

Re?eta fericirii. Schimb? ceea ce faci, nu felul ?n care g?nde?ti
Re?eta fericirii. Schimb? ceea ce faci, nu felul ?n care g?nde?ti
Paul Dolan
Тающие во рту блинчики, хрустящие вафли, нежные оладьи! ? Шоколадные блинчики с вишней ? Налистники с творогом ? Драники с ветчиной и сыром ? Вафли с грудинкой ? Сырники со сгущенкой ? Блинчики-мешочки с грибами ? Тыквенные оладьи ? Печеночные оладьи ? Яблочные оладьи с грушами ? Блинные рулетики на шпажках и еще более 60 рецептов! Прекрасные фотографии вдохновят вас на приготовление своих кулинарных шедевров! Tajushhie vo rtu blinchiki, hrustjashhie vafli, nezhnye olad'i! ? Shokoladnye blinchiki s vishnej ? Nalistniki s tvorogom ? Draniki s vetchinoj i syrom ? Vafli s grudinkoj ? Syrniki so sgushhenkoj ? Blinchiki-meshochki s gribami ? Tykvennye olad'i ? Pechenochnye olad'i ? Jablochnye olad'i s grushami ? Blinnye ruletiki na shpazhkah i eshhe bolee 60 receptov! Prekrasnye fotografii vdohnovjat vas na prigotovlenie svoih kulinarnyh shedevrov!
Meghívó nászútra
Meghívó nászútra
Egri Zsanna
Сладкая и закусочная выпечка для будней и праздников. С этой книгой вы приготовите домашнюю выпечку быстро и вкусно. Используя лаваш, готовое дрожжевое и слоеное тесто, можно приготовить невероятное количество закусочных и сладких блюд: ягодные пироги, слойки, круассаны к чаю, пиццу и конверты из лаваша для быстрого ужина, пирожки и ватрушки для перекуса, быстрый ?Наполеон?, штрудели, пахлаву и пирожные к праздничному столу. Подробное описание, пошаговые инструкции и красочные фотографии – все это вы найдете под обложкой настоящего издания. Выпекайте с удовольствием! Sladkaja i zakusochnaja vypechka dlja budnej i prazdnikov. S jetoj knigoj vy prigotovite domashnjuju vypechku bystro i vkusno. Ispol'zuja lavash, gotovoe drozhzhevoe i sloenoe testo, mozhno prigotovit' neverojatnoe kolichestvo zakusochnyh i sladkih bljud: jagodnye pirogi, slojki, kruassany k chaju, piccu i konverty iz lavasha dlja bystrogo uzhina, pirozhki i vatrushki dlja perekusa, bystryj ?Napoleon?, shtrudeli, pahlavu i pirozhnye k prazdnichnomu stolu. Podrobnoe opisanie, poshagovye instrukcii i krasochnye fotografii – vse jeto vy najdete pod oblozhkoj nastojashhego izdanija. Vypekajte s udovol'stviem!
Szabadulj meg a pasitól!
Szabadulj meg a pasitól!
