

Charlotte Bronte
Lucy Snowe travels to the fictional city of Villette to teach at an all-girls school where she is unwillingly pulled into both adventure and romance.
Floufla the Rebellious Pig
Floufla the Rebellious Pig
Giorgis Nomikos
Once upon a time, pig had friends in a pig farm. She was liked to talk about politics with other animals about their future. The day came in which a butcher and his son took her to a slaughterhouse. She was taken to the garden while the family went to the supermarket, thinking of how to prepare our little pig as a dish. In the meanwhile, the pig seeks for the help of various insects, such as a ladybug, a grasshopper, and the ants nearby, but all refuse to help her. The butterfly wanted to help, but she was in a hurry, as she was afraid of being captured by the kids. It seemed the rebellious pig was done for. A very caring bee, however, came near the garden. Floufla told the bee she would turn into roasted pork for dinner. Fearing for Floufla’s future, the bee ran to her beehive to inform the Queen about the incident. The queen decided to stop the operations of the beehive and organize an Extraordinary Council, and the board decided to help Floufla under the directions of the Queen. The working bees, disciplined and obedient, stung the family and sacrificed themselves for Floufla’s freedom. While the family was busy trying to relieve themselves with ointments, Floufla escapes to the meadow, and before Floufla departs, the Queen gives her a final piece of advice that Floufla should observe those around her and respect their diversity.
Lady Windermere's Fan
Lady Windermere's Fan
Oscar Wilde
This Tribeca Press edition includes the full original text as well as exclusive images exclusive to this edition and an easy to use interactive table of contents.
Nutuk: “Resimli ve A??klamal? Tam Metin, Osmanl?ca’dan Tam ?eviri”
Nutuk: “Resimli ve A??klamal? Tam Metin, Osmanl?ca’dan Tam ?eviri”
M. K. Atatürk
Nutuk Kitab? Hakk?nda: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin kurucusu Ulu ?nder?Mustafa Kemal Atatürk'ün?Nutuk?isimli kitab? yakla??k 1.000 sayfadan olu?uyor ve yay?nevimiz arac?l???yla?kitab?n TAMAMI size üst düzeyde kalitede TEK bir e-kitap?olarak,?“EPUB”?format?nda sizlere sunuluyor. Atam?z?n “Nutuk” isimli kitab?n? siz de?erli okurlar?m?zla payla?madan olmazd?. M. Kemal Atatürk'ün kendisine ait ve kendisinin yazm?? oldu?u bu kal?n kitap ile ne kadar kuvvetli ve hitabeti sa?lam bir ?ncü oldu?unu bir kere daha anlayacaks?n?z. ??erisinde Atatürk'e ait olan onlarca ders niteli?inde yaz?lm?? hat?ralar, tavsiyeler ve tesirli s?zler i?eren her Türk yurtta??n?n okumas? ?art olan ?ok ?zel bir kitapt?r Nutuk. Nutuk, tüm bunlar?n yan?nda, yeni Türkiye devletinin yaz?lan ilk tarihidir de asl?nda ve yazar? da Mustafa Kemal Atatürk'tür. Yapt??? tarihi gelecekteki Türk insan?na tan?tabilmek emeliyle bu kitab? kaleme alm??t?r. Nutuk, ilk kez Atatürk taraf?ndan kurulan Cumhuriyet Halk Partisinin 15-20 Ekim 1927 tarihleri aras?nda Ankara da toplanan ?kinci Kurultay?nda okunmu?tur. Konu?man?n tamam? otuz alt? bu?uk saat sürmü?tür. Nutuk, 1919'dan ba?layarak 1927’ye kadar olan tarih dilimini incelemektedir. Bu d?nem kitapta ü? b?lümde ele al?nm??t?r: 1) Kuva-i Milliye (Ulusal gü?ler) D?nemi Nutukta yeni Türkiye Devletinin kurulu?u anlat?lmaktad?r. Yeni Türk devletinin