A másik oldalról: Hiába hiszel a véletlenben
Poe a világ egyik legismertebb és legnagyobb hatású elbeszél?je, ?A holló” cím?, magyarra is t?bbsz?r lefordított k?ltemény szerz?je. Novellái k?z?tt megtalálhatjuk a fantasztikus irodalom, a detektívt?rténet, a lélektani rémt?rténet szinte minden alaptípusát. K?tetünk ezekb?l az írásaiból ad válogatást.

Mozart utolsó áriája
Bár témája miatt a Charles Dickens regényét feldolgozó filmes adaptációkat általában karácsony táján szokták játszani, mi azt ajánljuk, hogy bármikor vegyék kézbe ezt a t?rténetet. Mi Mikes Lajos klasszikus fordításában adjuk k?zre.

A királyn? esküje
A hetvenes évek elején, Buenos Aires tartomány egyik kisvárosában meg?lték Tony Duránt. Tony, a sármos, rejtélyes idegen egy New Jerseyben nevelkedett Puerto Ricó-i szerencsevadász. Míg élt, az érdekl?dés k?zéppontjában állt, volt, aki csodálta, más figyelte minden lépését. ? volt a gy?ny?r? és kül?nleges Belladona ikerlányok szeret?je, az ?reg Belladonának, a vidék egyik leggazdagabb urának a bizalmasa. A b?ntényt k?vet?en a maga módján mindenki a tettes után nyomoz, ugyanakkor az esettel kapcsolatba hozott figurákon keresztül az olvasó el?tt feltárul a korabeli argentin társadalom minden ellentmondásossága, s kiderül, hogy a társadalmi-politikai visszásságok - korrupció, f?ldspekuláció, feketegazdaság - ágyaztak meg a gyilkosságnak. ?s hogy mi az igazság? Erre a kérdésre - a korrupt államügyészen kívül - Croce rend?rf?n?k és Luca Belladona t?nkrement gyártulajdonos, valamint a f?városi tudósító, Emilio Renzi keresi a választ. Az igazság azonban sokarcú, mély filozófiai fogalom. Piglia regénye árulásokról és piszkos üzletekr?l, egy ártatlan és egy igazi b?n?sr?l, szenvedélyekr?l és csapdákról szól. De leginkább az igazság viszonylagosságáról. Ricardo Piglia a kortárs argentin prózairodalom legkimagaslóbb írója, aki a regényeiben felvázolt eszmékkel, lebilincsel? ábrázolásmódjával, karakterteremt? m?vészetével kiérdemelte, hogy a kritika Borges méltó utódának tartsa.

Kijárat az Adriára
A roast – vagyis a celebek égetése, cikizése, kikarikírozása – az amerikai tévénéz?k számára már régóta kedvelt m?faj, és a Showder Klub humoristáinak k?sz?nhet?en tavaly óta már hazánkban sem teljesen ismeretlen. S?t, az internetes kommentel?k – még ha nem is tudnak m?fajteremt? viselkedésükr?l – már régóta részt vesznek ismert emberek roastolásában… K?nyv formájában azonban eddig még nem hódított teret magának a m?faj. A nagy Roast k?nyv els?dleges célja az olvasó megnevettetése, szórakoztatása, és semmiképpen sem a gy?l?lk?dési kedv kiszolgálása, gerjesztése. A k?tet szerz?i épp ezért nem vállalnak k?z?sséget a neten névtelenül vádaskodókkal, hanem arcukat, nevüket vállalva, az irónia, a humor eszk?zeivel mutatnak rá egyes személyek, karakterek, jelenségek, kulturális termékek hibáira, fonákságaira. Ez a k?nyv tehát azért született, hogy a bosszantót mulatságossá tegye, hogy a g?rbe elé még g?rbébb tükr?t tartson, és hogy kreatív és változatos módon vessen fel olyan kérdéseket, témákat, amelyek nap mint nap foglalkoztatják a k?z?nséget.

