?i tu po?i fi Supernanny 2. Cu copilul la ?coal?
Cartea I din Trilogia Confluen?eiOra?ele ?i ma?in?riile str?vechi, aflate ?n dezintegrare pe planeta Confluen?a sunt at?t de misterioase, ?nc?t par magice. Plecat din necropola Aeolis spre enigmatica metropol? Ys, Yama descoper? secretele trecutului s?u, pe m?sur? ce este prins ?n iure?ul unui r?zboi de interese politice ?i religioase.?Prin Copilul fluviului, McAuley ?ncepe o trilogie care descrie dispari?ia unei civiliza?ii uluitoare.“ – Washington Post?O saga SF/fantasy ambi?ioas?, ce se desf??oar? pe o planet? unde tehnologiile sunt str?vechi ?i interzise.“ – Library Journal?…o fuziune de hard SF ?i fantasy… un viitor incredibil de fantastic, dar care, ?n timp, se dovede?te a fi guvernat de ra?iunea ?tiin?ific?.“ – Locus
De ce devii psihiatru/psiholog/psihoterapeut? De ce s? vrei s? aju?i oamenii s? dep??easc? problemele vie?ii ?i s? se cunoasc? pe sine? Ce se ?nt?mpl? ?n mintea celui chemat s? te asculte ?i s? te accepte necondi?ionat? Rolurile se inverseaz? acum ?i ascult?torul este invitat s? se dest?inuie. Pe parcursul a 22 de confesiuni reunite ?n acest volum de cunoscutul psihiatru Christophe André, medicii ?i psihologii ??i ?mp?rt??esc experien?e personale ?i profesionale ce i-au adus sau i-au f?cut s? persiste pe acest drum, o cale, printre altele, de reg?sire de sine ?i de autod?ruire. Confesiunile ?nc?nt? prin stilul propriu al fiec?rui autor, prin anecdotica antrenant?, prin posibilitatea rar? de a p?trunde "?n culise", acolo unde fiecare ??i preg?te?te ?nt?lnirea mereu singular? cu pacientul din fa?a sa. Cartea se dore?te a fi o inspira?ie pentru cei afla?i ?n c?utarea echilibrului interior sau ?naintea unei alegeri profesionale, fiind totodat? o lectur? pl?cut? ?i incitant?.
Epic. Legende fantasy
Manualul de psihiatrie social? ?i psihoterapiereprezint? o ini?iativ? singular? ?n peisajul publica?iilor de specialitate din Rom?nia, de tratare exhaustiv? a unui domeniu pu?in explorat. Inten?ia declarat? a autorilor este introducerea unui limbaj obiectiv, dar totodat? accesibil, pe ?n?elesul tuturor, care s? deschid? calea unei comunic?ri reale ?ntre profesioni?ti ?i cei afecta?i de boala psihic?. Folosind termeni mai pu?in uzuali ?n limbajul de specialitate – confruntare, peisaj, atitudine fundamental? –, cartea introduce cititorului rom?n no?iunea de psihiatrie social?, ?n care ?cel?lalt“, a?a cum este denumit ?n carte cel suferind de o boal? psihic?, este considerat egalul celui s?n?tos ?i tratat ca atare.Manualul vine ?n ?nt?mpinarea cititorului care studiaz? pentru examenul de psihiatrie sau psihoterapie, indiferent de specializarea aleas? (asistent medical, medic, psiholog, nutri?ionist, ergoterapeut, kinetoterapeut). Totodat?, el se adreseaz? lucr?torilor ?n psihiatrie, precum ?i tuturor celor care au avut experien?e psihiatrice, fie ca pacien?i, fie ca apar?in?tori.??n psihiatria social?, accentul