The Titan
The Titan is a novel written by Theodore Dreiser in 1914. It is Dreiser's sequel to The Financier. Sometime after being released from prison, Frank invests in stocks subsequent to the Panic of 1873, and becomes a millionaire again. He decides to move out of Philadelphia and start a new life in the West. He moves to Chicago with Aileen and his attorney is finally able to persuade Lillian to agree to a divorce. Frank decides to take over the street-railway system. He bankrupts several opponents with the help of John J. McKenty and other political allies. Meanwhile, Chicago society finds out about his past in Philadelphia and the couple are no longer invited to dinner parties; after a while, the press turns on him too. Cowperwood is unfaithful many times. Aileen finds out about a certain Rita and beats her up. She gives up on him and has an affair with Polk Lynde, a man of privilege; she eventually loses faith in him. Meanwhile, Cowperwood meets young Berenice Fleming; by the end of the novel, he tells her he loves her and she consents to live with him. However, the ending is bittersweet as Cowperwood has not managed to obtain the fifty-year franchise for his railway schemes that he wanted.
Mo?tenirea Stonehenge
O cas? perfect?. O familie perfect?. Un secret mortal…O t?n?r? mam?, blond? ?i dr?gu??, dispare din casa ei din South Boston, l?s?nd ?n urm? un singur martor – fiica de patru ani – ?i un so? chipe? ?i secretos.Din clipa ?n care detectivul D.D. Warren intr? ?n confortabila cas? a familiei Jones, instinctul ?i spune c? ceva nu este ?n regul? la imaginea de ansamblu pe care cuplul s-a str?duit at?t de mult s? o creeze.?n timp ce via?a unei femei disp?rute se afl? ?n pericol ?i o furtun? amenin?? s? izbucneasc? ?n pres?, D.D. trebuie s?-?i dea rapid seama dac? Jason Jones este vinovat sau doar ?ncearc? s? ascund? ceva. Prioritatea ei num?rul unu devine aceea de a sta ?n calea poten?ialului uciga? ?i de a ap?ra noua posibil? victim?, un copil nevinovat, care a v?zut – poate – prea multe.?Cel mai captivant roman al s?u de p?n? acum… [Gardner este] o povestitoare ne?ntrecut?.“ – The Providence Sunday Journal?Fascinant… extrem de antrenant… plin de r?sturn?ri de situa?ie spectaculoase.“ – Publishers Weekly?O carte care ?l pune pe g?nduri pe cititor ?i ?i produce fiori. O realizare de geniu marca Gardner!“ – Romantic Times Book Reviews?Iubitorii genului ar trebui s? fie avertiza?i s? ??i ?nchid? bine u?ile ?nainte de a se apuca de citit.“ – Bookpage?F?r? ?ndoial?, cel mai complex roman al lui Gardner… o adev?rat? ?nc?ntare pentru fanii autoarei.“ – Booklist Grand Prix des Lectrices de ELLE, 2011
Safari ?ns?ngerat
Ce-ai face dac? propria ta sor? ar disp?rea ?ntr-o bun? zi f?r? urm??C?nd afl? c? sora ei mai mic? a disp?rut, Beatrice Hemming se ?ntoarce cu primul avion acas?, la Londra. ?n scurt? vreme, Tess este g?sit? moart?, aparent o sinucidere, iar poli?ia ?nchide dosarul. Convins? c? sora ei nu s-ar fi sinucis niciodat?, Beatrice se mut? ?n apartamentul lui Tess ?i p?trunde tot mai ad?nc ?n via?a ?i ?n secretele acesteia, ?n ?ncercarea de a-l descoperi singur? pe criminal. Pe urmele lui Tess, Beatrice afl? despre rela?ia ei ascuns?, despre participarea ei la un experiment medical, dar se afund? tot mai mult ?ntr-o ?ntunecat? camer? a oglinzilor, plin? de revela?ii tulbur?toare.C?ut?nd cu disperare adev?rul despre moartea surorii ei, va reu?i oare s? se redescopere pe sine?
