Learning Unreal? Engine iOS Game Development
If you are a game developer, designer, artist, or a beginner in the gaming industry, and want to make iOS games efficiently at a low cost, this book is ideal for you.
Objective-C Memory Management Essentials
If you are new to Objective-C or a veteran in iOS application development, this is the book for you. This book will ensure that you can actively learn the methods and concepts in relation to memory management in a more engaging way. Basic knowledge of iOS development is required for this book.
iOS Game Programming Cookbook
This book is for developers who are willing to explore iOS game programming in depth. Good knowledge level and understanding of iOS game development will be an added advantage. You should already have a working installation of Xcode and Sprite kit.
Salesforce Reporting and Dashboards
This book is intended for all Salesforce users—administrators, managers, business analysts, or report writers who are new to creating reports or dashboards within Salesforce. Basic knowledge of the Salesforce platform is required.
WooCommerce Cookbook
If you have ever built or managed a WordPress site and want to add e-commerce functionality into your site, WooCommerce and this book are perfect for you. Learning how to use WooCommerce through this series of recipes will give you a solid platform to add any future e-commerce needs.
Elastix Unified Communications Server Cookbook
This book is aimed at those who want to learn how to set up an Elastix Unified Communications Server without losing ground on Unified Communications and Voice over IP.
Mastering Apache Cassandra - Second Edition
The book is aimed at intermediate developers with an understanding of core database concepts who want to become a master at implementing Cassandra for their application.
Appium Essentials
This book is intended for automation testers and developers who want to enhance their skills from web-based automation to mobile application automation using Appium. Basic knowledge of mobile application testing, Selenium WebDriver, and programming is assumed.
Performance Testing with JMeter - Second Edition
This book is great for developers, quality assurance engineers, testers, and test managers new to Apache JMeter, or those who are looking to get a good grounding in how to effectively use and become proficient with JMeter. No prior testing experience is required.
Jasmine JavaScript Testing - Second Edition
This book is for web developers and designers who work with React.js and JavaScript and who are new to unit testing and automation. It's assumed that you have a basic knowledge of JavaScript and HTML.
Raspberry Pi Essentials
Programmers new to the Raspberry Pi and novice programmers with little to no experience with micro board computing will find the book useful. A basic knowledge of programming languages in general will prove useful for a better understanding of the topics.
Apache Maven Cookbook
If you are a Java developer or a manager who has experience with Apache Maven and want to extend your knowledge, then this is the ideal book for you. Apache Maven Cookbook is for those who want to learn how Apache Maven can be used for build automation. It is also meant for those familiar with Apache Maven, but want to understand the finer nuances of Maven and solve specific problems.
Raspberry Pi Projects for Kids - Second Edition
This book is for kids who wish to develop games and applications using the Raspberry Pi. No prior experience in programming is necessary; you need only a Raspberry Pi and the required peripherals.
Learning Salesforce Visual Workflow
Learning Salesforce Visual Workflow is intended for those who want to use Flows to automate their business requirements by click not code. Salesforce maintains an incredibly user-friendly interface; no previous experience in computer coding or programming is required.
Git Essentials
If you are a software developer with little or no experience of versioning systems, or are familiar with other centralized versioning systems, then this book is for you. If you have some experience working with command lines or using Linux admin or just using Unix and want to know more about Git, then this book is ideal for you.
Less Web Development Essentials - Second Edition
If you use CSS for web development tasks and want to learn how to create maintainable and reusable code, this is the book for you. Basic knowledge of web development would be helpful.
NW.js Essentials
If you are an experienced Node.js developer who wants to create amazing desktop applications using NW.js, this is the book for you. Prior knowledge of HTML5, jQuery, and CSS is assumed.
Building Web Services with Microsoft Azure
If you are a .NET developer who wants to develop end-to-end RESTful applications in the cloud, then this book is for you. A working knowledge of C# will help you get the most out of this book.
Sencha Charts Essentials
If you are an Ext JS or Sencha Touch developer, designer, or architect who wants to build enterprise-scale data visualization capabilities using Sencha, then this book is ideal for you. You should have a knowledge of HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and Sencha Ext JS or Sencha Touch fundamentals, in particular. Some familiarity with SVG and HTML5 Canvas would be preferred, but not required.
Microsoft Azure Machine Learning
The book is intended for those who want to learn how to use Azure Machine Learning. Perhaps you already know a bit about Machine Learning, but have never used ML Studio in Azure; or perhaps you are an absolute newbie. In either case, this book will get you up-and-running quickly.
Building Levels in Unity
The book is aimed at game artists with no past programming experience who are interested in designing levels in Unity. It does not assume detailed knowledge of similar game platforms.