Live your dreams! :Stop dreaming: how to make a dream come true
How to make your dreams come true? Here is a question that ??tortures?? many of us since we all want our dreams to come true … Isn’t it? Here is a little book that may help you navigate through the birth to the embodiment of a dream. They will show you some tools to make your dreams come true or at least show you that it is possible . The birth of this book came unexpectedly and surprisingly. I had just published my first book in the Paths to Yourself collection. It dealt with a subject that concerns many of us: how to build a healthy and lasting relationship of love or friendship? I was talking with a friend of this publication. He told me that one of his dreams was to write too, but in Thai. I replied that he can surely fulfill this dream considering that he has been speaking and writing in this language for a long time: his wife is from Laos and their language of communication is Thai. But it seemed to him a difficult dream to reach … To joke, I told him I should write a book on ??How to make one’s dreams come true??? because I have some 25 years of experience in the field … and I do not hesitate to do everything possible to realize mine. In addition, I accomplished almost all the dreams I really wanted. There is still one, still running, but which I will reveal later in this book;) . This friend told me that he would be the first to read this book if I write it one day … Putting a dream in to practice And now this new challenge, which I think will help others embody their dreams or at least part of them, has led my brain to think, almost without even wanting to, about a possible structure of this book. Barely two days passed after I had had this conversation with my friend and I was already writing it. So check out this little FREE guide to help you make your dreams come true!
《日语基础词汇轻松记》引自中国台湾地区的柠檬树出版社,是《日语基础会话轻松学》的姐妹篇。 《日语基础词汇轻松记》的特色是“在阅读中记忆单词”,以求活学活用。作者福长浩二是这样阐述《日语基础词汇轻松记》的核心理念的:不要背单词,而是要学单词,才能够因时因地正确使用它。 《日语基础词汇轻松记》共11课,收录11篇日本小学语文教科书中的文章。这些小短文为日本的小朋友而写,生动有趣,富有童真,读起来朗朗上口。作者将这些原汁原味的文章分为若干小段,为常用的日语基础词汇、基本句型在文中反复出现。您将在潜移默化中掌握它们的用法。课后安排了针对各种类型词汇的练习。 衷心祝愿您在《日语基础词汇轻松记》的学习过程中既能收获知识,又能得到乐趣。
War and Peace
War and Peace
Exerting influence: A Political Primer for Millennials, Even Those Too Young to
Exerting influence: A Political Primer for Millennials, Even Those Too Young to Vote
成长中的孩子,总会提出许许多多问题,比如,吃蚯蚓有事吗?为什么大人们说了算?为什么动物不能像人 类一样讲话?为什么我会感到无聊?为什么自己胳肢自己不管用?为什么水是湿的?一只蜂能蜇另一只蜂吗?人们如何知道所有的雪花都不同?我的大脑如何控制 “我”?有人吃北极熊或狮子吗?为什么世界上有这么多国家,而不是仅有一个大国?什么使“我”成为了我?……这些问题,可爱又迷人,古怪又离奇,妙趣横生 又着实难以作答,家长面对这些问题时,如果胡乱搪塞,敷衍作答,对孩子来说,那将失去多么宝贵的启蒙和成长时机。
Made for Each other: A Contemporary Christian Romance
When?her job brings her to the city where her grandmother lives,?Lissa?first meets Jason.?Though their attraction to one another is immediate, Lissa refuses to be tempted into romance with a man in Jason’s occupation. She has been influenced by her mother to believe anyone in a creative job has the potential for ruin and starvation. These childhood teachings drove Lissa to actions that she now regrets. Although Jason is handsome and considerate, Lissa is wary and feels it is better to have a husband with a secure job than one who is at the mercy of public trends. Jason is determined not to fall for another committed career woman, and risk the pain of breaking up, as he did with his former fiancé. Taking second place to his wife’s work is not what he wants in a marriage. In addition, he takes his faith seriously and worries about Lissa’s ambivalent relationship with God. Will past experiences stand in the way of their relationship or will they grow together to find true love? ?