In Search of the Castaways: (A Romantic Narrative)
On the 26th of July, 1864, under a strong gale from the northeast, a magnificent yacht was steaming at full speed through the waves of the North Channel. The flag of England fluttered at her yard-arm, while at the top of the mainmast floated a blue pennon, bearing the initials E. G., worked in gold and surmounted by a ducal coronet. ??The yacht was called the Duncan, and belonged to Lord Glenarvan, one of the sixteen Scottish peers sitting in the House of Lords, and also a most distin-guished member of the "Royal Thames Yacht Club," so celebrated throughout the United Kingdom.??Lord Edward Glenarvan was on board with his young wife, Lady Helena, and one of his cousins, Major MacNabb. The Duncan, newly constructed, had just been making a trial voyage several miles beyond the Frith of Clyde, and was now on her re-turn to Glasgow. Already Arran Island was appearing on the horizon, when the look-out signaled an enormous fish that was sporting in the wake of the yacht. ??The captain, John Mangles, at once informed Lord Glenarvan of the fact, who mounted on deck with Major MacNabb, and asked the captain what he thought of the animal.??"Indeed, your lordship," replied Captain Mangles, "I think it is a shark of large proportions."?"A shark in these regions!" exclaimed Glenarvan.?"Without doubt," replied the captain. "This fish belongs to a species of sharks that are found in all seas and latitudes. It is the 'balance-fish,' and, if I am not greatly mistaken, we shall have an encounter with one of these fellows. ??If your lordship consents, and it pleases Lady Helena to witness such a novel chase, we will soon see what we have to deal with."??"What do you think, MacNabb?" said Lord Glenarvan to the major; "are you of a mind to try the adventure?"??"I am of whatever opinion pleases you," answered the major, calmly.??"Besides," continued Captain Mangles, "we cannot too soon exterminate these terrible monsters. Let us improve the opportunity, and, if your lordship pleases, it shall be an exciting scene as well as a good action." ? ?AUTHOR: Jules Gabriel Verne (1828 – 1905) was a French novelist, poet, and playwright best known for his adventure novels and his profound influence on the literary genre of science fiction. Verne was born to bourgeois parents in the seaport of Nantes, where he was trained to follow in his father's footsteps as a lawyer, but quit the profession early in life to write for magazines and the stage. His collaboration with the publisher Pierre-Jules Hetzel led to the creation of the Voyages extraordinaires, a widely popular series of scrupulously researched adventure novels including Journey to the Center of the Earth (1864), Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (1870), and Around the World in Eighty Days (1873). Verne is generally considered a major literary author in France and most of Europe, where he has had a wide influence on the literary avant-garde and on surrealism. His reputation is markedly different in Anglophone regions, where he has often been labeled a writer of genre fiction or children's books, largely because of the highly abridged and altered translations in which his novels are often reprinted. ?
O zi
Linda Blair, absolvent? de psihologie la Colegiul Wellesley din Massachusetts, a lucrat ?n cadrul unit??ii de comportament animal de la Medical Research Council, Universitatea Cambridge, studiind, ?mpreun? cu profesorul Robert Hinde, rela?iile dintre mam? ?i sugar la primate. A ob?inut ulterior o burs? la Harvard pentru a studia activit??ile de joc ?i dezvoltarea limbajului la copii ?i este psiholog clinician specializat ?n terapia cognitiv?.La sf?r?itul anilor 1980 a ?nceput s? ?in? prelegeri ?n ?coli ?i universit??i, pe tema adapt?rii la stresul examenelor. Particip? la emisiuni radio ?i TV ?i a publicat articole ?n The Guardian ?i ?n revista Psychologies. ?n prezent, semneaz? rubrici ?n The Times ?i ?n revista Junior.Este membr? a comitetului media pe care British Psychological Society ?l recomand? comentatorilor de pres?, radio ?i televiziune, membr? a British Psychological Society (unde este associate fellow) ?i a fost acreditat? de British Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Psychotherapies.