Jane Fallon
G?rnyed? hátak lakatják jól a gyomrot. . . . Ebben a leny?g?z? és egyedi k?nyvben Michael Gibney mind?ssze huszonnégy óra t?rténetébe s?rítve eleveníti fel mindazt a sokrét? bajtársi viszonyt és kulináris koreográfiát, amely egy elit New York-i étterem mindennapjait jellemzi. Az olvasó igazi információ-záporban tudja meg, hogyan is készül el egy-egy pazar fogás - avagy a kiválóság útja fáradtsággal van kik?vezve... Az egyes szám második személyben megszólaló Sous Chef t?rténete egy magával ragadó, adrenalin f?t?tte futam, ahol az olvasó a kibic szemsz?géb?l leshet be az étkeztet?-ipar kulisszái m?gé, és r?vid id?re maga is belakhatja a konyha ajtaja m?g?tti titkos világot. A rendszeres étteremlátogatók és az ínyencek számára mulatságos, részletes, bizalmas beszámoló a kezd? szakácsok el?tt is ?szintén feltárja, mivel jár szakmai j?v?jük, mik?zben tisztelettel adózik a séfek karrierjét megalapozó nehéz és komoly elhivatottságot k?vetel? munka el?tt. Egy olyan konyhában, ahol a legmagasabb k?vetelményeknek kell megfelelni, és a legkisebb bakl?vés is katasztrófához vezethet, a Sous Chef a kifinomult ?tletekre helyezi a hangsúlyt, amelyek mind az emlékezetes és ínycsiklandozó végeredményt szolgálják. A karcos humorral megírt, szellemes prózában Michael Gibney kend?zetlenül nyers, de mégis csodás jellemzést ad err?l az emberpróbáló, néha mégis alábecsült szakmáról, árnyalt képet festve az ételkészítés és felszolgálás m?helytitkairól. ,,Szédít? vágta, érzelmi hullámvasutazás, amelyben az olvasó is átélheti mindazt a drámát, feszültséget, ?r?m?t, csüggedést és megk?nnyebbülést, amely egy elegáns manhattani étterem konyhájának munkáját kíséri."-- USA Today ,,Leny?g?z? és mulatságos... Gibney nemcsak ügyes megfigyel?, hanem a séfszakma mestere és kiválóan ismeri a profi konyhák m?k?désének minden titkát."--The Boston Globe ,,Gibney k?nnyed megfogalmazásban elképeszt? mennyiség? szakmai információt k?z?l a konyhai hozzávalókról és módszerekr?l."--The Wall Street Journal ,,A Sous Chef elárulja, micsoda szédült táncot járnak mások a mi vacsoránkért."-- NPR
ADY - Magyar-angol kétnyelv? kiadás
ADY - Magyar-angol kétnyelv? kiadás
Tomschey Ottó
Украшение готовых тортов, пирожных, печений и пряников — не только последний штрих в создании праздничного вида вашего кондитерского изделия и огромное удовольствие. Для многих классических рецептов особенное украшение — это сложившийся за многие годы их традиционный, узнаваемый образ! Эта книга научит вас простым и эффектным приемам работы с кремом, сахарной и безбелковой глазурью, марципаном, ганашем, чтобы с помощью минимального набора кондитерских принадлежностей испечь и украсить, с почти 300 подсказками-иллюстрациями, сказочный рождественский домик и новогодние имбирные пряники, сладкие сердечки для любимых ко Дню святого Валентина, ?цветущие? пряники к 8 Марта и Пасхе, веселые печенья в форме любимых мультяшных героев. Книга предложит рецепты приготовления нескольких видов крема — масляной меренги, творожного крема ?Чиз?, взбитых сливок, ?мокрого безе? и сливочно-заварного крема ?Муслим?, советы по выбору красителей, а также множество рецептов и вариантов оригинального украшения праздничных тортов и аппетитных нежных капкейков.Ukrashenie gotovyh tortov, pirozhnyh, pechenij i prjanikov — ne tol'ko poslednij shtrih v sozdanii prazdnichnogo vida vashego konditerskogo izdelija i ogromnoe udovol'stvie. Dlja mnogih klassicheskih receptov osobennoe ukrashenie — jeto slozhivshijsja za mnogie gody ih tradicionnyj, uznavaemyj obraz! Jeta kniga nauchit vas prostym i jeffektnym priemam raboty s kremom, saharnoj i bezbelkovoj glazur'ju, marcipanom, ganashem, chtoby s pomoshh'ju minimal'nogo nabora konditerskih prinadlezhnostej ispech' i ukrasit', s pochti 300 podskazkami-illjustracijami, skazochnyj rozhdestvenskij domik i novogodnie imbirnye prjaniki, sladkie serdechki dlja ljubimyh ko Dnju svjatogo Valentina, ?cvetushhie? prjaniki k 8 Marta i Pashe, veselye pechen'ja v forme ljubimyh mul'tjashnyh geroev. Kniga predlozhit recepty prigotovlenija neskol'kih vidov krema — masljanoj merengi, tvorozhnogo krema ?Chiz?, vzbityh slivok, ?mokrogo beze? i slivochno-zavarnogo krema ?Muslim?, sovety po vyboru krasitelej, a takzhe mnozhestvo receptov i variantov original'nogo ukrashenija prazdnichnyh tortov i appetitnyh nezhnyh kapkejkov.
