

Mental and Physical Endurance: How to reach your physical and mental peak
Mental and Physical Endurance: How to reach your physical and mental peak
Alexander Stilwell
Most of us know that we are not exercising our minds and bodies as much as we should. The Elite Forces Manual of Mental and Physical Endurance uses techniques developed by special forces units to train their recruits to show how we can improve our mental and physical fitness. The book is a detailed examination of what it takes to become as fit as a special forces soldier, taking a holistic view of the body and mind. It is equally important to focus on diet, rest patterns and mental discipline as it is to concentrate on physical exercises. Using simple steps, the book shows the reader how they can build up their endurance over a matter of weeks and months, and how their quality of life will benefit. Like elite soldiers, top athletes need the spur of competition to achieve their greatest successes, and The Elite Forces Manual of Mental and Physical Endurance demonstrates how you can gain the psychological edge over your opponent. Whether you are competing in unarmed combat sports, running a marathon or just looking to get ahead, the book has helpful and practical advice for you. Using photographs and artworks, The Elite Forces Manual of Mental and Physical Endurance shows how special forces units such as the SAS and Delta Force stretch themselves mentally and physically, giving the reader the opportunity to train as they do in easy-to-follow steps to reach their peak of mental and physical strength.
San-Antonio. Urm?ri?i, prinde?i ?i aduce?i whisky-ul
San-Antonio. Urm?ri?i, prinde?i ?i aduce?i whisky-ul
Dard Frédéric
Planul sigur ca s? scapi pentru totdeauna de kilogramele ?n plus Fie c? vrei s? scapi de 2-3 kilograme sau de 20, acest plan va da rezultate spectaculoase. Vei sl?bi ?n jur de un kilogram de la o zi la alta, stimul?ndu-?i metabolismul cu shake-uri s??ioase, ?n Programul de o zi. Organismul t?u va continua s? ard? gr?simi ?n Programul de ?ase zile, cu un plan alimentar din care fac parte multe feluri delicioase, inclusiv gust?ri ?i desert. Exerci?iile fizice recomandate intensific? arderile, red?nd fermitate corpului t?u pe m?sur? ce kilogramele se topesc. Planul recomandat de Dr. Caroline Apovian te va ajuta: S? sl?be?ti peste noapte p?n? la 3,5 kilograme ?n prima s?pt?m?n? S? reduci reten?ia de ap? ?i balonarea S?-?i men?ii musculatura supl? S? ?ii foamea la distan?? S? nu ajungi ?n faza de platou S? te sim?i mai s?n?toas? ca oric?nd Cum s? sl?be?ti peste noapte nu este o carte oarecare printre c?r?ile de sl?bit, ci CARTEA destinat? celor care vor cu adev?rat s? sl?beasc? foarte repede ?i ?n modul cel mai s?n?tos ?i durabil. – Dr. GEORGE L. BLACKBURN, membru asociat al Departamentului de Nutri?ie ?i ?ef al catedrei de Nutri?ie medical? de la Facultatea de Medicin? a Universit??ii Harvard Reperul suprem pentru oricine ?ncearc? s? sl?beasc?. Aceast? diet? unic? ofer? ceea ce caut? cu disperare to?i cei care ?in un regim de sl?bit: un plan u?or de urmat pentru a sl?bi repede ?i mult, cu rezultate durabile, ?mbun?t??indu-?i ?n acela?i timp starea de s?n?tate ?i devenind mai longevivi. ?i este prima astfel de carte care cucere?te ?i ultima redut? ?n lupta cu kilogramele: aceea a men?inerii unei mase musculare suple. – Dr. LOUIS J. ARONNE, profesor de medicin? la Weill Cornell Medical College / New York Presbyterian Hospital ?i autor al c?r?ii The Skinny, bestseller New York Times
San-Antonio. Bravo, doctore Béru!
San-Antonio. Bravo, doctore Béru!
