confine; whereas, in the expansive gaze over all allying and allied species, the intellect bodies forth to its vision the full appointed form of natural majesty; and after having experienced the manifold analogies and differentials of the many, is thereby enabled, when it returns to the study of the one, to view this one of human type under manifold points of interest, to the appreciation of which the understanding never wakens otherwise. If it did not happen that the study of the human form (confined to itself) had some practical bearing, such study could not deserve the name of anatomical, while anatomical means comparative, and whilst comparison implies inductive reasoning. ? ABOUT AUTHOR: Joseph Maclise:FELLOW OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS I INSCRIBE THIS WORK TO THE GENTLEMENWITH WHOM AS A FELLOW-STUDENT I WAS ASSOCIATED AT THELondon University College: AND IN AN ESPECIAL MANNER, IN THEIR NAME AS WELL AS MY OWN,I AVAIL MYSELF OF THE OPPORTUNITY TO RECORD, ON THIS PAGE,ALBEIT IN CHARACTERS LESS IMPRESSIVE THAN THOSE WHICH AREWRITTEN ON THE LIVING TABLET OF MEMORY,THE DEBT OF GRATITUDE WHICH WE OWE TO THE LATE SAMUEL COOPER, F.R.S., AND ROBERT LISTON, F.R.S., TWO AMONG THE MANY DISTINGUISHED PROFESSORS OF THATINSTITUTION, WHOSE PUPILS WE HAVE BEEN,AND FROM WHOM WE INHERIT THAT BETTER POSSESSION THAN LIFEITSELF, AN ASPIRATION FOR THE LIGHT OF SCIENCE. JOSEPH MACLISE.

The Theory of the Leisure Class
According to Wikipedia: "Thorstein Bunde Veblen, born Tosten Bunde Veblen (July 30, 1857 – August 3, 1929) was a Norwegian-American sociologist and economist and a primary mentor, along with John R. Commons, of the institutional economics movement. He was an impassioned critic of the performance of the American economy, and is most famous for his book The Theory of the Leisure Class (1899)."

The Voyage of the Beagle
102 black-and-white illustrations. According to Wikipedia: "The Voyage of the Beagle is a title commonly given to the book written by Charles Darwin and published in 1839 as his Journal and Remarks, bringing him considerable fame and respect. The title refers to the second survey expedition of the ship HMS Beagle, which set sail from Plymouth Sound on 27 December 1831 under the command of Captain Robert FitzRoy, R.N.

The Glimpse by Arnold Bennett - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘The Glimpse by Arnold Bennett - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of Arnold Bennett’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Bennett includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘The Glimpse by Arnold Bennett - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Bennett’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles

Delphi Works of Alexander Pushkin (Illustrated)
Russia's Father of Literature deserves a place in all digital libraries. This comprehensive eBook presents the major works of Alexander Pushkin, with beautiful illustrations, informative introductions and the usual Delphi bonus material. * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Pushkin's life and works * Concise introductions to the poetry and other works * Images of how the books were first printed, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts * A selection of many of Pushkin's greatest poems, first time in digital print. * Excellent formatting of the texts * Almost the complete short fiction, including rare short stories appearing for the first time in digital print * Rare plays, with contents tables * Special criticism section, with three essays evaluating Pushkin's contribution to literature * Features a bonus biography - discover Pushkin's literary life * Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse our range of exciting titles CONTENTS: The Poetry SHORT POEMS THE FOUNTAIN OF BAKHCHISARAY THE GIPSIES POLTAVA THE BRONZE HORSEMAN RUSLAN AND LYUDMILA LIST OF POEMS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The Verse Novel EUGENE ONEGIN The Short Stories and Unfinished Novels PETER THE GREATS NEGRO MARIE THE SHOT THE SNOWSTORM THE UNDERTAKER THE POSTMASTER MISTRESS INTO MAID THE QUEEN OF SPADES KIRDJALI THE CAPTAINS DAUGHTER EGYPTIAN NIGHTS DUBROVSKY The Plays BORIS GODUNOV THE STONE GUEST MOZART AND SALIERI The Criticism THE ROMANTIC POETS: POUSHKIN by Rosa Newmarch POUSHKIN: HIS WORKS by Rosa Newmarch LECTURES ON RUSSIAN LITERATURE: PUSHKIN by Ivan Panin The Biography A SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF ALEXANDER PUSHKIN by Henry Spalding

