Makinelerin Evrimi: 4. Sanayi Devrimi
Endu?stri 4.0 d?nemi ile fabrikadaki u?retim ekipmanlar? birbirleriyle konu?up anla?acak ve gelecekte insans?z fabrikalar yayg?nla?acak. ?? kazalar? azalacak ve teknolojik verimlilik sa?lanacak. Yeni endu?stri devrimi hem enerji tasarrufu sa?layacak hem de maliyetleri du??u?recek. Alman Hu?ku?metinin u?retim su?re?lerini bilgisayarla?ma y?nu?nde te?vik etme ve yu?ksek teknolojiyle donatmas? projesi olarak kabul edilen Endu?stri 4.0, ayn? zamanda d?rdu?ncu? sanayi devrimi anlam?na geliyor. Endu?stri 4.0 ile tu?m yaz?l?m ve networklerde u?ru?n geli?tirme, u?retim ve servis su?re?lerinin ileti?imi, makinalar?n ve u?ru?nlerin ger?ek zamanl? bilgi al??veri?i, otonom kontrol ve optimizasyonu mu?mku?n olacak. 1784’te ortaya ??kan ilk sanayi devriminde, su ve buhar gu?cu?nu?n kullan?m?yla u?retim yap?lmas? hakim iken, 1870’lerde elektrik enerjisinin kullan?m?, ikinci sanayi devriminin de kap?lar?n? a?t?. Dijital devrim olarak da adland?r?labilecek u??u?ncu? sanayi devrimi ise, 1969’da elektronik ve bili?im teknolojilerinin kullan?m? ile ortaya ??kt?. 2013 y?l?na geldi?imizde ise internet uygulamalar?, yatay-dikey entegrasyonlu ve ger?ek zamanl? yeni de?er zincirleri, siber-fiziksel sistemler ve ak?ll? fabrikalar hayatlar?m?zdaki varl???n? gu??lendirdi. Yazar Hakk?nda [Tarkan ?zhan, 1969-] ???REN?M DURUMU: Trakya üniversitesi B?lüm: Fen Fakultesi Kimyager MESLE??: Borsac?, Trader, Portfoy Y?netimi Aktif ?al??ma süresi; 25 y?l
Don Quijote
Cartea pe care o ?ine?i ?n m?n? este periculoas?. Incomod?, scor?oas?, incendiar? fiind, ?n mod cert, va deranja unele personaje, nelipsite de importan??, din arena politicii rom?ne?ti, care confund? adeseori politica cu diletantismul, tr?d?nd interesele sus?inute cu at?ta patos ?n campaniile electorale. ?n mod sigur, Nu tr?da?i, v? rog! va alarma edilii capitalei ce se ?ntrec ?n a distruge ?micul Paris“ de pe vremuri. Aceast? carte, a?adar, va deranja nu pu?in? lume prin scenele din via?a social-politic? post-decembrist?, cu at?t mai mult, cu c?t umorul ?fichiuitor nu-i este str?in nici pe departe autorului. Nici deta?area…
Ortopedie ?i traumatologie pentru asisten?i medicali
Lucrarea inedit? a lui Nathan Belofsky se concentreaz? asupra ideilor ?i practicilor medicale acceptate de-a lungul veacurilor, pe scar? larg?, ale doctorilor reali, nu ale vracilor ?i aproape to?i doctorii men?iona?i erau figuri medicale importante ale acelor vremuri. Autorul prezint? c?teva dintre cele mai r?sp?ndite practici ?ocante sau ?ndoielnice din fiecare epoc?, ?ncep?nd cu Antichitatea ?i continu?nd cu Evul Mediu, Rena?terea, perioada modern? ?i secolul al XX-lea. Cartea se afl? sub semnul insolitului ?i readuce la via?a, ?ntr-o manier? narativ? ?i deseori umoristic?, momente mai pu?in cunoscute din istoria medicinei. ,,Cartea este o comoar? de fapte uluitoare.“Los Angeles Examiner
The Complete William Shakespeare Collection (Illustrated)