Dard Frédéric
O nara?iune ?tiin?ific? fascinant?, care exploreaz? urm?toarea frontier? a medicinei ?i geneticii prin prisma extrem de personal? a copiilor ?i a familiilor pe care terapia genic? i-a afectat. B?iatul de opt ani Corey Haas era aproape orb ca urmare a unei boli ereditare c?nd vederea i-a fost restabilit? printr-o procedur? delicat?, care a f?cut istorie. Ca ?ntr-un roman SF, doctorii au injectat cu mare grij? ?n ADN-ul din ochii b?iatului viru?i purt?tori de gene vindec?toare. Dup? c?teva zile, Corey putea s? vad?, terapia genic? ajut?ndu-l s?-?i recapete vederea. Vindecat pentru totdeauna este prima carte care relateaz? povestea fascinant? a terapiei genice: cum func?ioneaz?, care sunt fundamentele ?tiin?ifice ale metodei, cum au fost ajuta?i sau v?t?ma?i pacien?ii (?n majoritate copii) ?i cum au ?nv??at oamenii de ?tiin?? din fiecare experiment s? se apropie pas cu pas de promisiunea imens? a unui ?tratament definitiv“ care, rezolv?nd problemele la originea lor genetic?, s? nu mai necesite alte opera?ii chirurgicale sau medicamente. Spus? prin vocile copiilor ?i familiilor care au fost surse de inspira?ie, subiecte experimentale ?i succese ale ?tiin?ei geneticii, Vindecat pentru totdeauna vorbe?te ?n mod conving?tor ?i captivant despre viitorul medicinei. ?n acest studiu impresionant, meticulos documentat, al ultimelor evolu?ii captivante din terapia genic?, geneticiana ?i jurnalista pe teme medicale Ricki Lewis (autoarea c?r?ii Human Genetics) analizeaz? ?ndeaproape momentele dificile din istoria trat?rii bolilor genetice rare, precum ?i progresele de ultim? or?. Dup? cum relateaz? autoarea ?n aceast? lucrare riguroas? ?i plin? de energie, cu fiecare nou succes, vindecarea infec?iei HIV ?i a altor zeci de boli devine o posibilitate tot mai apropiat?. -- Publisher’s Weekly Ricki Lewis a scris o carte remarcabil? care surprinde momentele de v?rf ame?itoare ?i c?derile devastatoare ale terapiei genice din ultimul deceniu, d?nd cuv?ntul tuturor p?r?ilor implicate – bravilor pacien?i voluntari, p?rin?ilor acestora ?i medicilor. -- Kevin Davies, redactor fondator al publica?iei Nature Genetics, autor al c?r?ilor The $1,000 Genome ?i Cracking the Genome
?g veled
?g veled
Leiner Laura
Egy olyan asszony, n?, feleség vagyok, aki mindennél jobban szeretné egy babával megajándékozni férjét, családját és ?nmagát. De valahol homokszem került a gépezetbe. Err?l a homokszemr?l és az ebb?l adódó kalandokról szól a k?nyvem. Igyekszem minél életszagúbban leírni saját t?rténetemen keresztül, hogyan is jutunk életünk ezen szakaszában egyr?l a kett?re. Hogyan is lehet megküzdeni ilyenkor az arctalan démonnal, kinek neve: medd?ség. Ezt a k?nyvet a leend? anyáknak írom, és akik segíteni akarják ?ket, hogy anyává válhassanak. Remélem, átsegít benneteket útmutatásom ezen a küzdelmes id?szakon! Mihamarabbi eredményes megoldást kívánok nektek!
Jók és rosszak iskolája
Jók és rosszak iskolája
Soman Chainani
Разнообразные салаты и закуски Сочное жаркое и паштеты Наваристые супы Румяные отбивные и котлеты Сытные запеканки и жюльены Пышные пироги и др. Что вкусного и полезного подать на ужин Чем порадовать неожиданных гостей Какой доступный продукт станет основой для массы аппетитных и всевозможных блюд Конечно же курица! Открывайте книгу и убедитесь сами! Нежнейшие отбивные, ароматные котлетки, окорочка гриль с золотистой корочкой, хрустящие наггетсы, аппетитное филе с грибами, овощами и фруктами, куриные запеканки с тающей сырной корочкой, фаршированная курочка с самыми разными начинками! Блюда, приготовленные по рецептам книги, украсят и повседневный, и праздничный стол. Raznoobraznye salaty i zakuski Sochnoe zharkoe i pashtety Navaristye supy Rumjanye otbivnye i kotlety Sytnye zapekanki i zhjul'eny Pyshnye pirogi i dr. Chto vkusnogo i poleznogo podat' na uzhin Chem poradovat' neozhidannyh gostej Kakoj dostupnyj produkt stanet osnovoj dlja massy appetitnyh i vsevozmozhnyh bljud Konechno zhe kurica! Otkryvajte knigu i ubedites' sami! Nezhnejshie otbivnye, aromatnye kotletki, okorochka gril' s zolotistoj korochkoj, hrustjashhie naggetsy, appetitnoe file s gribami, ovoshhami i fruktami, kurinye zapekanki s tajushhej syrnoj korochkoj, farshirovannaja kurochka s samymi raznymi nachinkami! Bljuda, prigotovlennye po receptam knigi, ukrasjat i povsednevnyj, i prazdnichnyj stol.
