

Early in the beginning of spring, and through the summer, and towards winter, many of those who had been long gradually declining, took to bed with symptoms of phthisis; in many cases formerly of a doubtful character the disease then became confirmed; in these the constitution inclined to the phthisical. Many, and, in fact, the most of them, died; and of those confined to bed, I do not know if a single individual survived for any considerable time; they died more suddenly than is common in such cases. But other diseases, of a protracted character, and attended with fever, were well supported, and did not prove fatal: of these we will give a description afterwards.
Ancient Medicine
Ancient Medicine
The art of Medicine would not have been invented at first, nor would it have been made a subject of investigation (for there would have been no need of it), if when men are indisposed, the same food and other articles of regimen which they eat and drink when in good health were proper for them, and if no others were preferable to these. But now necessity itself made medicine to be sought out and discovered by men, since the same things when administered to the sick, which agreed with them when in good health, neither did nor do agree with them.
Life is short, and Art long; the crisis fleeting; experience perilous, and decision difficult. The physician must not only be prepared to do what is right himself, but also to make the patient, the attendants, and externals cooperate.
The Sacred Disease
The Sacred Disease
It is thus with regard to the disease called Sacred: it appears to me to be nowise more divine nor more sacred than other diseases, but has a natural cause from the originates like other affections. Men regard its nature and cause as divine from ignorance and wonder, because it is not at all like to other diseases. And this notion of its divinity is kept up by their inability to comprehend it, and the simplicity of the mode by which it is cured, for men are freed from it by purifications and incantations. But if it is reckoned divine because it is wonderful, instead of one there are many diseases which would be sacred; for, as I will show, there are others no less wonderful and prodigious, which nobody imagines to be sacred.
On Injuries of the Head
On Injuries of the Head
Men's heads are by no means all like to one another, nor are the sutures of the head of all men constructed in the same form. Thus, whoever has a prominence in the anterior part of the head (by prominence is meant the round protuberant part of the bone which projects beyond the rest of it), in him the sutures of the head take the form of the Greek letter tau, T; for the head has the shorter line running transverse before the prominence, while the other line runs through the middle of the head, all the way to the neck.
We must avoid wetting all sorts of ulcers except with wine, unless the ulcer be situated in a joint. For, the dry is nearer to the sound, and the wet to the unsound, since an ulcer is wet, but a sound part is dry. And it is better to leave the part without a bandage unless a cataplasm be applied. Neither do certain ulcers admit of cataplasms, and this is the case with the recent rather than the old, and with those situated in joints.
It s the business of the physician to know, in the first place, things similar and things dissimilar; those connected with things most important, most easily known, and in anywise known; which are to be seen, touched, and heard; which are to be perceived in the sight, and the touch, and the hearing, and the nose, and the tongue, and the understanding; which are to be known by all the means we know other things.
Bilin? ve Zaman
Bilin? ve Zaman
Yunus İlik
