

The Green Smoothie and Juicing Bundle
The Green Smoothie and Juicing Bundle
Dale L. Roberts
Over 60 Delicious Green Smoothie & Juicing Recipes to Destroy Fat!? Learn How Green Smoothies & Juicing are the Best Kept Secrets to Losing Weight! Have you struggled to shake off that unwanted fat? Or, do you drop the weight only to have it come back time and again? Then, The Green Smoothie & Juicing Bundle?has exactly what you've needed all along! The Green Smoothie & Juicing Bundle includes: ·Over 30 different, green smoothie recipes·Over 30 different juicer recipes for fruit and vegetable blends·How to get all of the USDA's recommended daily intake for vegetables and fruits·What food is ideal to make the best beverage·How to thicken a smoothie to your preference·How to prepare the vegetables and fruits·What amounts of food makes the best beverage·An understanding of why green smoothies & juicing is so effective for weight loss·How to get the most from every glass for losing weight·Tips to alter flavors to your taste·Advice on how to save money when juicing·Recipes that will suit all dietary lifestyles - vegans, and vegetarians·And, much more!· Included in this book is a glossary of ingredients that explains the benefits and how to utilize each recipe best. This glossary of ingredients gives a better understanding of why each fruit or vegetable is ideal for losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Get Your Copy TODAY!
The Big Book of Sandwiches
The Big Book of Sandwiches
Big Kitchen Series is proud to bring you The Big Book of Sandwiches. This full edition is all you will ever need for your favourite sandwich recipes. Including the most loved set-ups as well as some more unusual ideas, you can be sure that you will never be stuck for a sandwich to knock up ever again! It is packed with great ideas and variety. Be sure to check out other new titles from the Big Kitchen Series releasing throughout 2014.
The Basics of a Healthy Vegan Lifestyle:How to Live Meat-Free and Dairy-Free
The Basics of a Healthy Vegan Lifestyle:How to Live Meat-Free and Dairy-Free
Lewis Haas
A Simple Guide for the Vegan Beginner Learn how veganism can transform your life TODAY! Whether you're a vegan newbie, on-the-fence vegetarian, or simply curious about veganism, this book clarifies the brilliant simplicity and incredible benefits of a plant-based diet. "The Basics of a Healthy Vegan Lifestyle" shares the advantages of removing meat and dairy while still maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The Basics of Healthy Vegan Lifestyle discusses issues such as: ·What makes veganism the best, most cost-effective lifestyle·The scientific proof of why veganism is the better option·How to stay adequately nourished and healthy with veganism·Vegan nutrition myths debunked·Best sources of nutrients such as protein, vitamin D, iron and vitamin B12·Secrets of the vegan athletes for eating out and traveling·Various delicious, nutrient-rich, plant-based recipes·And so much more! What Are You Waiting For? Give Veganism a Shot! Scroll Up and Click the Buy Button to Learn More TODAY!
Bunner Sisters
Bunner Sisters
Edith Wharton
The Bunner sisters were proud of the neatness of their shop and content with its humble prosperity. It was not what they had once imagined it would be, but though it presented but a shrunken image of their earlier ambitions it enabled them to pay their rent and keep themselves alive and out of debt; and it was long since their hopes had soared higher.
Alkaline Diet:Alkaline Diet For Beginners Plus the Top 40 Alkaline Recipes
Alkaline Diet:Alkaline Diet For Beginners Plus the Top 40 Alkaline Recipes
Nancy Ross
WANT TO LEARN THE BENEFITS OF THE ALKALINE DIET PLUS THE TOP 40 ALKALINE RECIPES? Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn... Health Problems That Come with Acidity Eating on the Alkaline Diet Breakfast Meals for Reducing Acidity Great Lunch Ideas Dinners for the Family Much, Much, More! Here Is A Preview Of Some Of The Recipes You'll Learn... Apple Pancakes Blueberry Waffles Mango Granola Kale and Quinoa Salad Zucchini and Sweet Potato Fritters Avocado Wrap Bell Peppers with Eggs Roasted Vegetable Pasta Salmon with Spinach and Mushrooms Stuffed Bell Peppers Avocado and Kale Pasta Much, Much, More!
Encounters in Yoga and Zen
Encounters in Yoga and Zen
Trevor Leggett
The Stories Gleaned from the author’s experiences over many years Yoga and Zen training as well as from conversations with teachers, folk stories and temple magazines, this is a fascinating and enlightening compendium of tales from the Yoga and Zen traditions. Stories such as these are used in many spiritual schools’ teaching – they’re the flint or steel that makes the spark which, when nurtured daily, fires the imagination, heralds enlightenment and insight.
