

Ziua recuno?tin?ei
Ziua recuno?tin?ei
A. M. Homes
Cum s? cre?tem copii care s? aib? ?ncredere ?n ei O dispozi?ie ?ncrez?toare ?i fericit?, bazat? pe respect s?n?tos de sine, este cel mai bun cadou pe care un p?rinte ?l poate oferi copilului s?u. Nu exist? formula perfect? pentru a fi p?rinte ?i a?a ceva este, ?n orice caz, un vis irealizabil. To?i avem momente c?nd nu facem fa?? presiunilor. Elizabeth Hartley-Brewer porne?te de la premisa c? respectul de sine este ingredientul de baz? al fericirii profunde ?i c? st? ?n puterea noastr?, ca p?rin?i, s? le d?ruim celor mici un respect s?n?tos de sine ?i, prin aceasta, fericirea aceea durabil? dup? care t?njim cu to?ii. Ce ?nseamn? respectul de sine? S? ne sim?im bine ?n leg?tur? cu noi ?n?ine, s? fim m?ndri de cine suntem. Dac? ai stim? de sine, e?ti fericit ?i ai ?ncredere ?n valoarea ta intrinsec?, ca persoan? unic?. Copiii, la fel ca adul?ii, au cele mai bune rezultate atunci c?nd se simt confortabil ?n propria piele. Iar acest lucru se ?nt?mpl? atunci c?nd li se spune c? au f?cut ceva bine, c? sunt simpatici, c? sunt o companie pl?cut?. Un copil ??i va dezvolta respectul de sine ?i va deveni o persoan? ?ncrez?toare, independent? ?i fericit? numai dac? este ferm convins de dragostea ?i aprecierea p?rin?ilor lui. Dac? te ?ntrebi cum po?i s? ??i aju?i copilul s? ??i dezvolte respectul de sine, ?n aceast? carte vei g?si solu?iile! Cartea cuprinde: - 9 capitole despre cum s? ??i cre?ti copilul av?nd o atitudine pozitiv? - Concepte-cheie precum ?laud?“, ?joac?“, ?timp“, ?atingere“ ?i ?discu?ie“ care te vor ghida ?n interac?iunea cu cel mic - ?ntreb?ri care te vor ajuta s? ??i ?n?elegi ?i s? ??i ?mbun?t??e?ti comportamentul - Informa?ii punctate, cu caracter concret ?i u?or de parcurs - Casete ?n care po?i face noti?e personale - 2 schi?e care explic? perfect raportul de cauzalitate dintre emo?ii, comportamente ?i urm?rile lor ?O carte practic? ?i bine scris?, care ofer? sprijin p?rin?ilor ?i expune multe idei utile.“ - Nursery World ?Se spune c? adev?rata fericire nu este reprezentat? de linia de sosire; ea este constituit? pe parcursul care te duce acolo. Dac? vom concepe fericirea drept ceva ce trebuie atins, g?sit sau cump?rat, rezult? c? ea poate, de asemenea, s? dispar?. Acest tip de fericire exist?, ?ntr-adev?r, dar este, prin defini?ie, extern, trec?tor ?i fragil. Exist? ?ns? o fericire mai ad?nc ?nr?d?cinat?, mai durabil?, ?i anume una care este situat? ?n interior. Dac? o avem sau nu depinde de cum ne apreciem pe noi ?n?ine, adic? de respectul de sine.”
Keszty?s kézzel
Keszty?s kézzel
Fern Michaels
Ebben a k?nyvben húsz n? intim t?rténetét olvashatod szexr?l, szenvedélyr?l, kíváncsiságról, kapcsolatok-ról, sebekr?l és fejl?désr?l, ahogy elmesélik, kik voltak egykor, hogyan bimbózott ki testükben a szerelem zabolátlan vadrózsája. Szabadon tárják fel titkaikat, akárcsak a mesebeli királylány az elrejtett jegyeket a furfangos legénynek. Megismerheted a n?i szexualitás kalandját az els? bimbózástól a virágzás szépségén át az érett gyüm?lcs?-kig. Tanúja lehetsz, ahogy k?vetik vágyaikat, kockáztatnak, sérülnek, gyógyulnak, n?vekednek. Akárcsak te vagy én. Mert a merész t?rténetek, még ha ezerarcúak is, a mélyük?n ott az autentikus n?i tapasztalat a szexualitás kibomlásáról, ami teljes virágában az intimitást, a kapcsolatot ?lt?zteti ünnepl?be.