GDPR konyhanyelven: K?zérthet? magyarázat az adatvédelemr?l kisvállalkozóknak
GDPR konyhanyelven: K?zérthet? magyarázat az adatvédelemr?l kisvállalkozóknak
Dr. Kunyik Dóra
Нет на нашей кухне продукта более вкусного, полезного и универсального, чем творог! Основа или начинка для несладкой выпечки и легких закусок, он может превратиться в полезный домашний плавленый сыр или придать нежности и сочности вкуснейшим десертам. Более 70 простых и проверенных рецептов с фотографиями народной и европейской кухни: плацынды, вареники, запеканки, блины, зразы, хачапури и ватрушки к обеденному столу или вкуснейшие творожные десерты, мороженое, фруктовые пироги и шарлотки, нежные чизкейки, кексы и маффины, праздничные торты и знаменитый львовский сырник в шоколадной глазури! Вы сможете с легкостью приготовить множество разнообразных блюд с творогом с помощью подробных иллюстрированных рецептов для духовки, мультиварки и микроволновой печи. В каждом из разделов представлены несколько десятков рецептов на любой вкус.Net na nashej kuhne produkta bolee vkusnogo, poleznogo i universal'nogo, chem tvorog! Osnova ili nachinka dlja nesladkoj vypechki i legkih zakusok, on mozhet prevratit'sja v poleznyj domashnij plavlenyj syr ili pridat' nezhnosti i sochnosti vkusnejshim desertam. Bolee 70 prostyh i proverennyh receptov s fotografijami narodnoj i evropejskoj kuhni: placyndy, vareniki, zapekanki, bliny, zrazy, hachapuri i vatrushki k obedennomu stolu ili vkusnejshie tvorozhnye deserty, morozhenoe, fruktovye pirogi i sharlotki, nezhnye chizkejki, keksy i maffiny, prazdnichnye torty i znamenityj l'vovskij syrnik v shokoladnoj glazuri! Vy smozhete s legkost'ju prigotovit' mnozhestvo raznoobraznyh bljud s tvorogom s pomoshh'ju podrobnyh illjustrirovannyh receptov dlja duhovki, mul'tivarki i mikrovolnovoj pechi. V kazhdom iz razdelov predstavleny neskol'ko desjatkov receptov na ljuboj vkus.
Jelek...: ?letsz?sszenetek nem csak ?tvenéveseknek
Jelek...: ?letsz?sszenetek nem csak ?tvenéveseknek
Все тонкости изготовления домашних деликатесов! ? Описание технологии горячего и холодного копчения ? Рецепты аппетитных блюд ?с дымком? ? Советы по созданию стационарных и переносных коптилен В книге вы найдете подробное описание технологии холодного и горя?чего копчения, соления, маринования, а также множество рецептов приготовления мяса, птицы, рыбы, грибов, сыра, фруктов. Бастурма и ветчина, карбонад и сырокопченый окорок, копченые лещ и щука, колбаски и сало, копченый шпик и грудинка, пастрома и пашина, копченая курица и утка, вяленые абрикосы, дыня, помидоры – ваш стол будет ломиться от домашних деликатесов, и при этом вы будете уверены в их качестве! ПРАКТИЧНЫЙ БОНУС! Схемы и инструкции по сборке переносных и стационарных коптилен, которые можно соорудить как дома, так и на даче. Vse tonkosti izgotovlenija domashnih delikatesov! ? Opisanie tehnologii gorjachego i holodnogo kopchenija ? Recepty appetitnyh bljud ?s dymkom? ? Sovety po sozdaniju stacionarnyh i perenosnyh koptilen V knige vy najdete podrobnoe opisanie tehnologii holodnogo i gorja?chego kopchenija, solenija, marinovanija, a takzhe mnozhestvo receptov prigotovlenija mjasa, pticy, ryby, gribov, syra, fruktov. Basturma i vetchina, karbonad i syrokopchenyj okorok, kopchenye leshh i shhuka, kolbaski i salo, kopchenyj shpik i grudinka, pastroma i pashina, kopchenaja kurica i utka, vjalenye abrikosy, dynja, pomidory – vash stol budet lomit'sja ot domashnih delikatesov, i pri jetom vy budete uvereny v ih kachestve! PRAKTIChNYJ BONUS! Shemy i instrukcii po sborke perenosnyh i stacionarnyh koptilen, kotorye mozhno soorudit' kak doma, tak i na dache.