se pune pe confruntarea uman? cu omul bolnav psihic, adic? ?cel?lalt?, a?a cum este numit at?t de des ?n carte. Eu pot recunoa?te ?n cel?lalt un egal. El este, ?n pofida alterit??ii, un om deosebit de normal, la fel ca mine. Pot recunoa?te ?ns? ?i caracterul diferit, str?in, pe care abia dac? ?l ?n?eleg sau nu ?l ?n?eleg deloc, ?i care ?mi indic? ?n mod clar o diferen?? fa?? de cel?lalt. ?n psihiatria social? este ?ntotdeauna vorba despre proiectarea acestei rela?ii complexe, despre completitudinea percep?iei mele ?n ceea ce ?l prive?te pe cel?lalt, despre aten?ia fa?? de el ?i despre propria-mi disponibilitate pentru nou, pentru nea?teptat. Ideea este de a ?nv??a continuu.“
De cinci ani, Cameron ?i mama lui se mut? dintr-un loc ?n altul. Tat?l b?iatului e pe urmele lor. Cel pu?in, asta i s-a spus lui Cameron.C?nd se stabilesc la o ferm? izolat?, b?iatul ?ncepe s? vad? ?i s? aud? lucruri care nu pot fi reale. Cur?nd, ajunge s? se ?ndoiasc? de tot ceea ce credea c? ?tie ?i se ?ntreab? dac? nu cumva ??i pierde min?ile.Ce se ascunde ?n noapte? Ce e ?ngropat ?n trecut?Cameron trebuie s? afle secretele ?ntunecate ?nainte ca acestea s?-l distrug?."Un thriller psihologic pe care nu-l po?i l?sa din m?n?… straniu, ?ntunecat ?i inteligent construit. Dialogurile vii, autentice ?i scenele memorabile alc?tuiesc o poveste des?v?r?it?, al c?rei final dramatic ?ntrece toate a?tept?rile." - The Guardian"Un tat? monstruos, h?r?uitor, co?maruri alienante, un b?iat fantomatic, c?ini s?lbatici ?i un subsol d?r?p?nat – cadrul perfect pentru o poveste ?nfior?toare despre un b?iat care, ?ncerc?nd s? dezlege un mister, descoper? ce secrete poate ascunde trecutul cuiva. Un melanj captivant de crime ?i poveste de familie." - Kirkus Review C?inii a c??tigat Red Maple Award ?i a ob?inut numeroase nominaliz?ri, printre care la Young Adult Novel Thriller Award, 2016 ?i American Library Association Best Fiction for Young Adults. Este ?n curs de publicare ?n 13 ??ri.?Drepturile de ecranizare au fost achizi?ionate de Wild Media Entertainment. ?
Ion Petrovici. Coresponden?? Pamfil ?eicaru - Ion Petrovici
Ai ?ntreb?ri pe care ai vrut mereu s? i le pui medicului t?u? Nu ai sim?it niciodat? c? e momentul oportun? Medic generalist, cercet?tor medical ?i redactor al ziaruluiGuardian, dr. Tom Smith se inspir? din experien?a sa medical? pentru a r?spunde ?ntreb?rilor pentru care doctorii obi?nui?i par a nu avea timp.? Exist? vreo dovad? c? vaccinul antigripal actual e bun de ceva?? E adev?rat c?, dac? fumezi canabis, e?ti mai pu?in expus riscurilor dec?t dac? ai fuma tutun sau ai bea alcool?? Sunt deprimat?, dar nu vreau s? iau antidepresive. Care sunt alternativele?? Usturoiul face ?ntr-adev?r bine la inim?? Dac? da, de ce?? C?t de cur?nd dup? opera?ie pot s? c?l?toresc cu avionul?? Jenant?, ?nsp?im?nt?toare sau neobi?nuit?, oricum ar fi ?ntrebarea, sunt ?anse mari ca dr. Tom s? cunoasc? r?spunsul!