Re?eta fericirii. Schimb? ceea ce faci, nu felul ?n care g?nde?ti
Re?eta fericirii. Schimb? ceea ce faci, nu felul ?n care g?nde?ti
Paul Dolan
Тающие во рту блинчики, хрустящие вафли, нежные оладьи! ? Шоколадные блинчики с вишней ? Налистники с творогом ? Драники с ветчиной и сыром ? Вафли с грудинкой ? Сырники со сгущенкой ? Блинчики-мешочки с грибами ? Тыквенные оладьи ? Печеночные оладьи ? Яблочные оладьи с грушами ? Блинные рулетики на шпажках и еще более 60 рецептов! Прекрасные фотографии вдохновят вас на приготовление своих кулинарных шедевров! Tajushhie vo rtu blinchiki, hrustjashhie vafli, nezhnye olad'i! ? Shokoladnye blinchiki s vishnej ? Nalistniki s tvorogom ? Draniki s vetchinoj i syrom ? Vafli s grudinkoj ? Syrniki so sgushhenkoj ? Blinchiki-meshochki s gribami ? Tykvennye olad'i ? Pechenochnye olad'i ? Jablochnye olad'i s grushami ? Blinnye ruletiki na shpazhkah i eshhe bolee 60 receptov! Prekrasnye fotografii vdohnovjat vas na prigotovlenie svoih kulinarnyh shedevrov!
Tüzemb?l lángot
Tüzemb?l lángot
C. Cordwainer
Использование этих рецептов поможет хозяйкам экономить время и силы и при этом разнообразить меню вкусными и полезными блюдами. Просто поместите подготовленные продукты в духовку, мультиварку или гриль — и обед приготовится без вашего участия! Аппетитная свинина под сырной корочкой.Ароматное жаркое с белыми грибами.Курица в сливочном соусе с овощами.Фаршированная утка.Телятина с пряной корочкой.Нежный мясной рулет.Рассыпчатая гречневая каша с куриными сердечками.Сытная картофельная запеканка.Пикантные баклажаны с лимоном и чесноком.Яблочно-ореховый кекс и др. Любителей отдыха на природе порадуют рецепты для гриля, особенно актуальные в летний сезон, — шашлык, рыбные стейки, куриные крылышки, кебаб, запеченные овощи и др.Ispol'zovanie jetih receptov pomozhet hozjajkam jekonomit' vremja i sily i pri jetom raznoobrazit' menju vkusnymi i poleznymi bljudami. Prosto pomestite podgotovlennye produkty v duhovku, mul'tivarku ili gril' — i obed prigotovitsja bez vashego uchastija! Appetitnaja svinina pod syrnoj korochkoj.Aromatnoe zharkoe s belymi gribami.Kurica v slivochnom souse s ovoshhami.Farshirovannaja utka.Teljatina s prjanoj korochkoj.Nezhnyj mjasnoj rulet.Rassypchataja grechnevaja kasha s kurinymi serdechkami.Sytnaja kartofel'naja zapekanka.Pikantnye baklazhany s limonom i chesnokom.Jablochno-orehovyj keks i dr. Ljubitelej otdyha na prirode poradujut recepty dlja grilja, osobenno aktual'nye v letnij sezon, — shashlyk, rybnye stejki, kurinye krylyshki, kebab, zapechennye ovoshhi i dr.