La dieta mediterránea: una guía completa
La dieta mediterránea: una guía completa
Matthew A. Bryant
Los alimentos nutritivos y bajos en grasa que aparecen en la dieta mediterránea son ricos en antioxidantes y omega-3, saludables para el corazón y que combaten enfermedades. Las enfermedades que se han relacionado científicamente con la dieta de una persona (Cáncer, Diabetes, Obesidad, Enfermedad Cardíaca, etc.) están en su punto más alto. Millones de personas han encontrado una manera de reducir naturalmente los riesgos de estas enfermedades cambiándose a la Dieta Mediterránea. ?Quieres comer bien y estar lo más saludable de lo que alguna vez has estado?? Este libro contiene la historia y la ciencia detrás de la dieta mediterránea. ?Por qué funciona? ?Como funciona? ?Está todo aquí! También hay 50 recetas rápidas y simples de alto valor proteico y bajas en carbohidratos para ayudarlo a perder peso mientras come alimentos frescos y de gran sabor. Este es realmente un libro de cocina de la dieta mediterránea que no querrás dejar.Todo lo que tienes que hacer es seguir las recetas en este libro de la dieta mediterránea y estarás en camino para aumentar tu salud en general, aumentar tus niveles de energía, quemar grasa, reducir el estrés y ?demasiados beneficios para enumerarlos! **Aquí hay una vista previa de lo que aprenderás** ·?Qué es la dieta mediterránea?? ·La ciencia detrás de cómo funciona la dieta mediterránea ·Los MUCHOS beneficios de la dieta mediterránea ·Cómo perder peso con la dieta mediterránea ·Un plan semanal de dieta ·50 recetas rápidas y simples ?Descarga tu copia hoy y comienza a vivir una vida más saludable!
Save Your Life with the Elixir of Water: Becoming pH Balanced in an Unbalanced W
Save Your Life with the Elixir of Water: Becoming pH Balanced in an Unbalanced W
Blythe Ayne
A book about the urgent need to drink an adequate amount of water. Also, the crisis of water on the planet, and what we can do about it.
I Know You Like to Smoke, But You Can Quit―Now: Stop Smoking in 30 Days
I Know You Like to Smoke, But You Can Quit―Now: Stop Smoking in 30 Days
Andreas Jopp
You Really Can Quit –Now. ?This German quit smoking bestseller is already translated into 10 languages and over 100.000 smokers have quit with it.Of course you like smoking—otherwise, it wouldn’t be so hard to quit. Only when you truly understand why you smoke is it possible to stop smoking without feeling like you’re giving up something.Of course you like smoking—otherwise, it wouldn’t be so hard to quit. Only when you truly understand why you smoke is it possible to stop smoking without feeling like you’re giving up something. “Every smoker has his or her own personal beliefs, fears, and questions about quitting. This interactive coaching program, including the book, online program, and personalized app will support you in every aspect, every step of the way. I don't expect that every reader has already decided to quit smoking. This decision happens when questions are answered and fears are alleviated, and that's what this program is designed to do,” says author Andreas Jopp. For those who are ready to quit, or ready at least to consider it, here is a modern handbook with a fresh approach.?Gone are the days of quitting by willpower alone! Using the latest findings in addiction research, Jopp explains the thought patterns that keep millions from trying to quit—and details the most successful strategies for quitting. Divided into 30 chapters (which can be read one per day leading up to quitting day, or at the reader’s own pace), the book presents an appealing mix of evidence-based research and insight and guidance informed by Jopp’s experiences as both an ex-smoker and a health coach who has already helped many thousands of smokers to stop smoking. Jopp never