Ce ne determin? s? alegem un anumit b?rbat, o anumit? femeie? Exist? oare o alegere potrivit? sau totul e hazard? Si oare cum eroii unor romane at?t de ?ndr?gite, precum?Amantul doamnei Chatterley?sau?M?n?stirea din Parma, au ajuns s?-?i ?eas? pove?tile de dragoste?S? ne imagin?m rela?ia noastr? de iubire ca pe o cas?. ?i, construind-o, avem libertatea de a ?ncepe de oriunde dorim: de la funda?ia s?pat? ad?nc ?n p?m?nt, de la acoperi? sau de la parterul confortabil, trec?nd apoi la alte etaje, mai mult sau mai pu?in atr?g?toare ini?ial. ?n arhitectura unui cuplu, aceste planuri au o semnifica?ie proprie ?i spun c?te ceva despre cei care le cl?desc. Chestionarele ?i testele pe care le ve?i g?si ?n acest volum v? vor ajuta s? v? evalua?i compatibilitatea cu cel?lalt ?ntr-o rela?ie incipient? ?i s? v? cunoa?te?i mai bine "casa" propriului cuplu, pentru a v? putea bucura ?mpreun? de ea c?t mai deplin. E o carte pentru oameni singuri, ce ?nc? ??i caut? perechea, dar ?i pentru cuplurile deschise spre autoexplorare.?
Icarus e o uria?? nav? spa?ial? care c?l?tore?te prin hiperspa?iu cu vitez? superluminic?.Icarus explodeaz?, iar Lilac LaRoux (fiica celui mai bogat om din univers) ?i Tarver Merendsen (care, la doar 18 ani, este deja erou de r?zboi) sunt singurii supravie?uitori. O navet? de salvare ?i duce pe o planet? pustie, unde g?sesc o form? ciudat? de via?? (“fiin?ele ?optitoare“), supus? unui experiment secret condamnabil, ini?iat de tat?l lui Lilac. Totul se schimb? dup? ce Lilac ?i Tarver dezleag? misterul ?fiin?elor ?optitoare“ ?i afl? c? ar putea fi salva?i. Dar nu vor mai fi niciodat? aceia?i tineri care au p??it c?ndva pe planeta pustie.“O aventur? palpitant? ?n spa?iul cosmic.“ -Kirkus ReviewsCioburi de stele a fost recompensat? cu cel mai prestigios premiu pentru science-fiction ?i fantasy din Australia, Aurealis Award for Best Young Adult Novel.“Nu ?tiu cine sau ce ne urm?re?te, dar ?mi dau seama c? floarea este un dar de la fiin?ele misterioase. Nu ?tiu ce inten?ii au ele, dar ?tiu ce ?nseamn? acest dar pentru mine. Nu sunt singur?. Poate c? n am fost niciodat?. Nici m?car c?nd am intrat ?n m?runtaiele navei. Acele fiin?e ?optitoare ?mi citesc g?ndurile. Citesc ?n sufletul meu.“
Formarea inovatorilor. Cum cre?ti tinerii care vor schimba lumea de m?ine
Lee Child este un maestru al suspansului. – Entertainment WeeklyJack Reacher, fost ofi?er ?n poli?ia militar? a Statelor Unite, e pus din nou ?n fa?a unui caz complicat. Pl?nuind s? ajung? ?n Virginia, ?n c?utarea unei femei pe care nu a v?zut-o niciodat?, face autostopul. ?n ma?ina care se opre?te sunt doi b?rba?i ?i o femeie ce pare extrem de ?ngrijorat?. Din atitudinea lor, Reacher ?ncepe s? suspecteze c? ascund ceva.FBI-ul lanseaz? un apel de urm?rire general? pentru c? ?n zon? a avut loc o crim? ?i o persoan? a fost r?pit?. Oare ?nso?itorii de drum ai lui Reacher sunt implica?i ?n aceast? poveste? Iar fostul ofi?er din poli?ia militar? e doar o momeal??Al?turi de Julia Sorenson, agent FBI, Reacher