

Já Faz Parte de Mim
Já Faz Parte de Mim
Alan Pereira
Um velho diário é encontrado por um casal de editores literários em Curitiba. Após localizarem o responsável pelos registros, tentam convencê-lo a transformar a história em um grande livro. Porém, para que a obra seja publicada no próximo ver?o, o editor Carlos Mascarenhas faz uma exigência ao autor: construir fatos reais para que os mesmos possam gerar o final feliz que a editora deseja.
Grave Walker:A gripping noir thriller
Grave Walker:A gripping noir thriller
P.T. Reade
An ex-cop haunted by his past. A body with a message. 72 hours to find the truth... Ex-cop, Thomas Blume returns to New York hot on the trail of the man that killed his family... But when the body of a former girlfriend unexpectedly shows up at police HQ Blume is suddenly thrust into an investigation to find the murderer and stop them killing again.? Now, in a race against time Blume must solve a riddle from his past and battle through a world of cops, criminals and organized crime…before it’s too late. Who can be trusted and who will survive? Find out in the thrilling fifth book of the Thomas Blume mystery series today. If you like gripping mysteries, captivating characters and unique twists and turns, you’ll love the next instalment in PT Reade’s bestselling mix of action, mystery and suspense. Click and get your copy of GRAVE WALKER now! What people are saying about the Thomas Blume series: ‘A breakneck ride…’– The Croydon Citizen 'Blume is sure to become the next timeless hero of detective fiction.'- Red Rock Bookworm' ...the author delivered a WOW bomb in the epilogue' - FictionZeal 'It reminds me of Raymond Chandler’s work. It’s noir, dark, full of rainy streets, seedy bars and characters with their own secrets.'- Author, Victoria Randall Click and get your copy of Grave Walker now! Tags: hard boiled mysteries, mystery, mysteries, noir, private investigators, hard boiled thriller, hard boiled detective fiction, hard boiled private investigator mystery series
Boissons naturelles pour votre santé
Boissons naturelles pour votre santé
Cristina Rebiere, Olivier Rebiere
Un petit jus frais ou une tisane pour la santé? Vous aimez la nature, les animaux ou les végétaux? Vous aimeriez savoir comment utiliser fruits et légumes pour faire des jus frais, des tisanes, et améliorer votre santé? La vie est aussi faite de plaisirs simples qui peuvent se transformer en pur bonheur facilement Notre collection de livrets?pratiques ??eGuide Nature?? va vous le prouver! Découvrez des petits livres faciles et pas chers qui vont vous?aider à faire entrer la Nature dans votre quotidien! Nous avons plus d’une décennie d’expérience?dans l’élevage de petits animaux et leur présentation aux enfants dans le cadre d’un mini-zoo et aimons transmettre l’expérience de nos a?nés. Nous adorons aussi cuisiner naturellement et préparer toute sorte de jus ou de tisanes Nous souhaitons partager avec vous nos connaissances utiles et nos astuces pour???apprivoiser?? simplement cette Nature dont?quelques fois la vie moderne nous éloigne… Vous allez découvrir des petits livres pratiques utiles, toujours à portée de main dans votre smartphone N°0 – Boissons naturelles pour votre santé Dans ce numéro ??zéro?? de la collection ??eGuide Nature?? nous allons voir comment préparer des boissons naturelles, des jus frais ou des tisanes pour rester simplement et naturellement?en?bonne santé! Qu’allez vous trouver dans cet ??eGuide Nature??? nos conseils pour bien?préparer vos jus de fruits nos astuces pour concocter des tisanes 20?recettes?santé Alors, êtes vous prêt(e) à faire entrer la Nature dans votre quotidien?! Oui?On y va! Amicalement, Cristina Olivier Rebiere
Como ser uma pessoa humilde
Como ser uma pessoa humilde
Paula Fragoso
Você pode se perguntar: por que eu deveria me esfor?ar para ser uma pessoa humilde?A humildade só irá trazer benefícios para a sua vida; pois, ao contrário do que muitos pensam, humildade n?o é fraqueza - é uma virtude, uma excelência moral.Ao contrário do orgulho e arrog?ncia, a humildade aproxima as pessoas de você, abre portas para novas oportunidades, lhe ajuda a crescer e a se tornar uma pessoa cada vez melhor.Aprenda valiosas li??es para ser uma pessoa humilde.