Ordinea na?terii
Martie 1997. O t?n?r? femeie e g?sit? moart? ?n spatele unui bar din or??elul Carter Crossing, Mississippi, nu departe de o mare baz? militar?. Criminalul este un localnic sau un soldat? Maiorul Jack Reacher din poli?ia militar? prime?te misiunea de a supraveghea, sub acoperire, activitatea poli?iei locale. Folosindu-?i intui?ia ?nn?scut?, dar ?i abilit??ile dob?ndite ?n lunga sa experien?? ca militar, maiorul pune cap la cap indiciile, descoperind o conspira?ie a t?cerii ce pare s? urce p?n? la cel mai ?nalt nivel. Prins ?ntre datoria militar? ?i dorin?a de a face dreptate, Jack Reacher ??i risc? viitorul profesional pentru aflarea adev?rului. Iar farmecele ?erifului Elizabeth Deveraux, o femeie uimitor de frumoas?, fost ofi?er ?n infanteria marin?, nu fac dec?t s?-i complice sarcina.?Jack Reacher i-ar putea bate pe Bond, Dirty Harry, Jason Bourne ?i Ethan Hunt cu ambele m?ini legate la spate. Apoi, s-ar culca cu iubitele lor, c?te dou? deodat?, ?nainte de a p?r?si ora?ul cu ultimul autobuz.“ – The Sun?Cea mai bun? carte a lui Child de p?n? acum… Reacher este deopotriv? un mare lupt?tor ?i un g?nditor, deopotriv? Schwarzenegger ?i Socrate. Crezul s?u va fi ?ntotdeauna ?make love and war?.“ – The Independent ?Jack Reacher ?i-a c??tigat de mult un loc de seam? ?n panteonul eroilor americani formidabili…“ – The New York TimesC?r?ile lui Lee Child sunt traduse ?n 40 de limbi, ?n aproape 100 de ??ri ale lumii.
The Babes in the Wood: Illustrated
Now ponder well, you parents deare,?These wordes which I shall write;?A doleful story you shall heare,?In time brought forth to light.??A gentleman of good account?In Norfolke dwelt of late.?Who did in honour far surmount?Most men of his estate.??Sore sicke he was, and like to dye,?No helpe his life could save;?His wife by him as sicke did lye,?And both possest one grave.??No love between these two was lost,?Each was to other kinde;?In love they liv'd, in love they dyed,?And left two babes behinde:??The one a fine and pretty boy,?Not passing three yeares olde;?The other a girl more young than he?And fram'd in beautye's molde. Randolph Caldecott (1846 – 1886) was an English artist and illustrator, born in Chester. The Caldecott Medal was named in his honour. He exercised his art chiefly in book illustrations. His abilities as an artist were promptly and generously recognised by the Royal Academy. Caldecott gre-atly influenced illustration of children's books during the nineteenth century. Two books illustrated by him, priced at a shilling each, were published every Christmas for eight years. Caldecott also illustrated novels and accounts of foreign travel, made humorous drawings depicting hunting and fashionable life, drew cartoons and he made sketches of the Houses of Parliament inside and out, and exhibited sculptures and paintings in oil and watercolour in the Royal Academy and galleries. After six years at Whitchurch, Caldecott moved to the head office in Manchester of the Manchester & Salford Bank. He lodged variously in Aberdeen Street, Rusholme Grove and at Bowdon. He took the opportunity to study at night school at the Manchester School of Art and practised continually, with success in local papers and some London publications. It was a habit of his at this time, which he maintained all his life, to decorate his letters, papers and documents of all descriptions with marginal sketches to illustrate the content or provide amusement. A number of his letters have been reprinted with their illustrations in Yours Pictorially, a book edited by Michael Hutchings. In 1870, a painter friend in London, Thomas Armstrong, put Caldecott in touch with Henry Blackburn, the editor of London Society, who published a number of his drawings in several issues of the monthly magazine. Encouraged by this evidence of his ability to support him-self by his art, Caldecott decided to quit his job and move to London; this he did in 1872 at the age of 26. Within two years he had become a successful magazine illustrator working on commission. His work included individual sketches, illustrations of other articles and a series of illustrations of a holiday which he and Henry Blackburn took in the Harz Mountains in Germany. The latter became the first of a number of such series.