porne?te o anchet? pe cont propriu ?i se treze?te prins ?ntr-o conspira?ie uria??, ?n care nimic nu e ceea ce pare ?i nimeni nu spune adev?rul.Urm?rit creeaz? unul dintre cele mai reu?ite personaje feminine din ?ntreaga serie Jack Reacher. – The New York TimesSubtil ?i nuan?at, cu un stil seduc?tor ?i r?sturn?ri irezistibile de situa?ie. – Newsweek?Reacher continu? s? conduc? ?i ?ncepu s? se g?ndeasc? la cele dou? baraje rutiere prin care trecuser?. Opt ma?ini ?i opt poli?i?ti ?n fiecare loc, cu lanterne ?i timp berechet pentru o inspec?ie am?nun?it?. Se imagin? pe sine ?n situa?ia de om urm?rit, cu ?nf??i?are obi?nuit?, c?l?torind singur, trezindu-se dintr-odat? vulnerabil ?i ?ntr-o situa?ie riscant?, poate anticip?nd barajele rutiere dinaintea sa. Ce putea s? fac? un astfel de om ca s? fie preg?tit? Putea s?-?i schimbe ?nf??i?area obi?nuit?, cu fard, plastilin?, peruci, piercinguri false, tatuaje false sau cicatrice false. Trebuia s? nu mai fie singur ?n ma?in?. Ceea ce era simplu, chiar ?i f?r? pricepere sau antrenament. Putea s? ia un autostopist de pe drum.“
Sec?iune printr-un ora? bolnav
De la primul pas f?cut ?n aceast? lume, purt?m cu noi, f?r? s? ?tim, un ?sac" de poveri ale familiei: drame nespuse, doliuri ne?ncheiate, pove?ti ru?inoase. Motiv?nd c? ?este spre binele nostru" s? nu ne vorbeasc? despre secretele de familie, p?rin?ii ?i bunicii ne condamn?, incon?tient, la a repeta ciclul de traume suferite de str?mo?i. ?n acest ghid practic de psihogenealogie, suntem ajuta?i s? punem ordine ?n ??antierul" mo?tenit de la genera?iile anterioare, s? ne asum?m familia, cu bune ?i rele, ?i s? detension?m (prin iertare, nu prin uitare) conflictele care ne b?ntuie de genera?ii. Cartea clarific? principalele no?iuni de psihogenealogie ?i ofer? instrumentele necesare (?atomul social", ?gensociograma") pentru ?mp?carea cu sine, dar ?i cu str?mo?ii.
Pasiunea lui Cherry
Atunci c?nd adolescentul sufer? din dragoste, p?rin?ii lui se gr?besc s?-l aline cu replici de genul ?Nu merit? s? te nec?je?ti pentru at?ta lucru!" sau ?O s? ?nt?lne?ti persoane mult mai bune ?i mai dr?gu?e dec?t fosta ta iubire". ?n ciuda dorin?ei bine inten?ionate a p?rin?ilor de a-?i proteja adolescen?ii de orice fel de suferin?e, sindromul ?inimii fr?nte" trebuie v?zut ca un proces c?t se poate de util pentru o bun? maturizare a adolescentului, sus?ine psihopedagogul belgian Bruno Humbeeck. Suferin?a din dragoste nu e o boal? ?i nici un motiv de ru?ine. Din contr?, este un prilej pentru a ?nv??a s? iube?ti, s?-l respec?i pe cel?lalt ?i s?-?i redefine?ti identitatea. Misiunea esen?ial? a p?rin?ilor va fi aceea de a oferi un mediu sigur ?i empatic ?n care copilul s? poat? da un sens nefericirii sale, s?-?i poat? asuma ?i integra suferin?a ?n scenariul propriei cre?teri afective. L?muririle psihologice viz?nd ata?amentul, pasiunea fuzional?, a?tept?rile ?i necesitatea revizuirii propriei imagini asupra lumii pot fi extrem de folositoare ?i ?n gestionarea dramelor pasionale din cuplurile adulte.
