Manfaat Gerakan Wudhu Untuk Kesehatan Tubuh Manusia
Sebelum melaksanakan sholat kita diperintahkan agar bersuci terlebih dahulu karena apabila tidak melaksanakannya, maka sholat kita tidak akan sah. Perintah ini yang sudah tercantum dalam firman Alloh yang artinya sebagai berikut Allah berfirman, “Hai orang-orang yang beriman, apabila kalian hendak mendirikan sholat, maka basuhlah mukakalian dan tangan kalian sampai dengan siku, sapulah kepala kalianm dan (basuhlah) kaki kalian sampai dengan kedua mata kaki, jika kalian junub, maka mandilah” (QS. Al-Maidah : 6). Secara etimologi, wudhu berarti “bersuci”, sedangkan secara terminologi, wudhu berarti “bersuci dengan menggunakan air untuk membasuh sebagian anggota badan : muka, kedua tangan, kepala dan kedua kaki.” Dengan kata lain, membasuh sebagian anggota badan melalui cara tertentu sesuai ketentuan syariat disebut wudhu. Dalam Islam tidak ada sesuatu pun yang sia-sia, setiap perintah dan larangan pasti akan memberikan manfaat bagi kehidupan umatnya. Salah satunya adalah perintah untuk menyempurnakan wudhu. Wudhu itu sendiri mempunyai manfaat yang banyak.
Taking Charge in Troubled Times
Recent years have seen an extraordinary number of major disasters, critical incidents and other events that have had major impacts on our world. The 2004 tsunami, hurricanes Rita and Katrina, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan affect millions of lives daily. Potential events such as Avian Flu pandemic, global warming and the increasing threats of spreading unrest in the Middle East are concerns that weigh heavily on us all.November 8-11, 2006, the Rocky Mountain Region Disaster Mental Health Institute held their Annual four-day Disaster Mental Health Conference. The theme of the conference was "TAKING CHARGE IN TROUBLED TIMES: Response, Resilience, Recovery and Follow-up." This edition contains the major papers presented at the conference and summaries of additional presentations. They address some of the major crisis events confronting our societies in recent years, namely, large disasters such as hurricanes Katrina and Rita; case studies such as Abu Ghraib, and traumatic events such as a night club suicide bombing, the role of cultural sensitivity and ethics in disaster settings, resilience, and the importance of planning, education and taking care of our first responders and mental health professionals. An additional concern with information includes information about preparation of communities and families for deployment and return of military personnel. The importance of planning for how mental health personnel can respond in the event of an Avian Flu Pandemic is also discussed. Presenters are drawn from researchers and responders from Wyoming, the United States, and the United Kingdom.Contributors include John Durkin, Alan L. Hensley, Thom Curtis, Patricia Justice, Richard J. Conroy, Debra Russell, Faudem, Kenneth Glass, and Tasha Graves.The Rocky Mountain Region Disaster Mental Health Institute is a 501(c)3 Non-profit OrganizationLearn more at
Discover the astonishing true stories--that will make readers laugh, cry, and gasp--behind the headlines: Charles Lindbergh Jr., Abducted by Aliens, Students Storm US Embassy, Terry Anderson, Elizabeth Smart, Jaycee Dugard, and more. This series of nonfiction readers will grab a student's interest from the very first page! Designed with struggling readers in mind, these riveting books offer short chapters on high-interest headlines. Each chapter is its own mini-book, which includes a timeline, key terms, and interesting facts. Fascinating black and white photographs keep the pages turning. A bibliography encourages further topical reading.
The Stoics
Complete teachings of the Stoic philosopher Epictetus including: The Enchiridion, The Discourses, The Golden Sayings, The Hymn of Cleanthes. The book is a complete guide for the advanced student of Stoicism to show him the best roads toward the goal of becoming a true philosopher.
You Can Play Guitar in Few Weeks
As a lot of people we studied music at schools. Did someone catch enough to play? We can’t say yes on this question.? Afterwards we learn to play using different books and manuals. These papers promised many good things but that was sort of suffering to learn to play. By trial and error we have figured out quite enough information which can eliminate this suffering. So we decided to write a book if we could read one we would not get through difficulties for many years long.In this book we tried to explain the origin and fundamental properties of music. We named this as anatomy of music because we tried to dive in the depth of it. We just used notes to explain how to play without notes and tablatures. Nevertheless we delivered music theory quite completely trying to eliminate confusive moments.
