Russia's Struggle With Modernity 1815-1929
In 1917 Czarist Russia collapsed during the catastrophe of the First World War, but the tensions that had accumulated inside the empire for a century due to the challenges that modernisation presented were the real seeds of her undoing. The 19th Century was a battle for the soul of Russia, and it decided whether she would embrace liberal democracy and industrialisation like her contemporaries in Europe, or whether she would retreat into the past. In fact, she did both, and the human legacy of the disasters that followed is still being barely comprehended.

Explaining Nazi Germany
From the Explaining History series, this is a new ebook for students of Germany history designed to dispel the six most pervasive myths about the Third Reich and help students get to grips with the most common problems. Also check out the link for additional bonus material and a free six part modern history course.

Son of Tarzan
In this sequel to The Beasts of Tarzan, the Lord of the Apes' old nemesis (Alexis Paulvitch) lures Tarzan's son, Jack, to Africa, where he plans to kill him. His plan is foiled when Jack escapes with the help of Akut, the great ape. The pair flee to the jungle where Tarzan was raised a generation earlier, and Jack establishes his own reputation among the apes as Korak the Killer. He also rescues Meriem, a beautiful young woman, from a band of Arab raiders. She turns out to be the daughter of Armand Jacot, the Prince de Cadrenet, and is therefore a fitting mate for the son of Lord Greystoke.

Hitler, Ribbentrop and Britain
A fraudulent chancer, fantasist and con artist, Joachim Von Ribbentrop charmed Hitler and dominates the Fuhrer's inner circle for much of the 1930s. Hitler was totally taken in by the version of the world Ribbentrop presented to him, so much so that he became the Nazi leader's unofficial, then official ambassador, causing discord and diplomatic havoc wherever he went.This edition of Explaining History focuses on Hitler's first attempts to reshape the European order, by undermining the Treaty of Versailles, and attempting to build an alliance with Britain. It was an attempt doomed to failure, and fated to shape the nature of the coming war.

Reaction, Revolution and The Birth of Nazism
By the end of the First World War Germany was in a state of anarchy as rival political forces battled to determine her fate. Since Germany's birth in 1871 the ideas behind the revolution the broke out in 1918, socialism, communism, anarchism, had been countered by a growing reactionary nationalism, racism and anti-Semitism, and it would be in the crucible of war that these conflicting beliefs would finally clash. This ebook tells the story of the German Revolution of 1918, an often overlooked event that had consequences every bit as far reaching as its Russian counterpart in 1917. It is the first part in a series that will look at the German Century. Explaining History is a series of ebook titles dedicated to making 20th Century history accessible for all readers, ideal for enthusiasts, students and readers who want to know more.

Shaping The Ripples
Jack Bailey's life wasn't worth living - until someone tries to take it away. Scarred by his childhood, and working as a counsellor at a domestic crisis centre in York, Jack Bailey often thinks of ending what he sees as a worthless life. But when he is targeted by a ruthless serial killer, who seems determined to destroy every aspect of his life, he finds that maybe it is worth fighting for. With the police suspecting Jack is responsible for the gruesome killings, he is drawn into a deadly game of cat and mouse. Can he unmask and stop the killer before it is too late? Operating as both an exciting thriller and an exploration of to what extent we are shaped by our childhood experiences, this is a gripping and thought provoking read.

Sound Mixers
It's 1971 and rock and roll was at its height. Small-time Australian agent Wayne Zemmerman scored an unimaginable coup when he signs British supergroup Andromeda for a nationwide tour. Showbiz reporter Scottie McPherson smells a rat and starts his investigation. The Sound Mixers is a dramatic expose of the rock industry: fiction that reads like fact. A gripping story that moves at breathtaking pace to a devastating climax, Performers, promoters, manipulators, illusion creators - the characters which inhabit the world of rock'n'roll are ruthlessly dissected in an intricate plot full of shocks and suspense. Big business is the name of the game; a game in which the tough survive... but even then not always.

Church-going, Going, Gone!
In Church-going, Going, Gone! Michael Horan argues that although the Christian church in Britain may be in terminal decline, that is not to be equated with a national decline in spiritual values. Most if not all people have some level of awareness of what he calls the 'Other-than-oneself', even though they have rejected, or never accepted, the church's now outdated teaching. Church-going, Going, Gone! is concerned less with teaching than with learning. The book provides atheists, agnostics and believers-in-exile, as well as those who have given little thought to belief, with a framework for collaborating as learners, working toward equality, peace and reconciliation, and dedicated to unselfish and imaginative social action. A new movement of the human spirit is beginning.