lumin?, ?ncet
C?t?lin Ghi?? este unul dintre cei mai serio?i, mai informa?i ?i mai inspira?i cercet?tori care se afirm? ?n comparatistica literar? ?i cultural? de la noi. Neotematismul s?u este unul atent la diferen?e – ?i ?n primul r?nd la diferen?a estetic? –, reticent fa?? de exploatarea ideologizant? a literaturii. Cartea de fa?? ??i acoper? tema cu mare grij?, cu acribie filologic? ?i teoretic?, dar o ?i dep??e?te uneori prin implica?ii nea?teptate ?i prin considera?ii de ansamblu. ?mi place ?n mod deosebit luciditatea autocritic? a autorului, ?n care v?d reflexul moral al modestiei ?i, ?n acela?i timp, orgoliul justificat al competen?ei profesionale“. – Mircea Martin
The Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla: Complete & Illustrated
The electrical problems of the present day lie largely in the economical transmission of power and in the radical improvement of the means and methods of illumination. To many workers and thinkers in the domain of electrical invention, the apparatus and devices that are familiar, appear cumbrous and wasteful, and subject to severe limitations. They believe that the principles of current generation must be changed, the area of current supply be enlarged, and the appliances used by the consumer be at once cheapened and simplified. The brilliant successes of the past justify them in every expectancy of still more generous fruition.??The present volume is a simple record of the pioneer work done in such departments up to date, by Mr. Nikola Tesla, in whom the world has already recognized one of the foremost of modern electrical in-vestigators and inventors. No attempt whatever has been made here to emphasize the importance of his researches and discoveries. ??Great ideas and real inventions win their own way, determining their own place by intrinsic merit. But with the conviction that Mr. Tesla is blazing a path that electrical development must follow for many years to come, the compiler has endeavored to bring together all that bears the impress of Mr. Tesla's genius, and is worthy of preservation. Aside from its value as showing the scope of his inventions, this volume may be of service as indicating the range of his thought. There is intellectual profit in studying the push and play of a vigorous and original mind.?
Inima dat? la maximum
gata! Mito? Micleu?anu (n. 1972), pictor, scriitor, muzician. Cofondator al proiectului ?Planeta Moldova“.
Alexander the Great
ALEXANDER the Great died when he was quite young. He was but thirty-two years of age when he ended his career, and as he was about twenty when he commenced it, it was only for a period of twelve years that he was actually engaged in performing the work of his life. Napoleon was nearly three times as long on the great field of human action.??Notwithstanding the briefness of Alexander's career, he ran through, during that short period, a very brilliant series of exploits, which were so bold, so romantic, and which led him into such adventures in scenes of the greatest magnificence and splendor, that all the world looked on with astonishment then, and mankind have continued to read the story since, from age to age, with the greatest interest and attention.??The secret of Alexander's success was his character. He possessed a certain combination of mental and per-sonal attractions, which in every age gives to those who exhibit it a mysterious and almost unbounded ascendency over all within their influence. Alexander was characterized by these qualities in a very remarkable degree. He was finely formed in person, and very prepossessing in his manners. He was active, athletic, and full of ardor and enthusiasm in all that he did.