Fra?i pe jum?tate
Fra?i pe jum?tate
Christensen Lars Saabye
Cum s? cre?tem copii s?n?to?i ? P?rin?ii vor descoperi care este alimenta?ia ideal? pentru copiii lor ?i vor ?nv??a s? le preg?teasc? m?nc?ruri delicioase ?i s?n?toase. ? Elena Pridie porne?te de la dou? idei esen?iale pentru orice p?rinte: 1.????? Copiii sunt comoara noastr?.? 2.????? Oferindu-le copiilor no?tri o alimenta?ie s?n?toas?, ?nc? de la na?tere, le garant?m cel mai bun start ?n via??. Cerealele, legumele, fructele, leguminoasele, nucile ?i semin?ele constituie alimente excelente pentru copii. Bogate ?n glucide complexe, proteine, fibre, vitamine ?i substan?e minerale, ele constituie temelia pentru obiceiuri alimentare care le vor influen?a benefic s?n?tatea pe tot parcursul vie?ii. Care este impactul pozitiv al unei diete s?n?toase? Copiii no?tri vor fi feri?i ?n viitor de multe dintre bolile care ne afecteaz? pe noi ast?zi, vor avea o greutate corporal? ideal? ?i se vor bucura de realiz?ri ?n toate domeniile vie?ii. ? Cartea cuprinde: O prefa?? semnat? de Dr. Magdalena Ionescu, medic specialist pediatrie ?i neonatologie 4 capitole dedicate impactului alimenta?iei asupra s?n?t??ii ?i cuno?tin?elor de nutri?ie esen?iale pentru p?rin?i ?i copii Un capitol dedicat alimenta?iei copilului pe grupe de v?rst?, de la na?tere p?n? la adolescen?? ?i tinere?e, cu sfaturi ?i idei de meniuri Un capitol special despre cre?terea ?i ?ngrijirea sugarului ?i a copilului mic Cel mai amplu capitol, cel dedicat re?etelor propriu-zise - m?nc?ruri din cereale, fructe, nuci, legume ?i leguminoase, precum supele, pateurile, pastele, chiftelu?ele, toc?ni?ele, c?t mai creative ?i pline de culoare. Nu? lipsesc nici deserturile ?i b?uturile. ? ?De real ajutor este ultima parte a c?r?ii, care cuprinde o sumedenie de re?ete vegetariene - re?ete care pot fi utilizate ?i de cei care m?n?nc? produse de origine animal? ca alternativ? sau ca o completare (garnituri, mese doar vegetariene etc.)”- PrWave (http://www.prwave.ro/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=59022&Itemid=95)
Kemény motorosok
Kemény motorosok
Christopher Golden
Соление. Квашение. Маринование ? Соте ? Икра ? Соусы ? Салаты ? Ассорти ? Закуски ? Компоты ? Приправы Новые оригинальные рецепты к сезону консервации! Вам не потребуется много времени и сил, чтобы приготовить эти разносолы как холодным, так и горячим способом консервирования. Вы сможете сохранить витамины и полезные вещества в овощах и фруктах и круглый год баловать себя и близких аппетитными заготовками. Приготовьте перец, фаршированный яблоками, консервированную кукурузу, овощное ассорти, нежные помидорчики с алычой, остренькие патиссоны с чесноком, ягодный конфитюр или тающее во рту сливовое повидло убедитесь – это очень вкусно! Solenie. Kvashenie. Marinovanie ? Sote ? Ikra ? Sousy ? Salaty ? Assorti ? Zakuski ? Kompoty ? Pripravy Novye original'nye recepty k sezonu konservacii! Vam ne potrebuetsja mnogo vremeni i sil, chtoby prigotovit' jeti raznosoly kak holodnym, tak i gorjachim sposobom konservirovanija. Vy smozhete sohranit' vitaminy i poleznye veshhestva v ovoshhah i fruktah i kruglyj god balovat' sebja i blizkih appetitnymi zagotovkami. Prigotov'te perec, farshirovannyj jablokami, konservirovannuju kukuruzu, ovoshhnoe assorti, nezhnye pomidorchiki s alychoj, ostren'kie patissony s chesnokom, jagodnyj konfitjur ili tajushhee vo rtu slivovoe povidlo ubedites' – jeto ochen' vkusno!
