
Age Crisis
Age Crisis




The Absence Addiction Program
The Absence Addiction Program

Five Weeks in a Balloon
Five Weeks in a Balloon

One Small Step Can Change Your Life
One Small Step Can Change Your Life

Positive Thinking Is the Key to Mental Health
Positive Thinking Is the Key to Mental Health

Discipline Kids
Discipline Kids

Commentary on the Laws of England. Book the First
Commentary on the Laws of England. Book the First

Molten Heart: A Fire Drake Love Story
Molten Heart: A Fire Drake Love Story

The Monk, A Romance
The Monk, A Romance

The Whisperer in Darkness
The story is told by Albert N. Wilmarth, an instructor of literature at Miskatonic University in Arkham. When local newspapers report strange things seen floating in rivers during a historic Vermont flood, Wilmarth becomes embroiled in a controversy about the reality and significance of the sightings, though he sides with the skeptics. Wilmarth uncovers old legends about monsters living in the uninhabited hills who abduct people who venture or settle too close to their territory.

The Unnamable
"The Unnamable" is a horror short story by American author H. P. Lovecraft. It was written in September 1923, first published in the July 1925 issue of Weird Tales, and first collected in Beyond the Wall of Sleep. Carter, a weird fiction writer, who is likely the Randolph Carter who features in some of Lovecraft's other tales such as The Statement of Randolph Carter, meets with his close friend, Joel Manton, in a cemetery near an old, dilapidated house on Meadow Hill in the town of Arkham, Massachusetts. As the two sit upon a weathered tomb, Carter tells Manton the tale of an indescribable entity that allegedly haunts the house and surrounding area. He contends that because such an entity cannot be perceived by the five senses, it becomes impossible to quantify and accurately describe, thus earning itself the term unnamable.