Celebrity Cases
Bursting with facts, these books will truly enthrall struggling readers. Nonfiction titles cover high-interest topics both creepy and utterly terrifying. Each title is thoroughly researched and includes an introduction, five chapters, an epilogue, glossary, and index. On-the-scene photography captures students' imagination and spurs further reading. These are books that struggling readers will not put down! This salacious title is sure to capture attention. The five chapters include partying celebrities like Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan; Lil' Kim; Anna Nicole Smith; Martha Stewart; and others.
Shalat Tahajud Sebagai Terapi Penawar Stres
Hidup manusia ditandai oleh usaha-usaha pemenuhan kebutuhan, baik fisik, mental-emosional, material, maupun spiritual. Bila kebutuhan dapat di penuhi dengan baik berarti tercapai keseimbangan dan kepuasan. Tetapi pada kenyataannya sering kali usaha pemenuhan kebutuhan-kebutuhan tersebut mendapat banyak rintangan dan hambatan. Tekanan-tekanan dan kesulitan-kesulitan dalam hidup sering membawa manusia dalam keadaan stres. Penyelesaian masalah yang tidak tepat, semakin memperburuk keadaan. Oleh karenanya sebagai seorang individu yang beragama langkah spiritual merupakan salah satu cara positif yang dapat digunakan dalam mengatasinya. Stres merupakan reaksi fisiologis dan psikologis manusia terhadap situasi yang menekan (Lahey, 2003). Stress menurut Selye (dalam Hardjana, 1994) adalah tanggapan yang menyeluruh dari tubuh terhadap setiap tuntutan yang datang atasnya. Tanggapan ini tidak hanya terbatas pada satu bagian tubuh, tetapi menyangkut seluruh bagian tubuh, dari ujung kaki hingga ujung kepala. Bila terkena stres, segala segi dari diri terkena. Stres tidak hanya menyangkut segi lahir, tetapi batin. Secara umum, wanita cenderung lebih sering mengalami stres (Sarafino, 2006). Stres juga didefinisikan sebagai tanggapan atau proses internal atau eksternal yang mencapai tingkat ketegangan fisik dan psikologis sampai pada batas atau melebihi batas kemampuan subyek (Cooper, 1994). Sebagai seseorang yang percaya akan keberadaan Allah. Ternyata Islam telah memberikan solusi akan kondisi stres yang dialami seseorang yaitu dengan melakukan shalat tahajud. Tahajud berasal dari kata tahajjada yang berpadanan kata istaiqazha, yang berarti terjaga, sengaja bangun, atau sengaja tidak tidur. Shalat tahajud adalah shalat sunat pada malam hari setelah tidur. Bilangan rakaatnya paling sedikit dua rakaat dan banyaknya tak terbatas. Waktunya mulai dari setelah mengerjakan salat isya’ sampai terbit fajar (Nawawi, 2006). Hubungan antara shalat tahajjud dan kesehatan, salah satu penjelasannya adalah berkenaan dengan hormon kortisol. Hormon kortisol, disebut juga sebagai hormon stres, adalah hormon yang sangat penting yang dapat meningkatkan tekanan darah dan kadar gula darah (Guyton, 2007). Kortisol berperan kunci dalam adaptasi terhadap stres. Segala jenis stres merupakan rangsangan utama bagi peningkatan sekresi kortisol (Sherwood, 2011).