kurulmas?ndaki maksat da ?u ?ekilde a??klanm??t?r: Türk ulusunun onurlu ve ?erefli bir ulus olarak ya?amas?d?r. Bu da tam ba??ms?z olmakla sa?lanabilir. “Ne kadar zengin olursa olsun, ba??ms?zl?ktan yoksun bir ulus uygar insanl?k kar??s?nda u?ak durumunda kalmaktan ileriye gidemez.” demi?tir ve Mustafa Kemal Atatürk ?u s?zleri s?ylemi?tir “Türkün onuru, kendine güveni ve yetenekleri ?ok yüksektir. B?yle bir ulus tutsak ya?amaktansa yok olsun daha iyidir.” Diyerek kurtulu? isteyenlerin parolas?n?n “Ya ba??ms?zl?k ya ?lüm!” oldu?unu s?ylemi?tir. Burada devlet kurman?n zorluklar? g?rülmektedir. Atatürk Samsun’a ??kt??? anda ülkenin genel durumu; Osmanl? Devletinin i?inde bulundu?u topluluk sava?ta yenilmi? Osmanl? Ordusu zedelenmi?, ko?ullar? a??r bir ate?kes imzalanm??, ulus yorgun ve bitkin bir durumda, ulusu ve ülkeyi sava?a sürükleyenler yurttan ka?m??, padi?ah ve halife soysuzla?m??, kendini ve taht?n? koruyacak al?ak?a ?nlemler ara?t?rmakta, hükümet yüzsüz, onursuz, korkak, ordunun elinden silahlar? ve cephanesi al?nm?? ve al?nmakta, yurdun d?rt bir yan?ndaki topluluklar devletin bir an ?nce ??kmesine ?aba harc?yorlard?. Bu ?ekilde a??klad?ktan sonra ulus egemenli?ine dayanan kay?ts?z ?arts?z yeni bir devleti kurmak i?in izledi?i politikay?, kar??la?t??? gü?lükleri bunal?mlar? ve ?at??malar? anlatmaktad?r. Bu haliyle Nutuk, s?mürgeci devletlerin alt?nda ya?ayan uluslara kurtulu? yolunu g?steren bir yap?t ?zelli?i ta??maktad?r. 2) Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi D?nemi Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi 23 Nisan 1920’de a??lm?? ve o günden sonra tüm askeri ve sivil makamlar?n ulusun ba?vuraca?? en yüce kat?n Meclis olaca??n? halk?na bildirmi? ve Meclis, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ün a??k ve gizli oturumlardaki bir iki gün süren a??klamalar? ve konu?malar?ndan sonra Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi Ba?kan? se?mi?tir. 3) Cumhuriyet D?nemi: Atatürk ?smet Pa?a ile birlikte bir yasa tasar?s? haz?rlad?. Bu tasar?daki 20 Ocak 1921 tarihli anayasan?n devlet bi?imini saptar maddelerini de?i?tirerek birinci maddenin sonuna “Türkiye Devletinin Hükümet bi?imi Cumhuriyettir” cümlesini ekleyerek maddeyi de?i?tirmi?tir ve yap?lan Meclis toplant?s?nda Anayasan?n De?i?tirilmesi ile ilgili maddenin g?rü?ülmesi kabul edildi. Toplant? sonunda yasa bir?ok milletvekilinin “Ya?as?n Cumhuriyet!” s?ylemleri ile kabul edildi ve b?ylece 29 Ekim 1923’te Cumhuriyet ilan edilmi? oldu. Daha sonra Cumhurba?kanl??? se?imine ge?ildi. Oylamada Mustafa Kemal Atatürk toplant?ya kat?lan yüz elli sekiz ki?inin tümünün oylar?n? alarak Cumhurba?kan? se?ildi. Nutuk s?mürge uluslar?n ba??ms?zl?klar?n? kazanmaya yard?mc? olacak bir program niteli?indedir. Bu eser okundu?unda Türk kurtulu? sava??n?n bir askeri sava? oldu?u kadar bir dü?ünce sava?? da oldu?u g?rülmektedir. Nutuk, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ün halk?na verdi?i bir hesap pusulas?d?r. ?ünkü ulusal kurtulu? sava?? boyunca o halk?yla birlikte olmu?tu ve halk?na “Hayat demek sava? ve ?arp??ma demektir. Hayatta ba?ar? yüzde yüz sava?ta, ba?ar? kazanmakla elde edilebilir. Bu da manevi ve maddi güce dayan?r. ?nsanlar?n u?ra?t??? tüm sorunlar, kar??la?t??? tüm tehlikeler, elde etti?i ba?ar?lar toplumca yap?lan genel sava??n dalgalar? i?inde do?ar.” S?zlerini s?ylemi? ve halk?ndan can istemi?, halk seve seve vermi?, mal istemi?, halk seve seve vermi?tir. Bunlar nerede, nas?l, ni?in, harcanm??? Nutuk halk?n kafas?ndaki bu sorulara da a??kl?k getirmi?tir. Türk halk?ndan al?nan can?n ve mal?n ülkenin i?galinden, ulusun k?lelikten kurtularak onurlu, ba??ms?z, ?a?da? bir devlet ve toplum olarak ya?amas? i?in harcand???n? belgeleriyle a??klamaktad?r. Atatürk bu eserinde, ulusal varl??? son
