ADY - Magyar-angol kétnyelv? kiadás
Украшение готовых тортов, пирожных, печений и пряников — не только последний штрих в создании праздничного вида вашего кондитерского изделия и огромное удовольствие. Для многих классических рецептов особенное украшение — это сложившийся за многие годы их традиционный, узнаваемый образ! Эта книга научит вас простым и эффектным приемам работы с кремом, сахарной и безбелковой глазурью, марципаном, ганашем, чтобы с помощью минимального набора кондитерских принадлежностей испечь и украсить, с почти 300 подсказками-иллюстрациями, сказочный рождественский домик и новогодние имбирные пряники, сладкие сердечки для любимых ко Дню святого Валентина, ?цветущие? пряники к 8 Марта и Пасхе, веселые печенья в форме любимых мультяшных героев. Книга предложит рецепты приготовления нескольких видов крема — масляной меренги, творожного крема ?Чиз?, взбитых сливок, ?мокрого безе? и сливочно-заварного крема ?Муслим?, советы по выбору красителей, а также множество рецептов и вариантов оригинального украшения праздничных тортов и аппетитных нежных капкейков.Ukrashenie gotovyh tortov, pirozhnyh, pechenij i prjanikov — ne tol'ko poslednij shtrih v sozdanii prazdnichnogo vida vashego konditerskogo izdelija i ogromnoe udovol'stvie. Dlja mnogih klassicheskih receptov osobennoe ukrashenie — jeto slozhivshijsja za mnogie gody ih tradicionnyj, uznavaemyj obraz! Jeta kniga nauchit vas prostym i jeffektnym priemam raboty s kremom, saharnoj i bezbelkovoj glazur'ju, marcipanom, ganashem, chtoby s pomoshh'ju minimal'nogo nabora konditerskih prinadlezhnostej ispech' i ukrasit', s pochti 300 podskazkami-illjustracijami, skazochnyj rozhdestvenskij domik i novogodnie imbirnye prjaniki, sladkie serdechki dlja ljubimyh ko Dnju svjatogo Valentina, ?cvetushhie? prjaniki k 8 Marta i Pashe, veselye pechen'ja v forme ljubimyh mul'tjashnyh geroev. Kniga predlozhit recepty prigotovlenija neskol'kih vidov krema — masljanoj merengi, tvorozhnogo krema ?Chiz?, vzbityh slivok, ?mokrogo beze? i slivochno-zavarnogo krema ?Muslim?, sovety po vyboru krasitelej, a takzhe mnozhestvo receptov i variantov original'nogo ukrashenija prazdnichnyh tortov i appetitnyh nezhnyh kapkejkov.
La ?Morrison Hotel“. Povestiri de p?n? azi
Moda zilei este s? sl?be?ti f?r? s? te supui unor diete s?race ?n calorii ?i prin ?nfometare, ci prin procedee mai pl?cute. De o tot mai mare popularitate se bucur?, de pild?, practicarea dansului, a thalassoterapiei, a masajului, care te pot ajuta s? dai jos greutatea excedentar? ?i pot duce la ?nt?rirea mu?chilor. De kilogramele nedorite se poate sc?pa, dup? cum sus?in reflexote?rapeu?ii chinezi, ?i cu ajutorul unor exerci?ii speciale de res?pira?ie. Deci, nu exerci?ii obi?nuite, ci exerci?ii care intensific? procesele metabolice, regleaz? func?ionarea stomacului ?i ?ndep?rteaz? cutele de gr?sime de pe ?olduri. Nu este deloc obligatoriu s? v? istovi?i organismul cu diete dure ?i s? v? ?ndopa?i cu suplimente alimentare costisitoare. Pentru a ?ndep?rta kilogramele ?n plus sunt suficiente uneori schimbarea modului de alimentare ?i a ?ntregului stil de via??, consumarea mai frecvent? a unor feluri dietetice gustoase, o respira?ie corect? ?i ?ngrijirea corpului. Cum sunt posibile toate acestea f?r? eforturi inutile ?i f?r? prea mul?i bani, putem afla citind cartea de fa??. ?n plus, ea include informa?ii pre?ioase despre con?inutul de calorii ?i substan?e nutritive existente ?ntr-o serie de alimente, despre raportul corect dintre ?n?l?ime ?i greutate, despre consumul nostru de energie ?i despre cum putem elimina unele deprinderi ?i stereotipuri d?un?toare.