Amikor a szerelemnek csokoládéíze van
Amikor a szerelemnek csokoládéíze van
Emily Bold
Bár a Trollfoci-adminok ezúttal sem fedik fel arcukat, azért a k?nyvb?l fény derül egy sor más rejtélyre. Például, hogy miként vált egy poénnak induló Facebook-oldal napjaink magyar labdarúgásának legnagyobb hatású - és létszámú - szurkolói k?z?sségévé. Vagy hogy mit gondolnak az elmúlt harminc évr?l azok, akik miatt nem járnak meccsre a családok. Aki eddig nem k?vette a Trollfoci munkásságát, az választ kaphat olyan kínzó kérdésre, mint hogy mit csinálnak az ismer?sei, amikor tipszmiksz?nek, devecseringelnek netán liptákingolnak. Az olvasók által gy?jt?tt Mennyei t?rténetek a megyei bajnokságok hamis igazolásokkal, felesekkel és futballra alkalmatlan pályákkal teli világának állítanak méltó emléket. Van itt minden: kommentátori bakik, óda az MB1-hez, megmondóemberek - még maguk az érintettek, azaz a játékosok is megszólalnak. S?t: megtudjuk, melyik admin rúgta le egyszer Torghelle Sándort. Páros lábbal - ahogy egy vérbeli trollhoz illik, a BDSRSTNT! *Ajánlás ,,Nem érdekel" - Bajner Bálint ,,Asszem, mindenféleképpen ajánlom" - Lipcsei Péter ,,Utoljára a Biblia megjelenését vártam ennyire!" - Dombi Tibor ,,Takarodjál megvenni, vagy levágom a fejed!" - Urbán Flórián ,,Remélem, hamarosan megjelenik románul is" - Guzmics Richárd ,,Nem megyek haza elolvasni!" - Huszti Szabolcs ,,Senki sem kérte, hogy megírjátok!" - Pintér Attila ,,Az ?ngólomat leszámítva jó k?nyv..." - Devecseri Szilárd ,,Vi vill báj disz búúk. D? búúk is better then frí penaltíz!" - José Gomes ,,T?kéletes olvasmány egy fázós estén!" - Ricardo Moniz ,,Kétmillió okot mondok, hogy elolvasd..." - Csányi Sándor *Egy t?kéletes trollvilágban így ajánlanának ?k.
Gábor Benkő
Сол?ння. Квашення. Маринування ? Соте ? ?кра ? Соуси ? Салати ? Асорт? ? Закуски ? Компоти ? Приправи Нов? ориг?нальн? рецепти до сезону консервац??! Вам не буде потр?бно багато часу ? сил, щоб приготувати ц? смакоту як холодним, так ? гарячим способом консервування. Ви зможете зберегти в?там?ни ? корисн? речовини в овочах ? фруктах ? круглий р?к балувати себе ? близьких апетитними заготовками. Приготуйте перець, фарширований яблуками, консервовану кукурудзу, овочеве асорт?, н?жн? пом?дорчики з аличею, гостреньк? патисони з часником, яг?дний мармелад або тане в рот? сливове повидло ? переконайтеся - це дуже смачно! Sol?nnja. Kvashennja. Marinuvannja ? Sote ? ?kra ? Sousi ? Salati ? Asort? ? Zakuski ? Kompoti ? Pripravi Nov? orig?nal'n? recepti do sezonu konservac??! Vam ne bude potr?bno bagato chasu ? sil, shhob prigotuvati c? smakotu jak holodnim, tak ? garjachim sposobom konservuvannja. Vi zmozhete zberegti v?tam?ni ? korisn? rechovini v ovochah ? fruktah ? kruglij r?k baluvati sebe ? bliz'kih apetitnimi zagotovkami. Prigotujte perec', farshirovanij jablukami, konservovanu kukurudzu, ovocheve asort?, n?zhn? pom?dorchiki z alicheju, gostren'k? patisoni z chasnikom, jag?dnij marmelad abo tane v rot? slivove povidlo ? perekonajtesja - ce duzhe smachno!
Hó, mint hamu
Hó, mint hamu
Sara Raasch
Ароматная пицца с хрустящей корочкой, пироги с сочной начин?кой – это невероятно вкусно! В книге собраны очень простые и доступные даже для начинающих кулинаров рецепты угощений из дрожжевого, бездрожжевого, слоеного, бисквитного теста. Приготовить их можно в духовке, мультиварке или даже на обычной сковороде. Медовый пирог с грушами, пицца на сковороде, пицца с грудинкой, лимонный пирог, манник с вишней, киш с помидорами, пирог с курицей, фокачча с сыром, шарлотка с яблоками, пирог с капустой – с таким разнообразием рецептов вы сможете чаще радовать родных вкусной выпечкой. Aromatnaja picca s hrustjashhej korochkoj, pirogi s sochnoj nachin?koj – jeto neverojatno vkusno! V knige sobrany ochen' prostye i dostupnye dazhe dlja nachinajushhih kulinarov recepty ugoshhenij iz drozhzhevogo, bezdrozhzhevogo, sloenogo, biskvitnogo testa. Prigotovit' ih mozhno v duhovke, mul'tivarke ili dazhe na obychnoj skovorode. Medovyj pirog s grushami, picca na skovorode, picca s grudinkoj, limonnyj pirog, mannik s vishnej, kish s pomidorami, pirog s kuricej, fokachcha s syrom, sharlotka s jablokami, pirog s kapustoj – s takim raznoobraziem receptov vy smozhete chashhe radovat' rodnyh vkusnoj vypechkoj.