Leiner Laura
Чтобы приготовить восхитительные десерты из этой книги, вам не придется возиться с тестом. Используйте для них простые продукты – вафли, печенье, шоколад, ягоды, орехи, сливки. ? Торт ?Три шоколада? ? Йогуртовый торт с желе ? Шоколадная панна-кота ? Клубничный пудинг ? Сливочно-шоколадный десерт ? Десерт ?Птичье молоко? ? Пирожное ?Картошка? ? Тирамису ? Парфе с ягодами и др. Chtoby prigotovit' voshititel'nye deserty iz jetoj knigi, vam ne pridetsja vozit'sja s testom. Ispol'zujte dlja nih prostye produkty – vafli, pechen'e, shokolad, jagody, orehi, slivki. ? Tort ?Tri shokolada? ? Jogurtovyj tort s zhele ? Shokoladnaja panna-kota ? Klubnichnyj puding ? Slivochno-shokoladnyj desert ? Desert ?Ptich'e moloko? ? Pirozhnoe ?Kartoshka? ? Tiramisu ? Parfe s jagodami i dr.
Egy milliomos b?rében Afrikában
Egy milliomos b?rében Afrikában
Egri Zsanna
Рецепты сладких домашних заготовок. ? Простые рецепты из яблок, груш, клубники, вишни, абрикосов, смородины, слив и др. ? Вкуснее и полезнее магазинных сладостей. В книге собраны рецепты самых вкусных джемов, конфитюров, пастилы, варенья, сиропов и компотов, которые вы с легкостью сможете повторить на своей кухне. ? Яблочное варенье на сковороде ? конфитюр из абрикосов, черешни, малины ? персики в ванильном сиропе ? пюре из яблок, груш и айвы ? пастила из слив, смородины, облепихи ? джем из вишни, персиков, слив ? засахаренный барбарис ? компот-ассорти из яблок, слив и груш. Эта книга станет отличным подарком для любителей сладких заготовок!
The SAS Self-Defence Manual: Elite defence techniques for men and women
The SAS Self-Defence Manual: Elite defence techniques for men and women
John 'Lofty' Wiseman
Written by a former Survival Instructor of the SAS, The SAS and Special Forces Self-Defence Handbook provides easy-to-follow, illustrated instructions on coping with all kinds of threatening situations, from muggings to knife attacks. The author teaches you strategies for both avoiding conflict and getting out of a dangerous situation quickly and safely. Learn how mental attitude, body language, assertiveness, and the ability to overcome fear can prevent you from becoming a prime target for criminals. Learn which parts of the body are the most effective weapons in fending off an attacker, and which are the most likely targets for attack. Defend yourself from sudden grabs, strangles, weapons, and road rage. And find out how to deliver the SAS five-second knockout, a defence previously available only to British SAS Special Forces soldiers. Illustrated with black-and-white photographs and instructive artworks and including expert advice throughout, The SAS and Special Forces Self-Defence Handbook is a comprehensive guide to self-defence for both men and women.