Maria Dragomiroiu. C?ntecul ?i dragostea
Cel mai cuprinz?tor ?i mai u?or de utilizat ghid pentru p?rin?ii care vor s? foloseasc? homeopatia pentru a trata bolile copiilor lor ?ntr-o manier? bl?nd?, eficient? ?i lipsit? de riscuri!?Concis ?i practic, Ghidul de homeopatie pentru p?rin?i ofer? remedii homeopatice pentru peste 150 de afec?iuni acute, care pot ap?rea ?n via?a de zi cu zi a copiilor. ?n cuprinsul lui ve?i g?si:* instruc?iuni privind observarea simptomelor fizice ?i emo?ionale ale copiilor, de la nou-n?scu?i la adolescen?i;* descrieri succinte ale remediilor bl?nde, sigure ?i netoxice;* sec?iuni despre bolile de iarn?, primul ajutor, accelerarea procesului de vindecare ?i sfaturi pentru c?l?torie.?Tabelele cu remedii din ultima parte a c?r?ii sunt extrem de utile dac? vrem s? g?sim tratamentul corect pentru fiecare boal?.??Ghidul de homeopatie pentru p?rin?i este o carte cu un con?inut bogat de informa?ii, scris? ?ntr-un stil clar ?i care cuprinde o mul?ime de sfaturi pentru tratarea bolilor, pe care nu le vei g?si ?n alte lucr?ri de specialitate." – Mitzi Lebensorger, Homeopathy Today?Cartea de care are nevoie orice p?rinte." – Dr. Ifeoma Ikenze, pediatru homeopat?Dac? homeopatia e ceva nou pentru tine, atunci ai ?n m?n? o carte care te ajut? s? afli ce ?nseamn? aceast? metod? de tratament. ?n cazul ?n care ?tii deja c?te ceva despre homeopatie ?i vrei s? afli mai multe, atunci nu-mi pot imagina o cale mai bun? dec?t s? apelezi la acest ghid." – Collin Griffith, specialist ?n s?n?tatea mamei ?i a copilului, membru al Asocia?iei Medicale de Homeopatie?Cartea aceasta nu trebuie s? lipseasc? din biblioteca niciunei familii care ?ine la s?n?tatea membrilor ei ?i dore?te s? evite efectele secundare ale medicamentelor." – Dr. Stuart H. Garber, pre?edinte al Societ??ii Medicale Homeopatice din California
A Series of Lessons in Gnani Yoga: [The Highest Yogi Teachings]
The Yogi Philosophy may be divided into several great branches, or fields. What is known as "Hatha Yoga" deals with the physical body and its control; its welfare; its health; its preservation; its laws, etc. What is known as "Raja Yoga" deals with the Mind; its control; its development; its unfoldment, etc. What is known as "Bhakti Yoga" deals with the Love of the Absolute—God. What is known as "Gnani Yoga" deals with the scientific and intellectual knowing of the great questions regarding Life and what lies back of Life—the Riddle of the Universe.??Each branch of Yoga is but a path leading toward the one end—unfoldment, development, and growth. He who wishes first to develop, control and strengthen his physical body so as to render it a fit instrument of the Higher Self, follows the path of "Hatha Yoga." He who would develop his will-power and mental faculties, unfolding the inner senses, and latent powers, follows the path of "Raja Yoga." He who wishes to develop by "knowing"—by studying the fundamental principles, and the wonderful truths underlying Life, follows the path of "Gnani Yoga." ??And he who wishes to grow into a union with the One Life by the influence of Love, he follows the path of "Bhakti Yoga."??But it must not be supposed that the student must ally himself to only a single one of these paths to power. In fact, very few do. The majority prefer to gain a rounded knowledge, and acquaint themselves with the principles of the several branches, learning something of each, giving preference of course to those branches that appeal to them more strongly, this attraction being the indication of need, or requirement, and, therefore, being the hand pointing out the path.