Kit?m?tt barbár
Ugye milyen jó lenne, ha a férfiak félszavakból is kitalálnák a legtitkosabb vágyainkat, a mosolyunk pedig elégedettséggel t?ltené el ?ket? REGINA SWOBODA a N?i rafinériában arra a nem kis feladatra vállalkozott, hogy a k?zhelyeket és sablonos válaszokat elkerülve bebizonyítsa: mindez k?nny?szerrel lehetséges.

Ne?mbl?nzi?ii. Cartea ?nt?i din seria Spirite-Animale
Considered by many to be Dickens' finest novel, "Great Expectations" traces the growth of the book's narrator, Philip Pirrip (Pip), from a boy of shallow dreams to a man with depth of character. From its famous dramatic opening on the bleak Kentish marshes, the story abounds with some of Dickens' most memorable characters. Among them are the kindly blacksmith Joe Gargery, the mysterious convict Abel Magwitch, the eccentric Miss Haversham and her beautiful ward Estella, Pip's good-hearted room-mate Herbert Pocket and the pompous Pumblechook. As Pip unravels the truth behind his own 'great expectations' in his quest to become a gentleman, the mysteries of the past and the convolutions of fate through a series of thrilling adventures serve to steer him towards maturity and his most important discovery of all — the truth about himself.

Bez ograniczeń
Milyen állambiztonsági kockázatokat rejtett magában egy futball-világbajnokság? Vajon miért volt olyan fontos a titkosszolgálat számára Puskás, hogy még a hatvanas évek végén is érkeztek róla jelentések? Valóban kiváltságos klubként kezelte a rendszer Kádár kedvenc csapatát, a Vasast? A politikai rend?rség szempontjából miért voltak kiemelten veszélyesek a Ferencváros mérk?zései? ?s vajon mi igaz abból, hogy a magyar válogatott nem nyerhetett a Szovjetunió ellen? ?s egyáltalán: miért érdekelte mindez az állambiztonságot? TAK?CS TIBOR k?nyvéb?l kiderül, hogy a sport, így a futball egyre fokozódó állambiztonsági ellen?rzését mindenekel?tt a kiszélesed? nemzetk?zi kapcsolatok indokolták, de egyes sportvezet?ket, játékosokat és szurkolókat is folyamatosan megfigyelés alatt tartottak. Ezzel együtt a kádári politikai rend?rség olykor maga sem tudta pontosan, mi dolga a labdarúgás k?rül – ilyenkor aztán m?k?désbe lépett az állambiztonsági paranoia, amely egy egyszer? szurkolói megnyilvánulásban is ?ellenséges tevékenységet” szimatolt. A t?rténész arra vállalkozik, hogy bemutassa: milyen tevékenységet végzett a Kádár-korszak állambiztonsága a legnagyobb t?megeket vonzó t?megsport, a labdarúgás k?rül. Futball és állambiztonság kapcsolatáról kül?nb?z?, néha párhuzamosan futó, olykor egymást metsz? t?rténeteken keresztül ad átfogó képet, mik?zben felvázolja az 1956 utáni állami sportirányítási rendszer és a politikai rend?rség m?k?désének f?bb vonásait és jellemz?it is. TAK?CS TIBOR Nyíregyházán született 1974-ben. A Kossuth Lajos Tudományegyetem B?lcsészettudományi Karán diplomázott 1997-ben. Ezt k?vet?en doktori ?szt?ndíjas volt, majd a nyíregyházi levéltárban dolgozott. 2002-t?l a T?rténeti Hivatal, illetve utódintézménye, az ?llambiztonsági Szolgálatok T?rténeti Levéltára munkatársa. 2005-ben a Debreceni Egyetemen doktori címet szerzett. F? kutatási területe az 1945 utáni magyar t?rténelem, kül?n?s tekintettel a politikai rend?rség m?k?désére