Her ?ey ?evresiyle etkile?imsel bütünlükte anlaml? olmaktad?r. Soral?m yine de; Bütünü par?alar?ndan fazlas? yapan nedenler nelerdir? Evrende neyin ifadesiyiz? Canl?l?k, bilin?, ruh, duygular art?k anla??labilir midir? Canl?l?k h?z farklar?ndan m? olu?maktad?r? H?zl? bile?enimiz olan elektri?in; canl?l???n ve bilincimizin olu?umunda nas?l bir etken olmaktad?r? Bizleri olu?turanlardan beden, duygular, bilin?, ruh diye tan?mlad?klar?m?z aras?nda ba?lant?lar nas?l kurulmaktad?r? Sorular?, günümüzde enerjiler aras? ba?lant?, etkile?im nas?l kurulmaktad?r? Sorusu gibi oldu?u, yani her?ey gibi onlar?nda enerji oldu?u anla??lm??t?r. Ruh olarak tan?mlad?k, zihin-beden aras?nda ba?lant?y? kurmaya, duygular? anlamaya ?al??t?k. Bilincin, alg?n?n tüm bunlarla nas?l bir ili?kisi olabilece?ini sorgulad?k. Genelde ?yle oluyor ya, bütünün ?nce par?alar?n? anlamaya, par?alara ay?r?p anlamaya ?al??man?n sorunlar?n?n izlerini sürüp bütünle olan etkile?imini g?rmeye y?neliyoruz. Zaman?n i?inde zaman ge?irmemize ra?men bilincimizle, canl?l???m?zla nas?l ba?lant?l? oldu?unu g?rmezden geldik. Günümüz dünyas?n?n ula?t??? bilgi, ya?amsal deneyimlerin kaydedilip aktar?lmas?, izledi?imiz filmlerden tutun da, deneyimlerimizin h?zl? etkile?imiyle zaman aral?klar?n? orduk. S?n?r sistemimize benzeyen internet a?lar? olu?turduk. ?nsanl?k olarak yapay zekalar geli?tirdik. Hücre ile beden benzeri; canl?yla tüm canl?l???n, ekosistemin, varl???n etkile?im ?rüntüsü oldu?unu, etkile?imsel ?rüntüde anlam? oldu?unu ??rendik. Belki de olu?turdu?umuz yeni anlamlar gelecekte olu?acaklar?n par?alar?d?r. De?i?im devam ediyor. G?rünen o ki, canl?lar bu evrenin en ileri evrensel enerji alanlar?d?r. Soral?m kendimize; Evrende canl?l?ktan daha anlaml? bir ?ey var m?d?r? Dünya bilinci ?a?lard?r. Biriktirdi?i bilgi ve deneyimlerini, olu?umun ba?lang?c?ndan itibaren nesiller boyu aktarm??, ekosistemiyle bir bütün olarak evrilmi?tir. Ula?t??? bilin? halini ?evresiyle etkile?imsel d?ngü i?inde hep yeniden ?ekillendirmi?tir. D?nü?ümsel etkile?imin hi?bir zaman?n?n ayn? olmay??? temel evrensel durumun etkisiyle de zamanda evrilmi? ve günümüz dünyas?n?n paradigmas?na ula?m??t?r. Evrimsel ?rüntüye paralel geli?en teknolojik entegrasyonla bilgi, zamanda ?ok yo?un etkile?ebilmi?tir. Dünya üzerinde artan s?n?r hücresi say?s? yani artan canl? say?s?n?n olumlu bir yan? ise, bilginin etkile?imini art?rm?? olmas?d?r. Platon’un idealar dünyas?nda var olan?n kendi ba??na var olamayaca??n?, var olan?n ?ncül bir mükemmeli olmal? dü?üncesiyle hareket etti?i g?rülüyor. Bu dü?ünceye bi ele?tiriyle ba?lay?p daha sonra ele?tiriyide ele?tirelim. Diyelim ki bu dü?ünceye evrimin, zaman?n itiraz? var. Buna b?yle devam edersek ba?lang?? i?inde, uzaylar i?inde ba?layan evrenler olsa bile bugünki mant?k yine en ba?a d?nmemizi s?ylüyor. Yani ilk nas?l olu?tu? Bu olu?um ?ncesi uzay diyeyim en mükemmel saf hali olan B?R nas?l olu?tu. 1’de ise hi?bir ?zellik olmamal? yani nas?l olurda idea’lar oradan kaynaklan?r. Demek ki varl?k olu?umu bi süre?, evrim olur gibi. Sondan ba?a d?nsekte bi süre?, ba?tan ba?lam?? olsakta bi süre?. Bu ifadeler B?R d?ngüsü i?inde do?ru olabilir. ?dealar nereden geldi ?ünki sonu? olarak idealar B?R de olmamal? ?ünkü B?R farkl?l?k bar?nd?rm?yor. Asl?nda her ?eyi B?R kapsar, o kaynak potansiyeller alan?d?r. Haliyle her ?eyle ayn? alandad?r. Bi nevi potansiyeller alan?yla varl?k ayn? ?eydir, benzerdir. O halde Platon’un idealar kuram?n?n kayna?? ve kendisi bu evrendedir, bu evrendir. Günümüz bilim dünyas?nda ?oklu evrenler dü?üncesi olduk?a yayg?nd?r. O halde evrenlerin oldu?u daha dev uzaysal kaynaklar, alanlar olmal?d?r. ??te B?R belkide bizimde i?inde evrildi?imiz vede k?smen farkl?la?t???m?z her ?eyin kayna??, alan?d?r. Evren büyük tabii ancak büyüklük hep yan?lt?c? olmaya devam etmi?tir. Belkide hiper bir uzay hatta uzaylar alan?nda olabiliriz. Belki ama e?er do?ru b? dü?ünce ?ekliyse bu ilk soruyu yinede de?i?tirmiyor. ?lk ba?lang?? diye bir ?ey var m??
The Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla: Complete & Illustrated
The Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla: Complete & Illustrated
Thomas Commerford Martin
The electrical problems of the present day lie largely in the economical transmission of power and in the radical improvement of the means and methods of illumination. To many workers and thinkers in the domain of electrical invention, the apparatus and devices that are familiar, appear cumbrous and wasteful, and subject to severe limitations. They believe that the principles of current generation must be changed, the area of current supply be enlarged, and the appliances used by the consumer be at once cheapened and simplified. The brilliant successes of the past justify them in every expectancy of still more generous fruition.??The present volume is a simple record of the pioneer work done in such departments up to date, by Mr. Nikola Tesla, in whom the world has already recognized one of the foremost of modern electrical in-vestigators and inventors. No attempt whatever has been made here to emphasize the importance of his researches and discoveries. ??Great ideas and real inventions win their own way, determining their own place by intrinsic merit. But with the conviction that Mr. Tesla is blazing a path that electrical development must follow for many years to come, the compiler has endeavored to bring together all that bears the impress of Mr. Tesla's genius, and is worthy of preservation. Aside from its value as showing the scope of his inventions, this volume may be of service as indicating the range of his thought. There is intellectual profit in studying the push and play of a vigorous and original mind.?
Inventions of the Great War
Inventions of the Great War
Alexander Russell Bond
The great World War was more than two-thirds over when America entered the struggle, and yet in a sense this country was in the war from its very beginning. Three great inventions controlled the character of the fighting and made it different from any other the world has ever seen. These three inventions were American. The submarine was our invention; it carried the war into the sea. The airplane was an American invention; it carried the war into the sky. We invented the machine-gun; it drove the war into the ground. It is not my purpose to boast of American genius but, rather, to show that we entered the war with heavy responsibilities. The inven-tions we had given to the world had been developed marvelously in other lands. Furthermore they were in the hands of a determined and unscrupulous foe, and we found before us the task of overcoming the very machines that we had created. Yankee ingenuity was faced with a real test. The only way of overcoming the airplane was to build more and better machines than the enemy possessed. This we tried to do, but first we had to be taught by our allies the latest refinements of this machine, and the war was over before we had more than started our a?rial program. The machine-gun and its accessory, barbed wire (also an American invention), were overcome by the tank; and we may find what little comfort we can in the fact that its invention was inspired by the sight of an American farm tractor. But the tank was a British creation and was undoubtedly the most important invention of the war. On the sea we were faced with a most baffling problem. The U-boat could not be coped with by the building of swarms of submarines. The essential here was a means of locating the enemy and destroying him even while he lurked under the surface. Two American inventions, the hydrophone and the depth bomb, made the lot of the U-boat decidedly unenviable and they hastened if they did not actually end German frightfulness on the sea. But these were by no means the only inventions of the war. Great Britain showed wonderful ingenuity and resourcefulness in many di-rections; France did marvels with the airplane and showed great clev-erness in her development of the tank and there was a host of minor inventions to her credit; while Italy showed marked skill in the crea-tion of large airplanes and small seacraft.
