Ultimate Quiz Book Guide
Are you a quizmaster or planning to become one? Have you been charged with running an event at your local pub for the first time? Or are you an experienced quizmaster looking for new material? Whatever your motivation for buying this book The Ultimate Quiz Book Guide will provide you with fresh ideas and tell you everything you need to know about running a successful quiz. With advice and tips from experienced quizmaster, Joe Varley, this book explains how to organise a quiz from beginning to end. There are sections on preparation, tools and location; the business end, writing and researching the questions; on the day; dealing with hecklers; dos and don'ts; different quiz formats and how to organise picture rounds as well as 36 readymade quizzes compiled by the author. Whether you are a seasoned quizmaster or completely new to running quizzes The Ultimate Quiz Book Guide contains everything you need to run an enjoyable and memorable quiz that will leave the participants eagerly anticipating your next event.

Second Book of Short Stories
The second book in the Short Stories by Lyn Funnell series of easy reading stories that cover a variety of situations, places and characters. A Head of His Time, Just Once More, Nelly the Pig, Virtie and more will keep you entertained while your on the move, enjoying a quite Sunday or reading in bed.

Tarnished Hairpin
A thrilling debut novel from John Smalldridge.The Tarnished Hairpin is the story of Adam and Eve and their excursion into the unknown world outside of the Garden of Eden. A mixture of characters, views,religion,trials and tribulations, love and war make this book a compelling read.

Character-Centred Leadership
This book promotes excellence in the practice of leadership to inspire leaders, emerging leaders, and students of leadership to become active participants in shaping their own future and the future of others.

Alone in the Crowd
Alone in the Crowd discusses the identity of nineteenth-century Paris, one of the most widely imaged cities in the modern world, whose most enduring attribute is that of a city of spectacle - a city of the pleasure of looking and being looked at simultaneously. Did Haussmann's re-figuring of the city, with its unrelenting straight boulevards, stirring vistas and uniform buildings, create a 'mass produced' image of Paris? If so, who benefited - and who lost out - in the construction of this new identity? Did the boulevards represent dystopia as well as utopia?

Planning for Learning through The Twelve Days of Christmas
Plan for six weeks of learning covering all six areas of learning and development of the EYFS through the topic of the twelve days of Christmas. The Planning for Learning series is a series of topic books written around the Early Years Foundation Stage designed to make planning easy. This book takes you through 12 days of activities on the theme of the 12 days of Christmas. Each activity is linked to a specific Early Learning Goal, and the book contains a skills overview so that practitioners can keep track of which areas of learning and development they are promoting. This book also includes a photocopiable page to give to parents with ideas for them to get involved with their children's topic, as well as ideas for bringing the six weeks of learning together. The weekly themes in this book include: ideas for advent, the Christmas story, Christmas cards and decorations, and organising your very own Christmas party.

EgyptQuest - The Lost Treasure of The Pyramids
Visit Ancient Egypt for the adventure of a lifetime in this fantastic and at times hilarious thriller from the international superselling gamebook author of the GrailQuest series, Herbie Brennan. In this interactive eBook, you get to choose your own path through the adventure, exploring the pyramids and making your own destiny. Dare you brave the mysteries of ancient Egypt?

Moral Mind
The reality and validity of the moral sense - which ordinary people take for granted - took a battering in the last century. Materialist trends in philosophy, decline in religious faith, and a loosening of traditional moral constraints contributed to a shift in public attitudes, with many decent honest folk both aware of a questioning of moral claims and uneasy with a world that has no place for the moral dimension. Haslam shows how important the moral sense is to the human personality and exposes the weakness in much current thinking that suggests otherwise. His goal is to help the reader to a mature and confident understanding of the moral mind, which constitutes an essential part of what it is to be human.

