Segítség a h?tleneknek, segítség a szeret?knek és segítség a megcsaltaknak. A k?tet szerz?je, Gelsei Bernadett szeret?ként maga is volt ilyen helyzetben, és pszichológusként is rendszeresen ad tanácsot azoknak, akik szerelmi háromsz?gbe kerültek. A k?nyvb?l jobban megérheted a társas hármas más résztvev?inek néz?pontját, és kitalálhatod, mit tegyél, ha valahogy szerelmi háromsz?gbe jutottál.

?js?tét játszmák: Az Alvilág Urai VIII.
ld át és értsd meg a terápiát! - Pszichorendelés knyvben! Mira rejtélyes csomagot kap, ezzel külns egybeesések sora veszi kezdetét…Mi kze a halsütde logójának a hányattatott szerelmi élethezs a kis hableánynak a manipulatív fnkhzHogy válhat egy bársonyboleró megsemmisít fegyverré egy szül kezébenHogy vértez fel egy jó barát egy krokodillal, és a még ennél is rettenetesebb üveggolyókkal szembenA népszer pszichológusduó els, formabontó knyvében Mira regényes életét nyomon kvetve bepillantást nyerünk a terápia hagyományosan zárt ajtaja mgé, hogy aztán a regényben olvasottak tudományos hátterére is fény derüljn. A kapott támpontok alapján saját életünkben is beazonosíthatjuk azokat a sokszor észrevétlen nsorsrontó beidegzdéseket, amelyek miatt újra meg újra hasonló nehézségekbe ütkzünk. A m nem csak abban segít, hogy jobban megértsük magunkat, hanem abban is, hogy a gyakorlati útmutatót kvetve megszakítsuk rdgi kreinket.

Mary Stuart
This text was taken from 'Celebrated Crimes', a series of essays on famous criminals and crimes by the author of 'The Count of Monte Cristo' and 'The Three Musketeers', Alexandre Dumas. This volume is on Mary Stuart, better known as Mary Queen of Scots.

Miss Mapp
The second novel in E. F. Benson's classic 'Mapp and Lucia' comedy series following the lives of Emmeline "e;Lucia"e; Lucas and Elizabeth Mapp in the one-upmanship and snobbery of the 1920s/30s British social scene. Also includes the short story "e;The Male Impersonator"e;.

Old Greek Stories
A fantastic collection of 15 ancient Greek myths compiled by American editor and author James Baldwin.

One of the 28th
A wonderful classic novel set during the events of Sunday 18th of June 1815 - the Battle of Waterloo.From the author's preface:Although in the present story a boy plays the principal part, and encounters many adventures by land and sea, a woman is the real heroine, and the part she played demanded an amount of nerve and courage fully equal to that necessary for those who take part in active warfare. Boys are rather apt to think, mistakenly, that their sex has a monopoly of courage, but I believe that in moments of great peril women are to the full as brave and as collected as men. Indeed, my own somewhat extensive experience leads me to go even further, and to assert that among a civil population, untrained to arms, the average woman is cooler and more courageous than the average man. Women are nervous about little matters; they may be frightened at a mouse or at a spider; but in the presence of real danger, when shells are bursting in the streets, and rifle bullets flying thickly, I have seen them standing kitting at their doors and talking to their friends across the street when not a single man was to be seen.

History of the Telephone
First published in 1910, this book details the history of one of the most important inventions of the modern world: the telephone.

Homer and His Age
A fantastic look at the life and times of the ancient Greek epic poet Homer by famed anthropologist Andrew Lang.

John Knox
A fascinating biography from the "e;Famous Scots Series"e;, written by famed church historian Alexander Taylor Innes about the 16th century Protestant Reformationist John Knox.

Book of Eve
The Book of Eve is neither male nor female, rather a poetic revelation of one's exploration of life. A quest for knowledge, wisdom, truths and understanding, Eve takes us on a heartfelt journey of discoveries, fears, needs and desires. Melanie E. Haggins is a poet, a creative writer and former radio personality. She is strongly influenced by a musical and business background, which later helped her to progress into the world of media as the host of her own popular radio magazine show, where she conducted celebrity interviews with musicians and vocalists alike. An inspirational figure to young people and women of all ages, Melanie has worked for many years as a passionate educator and mentor to young people within her community, championing a number of initiatives on behalf of young people and human rights. With a keen eye for innovation, she draws inspiration from all she encounters for the purpose of improving the lives of those who come into contact with her as she continues to put her visionary ideas and quests for truths into poetic forms.

