

Worthy of the Cause for Which They Fight
Worthy of the Cause for Which They Fight
Bender, Robert Patrick
Worthy of the Cause for Which They Fight chronicles the experiences of a well-educated and articulate Confederate officer from Arkansas who witnessed the full evolution of the Civil War in the Trans-Mississippi Department and western theater. Daniel Harris Reynolds, a community leader with a thriving law practice in Chicot County, entered service in 1861 as a captain in command of Company A of the First Arkansas Mounted Rifles. Reynolds saw action at Wilson's Creek and Pea Ridge before the regiment was dismounted and transferred to the Army of Tennessee, the primary Confederate force in the western theater. As Reynolds fought through the battles of Chickamauga, Atlanta, Nashville, and Bentonville, he consistently kept a diary in which he described the harsh realities of battle, the shifting fortunes of war, and the personal and political conflicts that characterized and sometimes divided the soldiers. The result is a significant testimonial offering valuable insights into the nature of command from the company to brigade levels, expressed by a committed Southerner coming to grips with the realities of defeat and the ultimate demoralization of surrender.
Marine Macroecology
Marine Macroecology
Jon D. Witman,Kaustuv Roy
Pioneered in the late 1980s, the concept of macroecology-a framework for studying ecological communities with a focus on patterns and processes-revolutionized the field. Although this approach has been applied mainly to terrestrial ecosystems, there is increasing interest in quantifying macroecological patterns in the sea and understanding the processes that generate them. Taking stock of the current work in the field and advocating a research agenda for the decades ahead, Marine Macroecology draws together insights and approaches from a diverse group of scientists to show how marine ecology can benefit from the adoption of macroecological approaches.Divided into three parts, Marine Macroecology first provides an overview of marine diversity patterns and offers case studies of specific habitats and taxonomic groups. In the second part, contributors focus on process-based explanations for marine ecological patterns. The third part presents new approaches to understanding processes driving the macroecolgical patterns in the sea. Uniting unique insights from different perspectives with the common goal of identifying and understanding large-scale biodiversity patterns, Marine Macroecology will inspire the next wave of marine ecologists to approach their research from a macroecological perspective.
Biology's First Law
Biology's First Law
So certain is this that we may boldly state that it is absurd for human beings even to attempt it, or to hope that perhaps some day another Newton might arise who would explain to us, in terms of natural laws unordered by intention, how even a mere blade of grass is produced.Kant, Critique of Judgment (1790)
All Edge
All Edge
Spinuzzi, Clay
Work is changing. Speed and flexibility are more in demand than ever before thanks to an accelerating knowledge economy and sophisticated communication networks. These changes have forced a mass rethinking of the way we coordinate, collaborate, and communicate. Instead of projects coming to established teams, teams are increasingly converging around projects. These "e;all-edge adhocracies"e; are highly collaborative and mostly temporary, their edge coming from the ability to form links both inside and outside an organization. These nimble groups come together around a specific task, recruiting personnel, assigning roles, and establishing objectives. When the work is done they disband their members and take their skills to the next project.Spinuzzi offers for the first time a comprehensive framework for understanding how these new groups function and thrive. His rigorous analysis tackles both the pros and cons of this evolving workflow and is based in case studies of real all-edge adhocracies at work. His provocative results will challenge our long-held assumptions about how we should be doing work.
The Mysterious World of the Human Genome
The Mysterious World of the Human Genome
Frank Ryan
How could a relatively simple chemical code give rise to the complexity of a human being? How could our human genome have evolved? And how does it actually work? Over the past 50 years we have deciphered the inner workings of the human genome. From the basic structure of DNA through to the complete sequence of the code, what first appeared to be simple is actually a complex and beautiful three-dimensional world that makes each of us who we are. In The Mysterious World of the Human Genome acclaimed science writer Frank Ryan leads us through the most exciting scientific discoveries of the last 50 years, revealing how this science has unlocked the cure of some genetic diseases, developed the use of DNA in forensic science and paternity testing, helped us trace our ancestors and provided a definitive map for the movement of humans out of Africa. This scientific journey has had a profound impact on our understanding of the evolution of life itself, through the role of the most ancient of organisms in our basic biology all the way to the revelation that our most recent ancestor, Homo neanderthalensis, lives on in many of us. In the ever more complicated world of the human genome, this is the first book to explain how the human genome actually works as a whole and how that knowledge will have a profound effect on our understanding of where we have come from and where we are likely to be going in the future.