Clavecinul domnului Daumier
n Partea pozitiv a stresului sunt reunite pentru prima dat cele mai noi descoperiri privind corelaia dintre rezilien (capacitatea uman de dezvoltare n condiii de stres) i mentalitate (puterea convingerilor de a modela realitatea). McGonigal combin cu talent elementele tiinifice, povestirile i exerciiile ntr-o carte antrenant i practic, n care ne arat:Cum s cultivm o mentalitate de acceptare a stresului;Cum stresul ne poate oferi energie i putere de concentrare;Cum ne poate ajuta stresul s ne ntrim relaiile cu cei apropiai;De ce creierul este construit astfel nct s nvee din stres.
Nou?zeci ?i unu
Prof. univ. dr. Constantin Milic?, doctor ?n fiziologie vegetal? ?i specialist ?n fitoterapie, ?n volumul s?u Tratamente naturiste ?n serviciul s?n?t??ii, ofer? cititorului remedii pe baz? de plante, accesibile oricui, pentru diferite boli. Aceste tratamente propuse de autor nu apar?in doar medicinii populare, ci au un temeinic suport ?tiin?ific, ca urmare a cercet?rilor minu?ioase de laborator ?i clinic?. Prezentarea afec?iunilor, a tratamentelor fitoterapeutice ?i re?eta autorului sunt ?nso?ite de recomandarea unui regim alimentar ?i de via??, conform fiec?rei boli ?n parte. ?n cuprinsul c?r?ii nu g?sim doar remedii pentru afec?iuni cardiovasculare, ale aparatului digestiv, respirator, locomotor, ale sistemului nervos, boli dermatologice sau tratamente ?mpotriva alcoolismului ?i tabagismului, ci solu?ii profilactice ?i de p?strare a unei vie?i s?n?toase, ce pot reprezenta pentru fiecare ?taina tinere?ii f?r? b?tr?ne?e“.
Un reputat oftalmolog explic? pe ?n?elesul tuturor cum putem preveni ?i inversa evolu?ia bolilor de ochi. Peste 180 de milioane de americani au probleme cu vederea. Majoritatea cred c? nu pot face nimic singuri pentru a vedea mai bine. Dar iat? c? acum exist? speran??. ?n ultimul deceniu, foarte multe studii clinice au ar?tat c? introducerea ?n alimenta?ie a unor nutrimente specifice ajut? la p?strarea unei vederi bune p?n? la o v?rst? ?naintat?, la ameliorarea afec?iunilor oculare ?i chiar la inversarea evolu?iei unor boli. Solu?ia este simpl?: trebuie s? consum?m numai alimente ob?inute din produse naturale ?i care con?in nutrimente despre care s-a demonstrat clinic c? ?intesc componentele ochiului afectate de boli ?i/sau de v?rst?. De asemenea, cartea explic? modul cum func?ioneaz? ochiul ?i ce alimente ajut? la buna lui func?ionare, oferind, in plus, instruc?iuni personalizate, u?or de ?n?eles, privind alimentele ?i nutrimentele utile. ?Pentru majoritatea oamenilor, ?n?elegerea modului de func?ionare a ochiului este mai pu?in important? dec?t identificarea cauzelor care duc la deteriorarea vederii. ?n prima parte a c?r?ii, sunt prezentate aceste cauze ?i mijloacele prin care pot fi prevenite afec?iunile oculare. ?n partea a doua, voi descrie, dintr-o perspectiv? foarte larg?, cele ?ase boli principale care afecteaz? ochii (degenerescen?a macular?, retinita pigmentar?, diabetul, glaucomul, cataractele ?i sindromul de ochi uscat). Vom vorbi despre tratament, preven?ie, minimizarea factorilor de risc ?i – mai important – vom ar?ta c?, dac? ?n?elegem cum apar aceste boli, vom putea s? ne ?mbun?t??im sau s? ne protej?m vederea.“ - Neal Adams
The Original Suffrage Cookbook