Meghívó nászútra
Meghívó nászútra
Egri Zsanna
Сладкая и закусочная выпечка для будней и праздников. С этой книгой вы приготовите домашнюю выпечку быстро и вкусно. Используя лаваш, готовое дрожжевое и слоеное тесто, можно приготовить невероятное количество закусочных и сладких блюд: ягодные пироги, слойки, круассаны к чаю, пиццу и конверты из лаваша для быстрого ужина, пирожки и ватрушки для перекуса, быстрый ?Наполеон?, штрудели, пахлаву и пирожные к праздничному столу. Подробное описание, пошаговые инструкции и красочные фотографии – все это вы найдете под обложкой настоящего издания. Выпекайте с удовольствием! Sladkaja i zakusochnaja vypechka dlja budnej i prazdnikov. S jetoj knigoj vy prigotovite domashnjuju vypechku bystro i vkusno. Ispol'zuja lavash, gotovoe drozhzhevoe i sloenoe testo, mozhno prigotovit' neverojatnoe kolichestvo zakusochnyh i sladkih bljud: jagodnye pirogi, slojki, kruassany k chaju, piccu i konverty iz lavasha dlja bystrogo uzhina, pirozhki i vatrushki dlja perekusa, bystryj ?Napoleon?, shtrudeli, pahlavu i pirozhnye k prazdnichnomu stolu. Podrobnoe opisanie, poshagovye instrukcii i krasochnye fotografii – vse jeto vy najdete pod oblozhkoj nastojashhego izdanija. Vypekajte s udovol'stviem!
Emeril at the Grill
Emeril at the Grill
Lagasse, Emeril
If you know Emeril, you know that he always takes cooking to the next level. And when it comes to grilling, that means that instead of hamburgers he's making Pork and Chorizo Burgers with Green Chile Mayo. Instead of corn on the cob, he's got Grilled Corn with Cheese and Chile. Anyone can grill a chicken, but only Emeril would come up with Northern Italian–Style Chicken Under a Brick (yes—a brick!). And while we all love peach pie, how about Grilled Peaches with Mascarpone and Honey?You've never grilled like this before. The 158 recipes in this book are easy, fast, and make every meal a party. And why should grilling happen only in the summerEmeril at the Grill is full of techniques for both indoor and outdoor cooking, so you can keep the party going all year round. From drinks (Watermelon Margaritas) to meats (Grilled Marinated Flank Steak with Chimichurri Sauce, anyone?), from salads (Watercress, Avocado, and Mango Salad) to desserts (ever grill a banana split?), this is a grilling book like no other.
The Big Sur Bakery Cookbook
The Big Sur Bakery Cookbook
Wojtowicz, Michelle
Here from the celebrated California restaurant Big Sur Bakery is a stunningly photographed cookbook showcasing seasonal ingredients, local vintners, fishermen, and farmers—and the food that makes the Big Sur Bakery unique.Tucked behind a gas station off California's legendary Highway 1, the Big Sur Bakery is easy to miss. But don't be fooled by its unassuming location—stumbling across the Bakery, as countless visitors have done on their way up and down the Pacific Coast, will make you feel as if you've discovered a secret: a gem of a restaurant where the food, people, and atmosphere meld together in a perfect embodiment of the spirit of Big Sur.The three restaurant owners, chef Philip Wojtowicz, baker Michelle Wojtowicz, and host Michael Gilson, escaped the Los Angeles food scene to create their version of the ideal restaurant, nestled in the heart of some of the most beautiful country in the world. This is simple, wood-fired American cooking at its best, executed in a way that lets the ingredients—seasonal and often locally produced—shine. Weekend brunches feature thick, nine-grain pancakes and savory breakfast pizza topped with crisp bacon, fresh herbs, and pasture-raised eggs. At night, Phil offers classics like Grilled Prime Rib Steak with Red Wine Sauce along with twists on traditional favorites like Venison Osso Buco or Rockfish Scampi. And every meal should end with one of Michelle's great desserts, whether it's a homemade Peppermint Ice Cream Sundae or Hazelnut Flan with Roasted Cherries.But this is more than a cookbook; it's a yearlong glimpse into what it's really like to live in Big Sur, introducing the people and places that make the restaurant's renowned food possible, including Wayne Hyland, hunter and forager, Jamie Collins, organic row cropper, and Gary Pisoni, the eccentric vintner who supplies some of the restaurant's most beloved wine. With its outstanding photography, lively profiles, and dozens of must-make recipes, this book helps bring the experience of Big Sur home.
