

101 Amazing Rihanna Facts
101 Amazing Rihanna Facts
Goldstein, Jack
Are you the world's biggest Rihanna Fan? Do you know everything there is to know about the Good Girl Gone Bad? Then this is the book for you! In this easy-to-digest eBook are 101 facts about your favourite singer - do you know all of them?Test yourself and your friends with these handily-packaged facts easily organised into categories for maximum enjoyment. Sections include her music, friends and family, and some crazy facts about her life! Show everyone that you are the master of Rihanna knowledge!
F?t-Frumos ?i ?Vremea Uitat?“
F?t-Frumos ?i ?Vremea Uitat?“
Muthu Mircea, Muthu Maria
Marele romancier face o incursiune ?n trecutul nu foarte ?ndep?rtat al Rom?niei, trat?nd anii dictaturii ro?ii f?r? p?rtinire, ?ncerc?nd o radiografie crud?, impar?ial? ?i – lucru extrem de rar ?n Balcani – radical? a unei jum?t??i de secol de istorie.Cartea e destinat? studen?ilor, elevilor, profesorilor, precum ?i publicului larg de cititori.
Cum s?-?i cultivi memoria
Cum s?-?i cultivi memoria
Mark Channon
Cred ?n sensibilitatea publicului fa?? de un teatru al ideilor, dar ?i fa?? de un teatru de ac?iune fidel formelor clasice. Cu riscul de a fi considerat un manierist, accept aceast? etichet?, dac? ?mi aleg drept modele nume ca Montherlant, Camus, Vallejo sau Camil Petrescu. Am ?ncercat s? tratez una dintre marile teme ale dramaturgiei universale, care ?ncepe cu vechii greci ?i se ?mpline?te ?n teatrul clasic francez: conflictul dintre datorie ?i pasiune. Drama apare atunci c?nd cele dou? imperative devin divergen?e ?i ea se poate reg?si ?i azi de la marii lideri politici la oamenii de r?nd. Dar pentru a o ilustra am ales varianta teatrului istoric, deoarece (pentru a-l cita pe Henri Rochefort ) ?viitorul, ?n momentul de fa??, pare at?t de sumbru, ?nc?t am sim?it s? m? hr?nesc o vreme cu trecutul". Drama personajelor mele, fie c? este vorba despre Ugo, fie c? este vorba despre printul Rudolf, este e?ecul ?nregistrat ?n ?ncercarea de a le g?si un liant, de a le ?mp?ca. Am v?zut ?n Rudolf de Habsburg un adev?rat profet al lumii moderne… care a prev?zut toate catastrofele secolului al XX-lea ?i a ?ncercat s? orienteze politica austriaca ?ntr-o alta direc?ie. Dar via?a sa privat?, departe de a fi un model, a dejucat acest plan. El dispare pentru c? nu-?i mai g?se?te locul ?n lumea lui, ?n timp ce Ugo d’Este ??i accept? sf?r?itul din acela?i motiv. (Corneliu ?enchea)
50 Quick USA State Facts
50 Quick USA State Facts
Andrews, Paul
Do you know what all 50 states in the USA are? Do you know facts such as the capital of each state? Do you know the state flower or bird? All this and many more facts are inside this interesting quick fact book of 300 interesting USA State facts.
2000s Pop Music Quiz
2000s Pop Music Quiz
Andrews, Paul
How well do you know your 2000's Pop Music? This Quiz book will test even the most avid fan, with questions that span the 2000's bands and songs! Test yourself and your friends with this 2000's Pop Music Quiz Book.
Pointless Conversations
Pointless Conversations
Tierney, Scott
Pointless conversations: a selection of daft, ridiculous and utterly pointless meanderings from the mind of Scott Tierney. If you've ever wanted to know the answers to why Superman is a coward, why Spiderman should technically be deformed, and if Superdog caused the death of Krypton, then these bite-sized comics will reveal all. The discussions may be insane, and most of what is said is rambling, but despite this, you may find yourself agreeing with most of what is said. It's a fair point: where does Spiderman store all that web?
101 Amazing Little Mix Facts
101 Amazing Little Mix Facts
Goldstein, Jack
Are you a fan of world famous girl band Little Mix? Do you want to know everything there is to know about Perrie, Jesy, Leigh-Anne and Jade? if so, then this is the book for you. Contained within are over one hundred amazing facts about everything from the girls' upbringing to the band's formation, the many awards they have won and much more. Get the facts you want quick!
