

Az elhallgatás
Az elhallgatás
Fenákel Judit
A t?kéletes lány. A t?kéletes barátn?. A t?kéletes gyilkosság? Jenna nagyon beteg. Minden reményét elvesztette egy új szívre, amellyel tovább élhet. Már kihunyna bel?le az élet, amikor megkapja egy Callie nev? lány szívét. Vajon ki volt a donor, és hogyan halt meg? Jenna elhatározza, hogy utána jár a dolognak. Minél k?zelebb kerül azokhoz, akik szerették Callie-t, annál t?bb kérdés merül fel a lány korai halálával kapcsolatban. Valaki biztosan tudja, mi t?rtént. Miért hallgatnak, miért nem beszél senki? Jenna k?zel jár az igazság felderítéséhez, de cserébe elveszítheti mindenét a szeretteit, a józan eszét, s?t az életét. Louise Jensen, A n?vér világsiker? szerz?je újabb lebilincsel?en izgalmas, és félelmetes pszichológiai thrillert alkotott..
Leonardo Da Vinci (His Art & Mind): "Illustrated with Eight Reproductions in Col
Leonardo Da Vinci (His Art & Mind): "Illustrated with Eight Reproductions in Col
Maurice W. Brockwell
The Primrose Path was written in the year 1922 by David Herbert Lawrence. This book is one of the most popular novels of David Herbert Lawrence, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
The Adventures of Gerard
The Adventures of Gerard
Arthur Conan Doyle
The Daughter of Brahma was written in the year 1912 by Ida Alexa Ross Wylie. This book is one of the most popular novels of Ida Alexa Ross Wylie, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
Old Greek Folk Stories Told Anew
Old Greek Folk Stories Told Anew
Peabody, Josephine
A fantastic collection of 22 ancient greek legends, compiled and adapted by American poet and dramatist Josephine Peabody.
On Calvinism
On Calvinism
Hull, William
A fascinating work by the Reverend William Hull arguing against the tenets of Calvinism, a reformation of theological thinking that came out of the confessional and ecclesiastical debates of the 16th century.
One of the 28th
One of the 28th
Henty, G. A.
A wonderful classic novel set during the events of Sunday 18th of June 1815 - the Battle of Waterloo.From the author's preface:Although in the present story a boy plays the principal part, and encounters many adventures by land and sea, a woman is the real heroine, and the part she played demanded an amount of nerve and courage fully equal to that necessary for those who take part in active warfare. Boys are rather apt to think, mistakenly, that their sex has a monopoly of courage, but I believe that in moments of great peril women are to the full as brave and as collected as men. Indeed, my own somewhat extensive experience leads me to go even further, and to assert that among a civil population, untrained to arms, the average woman is cooler and more courageous than the average man. Women are nervous about little matters; they may be frightened at a mouse or at a spider; but in the presence of real danger, when shells are bursting in the streets, and rifle bullets flying thickly, I have seen them standing kitting at their doors and talking to their friends across the street when not a single man was to be seen.
On Snake-Poison
On Snake-Poison
Mueller, A.
A fascinating study of the actions and antidotes of snake poison, including many case studies. Written by late-19th century physician Dr A. Mueller, who was the first to introduce strychnine injections to treat snake bites.
Violet Fairy Book
Violet Fairy Book
Lang, Andrew
Thirty-five traditional fairytales collated by famed anthropologist Andrew Lang, as one of his series of "e;Coloured"e; Fairy Books. Contains many forgotten classics like Schippeitaro, The Child Who Came From an Egg and How a Fish Swam in the Air.
It Might Have Been
It Might Have Been
Holt, Emily Sarah
Remember, remember the fifth of November,the gunpowder treason and plot.I see no reason why the gunpowder treasonshould ever be forgot.A fantastic fictionalisation of the famous gunpowder plot, where Guy Fawkes and his band of conspirators hatched a daring plan to blow up the Houses of Parliament.