Living Raw Food
Living Raw Food
Melngailis, Sarma
Picking up where the bestselling Raw Food/Real World left off, Sarma Melngailis invites us inside her glamorous restaurant, Pure Food and Wine, with dozens more recipes for fresh and vibrant juices, shakes, soups, simple dishes, main courses, desserts, and cocktails. Whip up an antioxidant-rich Goji Tropic Shake or a sweet, cleansing Cilantro-Pineapple Shake for delicious nutrition on the goCool down with a Cucumber-Mint Gazpacho Soup and an Heirloom Tomato, Fennel, and Avocado Pressed Salad with Caper Dressing, Pistachio, and MintFind out what makes the Chanterelle and Kalamata Olive Ravioli the restaurant's most beloved entrée Celebrate with a raw Thanksgiving dinner, complete with "dark meat" portobello, "white meat" large oyster mushrooms, stuffing, mashed celeriac, cranberries, and brussels sproutsSatisfy your sweet tooth with a Classic Sundae and Caramel Bars No juicerNo dehydratorNo problem! Sarma shows that raw food preparation doesn't have to be daunting, and she helps you work your way from the fastest, simplest, freshest recipes to immensely satisfying main dishes that you'll have a hard time believing are raw. A definitive list of ingredients, tools, techniques, and sources make raw food a snap, while information-packed sidebars introduce the world's most powerful super?foods, from kombucha tea to chia seeds. And Sarma is refreshingly honest and real as she describes her personal breakthroughs—and struggles—living on raw foods.Whether you're snacking on the run, having a quiet dinner at home, or throwing a festive cocktail party, eating raw food makes you feel alive. Filled with sensuous, sexy, and energizing food, this book is sure to enrich your life, whether you're a carnivorous epicure or a raw-foods junkie.
The Wheat-Free Cook
The Wheat-Free Cook
Mallorca, Jacqueline
The Wheat-Free Cook is the definitive cookbook on living and eating well without wheat. Veteran food writer Jacqueline Mallorca outlines the differences between wheat allergies and celiac disease, provides lists of resources and a guide to gluten-free grains, and offers tip on how and where to shop for gluten-free ingredients. On top of that, Jacqueline offers recipes for quick, modern gluten-free meals that are sure to appeal to the health-conscious cook, whether gluten-sensitive or not—after all, it's just as easy to thicken a comforting stew with rice four or cornstarch as it is with all-purpose flour, and sautéed chicken breasts taste much better when coated with a mixture of ground hazelnuts and Parmesan than stale breadcrumbs. All the formerly off limits favorites are here, from breakfast treats such as pancakes and muffins, to comforting pasta dishes like macaroni and cheese, and decadent desserts including cookies, cakes, tarts, and pies. With The Wheat-Free Cook, Jacqueline Mallorca proves that there is a world beyond wheat.
Saved By Soup
Saved By Soup
Barrett, Judith
There is no better way to tap into today's soup craze than with this glorious cookbook, filled with more than 100 deliciously low-fat soup recipes. Author Judith Barrett lost pounds and inches using these mouthwatering recipes, each of which contains less than three grams of fat per serving. And cutting the fat posed no bar to creating soups with incredible flavor -- Black Mushroom and Spinach Wonton Soup and Creamy Fennel Soup with Shrimp both contain only one gram of fat. Barrett offers soups to be savored for every season. In the fall, Creamy Carrot Soup or Roasted Beet Borscht will delight you. Winter Squash Soup with Thyme or Real Gumbo with Okra and Chicken is sure to take the edge off the cold during the snowy months. Come springtime, there is Vidalia Onion Soup or Arugula Vichyssoise, and to beat the summertime heat, make a batch of Cool Cucumber and Yogurt Soup or Creamy Tomato Bisque with Shallots and Tarragon. You have a veritable calendar full of soup's pleasures at your fingertips. Soups "from the sea," like Mediterranean Fish Stew and New York Red Clam Chowder, will leave a briny tingle on your palate. If it's legumes you crave, try one of the unbeatable bean soups: Lentil and Portobello Mushroom Soup, Miami Black Bean Soup, Lemony Chickpea and Escarole Soup. Or experiment with the variety of international soup recipes that are offered, from Japanese Dashi with Soba and Scallions to Chinese Cabbage Soup with Cellophane Noodles to Italian Minestra of Swiss Chard and Rice.