Dexter Quiz Book Season 1
Dexter Quiz Book Season 1
Wheelwright, Wayne
Here is a quiz book on the Showtime television series Dexter. inside are over 100 questions on the series based on the fictional serial killer Dexter Morgan. The questions range from episode titles, characters and the episodes themselves. Are you ready to delve into your memories and test your knowledge on the first season of Dexter and his dark passenger?
Great Singers
Great Singers
Ferris, George
A fantastic look at the life of nine historical singers: Maria Felicia Malibran Wilhemina Schroder-Devrient Giulia Grisi Pauline Viardot Fanny Persiani Marietta Alboni Jenny Lind Sophie Cruvelli Theresa Titiens
Sfera frigului
Sfera frigului
Christi Aura
Toate popoarele sunt preocupate de identitatea lor, dar la rom?ni aceast? chestiune a ?mbr?cat forme speciale. Rom?nii, locuitori p?n? ?n epoca modern? ?n dou? principate autonome supuse Por?ii Otomane ?i r?vnite de mul?i al?i vecini, dar tr?itori ?i ?n vaste provincii ocupate de unguri, de austrieci, de ru?i ?i de turci, pierdu?i ?n mijlocul at?tor str?ini rapace, s-au ?ntrebat, parc? mai mult dec?t al?ii, de unde vin ?i cine sunt ei. P?n? la urm? ?ns?, toate popoarele mici, lovite de soart? ?i l?sate la cheremul celor mari, au asemenea preocup?ri, transformate uneori ?n adev?rate obsesii. (Ioan-Aurel Pop)
Uma superfície de gelo ancorada no riso: a atualidade do grotesco em Hilda Hilst
Uma superfície de gelo ancorada no riso: a atualidade do grotesco em Hilda Hilst
Reginaldo Oliveira Silva
Imaginea Romaniei prin turism, targuri si expozitii universale, in perioada interbelica, este titlul unei noi carti extrem de interesante, adresata atat specialistilor cat si publicului larg. Lucrarea elaborata de dr. Claudiu-Alexandru Vitanos reprezinta bilantul unor eforturi sistematice ale autorului de cercetare a modului in care a fost elaborata politica nationala privind dezvoltarea turismului si, totodata, politica de promovare a Romaniei prin intermediul targurilor si expozitiilor universale de-a lungul deceniilor interbelice.
Queen Elizabeth
Queen Elizabeth
Jacob Abbott
ELIZABETH was about three years old at the death of her mother. She was a princess, but she was left in a very forlorn and desolate condition. She was not, however, entirely abandoned. Her claims to inherit the crown had been set aside, but then she was, as all admitted, the daughter of the king, and she must, of course, be the object of a certain degree of consideration and ceremony. It would be entirely inconsistent with the notions of royal dignity which then prevailed to have her treated like an ordinary child.??Next came Elizabeth, who was about fourteen years of age. She was the daughter of the king's second wife, Queen Anne Boleyn. She had been educated a Protestant. She was not pretty, but was a very lively and sprightly child, altogether different in her cast of character and in her manners from her sister Mary.??Then, lastly, there was Edward, the son of Jane Seymour, the third queen. He was about nine years of age at his father's death. He was boy of good character, mild and gentle in his position, fond of study and reflection, and a general favorite with all who knew him.