Paul Hut
Более 500 рецептов! ? Домашний кагор ? Ореховое шампанское ? Клубничное вино ? Рябиновый самогон ? Липовая медовуха ? Тминная водка ? Ежевичная ратафия ? Виски с дымком ? Запорожское пиво ? Ликер ?Бенедиктин? ? Традиционный вермут ? Хреновуха ? Коньяк с грецким орехом ? Вишневка и терновка Используя детальные рекомендации и доступное оборудование, вы сможете приготовить красные и белые, сухие, крепленые и игристые, сортовые и купажированные, виноградные и плодово-ягодные вина. Подробно описан весь процесс от подготовки сусла и браги до фильтрации, очистки, облагораживания и ароматизации пряностями и душистыми травами. Кроме того – пошаговое приготовление домашнего самогона из сахара, а также зерна, овощей и фруктов и более 30 рецептов домашнего пива!Bolee 500 receptov! ? Domashnij kagor ? Orehovoe shampanskoe ? Klubnichnoe vino ? Rjabinovyj samogon ? Lipovaja medovuha ? Tminnaja vodka ? Ezhevichnaja ratafija ? Viski s dymkom ? Zaporozhskoe pivo ? Liker ?Benediktin? ? Tradicionnyj vermut ? Hrenovuha ? Kon'jak s greckim orehom ? Vishnevka i ternovka Ispol'zuja detal'nye rekomendacii i dostupnoe oborudovanie, vy smozhete prigotovit' krasnye i belye, suhie, kreplenye i igristye, sortovye i kupazhirovannye, vinogradnye i plodovo-jagodnye vina. Podrobno opisan ves' process ot podgotovki susla i bragi do fil'tracii, ochistki, oblagorazhivanija i aromatizacii prjanostjami i dushistymi travami. Krome togo – poshagovoe prigotovlenie domashnego samogona iz sahara, a takzhe zerna, ovoshhej i fruktov i bolee 30 receptov domashnego piva!
Classic Cookery - Things Mother Used To Make
Classic Cookery - Things Mother Used To Make
Gurney, Lydia
Things Mother Used to make is not only a wonderful cookery book with recipes for many classic dishes, but also contains a section with handy hints on running your home economically and effectively. With sections on Soups, Desserts, Meat dishes, Vegetables, Sweets, Sauces and much more, this classic book is a valuable addition to anyone's cookery range. This edition has been specially formatted for today's e-readers.
I Know You Like to Smoke, But You Can Quit―Now: Stop Smoking in 30 Days
I Know You Like to Smoke, But You Can Quit―Now: Stop Smoking in 30 Days
Andreas Jopp
You Really Can Quit –Now. ?This German quit smoking bestseller is already translated into 10 languages and over 100.000 smokers have quit with it.Of course you like smoking—otherwise, it wouldn’t be so hard to quit. Only when you truly understand why you smoke is it possible to stop smoking without feeling like you’re giving up something.Of course you like smoking—otherwise, it wouldn’t be so hard to quit. Only when you truly understand why you smoke is it possible to stop smoking without feeling like you’re giving up something. “Every smoker has his or her own personal beliefs, fears, and questions about quitting. This interactive coaching program, including the book, online program, and personalized app will support you in every aspect, every step of the way. I don't expect that every reader has already decided to quit smoking. This decision happens when questions are answered and fears are alleviated, and that's what this program is designed to do,” says author Andreas Jopp. For those who are ready to quit, or ready at least to consider it, here is a modern handbook with a fresh approach.?Gone are the days of quitting by willpower alone! Using the latest findings in addiction research, Jopp explains the thought patterns that keep millions from trying to quit—and details the most successful strategies for quitting. Divided into 30 chapters (which can be read one per day leading up to quitting day, or at the reader’s own pace), the book presents an appealing mix of evidence-based research and insight and guidance informed by Jopp’s experiences as both an ex-smoker and a health coach who has already helped many thousands of smokers to stop smoking. Jopp never loses sight of what is most important for smokers to understand: exactly how nicotine induces both physical and psychological dependence—and by knowing all this, how to break free. Additionally, readers can download a free mobile app that lets them track and share their progress. Andreas Jopp’s comprehensive approach and straightforward guidance will help anyone kick the habit for good! About the Author ANDREAS JOPP is a medical journalist and health coach. He