Cel mai bun roman al tuturor timpurilor

Воздушные блинчики, оладьи, вафли.
Кра?на, яку залишили ?? творц?, винах?дники та мислител?, приречена на в?йну, голод ? смерть. Владу захоплюють нев?гласи, корупц?онери й мародери. ?стор?я трива? бодай тому, що одна вольова ж?нка на ?м’я Да?н? Та??арт переконана, що досконалий св?т справжн?х ц?нностей ?сну?. Вона намага?ться зламати сценар?й неминучо? катастрофи. ?? Атлантида не м?ф. У св?т? ще ? см?ливц?, спроможн? створити сусп?льний лад, де нема? конфл?кт?в, не виника? потреби в самопожертв?, жодна людина не становить загрози для мети ?нших. Бунт?вн? атланти знають, що розум таки переможе. Риторичне питання, хто такий Джон ?олт, насправд? ма? в?дпов?дь, а неймов?рн? ?де? — сво? вт?лення, яке проголомшу? людську уяву. В останн?й частин? свого фундаментального роману ?дей Айн Ренд змальову? ц?л?сну ф?лософську систему, яка дос? виклика? палк? дискус??, де в?д захвату до обурення — один крок.

This book is called The White Spark as the white spark or vacuum cell in Nature IS THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD—it is a ubiquitous principle of the universe and is the cause and parent of electricity, combustion, radium, snow-flakes, flowers, trees, leaves, crystallization, wireless telegraphy, animal forms and EVEN LIFE ITSELF. This book is the key to every department of human endeavor, as it enunciates the basic principle and THE PRIME MOVER of the universe.?It tells the road to health, the cause and cure of disease, the truth about the germ humbug and drug treatments, serums and antitoxins. It shows why luminosity is produced on the flesh of various organisms, why a slice of pollock when first iced, then heated to 100 degrees and then thrust into a temperature of 50 degrees becomes luminous. It shows the farmer that he can become a magician of agriculture—tells that the nitrogen of the air is only a dust of quartz rocks, like the invisible moisture of the air is "a dust of water"—that the nodules on the roots of the clover and legumes do not abstract nitrogen from the air, for if they did nature would have placed these bacteriological growths on the vine and not the root, the scientists have the cart before the horse in this case and the nodular cells form the proteids from sand or silica, this book tells how it is done. It tells what a trance is and how the soul can leave the body temporarily. How JESUS CHRIST is carrying out the biblical prophesy by TELEPATHY. Gives the truths about the ideal society, alcohol, drunkenness, causes of crime, longevity and law.

Энциклопедия разумного огородника
Нельсон Мандела — п?вденноафриканський правозахисник, юрист, пол?тик, президент П?вденно-Африкансько? Республ?ки (1994 –??1999 рр.). Мандела був першим президентом ПАР, обраним на демократичних, не сфальсиф?кованих виборах. У сво?й трет?й книз? Нельсон Мандела в?дверто опису? ?н?ц?ац?ю африканських хлопчик?в, побут ? злидн? свого дитинства, навчання й одруження, народження ? смерть сво?х д?тей, жах самотност? в’язня на остров? Роббен ? вистраждану Свободу. Житт?вий досв?д та погляди Нельсона Мандели як н?коли актуальн? в контекст? нин?шн?х укра?нських реал?й, бо ?правда поляга? в тому, що ми ще не в?льн?, ми просто здобули свободу бути в?льними, право не бути пригноблюваними…справжн? випробування нашо? в?дданост? свобод? лише почина?ться?.??