loses sight of what is most important for smokers to understand: exactly how nicotine induces both physical and psychological dependence—and by knowing all this, how to break free. Additionally, readers can download a free mobile app that lets them track and share their progress. Andreas Jopp’s comprehensive approach and straightforward guidance will help anyone kick the habit for good! About the Author ANDREAS JOPP is a medical journalist and health coach. He has published 7 books which have been on the best seller lists for weeks and translated into 16 languages. * His latest book on quit smoking book has been translated in 10 languages and is the No 1 quit smoking book in many countries. * Mr. Jopp has been a smoker himself in the past. After quitting he has coached thousands of smokers for the last ten years. * In addition Mr. Jopp is one of the most prominent nutrition and diet specialists in Germany. His books on losing weight with protein, vitamins & cancer, fats & longevity were on the best-seller lists for weeks. * These are also important topics of the new quit smoking book because smokers do not want to gain weight and many would like to lower the cancer risk once they stop. To download the Hypnosis MP3: www.nichtraucherin30Tagen.de/englishFor more information: www.jopp-online.com/en
B?t?lia pentru Basarabia
B?t?lia pentru Basarabia
Gh. Buzatu
Ne putem modifica destinul genetic? Mitchell Gaynor, renumit medic cu decenii de experien?? ?n domeniu, spune c? da. ADN-ul nostru este afectat profund de tot ceea ce m?nc?m ?i bem, de m?sura ?n care avem sau nu o via?? sportiv?, de obiceiurile ?i tiparele care ne guverneaz? existen?a. Nu putem schimba genele cu care ne-am n?scut, dar putem ?mpiedica ?i inversa evolu?ia bolilor cronice, cu ajutorul alegerilor pe care le facem privind alimenta?ia, suplimentele ingerate ?i stilul de via??, activ?nd astfel genele bune ?i dezactiv?ndu-le pe cele rele. Abordarea revolu?ionar? a autorului pune accentul pe combaterea obezit??ii, a bolii coronariene, a diabetului, a cancerului ?i a ?mb?tr?nirii, ar?t?ndu-ne cum ne putem p?stra organismul s?n?tos ?i func?ional prin aplicarea unui plan de nutri?ie u?or de urmat. Planul este astfel conceput ?nc?t s? v? ajute s?: ? lupta?i cu cancerul, boala coronarian? ?i diabetul. Planul de terapie genic? educ? at?t pacien?ii, c?t ?i t?m?duitorii, pentru a atinge acest scop cuprinz?tor. Dr. Mitchell Gaynor se concentreaz? asupra modului ?n care putem folosi alimentele pentru a favoriza ?ns?n?to?irea. Aceast? carte nu se refer? doar la consumarea alimentelor s?n?toase pentru noi, ci la desc?tu?area puterii ascunse a hranei de a ne schimba predispozi?ia genetic? pentru anumite boli, sco??nd informa?ii dintr-o ramur? a geneticii numit? ecogenetic?. Aceasta reprezint? un domeniu aflat ?n plin? expansiune, care aplica filosofia medicinii personalizate, prin utilizarea anumitor substan?e, pentru a ?inti profilul genetic al unui pacient de a contracta boli precum cancerul, diabetul ?i boala coronarian?. Concentr?ndu-se asupra nutrien?ilor bioactivi, cum ar fi apigenina din grepfrut, EGCG (polifenolul epigalocatehingalate) din ceaiul verde ?i curcumina din curry, medicii vor putea prescrie alimente care ac?ioneaz? la nivelul ADN-ului, pentru a promova s?n?tatea. Interesant este faptul c? odat? ce aplica?i practic sfaturile ?n privin?a consum?rii alimentelor ce vizeaz? expresia dvs. genic?, ve?i ?ncepe s? pierde?i treptat pofta nebun? pentru alimentele nocive – cum ar fi carbohidra?ii extrem de rafina?i. ? v? p?stra?i o greutate s?n?toas?; ? combate?i sc?derea imunit??ii; ? ameliora?i efectele ?mb?tr?nirii; ? elimina?i toxinele din organism; ? ave?i mai mult? energie. Planul de terapie genic? educ? at?t pacien?ii, c?t ?i t?m?duitorii, pentru a atinge acest scop cuprinz?tor. Dr. Mitchell