

Django 1.0 Template Development
Django 1.0 Template Development
Scott Newman
This book is designed for readers who learn by doing and employs many examples and screenshots to let the reader dig in and start coding. This book isn't designed to be a reference; instead it has a practical, example-driven approach that teaches you by following along with the examples in the chapters. When you have completed this book, you will fully understand how the template system works, how to extend it when you have specialized needs, and how to optimize the performance and usability of your content. This book is for web developers and template authors who want to fully understand and utilize the Django template system. The reader should have completed the introductory tutorials on the Django project's website and some experience with the framework will be very helpful. Basic knowledge of Python and HTML is assumed.
Alfresco Developer Guide
Alfresco Developer Guide
Jeff Potts
This book focuses on teaching by example. Every chapter provides a bit of an overview, and then dives right in to hands-on examples so you can see and play with the solution in your own environment. All code samples run on both the latest Enterprise and Labs release. This book will be most useful to developers who are writing code to customize Alfresco for their organization or who are creating custom applications that sit on top of Alfresco. This book is for Java developers, and you will get most from the book if you already work with Java but you need not have prior experience on Alfresco. Although Alfresco makes heavy use of open source frameworks such as Spring, Hibernate, JavaServer Faces, and Lucene, no prior experience using these is assumed or necessary.
Learning Nagios 3.0
Learning Nagios 3.0
Wojciech Kocjan
This is a beginner-level book, which will introduce Nagios to System Administrators who are interested in monitoring their systems. The focus is on teaching system administrators to secure their systems in a much improved manner incorporating the newer features of Nagios. It will teach Nagios beginners the basics of installation and configuration of version 3; it will show professionals who have already worked on earlier versions of Nagios the new features of Nagios like inheritance and also the new internal functions like better check scheduling. The target readers for this book are System Administrators interested in using Nagios. This book will introduce Nagios with the new features of Version 3 for System Administrators.
Drupal 5 Themes
Drupal 5 Themes
Ric Shreves
This book is the ideal introduction to theming with Drupal 5. If you want to create a striking new look for your Drupal website, this book is for you. Starting from the basics of theme setup and configuration, you will learn about the Drupal theming architecture and the PHPTemplate engine, and then move on to modifying existing themes and building new themes from scratch. Included is a complete guide to the various style sheets and themeable functions in Drupal 5, making this book a valuable resource even to experienced theme developers. It covers: Creating custom templates Basics of theming in pure PHP Modifying an existing PHPTemplate theme" a step-by-step guide Creating a new PHPTemplate theme" a step-by-step guide Working with forms The main requirements to make use of this book are knowledge of HTML, CSS, and a touch of creativity! Although this book aims to make Drupal theming accessible to designers, theming in Drupal 5 involves writing some PHP code, and a basic knowledge of PHP will be helpful.
PHP Web 2.0 Mashup Projects
PHP Web 2.0 Mashup Projects
Shu-Wai Chow
This book is a practical tutorial with five detailed and carefully explained case studies to build new and effective mashup applications. If you feel confident with your PHP programming, familiar with the basics of HTML and CSS, unafraid of XML, and interested in mashing things up, this is the book for you! There are a lot of formats and protocols, web services and web APIs encountered in this book ” you do not need to know anything about them or about AJAX; you will find all you need in the book.
OSWorkflow: A guide for Java developers and architects to integrating…
OSWorkflow: A guide for Java developers and architects to integrating…
Diego Adrian Naya Lazo
This book gives step-by-step instructions on how to do things. The basics are explained first and then examples help to clarify and reinforce the principles. The book is aimed at experienced Java developers and system architects who want to develop complex Java applications using the OSWorkflow workflow engine. OSWorkflow is a flexible low-level workflow implementation for developers and architects; it is not a quick "plug-and-play" solution for non-technical end users.
Mastering TypoScript: TYPO3 Website, Template, and Extension Development
Mastering TypoScript: TYPO3 Website, Template, and Extension Development
Daniel Koch
Written in a clear, easy-to-read style, the book provides step-by-step instructions on using TypoScript for TYPO3 website development, template and extension development, and back-end and front-end administration. Each topic is tackled in a clear and practical way with many examples to develop your skills. This book is suitable for TYPO3 developers, administrators, and designers who want to develop fully featured TYPO3 websites using the power of TypoScript. A basic knowledge of TYPO3 is expected, and PHP and MySQL programming experience is useful, though not essential for using this book.