Tales Of Humour, Gallantry and Romance: New from the Italian Tales (Illustrated)
THE history, the features, and the most famous examples of European architecture, during a period extending from the rise of the Gothic, or pointed, style in the twelfth century to the general depression which overtook the Renaissance style at the close of the eighteenth, form the subject of this little volume. I have endeavoured to adopt as free and simple a mode of treatment as is compatible with the accurate statement of at least the outlines of so very technical a subject. Though it is to be hoped that many professional students of architecture will find this hand-book serviceable to them in their elementary studies, it has been my principal endeavour to adapt it to the requirements of those who are preparing for the professional pursuit of the sister arts, and of that large and happily increasing number of students who pursue the fine arts as a necessary part of a complete liberal education, and who know that a solid and comprehensive acquaintance with art, especially if joined to some skill in the use of the pencil, the brush, the modelling tool, or the etching needle, will open sources of pleasure and interest of the most refined description. The broad facts of all art history; the principles which underlie each of the fine arts; and the most precious or most noteworthy examples of each, ought to be familiar to every art student, whatever special branch he may follow. Beyond these limits I have not attempted to carry this account of Gothic and Renaissance architecture; within them I have endeavoured to make the work as complete as the space at my disposal permitted. THE architecture generally known as Gothic, but often described as Christian Pointed, prevailed throughout Europe to the exclusion of every rival for upwards of three centuries; and it is to be met with, more or less, during two others. Speaking broadly, it may be said that its origin took place in the twelfth century, that the thirteenth was the period of its development, the fourteenth that of its perfection, and the fifteenth that of its decline; while many examples of its employment occur in the sixteenth. In the following chapters the principal changes in the features of buildings which occurred during the progress of the style in England will be described. Subsequently, the manner in which the different stages of development were reached in different countries will be given; for architecture passed through very nearly the same phases in all European nations, though not quite simultaneously. It must be understood that through the whole Gothic period, growth or at least change was going on; the transitions from one stage to another were only periods of more rapid change than usual. The whole process may be illustrated by the progress of a language. If, for instance, we compare round-arched architecture in the eleventh century to the Anglo-Saxon form of speech of the time of Alfred the Great, and the architecture of the twelfth century to the English of Chaucer, that of the thirteenth will correspond to the richer language of Shakespeare, that of the fourteenth to the highly polished language of Addison and Pope, and that of the fifteenth to the English of our own day. We can thus obtain an apt parallel to the gradual change and growth which went on in architecture; and we shall find that the oneness of the language in the former case, and of the architecture in the latter, was maintained throughout. For an account of the Christian round-arched architecture which preceded Gothic, the reader is referred to the companion volume in this series. Here it will be only necessary briefly to review the circumstances which went before the appearance of the pointed styles.

Тринадцята казка (Trinadcjata kazka)
Одного дня життя дев’ятир?чного хлопчика повн?стю зм?нилося. Дитяча ц?кав?сть обернулася страшною пожежею, внасл?док яко? хлопчик отримав оп?ки майже усього т?ла. Пробувши у л?карн? п’ять м?сяц?в, в?н пережив ампутац?ю пальц?в та бол?сну реаб?л?тац?ю. Але якщо рубц? на т?л? можна прикрити одягом, то що робити ?з душевними шрамами? Чи можна п?сля цього мр?яти про повноц?нне щасливе життя? ?У полум’?? — це книга-спов?дь про незламн?сть, пошук себе ? велику роботу на шляху до усп?ху. Вона написана на основ? реальних под?й, як? зм?нили життя багатьох людей.

Торты нашего детства. Мамочкина вкуснятина!
Книга объединяет два главных прижизненных издания основателя и ярчайшего представителя поэзии абсурда. Эдвард Лир (1812-1888) – прославленный английский поэт и художник, отец литературного лимерика, жанра, оказавшего заметное влияние на литературу конца XIX и всего XX века. Лимерики (216 забавных пятистиший) приведены на языке оригинала с параллельными переводами, выполненными лучшим российским интерпретатором поэзии нонсенса Борисом Архипцевым, и сопровождаются авторскими иллюстрациями. Переводчик посвятил работе более 20 лет жизни, добившись уникального результата, невиданной прежде полноты раскрытия авторского замысла в сочетании с красотой и естественностью звучания русского стиха. ?…Архипцев переводит Эдварда Лира, как благочестивый толковник – Писание: он передает и смысл, и звук. Точен – часто до мельчайших деталей. Звучен – до самой лихой эквилибристики…??Н. Горбаневская. Книга погружает читателя в атмосферу тонкого английского юмора, превосходно переданного переводчиком, в мир абсурда, делая его близким и понятным человеку любого возраста – от младшего школьного до старшего пенсионного. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.