本文集收聚了布宁的十二篇短篇佳作,它们创作于不同的时期,篇幅大小不一,但基本包容了作家创作的主要题材,不同的文体与叙事风格。 《安通苹果》、《旧金山来的绅士》、《耶利哥的玫瑰》、《陈年旧事》是布宁很有代表性的抒情哲理小说。 《安通苹果》是作家具有印象主义色彩的叙事名篇。作家在19世纪与20世纪之交旧俄帝国渐趋衰颓的历史进程中展现了一个个不无凄凉的贵族庄园日常生活场景,并用细腻、充满诗意的现实主义笔法将发生在俄国地主庄园的点点滴滴的生活印象与遗迹描绘得栩栩如生,使整个故事由简单的叙述逐步完善成具有电影特写镜头效果的场面展示,将一种俄罗斯文学少有的华丽与震撼呈现在读者的面前,使得小说获得了文化观照和艺术欣赏的双重价值。读者在小说中可以感受到融贯小说通篇的苍凉、朴实、纯美与深情的意境。作品中“寻求美与永恒的融合”的这一主旨同样体现在《旧金山来的绅士》中。现代物质文明的浮华与灿烂、财富与品质,其实不过是过眼烟云,它们无法拯救“新世界的主人”于死亡,难能与深不可测的浩瀚海洋的波涛抗争,亦无法救治人类精神的寂寥与苦闷,美与永恒只孕育在人与自然的和谐、生机勃勃的青春之中。微型短篇《耶利哥的玫瑰》以具有诗意名称的野生刺草――耶利哥的玫瑰比喻生命的永恒。“存在过经历过的东西不会灭亡!只要我的心灵,我的爱,我的记忆活着,就不会有离别和失落。”《陈年旧事》叙述了发生在遥远的莫斯科的春天,三个不同历史身份的人的邂逅。人与人的相遇相知无不是一种缘分,每一次离别未必不是永诀,人生舞台上匆匆来去的过客们理应满怀友情与亲情,何需仇视争斗,相煎太急? 文集中占主要篇幅的是爱情小说,共有七篇。它们大都收集在作家的爱情小说集《暗径》中。
本书抛传统的日语学习书模式,采用全彩图解方式,用轻松活泼的口吻来教大家学习日语。针对人群:90后、00后的日语学习爱好者。全书从发音门、常见场合、常见情景、小词汇大奥秘、中国人学日文容易犯的错等这几个章节来教大家轻松学日文。 内容涉及日语假名、发音、基本句型及单词、日常问候、日期和时间的表达等基础知识。作者还贴心地将课文中出现的相关语法知识整理成表格形式,便于复习和记忆。
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
You are sharing the Dark Lord's thoughts and emotions. The Headmaster thinks it inadvisable for this to continue. He wishes me to teach you how to close your mind to the Dark Lord.'Dark times have come to Hogwarts. After the Dementors' attack on his cousin Dudley, Harry Potter knows that Voldemort will stop at nothing to find him. There are many who deny the Dark Lord's return, but Harry is not alone: a secret order gathers at Grimmauld Place to fight against the Dark forces. Harry must allow Professor Snape to teach him how to protect himself from Voldemort's savage assaults on his mind. But they are growing stronger by the day and Harry is running out of time ...