The present ebook comprises the complete writings of William Shakespeare (37 plays, 160 sonnets, 5 poetry books). It comes with 150 original illustrations which are the engravings John Boydell commissioned for his Boydell Shakespeare Gallery.------------Contents:COMEDIES:The Comedy of ErrorsThe Taming of the ShrewThe Two Gentlemen of VeronaLove’s Labor’s LostA Midsummer Night’s DreamThe Merchant of VeniceThe Merry Wives of WindsorMuch Ado about NothingAs You Like ItTwelfth Night, or What You WillThe History of Troilus and CressidaAll’s Well That Ends WellMeasure for MeasureHISTORIES:The First Part of Henry the SixthThe Second Part of Henry the SixthThe Third Part of Henry the SixthThe Tragedy of Richard the ThirdThe Life and Death of King JohnThe Tragedy of King Richard the SecondThe First Part of Henry the FourthThe Second Part of Henry the FourthThe Life of Henry the FifthThe Famous History of the Life of King Henry the EighthTRAGEDIES:The Tragedy of Titus AndronicusThe Tragedy of Romeo and JulietThe Tragedy of Julius CaesarThe Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of DenmarkThe Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of VeniceThe Tragedy of King LearThe Tragedy of MacbethThe Tragedy of Antony and CleopatraThe Tragedy of CoriolanusThe Life of Timon of AthensROMANCES:Pericles, Prince of TyreCymbelineThe Winter’s TaleThe TempestThe Two Noble KinsmenPOEMS:Venus and AdonisThe Rape of LucreceSonnetsA Lover’s ComplaintThe Passionate PilgrimThe Phoenix and Turtle
The Trial of William Shakespeare
Few men have endured the indignity of having their very existence challenged as thoroughly as William Shakespeare, late of Stratford-upon-Avon. From scholars to amateur enthusiasts, many cannot bring themselves to believe he wrote his own body of work. Playwright J. Ajlouny presents the arguments for and against, all statements and proofs drawn from the historical record. Everybody must decide for himself, but The Trial of William Shakespeare makes the controversy both intriguing and fun.
Alexandru Ar?inel, de la Dolhasca pe... Calea Victoriei
Volumul Dic?iunea ideilor, apar?in?nd profesorului Mircea Martin de la Facultateade Litere a Universit??ii Bucure?ti, este o contribu?ie valoroas? ?i original? la analiza unui raport extrem de important ?n teoriile socio-umane ale cunoa?terii, anume raportul dintre natural, artificial ?i autentic, aplicat asupra discursului metaliterar. Cartea se constituie ca o ?nsumare de analize a acestui raport ?n opera unor teoreticieni ai fenomenului literar rom?ni ?i str?ini: Tudor Vianu, G. C?linescu, B. Fondane, Matei C?linescu, Marcel Raymond, Roland Barthes, Carlos Bouso?o, Jaap Linnvelt. Departe de a fi o simpl? ?nsumare de analize aplicate, cartea este de fapt o critic? aconceptelor folosite deopotriv? de cercetarea antropologic?, cea estetic? ?i cea pur literar? ?i o contribu?ie esen?ial? la un proces de inserare ?nmodernitate a culturii rom?ne. Contribu?iile teoreticienilor rom?ni sunt v?zute ?n raportul lor de originalitate-sincronicitate cu cele ale cercet?torilor str?ini, ?nscriindu-se ?ntr-un proces de organicitate care implic? categorii culturale largi.