Famous Prisoners of Wormwood Scrubs
Wormwood Scrubs is Britain's most 'media-soaked' prison. Its celebrity inmates have provided the tabloids with many good stories, from Rolling Stone Keith Richards - banged up for drugs offences - to notorious spy George Blake, whose escape enthralled the country. It has entertained the Master of the Queen's music, Sir Michael Tippett, socialist scrapper Fred Copeman, rebellious soul Pete Doherty, influential writer Joe Orton, lifetime litigant Lord Alfred Douglas, fraudster John Stonehouse and professional con Charles Bronson.In this book, you'll read about the forgotten, as well as the famous; the plain as well as the extraordinary. It is an enthralling gallery of rogues, liars, spies, mountebanks, lovers of courtroom strife and general, all-round villains who did anything to get rich.

Mrs Handbag and the Magic Seed
Emily had planted a tiny sunflower seed in her garden but it was not growing. So her Daddy took her to visit Mrs Handbag, a colourful lady with crazy hair and a sparkly dress. Could Mrs Handbag work some magic on Emily's seed? An ideal story for reading aloud to small children, with delightful colour illustrations.

How to Achieve Good Fortune
Is good fortune just a matter of luck? Or being born under the right star? In this compelling book, Murdo MacLeod shows how you can load the dice in your own favour. Murdo MacLeod's easy-to-follow programme demonstrates how to harness the power within you in order to achieve:material wealthperfect healthpersonal charmthe conquest of anxietyFirst published in 1932, How to Achieve Good Fortune is strikingly modern in its approach, not just in its promotion of the 'power of positive thinking', but also in the method of picturing what it is that you desire. Many of the ideas that Murdo MacLeod proposed have since been taken up in New Age philosophy, particularly the concept of 'Cosmic Mind'.

Me and My Hair
Good hair day? Bad hair day? Hair has always evoked strong emotions.In this fascinating book, Patricia Malcolmson examines how British women over the past 150 years have managed their hair, from the extravagant styles of the late nineteenth century to the 'anything goes' attitude of today, taking in along the way the daring bobs of the 1920s, the wartime styles of women in uniform, the slavish copying of Hollywood stars, the beehive, the hippy and the Goth. In Me and My Hair you'll hear the voices of women from around Britain talking about their hair - whether it's their longing to have 'Shirley Temple' curls, the visits of the nit nurse, their first home perm, roasting under hood dryers, going platinum blonde, hilarious experiments with hair extensions, or fears of going grey.

That's Racist!
Twenty-first century British kids are more comfortable with ethnic diversity than ever before. The 'mixed race' population is rising exponentially. In school playgrounds across Britain, kids are inventing a version of colour-blind, multi-ethnic interaction that should teach the adult world a thing or two - not least about the amazing, superdiverse generation that is to come.And yet, for over a decade, playgrounds and classrooms have endured unprecedented interference in the form of official racist-incident reporting, training on the importance of racial etiquette, and the reinforcement of racial identities. Such interference is viewed by modern day anti-racists as a necessary bulwark against the creeping influence of the far-right, 'Islamophobia', and more generally the supposed covert racism of the wider population. Many official policy documents written under the influence of this approach insist a failure to tackle racist behaviour at the earliest age will allow racism to incubate and grow. Here, 'racism' is something defined by the notion of what constitutes hate speech or wounding words. Often it can be detected from an entirely innocent phrase, so long as the phrase is perceived by the offence-taker or another party or policy as 'racist'.This mindset has, in recent years, permeated public discourse on the subject. Evidence of racism - such as a gaffe by a politician or celebrity, or a footballer's on-pitch insult - is always 'the tip of iceberg' (the moment that racist society breaks the surface and is revealed to all). The idea of a hidden mass of racists in our midst explains the advent of a racism-watch approach that turns up the attenuator and trawls the nooks and crannies of everyday life for tell-tale signs. Moreover, PC anti-racism synthesises many of today's worst cultural trends: the erosion of free speech and of adult moral authority; the elevation of victimhood and of identity politics (particularly the reinstatement of racial identity); the misanthropic view of rotten, vulnerable humanity (where the state becomes purifier); the cult of child protection and the emergence of a degraded and vulgar conception of child development.It is with some irony, then, that modern day anti-racism can be argued as having taken over from old-fashioned racism as the dominant racialising force in British society.

