Via?a la ?ar?
n irul romanelor de mai trziu, dar mai cu seam n Viaa la ar […], n care temperamentul lui stilistic ajunge la formele unui clasicism plin de msur i claritate, Duiliu Zamfirescu renun n cea mai mare parte la manierismul trecutului. Analistul naturalist al strilor sufleteti struie, ba chiar se dezvolt n el, fr s mai simt nevoia apelului la nomenclatura i dialectica tiinei. Lirismul capt o pedal grav i simpl, i reflecia general ader parc mai adnc la impresia direct. […] Numeroase sunt pasagiile Vieii la ar n care amnuntul realist, umoristic sau graios, d via i adevr tablourilor.[…] ntocmai ca mai toi scriitorii realiti romni, pn cnd un Alexandru Macedonski cucerete sectoare noi ale artei descriptive, Duiliu Zamfirescu este mai ales un pictor al omului i al peisagiului, mai mult dect al lucrurilor i al interioarelor, care apar totui uneori n paginile lui. Remarcabil este apoi sub pana autorului Vieii la ar sau Tnase Scatiu pictura strilor de mulime, cu atta vreme nainte ca L. Rebreanu s dezvolte larg posibilitile acestui motiv. Vrednic de atenie este i evocarea vieii interioare, cu afundri ntr-o lume de imagini construite dup alte legi dect acele ale ateniei voluntare […]. Caracterul att de modern al procedeului nu poate scpa nimnui i el alctuiete punctul cel mai naintat al artei de analist a lui Duiliu Zamfirescu, atent la enigmele vieii sufleteti.“ – Tudor Vianu
A haldokló részvényes
Ingyenes tartalom - T?ltsd le Kondor Vilmos Szélhámos Budapest k?tetéhez készült el?novellát. Kondor Vilmos nemzetk?zi siker? B?n?s Budapest regényfolyamát már nem kell bemutatni az olvasónak. A szerz? legújabb regénye a Budapest Noir el?zményt?rténete, amelyb?l fény derül Gordon Zsigmond ifjúkorára, a t?zsdekrachok éveire és kedvenc zsurnalisztánk els? pesti ügyére, amelyet a már ismert kalandok sora k?vet. Kondor e-novellája is a korszak hírhedt vagy éppen pitiáner szélhámosainak, svindlereinek, és persze az átverésekhez elengedhetetlen palimadarainak világába vezeti olvasóit, egy igencsak példaérték? ?kopasztás" leírásával, amib?l az ifjú Gordon Zsigmond is kivette a részét. A k?tet ingyenes, let?ltéséhez válaszd az ek?nyv megvásárlását, majd a fizetés tárcáról opciót a fizetés harmadik lépésekor.
Hard Fall:A gripping noir thriller
An ex-cop with a past. A case police couldn't solve. One chance at redemption... An ex-New York detective, now working as a freelance investigator in London; Thomas Blume hunts for the killers that tore his family apart. For justice, for closure, for revenge. But when Blume stumbles across a case that baffled local police, he unwittingly becomes part of a world full of criminals, thugs and corrupt cops that will do anything to stop him. Now, in a country he doesn't understand and a city stacked against him, Blume must fight to expose the truth… before it's too late. Over 20,000 copies downloaded. Discover the thrilling first book in the Thomas Blume hard boiled mystery series today!? Click and get your copy now!