Billy and Ben on the Farm
The naughty twins, Billy and Ben, are up to mischief on their grandparents' farm where they live, and Scamp, the farm dog, is always ready to join in with their life of fun and adventure. This beautifully illustrated children's story book contains three stories featuring Billy and Ben and their adventures, which will entertain young children and give them an idea about the way of life on a farm in the country. The stories are short and therefore ideal for bedtime reading, both by adults and older children, and also for those learning to read or perhaps keen to improve their reading skills.

King Solomon's Mines
Written in 1885 by Sir H Rider Haggard, it immediately became a best seller.The story is about a group of explorers who are searching in a remote part of Africa for the brother of one of the party, led by Allan Quartermain.At the time of publication, exploration to remote parts of the world was in its prime and this book was the first to reflect this and therefore set the standard.

Lady Byron Vindicated
A fascinating account of the separation of George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron and his wife Anne Isabella Noel Byron, 11th Baroness Wentworth and Baroness Byron, defending her role in the controversy.Lord Byron is best known as a poet, as well as being the father of the world's first computer programmer, Ada Countess of Lovelace.

God, Love and Laughter
In 2004, prolific authoress, Marian Bythell, strayed from her established path of writing holiday journals to produce an excellent volume of verse. Now, following the publication of another travel-based book and a biography of her late mother, she has penned a companion to Poems of Love, Life & Laughter. For this collection, Marian once again offers a clever mix of humour and pathos, but also includes poems and prayers which reflect her deep religious faith.

Secret of El Dorado City
Maia lives in the tropical country of Guyana, South America. Her adventures begin when she is left a treasure box by her beloved Granny Harriet. Within the box is a map of the ancient lost city of El Dorado, the City of Gold. At the centre of the city is a magnificent golden-barked oak tree called The Tree of El. Maia is following in the footsteps of a long line of explorers who have faced danger and hardship in their search for the fabulous treasure. Journey with her as she discovers The Secret of El Dorado City: The Tree of El.

Tomorrow it will be Ben's mum's birthday, and Ben has an idea. He whispers the idea to his dad, and he agrees to help. While Mum is safely out of the house, they slip into the kitchen, put on their aprons and set to work. It is important that she doesn't guess what they are up to, but the next morning she is in for a big surprise. This illustrated book has five different stories about five year old Ben and the adventures he has with his family and at school. Also included are the recipes that have been used in the book.

Legends of Babylon and Egypt
A fascinating look at the ancient Babylonian and Egyptian mythologies, and how they relate to the Hebraic religions.

Jeffrey's Longer Shorts
In each of these ten longer short stories Geoffrey Crees imparts a Christian message with warmth and whimsical humour. An escape from prison, a lost sock, a hopeless drama group, a stranded cruise ship, to name a few of the stories, provide entertaining situations in which characters are challenged in some way by people of resolute Christian faith. The characters are fictitious, but for the quirky and curious situations in which they find themselves the author has drawn on his experiences over many years as an Anglican vicar. Now retired, Geoffrey lives with his wife in the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire.

Queen Sheba's Ring
A ring from antiquity or an elaborate hoax? One of the lost adventure novels of H. Rider Haggard, "e;Queen Sheba's Ring"e; features Middle-Eastern mysticism and a secret society descended form ancient abyssinians. In deepest uncharted regions of Africa a Jewish community struggles to defend itself from barbaric tribes.

CRAMES are practical, easy-to-use creative games that get children thinking creatively. The stimulating trigger questions develop problem solving and creative thinking skills in activities that take as little as five minutes a day. No preparation is needed, just the willingness to think creatively. Trigger questions range from EWhat if the sea turned everything it touched red?E and 'How many things can you think of that squeak?E to EHow is a museum like a story?E and EWould you rather be a picture or a fish tank? Why?ECreative thinking is a necessary tool for survival and success in today's world. Playing CRAMES will add variety to your day and help you and your pupils break out of your usual mind-set and lead you down the path of looking at the world through creative-coloured glasses!

Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Taken from the first published biography of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, this text takes a fascinating look at the life and works of the eminent English poet, illustrator, painter and translator.