Gaynor se concentreaz? asupra modului ?n care putem folosi alimentele pentru a favoriza ?ns?n?to?irea. Aceast? carte nu se refer? doar la consumarea alimentelor s?n?toase pentru noi, ci la desc?tu?area puterii ascunse a hranei de a ne schimba predispozi?ia genetic? pentru anumite boli, sco??nd informa?ii dintr-o ramur? a geneticii numit? ecogenetic?. Aceasta reprezint? un domeniu aflat ?n plin? expansiune, care aplica filosofia medicinii personalizate, prin utilizarea anumitor substan?e, pentru a ?inti profilul genetic al unui pacient de a contracta boli precum cancerul, diabetul ?i boala coronarian?. Concentr?ndu-se asupra nutrien?ilor bioactivi, cum ar fi apigenina din grepfrut, EGCG (polifenolul epigalocatehingalate) din ceaiul verde ?i curcumina din curry, medicii vor putea prescrie alimente care ac?ioneaz? la nivelul ADN-ului, pentru a promova s?n?tatea. Interesant este faptul c? odat? ce aplica?i practic sfaturile ?n privin?a consum?rii alimentelor ce vizeaz? expresia dvs. genic?, ve?i ?ncepe s? pierde?i treptat pofta nebun? pentru alimentele nocive – cum ar fi carbohidra?ii extrem de rafina?i.Planul de terapie genic? educ? at?t pacien?ii, c?t ?i t?m?duitorii, pentru a atinge acest scop cuprinz?tor. Dr. Mitchell Gaynor se concentreaz? asupra modului ?n care putem folosi alimentele pentru a favoriza ?ns?n?to?irea. Aceast? carte nu se refer? doar la consumarea alimentelor s?n?toase pentru noi, ci la desc?tu?area puterii ascunse a hranei de a ne schimba predispozi?ia genetic? pentru anumite boli, sco??nd informa?ii dintr-o ramur? a geneticii numit? ecogenetic?. Aceasta reprezint? un domeniu aflat ?n plin? expansiune, care aplica filosofia medicinii personalizate, prin utilizarea anumitor substan?e, pentru a ?inti profilul genetic al unui pacient de a contracta boli precum cancerul, diabetul ?i boala coronarian?. Concentr?ndu-se asupra nutrien?ilor bioactivi, cum ar fi apigenina din grepfrut, EGCG (polifenolul epigalocatehingalate) din ceaiul verde ?i curcumina din curry, medicii vor putea prescrie alimente care ac?ioneaz? la nivelul ADN-ului, pentru a promova s?n?tatea. Interesant este faptul c? odat? ce aplica?i practic sfaturile ?n privin?a consum?rii alimentelor ce vizeaz? expresia dvs. genic?, ve?i ?ncepe s? pierde?i treptat pofta nebun? pentru alimentele nocive – cum ar fi carbohidra?ii extrem de rafina?i.
Inim? de femeie. Pove?ti adev?rate. Vol. 3
Inim? de femeie. Pove?ti adev?rate. Vol. 3
Colleen Sell
Наполеон и Мишка на севере, Муравейник и Кучерявый пинчер, Черепаха и Спартак, Полет и Пражский, медовики, сметанники, слоеные трубочки с кремом, рассыпчатые Орешки с вареной сгущенкой и румяные Персики — около 120 тортов, пирожных и печенья, которые напомнят вам вкус детства! Их вы сможете приготовить из простых натуральных продуктов, следуя проверенным поколениями рецептам из этой чудесной иллюстрированной книги. Тонкости приготовления бисквитного, песочного, наливного, слоеного, заварного, медового теста, рецепты сметанного, заварного, сливочного и белкового крема с какао и шоколадом, фруктами и орехами — все самое лучшее для вас и ваших близких!Napoleon i Mishka na severe, Muravejnik i Kucherjavyj pincher, Cherepaha i Spartak, Polet i Prazhskij, medoviki, smetanniki, sloenye trubochki s kremom, rassypchatye Oreshki s varenoj sgushhenkoj i rumjanye Persiki — okolo 120 tortov, pirozhnyh i pechen'ja, kotorye napomnjat vam vkus detstva! Ih vy smozhete prigotovit' iz prostyh natural'nyh produktov, sleduja proverennym pokolenijami receptam iz jetoj chudesnoj illjustrirovannoj knigi. Tonkosti prigotovlenija biskvitnogo, pesochnogo, nalivnogo, sloenogo, zavarnogo, medovogo testa, recepty smetannogo, zavarnogo, slivochnogo i belkovogo krema s kakao i shokoladom, fruktami i orehami — vse samoe luchshee dlja vas i vashih blizkih!
