Interactive Applications Using Matplotlib
This book is intended for Python programmers who want to do more than just see their data. Experience with GUI toolkits is not required, so this book can be an excellent complement to other GUI programming resources.

PlayStation?Mobile Development Cookbook
Written as a series of engaging and practical recipes, this essential Cookbook has been meticulously designed and reviewed in order to provide you with the ultimate reference for PlayStation?Mobile development. If you've got some prior experience with C# and want to create awesome projects for the PlayStation?Vita and PlayStation?Certified devices, then this book is for you.

Instant LinkedIn Customization How-to (MnM)
Filled with practical, step-by-step instructions and clear explanations for the most important and useful tasks. Get the job done and learn as you go. Step-by step application of the features of LinkedIn provides a good grounding in creating effective résumés and optimizing your search. If you’re looking for a job, genuinely interested in expanding your lifelong professional network, or simply want to learn about the tips and tricks of LinkedIn, then this is the right book for you.

Appcelerator Titanium Application Development by Example Beginner’s Guide
"Appcelerator Titanium Application Development by Example Beginner's Guide" is an example-driven tour of the language that guides you through all the stages of app design. The style is relaxed and friendly whilst remaining concise and structured. If you are new to this technology or curious about the possibilities of Appcelerator Titanium then this book is for you. If you are a web developer who is looking for a way to craft cross-platform apps, then this book and the Titanium language is the choice for you.

openFrameworks Essentials
If you are a programmer, visual artist, or designer with experience in creative coding, and want to use openFrameworks to create fun, stunning, and interactive applications, this is the book for you. Basic knowledge of programming languages, such as C++, Java, Python, or JavaScript, will be enough to proceed with the book.

SignalR Blueprints
This book is designed for software developers, primarily those with knowledge of C#, .NET, and JavaScript. Good knowledge and understanding of SignalR is assumed to allow efficient programming of core elements and applications in SignalR.

Mastering Play Framework for Scala
This book is intended for those developers who are keen to master the internal workings of Play Framework to effectively build and deploy web-related apps.

Test-Driven Java Development
If you're an experienced Java developer and want to implement more effective methods of programming systems and applications, then this book is for you.

Learning Raspberry Pi
If you have a passion for technology and want to explore the world of Raspberry Pi, then this book provides you with all the tools and information you are looking for. Although being familiar with basic programming concepts is useful, you can still learn a lot from this book as a wide variety of topics are covered.

PrestaShop 1.5 Beginner’s Guide
This book is written in a friendly voice with lots of tips, tricks, and screenshots to help you set up, extend, and personalize your own online shop. If you want to start your own e-commerce business, then this book will help you do that. This book is for people who are interested in creating an online shop. Basic HTML and CSS skills would be beneficial but are not required as we will provide you with all the code and know-how you need.

Instant Wijmo Widgets How-to
Filled with practical, step-by-step instructions and clear explanations for the most important and useful tasks.A recipe-based instant tutorial, showing app development with Knockout and Wijmo, and covering major widgets and themes. This book aims at equipping the reader with the necessary tools that Wijmo and Knockout JS provide for easing and speeding up development. It addresses the needs of everyone in the UI development space, both experienced and newbies. To get the most out of this book you should have a good working knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and will need to be comfortable using jQuery.

Liferay 6.x Portal Enterprise Intranets Cookbook
If you are a Java developer or administrator with a technical background and want to install and configure Liferay Portal as an enterprise intranet, this is the book for you. In short, reusable recipes help you realize business goals as working features in Liferay. This book will also give you useful hints on how to easily improve the default functionality of the system and its performance.

OpenStack Cloud Security
If you are an OpenStack administrator or developer, or wish to build solutions to protect your OpenStack environment, then this book is for you. Experience of Linux administration and familiarity with different OpenStack components is assumed.

Learning Force.com Application Development
If you are a developer who wants to learn how to develop and deploy applications from the Salesforce.com platform, then this book is for you. No prior knowledge of Salesforce is necessary.

VMware vSphere 5.5 Cookbook
This is an excellent handbook for system administrators, support professionals, or for anyone intending to give themselves a headstart in learning how to install, configure, and manage a vSphere environment. It is also a good task-oriented reference guide for consultants or infrastructure architects who design and deploy vSphere environments.

Lync Server Cookbook
If you work with Lync on a daily basis or if you have to use a specific feature of Lync for a project, this is the book for you. For solutions architects, technical consultants, and administrators, if you have a Lync deployment and you want to upgrade, integrate, secure, or extend it to the cloud, you can get valuable information from the recipes in this book.

Learning Apex Programming
If you are a developer who has some object-oriented programming experience, Learning Apex Programming is the perfect book for you. This book is most appropriate for developers who wish to gain an understanding of the Force.com platform and how to use Apex to create business applications.

Learning Android Forensics
If you are a forensic analyst or an information security professional wanting to develop your knowledge of Android forensics, then this is the book for you. Some basic knowledge of the Android mobile platform is expected.

Internet of Things with Intel Galileo
This book employs an incremental, step-by-step approach to get you familiarized with everything from the basic terms, board components, and development environments to developing real projects. Each project will demonstrate how to use specific board components and tools. Both Galileo and Galileo Gen 2 are covered in this book.

Entity Framework Tutorial - Second Edition
If you are a C# developer who wants to learn a new way of querying data and utilizing it in applications efficiently for data binding or other operations, then this book is for you. Basic knowledge of ADO.NET is assumed.

GeoServer Beginner’s Guide
Step-by-step instructions are included and the needs of a beginner are totally satisfied by the book. The book consists of plenty of examples with accompanying screenshots and code for an easy learning curve. You are a web developer with knowledge of server side *ing, and have experience with installing applications on the server. You have a desire to want more than Google maps, by offering dynamically built maps on your site with your latest geospatial data stored in MySQL, PostGIS, MsSQL or Oracle. If this is the case, this book is meant for you.