ISO 27001 Risk Management in Plain English
ISO 27001 Risk Management in Plain English
Dejan Kosutic
“Risk management is the central idea of ISO 27001. And, the way ISO 27001 tells you to achieve this tailor-made suit is to perform risk assessment and risk treatment.” This book, ISO 27001 Risk Management in Plain English, is a quick read for people who are focused solely on risk management. It has one aim in mind: to give you the knowledge and practical step-by-step process you need to successfully implement ISO 27001 risk assessment and treatment – without struggle, stress, or headaches. ISO 27001 Risk Management in Plain English is written primarily for beginners in this field and for people with moderate knowledge about risk assessment and treatment. It is structured in such a way that someone with no prior experience or knowledge about information security can quickly understand what it is all about, and how to implement the whole risk management project. However, if you do have experience with ISO 27001, but feel that you still have gaps in your knowledge, you’ll also find this book very helpful. This book will give you a complete overview of risk management according to ISO 27001. It will also explain the differences between risk management in ISO 27001 and other risk-oriented standards, such as ISO 27005 and ISO 31000. You will learn the five main steps in the risk management process, the purpose of risk assessment, and how to perform it. “In my experience, the employees (and the organization as a whole) are usually aware of only 25 to 40% of risks,” says author Dejan Kosutic. “Therefore, a thorough and systematic process needs to be carried out to find out everything that could endanger the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their information.” This book will serve as your complete guide to ISO 27001 risk management. From the simple explanation of requirements, steps in risk management, development of methodology, and which documents are required for risk management – you will quickly see that this is the only book you’ll ever need on the subject.
A remény hajnala: Létezik igaz szerelem csak rá kell lelni…
A remény hajnala: Létezik igaz szerelem csak rá kell lelni…
Anne L. Green
Amy Avenst Tennessee egyik nyugodt kisvaacuteros aacuteb oacutel San Francisco zajos forgatag aacute ig ?zi zaklat aacutes aacuteval egy feacuterfi. Itt kezd uacutej eacute letet: karriert eacutep iacute teni, tanulni eacutes felejteni szeretne. Jelentkezik álmai ceacuteg eacutehez, de maacuter az aacute ll aacute sinter juacuten szembes uumll leend? f?n ouml ke, Matthew Johnson arrog aacutens eacutes ki aacute llhatatlan stiacute lusaacute val. Amy uacutegy doumlnt, felveszi a keszty?t, iacute;gy maacute;r az els? nap elkezd?dik a harc kettej uumlk kouml zoumltt. A folyamatos csipkel?d eacute sek, szurk aacute loacuted aacute sok ellen eacutere vonzalom eacute bred bennuumlk egymaacutes iraacutent, amelyet megk iacutes eacuterelnek elnyomni. A sors is uacute jra meg uacute jra proacute baacutek eleacute aacutell iacute tja ?ket. Mindkette juumlk muacute ltja tele van faacute jdalmas sebekkel, s Matt keacute ptelen megbocs aacutetani ouml nmag aacute nak. Amy hajthatatlan, de vajon a szerelme megadhatja-e a feloldoz aacute st Mattnek, hogy veacute guuml l egym aacutesra tal aacute lhassanak? Eacutes a muacute lt engedi-e a felejt eacutest?
10 Perguntas para você alcan?ar o autoconhecimento
10 Perguntas para você alcan?ar o autoconhecimento
Paula Fragoso
Muitas pessoas pensam que é difícil encontrar o “autoconhecimento”, ou seja, conhecer a si mesmo. Porém, isso pode ser facilitado a partir do momento em que você se volta para dentro de seu “eu” e come?a a fazer determinadas perguntas.E quanto mais sinceridade você colocar em suas respostas, mais você irá conhecer a si mesmo.
Focul ascuns
Focul ascuns
Mary Jo Putney
Kate Corsi ?i Patrick Donovan se icircnt acirc lnesc icircnt acircmpl?tor cacircnd nu aveau nici dou?zeci de ani. Din familii total diferite ?i cu un statut social care icirci f?cea incompatibili, cei doi se icirc;ndr?gostesc nebune?te ?i hot?r?sc s? se c?s?toreasc?. Kate este fiica italianului Sam Corsi, proprietarul celei mai importante firme de demol?ri prin implozie, Phoenix Demolition International (PDI). Donovan, pe de alt? parte, ?i-a petrecut copil?ria al?turi de un tat? alcoolic care devenea violent la be?ie ?i a r?mas orfan de tacircn?r.