Double Delicious!
Double Delicious!
Seinfeld, Jessica
The follow-up to the #1 New York Times bestseller Deceptively Delicious goes beyond purees and kids' foods to make family mealtime more delicious, more wholesome, and simpler than ever. In her bestselling book Deceptively Delicious, Jessica Seinfeld inspired millions of parents to improve their kids' eating habits by giving everyday classics a nutritional boost with hidden vegetable purees. Now in Double Delicious!, she's turned her attention to the whole family. Here are more of her easy, imaginative recipes that use the power of purees to make everything healthier, from a hearty Turkey Meatloaf to an irresistible Tiramisu. Again, she's raised the bar nutritionally and eliminated unnecessary sugar and fat, boosted fiber and nutrients, and cut way back on sodium to bring us more healthful food with fantastic flavor. (She's even developed a Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie that nutritionist Joy Bauer loves!)
Slow Cooker Cooking
Slow Cooker Cooking
Brody, Lora
When someone says "slow cooker," do you think of pot roast or chiliNow you can think Slow Cooked Salmon, Caramelized Onion Soup, falling-off-the-bone Lamb You Can Eat with a Spoon, and Flourless Pear Anise Soufflé. If these dishes whet your appetite, it's time to take that slow cooker out of the closet, plug it in, and get ready for Slow Cooker Cooking.Lora Brody knows her appliances. She inspired a whole new generation of bread bakers with her best-selling bread machine books. Here she pushes the slow cooker to places no one ever expected it to go, inventing fruit bases for soufflés and ice creams, reducing milk and sugar to make Dulce de Leche, and infusing oils with herbs. In addition to creating innovative takes on one-pot meals such as classic New England Boiled Dinner, Venison Stew with Mushrooms, and Osso Buco with Gremolata, here you will find recipes for ingredients that are the basis for other dishes, such as Duxelles, Braised Chestnuts, and vegetable and chicken stocks. Vegetarians will enjoy recipes such as Rago?t of Leeks, Fennel, and Celery and Virtuous Lentil Soup, and dessert lovers will rejoice when they see recipes for Hazelnut Chocolate Fondue and Coconut Rice Pudding.Creative cooking in the slow cooker doesn't mean giving up any of the convenience associated with this popular appliance. You still add the ingredients to the pot and go about your day (or evening), letting the slow cooker do all the work.Thanks to the pot's sealed insert and consistently even heat, food cooks under ideal conditions to make it tender and bring out maximum flavor. Come home to a kitchen perfumed with an aroma that promises good things to eat and find a perfectly cooked dish to enjoy.
Mehta, Jehangir
Enter a world of adventure and indulgence in this exotic cookbook by the chef Bon Appétit has called "an anarchic artist of the last course."Renowned chef Jehangir Mehta has relentlessly immersed himself in creating inventive desserts and other dishes at his new Manhattan food and wine bar, Graffiti, and as the creator of the sumptuous confections for his online store and event-management company, Partistry. He draws endless inspiration from his Indian heritage and from ayurveda, the ancient science of health and medicine. Now, in this gorgeous book?, Mehta shares his holistic approach to refreshing the body, mind, and spirit through delicious recipes using only the purest and most beneficial ingredients. Wake up to the enticing aroma of fresh-baked Jasmine-Glazed Doughnuts or delectable Hazelnut Crêpes with Caramel-Pine Nut Sauce.Delight in one of Mehta's celebrated flavor fusions: Salty Caramel Tapioca Tarts, Green Papaya and Persimmon Salad with Pepper-Coconut Sorbet, and Lime-Brushed Melon Mille-feuille with Beet Sorbet.Enjoy Mehta's Persian Caraway Seed Cookies and Falooda with Fresh Strawberry Ice Cream, and experience the best of Mexico and India with a superlative Tres Leches Cake with Coconut-Curry Emulsion, Pears, and Almond.Whether you are preparing a spectacular feast for a dinner party or a simple dessert on a whim, you'll be inspired by the amazing range of ingredients in the book—from the most common to the rather unusual. This captivating book is perfect for anyone interested in the intersection of the culinary arts and the restorative properties of nature.