Unity 2017 Game Optimization - Second Edition: Optimize all aspects of Unity per
Master a series of performance-enhancing coding techniques and methods that help them improve the performance of their Unity3D applications About This Book Discover features and techniques to optimize Unity Engine's CPU cycles, memory usage, and the GPU throughput of any application Explore multiple techniques to solve performance issues with your VR projects Learn the best practices for project organization to save time through an improved workflow Who This Book Is For This book is intended for intermediate and advanced Unity developers who have experience with most of Unity's feature-set, and who want to maximize the performance of their game. Familiarity with the C# language will be needed. What You Will Learn Use the Unity Profiler to find bottlenecks anywhere in your application, and discover how to resolve them Implement best practices for C# scripting to avoid common pitfalls Develop a solid understanding of the rendering pipeline, and maximize its performance by reducing draw calls and avoiding fill rate bottlenecks Enhance shaders in a way that is accessible to most developers, optimizing them through subtle yet effective performance tweaks Keep your scenes as dynamic as possible by making the most of the Physics engine Organize, filter, and compress your art assets to maximize performance while maintaining high quality Discover different kinds of performance problems that are critical for VR projects and how to tackle them Use the Mono Framework and C# to implement low-level enhancements that maximize memory usage and avoid garbage collection Get to know the best practices for project organization to save time through an improved workflow In Detail Unity is an awesome game development engine. Through its massive feature-set and ease-of-use, Unity helps put some of the best processing and rendering technology in the hands of hobbyists and professionals alike. This book shows you how to make your games fly with the recent version of Unity 2017, and demonstrates that high performance does not need to be limited to games with the biggest teams and budgets. Since nothing turns gamers away from a game faster than a poor user-experience, the book starts by explaining how to use the Unity Profiler to detect problems. You will learn how to use stopwatches, timers and logging methods to diagnose the problem. You will then explore techniques to improve performance through better programming practices. Moving on, you will then learn about Unity's built-in batching processes; when they can be used to improve performance, and their limitations. Next, you will import your art assets using minimal space, CPU and memory at runtime, and discover some underused features and approaches for managing asset data. You will also improve graphics, particle system and shader performance with a series of tips and tricks to make the most of GPU parallel processing. You will then delve into the fundamental layers of the Unity3D engine to discuss some issues that may be difficult to understand without a strong knowledge of its inner-workings. The book also introduces you to the critical performance problems for VR projects and how to tackle them. By the end of the book, you will have learned to improve the development workflow by properly organizing assets and ways to instantiate assets as quickly and waste-free as possible via object pooling. Style and approach This practical book will help readers understand the essentials of the Unity3D engine and how to build games while improving the performance of their applications.

Woman in the 19th Century
According to Wikipedia: "Sarah Margaret Fuller Ossoli (May 23, 1810 – July 19, 1850) was a journalist, critic and women's rights activist associated with the American transcendental movement. She was the first full-time female book reviewer in journalism. Her book Woman in the Nineteenth Century is considered the first major feminist work in the United States."

Hands-On Android UI Development
Master the art of creating impressive and reactive UIs for mobile applications on the latest version of Android Oreo. About This Book A comprehensive guide to designing and developing highly interactive user interfaces for your app. Design responsive and agile applications targeting multiple Android devices (up to Android Oreo) using Android Studio 3.0 Write reactive user interfaces with minimal effort by leveraging the latest Android technologies, such as Architecture components and the Lifecycle API Avoid common design problems and pitfalls with the help of shared UI design patterns and best practices. Who This Book Is For This book is for novice Android and Java developers who have a basic knowledge of Android development and want to start developing stunning user interfaces. What You Will Learn Create effective and efficient user interfaces that allow users to carry out tasks smoothly Understand the fundamentals of Android UI design, and take a look at the basic layouts, Inputs, and controls Learn about various UI components provided by Android, which include structured layout objects and UI controls that allow you to build the graphical user interface for your app Explore various styles and themes that allow you to customize the look and feel of your app Leverage the animation and graphics APIs to improve user experience and draw custom 2D graphics In Detail A great user interface (UI) can spell the difference between success and failure for any new application. This book will show you not just how to code great UIs, but how to design them as well. It will take novice Android developers on a journey, showing them how to leverage the Android platform to produce stunning Android applications. Begin with the basics of creating Android applications and then move on to topics such as screen and layout design. Next, learn about techniques that will help improve performance for your application. Also, explore how to create reactive applications that are fast, animated, and guide the user toward their goals with minimal distraction. Understand Android architecture components and learn how to build your application to automatically respond to changes made by the user. Great platforms are not always enough, so this book also focuses on creating custom components, layout managers, and 2D graphics. Also, explore many tips and best practices to ease your UI development process. By the end, you'll be able to design and build not only amazing UIs, but also systems that provide the best possible user experience. Style and approach This book takes an easy tutorial approach to help you learn how to create consistent and efficient user interfaces for your apps. The book first takes you through the basics of user interfaces such as basic layouts, inputs, and controls, and also covers animations and graphics. By the end of the book, you will have learned best practices and will be able to develop inspired interfaces that look good and also work subtly in the background.