Nutuk: “Resimli ve A??klamal? Tam Metin, Osmanl?ca’dan Tam ?eviri”
Nutuk Kitab? Hakk?nda: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin kurucusu Ulu ?nder?Mustafa Kemal Atatürk'ün?Nutuk?isimli kitab? yakla??k 1.000 sayfadan olu?uyor ve yay?nevimiz arac?l???yla?kitab?n TAMAMI size üst düzeyde kalitede TEK bir e-kitap?olarak,?“EPUB”?format?nda sizlere sunuluyor. Atam?z?n “Nutuk” isimli kitab?n? siz de?erli okurlar?m?zla payla?madan olmazd?. M. Kemal Atatürk'ün kendisine ait ve kendisinin yazm?? oldu?u bu kal?n kitap ile ne kadar kuvvetli ve hitabeti sa?lam bir ?ncü oldu?unu bir kere daha anlayacaks?n?z. ??erisinde Atatürk'e ait olan onlarca ders niteli?inde yaz?lm?? hat?ralar, tavsiyeler ve tesirli s?zler i?eren her Türk yurtta??n?n okumas? ?art olan ?ok ?zel bir kitapt?r Nutuk. Nutuk, tüm bunlar?n yan?nda, yeni Türkiye devletinin yaz?lan ilk tarihidir de asl?nda ve yazar? da Mustafa Kemal Atatürk'tür. Yapt??? tarihi gelecekteki Türk insan?na tan?tabilmek emeliyle bu kitab? kaleme alm??t?r. Nutuk, ilk kez Atatürk taraf?ndan kurulan Cumhuriyet Halk Partisinin 15-20 Ekim 1927 tarihleri aras?nda Ankara da toplanan ?kinci Kurultay?nda okunmu?tur. Konu?man?n tamam? otuz alt? bu?uk saat sürmü?tür. Nutuk, 1919'dan ba?layarak 1927’ye kadar olan tarih dilimini incelemektedir. Bu d?nem kitapta ü? b?lümde ele al?nm??t?r: 1) Kuva-i Milliye (Ulusal gü?ler) D?nemi Nutukta yeni Türkiye Devletinin kurulu?u anlat?lmaktad?r. Yeni Türk devletinin kurulmas?ndaki maksat da ?u ?ekilde a??klanm??t?r: Türk ulusunun onurlu ve ?erefli bir ulus olarak ya?amas?d?r. Bu da tam ba??ms?z olmakla sa?lanabilir. “Ne kadar zengin olursa olsun, ba??ms?zl?ktan yoksun bir ulus uygar insanl?k kar??s?nda u?ak durumunda kalmaktan ileriye gidemez.” demi?tir ve Mustafa Kemal Atatürk ?u s?zleri s?ylemi?tir “Türkün onuru, kendine güveni ve yetenekleri ?ok yüksektir. B?yle bir ulus tutsak ya?amaktansa yok olsun daha iyidir.” Diyerek kurtulu? isteyenlerin parolas?n?n “Ya ba??ms?zl?k ya ?lüm!” oldu?unu s?ylemi?tir. Burada devlet kurman?n zorluklar? g?rülmektedir. Atatürk Samsun’a ??kt??? anda ülkenin genel durumu; Osmanl? Devletinin i?inde bulundu?u topluluk sava?ta yenilmi? Osmanl? Ordusu zedelenmi?, ko?ullar? a??r bir ate?kes imzalanm??, ulus yorgun ve bitkin bir durumda, ulusu ve ülkeyi sava?a sürükleyenler yurttan ka?m??, padi?ah ve halife soysuzla?m??, kendini ve taht?n? koruyacak al?ak?a ?nlemler ara?t?rmakta, hükümet yüzsüz, onursuz, korkak, ordunun elinden silahlar? ve cephanesi al?nm?? ve al?nmakta, yurdun d?rt bir yan?ndaki topluluklar devletin bir an ?nce ??kmesine ?aba harc?yorlard?. Bu ?ekilde a??klad?ktan sonra ulus egemenli?ine dayanan kay?ts?z ?arts?z yeni bir devleti kurmak i?in izledi?i politikay?, kar??la?t??? gü?lükleri bunal?mlar? ve ?at??malar? anlatmaktad?r. Bu haliyle Nutuk, s?mürgeci devletlerin alt?nda ya?ayan uluslara kurtulu? yolunu g?steren bir yap?t ?zelli?i ta??maktad?r. 2) Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi D?nemi Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi 23 Nisan 1920’de a??lm?? ve o günden sonra tüm askeri ve sivil makamlar?n ulusun ba?vuraca?? en yüce kat?n Meclis olaca??n? halk?na bildirmi? ve Meclis, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ün a??k ve gizli oturumlardaki