

The Path of a King by John Buchan - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
The Path of a King by John Buchan - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
John Buchan
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘The Path of a King by John Buchan - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of John Buchan’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Buchan includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘The Path of a King by John Buchan - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Buchan’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
(Nem)kívánatos személy / Karibi nyaralás / A kaméleon
(Nem)kívánatos személy / Karibi nyaralás / A kaméleon
Susanna Carr
(Nem)kívánatos személy / Karibi nyaralás / A kaméleon
Júlia 546. (Hallgass a szívedre, Maggie!)
Júlia 546. (Hallgass a szívedre, Maggie!)
Helen Brooks
Júlia 546. (Hallgass a szívedre, Maggie!)
Szívhang kül?nszám 41. k?tet
Szívhang kül?nszám 41. k?tet
Olivia Gates, Anne Fraser, Sarah Morgan
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Júlia 544. (Bosszú és szerelem)
Júlia 544. (Bosszú és szerelem)
Lynne Graham
Júlia 544. (Bosszú és szerelem)
What Shall We Do?
What Shall We Do?
Leo Tolstoy
According to Wikipedia: "What Is to be Done? (sometimes translated as What Then Must We Do?) is a non-fiction work by Leo Tolstoy, in which Tolstoy describes the social conditions of Russia in his day. Tolstoy completed the book in 1886, and the first English language publication came in 1887. The English title was also used for two better-known works by Nikolai Chernyshevsky and Vladimir Lenin; Tolstoy's Russian title is similar but not identical to Chernyshevsky's (and Lenin's), both of them sharing the same Biblical reference (Luke 3:10-14)."
The Victorian Age in Literature
The Victorian Age in Literature
G. K. Chesterton
Criticism and literary history by a great novelist and essayist. According to Wikipedia: "Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874 - 1936) was an influential English writer of the early 20th century. His prolific and diverse output included journalism, philosophy, poetry, biography, Christian apologetics, fantasy and detective fiction. Chesterton has been called the "prince of paradox."[1] He wrote in an off-hand, whimsical prose studded with startling formulations. For example: "Thieves respect property. They merely wish the property to become their property that they may more perfectly respect it."[2] He is one of the few Christian thinkers who are equally admired and quoted by both liberal and conservative Christians, and indeed by many non-Christians. Chesterton's own theological and political views were far too nuanced to fit comfortably under the "liberal" or "conservative" banner."
The Life and Genius of Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Life and Genius of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Frank Preston Stearns
According to Wikipedia: "Frank Preston Stearns (1846-1917), the son of abolitionist George Luther Stearns, was a writer and abolitionist from Massachusetts during the 19th century. In addition to collaborating with Elizur Wright in ambitious abolitionist projects, such as the American Anti-Slavery Society, he is credited with several seminal works exploring the lives and careers of important American public figures and authors of note, including The Life and Genius of Nathaniel Hawthorne and The Life and Public Services of George Luther Stearns."
Is Shakespeare Dead? from My Autobiography
Is Shakespeare Dead? from My Autobiography
Mark Twain
From Chapter 1: "A friend has sent me a new book, from England--The Shakespeare Problem Restated--well restated and closely reasoned; and my fifty years' interest in that matter--asleep for the last three years--is excited once more. It is an interest which was born of Delia Bacon's book--away back in that ancient day--1857, or maybe 1856. About a year later my pilot-master, Bixby, transferred me from his own steamboat to the Pennsylvania, and placed me under the orders and instructions of George Ealer--dead now, these many, many years. I steered for him a good many months--as was the humble duty of the pilot-apprentice: stood a daylight watch and spun the wheel under the severe superintendence and correction of the master. He was a prime chess player and an idolater of Shakespeare. He would play chess with anybody; even with me, and it cost his official dignity something to do that. "
The Letters of Cassiodorus
The Letters of Cassiodorus
A condensed translation of the Variae Epistolae of Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus Senator. According to Wikipedia: "Flavius Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus Senator (c. 485 – c. 585), commonly known as Cassiodorus, was a Roman statesman and writer, serving in the administration of Theoderic the Great, king of the Ostrogoths. Senator was part of his surname, not his rank."