A Verdade: Quem somos, de onde viemos para onde vamos e porque vivemos
A Verdade: Quem somos, de onde viemos para onde vamos e porque vivemos
Clinical Updates in the Management of Severe Asthma
Clinical Updates in the Management of Severe Asthma
A Mother’s Day Murder:A Mt. Abrams Mystery
Mt. Abrams was the kind of small, quiet town where, as any of its residents would tell you, nothing ever happened. That was why Ellie Rocca loved living there, even if her ex-husband did not.But even small towns had secrets, as Ellie discovered when Lacey Mitchell suddenly disappeared. Ellie caught Lacey’s husband in a lie, and one small discovery led to another until it became apparent that nothing about the Mitchell’s was quite what it seemed.Mother’s Day was just around the corner. With a sexy detective on the case, and Ellie and her friends getting closer to the truth, can Lacey Mitchell be found in time to enjoy the day with her sons? Or was something more deadly going on?This novella is 35K words, the first in the Mt. Abrams Mystery Series
A megoldóember
Las Vegas, 1974. Kaszinók, szerencselovagok és a sivatag. Itt kezd?d?tt minden Jack Delton életében. Az els? kísértés, az els? b?n, az els? nagy kaszálás. A kamasz fiú itt tanulja meg, hogyan kell megfigyelni az embereket, hogyan kell a b?rük alá bújni, hogyan kell senkivé válni – hogy aztán évekkel kés?bb mint profi b?n?z? kamatoztathassa kül?nleges képességét az FBI ügyn?keivel és az alvilággal szemben. Jack Delton ugyanis nem létezik. A szakmában csak úgy ismerik: a Szellem. Nincs bankszámlája, nem használ útlevelet, nincs nyoma egyik nyilvántartásban sem. Nem lehet megfogni… Roger Hobbs huszonnégy évesen megírta els? nemzetk?zi bestsellerét. A Ghostman egy évvel kés?bb minden jelent?s kriminek járó irodalmi díjat bes?p?rt, huszon?t országban vették meg a kiadás jogait, és nagyszabású film készül bel?le. A rajongók kérésére Hobbs megírta Jack Delton el?t?rténetét, amelyben felfedi a Szellem valódi kilétét.
A Legitimidade das Ciências da Educa??o
A Legitimidade das Ciências da Educa??o
新公共法语 初级教程
《新公共法语》包括初级、中级和高级教程三册。初级教程教授纯正的语音语调、语法知识及常用词汇,训练学生口语表达能力;中级教程着重讲解法语的各种时态和词的用法,培养学生阅读理解和书面表达能力;高级教程重点介绍法语各种文体的特点,培养学生翻译较难文章的能力。三册教程突出了法语基本技能的训练和交际能力的培养,构建了完整的基础法语知识框架。 《新公共法语》基于法、英语对比的原创风格,汲取了国内外同类法语教材的长处,具有以下主要特色: ★ 语音:与英语语音对比来介绍法语音素,扼要地辅以法语发音规则;以功能观为指导,强调刺激反应和听觉感知; ★ 语法:采用法、英语法对比的方式,对相同之处提纲挈领地加以介绍,对相异之处则作重点讲解,解决中国学生学习法语的疑难困惑; ★ 词汇:开辟词和词组栏目,详细介绍法语动词的用法,并与英语中的相应动词进行对比;通过丰富的练习,帮助学生巩固理解词义,掌握词的用法;介绍构词方法,引导学生有效地熟记各类单词; ★ 语言说明:以随文出现的形式,对教材中重点语法、词汇难点逐一解读,有助于学生对语言现象的理解和掌握; ★ 特色栏目:语言文化小贴士、开心一笑、交际方法、习作园地、翻译实践及了解法国等栏目将知识、趣味和实用性结合起来,让学生轻松学法语。
Build Better Characters: The psychology of backstory & how to use it in your wri
Eine unsanfte ?berraschung für die Milf Hat sie überhaupt eine Ahnung was für einen Sohn sie hat? ?ber die Autorin Anna Wolf ist eine Hausfrau aus einer Kleinstadt in Süd-Deutschland. Im Alltag lebt sie ein ganz normales Leben. Mit ihrem jüngeren Liebhaber John teilt sie aber ihre gro?e Leidenschaft: Sex in allen Varianten. Seit über fünfzehn Jahren besuchen die beiden Swingerclubs im In- und Ausland und probieren immer wieder neue Clubs aus. Und natürlich fehlt nicht das j?hrliche Gro?ereignis aller Swinger: Der Urlaub im Südfranz?sischen FKK-Paradies Cap d?Agde. Vor einiger Zeit begann Anna ihre Erlebnisse aufzuschreiben. Daraus entsteht nach und nach die Anna Wolf-Reihe, in der sie ausführlich von ihrem Swingerleben erz?hlt.