A h?tlen, a megcsalt és a szeret?: A szerelmi háromsz?g pszichológiája
A h?tlen, a megcsalt és a szeret?: A szerelmi háromsz?g pszichológiája
Gelsei Bernadett
Szabó Magda?hagyatékából el?került két, kézzel írott, recepteket tartalmazó füzetecske. A megsárgult lapokon található ételek sokszín?sége és érdekessége csupán kultúrt?rténeti szempontból is kiadásra érdemesíti ?ket, ám ezen felül olyan emlékekr?l van szó, amelyek számos szálon k?t?dnek Szabó Magda életéhez és írói világához, és ahhoz a mili?h?z, amely a hétk?znapokban k?rülvette ?t. Vélhet?en ennek is k?sz?nhet?, hogy az írón? gondosan meg?rizte ?ket az utókornak. Az?Egy meszely az fél icce?receptjeit nem az írón? saját maga készítette el, de minden bizonnyal ezeket az ételeket ette gyerekkorában és a kés?bbiekben is. A visszaemlékezések szerint egész életében ragaszkodott a házias ízekhez, azokat értékelte igazán. A régebbi füzet – melybe az 1800-as évek végén kerültek az els? bejegyzések – bels? borítóján a k?vetkez? felirat olvasható:?Jablonczay Gizella szakácsk?nyve. Jablonczay Gizella neve jól ismert a Szabó Magda-olvasók el?tt, hiszen a családi mitológiát elbeszél??Régimódi t?rténet?egyik fontos szerepl?jér?l, az írón? édesanyjának, Jablonczay Lenkének a nagynénjér?l van szó. A másik, szintén kézírásos füzet szerz?jét nem ismerjük, és a receptek valószín?leg kés?bbi keletkezés?ek. A receptek mellett található bejegyzések, kiegészítések arra utalnak, hogy mindkét szakácsk?nyvet gyakran forgatták, és a legt?bb recept valóban el is készült. A két gy?jtemény k?z?s vonása, hogy a korabeli irányvonalnak megfelel?en a francia ételkészítésen alapul. Egyik füzet sem spórolós, b?ven bánik a mandulával, mogyoróval, tojással, és a ma már kevésbe hétk?znapi és drága (például vel?, libamáj, szarvasgomba) alapanyagokkal. A receptek m?g?tt egy változatos elkészítési módokat felvonultató, igényes, az újdonságokra nyitott, kifejezetten jómódú háztartás képe k?rvonalazódik el?ttünk. Mindenkinek ajánljuk, aki hajlandó egy kis gasztronómiai kalandozásra, és nyitott a kül?nleges elkészítési módokra, hogy vállalkozzon a száz évvel ezel?tti konyham?vészet rekonstrukciójára. Mindazoknak pedig, akik nem éreznek erre késztetést, talán épp ugyanannyi ?r?met okoz majd, ha olvasás k?zben megpróbálják átérezni azokat a régi ízeket és illatokat, amelyekben annak idején Szabó Magdának is része lehetett. Mint ahogy a családregényeiben is megelevenedik t?bb mint száz év kultúrt?rténete, úgy ebben a receptgy?jteményben is felfedezhetjük egy let?nt világ életmódjának, étkezési szokásainak lenyomatát.
FIFA-maffia: A futballvilág mocskos üzelmei
FIFA-maffia: A futballvilág mocskos üzelmei
Thomas Kistner
Более 100 разнообразных рецептов сыров Подробные инструкции Рецепты блюд с готовым сыром Любите сыр и хотите быть уверены в качестве Тогда приготовьте сами! Сделать настоящий сыр в домашних условиях несложно, для этого потребуются простые и доступные продукты, посуда, которая есть в каждом доме, и наша книга. В ней доступно рассказано обо всем, что необходимо знать начинающему сыроделу, даны рекомендации по выбору молока, закваски, ферментов, различных добавок. По предложенным рецептам вы без проблем приготовите вкуснейшие бри, маасдам, маскарпоне, брынзу с лимоном, мягкий сыр с укропом, мраморный сыр, пармезан, гауда, камамбер и др. Bolee 100 raznoobraznyh receptov syrov Podrobnye instrukcii Recepty bljud s gotovym syrom Ljubite syr i hotite byt' uvereny v kachestve Togda prigotov'te sami! Sdelat' nastojashhij syr v domashnih uslovijah neslozhno, dlja jetogo potrebujutsja prostye i dostupnye produkty, posuda, kotoraja est' v kazhdom dome, i nasha kniga. V nej dostupno rasskazano obo vsem, chto neobhodimo znat' nachinajushhemu syrodelu, dany rekomendacii po vyboru moloka, zakvaski, fermentov, razlichnyh dobavok. Po predlozhennym receptam vy bez problem prigotovite vkusnejshie bri, maasdam, maskarpone, brynzu s limonom, mjagkij syr s ukropom, mramornyj syr, parmezan, gauda, kamamber i dr.