The Law
The Law
Frederic Bastiat
The Law, original French title La Loi, is a 1849 book by Frédéric Bastiat. It was published one year after the third French Revolution of 1848 and one year before his death of tuberculosis at age 49. The essay was influenced by John Locke's Second Treatise on Government and in turn influenced Henry Hazlitt's Economics in One Lesson. It is the work for which Bastiat is most famous along with The candlemaker's petition and the Parable of the broken window. In The Law, Bastiat states that "each of us has a natural right — from God — to defend his person, his liberty, and his property". The State is a "substitution of a common force for individual forces" to defend this right. The law becomes perverted when it punishes one's right to self-defense in favor of another's acquired right to plunder.
The Prince (Hackett Classics)
The Prince (Hackett Classics)
Niccolò Machiavelli, Ninian Hill Thomson
Il Principe (The Prince) is a political treatise by the Florentine public servant and political theorist Niccolò Machiavelli. Originally called De Principatibus (About Principalities), it was written in 1513, but not published until 1532, five years after Machiavelli's death. The treatise is not representative of the work published during his lifetime, but it is the most remembered, and the work responsible for bringing "Machiavellian" into wide usage as a pejorative term. It has also been suggested by some critics that the piece is, in fact, a satire.
On Liberty
On Liberty
John Stuart Mill
On Liberty is a philosophical work by 19th century English philosopher John Stuart Mill, first published in 1859. To the Victorian readers of the time it was a radical work, advocating moral and economic freedom of individuals from the state.
Niciodat? ?nduplecate. Al doilea volum al trilogiei Min?i primejdioase
Niciodat? ?nduplecate. Al doilea volum al trilogiei Min?i primejdioase
Alexandra Bracken
Fascinant – cea mai bun lucrare de istorie militar din ultimii ani i o analiz edificatoare a disputelor care continu s mocneasc amenintor i azi. O carte extraordinar sub toate aspectele." – The New York Times O relatare palpitant i revelatoare a uneia dintre cele mai zbuciumate i legendare perioade din istoria secolului al XX-lea – Revolta Arab i marele joc" secret de a controla Orientul Mijlociu. CARTE INCLUS PE LISTA CELOR MAI BUNE TITLURI ALE ANULUI DE New York Times Christian Science Monitor NPR Seattle Times St. Louis Dispatch Chicago Tribune American Library Association Bazat pe cercetri extinse i intense, munc asidu n arhive, Lawrence n Arabia aduce o nou perspectiv asupra modului n care s-a configurat lumea Orientului Mijlociu. Cu o aciune de proporii epice, portretizri expresive, accente critice n condamnarea distrugerilor provocate de comploturile coloniale europene, volumul surprinde strlucit felul n care nesbuina trecutului declaneaz suferina prezentului. Printre