The Romance of Spanish History: [Illustrated & Engraved & Mapped]
The Romance of Spanish History: [Illustrated & Engraved & Mapped]
John S. C. Abbott
THE Spanish peninsula, separated from France on the north by the Pyrenees, and bounded on the three remaining sides by the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, con-tains an area of 225,600 square miles, being a little larger than France. Nature has reared a very formidable barrier between Spain and France, for the Pyrenees, extending in a straight line 250 miles in length, from the Bay of Biscay to the Mediterranean, and often rising in peaks more than ten thou-sand feet in height, offer but three defiles which carriages can traverse, though there are more than a hundred passes which may be surmounted by pedestrians or the sure-footed mule. The soil is fertile; the climate genial and salubrious; and the face of the country, diversified with meadows and mountains, presents, in rare combination, the most attractive features both of loveliness and sublimity.?History does not inform us when and how this beautiful peninsula—called Hispania by the Romans—first became in-habited. Whether the earliest emigrants crossed the straits of Gibraltar from Africa, or came from Asia, coasting the shores of the Mediterranean, or descended from France through the defiles of the Pyrenees, can now never be known. The first glimpse we catch of Spain, through the haze of past ages, reveals to us the country inhabited by numerous barbaric tri-bes, fiercely hostile to each other, and constantly engaged in bloody wars. The mountain fastnesses were infested with robber bands, and rapine and violence everywhere reigned. The weapons grasped by these fierce warriors consisted of lances, clubs, and slings, with sabres and hatchets, of rude fashion but of keen edge. Their food was mainly nuts and ro-ots. Their clothing consisted of a single linen garment, girded around the waist; and a woollen tunic, surmounted by a cloth cap, descended to the feet. As in all barbarous nations, the hard work of life was performed by the women.??The names even of most of these tribes have long since perished; a few however have been transmitted to our day, such as the Celts, the Gallicians, the Lusitanians, and the Iberians. Several ages before the foundations of Rome or of Carthage were laid, it is said that the Phoenicians, exploring in their commercial tours the shores of the Mediterranean, established a mercantile colony at Cadiz. The colonists growing rich and strong, extended their dominions and founded the cities of Malaga and Cordova. About 800 years before Christ, a colony from Rhodes settled in the Spanish peninsula, and established the city of Rosas. Other expeditions, from various parts of Greece, also planted colonies and engaged in successful traffic with the Spanish natives.??Four hundred years before Christ, the Carthaginian republic was one of the leading powers, and Carthage was one of the most populous and influential cities on the globe. The Carthaginians crossed the narrow straits which separate Africa from Spain, landed in great strength upon the Spanish peninsula, and, after a short but severe conflict, subdued the foreign colonies there, brought the native Spaniards into subjection, and established their own supremacy over all the southern coast. Cadiz became the central point of Carthaginian power, from whence the invaders constantly extended their conquests. Though many of the interior tribes maintained for a time a sort of rude and ferocious independence, still Carthage gradually assumed dominion over the whole of Spain.??In the year 235 B.C., Hamilcar, the father of the illustrious Hannibal, compelled nearly all the tribes of Spain to ack-nowledge his sway. For eight years Hamilcar waged almost an incessant battle with the Spaniards. Still it was merely a military possession which he held of the country, and he erected Barcelona and several other fortresses, where his soldiers could bid defiance to assaults, and could overawe the surrounding inhabitants.
Lazu Ion
Referindu-se la Pesc?ru?ul ?ntr-o scrisoare din octombrie 1895, Cehov nota, ?ntre altele: ?Scriu o pies? pe care probabil nu o voi termina p?n? la sf?r?itul lui noiembrie. O scriu nu f?r? pl?cere, de?i m? tem de conven?iile scenei. E o comedie, exist? trei roluri pentru femei, ?ase pentru b?rba?i, patru acte, peisaje (priveli?tea unui lac), o mul?ime de conversa?ii despre literatur?, pu?in? ac?iune, mult? iubire“. Premiera s-a dovedit dezastruoas?, editorul s?u aduc?ndu-i acuze ca, pild?, la?itatea evident?, caracterul din cale afar? de feminin. Con?tient de geniul s?u, Cehov riposteaz?: ?De ce aceast? calomnie? Dup? reprezenta?ie am luat cina la Romanovi. Pe cuv?ntul meu de onoare. Apoi m-am dus la culcare, am dormit s?n?tos ?i a doua zi am mers acas? f?r? a suspina vreo nemul?umire. Dac? a? fi fost un la?, a? fi alergat de la un editor la altul ?i de la un actor la altul, i-a? fi implorat s? fie ?ng?duitori ?i a? fi petrecut dou? trei s?pt?m?ni ?n Petersburg, agit?ndu-m? cu Pesc?ru?ul meu, cu emo?ie, cu o transpira?ie rece ?n lamenta?ii. Am ac?ionat at?t de rece ?i de responsabil precum un om care a f?cut o ofert? ?i apoi a fost ?nt?mpinat cu un refuz ?i nu mai are nimic altceva de f?cut dec?t s? plece. ?ntr-adev?r, vanitatea mea a fost n?ucit?, dar ?ti?i, nu a fost o lovitur? din senin. A?teptam un e?ec ?i m? preg?tisem pentru el precum te-am prevenit cu o absolut? sinceritate“.
Zeii locuiesc l?ng? Olimp
Zeii locuiesc l?ng? Olimp
Dascălu Crișu
Cartea este rezultatul anchetelor desf??urate ?n paginile revistei Contemporanul – anchete ce au abordat o problema delicat?, ocolit? de nu pu?ini c?rturari: ?Problema evreiasc?". Se pronun?? pe marginea acestei disputate teme actuale personalit??i ca, de pild?, Dumitru ?epeneag, Matei C?linescu, Ion Vianu, Irina Cajal, Ion Iano?i, Nicolae Breban, ?i nu pu?ini al?i importan?i actan?i ai vie?ii sociale, politice ?i culturale din Rom?nia de azi.Un manual indirect de istorie, cartea e destinata studen?ilor, elevilor, profesorilor, precum ?i publicului larg de cititori.