As featured in The Guardian - Superb edition of this historic gem! Celebrate the centenary of women getting the Vote by cooking and eating some of the Suffragettes’ favourite meals. Dozens of vintage recipes contributed by some surprising supporters of the popular?cause, including famous writers, governors and even a judge. With none of the fads of modern-day cooking, these simple recipes range from hearty breakfasts to healthy soups, salads and meaty casseroles, alongside witty?contributions such as Pie for a Suffragist’s Doubting Husband and the Dumplings?That Never Fail. Choose between the many tasty desserts such as Suffrage Angel?Cake or Devil’s Food to enliven your party. Why not devise your own Suffragette Menu with recipes like Blanquette of Veal or?Sweet Potato Soufflé? And don’t forget your Creole Balls! You might follow that up?with Parliament Gingerbread or Strawberry Shortcake á la Mode. To top it off, why?not toast the Suffragettes’ success with a Peppermint Cup or an Albuminous?Beverage? Originally published in 1915 to help raise funds for the campaign for the vote for women. History and fun all in one book! This new edition includes vintage illustrations and short biographies of many of the contributors as well as a new endnote by award-winning writer Cheryl Robson, which places the book both in its historical and contemporary contexts. Authors Mrs L.O.Kleber (compiler) Born in Freeport, Pa on April 4th,1867, she moved to Pittsburgh where she lived for 40 years and was often referred to as Pittsburg's 'most interesting woman'. She devoted herself to public works and was years ahead of her time, organising food relief and garden projects in the city's slum districts. Initially opposed to women having the vote,she was converted to the suffrage cause by Mrs Henry Villard, the daughter of William Lloyd Garrison, a famous slavery abolitionist. She wrote to many famous men and women to collect the recipes for The Suffrage Cookbook which she published in 1915 to raise funds for the suffrage cause. Theodore Roosevelt was the only man who failed to send a recipe, claiming that he was too busy to do so. Following the success of the campaign for the vote in 1920, she became the director of the Allegheny County League of Women Voters. She died on April 4, 1939, aged 72 at her home at 1135 Murrayhill Avenue, Pittsburgh. Cheryl Robson (editor of new edition and author of afterword) Cheryl is the founder of Aurora Metro Books. She has won numerous awards for her plays, books and films. She decided to revise and re-publish Kleber's 1915 Suffrage Cookbook to coincide with a touring exhibition that she had produced about the suffragists' campaign for the vote in the UK. Titled 'How the Vote was Won', the exhibition toured to libraries, museums and theatres in southeast England in 2018, the centenary of some women gaining the right to vote in the UK. You can watch a video about the project here.? Reviews “It’s a fabulous historical document of its time but also an interesting cook book to boot, interspersed as it is with line drawings and including letters to the editor – or Editress as she is described? in the contents section of the book.?Recipes aside this is a great gift idea. It’s both practical and fascinating on so many levels and I’ll be trying out more of the recipes over time. A unique way to celebrate the centenary of women getting the vote.” –?Frost Magazine “Great fun for cooks.”?***** – Robert Armin, Amazon “The recipes in the compilation run the gamut from simple soups to fish (Virginia fried oysters and ‘shrimp wriggle’ both make the cut), meat (the baked ham à la Miller is described as “a dish fit for the greatest epicure”), breads and puddings, the latter section incorporating a series of “admonitions” directed at “those who would excel in cake making”. As the writer Cheryl Robson observes in her endnote, “most of the contributors to this cookbook are long-forgotten but their legacy survives today in the spirit of social activism that inspires others to work for a better, fairer world”.? ?– Town and Country Magazine “Giving Jamie Oliver and Nigella Lawson a run for their money, the cookbook includes a wide range of soups, salads and casseroles. Drinks also feature, from the “Peppermint Cup” to a wide selection of “Albuminous Beverages” (“When a large amount of nutriment is required the albuminized drinks are valuable. The egg is a fluid food until its albumen is coagulated by heat.”)