Lulu Powers Food to Flowers
Lulu Powers Food to Flowers
Powers, Lulu
From one of Los Angeles's premier caterers and event planners, here is a beautifully photographed cookbook filled with more than 100 delectable recipes and brilliant party-planning tipsLulu Powers, vivacious chef to the stars, has catered parties for a cache of A-list celebrities. What her clients love most is her irrepressible spirit and ability to create elegant yet unpretentious gatherings that feature fabulous food and festive cocktails. In Lulu Powers: Food to Flowers, she dishes out her secrets to enjoyable and stress-free entertaining. From a holiday brunch to a retro party, from a classic Fourth of July celebration to a casual winter picnic, here are dozens of inspiring ways to gather with friends and loved ones.For these creative events, Lulu provides the perfect menu and lays out everything you'll need to host an unforgettable gathering—from sublime cocktails to making a memorable atmosphere with flowers, music, and budget-friendly décor. Of course, the centerpiece of any Lulu Powers party is her delicious, expertly presented food, and the book reveals her best, most crowd-pleasing recipes, including:Mini Wild Mushroom Risotto CakesBurger Bites with Lulu's Special SauceHerb-Marinated Lamb ChopsMini Double-Stuffed New Potatoes Caramel-Fudge BrowniesButterscotch Pudding with Rum SauceThe recipes can be mixed and matched, and almost every dish can be prepared ahead of time, making party planning even easier.Lulu believes that everyone's capable of throwing a great party, and breaks down her inimitable style into simple elements, with hundreds of shortcuts and money-saving tips to ease the mind of even the novice host. She guides you through the party planning process, with loads of information about entertaining and hosting in a fun, relaxed manner. Armed with Lulu's recipes, tips, and party-giving secrets, you'll soon be throwing the best bashes on the block.
Kitchen Survival Guide
Kitchen Survival Guide
Brody, Lora
When Lora Brody, cookbook author, chocolate maven, and mother, sent her sons off into the world, she (and they) realized that they didn't have a clue as to how to feed themselves or their guests, if, heaven forbid, they should have any. The Kitchen Survival Guide is for anyone -- newly graduated, newly married, newly single -- who is venturing into the kitchen for the first time. With her on-target brand of humor, Lora Brody builds kitchen confidence with more than 130 basic recipes necessary to get through life, as well as hundreds of helpful hints Mom forgot to share:On cleaning an oven -- "Manual cleaning oven, unfortunately, does not mean that a guy named Manuel will come and clean your oven."What's the difference between dicing and chopping, zest and pith, or au gratin and au lait?Survival recipes include tuna fish salad, homemade chicken soup, brownies, and many more.Setting up a kitchen and keeping it clean and safe, how to buy and store food, a glossary of basic cooking terms, and what to do in the event of a culinary disaster are all covered in this handy, easy-to-use cookbook and kitchen compendium.
Prime Time Emeril
Prime Time Emeril
Lagasse, Emeril
With more than 1,000 shows on the food television network, weekly appearances on Good Morning America, and guest spots with Rosie O'Donnell and Jay Leno, it seems that people can't get enough of Emeril Lagasse. Happily, here's Prime Time Emeril: More TV Dinners from America's Favorite Chef. It's another big helping of the food, the fun, and the man America has fallen in love with.Now Emeril's fans can cook more of the dishes they've seen him prepare on prime time television -- more than 150 of them. They're easy to understand and simple to follow, and the results are foolproof and pure Emeril.Each chapter of Prime Time Emeril is filled with recipes, techniques, and tips to help you re-create Emeril's unique New American style of cooking right in your own home. These recipes feature his kicked-up favorites, including Chicken Drumettes with Blue Cheese Sauce and Emerilized Barbecued Oysters with Rosemary Biscuits. There are new twists on Louisiana classics, including gumbo, jambalaya, and beignets.From his hometown of Fall River, Massachusetts, Emeril shares the food he loved best as a kid -- recipes such as Hilda's Stewed Chicken, Madeira-Braised Short Ribs, and Lobster Portuguese-Style.Re-create Emeril's amazing appetizers, including Spicy Duck Empanadas with Cilantro Cream or Singing Shrimp. How about a big bowl of steaming Monkfish Chowder or Rabbit, Andouille, and Wild Mushroom GumboKick it up more than a few notches with Mardi Gras Jambalaya, Tuna of Love, or Bamburgers. And Emeril has never been shy about dessert. Whip up one of his creations, such as Pumpkin Cheesecake, Cherry and White Chocolate Bread Pudding, or Mr. Lou's Chocolate Praline Pie.So pick up this book and pick up a pan. You're ready for some prime time cooking with Prime Time Emeril.