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Margaret Way
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Georgia éve, Túlélni a Valentin-napot, Régi b?nnek hosszú az árnyéka
Georgia éve, Túlélni a Valentin-napot, Régi b?nnek hosszú az árnyéka
Nikki Logan
Georgia éve, Túlélni a Valentin-napot, Régi b?nnek hosszú az árnyéka
Romana 519. (A szerelem sivataga)
Romana 519. (A szerelem sivataga)
Annie West
Romana 519. (A szerelem sivataga)
Romana kül?nszám 56. k?tet
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Margaret Mayo, Margaret McDonagh, Kate Hardy
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Szívhang 456. (A gyengédség ideje)
Szívhang 456. (A gyengédség ideje)
Kate Hardy
Szívhang 456. (A gyengédség ideje)
Arany Júlia 25. k?tet
Arany Júlia 25. k?tet
Lucy King, Raye Morgan, Anna Cleary
Arany Júlia 25. k?tet
Romana 488. (A leghálásabb szerep)
Romana 488. (A leghálásabb szerep)
Carole Mortimer
Romana 488. (A leghálásabb szerep)
Crotchet Castle
Crotchet Castle
Thomas Love Peacock
In one of those beautiful valleys, through which the Thames not yet polluted by the tide, the scouring of cities, or even the minor defilement of the sandy streams of Surrey rolls a clear flood through flowery meadows, under the shade of old beech woods, and the smooth mossy greensward of the chalk hills which pour into it their tributary rivulets, as pure and pellucid as the fountain of Bandusium, or the wells of Scamander, by which the wives and daughters of the Trojans washed their splendid garments in the days of peace, before the coming of the Greeks...
Lost Illusions
Lost Illusions
Honore de Balzac
Lucien Chardon, the son of a lower middle-class father and an impoverished mother of remote aristocratic descent, is the pivotal figure of the entire work. Living at Angouleme, he is impoverished, impatient, handsome and ambitious. His widowed mother, his sister Eve and his best friend, David Sechard, do nothing to lessen his high opinion of his own talents, for it is an opinion they share.
Billy Is Nasty To Ant: Jealousy
Billy Is Nasty To Ant: Jealousy
James Minter
For 7 to 9 year old boys and girls. Jealousy only really hurts the person who feels it. Help your child to understand how this emotion stands in their way to feeling happy. Billy Field and Ant Turner are involved in a school production. Billy believes he deserves the most attention, and the prize for being the better student. When his best friend Ant receives both, he feels jealous. For Billy, it isn’t fair, and he’s afraid he will lose his popularity as Ant becomes the centre of attention. Billy blames Ant for how he’s feeling and wants to get his own back. He tries to turn people against his friend, and even tells lies. Ant has done nothing wrong, and doesn’t understand why Billy is behaving the way he is. What can Ant do to stop Billy from being so nasty? What will it take to restore their friendship? Does Ant want Billy as a friend in future? Billy Is Nasty To Ant is the third title in the Billy?Growing Up series. Each book addresses a unique topic—bullying, arrogant pride, jealousy, lying, stealing, lack of self-belief, understanding money, and secrets. Written to help parents, guardians and teachers deal with the issues that challenge pre-teen children; each topic is presented in a gentle way through storytelling. Setting the issues in a meaningful context helps children to understand the challenges, and to see things from a different perspective. The books act as icebreakers allowing for discussions of difficult subjects. Additionally, each title is supported by a free activity book to reinforce the learning, while having fun. Buying this book today will support your child in dealing with this all too common but negative emotion.
Billy Gets Bullied: Bullying
Billy Gets Bullied: Bullying
James Minter
Suitable for boys and girls aged 7 to 9. In this first book of the Billy Growing Up series, Billy Field is uber excited at his approaching tenth birthday. Not only is it his first double-digit birthday, but he’ll be ten on the tenth day of the tenth month—a once in a lifetime event. Billy’s invited his best friend Ant to his party. They’re having a magician who’s being assisted by Max, Ant’s sister. Granddad magics Billy’s present – a twenty-pound note, but soon after the party, Billy has his money stolen by the local bully. Bullying is unacceptable, and has to be dealt with… Billy Has A Birthday is a wonderful example of a story that young children can enjoy reading alone or together with their parents. Using traditional storytelling, it is entertaining while dealing with a serious issue that affects many children as they grow up. Bullying can be a difficult subject for children to talk about, and many feel frightened or embarrassed if they fall victim to bullying. This book acts as the perfect icebreaker for adults and children to begin discussing these issues. Find out how this negative experience turns out. A perfect read for children who enjoy school fiction, but with a positive learning to help other bullied children. If you enjoy reading David Walliams or Jeff Kinney you will love the Billy Growing Up series.