Alfred the Great
ALFRED THE GREAT figures in history as the founder, in some sense, of the British monarchy. Of that long succession of sovereigns who have held the scepter of that monarchy, and whose government has exerted so vast an influence on the condition and welfare of mankind, he was not, indeed, actually the first. ??There were several lines of insignificant princes before him, who governed such portions of the kingdom as they individually possessed, more like semi-savage chieftains than English kings. Alfred followed these by the principle of hereditary right, and spent his life in laying broad and deep the foundations on which the enormous superstructure of the British empire has since been reared. If the tales respecting his character and deeds which have come down to us are at all worthy of belief, he was an honest, conscientious, disinterested, and farseeing statesman. ??If the system of hereditary succession would always furnish such sovereigns for mankind, the principle of loyalty would have held its place much longer in the world than it is now likely to do, and great nations, now republican, would have been saved a vast deal of trouble and toil expended in the election of their rulers.
Julius Caesar
THERE were three great European nations in ancient days, each of which furnished history with a hero: the Greeks, the Carthaginians, and the Romans.??Alexander was the hero of the Greeks. He was King of Macedon, a country lying north of Greece proper. He headed an army of his countrymen, and made an excursion for conquest and glory into Asia. He made himself master of all that quarter of the globe, and reigned over it in Babylon, till he brought himself to an early grave by the excesses into which his boundless prosperity allured him. His fame rests on his triumphant success in building up for himself so vast an empire, and the admiration which his career has always excited among mankind is heightened by the consideration of his youth, and of the noble and generous impulses which strongly marked his character.??The ROMAN hero was CAESAR. He was born just one hundred years before the Christian era. His renown does not depend, like that of Alexander, on foreign conquests, nor, like that of Hannibal, on the terrible energy of his aggressions upon foreign foes, but upon his protracted and dreadful contests with, and ultimate triumphs over, his rivals and competitors at home.
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O radiografie hermeneutic? a unor c?r?i-eveniment ce au v?zut lumina tiparului ?n perioada postdecembrist?, accentul fiind pus pe autorii interzi?i sub dictatur?, precum ?i pe c?r?ile poe?ilor ce devin, f?r? voia lor, o rara avis ?n societatea de tranzi?ie. Cartea se adreseaz? elevilor, studen?ilor, precum ?i publicului larg de cititori.
Queen Elizabeth
ELIZABETH was about three years old at the death of her mother. She was a princess, but she was left in a very forlorn and desolate condition. She was not, however, entirely abandoned. Her claims to inherit the crown had been set aside, but then she was, as all admitted, the daughter of the king, and she must, of course, be the object of a certain degree of consideration and ceremony. It would be entirely inconsistent with the notions of royal dignity which then prevailed to have her treated like an ordinary child.??Next came Elizabeth, who was about fourteen years of age. She was the daughter of the king's second wife, Queen Anne Boleyn. She had been educated a Protestant. She was not pretty, but was a very lively and sprightly child, altogether different in her cast of character and in her manners from her sister Mary.??Then, lastly, there was Edward, the son of Jane Seymour, the third queen. He was about nine years of age at his father's death. He was boy of good character, mild and gentle in his position, fond of study and reflection, and a general favorite with all who knew him.