Exploring the History of Lee-on-the-Solent
Walking around Lee-on-the-Solent provides tantalising glimpses into its past - whether it's the balconied Victorian buildings in Pier Street, the Art Deco frontages above the shops in Marine Parade West, the airfield with its gliders soaring peacefully overhead, the hovercraft museum, the sight of yachts on the sparkling waters of the Solent, or the lengthy list of names on the War Memorial. And perhaps you remember, or have heard talk of, the Tower with its ballroom and cinema, the Pier Hotel in its heyday, and the outdoor swimming pool?But what's the real story behind the history of Lee-on-the-Solent? Whether you are a resident or a visitor, you are bound to discover something new in this fascinating account. Why would Isle of Wight monks build a windmill at Lee? Why would you have needed the help of the baker's boy if you wanted to get a train at Elmore Halt? What was on offer at Bulson's Stores and Pleasure Retreat? Why was a rainstorm so popular at the Anglican church? Why did the last two Englishmen to fight a duel choose Browndown as the venue? What made prefabs the envy of many residents? And why was a patch of grass in the wildgrounds always tended in the shape of a cross? You'll find the answer to these questions and many more in Exploring the History of Lee-on-the-Solent.Best of all, you'll discover why you should raise a glass to John Robinson, the Victorian entrepreneur without whom Lee-on-the-Solent would surely not exist.

When Sebastian says he wants to travel, the other toys suggest a trip to the North Pole or the Equator. But Sebastian is just a teddy-bear: how could he possibly go around the world on his own? Fate steps in, and soon he is on an adventure that takes him first to Paris and then on a train bound for Russia. Along the way, he has his portrait painted, joins a circus, becomes a magician's assistant, and is mistaken for the Abominable Snowman.

This classic work from Elizabth Gaskell has been specially formatted for today's e-readers. This excellent tale is set in a small rural town, inhabited largely by women - a community that runs on co-operation and gossip. The central characters are the daughters of the former rector: Miss Deborah Jenkyns and her sister Miss Matty. In the saga, domestic peace is constantly threatened by financial disaster, burglaries (or are they?), tragic accidents, and the re-apparance of long-lost relatives.

Hair-Raising Kite Flight
Harey and his friends, including Pillow, the parrot, go out flying their kite dangerously close to an electricity pylon with disastrous results.

Mousey Mousey
Three fabulous stories for children aged four to 10 about a delightful little mouse called Mousey Mouse,whose favourite colour is pink.Children are finding Mousey Mousey as cute as the little mouse in Julia Donaldson's The Gruffalo and even more magical than Jacqueline Wilson's Glubbslyme. No wonder Heather Flood's book is being acclaimed as the best for young children since Enid Blyton's Noddy and Beatrix Potter's The Tales of Peter Rabbit.In the first story Mousey Mousey has her world turned upside down by a naughty witch called Agatha, who comes for tea and changes all her pink things into black or purple. A heartbroken Mousey Mousey is horrified when the witch's daughter Bernice also visits her cottage and asks if she can have some tea, too. Should she let the young witch in? The second story tells how Mousey Mousey is kidnapped by a giant, who Bernice has turned into a huge parrot. Can she count on Bernice - or even Agatha - to come to her rescue? The third story is about a village fete being held by Mousey Mousey and her friends Ben Badger, Rachel Rabbit and Molly Mole - their wonderful day is in danger of being wrecked when Agatha turns up. The charming Mousey Mousey may be small and gentle, but she is determined that good should triumph over bad - no wonder she is being hailed as the new Hello Kitty, a fantasy character idolised by young children throughout the word. Three fabulous stories for children aged four to 10 about a delightful little mouse called Mousey Mouse,whose favourite colour is pink. In the first story Mousey Mousey has her world turned upside down by a naughty witch called Agatha, who comes for tea and changes all her pink things into black or purple. A heartbroken Mousey Mousey is horrified when the witch's daughter Bernice also visits her cottage and asks if she can have some tea, too. Should she let the young witch in? The second story tells how Mousey Mousey is kidnapped by a giant, who Bernice has turned into a huge parrot. Can she count on Bernice - or even Agatha - to come to her rescue? The third story is about a village fete being held by Mousey Mousey and her friends Ben Badger, Rachel Rabbit and Molly Mole - their wonderful day is in danger of being wrecked when Agatha turns up.The charming Mousey Mousey may be small and gentle, but she is determined that good should triumph over bad - she is even being hailed as the mouse world's answer to Hello Kitty, a fantasy character idolised by young children world-wide.