Old Time Tales: "Forty Stories from Old History"
THE author of this work makes no pretense of originality in the telling of these stories of olden times. They have been gleaned from many sources, and are the common heritage of all who love to write them anew and hear them again. Only the words belong to the story teller; the story itself is as old as the race.??In the lapse of years and with the much telling of these stories there is no longer a line between fact and fiction. How much is true and how much is false does not matter; the story itself is the thing, and one need not worry whether it really happened or not. Much of it is palpable fiction, but much of it is true. Let us not be too critical of a story when it is a few hundred years old.??At any rate, the stories herein contained are a part of the great inheritance that the boys and girls of this day have received from the past, and to which they are entitled in all fullness and freedom. If the reading of them shall add anything to the enjoyment or to the information of those who are always young in heart because they always thrill at romance and adventure, the writer of these old time tales will be amply repaid.?LAWTON B. EVANS??1. JEROME AND THE LION?2. THE SAINT WHO STOOD ON A PILLAR?3. THE SCOURGE OF GOD?4. THE VANDAL HORDE?5. KING CLOVIS BECOMES A CHRISTIAN?6. A CAMEL DRIVER BECOMES A PROPHET?7. WHAT IT MEANT TO BE A KNIGHT?8. BERTHA WITH THE BIG FOOT?9. STORIES OF CHARLEMAGNE?10. CHARLEMAGNE AND THE MAGIC RING?11. CHARLEMAGNE AND THE ROBBER?12. ROLAND BECOMES A KNIGHT?13. THE DEATH OF ROLAND?14. HOW NORMANDY CAME BY ITS NAME?15. OLAF, THE BOY VIKING OF NORWAY?16. THE CID WINS HIS NAME?17. THE LAST DAYS OF THE CID?18. THE LORELEI?19. THE MOUSE TOWER?20. THE DEVIL'S LADDER?21. GERDA'S RIDE TO HER WEDDING?22. PETER THE HERMIT?23. THE WIVES OF WEINSBERG?24. THE MEETING OF KING RICHARD AND SALADIN?25. ADVENTURES OF RICHARD, THE LION HEART?26. THE PRINCE OF TRAVELERS?27. WILLIAM TELL, THE SWISS PATRIOT?28. EDWARD, THE BLACK PRINCE?29. BIG FERRE KEEPS THE FORT?30. THE LEGEND OF THE STRASSBURG CLOCK?31. THE BURGHERS OF GHENT REFUSE TO BE HANGED?32. THE SACRIFICE OF ARNOLD WINKELRIED?33. THE STORY OF JOAN OF ARC?34. BAYARD, THE KNIGHT WITHOUT FEAR AND WITHOUT REPROACH?35. THE FIELD OF THE CLOTH OF GOLD?36. DMITRI, THE PRETENDER?37. THE MAN WITH THE IRON MASK?38. STORIES OF PETER THE GREAT?39. MAZEPPA, THE CHIEF OF THE COSSACKS?40. THE CRIME OF CHARLOTTE CORDAY
The Romance of Spanish History: [Illustrated & Engraved & Mapped]
THE Spanish peninsula, separated from France on the north by the Pyrenees, and bounded on the three remaining sides by the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, con-tains an area of 225,600 square miles, being a little larger than France. Nature has reared a very formidable barrier between Spain and France, for the Pyrenees, extending in a straight line 250 miles in length, from the Bay of Biscay to the Mediterranean, and often rising in peaks more than ten thou-sand feet in height, offer but three defiles which carriages can traverse, though there are more than a hundred passes which may be surmounted by pedestrians or the sure-footed mule. The soil is fertile; the climate genial and salubrious; and the face of the country, diversified with meadows and mountains, presents, in rare combination, the most attractive features both of loveliness and sublimity.?History does not inform us when and how this beautiful peninsula—called Hispania by the Romans—first became in-habited. Whether the earliest emigrants crossed the straits of Gibraltar from Africa, or came from Asia, coasting the shores of the Mediterranean, or descended from France through the defiles of the Pyrenees, can now never be known. The first glimpse we catch of Spain, through the haze of past ages, reveals to us the country inhabited by numerous barbaric tri-bes, fiercely hostile to each other, and constantly engaged in bloody wars. The mountain fastnesses were infested with robber bands, and rapine and violence everywhere reigned. The weapons grasped by these fierce warriors consisted of lances, clubs, and slings, with sabres and hatchets, of rude fashion but of keen edge. Their food was mainly nuts and ro-ots. Their clothing consisted of a single linen garment, girded around the waist; and a woollen tunic, surmounted by a cloth cap, descended to the feet. As in all