? Kleber, however, writes in her foreword to the book that “as it is a serious matter what is put into the human stomach, I feel it incumbent to say that my readers may safely eat everything set down in this book”. She does add that, while she has tested most of the recipes herself, “it being a human Cook Book there will likely be some errors, but as correcting errors is the chief duty and occupation of Suffrage?Women, I shall accept gratefully whatever criticisms these good women may h
Dieta DODO. O zi da, o zi ba
Cum ne putem bucura de o S?N?TATE DE FIER De cele mai multe ori, ne consider?m s?n?to?i pentru c? putem spune f?r? rezerve ?Sunt ?n regul?, sunt bine, nu m? pl?ng de nimic”. Dar S?N?TATEA DE FIER ?nseamn? s? te sim?i entuziast, s? pulsezi de energie ?i s? debordezi de vitalitate. S?N?TATEA DE FIER vine la pachet cu pofta de via??, cu dorin?a de a face ?i de a fi dincolo de capacit??ile ?i limit?rile obi?nuite, cu o energie neobosit? ?i claritate a min?ii. F?r? ?ndoial?, S?N?TATEA DE FIER este funda?ia pentru o via?? mai bogat?. ?i nu se poate realiza dec?t dac? alegem calea natural?. Dr. Norman W. Walker, unul dintre cei mai importan?i nutri?ioni?ti din lume, a tr?it 99 de ani pun?nd ?n practic? rezultatele cercet?rilor sale. S?N?TATEA DE FIER, a dovedit Dr. Walker, se ob?ine prin controlul g?ndirii, al dietei ?i al ?ngrijirii corporale. Mai mult dec?t at?t, bun?starea ?i via?a ?ndelungat? merg m?n? ?n m?n?. Programul s?u este singular pentru c? se bazeaz? pe for?a exemplului personal ?i nu folose?te cuvintele promo?ionale ?miraculos”, ?revolu?ionar” sau ?la mod?”, nu are nevoie de acestea! ?n tinere?e, Dr. Walker s-a ?mboln?vit din cauza surmen?rii. Pentru c? nu se putea ?mp?ca cu ideea unei s?n?t??i precare sau a unui trup bolnav, s-a vindecat singur. De atunci, ?i-a petrecut aproape 70 de ani c?ut?nd modalit??ile prin care oamenii se pot elibera de boal? ?i ??i pot prelungi via?a. Dac? e?ti ?n c?utarea secretului pentru o via?? lung?, s?n?toas? ?i productiv?, ai g?sit cartea potrivit?! Lucrarea cuprinde 36 de capitole dedicate s?n?t??ii ?i nutri?iei ?i se bucur? de succes ?n toat? lumea.
Sindromul capului care cade
M?nc?ruri delicioase ?i foarte s?n?toase Giuliana Lomazzi ne c?l?uze?te prin buc?t?riile vegetariene din lumea ?ntreag?, din Chile ?i Mexic p?n? ?n Indonezia ?i Thailanda. P?n? ?n urm? cu 20 de ani, ideea de a se hr?ni cu legume li se p?rea multora o extravagan?? periculoas?. Ast?zi, tot mai mul?i oameni prefer? s? scoat? carnea ?i pe?tele din alimenta?ie sau m?car s? limiteze consumul lor. De altfel, s-a demonstrat deja importan?a unei diete vegetariene echilibrate ?n prevenirea multor boli, ?ncep?nd cu cele cardiovasculare ?i cu tumorile. Mul?i nu ?tiu ?ns? c? buc?t?ria ?verde” este foarte gustoas? ?i variat?. Prepararea unor m?nc?ruri vegetariene gustoase nu este deloc complicat?, este suficient? pu?in? fantezie. Vom descoperi gusturi rafinate ?i condimente din cele mai inedite buc?t?rii din Africa ?i Asia, dar ?i marile re?ete clasice ale gastronomiei italiene sau franceze. Cartea cuprinde: - Principiile orientative ale dietei vegetariene - O c?l?torie ini?iatic? prin buc?t?riile vegetariene ale lumii - Re?ete din Italia, Europa, Africa, Asia, America
Redu?i la t?cere
Healthy is sexy. You can spend all the time you want working out but you will never achieve the body type and healthy glow you can with these smoothies. These recipes aren’t just good for you, they are also delicious. You will be happy to drink your way to a new, happy, sexy, healthy you. The sooner you get your copy of this book the sooner you can have the body and looks you want.