British Crime and Prison Quiz Book
Will you be held at gunpoint and find yourself reaching for the panic button or will you be laughing all the way to the bank as you try to answer this quiz book's 450 testing questions cunningly prepared by former London gangster and nowadays best-selling celebrity author and film-maker Dave Courtney and ex-prison officer Jim Dawkins? Covering all aspects of the British underworld and the heroes and villains that have grabbed media attention and stirred up public interest and imagination, this book is as much an educational treasure trove as it is a quiz book. With a fitting foreword by Charles Bronson, this is definitely a quiz book with an encyclopaedic twist and is guaranteed to provoke hours of reminiscing and discussion about the daring escapades and notorious characters that have stamped an indelible mark on the British crime scene.

Kelly was an ordinary and honourable man, stuck in a boring job as an office clerk in London, with little that made him stand out in a crowd in terms of either personality, looks or dress, but he did have one talent that set him apart - he was a poet.

Knowledge Monopolies
Historians and sociologists chart the consequences of the expansion of knowledge; philosophers of science examine the causes. This book bridges the gap. The focus is on 'academisation' - the paradox whereby, as the general public becomes better educated to live and work with knowledge, the 'academy' increases its intellectual distance from the public, so that the nature of social and natural reality becomes more rather than less obscure.

To call someone a reactionary is to insult them and to end any argument. There is no possible rejoinder: no one could possibly wish to be a reactionary. But what if one were to gratefully accept the label? What would it mean to wilfully and honestly be a reactionary? Referencing thinkers as diverse as Burke, de Maistre, Guenon, Ratzinger, Scruton and the Prince of Wales this book considers the nature of reaction as a justified response to modernity and the constant call for change. Reaction is shown to take two distinct forms: first, as a rejection of progress and a defence of traditional culture and values; and second, as a common sense disquiet and distaste towards elites. These are seen as entirely valid responses to the failure of modernity. 'Reaction' presents an original and thoughtful critique of modernity and a defence of tradition. It will be of interest to anyone concerned that we are heading too far and too quickly in the wrong direction.

Mendacious Colours of Democracy
Politics is a noble, but also a dirty, business. To gain election - and retain office - in a democratic system, politicians are frequently compelled to be dishonest. They engage in benevolent lying because obstruction by stupid voters will otherwise stop them advancing the national interest as they see it.'So claims the author of this eye-opening book, which straddles politics, philosophy, morality and economics. Alex Rubner's own background as an economist advising policy-makers gives authority to his words and a personal dimension to his illustrations.

Putting Morality Back into Politics
Machiavelli almost succeeded in removing morality from European politics and, indeed, since his day it has sometimes been assumed that morality and politics are separate. Ryder argues that the time has come for public policies to be seen to be based upon moral objectives. Politicians should be expected routinely to justify their policies with open moral argument.In Part I, Ryder sketches an overview of contemporary political philosophy as it relates to the moral basis for politics, and Part 2 suggests a way of putting morality back into politics, along with a clearer emphasis upon scientific evidence.

Francis Hutcheson
Known today mainly as a teacher of Adam Smith (1723-90) and an influence on David Hume (1711-76), Francis Hutcheson (1694-1746) was a first-rate thinker whose work deserves study on its own merit. While his most important contribution to the history of ideas was likely his theory of an innate sense of morality, Hutcheson also wrote on a wide variety of other subjects, including art, psychology, law, politics, economics, metaphysics, and logic. Spanning his entire literary career, this collection brings together selections from Hutcheson's greater and lesser known works, including his youthful "e;Thoughts"e; (1725) on Thomas Hobbes' (1588-1679) egoistic theory of laughter.

Starting with A collection of Stories and Poems
This innovative and flexible series of five books, is specifically designed to support and develop a child's personal, social and emotional wellbeing through stories and poems with links to PSED in the EYFS, the Citizenship and PSHE curriculum in KS1 and the SEAL programme