Kisah Supernatural Dari Dunia Jin Vol 1
Jin (bahasa arab Janna) secara harfiah berarti sesuatu yang berkonotasi "tersembunyi" atau "tidak terlihat". Bangsa Jin dahulu dikatakan dapat menduduki beberapa tempat dilangit dan mendengarkan berita-berita dari Allah SWT, setelah diutusnya seorang nabi yang bernama Nabi Muhammad SAW maka mereka tidak lagi bisa mendengarkannya karena ada barisan yang menjaga rahasia itu. “...dan sesungguhnya kami dahulu dapat menduduki beberapa tempat di langit itu untuk mendengar-dengarkan (berita-beritanya). Tetapi sekarang barangsiapa yang (mencoba) mendengar-dengarkan (seperti itu) tentu akan menjumpai panah api yang mengintai (untuk membakarnya) (Al-Jin 9:72) Asal pembentukan kata "jin" dari huruf 'jim' (?) dan 'nun' (?) menunjukkan makna tertutup, Syaikh al-Islam berkata: "Ia dinamakan jin karena ketertutupannya dari pandangan manusia."Kata jin menurut bahasa (Arab) berasal dari kata ijtinan, yang berarti istitar (tersembunyi). Jadi jin menurut bahasa berarti sesuatu yang tersembunyi dan halus, sedangkan syetan ialah sifat dari setiap yang durhaka dari golongan jin dan manusia.Tentang asal kejadian jin, Allah menjelaskan, kalau manusia pertama diciptakan dari tanah, maka jin diciptakan dari api yang sangat panas, seperti yang dijelaskan dalam surat Al-Hijr, dan kami telah menciptakan jin sebelum (Adam) dari api yang sangat panas." (Al-Hijr 15:27) Tidak semua jin yang didakwahi mau mengikuti dan beriman. Di antara mereka ada yang shalih dan ada yang tidak. Mereka menempuh jalan yang berbeda-beda. Seperti juga manusia, ada yang mau mengikuti jalan kebenaran dengan baik, adapula yang membangkang dan mengikuti jalan kesesatan Di antara jin ada yang taat dan ada pula yang menyimpang dari kebenaran. Jin yang taat adalah yang benar-benar memilih jalan yang lurus. Kemudian ia akan mendapat surga dan segala yang telah Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala sediakan untuk kaum yang shalih. Buku ini megisahkan kehidupan kaum jin bersumberkan dari Al-Quran & Al-Hadist.
Kisah Hikayat Utsman bin Affan Pahlawan Tanpa Tanda Jasa
Dia adalah laki-laki yang hebat. Memiliki nama besar dalam sejarah dunia. Namun capaiannya tidak banyak dikisahkan. Tidak seperti Abu Bakar dan Umar bin al-Khattab radhiallahu ‘anhuma. Bukan berarti capaiannya kalah mentereng dari kedua pendahulunya. Dialah juga pahlawan dalam arti sebenarnya. Dialah Utsman bin Affan radhiallahu ‘anhu. Utsman bin Affan adalah salah seorang yang paling pertama menerima Islam, beriman kepada Nabi ?, dan mendukung perjuangan beliau ?. Disebutkan bahwasanya Utsman bin Affan adalah laki-laki keempat yang menerima dakwah Islam. Utsman lahir dari klan Umayyah, kabilah kaya dan terkemuka dari suku Quraisy. Ia memiliki status sosial dan ekonomi yang tinggi, namun ia seorang laki-laki sederhana dan rendah hati. Ketika ayahnya meninggal, sang ayah meninggalkan warisan besar untuk Utsman. Ia diwariskan bisnis keluarga. Bisnisnya terus berkembang, hingga ia menjadi salah seorang terkaya di Mekah. Laki-laki Quraisy ini dikenal dengan gelaran Dzun Nurain, pemilik dua cahaya. Karena ia menikahi dua orang putri Rasulullah ?. Yang pertama Ruqayyah. Setelah Ruqayyah meninggal, Utsman dinikahkan Nabi ? dengan putrinya Ummu Kultsum. Ummu Kultsum juga meninggal di masa hidup Nabi ?. Dia melakukan dua kali hijrah, yang pertama ke Habasyah. Di sana ia sukses dalam berbisnis. Namun, dua tahun kemudian ia kembali ke Mekah. Dan kemudian turut serta hijrah ke Madinah.
The New Freedom
This Tribeca Press edition includes the full original text as well as an easy to use interactive table of contents.