New York State of Mind 1.0
New York State of Mind 1.0
Harris Rosen
A fascinating genuine narrative formed in the crucible of Golden Age Hip-Hop mindfulness. New York State of Mind 1.0, the 7th book in the series, provides you with a real flavour of the personalities, in all their raw forms, who breathed life into the streets of the city, taking the music to new heights and in radically new direc-tions.? Tragedy Khadafi is as real as it gets. Through impressive MC skills and a for-midable street reputation, he lived the life of an original hoodlum, surviving gun-shot wounds, stabbings and broken bones. The compelling lyrical message of Brand Nubian reflects on the group's identity as Five-Percenters and the philoso-phy of the Nation of Gods and Earth, while Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth arrived on the scene in the midst of a Hip-Hop impasse of sorts.? New York State of Mind 1.0 is a candid look deep inside the psyche of each and an examination of what makes them tick. Take a ride alongside them and learn how they made their mark in a generation.
Ultima scrisoare de dragoste
Ultima scrisoare de dragoste
Jojo Moyes
Aflat? ?n c?utarea unui subiect inedit ?i emo?ionant, ziarista Ellie Haworth g?se?te ?n arhiva ziarului la care lucreaz? o scrisoare dat?nd din anul 1960, scris? de un b?rbat care-i cere iubitei s?-?i p?r?seasc? so?ul. Astfel, Ellie se vede prins? ?n h??i?urile unei pove?ti de dragoste din trecut, iar impactul asupra ei este cu at?t mai puternic cu c?t ?i ea ?ns??i are o leg?tur? cu un b?rbat ?nsurat.?n 1960, Jennifer Stirling se treze?te ?n spital, unde a ajuns ?n urma unui accident de ma?in?. Nu-?i poate aminti nimic: nici de so?, nici de prieteni, nici cine era. La ?napoierea acas?, descoper? o scrisoare de dragoste ?i ?ncepe s?-?i aminteasc? de iubitul ei, pentru care fusese dispus? s? ri?te totul.Povestea din trecut a lui Jennifer ?i cea actual? a lui Ellie, ambele implic?nd o dragoste p?tima?? ?i interzis?, se ?mpletesc ?ntr-o dram? de mare intensitate emo?ional?, ?n care scrisorile de dragoste readuc la via?? o iubire care sfideaz? timpul.
Függ?ségben 2
Függ?ségben 2
Renata W. Müller, Renáta W. Müller
Nathaniel Cruz már akkor belebolondult Alexis Woodville-be, amikor a lány a gimnáziumban egy szerencsétlen baleset folytán, fejen találta ?t egy focilabdával. A cserfes és csábos, v?r?s hajú lány szó szerint levette a fiút lábáról. Egyikük sem sejtette, hogy a spontán vonzalom életre szóló bilincset tesz majd a szívükre, de katasztrofális id?zítés és egy buta véletlen hosszú id?re elszakítja ?ket egymástól. ?vekkel kés?bb Nathaniel már a világhír? futballsztár csillogónak látszó életét éli, szívében azonban még mindig megszállottja Alexisnek. Véletlen találkozásukkor felszínre t?rnek a régóta eltitkolt vágyak, ám hiába tombol k?z?ttük a szenvedély, a féltékenység és birtokolni vágyás megint szétválasztja ?ket. Amikor útjaik kés?bb újra keresztezik egymást, hatalmas dilemma el?tt állnak. K?vetve a szívük vágyát, megadják-e magukat az oly régóta elnyomott szenvedélynek, vagy feláldozzák a szerelmet a felel?sségtudat oltárán. Ez Alexis és Nathaniel érzéki, szenvedélyes t?rténete. Remélem, annyira élvezitek majd olvasni, mint amennyire én az írást élveztem!
The Peregrine: 50th Anniversary Edition: Afterword by Robert Macfarlane
The Peregrine: 50th Anniversary Edition: Afterword by Robert Macfarlane
J. A. Baker,Mark Cocker
J.A. Baker (1926-1987) is now widely acknowledged as one of the most important British writers on nature in the twentieth century. When his first book, The Peregrine, appeared in 1967 with all the unexpected power and vertiginous daring of its eponymous bird, it was instantly recognised as a masterpiece. Today it is viewed by many as the gold standard for all nature writing and, in many ways, it transcends even this species of praise. A case could easily be made for its greatness by the standards of any literary genre.
