

Charles, Victoria
Mega Square Sculpture spans over 23,000 years and over 120 examples of the most beautiful sculptures in the world: from prehistoric art and Egyptian statues to the works of Michelangelo, Henry Moore and Niki de Saint-Phalle. It illuminates the wide variety of materials used and the evolution of styles over centuries, as well as the peculiarities of the most important sculptors.
Amsden, Dora;von Seidlitz, Woldermar
浮世绘是日本江户时代繁荣时期(1615-1868)兴起的一种独特的民族艺术。浮世绘是这一时代的特色,它是艺术家、雕刻家和印花家共同创作的成果。因为技术进步、创作成本降低,浮世绘的创作展示了人们的日常生活,女人、歌舞伎甚至是相扑手,还有美景也都是浮世绘作品所偏爱的主题。菱川师宣(他享有浮世绘始祖的桂冠)、胜川春章、喜多川歌麿、葛饰北斋,甚至是歌川广重都是这场运动中负盛名的艺术家。1868年,日本明治维新,对西方开放。浮世绘精湛的技艺、细腻的作品、生动的刻画,深深地吸引了西方世界,影响了印象主义的大师,例如梵高,例如克林姆。这就是所谓的“日本主义”时期。冯赛德利茨(Woldemar von Seidlitz)和多拉·阿姆斯登(Dora Amsden)含蓄地强调了这一运动对于整个西方艺术的重大影响。这本书中重要的作品勾勒了女性理想、上帝之位和顺应山水自然之景的重要性,而这些同样成为了对于早期社会的不可多得的见证。
Brodskaya, Natalia
让我们去发现保罗·塞尚(Paul Cezanne)的作品,他对于技巧和形式的探讨定义了绘画的后印象主义运动,也为立体主义的出现搭建了艺术的舞台。他大胆地运用亮丽的色彩,影响了之后好几代艺术家,也让今天的我们感到惊喜和愉悦。这本Mega Square收录了大量这位重要的法国画家的作品——当然,对于任何一位艺术粉丝来说,都是一份至上的礼物。
Claude Lorrain
Claude Lorrain
Daniel, Sergei
Claude Gellée, called Claude Lorrain was neither a great man nor a lofty spirit like Poussin. His genius cannot, however, be denied and he was, like Poussin, a profoundly original inventor within the limitations of a classical ideal. He too spent most of his life in Rome though the art he created was not specifically Italian, but French. For more than two centuries afterwards everyone in France who felt called upon to depict the beauties of nature would think of Lorrain and study his works, whether it be Joseph Vernet in the eighteenth century or Corot in the nineteenth. Outside France it was the same; Lorrain was nowhere more admired than in England. There is an element of mystery in the vocation of this humble and almost illiterate peasant whose knowledge of French and Italian was equally poor, and who used to inscribe on his drawings notes in a strange broken Franco-Italian. This mystery is in some way symbolic of that with which he imbued his pictures, le mystère dans la lumière. T
Calosse, Jp. A.
Mega Square的《高更》邀请读者跟随这位绘画梦想家保罗·高更(Paul Gauguin)的色彩丰富的杰作,从法国到梦幻到充满异域风情的塔希提岛。这本书既收录了这位影响深远的画家的标志性作品,也收录了他一些鲜为人知的杰作,重点强调了高更著名的情色、原始的风格和色彩的灵动。对于高更的粉丝或者是还未发掘高更作品的艺术爱好者来说,这本方便丰富的小册子就是一份*的礼物。
Carl, Klaus
Mega Square版的《植物标本》是基于巴西利厄斯·贝斯莱尔(Basilius Besler)的作品。贝斯莱尔是著名的植物专家,也是历史上描写、绘画和雕刻了上千种植物的人。Mega Square将是一份理想的礼物,在一本精巧实用的小册子里充满了有趣而另类的话题。
In Praise of the Backside
In Praise of the Backside
Döpp, Hans-Jürgen
Mega Square In Praise of the Backside celebrates the most sensual part of the female body. The insightful text by Hans-Jürgen Dpp discusses the backside as a feature that stands for both powerful eroticism and supple femininity, seducing famous artists from every genre. This title is sure to entice and delight a wide audience with its lively, provocative images.
Wigal, Donald
你很难将保罗克利(Paul Klee)归类到某个艺术史上的运动。与瓦西里康定斯基(Wassily Kandinsky)和弗兰茨马尔克(Franz Marc)类似,克利曾是表现主义画家团体蓝骑士(Der Blaue Reiter)的重要成员之一。之后,他又参与到了包豪斯建筑学派之中,甚至在德绍的学校中教授绘画课程。就克利看来,艺术与生产无关,只是为了让事物更加清晰可见。在他的绘画中,克利微妙地融入了二十世纪初的趋势。对于德国的表现主义来说,克利为其注入了立体主义和奥费主义的元素,用超现实主义的忧郁的诗歌来点缀他的作品。 作者带领我们穿越克利世界中的奇迹,画中的每一笔都回响着色彩的力量。
Calosse, Jp. A.
爱是不可忽视的永恒的话题,一直以来吸引着无数艺术家。画家、雕刻家、甚至建筑师也从中获得灵感,用艺术来阐释爱。这个万古长青的话题催生了艺术家们一生的杰作。从提香(Titian)的《出世与入世之爱》(Sacred and Profane Love)到布朗库西(Brancusi)的《吻》(Kiss),爱随着时间和风格变幻无穷,但是终仍停留在永恒和普世的语言之中。这本书为我们阐释了爱的力量和变化。
Natural Curiosities
Natural Curiosities
Wallace, Alfred Russel
Reflecting their owner’s taste and serving as an impressive exhibition space for visitors, cabinets of curiosities were a place of interest in the houses of the wealthy in the 16th an 17th centuries. Displaying rare vegetable and animal species and fossils, these cabinets were always dedicated to science and knowledge. By collecting uncommon and beautiful objects in nature, rich noblemen were able to build a microcosm expressing the diversity of God’s creation.