Gábor Benkő
Сол?ння. Квашення. Маринування ? Соте ? ?кра ? Соуси ? Салати ? Асорт? ? Закуски ? Компоти ? Приправи Нов? ориг?нальн? рецепти до сезону консервац??! Вам не буде потр?бно багато часу ? сил, щоб приготувати ц? смакоту як холодним, так ? гарячим способом консервування. Ви зможете зберегти в?там?ни ? корисн? речовини в овочах ? фруктах ? круглий р?к балувати себе ? близьких апетитними заготовками. Приготуйте перець, фарширований яблуками, консервовану кукурудзу, овочеве асорт?, н?жн? пом?дорчики з аличею, гостреньк? патисони з часником, яг?дний мармелад або тане в рот? сливове повидло ? переконайтеся - це дуже смачно! Sol?nnja. Kvashennja. Marinuvannja ? Sote ? ?kra ? Sousi ? Salati ? Asort? ? Zakuski ? Kompoti ? Pripravi Nov? orig?nal'n? recepti do sezonu konservac??! Vam ne bude potr?bno bagato chasu ? sil, shhob prigotuvati c? smakotu jak holodnim, tak ? garjachim sposobom konservuvannja. Vi zmozhete zberegti v?tam?ni ? korisn? rechovini v ovochah ? fruktah ? kruglij r?k baluvati sebe ? bliz'kih apetitnimi zagotovkami. Prigotujte perec', farshirovanij jablukami, konservovanu kukurudzu, ovocheve asort?, n?zhn? pom?dorchiki z alicheju, gostren'k? patisoni z chasnikom, jag?dnij marmelad abo tane v rot? slivove povidlo ? perekonajtesja - ce duzhe smachno!
Hó, mint hamu
Hó, mint hamu
Sara Raasch
Ароматная пицца с хрустящей корочкой, пироги с сочной начин?кой – это невероятно вкусно! В книге собраны очень простые и доступные даже для начинающих кулинаров рецепты угощений из дрожжевого, бездрожжевого, слоеного, бисквитного теста. Приготовить их можно в духовке, мультиварке или даже на обычной сковороде. Медовый пирог с грушами, пицца на сковороде, пицца с грудинкой, лимонный пирог, манник с вишней, киш с помидорами, пирог с курицей, фокачча с сыром, шарлотка с яблоками, пирог с капустой – с таким разнообразием рецептов вы сможете чаще радовать родных вкусной выпечкой. Aromatnaja picca s hrustjashhej korochkoj, pirogi s sochnoj nachin?koj – jeto neverojatno vkusno! V knige sobrany ochen' prostye i dostupnye dazhe dlja nachinajushhih kulinarov recepty ugoshhenij iz drozhzhevogo, bezdrozhzhevogo, sloenogo, biskvitnogo testa. Prigotovit' ih mozhno v duhovke, mul'tivarke ili dazhe na obychnoj skovorode. Medovyj pirog s grushami, picca na skovorode, picca s grudinkoj, limonnyj pirog, mannik s vishnej, kish s pomidorami, pirog s kuricej, fokachcha s syrom, sharlotka s jablokami, pirog s kapustoj – s takim raznoobraziem receptov vy smozhete chashhe radovat' rodnyh vkusnoj vypechkoj.
Survival First Aid: How to treat injuries and save lives
Survival First Aid: How to treat injuries and save lives
Chris McNab
Survival First Aid covers everything you ned to know about administering urgent medical attention in situations where there is no prospect of immediate professional medical help. To show you how to deal with such emergencies and potentially save someone's life, this comprehensive and indispensible guide provides step-by-step instructions for treating a range of common and less common injuries and conditions, from cleaning a wound to setting a fractured neck. Key areas include breathing and circulation; healing wounds and stopping bleeding; dealing with head injuries and altitude sickness; treating burns and scalds; mending broken bones, damaged joints and torn muscles; and avoiding poisons and removing foreign objects from wounds. You will also learn how to respond to the problems caused by extremes of climate and temperature as well as how to cope with a range of illnesses, including appendicitis, diaorrhea and malaria. With tips on injury avoidance and effecting a successful rescue, Survival First Aid ensures that you will be prepared for almost any medical emergency. —Learn key techniques such as diagnostic procedures, resuscitation and treating shock. —How to treat cuts and burns and deal with fractures and head injuries. —How to recognize and avoid poisoning and remove foreign objects from wounds. —How to cope with problems caused by temperature and climate, from hypothermia to heat stroke. —Illustrated throughout with more than 150 specially drawn artworks. —Features self-contained boxes on subjects as diverse as vaccinations, the effects of blood loss, fire safety and rescue codes.
Armed Combat: Defending yourself against hand-held weapons
Armed Combat: Defending yourself against hand-held weapons
Martin J Dougherty
Overhead block, upward stab, step-through lunge, bayonet slash; knife fighting, handgun shooting, sword play. If your enemy is armed, you need to know how to deal with him. SAS and Elite Forces Guide Armed Combat teaches a huge range of armed close combat techniques, including tips on fighting stances and postures, movement and evasions, quick draws, parries, fend-offs, blocks, cuts, thrusts, strikes, and stabs. Our expert author will teach you how to tackle single opponents and groups using blunt weapons, blades, firearms, and improvised weapons. Presented in an easy to follow format, SAS and Elite Forces Guide Armed Combat is divided into separate chapters covering fighting skills mindset, what to attack and where to defend, blunt weapons, sharp and pointed weapons, firearms, unarmed techniques, training drills, and improvised techniques. The author also offers plenty of short, handy tips on key topics such as bayonet training, quick draw techniques, copying with injury and dirty tricks. Written in easy-to-understand steps and accompanied with more than 150 black-and-white illustrations, SAS and Elite Forces Guide Armed Combat guides the reader through everything they need to know to overcome an armed aggressor in any hand-to-hand combat situation.