No Mistakes Grammar Bites, Volume IX: A While and Awhile, and Envy and Jealousy
Guaranteed Not to Be Confusing Don't Ever Be Confused by Grammar Again. Take a "bite" out of Grammar with No Mistakes Grammar Bites. It seems as if many dictionaries and books on grammar do their best to confuse people. Words and explanations are defined using grammatical terminology that is difficult to understand; in fact, if you knew that terminology, you probably wouldn't have to look up the words to begin with. We're aiming to get rid of that and explain things in plain English, using language that is easy to understand. Try it out and see for yourself. If you find these books confusing, write to me and get a refund; they're guaranteed.
![Odysseia Destan?: [Resimli]](http://img62.ddimg.cn/digital/product/44/88/1901164488_ii_cover.jpg?version=828c7ad1-ccea-463d-9a90-b28d56463a51)
Odysseia Destan?: [Resimli]
Odysseia'n?n MO 800 ila 600 y?llar? aras?nda yaz?ld??? dü?ünülmektedir. Manzum eser ?lyada'n?n devam? niteli?indedir ve Yunan kahraman Odysseus'un Truva'n?n dü?ü?ünden sonra vatan? ?thaka'ya yapt??? maceralarla dolu uzun yolculu?u anlat?r. 10 y?l süren sava?tan sonra Odysseus'un ?thaka'ya d?nmesi 10 y?l?n? al?r, ve bu 20 y?ll?k uzakl???nda o?lu Telema?hus ve kar?s? Penelope ülkeyi y?netmek ve Penelope ile evlenerek (Odysseus'un oldu?u iddia edilmektedir) ?thaka'n?n hükümdar? olmak isteyen bir grup soylu ile mücadele etmek zorundad?rlar. ?iir Bat? edebiyat?n?n ve kültürünün temel eserlerinden say?l?r, ve antik Yunan kültürüne ???k tutan en ?nemli kaynaklardan biridir. Odysseia, Truva'n?n dü?mesinden 10 y?l sonra Odysseus'un ?thaca'ya evine d?nünceye kadar maceralar?n? anlat?r. ?lyada 10 y?l süren Truva Sava??, Odysseia, 10 y?l boyunca Odysseus'un ba??ndan ge?enlerden ibarettir. ?lyada, bir olay?, Odysseia ise bir ki?inin destan?n? anlat?r. Truva Destan?nda olaylar birbirini izleyecek ?ekilde anlat?l?r. Halbuki, Odysseia'da olaylar an?lar, geriye d?nü?ler, atlamalarla canland?r?l?r. Bat? dillerindeki Ulysses'nin türedi?i Latince Ulyxes, yi?idin bir Yunan leh?esinden al?nm?? ad?d?r. Odysseus (Ulysses, Ulis), kuzeybat? Yunanistan k?y?lar?n?n kar??s?nda bulunan ?thaca (?thaka, ?thake) adas?nda do?du. Babas?n?n ad? Learthes, anas?n?n ad? Antikleia idi. Yalan dolanda usta Autolykos'un k?z? olan Antikleia'n?n Learthes ile evlenmeden ?nce S?syphos ile yatt???, Odysseus'un bu birle?meden do?du?u da s?ylenir. Odysseus'un gen?li?i, Akhilleus'unki gibi hekim Kheiron'un yan?nda ge?ti. Birgün Odysseus, dedesi Autolykos'a konuk olarak gitti. Orada bir yaban domuzu av?na kat?ld? ve baca??ndan yaraland?. ??te, Truva Sava?? sona erdikten sonra, bir 10 y?l daha türlü maceralar ge?irerek ?thake'ye d?ndü?ünde, dad??? Eurykleia taraf?ndan ya?l? Odysseus'un tan?nmas?n? sa?layacak yara izi, bu yara izidir. Truva Sava??na kat?lmadan ?nce Odysseus, ?thake taht?na ??kt? ve kral oldu. Babas? Learthes'in o?lunu tahta nas?l ge?irdi?i pek anlat?lmaz. Ama kral olunca bir e? se?mesi olayl? oldu. Hemen dünyan?n en güzel k?z? Helena'ya talip oldu ama güzel k?z?n taliplilerinin ?oklu?undan ürkerek ondan vazge?ip, Helena'n?n babas?n?n karde?i ?karios'un k?z? Penelope'u (Penelopeia) istedi. Tyndereos'un ise akl? karmakar???k oldu?undan Odysseus'un bu yakla??m?n? ?nce be?enmedi. Odysseus ise Penelope'u almak i?in ?art?n? s?yledi. Tyndereos'u dü?tü?ü durumdan kurtaracak, buldu?u ??zümle kimse aras?nda kavga olmayacakt?. Bu arada Tyndereos'un k?z?n? türlü prensler, krallar ve sava???lar istiyorlar, türlü hediyeler g?nderiyorlard?. Tyndereos da onlar?n kalplerini k?r?p bir felakete yol a?mamaya ?al???yordu. Sonunda Tyndereos, Penelope'u vermeye raz? olunca Odysseus fikrini s?yledi: Kocas?n? Helena kendisi se?sin ama her kimi se?erse di?er tüm talipliler bunu sorun etmeyecek ve Helena'n?n kendine se?ece?i kocaya her zaman arka ??kmaya ant i?ecekti. Tyndareos, fikri be?endi ve i? k?z?n se?imine b?rak?ld?. ?karios ?nce herkesi yemin etmeye ?a??rd?. Herkes yemin etti, Odysseus dahil. Dünyan?n en güzel k?z? Helena, kocas? olarak Agamemnon'un karde?i Menelaos'u se?ti. Herkes karara sayg? duydu ve kabul etti. Herkes?e edilen bu yemin, ileride on y?l sürecek olan "Truva Sava??"na yol a?acakt?.