Плетем из газет, бумаги, картона (Pletem iz gazet, bumagi, kartona)
Rū?ītis ?ī skaistā pasaka ir mazā elfa dzīves stāsts. Vi?? mitinājās bagāta tirgotāja mājā un vienmēr bija pārticis.? ?ajā mājā dzīvoja arī kāds trūcīgs students, kur? bie?i cieta badu, jo visu naudu tērēja grāmatām. Kādu dienu Rū?ītis ieskatījās studenta istabi?ā pa atslēgas caurumu. Ko vi?? tur ieraudzīja? Kas notika tālāk? Lasiet pa?i! ?ajā burvju pasakā ir daudzas svarīgas patiesības un morāles vērtības. Tās saturs, noska?a un krāsainās ilustrācijas noteikti iepriecinās visus bērnus

The Lost World
Leonardo's views of aesthetic are all important in his philosophy of life and art. The worker's thoughts on his craft are always of interest. They are doubly so when there is in them no trace of literary self-consciousness to blemish their expression. He recorded these thoughts at the instant of their birth, for a constant habit of observation and analysis had early developed with him into a second nature. His ideas were penned in the same fragmentary way as they presented themselves to his mind, perhaps with no intention of publishing them to the world. But his ideal of art depended intimately, none the less, on the system he had thrown out seemingly in so haphazard a manner. The long obscurity of the Dark Ages lifted over Italy, awakening to a national though a divided consciousness. Already two distinct tendencies were apparent. The practical and rational, on the one hand, was soon to be outwardly reflected in the burgher-life of Florence and the Lombard cities, while at Rome it had even then created the civil organization of the curia. The novella was its literary triumph. In art it expressed itself simply, directly and with vigour. Opposed to this was the other great undercurrent in Italian life, mystical, religious and speculative, which had run through the nation from the earliest times, and received fresh volume from mediaeval Christianity, encouraging ecstatic mysticism to drive to frenzy the population of its mountain cities. Umbrian painting is inspired by it, and the glowing words of Jacopone da Todi expressed in poetry the same religious fervour which the life of Florence and Perugia bore witness to in action. Italy developed out of the relation and conflict of these two forces the rational with the mystical. Their later union in the greater men was to form the art temperament of the Renaissance. The practical side gave it the firm foundation of rationalism and reality on which it rested; the mystical guided its endeavour to picture the unreal in terms of ideal beauty.The first offspring of this union was Leonardo. Since the decay of ancient art no painter had been able to fully express the human form, for imperfect mastery of technique still proved the barrier. Leonardo was the first completely to disengage his personality from its constraint, and make line express thought as none before him could do. Nor was this his only triumph, but rather the foundation on which further achievement rested. Remarkable as a thinker alone, he preferred to enlist thought in the service of art, and make art the handmaid of beauty. Leonardo saw the world not as it is, but as he himself was. He viewed it through the atmosphere of beauty which filled his mind, and tinged its shadows with the mystery of his nature. From his earliest years, the elements of greatness were present in Leonardo. But the maturity of his genius came unaffected from without. He barely noticed the great forces of the age which in life he encountered. After the first promise of his boyhood in the Tuscan hills, his youth at Florence had been spent under Verrocchio as a master, in company with those whose names were later to brighten the pages of Italian art. At one time he contemplated entering the service of an Oriental prince. Instead, he entered that of Caesar Borgia, as military engineer, and the greatest painter of the age became inspector of a despot's strongholds. But his restless nature did not leave him long at this. Returning to Florence he competed with Michelangelo; yet the service of even his native city could not retain him. His fame had attracted the attention of a new patron of the arts, prince of the state which had conquered his first master. In this his last venture, he forsook Italy, only to die three years later at Amboise, in the castle of the French king.