Let’s Eat: Elly Pear’s Home Fridge Deli
Let’s Eat: Elly Pear’s Home Fridge Deli
Elly Curshen
Sunday Times bestselling author Elly Pear shares over 90 of her new pescatarian recipes all centring around vegetables, grains, pulses and dairy.Her approach to food and cooking perfectly suits the modern-day cook and is packed with innovative fresh flavours, interesting textures and a strong garnish game to boot. Crucially, Elly believes that food should be simple and special, whatever the occasion – the two go hand-in-hand.Let’s Eat contains everything you need to know to enjoy incredible meat-free dishes in a straight forward, cost-effective way. You don’t need a stand mixer, a huge processor or oodles of obscure ingredients. These are the cookery building blocks which will help you try new things, mix it up and feel confident in the kitchen. Elly covers:? Batch cooking, where you’ll learn how a little advance preparation can make for effortless dinners, whatever day of the week.? Freezeable dishes, where Elly provides 4 innovative ways to use your defrosted portions. Repetitive leftovers are a thing of the past.? Quick and easy menus containing curated sets of recipes perfectly suited to a whole host of occasions, whether it’s a romantic dinner for two, a brunch party or weeknight family teatime.Elly appreciates the challenges of being a modern cook. Hers is simple, tasty food – that sort that you can cook day-in, day-out, with ease. It’s nutritious but not spotless, and always brings joy.
The Five Giants [New Edition]: A Biography of the Welfare State
The Five Giants [New Edition]: A Biography of the Welfare State
Nicholas Timmins
Nicholas Timmins has been Public Policy Editor of the Financial Times since 1996. Before that he was with the Independent for a decade from its foundation., working variously as its health and social services correspondent , politcal correspondent and its public policy editor. He previously held similar posts at The Times. He has also worked for the Press Association and Nature. He has therefore been reporting on the events covered in this, his first book, for twenty years.
Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims and Jews (Text Only)
Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims and Jews (Text Only)
Mark Mazower
Mark Mazower is the author of ‘Inside Hitler's Greece’ (Yale), ‘Dark Continent’ (Penguin Press) and ‘The Balkans’ (Weidenfeld). He is professor of history at Birkbeck College, University of London.
Young and Damned and Fair: The Life and Tragedy of Catherine Howard at the Court
Young and Damned and Fair: The Life and Tragedy of Catherine Howard at the Court
Gareth Russell
Gareth Russell was a student at Down High Grammar School in Northern Ireland before studying Modern History at Saint Peter's College at the University of Oxford. A playwright, novelist and historian, he writes the blog The Confessions of a Ci-Devant, which profiles his historical research and artistic interests. He has written for the Sunday Times, Tatler and the Irish News. He is the author of the novels ‘Popular’ and ‘The Immaculate Deception’.
Courtesans and Fishcakes: The Consuming Passions of Classical Athens (Text Only)
Courtesans and Fishcakes: The Consuming Passions of Classical Athens (Text Only)
James Davidson
James Davidson lectures in ancient history and the classical languages at the University of Warwick. He was previously a Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford.
Food Combining for Health: The bestseller that has changed millions of lives
Food Combining for Health: The bestseller that has changed millions of lives
Doris Grant,Jean Joice
DORIS GRANT was Dr Hay's first emissary in the UK. A true pioneer in the natural health field, she helped to revolutionise the way we eat and was extremely influential in the early -- and continued -- popularity of the food combining system. JEAN JOICE worked as a radio and television producer specialising in health topics and has written extensively about herbs. She is co-author of the Food Combining for Health Cookbook.
Ancient Wonderings: Journeys Into Prehistoric Britain
Ancient Wonderings: Journeys Into Prehistoric Britain
James Canton
James Canton teaches the Wild Writing MA course at the University of Essex, exploring the fascinating ties between literature and the landscape of East Anglia. He has run workshops to encourage writing on nature and landscape and is the author of Out of Essex: Re-Imagining a Literary Landscape (2013), which was inspired by rural wanderings in the county.
Home Baking
Home Baking
Rachel Allen
Rachel Allen was brought up in Dublin and at the age of eighteen left to study at the prestigious Ballymaloe Cookery School. Today, she not only teaches at the school, she also writes regular features for national publications, presents highly acclaimed television programmes which have been broadcast internationally. She is the winner of the 2012 Irish Book Award for Best Non-Fiction for Easy Meals.
Elly Pear’s Let’s Eat: Simple, Delicious Food for Everyone, Every Day
Elly Pear’s Let’s Eat: Simple, Delicious Food for Everyone, Every Day
Elly Curshen
She is the founding owner of the Pear Café in Bristol, a must-visit destination for fresh, delicious, handmade soups, frittatas, and sandwiches (including the hugely popular Ham, Emmenthal and Chicken Crackling Sandwich, named one of Buzzfeed’s “17 Sandwiches You Must Eat Before You Die”).