bir iki gün süren a??klamalar? ve konu?malar?ndan sonra Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi Ba?kan? se?mi?tir. 3) Cumhuriyet D?nemi: Atatürk ?smet Pa?a ile birlikte bir yasa tasar?s? haz?rlad?. Bu tasar?daki 20 Ocak 1921 tarihli anayasan?n devlet bi?imini saptar maddelerini de?i?tirerek birinci maddenin sonuna “Türkiye Devletinin Hükümet bi?imi Cumhuriyettir” cümlesini ekleyerek maddeyi de?i?tirmi?tir ve yap?lan Meclis toplant?s?nda Anayasan?n De?i?tirilmesi ile ilgili maddenin g?rü?ülmesi kabul edildi. Toplant? sonunda yasa bir?ok milletvekilinin “Ya?as?n Cumhuriyet!” s?ylemleri ile kabul edildi ve b?ylece 29 Ekim 1923’te Cumhuriyet ilan edilmi? oldu. Daha sonra Cumhurba?kanl??? se?imine ge?ildi. Oylamada Mustafa Kemal Atatürk toplant?ya kat?lan yüz elli sekiz ki?inin tümünün oylar?n? alarak Cumhurba?kan? se?ildi. Nutuk s?mürge uluslar?n ba??ms?zl?klar?n? kazanmaya yard?mc? olacak bir program niteli?indedir. Bu eser okundu?unda Türk kurtulu? sava??n?n bir askeri sava? oldu?u kadar bir dü?ünce sava?? da oldu?u g?rülmektedir. Nutuk, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ün halk?na verdi?i bir hesap pusulas?d?r. ?ünkü ulusal kurtulu? sava?? boyunca o halk?yla birlikte olmu?tu ve halk?na “Hayat demek sava? ve ?arp??ma demektir. Hayatta ba?ar? yüzde yüz sava?ta, ba?ar? kazanmakla elde edilebilir. Bu da manevi ve maddi güce dayan?r. ?nsanlar?n u?ra?t??? tüm sorunlar, kar??la?t??? tüm tehlikeler, elde etti?i ba?ar?lar toplumca yap?lan genel sava??n dalgalar? i?inde do?ar.” S?zlerini s?ylemi? ve halk?ndan can istemi?, halk seve seve vermi?, mal istemi?, halk seve seve vermi?tir. Bunlar nerede, nas?l, ni?in, harcanm??? Nutuk halk?n kafas?ndaki bu sorulara da a??kl?k getirmi?tir. Türk halk?ndan al?nan can?n ve mal?n ülkenin i?galinden, ulusun k?lelikten kurtularak onurlu, ba??ms?z, ?a?da? bir devlet ve toplum olarak ya?amas? i?in harcand???n? belgeleriyle a??klamaktad?r. Atatürk bu eserinde, ulusal varl??? son
Niciodat? ?nduplecate. Al doilea volum al trilogiei Min?i primejdioase
Fascinant – cea mai bun lucrare de istorie militar din ultimii ani i o analiz edificatoare a disputelor care continu s mocneasc amenintor i azi. O carte extraordinar sub toate aspectele." – The New York Times O relatare palpitant i revelatoare a uneia dintre cele mai zbuciumate i legendare perioade din istoria secolului al XX-lea – Revolta Arab i marele joc" secret de a controla Orientul Mijlociu. CARTE INCLUS PE LISTA CELOR MAI BUNE TITLURI ALE ANULUI DE New York Times Christian Science Monitor NPR Seattle Times St. Louis Dispatch Chicago Tribune American Library Association Bazat pe cercetri extinse i intense, munc asidu n arhive, Lawrence n Arabia aduce o nou perspectiv asupra modului n care s-a configurat lumea Orientului Mijlociu. Cu o aciune de proporii epice, portretizri expresive, accente critice n condamnarea distrugerilor provocate de comploturile coloniale europene, volumul surprinde strlucit felul n care nesbuina trecutului declaneaz suferina prezentului. Printre numeroasele istorii individuale din Primul Rzboi Mondial care vor fi povestite i repovestite n cadrul centenarelor commemorate ntre 2014 i 2018, cea a lui T.E. Lawrence iese n eviden… Cartea lui Anderson nu putea fi mai oportun. Acum, cnd