

In Praise of the Backside
In Praise of the Backside
Döpp, Hans-Jürgen
Mega Square In Praise of the Backside celebrates the most sensual part of the female body. The insightful text by Hans-Jürgen Dpp discusses the backside as a feature that stands for both powerful eroticism and supple femininity, seducing famous artists from every genre. This title is sure to entice and delight a wide audience with its lively, provocative images.
Wigal, Donald
你很难将保罗克利(Paul Klee)归类到某个艺术史上的运动。与瓦西里康定斯基(Wassily Kandinsky)和弗兰茨马尔克(Franz Marc)类似,克利曾是表现主义画家团体蓝骑士(Der Blaue Reiter)的重要成员之一。之后,他又参与到了包豪斯建筑学派之中,甚至在德绍的学校中教授绘画课程。就克利看来,艺术与生产无关,只是为了让事物更加清晰可见。在他的绘画中,克利微妙地融入了二十世纪初的趋势。对于德国的表现主义来说,克利为其注入了立体主义和奥费主义的元素,用超现实主义的忧郁的诗歌来点缀他的作品。 作者带领我们穿越克利世界中的奇迹,画中的每一笔都回响着色彩的力量。
Calosse, Jp. A.
爱是不可忽视的永恒的话题,一直以来吸引着无数艺术家。画家、雕刻家、甚至建筑师也从中获得灵感,用艺术来阐释爱。这个万古长青的话题催生了艺术家们一生的杰作。从提香(Titian)的《出世与入世之爱》(Sacred and Profane Love)到布朗库西(Brancusi)的《吻》(Kiss),爱随着时间和风格变幻无穷,但是终仍停留在永恒和普世的语言之中。这本书为我们阐释了爱的力量和变化。
Natural Curiosities
Natural Curiosities
Wallace, Alfred Russel
Reflecting their owner’s taste and serving as an impressive exhibition space for visitors, cabinets of curiosities were a place of interest in the houses of the wealthy in the 16th an 17th centuries. Displaying rare vegetable and animal species and fossils, these cabinets were always dedicated to science and knowledge. By collecting uncommon and beautiful objects in nature, rich noblemen were able to build a microcosm expressing the diversity of God’s creation.
Bade, Patrick;Rogoyska, Jane
古斯塔夫·克林姆(Gustav Klimt)初因其采用的装饰花纹闻名(与他的兄弟及其在艺术学校的伙伴弗朗茨·马什共同创作)。因为大多剧院和重要的维也纳艺术史博物馆(在他的时代是重要的)均采用的是玛卡特(Makart)式的冷色调摄影风格。在他三十岁的时候他有了自己的工作室,并且开始了架上绘画。在三十五岁的时候,他成为了维也纳分离派的奠基人之一。在八年之后,在对自然主义日益强势的趋势倍感失望的情况下,他离开了这一领域。
Valentin Serov
Valentin Serov
Sarabianov, Dmitri V.
De Girolami Cheney, Liana
如果正如那句有名的谚语所言:“人如其食”,朱塞佩·阿尔钦博托(Giuseppe Arcimboldo,1527—1593年)便是人类灵魂之集大成画家。这位艺术家是大师级的工匠,经过他精致加工的帆布抓住了当代人的想象力。在这本迷人之作之中,Liana De Girolami Cheney带我们近距离地审视阿尔钦博托作品的关键历史时期,从他初小有名气到他死后的默默无闻,再到二十世纪二十年代他的作品备受超现实主义者崇敬而复兴时取得终成功的光辉历程。
Brodskaya, Nathalia
印象主义彻底改变了备受学术规范桎梏的艺术媒介,标志着向现代绘画迈出的步。后印象主义则更加革命性,完全解放了色彩,带我们进入了新的未知的视野领域。乔治·修拉(Georges Seurat)在新时代起锚启航,通过研习谢弗勒尔(Chevreul ,Michel Eugene)的色彩法则,将色彩的化学原理融入到点绘中,创造了全新的形象。梵高也通过浓墨重彩的画笔来表现正午的太阳,而塞尚(Cézanne)则摒弃了线性透视法。正是这些艺术家们的多元化和奇特性,后印象主义成为了二十世纪著名绘画大家的华美乐章。Nathalia Brodskaa的这本《印象主义》正是基于此,以飨读者。
The Viennese Secession
The Viennese Secession
Charles, Victoria;Carl, Klaus
Brodskaya, Nathalia
Symbolism appeared in France and Europe between the 1880s and the beginning of the 20th century. The Symbolists, fascinated with ancient mythology, attempted to escape the reign of rational thought imposed by science. They wished to transcend the world of the visible and the rational in order to attain the world of pure thought, constantly flirting with the limits of the unconscious. The French Gustave Moreau, Odilon Redon, the Belgians Fernand Khnopff and Félicien Rops, the English Edward Burne-Jones and Dante Gabriel Rossetti, and the Dutch Jan Toorop are the most representative artists of the movement.
Sizeranne, Robert de la
在维多利亚时代,工业革命席卷了英格兰。诸如威廉·莫里斯(William Morris)的拉斐尔前派艺术家们以及工艺美术运动激发了回到传统价值观的灵感。带着重新树立意大利文艺复兴的纯正和高贵形式的愿望,包括约翰·艾佛雷特·米莱(John Everett Millais)、但丁·加百列·罗塞蒂 (Dante Gabriel Rossetti)、爱德华·伯恩·琼斯(Edward Burne-Jones)的艺术家们更加偏爱现实主义和圣经主题。这本著作以翔实的内容和丰富的阐释,热情洋溢地描述了这场激发了象征主义和新艺术主义的运动。
Holmes, C.J.