has published 7 books which have been on the best seller lists for weeks and translated into 16 languages. * His latest book on quit smoking book has been translated in 10 languages and is the No 1 quit smoking book in many countries. * Mr. Jopp has been a smoker himself in the past. After quitting he has coached thousands of smokers for the last ten years. * In addition Mr. Jopp is one of the most prominent nutrition and diet specialists in Germany. His books on losing weight with protein, vitamins & cancer, fats & longevity were on the best-seller lists for weeks. * These are also important topics of the new quit smoking book because smokers do not want to gain weight and many would like to lower the cancer risk once they stop. To download the Hypnosis MP3: www.nichtraucherin30Tagen.de/englishFor more information: www.jopp-online.com/en
Sous Vide Cookbook
Sous Vide Cookbook
Amanda Clark
Sous Vide Cookbook
Diet Sauces
Diet Sauces
My Ebook Publishing House
Diet Sauces
A to Z Baking Breads for Total Beginners
A to Z Baking Breads for Total Beginners
Lisa Bond
Yes!? You can make the best bread you ever had, right at home.? Read this book and you'll find out how. Bread! We have friends over and want to commune with them; we break bread. The simple act of showing friendship and fellowship. If we are short on money, we need to make some dough. The simple start to the bread making process is synonymous with making our way in the world. If we find something amazing, it is the best thing since sliced bread. Sliced bread must have been pretty amazing. Was there anything good before it? No one will ever know. If we are celebrating, we make a toast (which I do not think has anything to do with bread, but I was running out of bread-related things to say.) Bread is something we take for granted. It is something which has been part of our culture for thousands of years. It is a part of our daily life. We cannot go anywhere without bumping into a slice of bread. From the humble cheese on toast to the mighty sandwich, to the fantastic grilled cheese sandwich, bread is everywhere. We cannot escape it. We will not escape it. Now that we have that cleared up let’s talk bread. We all know what bread is, there is no need to discuss it any further. The real reason you are here is to learn about how to bake really great bread. Well, I am going to tell you how, and more. We will start with some history before we delve into making great bread. From the dough to the finish, I will tell you everything you need to know about the loaf. From oven baked to bread maker, we will go through the various methods at your disposal. From recipe ideas to what you should do with your stale bread (hint: don’t throw it away), we will learn about the versatility of this humble yeasty treat. There is so much that bread can do and so much that you can do with bread. The ingredients are endless, the recipes are endless; the possibilities are endless. Come on a journey with me as we bake some bread.
Understanding Wine: A Practical Guide to Wine Basics
Understanding Wine: A Practical Guide to Wine Basics
My Ebook Publishing House
Understanding Wine: A Practical Guide to Wine Basics
Scrumptious Slow Cooker Recipes For Two: Over 100 Tasty Recipes Prepared In A Sl
Scrumptious Slow Cooker Recipes For Two: Over 100 Tasty Recipes Prepared In A Sl
Maggie Piper
Scrumptious Slow Cooker Recipes For Two: Over 100 Tasty Recipes Prepared In A Slow Cooker
5 Ingredient Slow Cooker Meals: 105 Quick and Easy 5 Ingredient Crock Pot Recipe
5 Ingredient Slow Cooker Meals: 105 Quick and Easy 5 Ingredient Crock Pot Recipe
Jan Morgan
5 Ingredient Slow Cooker Meals: 105 Quick and Easy 5 Ingredient Crock Pot Recipes
The Power Pressure Cooker XL Cookbook
The Power Pressure Cooker XL Cookbook
Whitley Fox
The Power Pressure Cooker XL Cookbook
Air Fryer Cookbook: Delicious & Healthy Air Fryer Recipes Book
Air Fryer Cookbook: Delicious & Healthy Air Fryer Recipes Book
Davis Miller
Air Fryer Cookbook: Delicious & Healthy Air Fryer Recipes Book
One Pot Pressure Cooker Cookbook
One Pot Pressure Cooker Cookbook
Paula Corey
One Pot Pressure Cooker Cookbook
The No-Mess Bread Machine Cookbook
The No-Mess Bread Machine Cookbook
Barb Swindoll
The No-Mess Bread Machine Cookbook
Ketogenic Diet Instant Pot Cookbook
Ketogenic Diet Instant Pot Cookbook
Thilda Aylett Gould
Ketogenic Diet Instant Pot Cookbook