Locuri. Oameni. Pove?ti
Un aspect atractiv al prezentei ediii st n capacitatea sa de a fi o lectur plcut i practic, rmnnd n acelai timp un document tiinific util deopotriv cercettorilor i publicului general. Pentru specialiti, cartea de fa poate reprezenta o schimbare agreabil de ritm (de la materialele de studiu obinuite), care, totui, nu face rabat seriozitii tiinifice. De asemenea, att pentru cercettori ct i pentru publicul larg, cartea aceasta poate fi considerat o modalitate de a demonstra c, printr-o prezentare adecvat, ceea ce pare a fi doar un text tiinific fad se poate dovedi a fi, n realitate, un text plin de via, folositor i relevant pentru toata lumea.“ – Robert B. Cialdini
Luna Benamor
LUIS AGUIRRE had been living in Gibraltar for about a month. He had arrived with the intention of sailing at once upon a vessel bound for Oceanica, where he was to assume his post as a consul to Australia. It was the first important voyage of his diplomatic career. Up to that time he had served in Madrid, in the offices of the Ministry, or in various consulates of southern France, elegant summery places where for half the year life was a continuous holiday. ??THE SON of a family that had been dedicated to diplomacy by tradition, he enjoyed the protection of influential persons. His parents were dead, but he was helped by his relatives and the prestige of a name that for a century had figured in the archives of the nation. Consul at the age of twenty-five, he was about to set sail with the illusions of a student who goes out into the world for the first time, feeling that all previous trips have been insignificant. ? AUTOR: Vicente Blasco Ibanez nacio el 29 de enero de 1867 en Valencia (Espana). Era hijo de Ramona Ibanez y del comerciante Gaspar Blanco. Estudio Derecho en la Universidad de Valencia. Participo en la politica uniendose al Partido Republicano". En 1894 fundo el periodico El pueblo. En el ano 1896, fue detenido y condenado a varios meses de prision. En 1889 contrajo matrimonio con Maria Blasco del Cacho, hija del magistrado Rafael Blasco y Moreno. Cuando subio al poder Canovas del Castillo, el escritor se exilio brevemente en la ciudad de Paris. Fue un autor vinculado en muchos aspectos al naturalismo frances. Por otra parte, la explicita intencion politicosocial de algunas de las novelas de Blasco Ibanez, aunada al escaso bagaje intelectual del autor, lo mantuvo alejado de los representantes de la Generacion del 98. Murio el 28 de enero de 1928 en Menton (Francia)a los 60 anos. Entre sus titulos destacan: "Arroz y Tartana" (1894), "La Barraca" (1898), "Entre Naranjos (1900), "Canas y Barro" (1902), "La Horda" (1905), "Sangre y Arena" (1908) o "Los Cuatro Jinetes Del Apocalipsis" (1916).
Recuerdo que en cierta ocasión tuve en mis manos un ejemplar de la Gaceta Imperial de Pekín, y al revolver sus finas hojas de papel de arroz, entre las apretadas columnas de misteriosos caracteres, sólo encontré dos anuncios comprensibles por sus grabados: el que llaman vulgarmente tío del bacalao, ó sea el marinero que lleva á sus espaldas un enorme pez, pregonando las excelencias de la Emulsión Scott, y una botella de largo cuello con la etiqueta ?Vichy-?tat?. Pocas empresas en el mundo habrán hecho la propaganda que la Compa?ía Arrendataria de las aguas de Vichy. Circulan por las calles de la peque?a y elegante ciudad francesa los pesados carromatos cargados de cajones, camino de la estación del ferrocarril. Marchan las botellas alineadas en apretadas filas al salir de Vichy, para luego esparcirse como una esperanza de salud. ?Adonde van?... ? ?AUTOR: Vicente Blasco Ibanez nacio el 29 de enero de 1867 en Valencia (Espana). Era hijo de Ramona Ibanez y del comerciante Gaspar Blanco. Estudio Derecho en la Universidad de Valencia. Participo en la politica uniendose al Partido Republicano". En 1894 fundo el periodico El pueblo. En el ano 1896, fue detenido y condenado a varios meses de prision. En 1889 contrajo matrimonio con Maria Blasco del Cacho, hija del magistrado Rafael Blasco y Moreno. Cuando subio al poder Canovas del Castillo, el escritor se exilio brevemente en la ciudad de Paris. Fue un autor vinculado en muchos aspectos al naturalismo frances. Por otra parte, la explicita intencion politicosocial de algunas de las novelas de Blasco Ibanez, aunada al escaso bagaje intelectual del autor, lo mantuvo alejado de los representantes de la Generacion del 98. Murio el 28 de enero de 1928 en Menton (Francia)a los 60 anos. Entre sus titulos destacan: "Arroz y Tartana" (1894), "La Barraca" (1898), "Entre Naranjos (1900), "Canas y Barro" (1902), "La Horda" (1905), "Sangre y Arena" (1908) o "Los Cuatro Jinetes Del Apocalipsis" (1916).