Life of Phineas T. Barnum
Life of Phineas T. Barnum
Benton, Joel
A fantastic comprehensive biography of one of the greatest showmen of history: Phineas Taylor Barnum, most famous for his entertaining hoaxes and the disputed origin of the phrase 'There's a sucker born every minute!'
Makinelerin Evrimi: 4. Sanayi Devrimi
Makinelerin Evrimi: 4. Sanayi Devrimi
Tarkan Özhan
Endu?stri 4.0 d?nemi ile fabrikadaki u?retim ekipmanlar? birbirleriyle konu?up anla?acak ve gelecekte insans?z fabrikalar yayg?nla?acak. ?? kazalar? azalacak ve teknolojik verimlilik sa?lanacak. Yeni endu?stri devrimi hem enerji tasarrufu sa?layacak hem de maliyetleri du??u?recek. Alman Hu?ku?metinin u?retim su?re?lerini bilgisayarla?ma y?nu?nde te?vik etme ve yu?ksek teknolojiyle donatmas? projesi olarak kabul edilen Endu?stri 4.0, ayn? zamanda d?rdu?ncu? sanayi devrimi anlam?na geliyor. Endu?stri 4.0 ile tu?m yaz?l?m ve networklerde u?ru?n geli?tirme, u?retim ve servis su?re?lerinin ileti?imi, makinalar?n ve u?ru?nlerin ger?ek zamanl? bilgi al??veri?i, otonom kontrol ve optimizasyonu mu?mku?n olacak. 1784’te ortaya ??kan ilk sanayi devriminde, su ve buhar gu?cu?nu?n kullan?m?yla u?retim yap?lmas? hakim iken, 1870’lerde elektrik enerjisinin kullan?m?, ikinci sanayi devriminin de kap?lar?n? a?t?. Dijital devrim olarak da adland?r?labilecek u??u?ncu? sanayi devrimi ise, 1969’da elektronik ve bili?im teknolojilerinin kullan?m? ile ortaya ??kt?. 2013 y?l?na geldi?imizde ise internet uygulamalar?, yatay-dikey entegrasyonlu ve ger?ek zamanl? yeni de?er zincirleri, siber-fiziksel sistemler ve ak?ll? fabrikalar hayatlar?m?zdaki varl???n? gu??lendirdi. Yazar Hakk?nda [Tarkan ?zhan, 1969-] ???REN?M DURUMU: Trakya üniversitesi B?lüm: Fen Fakultesi Kimyager MESLE??: Borsac?, Trader, Portfoy Y?netimi Aktif ?al??ma süresi; 25 y?l
Manualul ?mbl?nzitorului de Cafele (psalm turcesc)
Manualul ?mbl?nzitorului de Cafele (psalm turcesc)
Tănase Iulian
C eti un artist dramatic care se zbate s supravieuiasc sau c eti un om care nu se identific cu sexul cu care a fost nzestrat i ncearc disperat s remedieze aceast problem, c eti un geniu ajuns n zdrene, care cerete ansa de a-i spune povestea, c eti un ndrgostit iremediabil, care ncaseaz doar indiferen, c eti un nimeni urmrit venic de autoriti, de probleme i eecuri, c eti captiv n lumea ta, singurul loc n care nu eti perceput ca fiind nebun tocmai fiindc sfideaz noiunea unanim acceptat de normalitate, c eti un scriitor care i aterne realitatea bidimensional, pe foaie, n replici, n didascalii, n uniti de msur a emoiei – numite cuvinte –, i ridic n alii realiti tridimensionale, c eti o ntmplare care citete aceste rnduri, tii foarte bine c orice fapt consumat d singur startul la o continuare i c exist mereu o a doua ans, la fel cum Moartea tie cnd trebuie s lase ceva s continue, cnd s-i spun stop sau cnd s nchid ochii, fiindc intervenia ar descalifica-o. Totul poart eticheta cu va urma i depinde doar de noi s lsm eticheta acolo i s urmm indicaia.Teatrul prelungete viaa fiindc este o prelungire a vieii. Nu e att parte a ei, ct o extensie, ca o pereche de aripi cu care plonjm ntr-un bar supraaglomerat, ntr-un dormitor n care ncap fix dou persoane, ntr-un vis policrom cu iz de psihotrope, sau ntr-o scen care ne va marca fiindc urmeaz s se petreac n acel interval de timp pe care niciodat nu suntem n stare s-l dibuim, dar tim atunci cnd se ntmpl c nu putea fi altcndva.Trei piese care ne zguduie, ne las simurile bulversate, creierii bruscai, inima n aritmie, dar sufletul cumva ridicat. Trei piese de prelungit viaa, chiar i a celor care cred c aceasta urmeaz abia dup ce vor muri. Moartea strig: Bis!“ cnd se vede aplaudnd de una singur, fiindc nu are de ales dect s lase spectacolul s continue n momentul n care tocmai se dezintegreaz.ndrznete i citete!“ – Andrei Vornicu