![Arizona's Yesterday: [Illustrated]](http://img60.ddimg.cn/digital/product/73/24/1901167324_ii_cover.jpg?version=c64b4722-1085-4db6-b41f-ac670a5886a7)
Arizona's Yesterday: [Illustrated]
This story belongs to the year 1837, and was regarded by the generations of that and a succeeding time as the most miraculous of all the recorded deliverances from death at sea. It may be told thus: Mr. Montagu Vanderholt sat at breakfast with his daughter Violet one morning in September. Vanderholt's house was one of a fine terrace close to Hyde Park. He was a rich man, a retired Cape merchant, and his life had been as chequered as Trelawney's, with nothing of romance and nothing of imagination in it. He was the son of honest parents, of Dutch extraction, and had run away to sea when about twelve years old. Nothing under the serious heavens was harsher, more charged with misery, suffering, dirt, and wretchedness, than seafaring in the days when young Vanderholt, with an idiot's cunning, fled to it from his father's comfortable little home. He got a ship, was three years absent, and on his return found both his father and mother dead. He went again to sea, and, fortunately for him, was shipwrecked in the neighbourhood of Simon's Bay. The survivors made their way to Cape Town, and presently young Vanderholt got a job, and afterwards a position. He then became a master, until, after some eight or ten years of heroic perseverance, attended by much good luck, behold Mr. Vanderholt full-blown into a colonial merchant prince. How much he was worth when he made up his mind to settle in England, after the death of his wife, and when he had disposed of his affairs so as to leave himself as free a man as ever he had been when he was a common Jack Swab, really signifies nothing. It is certain he had plenty, and plenty is enough, even for a merchant prince of Dutch extraction. Besides Violet, he had two sons, who will not make an appearance on this little brief stage. They are dismissed, therefore, with this brief reference—that both were in the army, and both, at the time of this tale, in India. Violet was Vanderholt's only daughter, and he loved her exceedingly. She was not beautiful, but she was fair to see, with a pretty figure, and an arch, gay smile. You saw the Dutch blood in her eyes, as you saw it in her father's, whose orbs of vision, indeed, were ridiculously small—scarcely visible in their bed of socket and lash. An English mother had come to Violet's help in this matter. Taking her from top to toe, with her surprising quantity of brown hair, soft complexion, good mouth, teeth, and figure, Violet Vanderholt was undoubtedly a fine girl. THE LAST ENTRY "OPINIONS OF THE PRESS ON THE LAST ENTRY": '"The Last Entry" is a rattling good salt-water yarn, told in the author's usual breezy, exhilarating style.'-”Daily Mail. 'In this new novel Mr. Russell has cleverly thrown its events into the year 1837, and there are one or two ingenious passages which add to the Diamond Jubilee interest which that date suggests.... "The Last Entry" is as certain of general popularity as any of Mr. Russell's former tales of the marvels of the sea.'-”Glasgow Herald. 'We do not think it possible for anyone to dip into this novel without desiring to finish it, and it adds another to the long list of successes of our best sea author.'-”Librarian. 'In addition to mutiny and murder, "The Last Entry" contains many of those good things which have made Mr. Russell's pages a joy to so many lovers of the sea during the last twenty years.... "The Last Entry" is a welcome addition to Mr. Clark Russell's library.'-”Speaker. 'The writer is as realistic and picturesque as usual in his vivid descriptions of the stagnant life on board the homeward-bound Indiaman.'-”Times. 'It is full of pleasant vigour.... As is always the case in Mr. Clark Russell's books, the elements are treated with the pen of an artist.'-”Standard. 'We expected plenty of go, of fresh and vigorous description of sea-faring life, coupled with a story which would not be wanting in interest. All this we have here.'”-Tablet.