San-Antonio. Urm?ri?i, prinde?i ?i aduce?i whisky-ul
Planul sigur ca s? scapi pentru totdeauna de kilogramele ?n plus Fie c? vrei s? scapi de 2-3 kilograme sau de 20, acest plan va da rezultate spectaculoase. Vei sl?bi ?n jur de un kilogram de la o zi la alta, stimul?ndu-?i metabolismul cu shake-uri s??ioase, ?n Programul de o zi. Organismul t?u va continua s? ard? gr?simi ?n Programul de ?ase zile, cu un plan alimentar din care fac parte multe feluri delicioase, inclusiv gust?ri ?i desert. Exerci?iile fizice recomandate intensific? arderile, red?nd fermitate corpului t?u pe m?sur? ce kilogramele se topesc. Planul recomandat de Dr. Caroline Apovian te va ajuta: S? sl?be?ti peste noapte p?n? la 3,5 kilograme ?n prima s?pt?m?n? S? reduci reten?ia de ap? ?i balonarea S?-?i men?ii musculatura supl? S? ?ii foamea la distan?? S? nu ajungi ?n faza de platou S? te sim?i mai s?n?toas? ca oric?nd Cum s? sl?be?ti peste noapte nu este o carte oarecare printre c?r?ile de sl?bit, ci CARTEA destinat? celor care vor cu adev?rat s? sl?beasc? foarte repede ?i ?n modul cel mai s?n?tos ?i durabil. – Dr. GEORGE L. BLACKBURN, membru asociat al Departamentului de Nutri?ie ?i ?ef al catedrei de Nutri?ie medical? de la Facultatea de Medicin? a Universit??ii Harvard Reperul suprem pentru oricine ?ncearc? s? sl?beasc?. Aceast? diet? unic? ofer? ceea ce caut? cu disperare to?i cei care ?in un regim de sl?bit: un plan u?or de urmat pentru a sl?bi repede ?i mult, cu rezultate durabile, ?mbun?t??indu-?i ?n acela?i timp starea de s?n?tate ?i devenind mai longevivi. ?i este prima astfel de carte care cucere?te ?i ultima redut? ?n lupta cu kilogramele: aceea a men?inerii unei mase musculare suple. – Dr. LOUIS J. ARONNE, profesor de medicin? la Weill Cornell Medical College / New York Presbyterian Hospital ?i autor al c?r?ii The Skinny, bestseller New York Times
San-Antonio. Bravo, doctore Béru!