atenia ntregii lumi se concentreaz asupra Siriei i Egiptului, este uluitor s priveti n urm cu o sut de ani i s vezi un tablou asemntor…. Apelnd la o distribuie bogat, Anderson reuete s exploreze haosul din Orientul Mijlociu de la nceputul secolului al XX-lea dintr-o varietate de perspective distincte i revelatoare totodat. O mrturie captivant, de o mare complexitate i profunzime. – The New York Times Book Review Vast, hipnotic i – s ndrznim s o spunem – cinematografic n detaliu, Lawrence n Arabia ilustreaz modul n care biografia i istoria se poteneaz reciproc. – The Wall Street Journal Absorbii de mcelul ce avea loc n traneele Europei n Primul Rzboi Mondial, combatanii occidentali acordau prea puin importan teatrului de lupt din Orientul Mijlociu. Ca urmare, conflictul de aici a fost influenat surprinztor de mult de o mn de aventurieri i ofieri de rang mrunt aflai departe de marile coridoare ale puterii: Curt Prüfer – universitar tern, ataat pe lng Ambasada German din Cairo, Aaron Aaronsohn – renumit agronom provenit din Romnia i sionist nflcrat. William Yale – descendent scptat al unei familii aristocratice americane. n centrul acestui cerc se afla Lawrence – la nceputul lui 1914, doar un arheolog care lucre la spturi prin deerturile Siriei. n 1917 ajunsese deja cea mai romantic figur din Primul Rzboi Mondial, luptndu-se att cu inamicii Marii Britanii, ct i cu propriul guvern pentru a-i transforma n realitate viziunea sa asupra destinului poporului arab. Drumurile ncruciate ale acestor patru personaje – intrigile pe care le-au pus la cale, btliile pe care le-au purtat, trdrile pe care le-au suferit sau le-au uneltit ei nii – oglindesc grandoarea, complexitatea i tragedia rzboiului din deert.
The Answer Is in the Problem
In these Talks, given in Europe, Ojai and India, Krishnamurti addresses the need to approach our life problems in a manner does not perpetuate fragmentation. "Though we have many problems, and each problem seems to produce so many other problems, perhaps we can consider together whether the wisest thing to do is, not to seek the solution of any problem at all. It seems to me that our minds are incapable of dealing with life as a whole; we deal, apparently, with all problems fragmentarily, separately, not with an integrated outlook. Perhaps the first thing, if we have problems, is not to seek an immediate solution for them, but to have the patience to inquire deeply into them, and discover whether these problems can ever be solved by the exercise of will. What is important, I think, is to find out, not how to solve the problem, but how to approach it." An extensive compendium of Krishnamurti's talks and discussions in the USA, Europe, India, New Zealand, and South Africa from 1933 to 1967—the Collected Works have been carefully authenticated against existing transcripts and tapes. Each volume includes a frontispiece photograph of Krishnamurti , with question and subject indexes at the end. The content of each volume is not limited to the subject of the title, but rather offers a unique view of Krishnamurti's extraordinary teachings in selected years. The Collected Works offers the reader the opportunity to explore the early writings and dialogues in their most complete and authentic form.