Chez Panisse Vegetables
Chez Panisse Vegetables
Waters, Alice L.
For twenty-five years, Alice Waters and her friends at Chez Panisse in Berkeley, California have dedicated themselves to the ideal of serving the finest, freshest foods with simplicity and style. From tender baby asparagus in early spring, to the colorful spectrum of peppers at the height of summer; crisp, leafy chicories in autumn, to sweet butternut squash in the dark of winter, much of the inspiration about what to put on the menu comes from the high quality produce Waters and her chefs seek out year-round.Using the treasures from the earth, Chez Panisse Vegetables offers endless possibilities for any occasion. Try Grilled Radicchio Risotto with Balsamic Vinegar at your next dinner party, or Pizza with Red and Yellow Peppers for a summer evening at home. Why not forgo green-leaf lettuce, and opt for Artichoke and Grapefruit Salad drizzled with extra-virgin olive oilOr serve Corn Cakes with fresh berries for breakfast instead of cereal?Throughout Vegetables, Waters shares her energy and enthusiasm for what she describes as "living foods." When she first began in the restaurant business, the selection of good-quality vegetables was so limited that she found herself searching out farmers with whom she might do business. Luckily, today's explosion of markets and organic farms across the country ensures that any home cook can find freshly harvested produce to put on the table. And with the increased popularity of home gardening, more and more people are taking their vegetables straight from the earth and into the kitchen.Cooks, gardeners, vegetarians and everyone who appreciates good food will find Chez Panisse Vegetables to be not only a cookbook, but a valuable resource for selecting and serving fine produce. From popular vegetables like corn, tomatoes and carrots, to more unusual selections like chard, amaranth greens and sorrel, Vegetables offers detailed information about the seasonal availability, proper look, flavor and preparation of each selection. Arranged alphabetically by vegetable, and filled with colorful linocut images, Chez Panisse Vegetables makes it easy for a cook to find a tempting recipe for whatever he or she has brought home from the market.
Organic and Chic
Organic and Chic
Magid, Sarah
"When I bring one of my sweets into the room—whether at a wedding or an intimate dinner party—the expressions on people's faces turn that celebration into a memory I'll never forget. That's what baking should be."Many people are coming to recognize the merits of eating organic ingredients, but the idea of "organic baked goods" may bring to mind food that is more boring than beautiful and delicious. But in Organic and Chic, custom cake baker Sarah Magid uses her background in jewelry and shoe design to create vibrantly colored, highly original, delicious organic cakes and other desserts that are perfect for all kinds of celebrations. Filled with gorgeous photographs, Organic and Chic features recipes for delectable baked goods you'll be excited to re-create and serve to family and friends, from modern floral cakes and cupcakes to rustic farmer's-market sweets made with seasonal fruits: Red Velvet Love Cake frosted with Vanilla Whipped Buttercream and garnished with edible flowers Vanilla-Bean Butter Cake filled with Sweet Chocolate Ganache and decorated with hand-sculpted butterflies Minty Strawberry Shortcakes, celebrating the bounty of the summer Goldies, a tasty tribute to America's favorite cream-filled sponge cake Whether you're preparing some simple Double Ginger Cookies for a block party or bake sale, or experimenting with a rich and luscious dark chocolate birthday cake, you can be confident that you're serving desserts that are gorgeous and flavorful without resorting to fake, chemical-laden ingredients. Magid offers detailed step-by-step decorating instructions and enough inspiration to help even the most novice baker create bold cake-decorating effects, including eye-popping flowers, hand-sculpted leaves, and metallic-painted brushstrokes. A must for every health-minded baker, this unique cookbook balances exquisite flavors, organic ingredients, and stunning visuals to help you create your own masterpieces.