barbarous nations, the hard work of life was performed by the women.??The names even of most of these tribes have long since perished; a few however have been transmitted to our day, such as the Celts, the Gallicians, the Lusitanians, and the Iberians. Several ages before the foundations of Rome or of Carthage were laid, it is said that the Phoenicians, exploring in their commercial tours the shores of the Mediterranean, established a mercantile colony at Cadiz. The colonists growing rich and strong, extended their dominions and founded the cities of Malaga and Cordova. About 800 years before Christ, a colony from Rhodes settled in the Spanish peninsula, and established the city of Rosas. Other expeditions, from various parts of Greece, also planted colonies and engaged in successful traffic with the Spanish natives.??Four hundred years before Christ, the Carthaginian republic was one of the leading powers, and Carthage was one of the most populous and influential cities on the globe. The Carthaginians crossed the narrow straits which separate Africa from Spain, landed in great strength upon the Spanish peninsula, and, after a short but severe conflict, subdued the foreign colonies there, brought the native Spaniards into subjection, and established their own supremacy over all the southern coast. Cadiz became the central point of Carthaginian power, from whence the invaders constantly extended their conquests. Though many of the interior tribes maintained for a time a sort of rude and ferocious independence, still Carthage gradually assumed dominion over the whole of Spain.??In the year 235 B.C., Hamilcar, the father of the illustrious Hannibal, compelled nearly all the tribes of Spain to ack-nowledge his sway. For eight years Hamilcar waged almost an incessant battle with the Spaniards. Still it was merely a military possession which he held of the country, and he erected Barcelona and several other fortresses, where his soldiers could bid defiance to assaults, and could overawe the surrounding inhabitants.
Capcana de piatr?
Sonetul contondentCelor doi / poe?i de mare soi...(Istrate ?i Murgeanu)Visam c? Marea-?i p?r?sea ghioculCu-al s?u tumult de valuri euxine?i, h?t-departe-n zonele alpine,Ca-n Cretaceu, ??i reg?sise locul...Priveam de-acuma fascinat la joculDe valuri ?n?esate de jivineDin vremuri disp?rute, care-n fine,??i ?ncercau, o dat?-n plus, norocul.Sim?eam o dulce binecuv?ntareC?-n groapa euxinic? ad?nc?O Mare Neagr? nu exist? ?nc?,Nici Casa Scriitorilor la mare;Nici doi poe?i cu barb?, bur?i ?i plete,S?-n?ire contondentele sonete.
The Wonder-Book of Horses
SINCE the publication of my larger book, "The Horse Fair," many letters have been received from teachers and their scholars telling of the pleasure derived from the reading of it, and incidentally suggesting that much of its contents is directly in line with the courses of literary instruction pursued in our elementary schools. This suggestion has led me to col-lect certain of the stories into a smaller volume especially adapted for use as a school reading-book.? The eighteen stories in this volume have been chosen with a thought to their educative value as well as for the intrinsic charm of the original narratives, which in various forms have delighted many generations of readers. All have a literary interest connecting them with subjects with which every educated person is supposed to be familiar. In the first four, you will be introduced to the sun myths and season myths of the Greeks and of our Norse ancestors. Following these, the tale of song-inspiring Pegasus is presented in contrast with that of Griffen, the base imitation invented by the romancing poets of the Middle Ages. ? Then in "The Ship of the Plains," you may read of the mythical founding of Athens; and in the sketch that follows, you may enjoy a brief glimpse of Arabic imagery in the story of one of the most interesting episodes in the life of the prophet Mohammed. The story of the twin brethren will acquaint you with the thought of some of the old Latin writers, while the tale of Rakush will give you a taste of Persian literature as it is found in the great epic written by Firdusi. The romances of Charlemagne and his peers are represented by the story of Broiefort and his indomitable master; and the world-famous Don Quixote is introduced by his sorry but scarcely less famous steed, Rozinante.