O nara?iune ?tiin?ific? fascinant?, care exploreaz? urm?toarea frontier? a medicinei ?i geneticii prin prisma extrem de personal? a copiilor ?i a familiilor pe care terapia genic? i-a afectat. B?iatul de opt ani Corey Haas era aproape orb ca urmare a unei boli ereditare c?nd vederea i-a fost restabilit? printr-o procedur? delicat?, care a f?cut istorie. Ca ?ntr-un roman SF, doctorii au injectat cu mare grij? ?n ADN-ul din ochii b?iatului viru?i purt?tori de gene vindec?toare. Dup? c?teva zile, Corey putea s? vad?, terapia genic? ajut?ndu-l s?-?i recapete vederea. Vindecat pentru totdeauna este prima carte care relateaz? povestea fascinant? a terapiei genice: cum func?ioneaz?, care sunt fundamentele ?tiin?ifice ale metodei, cum au fost ajuta?i sau v?t?ma?i pacien?ii (?n majoritate copii) ?i cum au ?nv??at oamenii de ?tiin?? din fiecare experiment s? se apropie pas cu pas de promisiunea imens? a unui ?tratament definitiv“ care, rezolv?nd problemele la originea lor genetic?, s? nu mai necesite alte opera?ii chirurgicale sau medicamente. Spus? prin vocile copiilor ?i familiilor care au fost surse de inspira?ie, subiecte experimentale ?i succese ale ?tiin?ei geneticii, Vindecat pentru totdeauna vorbe?te ?n mod conving?tor ?i captivant despre viitorul medicinei. ?n acest studiu impresionant, meticulos documentat, al ultimelor evolu?ii captivante din terapia genic?, geneticiana ?i jurnalista pe teme medicale Ricki Lewis (autoarea c?r?ii Human Genetics) analizeaz? ?ndeaproape momentele dificile din istoria trat?rii bolilor genetice rare, precum ?i progresele de ultim? or?. Dup? cum relateaz? autoarea ?n aceast? lucrare riguroas? ?i plin? de energie, cu fiecare nou succes, vindecarea infec?iei HIV ?i a altor zeci de boli devine o posibilitate tot mai apropiat?. -- Publisher’s Weekly Ricki Lewis a scris o carte remarcabil? care surprinde momentele de v?rf ame?itoare ?i c?derile devastatoare ale terapiei genice din ultimul deceniu, d?nd cuv?ntul tuturor p?r?ilor implicate – bravilor pacien?i voluntari, p?rin?ilor acestora ?i medicilor. -- Kevin Davies, redactor fondator al publica?iei Nature Genetics, autor al c?r?ilor The $1,000 Genome ?i Cracking the Genome
A Tu?ske?s Birodalom: Az ismeretlenek birodalma
It is a story about Lily, who did not want to go to the kindergarten. She was afraid of a lot of things. One day the doctor told Mum to find a nice psychologist who could help Lily to overcome fears…? In this book children and parents can find out what is happening in a psychologist office. You may read a short progressive muscle relaxation technique, and a lot of usefull information about anxiety in childhood as well.
Házas-társas: Egy pasinak is jár az újrakezdés
JACKSON GALAXY az Animal Planet népszer? sorozatának macskaguruja, leginkább egy motoros banda tagjára emlékeztet, mégis kül?nleges képességgel rendelkezik: nem létezik a világon olyan komisz cica, akivel ne tudna szót érteni, és akinek ne tudna segíteni – az állatok idegileg kikészült gazdáiról nem is beszélve... Most megjelen? k?nyvében a szerz? elmeséli tizenhárom éven át tartó barátságának t?rténetét Bennyvel, egy kis termet?, r?vid sz?r?, szürke-fehér kandúrral, illetve tanácsokat és tippeket ad, hogyan élhetünk egy fedél alatt, harmonikus kapcsolatban nehéz természet? kedvenceinkkel. Galaxy egyedülálló Cat Mojo módszerével segít a bajba jutott gazdiknak megérteni kedvencük kül?n?s viselkedését, és egyben megoldást is keres az olykor igen z?r?s helyzetekre. A Pokoli macskák cím? sorozat világszerte t?retlen népszer?ségnek ?rvend, immár az ?t?dik évad el?készületei folynak. Az apai ágon magyar származású Galaxy Los Angeles mellett él három cicájával, Caroline-nal, Chippyvel és Velouriával valamint kutyájával Rudyval.