Aventuri din lumea afacerilor. Pove?ti de succes ?i e?ecuri r?sun?toare de pe Wa
Aventuri din lumea afacerilor. Pove?ti de succes ?i e?ecuri r?sun?toare de pe Wa
John Brooks
Bazat? pe studii ?tiin?ifice care au demonstrat c?t de periculos este zah?rul De ce m?nc?m at?t de mult zah?r? Care sunt pericolele sale ascunse? Ce putem face pentru a renun?a la dependen?a de el? Savantul John Yudkin a fost primul care a demonstrat ?tiin?ific c? zah?rul este nociv pentru s?n?tatea noastr?, avertiz?nd despre leg?tura dintre acesta ?i cariile dentare, gut?, afec?iunile autoimune, boala coronarian? ?i cancer. Cartea sa ne arat? c? zah?rul, aflat ?n cantit??i din ce ?n ce mai mari ?n alimenta?ia noastr?, nu este deloc un pericol de neglijat. Un avertisment valabil ?n prezent mai mult dec?t oric?nd. ?O ?ncercare curajoas? de a ne avertiza cu privire la pofta noastr? de dulce.“ – The British Medical Journal
Lucrarea iubirii
Lucrarea iubirii
Osmonde Gabriel
Propor?iile epidemice ale artritei sunt cu at?t mai ?ngrijor?toare dac? avem ?n vedere faptul c?, de?i este considerat? ?n general o boal? a v?rstei a treia, v?rsta medie la care debuteaz? boala a sc?zut la 47 de ani.Dar exist? ?i ve?ti bune: artrita poate fi ?nt?rziat? sau gestionat?, ceea ce poate ?mbun?t??i ?n mod spectaculos calitatea vie?ii. Noua ?tiin?? a gestion?rii artritei ofer? solu?ii pentru to?i cei care doresc s? previn? suferin?a, disconfortul ?i limit?rile asociate cu artrita sau chiar s?-i opreasc? evolu?ia.Este prima carte despre artrit? care include ultimele cercet?ri ?tiin?ifice ?i strategiile de tratament pentru o boal? cu care se confrunt? marea majoritate a celor din genera?ia ?baby-boom“, de dup? cel de-al Doilea R?zboi Mondial. Iar genera?iile mai tinere au la dispozi?ie un plan u?or de urmat pentru minimizarea ?i chiar evitarea aspectelor debilitante ale artritei.Cartea de fa?? ofer? r?spunsuri la ?ntreb?ri de maxim interes precum:* De ce ne ?mboln?vim de artrit??* Ce suplimente pentru artrit? sunt eficiente?* Care sunt cele mai bune exerci?ii fizice ?i strategii dietetice?* Ce terapii alternative pot fi folosite f?r? riscuri?* Care sunt cele mai noi descoperiri ?tiin?ifice cu privire la celulele stem ?i terapiile viitoare legate de genele ?i biologia uman??InfoDad.com, 16.01.2014?O lucrare scris? ?ntr-un limbaj accesibil despre artrit? ?i cum s?-i facem fa??, despre o boal? deloc pl?cut? pentru cei ?n cauz?… o excelent? trecere ?n revist? a concep?iilor curente referitoare la acest complex de afec?iuni, la tratament ?i la direc?ia spre care se ?ndreapt? cercet?rile din domeniu.“Chatelaine.com: ?10 Best Health Books of 2014“, 03.02.2014?De ce ne place cartea: autorul nu inten?ioneaz? s? ne sperie, ci s? arunce lumin? asupra adev?rului… De asemenea, nu sus?ine o diet? riguroas? sau restrictiv?, ci ?ndeamn? la un regim alimentar echilibrat, care s? contribuie la men?inerea greut??ii ?i a imunit??ii.“
Pove?ti de moarte ?i de s?nge
Pove?ti de moarte ?i de s?nge
Güiraldes Ricardo
Ce este tensiunea arterial? ?i de ce ne poate face r?u o valoare ridicat? a acesteia? Cum se ajunge la hipertensiune ?i cum poate fi prevenit?? ?i, cel mai important, ce se poate face pentru tratarea ei?Pornind de la ultimele cercet?ri ?n domeniu, William Manger ?i colegii ofer? o serie de r?spunsuri la ?ntreb?ri legate de exerci?iile fizice, regimul alimentar, Viagra, estrogen, vitamine, sare, alcool ?i fumat. Informa?iile privind analizele de s?nge ?i medicamentele folosite ?n mod curent ?i ajut? pe cititori s? discute ?n cuno?tin?? de cauz? cu medicul despre tratamentul prescris, s? ?n?eleag? ce li se ?nt?mpl? ?i s? dezvolte o rela?ie doctorstr?ns?, esen?ial? pentru ?inerea sub control a tensiunii arteriale.Men?in?ndu-?i tensiunea arterial? ?n limite normale, ??i salvezi via?a. Ce poate fi mai important?Cele 101 ?ntreb?ri ?i r?spunsuri preg?tite de exper?i de frunte din domeniul hipertensiunii arteriale reprezint? un instrument necesar pentru dob?ndirea unui stil de via?? s?n?tos ?i gestionarea cu succes a tensiunii arteriale ridicate.Dr. Alberto Zanchetti, profesor emerit de medicin? la Universitatea din MilanoAutorii au f?cut o treab? excelent? formul?nd ?i r?spunz?nd la numeroasele ?ntreb?ri pe care oamenii ?i le