Killing Us Softly:The Sense and Nonsense of Alternative Medicine
Killing Us Softly:The Sense and Nonsense of Alternative Medicine
Dr Paul Offit
More people than ever are using alternative medicine. But, as expert Dr Paul Offit explains, these untested therapies are ineffective, expensive and even deadly. Now that homeopathic remedies are offered on the Nhs, it's clear that various therapies once considered alternative or complementary, have become mainstream - prescribed to burn fat, shrink prostates, alleviate colds, reduce stress, eliminate pain and prevent cancer. At the same time, uptake of effective vaccines such as Mmr has fallen - a disturbing trend which, in the case of the Mmr, has lead to a sharp rise in the number of measles cases. In 'Killing Us Softly' Paul Offit reveals, alternative medicine - an unregulated industry under no obligation to prove its claims or admit its risks - can actually be very harmful. In 'Killing Us Softly' he exposes how: * Homeopathic asthma preparations and bogus cancer cures have replaced life-saving medicines. * Acupuncture needles have pierced hearts, lungs, and livers and transmitted viruses, including hepatitis B, hepatitis C and Hiv. * Chiropractic manipulations have torn arteries. * Megavitamins increase the risk of cancer and heart disease-a fact well known to scientists but virtually unknown to the public. Using real-life case histories to back his argument, Dr Offit shows us why any medical treatment - alternative or conventional - must be properly evaluated. 'There's no such thing as alternative medicine. There's only medicine that works and medicine that doesn't.'
Tell Me How it Ends: An Essay in Forty Questions
Tell Me How it Ends: An Essay in Forty Questions
Valeria Luiselli
Valeria Luiselli was born in Mexico City in 1983. She is the author of the novels Faces in the Crowd and The Story of My Teeth, and of a collection of essays called Sidewalks. Her work has been published in magazines and newspapers such as Letras Libres, the New York Times, the New Yorker, Freeman’s, El Pais and Harper’s and she is published in fifteen languages. She is currently professor of Romance Language and Literature at Hofstra University and lives in New York City.
Jean Ritchie
‘IT’S THE NIGHTS that are the worst. I don’t know where he is, but my imagination tells me he is close at hand. In daylight I can keep the fears down; at night I am alone with the terror that he has created. If he rings me every ten minutes I think I will go mad with it; if he does not ring I worry that he is outside, watching me.’
Healing Your Emotions: Discover your five element type and change your life
Healing Your Emotions: Discover your five element type and change your life
Angela Hicks,John Hicks
Angela & John Hicks are the joint principals of the College of Integrated Chinese medicine in Reading. Angela is author of The Five Laws for Healthy Living, Principles of Acupuncture and Principles of Chinese Medicine. John is author of Principles of Chinese Herbal Medicine. They have been practising for over 17 years.
Botany (Collins Internet-Linked Dictionary of)
Botany (Collins Internet-Linked Dictionary of)
Compiled by a team of scientists,and edited by Jill Bailey in consultation with Sir John Burnett, Chairman of the Trustees,National Biodiversity Network and Dr Andrew Lack,Senior Lecturer in Environmental Biology,Oxford Brookes University
Revolting!: How the Establishment are Undermining Democracy and What They’re Afr
Revolting!: How the Establishment are Undermining Democracy and What They’re Afr
Mick Hume
Mick Hume is a journalist and author of ‘Trigger Warning: Is the Fear of Being Offensive Killing Free Speech?’ He is editor-at-large of Spiked and writes regularly on free-speech issues. He had a weekly column in The Times for ten years, and was described as ‘Britain’s only libertarian Marxist newspaper columnist’. More recently he has written in defence of freedom of speech and a free press in The Times, the Sunday Times, the Independent and the Sun.
The Greatest Benefit to Mankind: A Medical History of Humanity
The Greatest Benefit to Mankind: A Medical History of Humanity
Roy Porter
Roy Porter is Professor of the Social History of Medicine at the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine. He is the editor of the Fontana History of Science series, and the author of over sixty-five books, including the acclaimed bestseller ‘London: A Social History’. His book on the history of madness in England, ‘Mind Forg’d Manacles’, won the Leo Gershoy Prize.
The Emperor of All Maladies
The Emperor of All Maladies
Siddhartha Mukherjee
A magnificent, beautifully written biography of cancer - from its first documented appearances thousands of years ago through the epic battles to cure, control and conquer it to a radical new understanding of its essence. In The Emperor of All Maladies, Siddhartha Mukherjee, doctor, researcher and award-winning science writer, examines cancer with a cellular biologist’s precision, a historian’s perspective, and a biographer’s passion. The result is an astonishingly lucid and eloquent chronicle of a disease humans have lived with - and perished from - for more than five thousand years. The story of cancer is a story of human ingenuity, resilience and perseverance, but also of hubris, arrogance and misperception, all leveraged against a disease that, just three decades ago, was thought to be easily vanquished in an all-out ‘war against cancer’. Mukherjee recounts centuries of discoveries, setbacks, victories and deaths, told through the eyes of predecessors and peers, training their wits against an infinitely resourceful adversary. From the Persian Queen Atossa, whose Greek slave cut off her malignant breast, to the nineteeth-century recipient of primitive radiation and chemotherapy and Mukherjee’s own leukemia patient, Carla, The Emperor of All Maladies is about the people who have soldiered through toxic, bruising, and draining regimes to survive and to increase the store of human knowledge. Riveting and magesterial, The Emperor of All Maladies provides a fascinating glimpse into the future of cancer treatments and a brilliant new perspective on the way doctors, scientists, philosophers and lay people have observed and understood the human body for millennia.