韩国语能力考试词汇精解 初级、中级
The Day I Will Never Forget
Ezekiel's homework assignment is quite simple: write an English composition, otherwise known as an essay, on the topic "The Day I Will Never Forget." There's only one problem: Ezekiel has no idea what to write. Why? Because the life of this 6 year old boy has been a series of very ordinary, forgettable days. But when his class teacher, the meticulous, rabbit-loving Miss Agbo announces that a prize will be awarded to the student with the best essay, the homework becomes a competition, which Ezekiel and his classmates are determined to win at all costs. As the deadline approaches, Ezekiel's life is visited by an array of dramatic episodes. Caught in the middle of all the drama is his teacher, Miss Agbo, who despite being a keen romantic has been unlucky in love. Will Ezekiel win? Will Miss Agbo finally find love? This heartwarming tale of primary school life in 1990s Nigeria is witty, nostalgic and unforgettable. This book is perfect for beginning readers, children who love reading funny chapter books and adults who enjoy reading African children's literature.
Where There's a Will
Where There's a Will
A notícia como fábula: realidade e fic??o se confundem na mídia
Un roman puternic, expresiv, ?ntunecat, v?ndut ?n c?teva zeci de mii de exemplare, situ?ndu-se astfel printre cele mai solicitate romane ale anului.
Live your dreams! :Stop dreaming: how to make a dream come true
How to make your dreams come true? Here is a question that ??tortures?? many of us since we all want our dreams to come true … Isn’t it? Here is a little book that may help you navigate through the birth to the embodiment of a dream. They will show you some tools to make your dreams come true or at least show you that it is possible . The birth of this book came unexpectedly and surprisingly. I had just published my first book in the Paths to Yourself collection. It dealt with a subject that concerns many of us: how to build a healthy and lasting relationship of love or friendship? I was talking with a friend of this publication. He told me that one of his dreams was to write too, but in Thai. I replied that he can surely fulfill this dream considering that he has been speaking and writing in this language for a long time: his wife is from Laos and their language of communication is Thai. But it seemed to him a difficult dream to reach … To joke, I told him I should write a book on ??How to make one’s dreams come true??? because I have some 25 years of experience in the field … and I do not hesitate to do everything possible to realize mine. In addition, I accomplished almost all the dreams I really wanted. There is still one, still running, but which I will reveal later in this book;) . This friend told me that he would be the first to read this book if I write it one day … Putting a dream in to practice And now this new challenge, which I think will help others embody their dreams or at least part of them, has led my brain to think, almost without even wanting to, about a possible structure of this book. Barely two days passed after I had had this conversation with my friend and I was already writing it. So check out this little FREE guide to help you make your dreams come true!
Ytterbium Fires: A science fiction short story collection
Ytterbium Fires: A science fiction short story collection
口译理论主要是研究生和学者的研究课题,但口译实践却是很多人必须面临的课题。所以,本书以口译理论为基础,侧重翻译实践,以培养翻译技能为宗旨。在编写的过程中经过不断修改,力图体现*的国际国内形势,并引入*的数据、资料、观点和立场。选题充分考虑到当前中外交往中翻译工作的需要,突出常用的题材和内容。 《西班牙语口译》由北京外国语大学西班牙语系的常世儒教授执笔完成。作者具有十多年口译教学的丰富经验。 这本书以口译理论为基础,侧重翻译实践,以培养翻译技能为宗旨。 全书内容丰富,体现了*的国际国内形势,引入了*的数据、资料、观点和立场。 在选题方面,充分考虑到当前中外交往中翻译工作的需要,突出常用的题材和内容。 本书适用于研究生和本科四年级口译课的教学以及自学西班牙语的人士。此外,对于西语专业口译工作者也可以起到大开眼界和补充知识的作用。