numeroasele istorii individuale din Primul Rzboi Mondial care vor fi povestite i repovestite n cadrul centenarelor commemorate ntre 2014 i 2018, cea a lui T.E. Lawrence iese n eviden… Cartea lui Anderson nu putea fi mai oportun. Acum, cnd atenia ntregii lumi se concentreaz asupra Siriei i Egiptului, este uluitor s priveti n urm cu o sut de ani i s vezi un tablou asemntor…. Apelnd la o distribuie bogat, Anderson reuete s exploreze haosul din Orientul Mijlociu de la nceputul secolului al XX-lea dintr-o varietate de perspective distincte i revelatoare totodat. O mrturie captivant, de o mare complexitate i profunzime. – The New York Times Book Review Vast, hipnotic i – s ndrznim s o spunem – cinematografic n detaliu, Lawrence n Arabia ilustreaz modul n care biografia i istoria se poteneaz reciproc. – The Wall Street Journal Absorbii de mcelul ce avea loc n traneele Europei n Primul Rzboi Mondial, combatanii occidentali acordau prea puin importan teatrului de lupt din Orientul Mijlociu. Ca urmare, conflictul de aici a fost influenat surprinztor de mult de o mn de aventurieri i ofieri de rang mrunt aflai departe de marile coridoare ale puterii: Curt Prüfer – universitar tern, ataat pe lng Ambasada German din Cairo, Aaron Aaronsohn – renumit agronom provenit din Romnia i sionist nflcrat. William Yale – descendent scptat al unei familii aristocratice americane. n centrul acestui cerc se afla Lawrence – la nceputul lui 1914, doar un arheolog care lucre la spturi prin deerturile Siriei. n 1917 ajunsese deja cea mai romantic figur din Primul Rzboi Mondial, luptndu-se att cu inamicii Marii Britanii, ct i cu propriul guvern pentru a-i transforma n realitate viziunea sa asupra destinului poporului arab. Drumurile ncruciate ale acestor patru personaje – intrigile pe care le-au pus la cale, btliile pe care le-au purtat, trdrile pe care le-au suferit sau le-au uneltit ei nii – oglindesc grandoarea, complexitatea i tragedia rzboiului din deert.
El Arte de la Guerra
El Arte de la Guerra
Sun Tzu
El arte de la guerra es un libro sobre tácticas y estrategias militares, inspirado por Sun Tzu, un famoso autor militar.
Alexandru Ar?inel, de la Dolhasca pe... Calea Victoriei
Alexandru Ar?inel, de la Dolhasca pe... Calea Victoriei
Arșinel Alexandru, Capelos Maria
Volumul Dic?iunea ideilor, apar?in?nd profesorului Mircea Martin de la Facultateade Litere a Universit??ii Bucure?ti, este o contribu?ie valoroas? ?i original? la analiza unui raport extrem de important ?n teoriile socio-umane ale cunoa?terii, anume raportul dintre natural, artificial ?i autentic, aplicat asupra discursului metaliterar. Cartea se constituie ca o ?nsumare de analize a acestui raport ?n opera unor teoreticieni ai fenomenului literar rom?ni ?i str?ini: Tudor Vianu, G. C?linescu, B. Fondane, Matei C?linescu, Marcel Raymond, Roland Barthes, Carlos Bouso?o, Jaap Linnvelt. Departe de a fi o simpl? ?nsumare de analize aplicate, cartea este de fapt o critic? aconceptelor folosite deopotriv? de cercetarea antropologic?, cea estetic? ?i cea pur literar? ?i o contribu?ie esen?ial? la un proces de inserare ?nmodernitate a culturii rom?ne. Contribu?iile teoreticienilor rom?ni sunt v?zute ?n raportul lor de originalitate-sincronicitate cu cele ale cercet?torilor str?ini, ?nscriindu-se ?ntr-un proces de organicitate care implic? categorii culturale largi.