Big Bang
Big Bang
Simon Singh
The bestselling author of Fermat’s Last Theorem and The Code Book tells the story of the brilliant minds that deciphered the mysteries of the Big Bang. A fascinating exploration of the ultimate question: how was our universe created? Albert Einstein once said: ‘The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible.’ Simon Singh believes geniuses like Einstein are not the only people able to grasp the physics that govern the universe. We all can. As well as explaining what the Big Bang theory actually is and why cosmologists believe it is an accurate de*ion of the origins of the universe, this book is also the fascinating story of the scientists who fought against the established idea of an eternal and unchanging universe. Simon Singh, renowned for making difficult ideas much less daunting than they first seem, is the perfect guide for this journey. Everybody has heard of the Big Bang Theory. But how many of us can actually claim to understand it? With characteristic clarity and a narrative peppered with anecdotes and personal histories of those who have struggled to understand creation, Simon Singh has written the story of the most important theory ever.
Forces of Nature
Forces of Nature
Professor Brian Cox
Sunday Times Bestseller A breathtaking and beautiful exploration of our planet, this groundbreaking book accompanies the BBC One TV series, providing the deepest answers to the simplest questions. ‘What is motion’ ‘Why is every snowflake different’ ‘Why is life symmetrical’ To answer these and many other questions, Professor Brian Cox uncovers some of the most extraordinary natural events on Earth and in the Universe and beyond. From the immensity of the Universe and the roundness of Earth to the form of every single snowflake, the forces of nature shape everything we see. Pushed to extremes, the results are astonishing. In seeking to understand the everyday world, the colours, structure, behaviour and history of our home, we develop the knowledge and techniques necessary to step beyond the everyday and approach the Universe beyond. Forces of Nature takes you to the great plains of the Serengeti, the volcanoes of Indonesia and the precipitous cliffs in Nepal, to the humpback whales of the Caribbean and the northern lights of the Arctic. Brian will answer questions on Earth that will illuminate our understanding of the Universe. Think you know our planet Think again.
The Hound of the Baskervilles: Sherlock Holmes #5
The Hound of the Baskervilles: Sherlock Holmes #5
Arthur Conan Doyle
Egy csodálatos fantáziával és íráskészséggel megáldott fiatal n? került a budapesti Moravcsik-féle elmeklinikára. Akkor végezte ott éppen klinikai gyakorlatait dr. Brenner József fiatal orvos, Csáth Géza néven országos hír? novellista és zenekritikus. Rendkívül sokoldalú tehetség: zenél és zenét szerez, felfedez? érték? zenekritikát ír, ráérez a legújabb festészeti ízlésre, s útt?r?je a novellam?fajnak. Akármibe fog, mindig és mindenben megel?zi kora gondolkodását, ízlését, m?veltségét. ?gy van ez orvostudományi munkásságával is. A nagy tekintély?, de konzervatív iskolát képvisel? Moravcsik professzor égisze alatt a szakmában még igazán sehol el nem ismert freudi módszereket alkalmazza betege pszichés védelmi mechanizmusainak f?ltárásában, megismerésében. A korszak magyar tudományosságát a teljes nyitottság jellemezte az új t?rekvések iránt. Még a konzervatív Moravcsik és orvosgárdája is elt?rte, s?t segítette kezd? orvosa freudista kísérleteit. Egy zseniális adottságokkal rendelkez? elmebeteg, egy zseniális fiatal orvos és lélekbúvár író, valamint egy minden újra fogékony tudományos k?rnyezet szerencsés találkozása eredményeképpen született meg Az elmebetegségek pszichikus mechanizmusa.
Great Astronomers
Great Astronomers
Sir Robert S. Ball
Great Astronomers
Everything About Mars
Everything About Mars
My Ebook Publishing House
Everything About Mars
The Physics and Technology of Diagnostic Ultrasound: A Practitioner's Guide
The Physics and Technology of Diagnostic Ultrasound: A Practitioner's Guide
Robert Gill
The Physics and Technology of Diagnostic Ultrasound: A Practitioner's Guide
Immune System: A Tutorial Study Guide
Immune System: A Tutorial Study Guide
Nicoladie Tam
Immune System: A Tutorial Study Guide
Motor System: A Tutorial Study Guide
Motor System: A Tutorial Study Guide
Nicoladie Tam
Motor System: A Tutorial Study Guide
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