Scott, Sir Walter
This classic novel by Sir Walter Scott has been enjoyed by readers around the world for over 190 years.Often cited for its influence over the formation of the Romanticism movement, this historical fiction is undoubtably one of the English classic greats.
History of Modern Philosophy
History of Modern Philosophy
Falckenberg, Richard
Richard Falckenberg's fantastic work on the history of philosophy from Nicholas of Cusa (the 15th century Catholic cardinal) up to the end of the 19th century.
Jamie Tales
Jamie Tales
Bythell, Marian
Jamie, the bearded collie, is besotted by a beautiful white poodle called Fifi, and when she sails away to France he is heartbroken. But not for long. A very pretty collie catches his eye, and Jamie is his happy-go-lucky, irrepressible self once again. Here are four new Jamie tales, written in rhyme, and as usual Jamie is spilling over with energy and fun.
John Bunyan
John Bunyan
Venables, Edmund
A fascinating biography of John Bunyan, the Christian writer and preacher famous for his work 'The Pilgrim's Progress', written by the historian and literary scholar Edmund Venables.
John Knox
John Knox
Innes, Alexander Taylor
A fascinating biography from the "e;Famous Scots Series"e;, written by famed church historian Alexander Taylor Innes about the 16th century Protestant Reformationist John Knox.
Billy and Ben on the Farm
Billy and Ben on the Farm
Marian, Bythell
The naughty twins, Billy and Ben, are up to mischief on their grandparents' farm where they live, and Scamp, the farm dog, is always ready to join in with their life of fun and adventure. This beautifully illustrated children's story book contains three stories featuring Billy and Ben and their adventures, which will entertain young children and give them an idea about the way of life on a farm in the country. The stories are short and therefore ideal for bedtime reading, both by adults and older children, and also for those learning to read or perhaps keen to improve their reading skills.
King Solomon's Mines
King Solomon's Mines
Haggard, H. Rider
Written in 1885 by Sir H Rider Haggard, it immediately became a best seller.The story is about a group of explorers who are searching in a remote part of Africa for the brother of one of the party, led by Allan Quartermain.At the time of publication, exploration to remote parts of the world was in its prime and this book was the first to reflect this and therefore set the standard.
Little Dorrit
Little Dorrit
Dickens, Charles
This classic Dickens novel has been enjoyed around the world for over 150 years.Like much of Dickens' work, Little Dorrit is a social criticism, focusing on the injustices of the debtors' prisons, and of the bureaucracy of the British Treasury.
Double Trouble
Double Trouble
Bythell, Marian
One Sunday the snow is so deep in the lane that even the tractor can't get through. It looks as though Billy and Ben will have to miss church. Instead they help Dad to collect firewood and then they sit round the farmhouse fire while Grandma reads to them from her Bible. She tells them the story of Mary and Joseph's arrival in Bethlehem when there was no room for them at the inn and Jesus had to be born in a humble stable. Suddenly there is a knock at the door of Honeysuckle Farm and when Dad opens the door they see an old man shivering in the yard.
Austen, Jane
Jane Austen's last novel published in 1816.The story is about Anne Elliot who falls in love with a naval officer and her family force her to abandon the relationship.They then meet again, Ann is now 27 and still unmarried and the story continues in Bath.
McCabe Mowat, Ashley
CRAMES are practical, easy-to-use creative games that get children thinking creatively. The stimulating trigger questions develop problem solving and creative thinking skills in activities that take as little as five minutes a day. No preparation is needed, just the willingness to think creatively. Trigger questions range from EWhat if the sea turned everything it touched red?E and 'How many things can you think of that squeak?E to EHow is a museum like a story?E and EWould you rather be a picture or a fish tank? Why?ECreative thinking is a necessary tool for survival and success in today's world. Playing CRAMES will add variety to your day and help you and your pupils break out of your usual mind-set and lead you down the path of looking at the world through creative-coloured glasses!
Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Caine, Thomas Henry
Taken from the first published biography of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, this text takes a fascinating look at the life and works of the eminent English poet, illustrator, painter and translator.