Bade, Patrick;Rogoyska, Jane
古斯塔夫·克林姆(Gustav Klimt)初因其采用的装饰花纹闻名(与他的兄弟及其在艺术学校的伙伴弗朗茨·马什共同创作)。因为大多剧院和重要的维也纳艺术史博物馆(在他的时代是重要的)均采用的是玛卡特(Makart)式的冷色调摄影风格。在他三十岁的时候他有了自己的工作室,并且开始了架上绘画。在三十五岁的时候,他成为了维也纳分离派的奠基人之一。在八年之后,在对自然主义日益强势的趋势倍感失望的情况下,他离开了这一领域。
Valentin Serov
Valentin Serov
Sarabianov, Dmitri V.
Peter Paul Rubens
Peter Paul Rubens
Varshavskaya, Maria;Yegorova, Xenia
Universally celebrated for his rosy and concupiscent nudes, Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640) was an artist whose first concern was sensuality in all its forms. This Baroque master devoted himself to a lifelong celebration of the joys and wonders of the physical realm. He felt that the human body was as lovely and natural as the many natural landscapes he painted as a young man. In a lushly illustrated text, María Varshavskaya and Xenia Yegorova explore the master at work, bringing a unique focus to Ruben’s life and work
Michel, Émile
Rembrandt van Rijn (1606-1669) has long been considered one of the greatest artists in European history. His paintings have launched imitations and homages, including best-selling novels, a recent TV series, and even a handful of popular films. Now, for the first time, this lovely text by ?mile Michel is paired with carefully curated selections from Rembrandt’s portfolio to illuminate the history and work of this celebrated master of light.
Calosse, Jp. A.
Brodskaya, Nathalia
Fra Angelico
Fra Angelico
Stephan Beissel
At the beginning of the fifteenth century, the Dominican convent of Fiesole had a lively intellectual atmosphere. The convent was founded in 1406 by the Blessed Giovanni di Dominici Bacchini, (who later became the Archbishop of Ragusa and, in 1419, a cardinal,) in order to reestablish the former discipline and strictness of the Dominican order in the spirit of Saint Dominic. Members of the observant monasteries were expected to consecrate themselves to the saving of souls not only through study, science, and preaching, but also through applied artistic labour. Exiled from Venice, Giovanni arrived in Città di Castello near Arezzo in 1399. From there he was summoned to preach in the cathedral of Florence for Lent. San Lapo Mazzei wrote to a friend after hearing one of Giovanni’s sermons, and summarized his impressions in the following terms, “I was at Santa Liparata (the cathedral) where a Dominican friar was supposed to preach, and where he did indeed preach. I assure you that I have ne
Greek Sculpture
Greek Sculpture
Edmund von Mach
The study of Greek sculpture was unknown two hundred and fifty years ago. Winckelmann1 was the first to study it, and to publish a book on the subject in 1755. The excavations in Pompeii and Herculaneum, the removal of the Parthenon sculptures to London by Lord Elgin, and above all, the regeneration of Greece and the subsequent rich finds in her soil, added zest to the continually growing interest in this new study.
Hans Memling
Hans Memling
Alfred Michiels
Eugène Müntz
米开朗基罗(Michelangelo)的名字不断浮现在西斯廷教堂、阿波罗、丘比特等数不计数的杰作中。在《意大利绘画》(The Italian Painting)这本书中,作者司汤达写道:“在古希腊风物和米开朗基罗之间,没有任何距离,除了或多或少技术娴熟的伪造物。”在《漫步罗马》(Promenade in Rome)一书中,沙特布莱表达了对《圣母怜子像》(Pieta)中那些精致的线条的崇敬之情。诸如司汤达等大连古欧秀的作家将米开朗基罗视为西方艺术复兴的大家之一。毫无疑问,米开朗基罗的作品经历住了时间的考验。在若干年后,米开朗基罗的作品何以能够揭示希腊先驱们的创造性来源?米开朗基罗是创造性的天才和超人,是意大利文艺复兴中无与伦比的艺术家,他的影响力和成就与达芬奇可相媲美。在这本著作中, Jean-Matthieu Gosselin探讨了米开朗基罗所有的身份:雕塑家、建筑师、画家和美术家。
Apollinaire, Guillaume;Eimert, Dorothea
Les Demoiselles d’Avignon: five young women that changed modern art forever. Faces seen simultaneously from the front and in profile, angular bodies whose once voluptuous feminine forms disappear behind asymmetric lines - with this work, Picasso revolutionised the entire history of painting. Cubism was thus born in 1907. Transforming natural forms into cylinders and cubes, painters like Juan Gris and Robert Delaunay, led by Braque and Picasso, imposed a new vision upon the world that was in total opposition to the principles of the Impressionists. Largely diffused in Europe, Cubism developed rapidly in successive phases that brought art history to all the richness of the 20th century: from the futurism of Boccioni to the abstraction of Kandinsky, from the suprematism of Malevich to the constructivism of Tatlin. Linking the core text of Guillaume Apollinaire with the studies of Dr. Dorothea Eimert, this work offers a new interpretation of modernity’s crucial moment, and permits the read