A Ray of Light:Reinhard Heydrich, Lidice, and the North Staffordshire Miners
This is the inspiring true story of what happens when ordinary people unite to make a stand against evil. Lidice was a peaceful and vibrant community in Czechoslovakia with a rich mining heritage. But an act of Nazi revenge saw this village wiped from existence in a horrifying chapter of European history. Disaster struck for Lidice in 1942 when the prominent Nazi official Reinhard Heydrich was assassinated. Described by Hitler as "the man with an iron heart", Heydrich was one of the key architects of the Holocaust. His death, after an attack by members of the Czech resistance, left Hitler furious and desperate for vengeance. Looking for a scapegoat to blame for Heydrich's death, he settled on the village of Lidice, which had been falsely linked to the assassination. In a brutal act which shocked the world, Lidice was completely destroyed. The men were shot while the women and children were rounded up and sent to their deaths in Nazi concentration camps. Hitler was determined that by the time he had finished, no one would even remember Lidice, let alone live there. What he hadn't reckoned on was the efforts of a group of campaigners in Britain, who resolved to make sure Lidice would never be forgotten. A Ray of Light tells the tale of Lidice's downfall and what happened next. Would the village simply be allowed to become a footnote in history, or would it rise from the ashes and forge a new future? This book is a compelling testament to the power of friendship and solidarity, and how empathy and compassion can help rebuild the world.
Stranded at Sea
Discover the astonishing true stories--that will make readers laugh, cry, and gasp--behind the headlines: The HMS Bounty, The Essex Wreck, Lusitania Off Guard, SS St. Louis, Boat People, Where's Abby Sunderland?, and more. This series of nonfiction readers will grab a student's interest from the very first page! Designed with struggling readers in mind, these riveting books offer short chapters on high-interest headlines. Each chapter is its own mini-book, which includes a timeline, key terms, and interesting facts. Fascinating black and white photographs keep the pages turning. A bibliography encourages further topical reading.
Considerations on Representative Government
Considerations on Representative Government is a book by John Stuart Mill published in 1861. As the title suggests, it is an argument for representative government, the ideal form of government in Mill's opinion. One of the more notable ideas Mill puts forth in the book is that the business of government representatives is not to make legislation. Instead Mill suggests that representative bodies such as parliaments and senates are best suited to be places of public debate on the various opinions held by the population and to act as watchdogs of the professionals who create and administer laws and policy. In his words: ? Their part is to indicate wants, to be an organ for popular demands, and a place of adverse discussion for all opinions relating to public matters, both great and small; and, along with this, to check by criticism, and eventually by withdrawing their support, those high public officers who really conduct the public business, or who appoint those by whom it is conducted.
The True Story of Andersonville Prison:A Defense of Major Henry Wirz
During the Civil War, James Madison Page was a prisoner in different places in the South. Seven months of that time was spent at Andersonville. While there he became well acquainted with Major Wirz, or Captain Wirz, his rank during Page’s confinement. Page takes the stand that Captain Wirz was unjustly held responsible for the hardship and mortality of Andersonville. It is his belief that the Federal authorities must share the blame for these things with Confederate authorities, since they were well aware of the inability of the Confederacy to meet the reasonable wants of their prisoners of war, as they lacked supplies for their own needs and since the Federal authorities failed to exercise a humane policy in the exchange of those captured in battle.
A Child's History of England
Dickens wrote this book for his own children trying to cultivate interest in both history and literature. A Child's History was included in the curricula of British schoolchildren for more than a hundred years, well into the 20th century.