O istorie dramatic? a prezentului
O istorie dramatic? a prezentului
Nicolae Breban
Demersul Antoanetei Olteanu, reputat? traduc?toare de limba rus? ?iexpert? ?n istoria cultural? a Rusiei, se distinge at?t prin calitatea informa?iilor, adesea inedite, c?t ?i prin compozi?ia complex?, care ?mbin? viziunea sintetic? cu o perspectiv? transcultural? exersat?. Cartea se recomand? de la sine at?t cititorului profesionist, care g?se?te aici o serie de date altfel greu accesibile, c?t ?i celui interesat de istoria ?i cultura Europei ?n ansamblu. Dup? cum anun?? ?i subtitlul, lucrarea reconstituie o istorie cultural? a secolului al XIX-lea, realiz?nd, ?n fapt, o fresc? a uneia dintre cele mai captivante perioade din istoria Rusiei, cea imperial?. Datele prezentate acoper? practic toate Aspectele vie?ii politice, sociale, economice ?i culturale ale acestui interval de timp, marcat at?t de aura ?arilor, c?t ?i de nenum?ratele revolte populare. Tabloul evenimentelor majore este ?ntregit cu minu?ioase inventare de titluri nobiliare, cu date economice consemnate cu acribie, cu o expunere vie a panoramei cutumelor sociale, familiale ?i religioase, merg?nd de la modalit??ile de confec?ionare a juc?riilor sau a bijuteriilor p?n? la istorii ale ceaiului sau vodcii. Atmosfera epocii cap?t? un contur des?v?r?it prin citarea unor fragmente din lucr?ri ?tiin?ifice de referin??, din jurnalele de c?l?torie ?i din publicistica vremii, dar ?i din operele marilor scriitori ai vremii, ca Dostoievski, Gogol ?i Tolstoi. Se contureaz?, astfel, o imagine neconven?ional? a Rusiei, o na?iune confruntat? permanent cu tensiunea unei alegeri fundamentale, care pune ?n opozi?ie modelul str?in ?i inegalabila for?? intern?. Autoarei ?i revine meritul de a fi surprins aspectele esen?iale ale acestei tensiuni, cu ample ecouri ?n perioadamodern? ?i cu evidente efecte asupra mentalit??ii contemporane.
Dic?ionar de vise. Cartea de vise ?i destine
Dic?ionar de vise. Cartea de vise ?i destine
Karatov Serghei
O analiz? metodic? ?i patima?? a cumplitei dictaturi ro?ii de care a avut parte Rom?nia. Atitudinea elitelor fa?? de tiran ?i fa?? de clica sa. ?n ce masur? suntem vinova?i? La?itatea este oare una dintre caracteristicile definitorii ale c?rturarului rom?n? La aceste ?i multe alte ?ntreb?ri r?spunde profesorul de filosofie, Ion Iano?i – un veritabil model european. Cartea e destinat? studen?ilor, elevilor, profesorilor, precum ?i publicului larg de cititori.
Ortopedie ?i traumatologie pentru asisten?i medicali
Ortopedie ?i traumatologie pentru asisten?i medicali
Niculescu Marius, Moldoveanu Monica
Lucrarea inedit? a lui Nathan Belofsky se concentreaz? asupra ideilor ?i practicilor medicale acceptate de-a lungul veacurilor, pe scar? larg?, ale doctorilor reali, nu ale vracilor ?i aproape to?i doctorii men?iona?i erau figuri medicale importante ale acelor vremuri. Autorul prezint? c?teva dintre cele mai r?sp?ndite practici ?ocante sau ?ndoielnice din fiecare epoc?, ?ncep?nd cu Antichitatea ?i continu?nd cu Evul Mediu, Rena?terea, perioada modern? ?i secolul al XX-lea. Cartea se afl? sub semnul insolitului ?i readuce la via?a, ?ntr-o manier? narativ? ?i deseori umoristic?, momente mai pu?in cunoscute din istoria medicinei. ,,Cartea este o comoar? de fapte uluitoare.“Los Angeles Examiner
Jacob Abbott
IN ancient times, when the city of Rome was at the height of its power and splendor, it was the custom, as it is in fact now with the inhabitants of wealthy capitals, for the principal families to possess, in addition to their city residences, rural villas for summer retreats, which they built in picturesque situations, at a little distance from the city, sometimes in the interior of the country, and sometimes upon the seashore. There were many attractive places of resort of this nature in the neighborhood of Rome. Among them was Antium.??The beauty and the salubrity of Antium made it a very attractive place of summer resort for the people of Rome; and in process of time, when the city attained to an advanced stage of opulence and luxury, the Roman noblemen built villas there, choosing situations, in some instances, upon the natural terraces and esplanades of the promontory, which looked off over the sea, and in others cool and secluded retreats in the valleys, on the land. It was in one of these villas that NERO was born.??NERO's father belonged to a family which had enjoyed for several generations a considerable degree of distinction among the Roman nobility, though known by a somewhat whimsical name. The family name was Brazenbeard, or, to speak more exactly, it was Aheno-barbus, which is the Latin equivalent for that word. ?