El Arte de la Guerra
El arte de la guerra es un libro sobre tácticas y estrategias militares, inspirado por Sun Tzu, un famoso autor militar.
Sleeping Beauty
The world spins and the cycle of seasons turns as the Guardians of the Year gather to tell each other stories. As a new Winter begins it is time to tell another tale… A kingdom is in peril, its people driven to flee their homes as a dark forest covers the land. The King and Queen are missing and Prince Roland, only heir to the kingdom, lies sleeping, cursed never to awaken… All seems lost, and it falls to one young woman with a strong heart, aided by strange companions, to find her way to the castle at the heart of the enchanted forest. Once there, it will take a genuine act of love to break the curse and free the kingdom. A story about friendship, drawing on myth and folklore, Sleeping Beauty is an exciting and enchanting new adaptation of the well-loved story.
Dic?ionar de vise. Cartea de vise ?i destine
O analiz? metodic? ?i patima?? a cumplitei dictaturi ro?ii de care a avut parte Rom?nia. Atitudinea elitelor fa?? de tiran ?i fa?? de clica sa. ?n ce masur? suntem vinova?i? La?itatea este oare una dintre caracteristicile definitorii ale c?rturarului rom?n? La aceste ?i multe alte ?ntreb?ri r?spunde profesorul de filosofie, Ion Iano?i – un veritabil model european. Cartea e destinat? studen?ilor, elevilor, profesorilor, precum ?i publicului larg de cititori.
Sl?bim f?r? diete ?i suplimente alimentare
Conservatorismul pragmatic, conservatorismul lui David Hume, Edmund Burke i, n secolul XX, al lui Michael Oakeshott, se deosebete profund de reacionarism i de ultraconservatorismul virulent. Un conservator pragmatic este un om care gndete fr mituri caluzitoare i fr adevruri absolute, ce confisc i paralizeaz inteligena; este un adversar, i nu un adept, al utopiilor inverse, care aspir la restaurarea trecutului. El este un adept al moderaiei i al gradualismului – nu pentru ca ar avea oroare de schimbrile profunde, ci pentru ca tie c nimic important, nrdcinat ntr-o form de via omeneasc, nu poate fi schimbat brusc. Se comite adesea o confuzie ntre conservatorismul pragmatic i radicalismul de dreapta. Dar este vorba de o eroare de neiertat, cci cele doua forme ale Dreptei se opun diametral: Ostilitatea fa de radicalism, ostilitatea nencetat, implacabil, este definiia esenial a conservatorismului (Robert Cecil, Marchiz de Salisbury). Au existat i n Romania figuri celebre apropiate conservatorismului pragmatic, spre exemplu P. P. Carp. ns, din pcate, tradiia autohton este dominat de radicalismul de dreapta, ilustrat (virulent) de Eminescu i (seren) de Maiorescu, iar ulterior de generaia rtcit: Nae Ionescu, Mircea Eliade, Cioran i Noica.“ (Adrian-Paul Iliescu)
Opera lui Tudor Arghezi
Cartea lui Dan Dungaciu se individualizeaza prin originalitatea metodei sale: logistica. Sociologia este, prin excelenta, o "stiinta de spate", cum ar spune logisticienii, adica o stiinta care serveste marilor incordari colective (ofensive sau defensive) pe o durata anumita. Dan Dungaciu propune, in acest sens, cel putin trei procedee de cercetare a sociologiei la scara unei epoci si a unei arii de civilizatie, cea europeana in acest caz: a) "centrele logistice ale gandirii sociale" (care sustin retelele sociologiei); b). "Harta logistica a sociologiei" (romanesti in acest caz); c). Seria teoriilor reprezentative pentru cateva dintre temele dominante ale sociologiei interbelice. Modelul lecturii dezvaluie o fata surprinzatoare a uneia dintre cele mai spectaculoase manifestari ale sociologiei in secolul XX: sociologia romaneasca interbelica. Istoria logistica a sociologiei romanesti reconstituie astfel una dintre secventele de mare tensiune creatoare ale dramei neamului romanesc in secolul al XX-lea, ceea ce face din cartea lui Dan Dungaciu una de exceptie.