The Origin of the World
The Origin of the World
Calosse, Jp. A.;Döpp, Hans-Jürgen
Lacan, the last owner of Courbet’s The Origin of the World, loved the painting so much that he couldn’t even bring himself to look at it. Instead, he hid it behind a “safer” painting. The Chinese called it the “valley of the roses” (watch out for the thorns!), the Persians, the “honey-pot” (watch out for the bees!), and the Greeks, “the mound of Venus” (mind the steep climb!); to each era its fantasies and its theories about the feminine mystique. Then there are the testimonies of poets, painters, and even of some famous psychiatrists. The Origin of the World is a work of art only suitable for lovers of intrigue.
Félix Vallotton
Félix Vallotton
Brodskaïa, Nathalia
费利克斯·瓦洛东(Félix Vallotton, 1865-1925))是世纪之交非常活跃的艺术家。虽然瓦洛东负盛名的是他那鲜明而高雅的日本风格木版画,但他也是位手法娴熟的画家,创作了不少有趣的作品,将娴熟的技术和情绪写实主义完美地结合。这本精华之作为读者评价了这位革命性的艺术家的一生,引人入胜。
Encaustic Art
Encaustic Art
Margell, Jennifer
釉烧画是世界脆弱的艺术形式之一,它自古埃及次用于装饰石棺起便流行于世,在现代随着保罗·克利(Paul Klee)和迭戈·里维拉(Diego Rivera)等艺术家而闻名于世。在这本著作中,Jennifer Margell详实地向读者介绍了这一艺术形式,采访了一些为有名的工艺师,为釉烧画的入门者提供了启发性的基础指南。这是迄今为止丰富的釉烧画出版物之一。
Na?ve Art
Na?ve Art
Brodskaya, Nathalia
Naive art first became popular at the end of the 19th century. Until that time, this form of expression, created by untrained artists and characterised by spontaneity and simplicity, enjoyed little recognition from professional artists and art critics. Influenced by primitive arts, naive painting is distinguished by the fluidity of its lines, vivacity, and joyful colours, as well as by its rather clean-cut, simple shapes. Naive art counts among it artists: Henri Rousseau, Séraphine de Senlis, André Bauchant, and Camille Bombois. This movement has also found adherents abroad, including such prominent artists as Joan Miró, Guido Vedovato, Niko Pirosmani, and Ivan Generalic.
The Arts & Crafts Movement
The Arts & Crafts Movement
Triggs, Oscar Lovell
工艺美术曾触发了英格兰实用艺术的真正改革,形成了一场独特的运动。工艺美术运动由约翰·拉斯金(John Ruskin)发起,威廉·莫里斯(William Morris)付诸实践,推动了维多利亚时代英格兰的革命思想。工匠和设计师因而成为了新的意识形态的核心人物,影响了全世界的风格,将工艺美术运动的关键思想体现在了设计、建筑和绘画之中。
Baroque Art
Baroque Art
Charles, Victoria;Carl, Klaus
The Baroque period lasted from the beginning of the seventeenth century to the middle of the eighteenth century. Baroque art was artists’ response to the Catholic Church’s demand for solemn grandeur following the Council of Trent, and through its monumentality and grandiloquence it seduced the great European courts. Amongst the Baroque arts, architecture has, without doubt, left the greatest mark in Europe: the continent is dotted with magnificent Baroque churches and palaces, commissioned by patrons at the height of their power. The works of Gian Lorenzo Bernini of the Southern School and Peter Paul Rubens of the Northern School alone show the importance of this artistic period. Rich in images encompassing the arts of painting, sculpture and architecture, this work offers a complete insight into this passionate period in the history of art.
Apollinaire, Guillaume;Eimert, Dorothea
Les Demoiselles d’Avignon: five young women that changed modern art forever. Faces seen simultaneously from the front and in profile, angular bodies whose once voluptuous feminine forms disappear behind asymmetric lines - with this work, Picasso revolutionised the entire history of painting. Cubism was thus born in 1907. Transforming natural forms into cylinders and cubes, painters like Juan Gris and Robert Delaunay, led by Braque and Picasso, imposed a new vision upon the world that was in total opposition to the principles of the Impressionists. Largely diffused in Europe, Cubism developed rapidly in successive phases that brought art history to all the richness of the 20th century: from the futurism of Boccioni to the abstraction of Kandinsky, from the suprematism of Malevich to the constructivism of Tatlin. Linking the core text of Guillaume Apollinaire with the studies of Dr. Dorothea Eimert, this work offers a new interpretation of modernity’s crucial moment, and permits the read
Brodskaya, Nathalia
“我画我所见,而非他人所想见。”难道还有什么能比 爱德华马奈(Edouard Manet)的这句话更能诠释印象主义运动了。马奈的这句话似乎与莫奈(Monet)或雷阿诺(Renoir)的情感表达完全不同。莫奈在去世前不久曾写道:“印象主义之名源我而起,但却冠以了一群并非印象主义者的群体,对此我深表遗憾。” 在这本书中,Nathalia Brodskaia考察了这场十九世纪末期的印象主义运动的矛盾之处,分析了印象主义群体在艺术家个人的主张之下形成了的连贯整体的悖论。学术艺术和现代抽象绘画之间的道路漫长而艰辛。作者逐一分析这场艺术运动的基本元素,通过每位艺术家的作品考察了个人的需求是如何催生出现代绘画。
?mile Michel
This book does not claim to be a complete history of landscape painting. The length of such a history would considerably exceed the proportions of this volume, but I have nevertheless endeavoured to give some idea of the order in which the different masters appeared, and of the relative importance of each. Having only to speak here of those who excelled, I have tried to show, in some sort of sequence, whence these artists came, the special merit of each, and his influence on the development of art.