Troya Sava?? ve ?lyada Destani
Eski Yunan’da, ?air Homeros’un yazd??? varsay?lan büyük bir destand?r. Bir ba?ka Homeros destan? olan ?deysseia ile birlikte, bat? edebiyat?n?n en eski ?rne?i ve tüm zamanlar?n en güzel ?iirlerinden say?l?r. Hem ?lyada hem de Oysseisa, Truva Sava?? ve bu sava?ta yer alan insanlarla ilgili s?ylenceleri dile getiren, ko?ukla yaz?lm?? destanlard?r. Tarih?iler Yunanistan’tandaki Akhalar ile Bat? Anadolu’da ya?am?? olan Truval?lar aras?ndaki bu sava??n yakla??k I.O. 1199’da ge?ti?i g?rü?ündedir. Akhalar’?n Truva’y? ku?atmalar?n?n ise 10 y?l sürdü?ü san?lmaktad?r. Bu konuda o kadar ?ok ?ykü ve s?ylence vard?r ki, hangisinin ger?ek hangisinin uydurma oldu?unu bilme olana?? yoktur. Yunanca’da Truva’n?n bir ad?n?n da ?lios olmas?ndan dolay? Homeros’un destan? ?lyada ad?n? ald?. Homeros, ya?ad??? d?nemde herkesin bu ?yküyü bildi?ini dü?ünerek, Truva ku?atmas?n? ba?tan sona anlatmaz; sava??n 10. y?l?nda sadece d?rt gün i?inde ge?en olaylar? anlat?r. Sava? neredeyse bitmek üzeredir. Truva efsanesinin bu b?lümü "As?l’?n ?fkesi" olarak bilinir. ?lyada’n?n ?yküsü: Kral Agamemnon, Truva Sava?? s?ras?nda Akhalar’?n ba?komutan?yd?. Kral?n en yi?it ve bas?na buyruk sava???s? olan As?l, kimseye boyun e?meden, kendi bildi?ince hareket ediyordu. As?l’?n sava?ta ka??rd??? Briseis ad?nda Truvali bir k?z yüzünden As?l ile Agamemnon aras?nda anla?mazl?k ??kt?. Tutsa?? olan bir k?z? babas?na geri vermeye raz? olan Agamemnon, onun yerine As?l’?n sevdi?i Briseis’i istiyordu. Agamemnon’a boyun e?mek zorunda kalan As?l, k?z? ona verdi. Ne var ki, h?rs?n? alamayarak sava?tan ?ekildi. Agamemnon’u cezaland?rmas? i?in, deniz tanr??as? olan annesi Theti?’i ?a??rd?. Theti?, tanr?lar?n kral? Zeus’tan yard?m istedi. B?ylece ?ok ge?meden yaln?zca As?l ve Agamemnon de?il, tanr? ve tanr??alarda kavgaya kar??t?. Tanr?lar?n ise kar??mas? Yunan askerlerini tela?land?rd?. Agamemnon, g?rdü?ü bir dü?e aldanarak, ordusuna art?k Yunanistan’a d?nülece?ini bildirdi. Askerlerin Truva’y? ele ge?irmeden d?nmek istemeyeceklerini sanarken, onlar?n gitmeye can att?klar?n? g?rmek onu dü? k?r?kl???na u?ratt?. Yunanl? komutanlar orduyu yeniden sava? düzenine sokmakta gü?lük ?ektiler. Bütün bu olaylar Yunan ordusunun sava? gücünü ve birli?ini zay?flatm??t?. ?ki ordu aras?nda sava? yeniden ba?larken, Paris’in karde?i Hektor, sava??n nedeni Paris’in Sparta Kral? Menelaos’un kar?s? Helen ‘i ka??rmas? oldu?una g?re, anla?mazl???n Paris ile Menelaos aras?nda d?vü?le ??zümlenmesini ?nerdi. Bu d?vü?te tam Paris yenilecekken, annesi olan tanr??a Afrodit onu son anda ka??rarak kurtard?. B?ylece ordular aras?nda bir kez daha sava? ba?lad?.
![Rudy and Babette: [Illustrated Edition]](http://img60.ddimg.cn/digital/product/45/8/1901164508_ii_cover.jpg?version=9d02e19f-7784-4ad4-85d2-15b056aa4db1)
Rudy and Babette: [Illustrated Edition]
LET us now go to Switzerland, and see its wonderful mountains, whose steep, rocky sides are covered with trees. We will climb up to the fields of snow, and then make our way down to the grassy valleys, with their countless streams and rivulets, impetuously rushing to lose themselves in the sea. The sunshine is hot in the narrow valley; the snow becomes firm and solid, and in the course of time it either descends as an avalanche, or creeps along as a glacier. ??THERE are two of these glaciers in the valleys below the Schreckhorn and the Wetterhorn, near the long village of Grindelwald. They are a remarka-ble sight, and therefore many travelers from all countries come in the summer to visit them: they come over the high mountains covered with snow, they traverse the deep valleys; and to do this they must climb, hour after hour, leaving the valley far beneath them, till they see it as if they were in an air-balloon. ??The clouds hang above them like thick mists over the mountains, and the sun's rays make their way through the openings between the clouds to where the brown houses lie spread, lighting up some chance spot with a vivid green. Below, the stream foams and blusters; but above it murmurs and ripples, and looks like a band of silver hanging down the side of the rock.??On either side of the path up the mountain lie wooden houses. Each house has its little plot of potatoes; and this they all require, for there are many children, and they all have good appetites. The children come out to meet every stranger, whether walking or riding, and ask him to buy their carved wooden ch?lets, made like the houses they live in. Be it fine or be it wet, the children try to sell their carvings.??About twenty years since you might have seen one little boy standing apart from the others, but evidently very desirous to dispose of his wares. He looked grave and sad, and held his little tray tightly with both hands as if he was afraid of losing it. This serious look and his small size caused him to be much noticed by travelers, who often called him and purchased many of his toys, though he did not know why he was so favored. His grandfather lived two miles off among the mountains, where he did his carving. He had a cabinet full of the things he had made. ??There were nut-crackers, knives and forks, boxes carved with leaves and chamois, and many toys for children; but little Rudy cared for nothing so much as for an old gun, hanging from a rafter in the ceiling, for his grandfather had told him it should be his own when he was big enough to know how to use it.