Thirty More Famous Stories: Retold & Illustrated
CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS discovered America on the 12th of October, 1492. He had spent eighteen years in planning for that wonderful first voyage which he made across the Atlantic Ocean. The thoughts and hopes of the best part of his life had been given to it. He had talked and argued with sailors and scholars and princes and kings, saying, "I know that, by sailing west across the great ocean, one may at last reach lands that have never been visited by Europeans." But he had been laughed at as a foolish dreamer, and few people had any faith in his projects.??At last, however, the king and queen of Spain gave him ships with which to make the trial voyage. He crossed the ocean and discovered strange lands, inhabited by a people unlike any that had been known before. He believed that these lands were a part of India.??When he returned home with the news of his discovery there was great rejoicing, and he was hailed as the hero who had given a new world to Spain. Crowds of people lined the streets through which he passed, and all were anxious to do him honor. The king and queen welcomed him to their palace and listened with pleasure to the story of his voyage. Never had so great respect been shown to any common man.??But there were some who were jealous of the discoverer, and as ready to find fault as others were to praise. "Who is this Columbus?" they asked, "and what has he done? Is he not a pauper pilot from Italy? And could not any other seaman sail across the ocean just as he has done?"??One day Columbus was at a dinner which a Spanish gentleman had given in his honor, and several of these persons were present. They were proud, conceited fellows, and they very soon began to try to make Columbus uncomfortable.?"You have discovered strange lands beyond the sea," they said. "But what of that? We do not see why there should be so much said about it. Anybody can sail across the ocean; and anybody can coast along the islands on the other side, just as you have done. It is the simplest thing in the world."??Columbus made no answer; but after a while he took an egg from a dish and said to the company, "Who among you, gentlemen, can make this egg stand on end?"
A visszakapott élet
Ninge ?n martieNinge ?ntr-un hornDin care iese fumNinge tot mai densCople?itor?i ?ntoarce fumul din drum?l preseaz? ?n horn ca-ntr-un teasc?l ?ndeas? la loc ?n c?rbuniAstup? flac?raRea?az? focul ?nMiezul ?nsu?i al P?m?ntului.
The Magic City: (Illustrated)
Philip Haldane and his sister lived in a little red-roofed house in a little redroofed town. They had a little garden and a little balcony, and a little stable with a little pony in it—and a little cart for the pony to draw; a little canary hung in a little cage in the little bow-window, and the neat little servant kept everything as bright and clean as a little new pin. Philip had no one but his sister, and she had no one but Philip. Their parents were dead, and Helen, who was twenty years older than Philip and was really his half-sister, was all the mother he had ever known. And he had never envied other boys their mothers, because Helen was so kind and clever and dear. She gave up almost all her time to him; she taught him all the lessons he learned; she played with him, inventing the most wonderful new games and adventures. ABOUT AUTHOR: Edith Nesbit (married name Edith Bland; 1858 – 1924) was an English author and poet; she published her books for children under the name of E. Nesbit. She wrote or collaborated on over 60 books of fiction for children, several of which have been adapted for film and television. She was also a political activist and co-founded the Fabian Society, a socialist organisation later connected to the Labour Party.
The Man Without a Country: (Illustrated)
"The Man Without a Country" first appeared in the Atlantic Monthlyfor December, 1863. It was the author's wish that it be published anonymously, in the hope that it might be ascribed to some officer of the Navy; but unfortunately, the man who compiled the year's index for the magazine, which was mailed with the December number, recognized Dr. Hale's handwriting, and gave him credit for it in the index. The story was written during the darkest period of the Civil War, and this war is perhaps the gloomiest period in the history of our great republic in the history of our great Republic; it was written at a time when one-half of the people in the United States were burning with patriotism, and were ready to lay down their lives to preserve the Union, while the other half were striving to disrupt what to them was merely a confederation of States, in no wise binding, and were damning the United States, even as did Philip Nolan; at at time when the President was bending low under the weight of sorrow for the loss of thousands of noble men who were falling in battle, and was enduring in pitiful silence the villification that was heaped upon him by the "copper-head" opposition; at a time when patriotism was preached in the pulpit, sung by our poets, and exhaled with every breath. The story launched in such an atmosphere, met with immediate favor. It was reprinted everywhere without regard for copyright, and was translated into several foreign languages. It was accepted by many as a narrative of actual facts, and provoked many discussions as to whether Philip Nolan was a real person; some even went so far as to identify him.