A Story of the Golden Age of Greek Heroes: Pictured & Illustrated
A Story of the Golden Age of Greek Heroes: Pictured & Illustrated
James Baldwin
YOU have heard of Homer, and of the two wonderful poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey, which bear his name. No one knows whether these poems were composed by Homer, or whether they are the work of many different poets. And, in fact, it matters very little about their authorship. Everybody agrees that they are the grandest poems ever sung or written or read in this world; and yet, how few persons, comparatively, have read them, or know any thing about them except at second-hand! ? Homer commences his story, not at the beginning, but "in the midst of things;" hence, when one starts out to read the Iliad without having made some special preparation beforehand, he finds it hard to understand, and is tempted, in despair, to stop at the end of the first book. Many people are, therefore, content to admire the great masterpiece of poetry and story-telling simply because others admire it, and not because they have any personal acquaintance with it.? Now, it is not my purpose to give you a "simplified version" of the Iliad or the Odyssey. There are already many such versions; but the best way for you, or any one else, to read Homer, is to read Homer. If you do not understand Greek, you can read him in one of the many English translations. You will find much of the spirit of the original in the translations by Bryant, by Lord Derby, and by old George Chapman, as well as in the admirable prose rendering by Butcher and Lang; but you can get none of it in any so-called simplified version.??My object in writing this "Story of the Golden Age" has been to pave the way, if I dare say it, to an enjoyable reading of Homer, either in translations or in the original. I have ta-ken the various legends relating to the causes of the Trojan war, and, by assuming certain privileges never yet denied to story-tellers, have woven all into one continuous narrative, ending where Homer's story begins. The hero of the Odyssey—a character not always to be admired or commended—is my hero. And, in telling the story of his boyhood and youth, I have taken the opportunity to repeat, for your enjoyment, some of the most beautiful of the old Greek myths. If I have, now and then, given them a coloring slightly different from the original, you will remember that such is the right of the story-teller, the poet, and the artist. The essential features of the stories remain unchanged. I have, all along, drawn freely from the old tragedians, and now and then from Homer himself; nor have I thought it necessary in every instance to mention authorities, or to apologize for an occasional close imitation of some of the best translations. The pictures of old Greek life have, in the main, been derived from the Iliad and the Odyssey, and will, I hope, help you to a better understanding of those poems when you come to make acquaintance directly with them.??Should you become interested in the "Story of the Golden Age," as it is here related, do not be disappointed by its somewhat abrupt ending; for you will find it continued by the master-poet of all ages, in a manner both inimitable and unapproachable. If you are pleased with the discourse of the porter at the gate, how much greater shall be your delight when you stand in the palace of the king, and hearken to the song of the royal minstrel! ?
America First: —100 Stories from Our History—
America First: —100 Stories from Our History—
Lawton B. Evans
WHEN children advance beyond the nursery age, no story is so wonderful as a true story. Fiction to them is never as appealing as fact. I have often been faced with the inquiry: whether or not a story is a true one. The look of gratification, when told that "it actually happened," was most satisfying to me as a story-teller.??The nearer a story is to the life and traditions of the child, the more eagerly it is attended. True stories about our own people, about our neighbors and friends, and about our own country at large, are more interesting than true stories of remote places and people. We naturally are interested in our own affairs, and the nearer they are to us the greater the interest we feel.??That history is just a long, thrilling story of the trials and triumphs of pioneers and patriots is well known to those who have had to do with the teaching of history to youthful minds. That the dry recital of political and governmental history does not interest children is also well known. History should be made vital, vibrant, and personal if we expect children to be stirred by its study.?To gratify the love of children for the dramatic and picturesque, to satisfy them with stories that are true, and to make them familiar with the great characters in the history of their own country, is the purpose of this volume.??It is hoped that through appeal to youthful love of adventure, this collection of stories, covering the entire range of American history, will stimulate the ambition and strengthen the patriotism of those young citizens whose education has been the constant concern of the author for many years.