Fallen Fortunes
The speaker had just pushed his horse over the brow of a slope which he and his servant had for some time been mounting, through the steamy warmth of a foggy May morning. The thick haze which lay heavy in this region of marshy ground had hidden the surrounding country from them hitherto; but as they reached the summit of the gradual rise they had been ascending, the cloud wreaths suddenly drifted away, and the sun began to shine out upon the undulating plain stretched before their eyes; and lo, the plain was alive with squadrons of soldiers—infantry, cavalry, artillery—drawn up in battle array; and the note of the bugle rang through the air, whilst away in the distance, on the opposite side of the plain, there was a movement which told that already the battle had begun. A sullen roar from the guns boomed forth, and the whole plain shook with the reverberation. Great masses of smoke rolled along and slowly dispersed after each salvo; but it was upon the evolutions of the bodies of horsemen and footmen that the keen eyes of the youthful traveller were intently fixed. "Dicon," he cried, "this is in all sooth a battle; and where the battle rages, there will the great victor of Blenheim be. We have not chanced upon this route in vain. Men warned us of the perils of seeking passage through a country which has become the theatre of war; but fortune's star has befriended us thus far, and now, if I mistake me not, we stand within sight of the greatest warrior of the age. For greatly shall I be astonished if the Duke of Marlborough himself be not conducting the evolutions of yonder squadrons."The brilliant dark eyes of the young man lighted with a great glow of excitement and admiration. He shaded them with his hand, and intently followed the evolutions of the moving masses in the plain stretched before his eyes. He was looking upon the village of Tavières and the mound of Ottomond, and the waters of the Mehaign rolled below at his feet. The right wing of the French army rested here, as he quickly saw; but for the moment the main activity lay over in the distance beyond Ramillies and Offuz, in the direction of Anderkirk. Yet as the traveller stood intently gazing, he saw a movement in the line of the allied army on this nearer side, and he exclaimed aloud in his excitement,— "See, Dicon, see! That attack yonder is but a feint. The key of the position lies here beneath us at Tavières, with its Tomb of Ottomond. See yonder those regiments of marching soldiers creeping round beneath the shelter of that rising ground! They will fling themselves upon the enemy's right, whilst the French general is diverting his available forces to protect his left. Villeroi, my friend, you did not well to dispose your forces in concave lines. You lose time in passing from place to place; and with such a general as our English Duke pitted against you, you cannot afford to lose any point in the game. Ha! See that? The Dutch and English soldiers are charging down upon Tavières! Watch how they come on—a great resistless tide of well-drilled veterans. See how they sweep all before them! See how the French fly forth! Ha, Villeroi, what think you now? Yes, you see your error; fain would you hurry back your reserves from left to right. But the time has gone by. They are miles away, and here are the Allies carrying all before them! Hurrah for old England! hurrah for the great Duke! Dicon, have you stomach for the fight? Do you remember Barcelona and Mountjuich? If we were men enough to help there, why not here too?"

How to Think Inside the Box
Loongunis need constant changes to thrive, while the strange-haired Earthmen hate the endless moving around. When a sabotage impairs the shift engines of their traveling Box, the forced immobility might drive all Loongunis mad… unless their translator can work out a solution!?? Science fiction adventure at its best, told by multiple award-winning author Michèle Laframboise.?? ?? If you like first-contact situations featuring an alien POV, this one is for you! A chunky 7000-word SF story.?? ? * "The author does a good job narrating from the point of view of an alien who thinks in very different ways from a human." --Tangent Online "...the psychological and mathematical elements of the tale come even more to the fore and they are quite interesting." -- Featured Futures

One Hot Night: A Jupiter Point Novella
A standalone Jupiter Point novella...Comic book artist Mia Grant is fleeing from her ex-boyfriend when she stumbles across a cabin in the woods, where she finds the last thing she expected--a kidnapping victim. Extra bonus that he's the exceptionally attractive Aiden Knight.Aiden has no idea why he was snatched off his college campus and brought to this wilderness cabin, but he suspects it has to do with the hunt for his father's killer. For now, he has a bigger worry--helping his gorgeous rescuer escape her nasty ex, who's still hot on her trail.Add in a thunderstorm and a white-knuckle wildlife encounter, and Aiden and Mia can hardly be blamed when the simmering attraction between them explodes into fiery passion.Years later, back in Jupiter Point ... was their raw hunger the real deal? Or will the slightly older and wiser couple chalk up the adrenaline-filled bliss to just one hot night?