Painting Expressive Watercolours
Mike Chaplin is one of the most popular art experts on the very successful Channel 4 series Watercolour Challenge. In this book he reveals how he works and puts forward his ideas and teaching methods, offering plenty of tips and practical advice for the amateur artist. This book is intended for artists with some painting experience who wish to develop their technique, style and outlook. It is a book to make them think and to push the technical and personal boundaries of what they believe they can achieve in paint. Mike’s teaching focuses not only on techniques but also on expanding the readers’ approach to their painting as a whole. Starting with a fascinating look at the development of watercolour as an expressive art, the book then covers selective techniques, both traditional and the more unusual, and topics such as observation, drawing, colour and composition. All kinds of painting subjects are included, from the natural landscape to urban scenes, and throughout the book Mike provides plenty of practical advice and useful tips about techniques. There are also a number of special features, focusing on particular aspects of painting, as well as several full step-by-step demonstration paintings.
May Martin’s Sewing Bible e-short 6
The last of 6 eBook-only shorts from star of The Great British Sewing Bee and doyenne of the Women’s Institute, May Martin, including fabulous tips for making those difficult sewing techniques easy to master. May has been teaching sewing for over 40 years. From hems to facings May simplifies some of the trickiest methods in sewing for those already experienced and needing a little extra helping hand in the art of sewing. Beautifully styled and simple-to-follow, this authoritative sewing e-short, taken from May Martin’s Sewing Bible, offers three new approaches to some of the more complicated ways of sewing.
Letters of Not Lite
A text-only edition of the hilarious Letters of Not. A collection of remarkable and completely made-up correspondence from the great and the good across history. Many books have collated the exceptional letters and personal writing of the famous, offering a fascinating insight into well-known figures’ personal lives and hidden desires. But what of the undistinguished epistles of the renowned? Can their less auspicious musings divulge clues to their hopes and ambitions? Probably not. But they can be quite funny. ‘Letters of Not’ assembles the fictional jotted dross that was never before considered worthy of collection. The Post-it notes, the shopping lists, the failed limericks and the birthday card sentiments of history’s most celebrated sons and daughters. This ‘lite’ edition contains 6 never before seen letters. Inside you will find: Werner Herzog’s impassioned note to his cleaning lady Patti Smith’s gym application Captain Scott’s other last letter to his wife Salvador Dali’s to do list Mark E. Smith’s audio tour of Ripon Cathedral Harold Pinter greetings cards Pope Benedict’s handover notes James Joyce’s out of office Dr Heimlich’s other manoeuvre A letter from the table next to the Algonquin Round Table Tweets from the 1966 Newport Folk Festival Instructions on what to do when you meet Van Morrison And many more, beautifully rendered in their original, blatantly falsified glory and hilariously transcribed for your pleasure.
Life Moves Pretty Fast
Hadley Freeman brings us her personalised guide to American movies from the 1980s – why they are brilliant, what they meant to her, and how they influenced movie-making forever. For Hadley Freeman, American moves of the 1980s have simply got it all. Comedy in Three Men and a Baby, Hannah and Her Sisters, Ghostbusters, Back to the Future and Trading Places; all a teenager needs to know – in Pretty in Pink, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Say Anything, The Breakfast Club and Mystic Pizza; the ultimate in action – Top Gun, Die Hard, Young Sherlock Holmes, Beverly Hills Cop and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; love and sex – in 9 ? Weeks, Splash, About Last Night, The Big Chill, Bull Durham; and family fun – in The Little Mermaid, ET, Big, Parenthood and Lean On Me. Born in the late 1970s, Hadley grew up on a well-rounded diet of these movies, her entire view of the world, adult relations and expectations of what her life might hold was forged by these cult classics. In this personalised guide, she puts her obsessive movie geekery to good use, detailing the decades key players, genres and tropes, and how exactly the friendship between Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi influenced the evolution of comedy. She looks back to a cinematic world in which bankers are invariably evil, despite this being the decade of Wall Street, where children are always wiser than adults, and science is embraced with an intense enthusiasm, and the future viewed with excitement. She considers how the changes between movies then and movies today say so much about pop culture’s and society’s changing expectations of women, young people and art, and explains why Pretty in Pink and Sixteen Candles should be put on school syllabuses immediately.