A few years ago, while visiting or, rather, rummaging about Notre-Dame, the author of this book found, in an obscure nook of one of the towers, the following word, engraved by hand upon the wall:— ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ANArKH. These Greek capitals, black with age, and quite deeply graven in the stone, with I know not what signs peculiar to Gothic caligraphy imprinted upon their forms and upon their attitudes, as though with the purpose of revealing that it had been a hand of the Middle Ages which had inscribed them there, and especially the fatal and melancholy meaning contained in them, struck the author deeply. He questioned himself; he sought to divine who could have been that soul in torment which had not been willing to quit this world without leaving this stigma of crime or unhappiness upon the brow of the ancient church. Afterwards, the wall was whitewashed or scraped down, I know not which, and the inscription disappeared. For it is thus that people have been in the habit of proceeding with the marvellous churches of the Middle Ages for the last two hundred years. Mutilations come to them from every quarter, from within as well as from without. The priest whitewashes them, the archdeacon scrapes them down; then the populace arrives and demolishes them. Thus, with the exception of the fragile memory which the author of this book here consecrates to it, there remains to-day nothing whatever of the mysterious word engraved within the gloomy tower of Notre-Dame,—nothing of the destiny which it so sadly summed up. The man who wrote that word upon the wall disappeared from the midst of the generations of man many centuries ago; the word, in its turn, has been effaced from the wall of the church; the church will, perhaps, itself soon disappear from the face of the earth. It is upon this word that this book is founded.

?tinapló: Wesselényi Miklós utazása Széchenyi Istvánnal, 1821-1822
Janka a csinos, 31 éves pincérn? legh?bb vágya, hogy belépjen életébe a nagy szerelem. Amikor megismerkedik Dáviddal, a híres énekessel, úgy érzi, benne megtalálta azt, akit mindig is keresett. Kapcsolatuk mégsem alakul felh?tlenül, bármilyen szenvedélyesen szerelmes is a popsztárba. Ahogy egyre jobban megismeri Dávidot, kiderül a férfi s?tét oldala. Janka azonban nem tud t?le elszakadni... A regény?arra keresi a választ, hogy milyen egy bántalmazó férfi és egy bántalmazói kapcsolat. Hogyan lehet egy ilyen kapcsolaton túljutni és ?nmagunkra találni annak ellenére, hogy képtelennek érezzük magunkat az elszakadásra? Hogyan lehet egy fájdalmas kapcsolaton túl is újra boldognak lenni?