Kisah Hikayat Nabi Muhammad SAW Dalam Islam
Nabi Mu?ammad SAW, selengkapnya Mu?ammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Mutthalib bin Hasyim (lahir di Mekkah, 20 April 570 – wafat di Madinah, 8 Juni 632 pada umur 62 tahun) adalah seorang nabi dan rasul terakhir bagi umat Muslim. Ia memulai penyebaran ajaran Islam untuk seluruh umat manusia dan bangsa jin serta mewariskan pemerintahan tunggal Islam.Meski kaum non-Muslim umumnya menganggap Nabi Muhammad SAW sebagai pendiri Islam, dalam pandangan Muslim, Nabi Muhammad SAW sama-sama menegakkan ajaran tauhid untuk mengesakan Allah SWT sebagaimana yang dibawa nabi dan rasul sebelumnya sejak dari zaman Nabi Adam AS. Umat Muslim menyebut Nabi Muhammad SAW dengan salam penghormatan "Shalallaahu 'Alayhi Wasallam" dan mengiringi dengan shalawat Nabi setiap nama Muhammad diperdengarkan.Dalam mengemban misi dakwahnya, umat Islam percaya bahwa Nabi Muhammad SAW diutus Allah SWT untuk menjadi nabi bagi seluruh umat manusia dan kaum jin, sedangkan nabi dan rasul sebelumnya hanya diutus untuk umatnya masing-masing, seperti halnya Nabi Musa AS yang hanya diutus untuk Bani Israil saja.Sedangkan kesamaan ajaran yang dibawa Nabi Muhammad SAW dengan nabi dan rasul sebelumnya ialah sama-sama mengajarkan keesaan Tuhan (Tawhid atau Pure Monotheism), yaitu kesaksian bahwa Tuhan yang berhak disembah hanyalah Allah SWT Tuhan Semesta Alam.
Meneladani Sikap & Perilaku Nabi Muhammad SAW
Bagi setiap muslim, cinta kepada Allah (mahabbatullah) adalah suatu hal yang mutlak. Demikian juga halnya kecintaan kepada Rasul-Nya, Muhammad SAW. Kecintaan kepada Allah dan Rasulullah SAW harus lebih tinggi daripada kecintaan terhadap yang lainnya, termasuk terhadap keluarga dan diri sendiri. Hal itu ditegaskan oleh Rasulullah dalam sabdanya, "Tiga perkara, apabila ketiga perkara itu ada pada diri seseorang, maka ia akan mendapatkan manisnya iman, apabila Allah dan Rasul-Nya lebih dicintai oleh dirinya dan tidak ada selain dari keduanya yang paling dicintai, dan tidaklah ia mencintai seseorang kecuali cinta karena Allah, dan ia membenci kembali kepada kekufuran sebagaimana ia benci untuk dilemparkan ke dalam api." (Shahih Al-Bukhari no 16, 21, 6401 dan 6941 dan Shahih Muslim no 67, dan 68, HR. Tirmidzi no 2624, dan HR, Nasa'i no 4991 dan 4992). Seperti dalam sebuah peribahasa, Tak kenal maka tak sayang, tak sayang maka tak cinta, agar kecintaan kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya itu dapat terlaksana, maka setiap muslim haruslah mengenal Allah dan Rasul-Nya. Mencintai Allah dilakukan dengan cara meneladani apa yang telah dilakukan Rasulullah SAW ?
Kisah Hikayat Nabi Musa AS Melihat Tuhan Alam Semesta
Pada suatu ketika Nabi Musa telah memenuhi panggilan Allah subhana wa Ta'ala. Beliau naik ke gunung sinai (Thursina) setelah beliau menyempurnakan 40 malam yang diisi dengan puasa dan beribadah sendirian diatas gunung itu. Allah SWT pun berfirman dan menurunkan Taurat kepada beliau. Kemudian Nabi Musa as pun sangat rindu untuk melihat wajah Sang Kekasih yang telah berkata-kata kepada nya, wajah Rabb nya. " Dan tatkala Musa datang menurut waktu yang telah kami tentukan . Dan telah berfirman Rabb nya kepadanya : berkatalah ia, ya Rabb perlihatkanlah (dirimu) keapadaku , agar aku dapat memandang Engkau" Berkatalah Allah : Engkau sekali-kali tidak akan mampu melihatku, tetapi arahkanlah pandangan engkau ke gunung itu. Maka jika ia tetap pada tempatnya , niscaya engkau dapat melihatku. Setelah mendengar permintaan Nabi Musa as itu, kemudian Allah SWT berfirman : "Wahai putra Imran, sesungguhnya tidak akan ada yang sanggup untuk melihat KU, kemudian ia mampu untuk tetap hidup. "
All Things Considered
This Tribeca Press edition includes the full original text as well as exclusive images exclusive to this edition and an easy to use interactive table of contents.