Mental and Physical Endurance: How to reach your physical and mental peak
Mental and Physical Endurance: How to reach your physical and mental peak
Alexander Stilwell
Most of us know that we are not exercising our minds and bodies as much as we should. The Elite Forces Manual of Mental and Physical Endurance uses techniques developed by special forces units to train their recruits to show how we can improve our mental and physical fitness. The book is a detailed examination of what it takes to become as fit as a special forces soldier, taking a holistic view of the body and mind. It is equally important to focus on diet, rest patterns and mental discipline as it is to concentrate on physical exercises. Using simple steps, the book shows the reader how they can build up their endurance over a matter of weeks and months, and how their quality of life will benefit. Like elite soldiers, top athletes need the spur of competition to achieve their greatest successes, and The Elite Forces Manual of Mental and Physical Endurance demonstrates how you can gain the psychological edge over your opponent. Whether you are competing in unarmed combat sports, running a marathon or just looking to get ahead, the book has helpful and practical advice for you. Using photographs and artworks, The Elite Forces Manual of Mental and Physical Endurance shows how special forces units such as the SAS and Delta Force stretch themselves mentally and physically, giving the reader the opportunity to train as they do in easy-to-follow steps to reach their peak of mental and physical strength.
Extreme Unarmed Combat: Hand-to-Hand Fighting Skills From The World's Elite Mili
Extreme Unarmed Combat: Hand-to-Hand Fighting Skills From The World's Elite Mili
Martin J Dougherty
Duck punch, cover block and knee strike. Boxing, wrestling and Ju-Jitsu. Gameplan, lines of attack and final disengagement. If you can’t take flight, you’re going to have to fight. Extreme Unarmed Combat is an authoritative handbook on an immense array of close combat defence techniques, from fistfights to headlocks, from tackling single unarmed opponents to armed groups, from stance to manoeuvring. Presented in a handy pocketbook format, Extreme Unarmed Combat ’s structure considers the different fighting and martial arts skills you can use before looking at the areas of the body to defend, how to attack without letting yourself be hurt and how to incapacitate your opponent. With more than 300 black-&-white illustrations of combat scenarios, punches, blocks and ducks, and with expert easy-to-follow text, Extreme Unarmed Combat guides you through everything you need to know about what to do when you can’t escape trouble. This book could save your life.
Air Fryer Cookbook: The Top 48 Air Fryer Recipes1
Air Fryer Cookbook: The Top 48 Air Fryer Recipes1
Nancy Ross
WANT TO LEARN THE TOP 48 AIR FRYER RECIPES WITH STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS? Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn... The Basics of the Air FryerEasy Breakfasts with the Air FryerLunches for Those Days You are BusyDinners for the Whole FamilyYummy Desserts to End the DayMuch, Much, More! Here Is A Preview Of Some Of The Air Fryer Recipes You'll Learn... Bacon CupsRaisin French ToastChocolate DonutsStuffed ChickenLunchtime SteaksFried Chicken LegsGinger ChickenStuffed PeppersMexican BurgersGrilled HalibutChicken NuggetsMuch, Much, More!
An Episode Under the Terror by Honoré de Balzac - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
An Episode Under the Terror by Honoré de Balzac - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
Honoré de Balzac
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘An Episode Under the Terror by Honoré de Balzac - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Collected Works of Honoré de Balzac’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Balzac includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘An Episode Under the Terror by Honoré de Balzac - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Balzac’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the textPlease visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
Margaret Brown's French Cookery Book
Margaret Brown's French Cookery Book
Margaret Brown
Containing a variety of receipts, from the plainest cookery to the most elaborate French dish. 278 recipes. First published in 1886. According to the author, the recipes "are reliable, as nearly every one has been used by me at different times. My experience in the work has prompted me to issue this book, every part of which has been dictated by me."
Quick and Easy Recipes: 3 in 1 Collection - Crockpot, Air Fryer, and Spiralizer
Quick and Easy Recipes: 3 in 1 Collection - Crockpot, Air Fryer, and Spiralizer
Nancy Ross
WANT TO LEARN OVER 165 EASY AND QUICK RECIPES WITH STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS? DISCOVER DELICIOUS CROCKPOT, AIR FRYER AND SPIRALIZER RECIPES ALL IN ONE BOOK! Here Is A Preview Of Some Of The Crockpot Recipes You'll Learn... ? Egg and Sausage Casserole ? Spinach and Chicken Quiche ? Cheese Souffle ? Stuffed Peppers ? Veggie Chili ? Ratatouille ? Jambalaya ? Mac and Cheese ? Ravioli ? Vegetable and Chicken Burritos ? Squash Lasagna ? Much, Much, More! Here Is A Preview Of Some Of The Air Fryer Recipes You'll Learn... ? Bacon Cups ? Raisin French Toast ? Chocolate Donuts ? Stuffed Chicken ? Lunchtime Steaks ? Fried Chicken Legs ? Ginger Chicken ? Stuffed Peppers ? Mexican Burgers ? Grilled Halibut ? Chicken Nuggets ? Much, Much, More! Here Is A Preview Of Some Of The Spiralizer Recipes You'll Learn... ? Sweet Potato Breakfast ? Cheddar Squash Pancakes ? Greek Pasta Salad ? Beetroot Salad ? Vegetable Wrap ? Zucchini and Chicken Noodles ? Chicken Salad ? Turkey Meatballs and Spaghetti ? Turkey Noodles ? Bell Pepper and Tuna Salad Sandwich ? Zucchini Manicotti ? Much, Much, More!