Essays of Montaigne: {Complete & Illustrated}
The Odyssey (Greek:Odysseia) is one of two major ancient Greek epic poems attributed to Homer. It is, in part, a sequel to the Iliad, the other work ascribed to Homer. The poem is fundamental to the modern Western canon, and is the second oldest extant work of Western literature, the Iliad being the oldest. It is believed to have been composed near the end of the 8th century BC, somewhere in Ionia, the Greek coastal region of Anatolia. The poem mainly centers on the Greek hero Odysseus (known as Ulysses in Roman myths) and his journey home after the fall of Troy. It takes Odysseus ten years to reach Ithaca after the ten-year Trojan War. In his absence, it is assumed he has died, and his wife Penelope and son Telemachus must deal with a group of unruly suitors, the Mnesteres or Proci, who compete for Penelope's hand in marriage. It continues to be read in the Homeric Greek and translated into modern languages around the world. Many scholars believe that the original poem was composed in an oral tradition by an aoidos (epic poet/singer), perhaps a rhapsode (professional performer), and was more likely intended to be heard than read. The details of the ancient oral performance, and the story's conversion to a written work inspire continual debate among scholars. The Odyssey was written in a poetic dialect of Greek—a literary amalgam of Aeolic Greek, Ionic Greek, and other Ancient Greek dialects—and comprises 12,110 lines of dactylic hexameter. Among the most noteworthy elements of the text are its non-linear plot, and the influence on events of choices made by women and serfs, besides the actions of fighting men. In the English language as well as many others, the word odyssey has come to refer to an epic voyage. The Odyssey has a lost sequel, the Telegony, which was not written by Homer. It was usually attributed in Antiquity to Cinaethon of Sparta, but in one source was said to have been stolen from Musaeus by Eugamon or Eugammon of Cyrene (see Cyclic poets). ABOUT AUTHOR: Homeros, In the Western classical tradition, Homer (Ancient Greek: Homeros) is the author of the Iliad and the Odyssey, and is revered as the greatest of ancient Greek epic poets. These epics lie at the beginning of the Western canon of literature, and have had an enormous influence on the history of literature. When he lived is unknown. Herodotus estimates that Homer lived 400 years before his own time, which would place him at around 850 BC, while other ancient sources claim that he lived much nearer to the supposed time of the Trojan War, in the early 12th century BC. Most modern researchers place Homer in the 7th or 8th centuries BC. The formative influence of the Homeric epics in shaping Greek culture was widely recognized, and Homer was described as the teacher of Greece. Homer's works, which are about fifty percent speeches, provided models in persuasive speaking and writing that were emulated throughout the ancient and medieval Greek worlds. Fragments of Homer account for nearly half of all identifiable Greek literary papyrus finds. PeriodFor modern scholars "the date of Homer" refers not to an individual, but to the period when the epics were created. The consensus is that "the Iliad and the Odyssey date from around the 8th century BC, the Iliad being composed before the Odyssey, perhaps by some decades," i.e. earlier than Hesiod, the Iliad being the oldest work of Western literature. Over the past few decades, some scholars have argued for a 7th-century BC date. Oliver Taplin believes that the conclusion of modern researchers is that Homer dates to between 750 to 650 BC. Some of those who argue that the Homeric poems developed gradually over a long period of time give an even later date for the composition of the poems; according to Gregory Nagy for example, they only became fixed texts in the 6th century BC. The question of the historicity of Homer the individual is known as the "Homeric question"; there is no reliable biographical information handed down from classical antiquity. The poems are generally seen as the culmination of many generations of oral story-telling, in a tradition with a well-developed formulaic system of poetic composition. Some scholars, such as Martin West, claim that "Homer" is "not the name of a historical poet, but a fictitious or constructed name."

Korszimfónia: Harmincegy beszélgetés életünkr?l és világunkról
Bels? irányt?nk ahhoz az élethez vezet el, amelyr?l mindig is álmodtunk. Célunk felé tartva ráismerünk azokra a pontokra, ahol irányt kell változtatnunk, hogy kihasználhassuk teljes bels? potenciálunkat. Ez az inspiráló utazás minden életterületen átvezet: segít, hogy felismerjük életfeladatunkat, hogy meghozzuk a helyes d?ntéseket, hogy megvalósítsuk legrejtettebb vágyainkat. A híres életmódtanár ezúttal gyakorlati útmutatót ad ahhoz, miként menedzselhetjük sikeresen a saját életünket. "Már maga az a felismerés, hogy minden élethelyzetben igent mondhatok az életre, hihetetlenül gazdaggá tette a hétk?znapjaimat. ?jra meg újra próbára tettem, hogyan tudom az éveken át gy?jt?tt élettapasztalatokat és az új látásmódot alkalmazni, és az eredmények mindig azt igazolták, hogy minden egyes esetben lehetséges változást elérni. ?ppen csak meg kell teremteni a változás el?feltételeit." (a Szerz?) A K?nyvjelz? magazin 2015. májusi számában megjelent cikk: Okosabban kéne élni