Out of Essex
Beyond the brash modern stereotypes of Essex there exists a landscape that has inspired some of England's finest writing. This book tracks the paths of those literary figures who have ventured into the wilder parts of Essex. Some are illustrious names: Shakespeare, Defoe, John Clare, Joseph Conrad, H. G. Wells, Arthur Ransome. Others may be lesser known but here are well remembered: Samuel Purchas, Sabine Baring-Gould, Margery Allingham, J. A. Baker. In ten chapters James Canton crosses five centuries into the furthest reaches of the county in search of writers and what can be seen of their work today. J. A. Baker follows the peregrines along the Chelmer valley to the Blackwater estuary at Maldon. John Clare wanders the hidden pathways of Epping Forest scribbling poetry while Arthur Ransome sails around the islands of the Hamford Waters. William Shakespeare appears in the woody glades beside Castle Hedingham, Joseph Conrad stares across the Essex marshes at Tilbury to the Thames, while Sabine Baring-Gould's Gothic heroine Mehalah lives upon a lone muddy stretch beside Mersea Island, where Margery Allingham sets her first tale of smuggling and murder; Daniel Defoe recounts the horror of the ague on the Dengie Peninsula; H. G. Wells writes a tale of the First World War from his home at Little Easton. Samuel Purchas tells such seafaring tales from his Southend vicarage as to inspire Samuel Taylor Coleridge to write Kubla Khan. Combining detailed literary detective work with personal responses to landscapes and their meanings, James Canton offers a fresh vision of Essex, its cultural history and its living legacy of wilderness and imagination.

Science in Civil Society
These days, science is everywhere. It pervades our whole society. Sometimes it is just a clutter of commonplace frivolities, like new fashion fabrics. Sometimes it miraculously preserves our life, like penicillin. Sometimes, like climate change, it looms over us as a portent of doom: sometimes it promises a way of escape from such a fate. Sometimes, like a nuclear warhead, it enshrouds us in political terror: sometimes, like a verification technology, it offers an antidote to such evils. How should we respond to this ambiguous and ubiquitous thing called science?

Crystal Palace Quiz Book
Is Crystal Palace your local football club? Are you a lifelong Palace supporter?Do you consider yourself to be an expert on the history of the Glaziers? If so, why not put your knowledge to the test with this exciting new quiz book all about Crystal Palace FC?The 250 questions have been carefully put together to cover all aspects of the club, with sections on legendary players, top goalscorers, memorable managers, nationalities and playing positions, awards and accolades, club records and much more. If you think you know all about Palace, then this quiz book will certainly put you through your paces.Packed full of fascinating facts, The Crystal Palace Quiz Book is a fun and easy way to learn more about the club's history and is perfect for football fans of all ages. This clever guide is certain to score a hit with all Palace supporters so why not take it along on match day and find out who really knows the most about your favourite football club.

1975 Referendum on Europe - Volume 2
Provides an analysis of the relationship between the UK and the EU, treating the key overarching issues in the 1975 referendum and looking ahead to the prospect (eventually) of further referendums on the subjects of EMU and a European constitution.

On The Buses Quiz Book
Are you a fan of On The Buses? Can you recall the many memorable characters who helped to turn the series into one of the best-loved British sitcoms of all time? Do you miss the uncensored humour and risque scripts of television past? If so, The On The Buses Quiz Book is certain to appeal to you. If you enjoyed the hilarious antics of Stan Butler (Reg Varney) and his family or Jack Harper (Bob Grant) and the long-suffering Inspector Blake (Stephen Lewis), take a trip down memory lane and find out how many of the 1,000 questions you can answer in this exciting new quiz book. With sections on the iconic characters, actors, writers, directors, producers and locations, this book covers the whole 'On The Buses' journey from inception through to the three spin-off feature films and follow-on series Don't Drink The Water.This book is for anyone who remembers On The Buses and would like to find out more about one of the most controversial and popular sitcoms ever to appear on British TV.

Middlesbrough Quiz Book
Do you support Middlesbrough FC? Is Boro your local team and do you regularly attend matches? Are you an expert on the players and managers who have played an important role in the club over the years? If so, the time has come find out how much you really know about your favourite football team with this new quiz book all about Middlesbrough FC?The 250 challenging questions have been designed to test your memory of all aspects of the club with sections on the all-time great players, nationalities, managers, top goalscorers, club honours and all the memorable wins, draws and losses. If you are up to date with events at Boro, or would like to know more, then this quiz book is certain to appeal to you.Fun and informativeThe Middlesbrough Quiz Book and is a good way for fans of all ages to learn more about the club's history. Perfect for match day, quiz night, sharing with family or for proving beyond all doubt who really knows the most about Boro.

How Many People Are There In My Head? And In Hers?
Makes the proposal that the only possible solution to the 'mind-brain' problem is that each nerve cell is conscious separately and that we have no other 'global' consciousness. This book explores the idea in an accessible way, while attempting to address fundamental issues of cell membrane biology and the nature of the observer.

Nature and Uses of Lotteries
Thomas Gataker was a disputatious Puritan divine. His The Nature and Uses of Lotteries (1627) was the first systematic exposition of a modern view of lotteries, not just as a form of gambling, but as a fair method of division. Gataker approved of these uses, but condemned divination and sorcery using random signs or spells. This important treatise is often referred to, but is generally inaccessible due to its rarity and old-style of language. The text of this edition has been fully modernised, with notes on important sources used by Gataker and includes a new introduction.