Prin volumul Istorie ?i sacralitate, Const. Miu ne poart? prin lumea cuv?ntului spus ori scris, de la ?nceputuri ?i p?n? ?n prezent. Autorul, ?n acest volum, atrage aten?ia, al?turi de al?i autori dedica?i adev?rului, pe care domnia sa ?i citeaz?, c? lingvi?tii no?tri din motive de ne?n?eles au l?sat a se ?n?elege c? limba rom?n? ar fi una de ?mprumut. Nu putem ?ti ce anume i-a determinat pe ace?tia s? conchid? ?n privin?a unor cuvinte din dic?ionarul limbii rom?ne c? ar avea r?d?cini turcice, slave ori din limba latin?. Se pare c? au uitat c? aceast? limb? este vorbit? pe ?ntreg arealul ??rii, spre deosebire de limba italian?, ce are mai multe dialecte ?i idiomuri care difer? de la o provincie la alta.
Mantre f?c?toare de minuni. Curs de magie
O c?l?torie necontrolat? ?n timp este anun?at? de obicei cu c?teva minute, uneori ore sau chiar zile ?nainte, prin senza?ii de ame?eal? ce afecteaz? capul, stomacul ?i/sau picioarele. Mul?i purt?tori ai genei au relatat, de asemenea, despre dureri de cap asem?n?toare migrenelor.Primul salt ?n timp – numit ?i saltul de ini?iere – are loc ?ntre al 16-lea ?i al 17-lea an de via?? al purt?torilor genei.Extras din Cronicile Gardienilor, volumul 2, Reguli general valabileCe faci c?nd ?i-a fost fr?nt? inima? Corect: vorbe?ti la telefon cu cea mai bun? prieten?, m?n?nci ciocolat? ?i te b?l?ce?ti s?pt?m?ni la r?ndul ?n propria-?i nefericire. Mai prost e c?, ?mpotriva voin?ei ei, Gwendolyn are nevoie de toat? energia pentru cu totul ?i cu totul altfel de lucruri: de exemplu, pentru a supravie?ui. C?ci i?ele ?nc?lcite de dubiosul Conte de Saint-Germain ?n trecut ajung s? ?eas? ?i ?n prezent o p?nz? primejdioas?. Pentru a descifra secretul, Gwendolyn ?i Gideon – l?s?nd la o parte chinurile iubirii – trebuie nu numai s? danseze ?mpreun? menuet la un bal tumultuos din secolul al XVII-lea, ci ?i s? se arunce cu capul ?nainte ?n tot felul de aventuri...Un montagne-russe al sentimentelor, travers?nd secolele: aventurile lui Gideon ?i ale lui Gwen, grandios puse ?n scen? de autoarea Kerstin Gier, ?n cartea a treia a seriei Culorile dragostei. At?t de frumoas?, ?nc?t sigur te vei ?ndr?gosti de ea!
Cella Serghi este Margaret Mitchell a noastr. Aceeai for epic, aceeai curgere a personajului, acelai tip de feminitate care lupt i trebuie s nving. Cine nu i amintete ultima pagin din Pe aripile vntului, ctor cititoare nu le-a slujit drept suport, drept lecie de via Un feminism cald care e mai mult un fel de solidaritate feminin...Naturaleea, spontaneitatea scriiturii, conturarea personajului principal, att de sincer i de cuceritor, capacitatea de-a face cititorul s viseze i, nu n ultim instan, succesul de public pentru o carte de dragoste, toate acestea nseamn c avem de a face cu o carte de referin.“ – Cleopatra Loriniu