Pe contrasens cu favorita pre?edintelui. Cronica unei campanii
Pe contrasens cu favorita pre?edintelui. Cronica unei campanii
Brătescu Liviu
Lucrarea abordeaz? cele mai relevante manifest?ri ale modernismului literar interbelic, propun?nd spre analiz? reprezentan?i ai poeziei (George Bacovia, Ion Barbu, Lucian Blaga, Ion Vinea, Ilarie Voronca, Tudor Arghezi), ai prozei (Anton Holban, Camil Petrescu, Max Blecher, Mircea Eliade), tendin?ele ?i mi?c?rile coagulate ?n jurul marilor reviste interbelice (Sbur?torul, Contimporanul, 75 H.P., Integral). Volumul se adreseaz? elevilor de liceu care doresc s?-?i aprofundeze cuno?tin?ele referitoare la una dintre cele mai importante v?rste literare rom?ne?ti, miz?nd ?i pe redescoperirea cititorului avizat, dornic s?-?i sus?in? punctele de vedere, s?-?i modeleze gustul estetic ?i s? descopere modele, ierarhii, valori.
Marea familie
Marea familie
Paul Féval
Cine-ar fi crezut c? lumea afacerilor poate fi at?t de fascinant? ?i plin? de dramatism? 350 de milioane de dolari investite ?ntr-un model de automobil plin de imperfec?iuni, f?r? s? fie g?sit m?car un responsabil pentru acest e?ec; ascensiunea spectaculoas? a unei mici companii produc?toare de h?rtie fotografic? p?n? la actualul gigant Xerox, ?nceput? de o m?n? de oameni care ?i-au riscat chiar ?i averea personal? pentru o inova?ie revolu?ionar?; b?t?lia titanic? dus? de Rezerva Federal? a Statelor Unite pentru ap?rarea lirei sterline de atacurile speculatorilor; sunt doar c?teva dintre exemplele ce arat? c?, ?n lumea afacerilor ?i a Wall Streetului, oamenii pot da dovad? fie de geniu, spirit de cooperare ?i ?n?elepciune, fie de ?nc?p???nare ?i lips? de ra?iune, indiferent de miza aflat? ?n joc. Un avertisment c? istoria se poate oric?nd repeta.
Playlist (pentru sf?r?itul lumii)
Playlist (pentru sf?r?itul lumii)
Blidariu Mihnea
Ac?iunea informativ? Nichita Smochin? reprezint? rezultatul cercet?rii ?n Arhiva CNSAS.Documentele publicate sub egida Institutului de Istorie ?George Bari?iu“ al Academiei Rom?ne au ca subiect urm?rirea informativ? a lui Nichita Smochin? de c?tre Securitate ?n perioada 1952-1962. Dup? abandonarea Rom?niei ?n sfera de influen?? sovietic?, activitatea academic?, publicistic? ?i umanitar?, desf??urat? ?n perioada interbelic? ?i ?n timpul celui de al Doilea R?zboi Mondial, dar mai ales calitatea de consilier al mare?alului Ion Antonescu, l-au plasat pe cel mai important militant pentru afirmarea spiritului rom?nesc ?n Transnistria ?n fruntea listei du?manilor URSS.FragmentDin nota privind ?nt?lnirea agentului ?Speran?a“ cu Nichita Smochin?: ?n ziua de 17 octombrie 1952, informatorul ?Speran?a“, sub pretextul c? vrea s? primeasc? lec?ii de limba rus? ?n scris, s-a dus la Smochin? Nichita, din str. N. Golescu nr. 14. La intrare ?Speran?a“ a fost ?nt?mpinat? de fiica lui Smochin?, care nu prea vroia s? o primeasc? ?n?untru. Dup? ce a fost primit? ?n?untru, a venit ?i Smochin?, cu care a ?nceput discu?ia. Din discu?ii a rezultat c? Smochin? ?n prezent traduce din limba rus? ?n limba rom?n? diferite c?r?i, pe care le prime?te de la o redac?ie din apropiere de locuin?a sa. A mai rezultat c? el, p?n? ?n anul 1938, a locuit ?n Ia?i, dup? care s-a mutat ?n Bucure?ti. Este v?duv, locuie?te ?mpreun? cu fiica sa, ginerele s?u ?i un nepot. Este o fire ?nchis?, necomunicativ?, ?ns? fa?? de ?Speran?a“ s-a ar?tat foarte binevoitor, mai ales v?z?nd c? ?tie la perfec?ie s? vorbeasc? limba rus?. Toat? conversa?ia a fost dus? ?n limba rus?. Sursa: ?Speran?a“. Valoarea: serioas?. Nota biroului: S-au trasat instruc?iuni informatorului s? se mai duc? la Smochin? ?i s? primeasc? lec?ii ?n scris, iar deocamdat? s? nu deschid? discu?ia despre trecutul s?u, pentru a putea c?p?ta ?ncrederea lui Smochin?, iar la a treia vedere s? deschid? discu?ia. Nota superiorului: ?S? se urm?reasc? ?n continuare ac?iunea lui Smochin?, p?n? vom primi noi dispozi?iuni de la Cabinet. Informatorului s? i se dea bani pentru a pl?ti medita?ia pe care o prime?te de la Smochin? (ss)“.