Cross-Cultural Dialogues on Homelessness
Cross-Cultural Dialogues on Homelessness Reveal New Insights This groundbreaking book presents compelling narratives and innovative approaches for addressing the psychological traumas that can underlie homelessness and is the first to explore in-depth what the US and UK can learn from one another. Authors focus on understanding and applying the precepts of Pretreatment and "Psychologically Informed Environments," as well as effective ways to promote productive dialogue on all levels -- with clients, clinicians, advocates, policymakers, researchers, and others. Detailed case studies review and integrate "hands on" practice with Appreciative Inquiry, Open Dialogue, and Common Language Construction methods. "In Cross-Cultural Dialogues on Homelessness, Jay Levy and co-authors provide the conceptual tools, the hitherto 'missing language', needed by practitioners and policymakers working with excluded individuals. This book has been informed by the authors' practice and should come with a warning: it will revolutionise how you work -- irreversibly and, undoubtedly,for the better" -- Cliona Ni Cheallaigh, MB, MRCP, PhD, Senior Lecturer in Medical Gerontology, Trinity College (Dublin) "Jay distills many decades of his own street experience, and by cross comparing his brilliant schema of Pretreatment with the British model of Psychologically Informed Environments (PIE), he reveals the underlying common processes of effective street engagement. As a long-time practitioner of street medicine, I recommend this book to anyone who seeks that sacred place on the streets where healing begins." -- Jim Withers, MD, Founder and Medical Director and Operation Safety Net and the Street Medicine Institute (Pittsburgh) "Cross Cultural Dialogues on Homelessness is a timely and important collection of the latest thinking on how we should respond to the traumatic life experiences of so many homeless people. Levy and colleagues suggest a commitment to reflective dialogue will improve both the quality of frontline services and the way policy makers, managers and commissioners think about responding to the needs of people pushed to the margins of our societies." -- Alex Bax, Chief Executive, (London) Pathway - transforming health services for homeless people "This book is different because it is based on theory and practises, dialogue and the sharing of ideas - from both sides of the Atlantic. The human interest stories add great value to the book, which should be required reading for anyone interested in creating a better world for his/her fellow human beings. It should be read and debated by all with a vision for a better future for those who need services and those attempting to provide them." -- Alice Leahy, Director of Services Alice Leahy Trust (Dublin, Ireland) Learn more at From LHPress -
Fall of the Reich:D-Day, Arnhem, Bulge and Berlin
Campaigns of World War II: Fall of the Reich is a military history of the Western European campaign from D-Day in June 1944 to the fall of Berlin in May 1945. Beginning with the Allied preparations for what would become Operation Overlord, from the initial discussions of Roosevelt and Churchill, to the deliberations and plans of Marshall and Brooke, and the subsequent appointment of commanders like Eisenhower, Montgomery and Ramsay, the book covers in detail the landings on the Normandy coast. Combining tactical coverage of events such as the severe fighting at Omaha and Pegasus Bridge, the Canadian success on Juno beach, and the 21st Panzer Division's aborted counterattack, with reporting of the reactions of Hitler and Rommel to the landings, the book provides an explanation of why the Allied advance ran out of steam, and a description of their struggle to escape the bocage hedgerows of Normandy. The US-led breakout in late July 1944 released Bradley and Patton's forces into the heart of France, and the liberation of Paris followed swiftly. A crumbling German defence led to Allied overconfidence and the resultant 'bridge too far' at Arnhem, but as the Allies approached the Rhine and the German border, resistance quickly stiffened. Hitler's last gamble, the attack through the Ardennes known as the Battle of the Bulge, brought temporary panic to the Allied ranks, but heroic stands at Bastogne and elsewhere, coupled with a German acute lack of petrol and the weather clearing to allow Allied aircraft to operate again, led to the defeat of the last Wehrmacht attack in the west. The final year of the war saw the Allies advancing as occupying forces into the heart of Germany, adopting Eisenhower's broad front strategy. Finally the book examines why the decision was made to allow the Red Army to occupy Berlin and remain on the western bank of the Elbe river. Part of a five-volume series on the Second World War written by prominent military historians, Fall of the Reich is a masterful account of the 1944–45 campaign in Western Europe that describes both the action on the front line and the decisions made behind the scenes that decided the fate of Nazi Germany.