pun cu privire la tensiunea arterial? ridicat?: ce este, cum se manifest? ?i ce putem face ?n privin?a ei. Pentru modul ?n care au clarificat ?i au corectat multe dintre miturile ?i concep?iile eronate legate de aceast? boal?, merit? toate felicit?rile.Dr. Marvin M. Moser, profesor de medicin? clinic?, Facultatea de Medicin? Yale, redactor emerit, Journal of Clinical Hypertension.PRINTRE CELE 101 SUBIECTE SE NUM?R?:? cea mai bun? metod? de monitorizare a tensiunii arteriale? principalii factori de risc care duc la apari?ia hipertensiunii? sugestii pentru diet?, combaterea stresului, renun?area la fumat ?i exerci?ii fizice? diferite medicamente pentru tratarea hipertensiunii? boli ?i medicamente care cresc riscul de hipertensiune? c?i de prevenire a hipertensiunii la copiiAcum po?i s? ?ncepi s? faci schimb?rile necesare ca s?-?i protejezi inima ?i s? duci o via?? lung? ?i fericit?!
Superimunitatea. F?r? injec?ii, f?r? medicamente, f?r? concedii medicale
Superimunitatea. F?r? injec?ii, f?r? medicamente, f?r? concedii medicale
Joel Fuhrman
E u?or s? te ba?i cu pumnul ?n piept c? iube?ti Rom?nia. E simplu s?-?i cumperi un fular ?n culorile tricolorului – ro?u, galben ?i albastru – ?i s? ie?i ?n pia?? de 1 Decembrie, la un pahar de vin gratis. E comod s? te cer?i ?n diferite grupuri pe Facebook cu ?nenoroci?ii care nu iubesc trupul patriei mam? ?i-l p?ng?resc“. E la ?ndem?n? s?-?i lipe?ti pe man?et? o etichet? care url? c? ?rom?nii sunt frumo?i“. E confortabil s? te ?mp?unezi cu reu?itele altor rom?ni, al?ii dec?t tine – fie c? vorbim despre filme rom?ne?ti premiate ?n lume, fie c? vorbim despre o echip? de fotbal sau ni?te liceeni olimpici la matematic?. E ideal s? spui, de acas?, din fotoliul t?u, scuip?nd o coaj? de s?m?n?? pe covor: ?E buni, domle, e rom?ni de-ai no?tri!“ Dar, de fiecare dat? c?nd e?ti tentat s? spui asta, pune-?i ?i ?ntrebarea: c?nd am f?cut, cu adev?rat, ceva real ?i personal PENTRU Rom?nia?
Herman Melville Man, Mariner and Mystic by Raymond Weaver - Delphi Classics (Ill
Herman Melville Man, Mariner and Mystic by Raymond Weaver - Delphi Classics (Ill
Raymond Weaver
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘Herman Melville Man, Mariner and Mystic by Raymond Weaver by Herman Melville - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of Herman Melville’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Melville includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘Herman Melville Man, Mariner and Mystic by Raymond Weaver by Herman Melville - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Melville’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
Ebola ’76
Ebola ’76
Amir Tag Elsir
Louis Nawa left the hospital, still wearing his inpatient's gown, which covered only the top half of his body, leaving the bottom half naked but for a thick coat of body hair, a few mosquito bites and a wealth of lesions left by Ebola, which were now beginning to heal over. The streets were dusty, baking in the midday August sun... Ebola's tragic victims were evident all around. With no one left to carry them, they crawled alone to the main square in the hope of finding help. Louis, meanwhile, was completely oblivious to his bare feet, already blistering as they pounded the baking road. Any feeling including that of a guilty conscience had been entirely deadened by the bottle of wine he had guzzled. By acclaimed Sudanese author Amir Tag Elsir, Ebola '76 follows the story of Louis, a?simple blue-collar worker who unwittingly transports a deadly disease back to his home?country, with disastrous consequences for his family, friends and colleagues alike. In?a series of bizarre and comical human encounters, the disease takes a firm hold of?the city of Anzara. Blind guitar players, comely barbers, tyrannical factory owners and?spurned wives all soon find themselves desperately fighting for their lives in the "Time?of Ebola". Among the novel's most unusual characters is Ebola itself, a strikingly dark and sinister?presence that haunts the pages of this fast-paced, tragicomic satire. Cackling with?glee, hovering in drops of spittle, and gliding slyly from body to body, Ebola represents?one of the evilest and unpredictable of villains.