Spioni la Vatican
Spioni la Vatican
Koehler John
Non abbiate paura! Nu v? fie team?!Cuvintele rostite de papa Ioan Paul al II-lea ?n octombrie 1978, la inaugurarea pontificatului s?u, aveau s? trezeasc? ?n sufletele polonezilor ?i ale tuturor celor oprima?i de comunism dorin?a de a fi liberi ?i curajul de a lupta pentru libertate. ?n urm?torii ani, papa a devenit cel mai puternic simbol al luptei anticomuniste. Uniunea Sovietic? ?l considera pe Ioan Paul al II-lea (?i, implicit, Biserica Catolic?) o amenin?are la adresa stabilit??ii ?n Europa de Est ?i inamicul num?rul unu al statului. Deloc surprinz?tor, KGB-ul a pus la punct o re?ea impresionant? de spioni ?i agen?i dubli ?i chiar a ?ncercat s?-l asasineze pe pap?.Paradoxal ?ns?, cu c?t erau mai persecuta?i pentru credin?a lor, cu at?t oamenii erau dispu?i s?-?i ri?te via?a pentru libertate. Dovezile lor de curaj sunt impresionante, a?a cum impresionante sunt, dar ?n sens negativ, cazurile preo?ilor care ?i-au tr?dat biserica, trec?nd de partea celui mai mare du?man al acesteia, regimul comunist.Jurnalist ?i ofi?er ?n rezerv? al serviciului de informa?ii al Armatei SUA, John Koehler prezint? cititorilor documente ?i transcrieri ale unor stenograme necunoscute p?n? acum, realiz?nd o cronic? f?r? precedent a R?zboiului Rece dus de URSS ?mpotriva Bisericii Catolice ?i contribuind, astfel, decisiv la cunoa?terea istoriei secolului XX.
Ini?iere ?n fericire, dragoste, bog??ie ?i vis
Ini?iere ?n fericire, dragoste, bog??ie ?i vis
Vladimir Lermontov
Cartea de fa?? r?spunde unor ?ntreb?ri majore: ce este omul? Cine este omul? De ce este omul?Cartea cuprinde teme subiective de medita?ie, filosofie diletant? ?i analiz? psihologic?, ?n genul unor confesiuni, fiind structurat? pe trei p?r?i. Cuvintele abuzive reprezint? o g?ndire fraged?, haotic?, pueril?, prima descoperire a propriului g?nd ?n contradic?ie cu g?ndirea lumii ?i cu g?ndirea proprie ?n alt? faz? a ei, necesitatea dubl?rii g?ndirii ?n dezacordurile ei.Dialogurile sunt descoperirea min?ii personajului ?n proprie minte, descoperirea personajelor vie?ii ?i amintiri fugare ale unor ?nt?mpl?ri obi?nuite care primesc subiectivism paranoic.A treia parte prime?te obiectivitatea, a?a zis? universal?, a unui anumit Narator, care reinterpreteaz? ?i reintegreaz? g?ndurile unui anumit om, ales la ?nt?mplare, dar decis totu?i de circumstan?ele c?r?ii. Dovedirea c? omul ?i ?nsumeaz? pe to?i, lumea.
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