Business Process Execution Language for Web Services Second Edition
Business Process Execution Language for Web Services Second Edition
Benny Mathew
This book is aimed at architects and developers in the design, implementation, and integration phases of advanced information systems and e-business solutions, developing business processes and dealing with the issues of composition, orchestration, transactions, coordination, and security. The book presumes knowledge of XML and web services, web services development (either on J2EE or .NET), and multi-tier architecture
Plone 3 Products Development Cookbook
Plone 3 Products Development Cookbook
Juan Pablo Gimenez
The examples in this book follow a sample project creating a digital newspaper website to meet the requirements of a fictional customer who wants to place commercial advertisements all over the site. The whole book is a comprehensive collection of recipes that elaborate a series of well known use cases. You will find an organized step-by-step procedure to accomplish each task followed by detailed explanations to better understand how and why each topic was undertaken, and many links to online references and other related sections in the book that can supplement the subject in question. You can read the whole book or just pick the recipes that are relevant for you; where necessary, cross references will help you understand the recipes even if you do not read them in sequential order. This book is for programmers who have some knowledge of Python, Plone, and Zope. If you want to develop feature-rich add-on products in Plone, this book is for you. It is aimed at the development of backend features, so you need not have other web-related skills such as HTML, CSS, or JavaScript.
Linux Email
Linux Email
Alistair McDonald
The book takes a practical, step-by-step approach to working with email servers. It starts by establishing the basics and setting up a mail server. Then you move to advanced sections like webmail access, security, backup, and more. You will find many examples and clear explanations that will facilitate learning. This book is aimed at technically confident users and new and part-time system administrators in small businesses, who want to set up a Linux-based email server without spending a lot of time becoming expert in the individual applications. Basic knowledge of Linux is expected.
jQuery UI 1.7: The User Interface Library for jQuery
jQuery UI 1.7: The User Interface Library for jQuery
Dan Wellman
An example-based approach leads you step-by-step through the implementation and customization of each library component and its associated resources in turn. To emphasize the way that jQuery UI takes the difficulty out of user interface design and implementation, each chapter ends with a 'fun with' section that puts together what you've learned throughout the chapter to make a usable and fun page. In these sections you'll often get to experiment with the latest associated technologies like AJAX and JSON. This book is for front-end designers and developers who need to quickly learn how to use the jQuery UI User Interface Library. To get the most out of this book you should have a good working knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and will need to be comfortable using jQuery, the underlying foundation of jQuery UI.
IBM WebSphere eXtreme Scale 6
IBM WebSphere eXtreme Scale 6
Anthony Chaves
This book is a real-world practical tutorial with lots of examples. The data grid concepts are clearly explained and code samples are provided. The concepts are applicable to all IMDGs, and the examples represent the eXtreme Scale approach to the problem. This book is aimed at intermediate-level JavaEE Developers who want to build applications that handle larger data sets with massive scalability requirements. No previous experience of WebSphere eXtreme Scale is required.
jQuery 1.3 with PHP
jQuery 1.3 with PHP
Kae Verens
This book takes a practical approach to integrating PHP and jQuery, showing examples of every point discussed. All examples are written such that you should be able to copy out the code into your own projects and see immediate results, no matter what your experience with JavaScript. You will find projects developed within a chapter, building them up step-by-step, describing the process and thought that goes into it. Minimal requirements are needed on the server-side, so the examples should work with any setup. This book is for PHP application developers who want to improve their user interfaces through jQuery's capabilities and responsiveness. Whether you are familiar with jQuery or have only dabbled a little with JavaScript, this book will provide you with numerous practical examples of how to improve your application.
Joomla! 1.5 Content Administration
Joomla! 1.5 Content Administration
Tracey Porst
This book is very easy and straightforward to follow, and takes a hands-on approach, using practical examples to illustrate techniques and explain concepts using a fictitious company called "The Party People" to help you master the content administration of your web site. With each task outlined, simple explanations are offered on similar subject areas and links to further information are provided. If you are someone who wants to quickly and easily manage content and users for a Joomla! web site, this book is ideal for you. You could be a content editor, proofreader, graphic artist, feature editor, or anyone else concerned with managing content on a Joomla! installation. If you can browse the Web and use a wordprocessing software package, this book will help you develop the skills to efficiently manage your web site and gain a solid understanding of the Joomla! content management system.
Alfresco 3 Enterprise Content Management Implementation
Alfresco 3 Enterprise Content Management Implementation
Amita Bhandari
Munwar Shariff is an experienced software trainer for CIGNEX Technologies Inc. He has trained many users, administrators, and developers in Alfresco and many other CMS systems. This book distils the hands-on approach of his training courses into a concise, practical book. The emphasis is on getting up and running fast and discovering the scope and power of Alfresco 3 incrementally through practical examples. This book is designed for system administrators, experienced users, and business owners who want to install and use Alfresco in their teams or businesses. Because Alfresco is free, many teams can install and experiment with its ECM features without any upfront cost, often without management approval. The book assumes a degree of technical confidence but does not require specialist system administration or developer skills to get a basic system up and running. Alfresco is particularly suitable for IT consultants who want or need to set up a flexible enterprise content management system for their clients, be that for demonstration, development, or as a mission-critical platform. This book gets you to that result quickly and effectively. Though this book is not a developer guide, various examples in the book will help developers to extend Alfresco functionality and to integrate Alfresco with external systems.