Hunting: Essential hunting and outdoor survival skills from the world's elite fo
Hunting: Essential hunting and outdoor survival skills from the world's elite fo
Chris McNab
With the aid of superb line artworks, the Elite Forces Handbook: Hunting demonstrates the core skills involved in being a self-reliant hunter. From tracking large game to shooting wild pheasant, this book is the essential guide to finding, killing and surviving off animals in the wild. The book offers useful tips on a vast array of topics, including laying traps, building your own weapons, deciphering tracks, skinning and butchering your kill, cooking meat and building smokehouses. It also describes various shooting techniques, as well as covering topics such as selecting firearms, choosing the right ammunition and gun maintenance. With more than 300 easy-to-follow artworks and handy pull-out lists of key information, the Elite Forces Handbook: Hunting is the definitive pocket guide for huntsmen of all levels. When nature’s all you have, you need to know how to use it to survive.
Ziua recuno?tin?ei
Ziua recuno?tin?ei
A. M. Homes
Cum s? cre?tem copii care s? aib? ?ncredere ?n ei O dispozi?ie ?ncrez?toare ?i fericit?, bazat? pe respect s?n?tos de sine, este cel mai bun cadou pe care un p?rinte ?l poate oferi copilului s?u. Nu exist? formula perfect? pentru a fi p?rinte ?i a?a ceva este, ?n orice caz, un vis irealizabil. To?i avem momente c?nd nu facem fa?? presiunilor. Elizabeth Hartley-Brewer porne?te de la premisa c? respectul de sine este ingredientul de baz? al fericirii profunde ?i c? st? ?n puterea noastr?, ca p?rin?i, s? le d?ruim celor mici un respect s?n?tos de sine ?i, prin aceasta, fericirea aceea durabil? dup? care t?njim cu to?ii. Ce ?nseamn? respectul de sine? S? ne sim?im bine ?n leg?tur? cu noi ?n?ine, s? fim m?ndri de cine suntem. Dac? ai stim? de sine, e?ti fericit ?i ai ?ncredere ?n valoarea ta intrinsec?, ca persoan? unic?. Copiii, la fel ca adul?ii, au cele mai bune rezultate atunci c?nd se simt confortabil ?n propria piele. Iar acest lucru se ?nt?mpl? atunci c?nd li se spune c? au f?cut ceva bine, c? sunt simpatici, c? sunt o companie pl?cut?. Un copil ??i va dezvolta respectul de sine ?i va deveni o persoan? ?ncrez?toare, independent? ?i fericit? numai dac? este ferm convins de dragostea ?i aprecierea p?rin?ilor lui. Dac? te ?ntrebi cum po?i s? ??i aju?i copilul s? ??i dezvolte respectul de sine, ?n aceast? carte vei g?si solu?iile! Cartea cuprinde: - 9 capitole despre cum s? ??i cre?ti copilul av?nd o atitudine pozitiv? - Concepte-cheie precum ?laud?“, ?joac?“, ?timp“, ?atingere“ ?i ?discu?ie“ care te vor ghida ?n interac?iunea cu cel mic - ?ntreb?ri care te vor ajuta s? ??i ?n?elegi ?i s? ??i ?mbun?t??e?ti comportamentul - Informa?ii punctate, cu caracter concret ?i u?or de parcurs - Casete ?n care po?i face noti?e personale - 2 schi?e care explic? perfect raportul de cauzalitate dintre emo?ii, comportamente ?i urm?rile lor ?O carte practic? ?i bine scris?, care ofer? sprijin p?rin?ilor ?i expune multe idei utile.“ - Nursery World ?Se spune c? adev?rata fericire nu este reprezentat? de linia de sosire; ea este constituit? pe parcursul care te duce acolo. Dac? vom concepe fericirea drept ceva ce trebuie atins, g?sit sau cump?rat, rezult? c? ea poate, de asemenea, s? dispar?. Acest tip de fericire exist?, ?ntr-adev?r, dar este, prin defini?ie, extern, trec?tor ?i fragil. Exist? ?ns? o fericire mai ad?nc ?nr?d?cinat?, mai durabil?, ?i anume una care este situat? ?n interior. Dac? o avem sau nu depinde de cum ne apreciem pe noi ?n?ine, adic? de respectul de sine.”