A kis kavics
Marty Gallagher, a háromszoros er?emel?-világbajnok és Amerika-szerte ismert sportember hosszú éveken keresztül kutatta az er? és az egészség titkát. E t?bb évtizedes tapasztalat és elmélyült tudás gyüm?lcse ez az enciklopédikus igénnyel megírt, leny?g?z? k?nyv, amely páratlan segít?társa lehet mindazoknak, akik a lehet? legjobbra t?rekszenek – a test és lélek világában egyaránt. A k?tet az edzésmódszerekkel, a táplálkozástudománnyal és a sportpszichológiával kapcsolatos hasznos információk széles tárházát kínálja mindazoknak, akik komolyan szeretnének foglalkozni az er? világával. A szerz? ugyanakkor nem csupán az er?sportok, de az írás m?vészetében is otthonosan mozog. Lebilincsel? stílusban megírt munkája szórakoztató olvasmány: az er?emelés legkiválóbb bajnokairól szólva számos anekdotát felidéz, mik?zben részletesen bemutatja e legendás sportemberek gondolkodásmódját, alapelveit és konkrét gyakorlatait is. A primitív ?ser?re épül? testedzés filozófiáját valló Gallagher hatalmas, átfogó munkája mindent egybegy?jt, amit a testedzés tudományáról és m?vészetér?l tudni érdemes. Kit?n? érzékkel válogatja ki azokat a létfontosságú érzelmi, szellemi, fizikai, lelki és társas kapcsolati elveket, amelyek nem csak az egészséges életmódot, a testedzést és a sportolást illet?en, hanem általában véve is alkalmazhatók, ha az ember tartalmas és teljes életet szeretne élni.
GDPR konyhanyelven: K?zérthet? magyarázat az adatvédelemr?l kisvállalkozóknak
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The SAS Self-Defence Manual: Elite defence techniques for men and women
Written by a former Survival Instructor of the SAS, The SAS and Special Forces Self-Defence Handbook provides easy-to-follow, illustrated instructions on coping with all kinds of threatening situations, from muggings to knife attacks. The author teaches you strategies for both avoiding conflict and getting out of a dangerous situation quickly and safely. Learn how mental attitude, body language, assertiveness, and the ability to overcome fear can prevent you from becoming a prime target for criminals. Learn which parts of the body are the most effective weapons in fending off an attacker, and which are the most likely targets for attack. Defend yourself from sudden grabs, strangles, weapons, and road rage. And find out how to deliver the SAS five-second knockout, a defence previously available only to British SAS Special Forces soldiers. Illustrated with black-and-white photographs and instructive artworks and including expert advice throughout, The SAS and Special Forces Self-Defence Handbook is a comprehensive guide to self-defence for both men and women.
Mental and Physical Endurance: How to reach your physical and mental peak
Most of us know that we are not exercising our minds and bodies as much as we should. The Elite Forces Manual of Mental and Physical Endurance uses techniques developed by special forces units to train their recruits to show how we can improve our mental and physical fitness. The book is a detailed examination of what it takes to become as fit as a special forces soldier, taking a holistic view of the body and mind. It is equally important to focus on diet, rest patterns and mental discipline as it is to concentrate on physical exercises. Using simple steps, the book shows the reader how they can build up their endurance over a matter of weeks and months, and how their quality of life will benefit. Like elite soldiers, top athletes need the spur of competition to achieve their greatest successes, and The Elite Forces Manual of Mental and Physical Endurance demonstrates how you can gain the psychological edge over your opponent. Whether you are competing in unarmed combat sports, running a marathon or just looking to get ahead, the book has helpful and practical advice for you. Using photographs and artworks, The Elite Forces Manual of Mental and Physical Endurance shows how special forces units such as the SAS and Delta Force stretch themselves mentally and physically, giving the reader the opportunity to train as they do in easy-to-follow steps to reach their peak of mental and physical strength.
Cocinando con ni?os: ?Comparta momentos mágicos con su hijo(a)!
Cocinando con ni?os: ?Comparta momentos mágicos con su hijo(a)!
Simple & Delicious 5 by 20 Appetizer Recipes
Simple & Delicious 5 by 20 Appetizer Recipes