A Grammar of Murder
The dark shadows and offscreen space that force us to imagine violence we cannot see. The real slaughter of animals spliced with the fictional killing of men. The missing countershot from the murder victim's point of view. Such images, or absent images, Karla Oeler contends, distill how the murder scene challenges and changes film.?Reexamining works by such filmmakers as Renoir, Hitchcock, Kubrick, Jarmusch, and Eisenstein, Oeler traces the murder scene's intricate connections to the great breakthroughs in the theory and practice of montage and the formulation of the rules and syntax of Hollywood genre. She argues that murder plays such a central role in film because it mirrors, on multiple levels, the act of cinematic representation. Death and murder at once eradicate life and call attention to its former existence, just as cinema conveys both the reality and the absence of the objects it depicts. But murder shares with cinema not only this interplay between presence and absence, movement and stillness: unlike death, killing entails the deliberate reduction of a singular subject to a disposable object. Like cinema, it involves a crucial choice about what to cut and what to keep.
Sorcery in the Black Atlantic
Girls abused in London and torsos of black boys found in the Thames; African boys disappearing from school and child traffic in Africa; child sacrifice and Brazilian Pentecostal exorcism. Unrelated events are swiftly connected in an uncanny work of prestidigitation, including hitech digital images of torsos and forensic drawings of abused children. Les correspondances symboliques, Baudelaire would say, or contiguous magic, in Frazer’s more prosaic de*ion. It all could make sense, if we believe in our fears, suspicions, gossip, and prejudices. Furthermore, this incredible work of prestidigitation was engineered by two respectable institutions, known for their enlightened search of truth: the BBC and Scotland Yard. But where was the evidence that all these things were connectedThe “exorcism scandal” bewitched the media in Britain for the whole month of June, until some dissenting voices started to talk about a “racist witch hunt.” 5 By then, however, a population of hundreds of thousands of Africans, in particular Pentecostal Africans, was already under suspicion. “What if some of that was true?” some people still may ask. In fact, shortly before completing this introduction, the local London newspaper Evening Standard published a two-page report on an African church in the United Kingdom, with the title “Miracles and claims of baby-snatching,” mixing rumors of child trafficking, sorcery, syncretism, and extreme wealth. 6 That is how sorcery works: not by fully demonstrating its power, but by opening a possible doubt; one is never fully sure it is not true.
Pottery Analysis, Second Edition
Just as a single pot starts with a lump of clay, the study of a piece's history must start with an understanding of its raw materials. This principle is the foundation of Pottery Analysis, the acclaimed sourcebook that has become the indispensable guide for archaeologists and anthropologists worldwide. By grounding current research in the larger history of pottery and drawing together diverse approaches to the study of pottery, it offers a rich, comprehensive view of ceramic inquiry.This new edition fully incorporates more than two decades of growth and diversification in the fields of archaeological and ethnographic study of pottery. It begins with a summary of the origins and history of pottery in different parts of the world, then examines the raw materials of pottery and their physical and chemical properties. It addresses ethnographic and ethnoarchaeological perspectives on pottery production; reviews the methods of studying pottery's physical, mechanical, thermal, mineralogical, and chemical properties; and discusses how proper analysis of artifacts can reveal insights into their culture of origin. Intended for use in the classroom, the lab, and out in the field, this essential text offers an unparalleled basis for pottery research.