O femeie la doctor
Cu doar c?teva zile ?naintea Cr?ciunului, fostul agent secret Cotton Malone se vede nevoit s?-?i ?ntrerup? traiul ?n anticariatul s?u lini?tit, pentru a s?ri ?n ajutorul bunului s?u prieten, miliardarul Henrik Thorvaldsen. B?tr?nul danez este hot?r?t s?-?i r?zbune fiul ucis ?ntr-un schimb de focuri ?n capitala Mexicului, dar ambi?ia lui nu numai c? ?i pune via?a ?n pericol, ci ajunge s? scoat? la iveal? o adev?rat? conspira?ie interna?ional?. O aventur? ame?itoare, cu numeroase r?sturn?ri de situa?ie, ?l poart? pe Cotton Malone ?ntre Copenhaga, Londra ?i Paris, pun?ndu-i la ?ncercare intui?ia, priceperea, dar ?i loialitatea. Aflat ?ntr-o permanent? lupt? cu timpul, americanul va face tot posibilul s? ?mpiedice o serie de atacuri teroriste ce au ca ?int? mai multe monumente din capitala francez?, ?ncerc?nd totodat? s? nu-?i dezam?geasc? cel mai bun prieten. ?G?sim aici toate tr?s?turile distinctive ale lui Berry: anvergur?, grada?ie, r?sturn?ri de situa?ie, istorie – ?i suspans de la un cap?t la altul. ?mi place la nebunie tipul ?sta.“ – Lee Child ?Steve Berry ?mbin? abil suspansul contemporan ?i misterul istoric ?n cel mai recent roman cu fostul agent secret Malone… acest thriller urzit cu iscusin?? ofera o mul?ime de surprize.“ – Publishers Weekly
?n ?ntuneric
Coresponden?? primit? de Geo Bogza de la Stephan Roll, Sa?a Pan?, Mary-Ange Pan?, Victor Brauner, Ilarie Voronca, Colomba Voronca, grupul ?Alge“ ??n Epistolarul avangardist, care con?ine coresponden?a pe care Geo Bogza a primit-o de la reprezentan?ii grupului Alge, este ?i o poveste con?inut? aici, ?n aceste scrisori, o poveste de via??, de supravie?uire, de construire, de fapt, a unei poetici de grup ?i a unei ac?iuni culturale rom?ne.“ – Carmen Mu?at ?Pe mine cel mai mult m-a emo?ionat Epistolarul. Au fost ni?te lucruri de care nu ?tiam ?i pe care le-am citit cu foarte mult? emo?ie, ceea ce m-a f?cut s? mai r?scolesc ?i s? m? uit cu mai mult? aten?ie. Erau scrisori de la mama, am ?nceput s? m? uit ?i ?n jurnalul ei ?i am descoperit o serie de lucruri extraordinare. O s? continui s? cercetez.“ – Vladimir Pan?
American Indian Fairy Tales: [Illustrated Edition]
AMERICAN INDIAN FAIRY TALES?By W.T. Larned, 1921, ?Twenty-ninth Edition??* Iagoo, the Story-Teller?* Shin-ge-bis fools the North Wind?* The Little Boy and Girl in the Clouds?* The Child of the Evening Star?* The Boy who Snared the Sun?* How the Summer Came?* Grasshopper?* Mish-o-sha, the Magician?* The Fairy Bride??With one exception, all the tales in this book are adapted from the legends collected by Henry R. Schoolcraft, ethnologist and government agent for the Lake Superior country, and published in 1839 with the title, "Algic Researches."