Mackó úr utazásai
Mackó úr utazásai
Sebők Zsigmond
Maszumé hétk?znapi kamaszlány a 60-as évek Iránjában. Iskolába menet meglát egy fiatalembert, akivel egymásba szeretnek. Maszumé bátyjai megtalálják ártatlan levelezésüket, húgukat megverik, majd máshoz kényszerítik feleségül. A lánynak fel kell adnia álmait, és el kell indulnia egy g?r?ngy?s úton, melyet a sors rendelt neki. Az ?tven évet fel?lel? regény a hazáját jól ismer? szerz? szemével k?veti végig Irán viharos t?rténelmét: a 60-as évek a sah elnyomó uralma alatt, majd az iszlám forradalom, mely visszahozta Iránba a k?zépkort, az iraki–iráni háború. A regényt, mely az utóbbi évtized legnagyobb bestsellere lett Iránban, kétszer is betiltották, azonban nem politikai tartalma miatt, hanem mert egy olyan független és er?s n? sorsát állítja példaképül, aki a sorscsapások és nehézségek ellenére sosem adja fel a reményt, s bár csendesen, mégis határozottan tiltakozik társadalmának elnyomó hagyományai ellen. Parinoush Saniee szociológus és pszichológus, t?bb regény szerz?je. A sors k?nyve els? regénye, melyet t?bb nyelvre fordítottak le, Olaszországban elnyerte a Boccaccio-díjat, Németországban bestseller lett. Az iráni írón? 1949-ben született, férjnél van, két fia külf?ld?n él.
Выращиваем лекарственные и пряные травы на участке
Выращиваем лекарственные и пряные травы на участке
Kostina-Kassanelli Natal'ja
Дарону Аджемо?лу ? Джеймсу Роб?нсону вдалося, здавалося б, неможливе — в?дпов?сти на питання, яке до них безрезультатно вивчали стол?ттями: чому одн? кра?ни багат?, а ?нш? — б?дн?????рунтуючись на п’ятнадцятир?чних досл?дженнях у галузях ?стор??, пол?толог?? та економ?ки, автори легко ? доступно пояснюють, чому економ?чний усп?х держав не залежить в?д культури, кл?мату чи географ?чного положення.??Аджемо?лу та Роб?нсон переконан?: кра?ни стали найусп?шн?шими через те, що ?хн? громадяни повалили владну ел?ту ? створили сусп?льства, де головною ц?нн?стю стали р?вн? економ?чн? та пол?тичн? права кожного. На ?хню думку, саме свобода робить св?т багатшим.??Книга ?Чому нац?? занепадають? — сво?р?дний пос?бник, який допоможе краще зрозум?ти причини, що сприяють процв?танню держав та ?хньому занепаду.
Укра?нська легко! (Ukra?ns'ka legko!)
Укра?нська легко! (Ukra?ns'ka legko!)
Natalіja Klimenko
Н?л Фер?юсон зауважу?: ?Ще на початку XV стол?ття сама лише думка про те, що наступн? п’ять стол?ть Зах?д буде дом?нувати над рештою св?ту, здалася б дуже дивною. А вт?м, це сталося?. ? нин? могутн?сть Заходу вража? нав?ть найбагатшу уяву... То чому ж так трапилося? Чому ?вропа, що на 1500-й р?к поступалася Сходу за багатьма показниками — економ?чними, технолог?чними, демограф?чними, — зум?ла р?зко рвонути уперед ? досягти безперечного св?тового панування? Як? складов? усп?ху зах?дно? цив?л?зац??? Саме ц? дражлив? питання украй см?ливо, часом нав?ть зухвало, а проте надзвичайно захопливо висв?тлю? Н?л Фер?юсон.
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