Super Keto Smoothies & Juices:Making Ketosis Easy
Super Keto Smoothies & Juices:Making Ketosis Easy
Elizabeth Jane
30 Super Keto Smoothies - The Easy Way To Keep On Your Keto Diet! All Delicious Too 30 Delicious Fat Burning Recipes Brimming With Powerful Nutrients Includes Fruit & Non-Fruit Smoothies and Super Juices Fruit Smoothies Include: Raspberry Almond Smoothie Strawberry Cheesecake Shake Gingered Plum Smoothie Non-Fruit Smoothies Include: Cinnamon Roll Smoothie Coconut Mocha Frappe Minty Keto Milkshake Super Juices Include: Tropical Kiwi Juice Pear Limeade Cucumber Lemonade
The Big Book of Soups
The Big Book of Soups
Big Kitchen Series is proud to bring you The Big Book of Soups. This full edition is all you will ever need for your favourite soup recipes. Including the most loved recipes as well as some more unusual ideas, you can be sure that you will never be stuck for a soup to make ever again! It is packed with great ideas and variety. Be sure to check out other new titles from the Big Kitchen Series releasing throughout 2014.
A Christmas Dream, and How It Came True
A Christmas Dream, and How It Came True
Louisa May Alcott
I am so tired of Christmas I wish there never would be another one!' exclaimed a discontented-looking little girl, as she sat idly watching her mother arrange a pile of gifts two days before they were to be given. 'Why, Effie, what a dreadful thing to say! You are as bad as old Scrooge; and I'm afraid something will happen to you, as it did to him, if you don't care for dear Christmas,' answered mamma, almost dropping the silver horn she was filling with delicious candies...
Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde, Volume 1
Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde, Volume 1
Oscar Wilde
In this collection of beautifully written modern fairy tales Oscar Wilde does not fail to both entertain with humorous characters and witty dialogue and at the same time deliver a subtle yet very potent message about some of the most human qualities such as true friendship, true happiness, selfishness, ignorance, playfulness and love. Some of the most famous epigrams of Oscar Wilde come from the characters in these tales. This volume includes: The Happy Prince, The Nightingale And the Rose, The Selfish Giant, The Devoted Friend, The Remarkable Rocket.
The Double-Dealer: A Comedy
The Double-Dealer: A Comedy
William Congreve
Touchwood, about to marry Cynthia, daughter of Sir Paul Plyant. Lady Touchwood, a violent and dissolute woman, is in love with Mellefont, but as he rejects her advances, determines to prevent the match and ruin him in Lord Touchwood's esteem. In this design she finds a confederate in Maskwell, the Double Dealer, who has been her lover, pretends to be Mellefont's friend, and aspires to cheat him of Cynthia and get her for himself.
A Christmas Rose and Other Stories
A Christmas Rose and Other Stories
Bessie Hatton
It was in a desolate London lodging-house that Marietta’s courage gave way. In Italy she could live and be merry on the most frugal fare. A little polenta, a handful of grapes, and a piece of bread sufficed for a good meal. Not so in London; nor were there grapes or polenta even if she desired nothing else. The poor little heart needed nourishment against the gloom and harass of the great dull city. So she laid her head upon her brother’s breast in a fit of despair and wept bitterly.