Flashback Dawn: A Free Teaser
Flashback Dawn: A Free Teaser
Played to Death: A Scott Drayco Mystery
Played to Death: A Scott Drayco Mystery
Little Elisa: "A Time Traveler Story"
LITTLE ELISA:?“A Time Traveler Story”??“..There will always be a missing piece in life. It could be either something that is left undone or someone who you could not be able to come together with. Maybe the last piece has all the meaning of our lives and therefore it is always hidden” said Elisa, before she started her talk.??It might be a specific moment that we have to spend the rest of our lives searching that missing diamond piece. Because, without that last piece, nothing will be complete..”??“..Similar to this, what was the missing piece and the true meaning of Alice’s life before she became Elisa? She had to discover it. But she would have to take a really long trip to discover this..”??TRAVELER PILGRIM:?Before I met Elisa, I had read such thing like below, in the book of the Muslim: “This life of the world is nothing But a Pastime and a Game.” ?(Quran, The Book of Islam)??“How could this be possible? Or is this the true meaning of the life?” were the questions that I asked myself since I read this. ?Is there an imaginary world and a real one? ??But after meeting Elisa and seeing these alternative (imaginary) worlds, I slowly realized that I am in a world of amusement indeed. ??Finally I could see that everything is a fictitious game in this book. I am sure that you will agree with me and rethink about the “truth” as you keep reading this book in which Elisa lived and my interesting trips with Elisa..??And you’ll be remember that In the universe, ?Everything has both an imaginary view and a real one, after this long trip!.??“..Could the life we live and we consider as real be a fancy and funny fiction? What is reality? ?This has been discussed again and again, throughout history. It has inspired artists and philosophers.”??He was just a little boy according to his parents. ?Time has passed quickly. But he decided not to lose his childish spirit in spite of everything. He would find a way to implement his belief about finding the elixir of youth and the eternity of life. ??- “Soon we will take a step into a new period by discovering the truth in this alternative world!” he was saying while searching for the elixir of immortality all the time.??"A black rabbit sneaked into a white hole.."?What was that? ?There was not the world we knew, everything was meaningless but a brand new world and a vision were awaiting for the rabbit.."??The Miraculous “WONDERLAND”: ?Where EVERYTHING is POSSIBLE..
新编日语 第1册(重排本)
零基础韩语入门王 标准韩国语自学入门书(发音、单词、语法、单句、会话,一本就够!幽默漫画!)
《韩语门王》这本书在内容上以轻松易学为宗旨,为大家讲述了学好韩语所需的各种知识,从零始,一步一步循序渐,让你的韩语即便在自学的前提下,30天之内也可完全真正门!全书内容共分6章,每章都独具特色,以不同的形式全面介绍了韩语的构成、发音、语法、词汇、常用单句和交际对话这几项韩语学习的关键部分,讲述“必需的韩语知识”,并且从学习方法上给予有力的指导,带领你逐一攻克基础韩语门的重重关卡! 《韩语门王》内容丰富,简单实用,排版结构合理,和其他各类门书相比,本书具有以下几大亮: 1、图文并茂,精准发音! 精准的发音:系统的讲解发音方法,对每个字母发音都设有相应的口型图和口腔图;在常用词汇和常用单句的下面,有汉语拼音和恰当的谐音标注,帮助联想记忆。 2、核心语法,句型精解! 详细的基础语法讲解:按照名词、动词、形容词等词性分类明确,简明扼要,重突出,让读者有条理地掌握语法知识,攻克语法难。 3、主题词汇,多元记忆! 海量的生活常用词汇:从衣、食、住、用、行各个层面对高频单词做出了归纳和总结,全面易用,让读者学起来实用高效。 4、经典短句,标准精辟! 26种常用场景短句:多数句子都设计有类似句或相等句,使读者能够举一反三,也针对性地附有与句子相关的重要单词和语法,方便读者全面学习和积累韩国语知识。 5、实景对话,轻松应对! 12大实用的场景对话:涵盖各种日常生活场景,让读者融其中,快速提高韩语口语能力,更多地了解韩国文化,轻松应对各种场景的交流对话。 6、漫画图解,娱乐学习! 幽默诙谐的漫画:使读者更好地区分日常生活中容易发生混淆的发音或习惯,能够和韩国人行自然流利的沟通,这样既能丰富韩国语知识,又能增加乐趣。 本书主要内容由资深韩国外教和汉语老师录音,语音清晰流畅,相信《韩语门王》定能成为广大读者超有效的学习用书!
《好快!10天背完3000西班牙语单词》教你记单词!群组记忆单词,胜过个别记忆!一张图片延伸相关单词,利用相关性一次群组记忆多个单词, 比个别记住不相关的单词更有效率且更不容易忘记。看完单词图,立即做课后小练习,学习更有效率!搭配MP3的西班牙语发音,只要10天就能背完3000个西班牙语单词!不可思议!前所未见的西班牙语单词记忆法 用视觉连结大脑记忆区,3000个关键西班牙语单词,只要10天就能记住!