Grails 1.1 Web Application Development
Grails 1.1 Web Application Development
Jon Dickinson
This book is a guide to building a rich web application using Grails. The approach taken for building the application is incremental and iterative; each chapter will produce a working addition to the application, or iterate over existing features, as well as introduce and carefully explain the new part of the Grails framework used. The book does not go into exhaustive de*ions of every detail of Grails. While there is a lot of code in the book, there are very few large code listings. As you will find, it is not necessary to write reams of code to get results using Groovy and Grails. This book is aimed at Java web developers looking for ways to build web applications quickly, and wanting to find out how it's done quickly. If you are frustrated with integrating the many different frameworks that are available for web development and want to get on with building slick web applications for your users, then this book is for you. Grails is built on the Groovy language, but experience in Groovy is not required, as you will learn enough about Groovy to understand how to use Grails.
Moodle Administration
Moodle Administration
Alex Buchner
Written in a clear, straightforward way with lots of screenshots and direct instructions this book will equip you with all the tools you need to set up, optimize, extend, and maintain a Moodle system. A problem-solution approach has been taken when possible to bring the content more in line with your day-to-day operations. This book is written for technicians, systems administrators, as well as academic staff”basically anyone who has to administer a Moodle system. Whether you are dealing with a small-scale local Moodle system or a large-scale multi-site Virtual Learning Environment, this book will assist you with any administrative tasks. Some basic Moodle knowledge is helpful, but not essential.
Oracle Modernization Solutions
Oracle Modernization Solutions
Jason Williamson
This book combines case studies with practical examples of how to implement modernization techniques using Oracle (and partner) products to modernize to the Oracle Platform. The book also weighs the pros and cons of specific modernization use cases. Finally, we explore some of the emerging trends in technology and how they apply to legacy modernization. Legacy system architects, project managers, program managers, developers, database architects and decision makers who own mainframe and heterogeneous systems, and are tasked with modernization will all find this book useful. The book assumes some knowledge of mainframes, J2EE, SOA, and Oracle technologies. The reader should have some background in programming and database design.
How to Write
How to Write
Rhodes, Richard
Uniquely fusing practical advice on writing with his own insights into the craft, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Richard Rhodes constructs beautiful prose about the issues would-be writers are most afraid to articulate: How do I dare writeWhere do I beginWhat do I do with this story I have to tell that fills and breaks my heartRich with personal vignettes about Rhode's sources of inspiration, How to Write is also a memoir of one of the most original and celebrated writers of our day.
You're Not the Boss of Me
You're Not the Boss of Me
Braun, Betsy Brown
"Save me! My child is acting like a brat!"What parent hasn't thought her child was a brat at one point or anotherWhether your child really is a brat, is at risk of becoming one, or is simply trying to grow up in a world filled with temptations and distractions, you'll love this book! It's the ultimate hands-on guide to cultivating character traits that are tried-and-true "bratbusters." Full of no-nonsense, practical "Tips and Scripts," You're Not the Boss of Me offers just the help you need to deal with many of the more challenging behaviors typical of four- to twelve-year-olds. With Betsy Brown Braun's humorous, supportive, and authoritative voice as a guide, navigating some of the most exasperating aspects of these formative years with confidence and laying the groundwork for your child's future just got a whole lot easier! It's All Here What to Say and Do to Help Your Child: Get Over the Gimmes Tell the Truth Be Self-Reliant Develop Empathy Show Gratitude Be Respectful Take Responsibility Be Independent Exercise Humor and Not Be Spoiled!
You Never Give Me Your Money
You Never Give Me Your Money
Doggett, Peter
The world stopped in 1970 when Paul McCartney announced that he was through with the Beatles. His statement not only marked the end of the band's remarkable career, but also seemed to signal the demise of an era of unprecedented optimism in social history. Though the Beatles' breakup was widely viewed as a cultural tragedy, one of the most fascinating phases of their story was just about to begin.Now, for the first time, You Never Give Me Your Money tells the behind-the-scenes story of the personal rivalries and legal feuds that have dominated the Beatles' lives since 1969. Journalist Peter Doggett charts the Shakespearean battles between Lennon and McCartney, the conflict in George Harrison's life between spirituality and fame, and the struggle with alcoholism that threatened to take Richard Starkey's life. In vivid detail, Doggett also describes the wild mismanagement of the Beatles' fortune staked largely in Apple Corps. You Never Give Me Your Money is a compelling human drama and an equally rich and absorbing story of the Beatles' creative and financial empire, set up to safeguard their interests but destined to control their lives. From tragedy to triumphant reunion, and chart success to courtroom battles, this meticulously researched work tells the previously untold story of a group and a legacy that will never be forgotten.