The Pioneers by James Fenimore Cooper - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
The Pioneers by James Fenimore Cooper - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
James Fenimore Cooper
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘The Pioneers by James Fenimore Cooper - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of James Fenimore Cooper’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Cooper includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘The Pioneers by James Fenimore Cooper - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Cooper’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
Chenguang Li
Diary of a separated woman. . ...This is an erotic short story about loving hot wives that clocks in at 3233 words. This story, Confessions, is very naughty and potentially shocking. We can't say too much. But, here is a sentence or two to sample: I was married for 18 years with a wonderful husband who cared for me until I found a brunette for whom I left...
Eliette Abécassis
Sacred is the heart-breaking love story of a young woman and her husband, who live in the old part of the city in Jerusalem. After ten years of a loving relationship without children, Rachel’s husband is forced by custom to reject her. Does she dare to tell the truth – or will she let her beloved husband marry another? 'In Rachel and Naomi, Abecassis creates two powerful and sympathetic heroines, and the power and beauty of her writing renders their story both heartbreaking and hypnotic.'? Observer 'A terrifying book on the feminine condition.' ? Le Figaro
Onegin: English and Russian Language Edition
Onegin: English and Russian Language Edition
Alexander Pushkin
Bilingual edition of Pushkin's Eugene Onegin in both Russian and English languages. Meet Onegin, a dandy from Saint Petersburg, about 26. An arrogant, selfish and world-weary cynic. One day he inherits a landed estate from his uncle where he strikes up a friendship with his neighbour, a starry-eyed young poet named Vladimir Lensky. One day, Lensky takes Onegin to dine with the family of his fiancee, the sociable but rather thoughtless Olga Larina. At this meeting he also catches a glimpse of Olga's sister Tatyana. A quiet, precocious romantic and the exact opposite of Olga, Tatyana becomes intensely drawn to Onegin. Soon after, she bares her soul to Onegin in a letter professing her love.
Children and Traumatic Incident Reduction:Creative and Cognitive Approaches
Children and Traumatic Incident Reduction:Creative and Cognitive Approaches
Marian K. Volkman
What if we could resolve childhood trauma early, rather than late? We are understanding more and more about how early traumatic experiences affect long-term mental and physical health: ·Physical impacts are stored in muscles and posture ·Threats of harm are stored as tension ·Overwhelming emotion is held inside ·Negative emotional patterns become habit ·Coping and defense mechanism become inflexible What if we could resolve childhood trauma before years go by and these effects solidify in body and mind? In a perfect world, we'd like to be able to shield children from hurt and harm. In the real world, children, even relatively fortunate ones, may experience accidents, injury, illness, and loss of loved ones. Children unfortunate enough to live in unsafe environments live through abuse, neglect, and threats to their well-being and even their life. What if we could resolve childhood trauma fully, gently, and completely while the child is still young? We Can. Read Children and Traumatic Incident Reduction and find out how! "This book is a must for any therapist working with kids. Naturally, it focuses on the approach of Traumatic Incident Reduction, but there is a lot of excellent material that will be useful even to the therapist who has never before heard of TIR and may not be particularly interested in learning about it. The general approach is respectful of clients, based on a great deal of personal experience by contributors as well as on the now extensive research base supporting TIR, and fits the more general research evidence on what works". --Robert Rich, PhD Book #2 in the TIR Applications Series. Series Editor: Robert Rich, PhD Learn more about TIR books at www.TIRbook.com
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