Fra?i pe jum?tate
Fra?i pe jum?tate
Christensen Lars Saabye
Cum s? cre?tem copii s?n?to?i ? P?rin?ii vor descoperi care este alimenta?ia ideal? pentru copiii lor ?i vor ?nv??a s? le preg?teasc? m?nc?ruri delicioase ?i s?n?toase. ? Elena Pridie porne?te de la dou? idei esen?iale pentru orice p?rinte: 1.????? Copiii sunt comoara noastr?.? 2.????? Oferindu-le copiilor no?tri o alimenta?ie s?n?toas?, ?nc? de la na?tere, le garant?m cel mai bun start ?n via??. Cerealele, legumele, fructele, leguminoasele, nucile ?i semin?ele constituie alimente excelente pentru copii. Bogate ?n glucide complexe, proteine, fibre, vitamine ?i substan?e minerale, ele constituie temelia pentru obiceiuri alimentare care le vor influen?a benefic s?n?tatea pe tot parcursul vie?ii. Care este impactul pozitiv al unei diete s?n?toase? Copiii no?tri vor fi feri?i ?n viitor de multe dintre bolile care ne afecteaz? pe noi ast?zi, vor avea o greutate corporal? ideal? ?i se vor bucura de realiz?ri ?n toate domeniile vie?ii. ? Cartea cuprinde: O prefa?? semnat? de Dr. Magdalena Ionescu, medic specialist pediatrie ?i neonatologie 4 capitole dedicate impactului alimenta?iei asupra s?n?t??ii ?i cuno?tin?elor de nutri?ie esen?iale pentru p?rin?i ?i copii Un capitol dedicat alimenta?iei copilului pe grupe de v?rst?, de la na?tere p?n? la adolescen?? ?i tinere?e, cu sfaturi ?i idei de meniuri Un capitol special despre cre?terea ?i ?ngrijirea sugarului ?i a copilului mic Cel mai amplu capitol, cel dedicat re?etelor propriu-zise - m?nc?ruri din cereale, fructe, nuci, legume ?i leguminoase, precum supele, pateurile, pastele, chiftelu?ele, toc?ni?ele, c?t mai creative ?i pline de culoare. Nu? lipsesc nici deserturile ?i b?uturile. ? ?De real ajutor este ultima parte a c?r?ii, care cuprinde o sumedenie de re?ete vegetariene - re?ete care pot fi utilizate ?i de cei care m?n?nc? produse de origine animal? ca alternativ? sau ca o completare (garnituri, mese doar vegetariene etc.)”- PrWave (http://www.prwave.ro/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=59022&Itemid=95)
Kemény motorosok
Kemény motorosok
Christopher Golden
Соление. Квашение. Маринование ? Соте ? Икра ? Соусы ? Салаты ? Ассорти ? Закуски ? Компоты ? Приправы Новые оригинальные рецепты к сезону консервации! Вам не потребуется много времени и сил, чтобы приготовить эти разносолы как холодным, так и горячим способом консервирования. Вы сможете сохранить витамины и полезные вещества в овощах и фруктах и круглый год баловать себя и близких аппетитными заготовками. Приготовьте перец, фаршированный яблоками, консервированную кукурузу, овощное ассорти, нежные помидорчики с алычой, остренькие патиссоны с чесноком, ягодный конфитюр или тающее во рту сливовое повидло убедитесь – это очень вкусно! Solenie. Kvashenie. Marinovanie ? Sote ? Ikra ? Sousy ? Salaty ? Assorti ? Zakuski ? Kompoty ? Pripravy Novye original'nye recepty k sezonu konservacii! Vam ne potrebuetsja mnogo vremeni i sil, chtoby prigotovit' jeti raznosoly kak holodnym, tak i gorjachim sposobom konservirovanija. Vy smozhete sohranit' vitaminy i poleznye veshhestva v ovoshhah i fruktah i kruglyj god balovat' sebja i blizkih appetitnymi zagotovkami. Prigotov'te perec, farshirovannyj jablokami, konservirovannuju kukuruzu, ovoshhnoe assorti, nezhnye pomidorchiki s alychoj, ostren'kie patissony s chesnokom, jagodnyj konfitjur ili tajushhee vo rtu slivovoe povidlo ubedites' – jeto ochen' vkusno!